How the face changes with age - age-related changes and facial aging. How a person's face changes with age How a person's face changes

It would seem that at the age of 25 we are at the peak of our form. But it is at this time that the skin begins to fade. Over the years, the changes become more noticeable. What exactly is happening?

  • Thickening of the stratum corneum as a consequence of decreased renewal processes in the epidermis and dermis.
  • “Shrinking,” a thinning of the inner dermal layer where fibroblast cells produce the proteins collagen and elastin.
  • Changing the state of collagen and elastin fibers - our skin framework. The old elastic “springs” stretch, become rough, and are located chaotically.

The aging process has other signs as well.

  • The “protective covering” of the skin, the hydrolipid mantle, gradually weakens. Due to holes in the protective layer, the skin loses moisture, which is necessary to maintain youth. And it becomes more susceptible to aggressive environmental factors that accelerate the aging process.
  • The skin framework weakens. The force of gravity pulls the tissue down. As a result, the skin begins to sag.
  • Under the influence of gravity, subcutaneous fat tissue also descends. Facial features gradually blur and lose clarity.
  • The substances needed by the skin are destroyed more and more quickly, and are renewed (produced) more slowly. Protein deficiency occurs hyaluronic acid, fatty acids, vitamins, microelements.
  • Weakening immune system skin. It is increasingly difficult for her to resist aggressive environmental factors.

The first signs of aging

Of course, everyone ages differently and at different rates. However, by the age of 30, the first age-related changes are usually evident in both women and men. Due to gender differences, they manifest themselves slightly differently.

So, the first signs of skin aging.

In women

  • Deterioration of complexion. Loss of moisture and slowdown of microcirculation and metabolic processes make the skin dull.
  • Decreased turgor, thinning of the skin. They arise due to moisture deficiency, decreased production of elastin and collagen.
  • First wrinkles. They first appear in facially active areas: the corners of the eyes and mouth, and on the forehead.
  • Dark circles and bags under the eyes. A common cause is “protrusion” of fatty tissue and impaired microcirculation in the presence of a genetic predisposition.

In men

  • Deterioration of complexion.
  • Bags under the eyes.
  • Expression wrinkles around the eyes.
  • Upcoming deep wrinkles and folds on the cheeks, in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle.
Men's skin is thicker, denser and oilier than women's, so women are more concerned about wrinkles, and men are more concerned about large folds and sagging skin.

Causes of facial skin aging

Having studied the causes of skin aging, scientists have identified the main culprits and developed a strategy to combat them.

Adverse environmental factors

Smog, car exhaust, industrial emissions are all sources of free radicals that undermine the protective abilities of the skin and damage the DNA of cells.

Solar radiation

Photoaging occurs much earlier than biological aging. It manifests itself:

  • in the thickening of the stratum corneum;
  • dullness and roughness of the skin;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • premature appearance of wrinkles.

Improper care

Cleansing the skin with alcohol-containing products or using inappropriate or aggressive cosmetics are not good for the skin.

Unbalanced diet

The greatest benefit (as well as harm) comes from substances that come from within. With the “wrong” foods and strict diets, we literally test our skin’s strength.

For example, an excess of sweets triggers glycation processes in the body - gluing of collagen fibers and premature aging.

Excessive or insufficient physical activity

Exhausting ourselves on the treadmill in the gym, we lose precious moisture and necessary skin useful substances. Lying on the couch deprives muscles of tone, resulting in skin that looks flabby.

Prevention of skin aging

Correct lifestyle and refusal bad habits can significantly slow down aging. However, with the onset of the 30th anniversary, this is not enough. At this age, start using anti-aging creams with an advanced formula that includes a whole range of active ingredients.

  • Humidifiers: hyaluronic acid, glycerin, urea.
  • Alpha hydroxy acids, which stimulate metabolic processes, moisturize, protect and restore the skin.
  • Retinol- promotes skin renewal, fights photoaging.
  • Antioxidants: vitamins A, B, C and E, essential fatty acids, coenzyme Q10, green tea, pine bark, ginkgo biloba extracts.
  • Peptide complexes- adjust the work of cells for rapid renewal, purposefully reduce or increase the production of certain substances.

The more innovations in the formula, the more effective the composition of the product and the wider its rejuvenating capabilities.

Means for correcting age-related signs

Face cream

Cream Revitalift Laser X3, L’Oréal Paris

Destruction of collagen fibers, wrinkles, dull complexion - all this promises to be corrected by a product with proxilan and fragmented hyaluronic acid

Day moisturizing face cream “Anti-wrinkle protection 35+”, Garnier

The rejuvenating effect is provided by tea polyphenols and the “Plant Cells of Youth” complex. The skin becomes more elastic and soft, wrinkles are smoothed out.

Strengthening care against signs of aging at different stages of formation Slow Age, Vichy

A complex of antioxidants and probiotics, as well as sun filters, allows you to successfully repel the attacks of free radicals. Moisturizing, elasticity, radiance, smoothing out wrinkles - what we need.

Creams for the eye area

Active C Yeux, La Roche-Posay, for correcting wrinkles around the eyes

The formula with a high concentration of vitamin C and canola oil erases signs of fatigue, reduces wrinkles, and reduces dark circles under the eyes.

Anti-aging eye cream Collagenist Re-Plump, Helena Rubinstein

Hyaluronic acid in combination with a collagen complex has a rejuvenating effect. Not only wrinkles are reduced, but also swelling under the eyes. The skin that has “settled” due to damage to collagen fibers appears to lift, regaining its elasticity.

Cream for the skin around the eyes against wrinkles and for elasticity with a lifting effect Rénergy 3D Yeux, Lancôme

The cream from the men's series significantly tightens the skin, reduces swelling and dark circles under the eyes, and over time, wrinkles. Contains colloidal silicon, soy proteins, peptide complex, silicone. Takes into account the characteristics of men's skin.

Age-related changes in facial skin in women depend on many factors. These include genetics, aging itself, nutrition, and environmental influences.

Whether we like it or not, time inexorably leaves its mark on the skin of the face and body in the form of wrinkles, sagging, spider veins, age spots.

Facial skin changes differently among people. You’ve probably also noticed that some people outwardly do not age until almost 70 years old, while others, on the contrary, are already desperately fighting wrinkles at 30.

Women are more sensitive to their appearance and all changes in their skin, compared to men, fearing that age-related skin changes will reveal their age.

Why does skin age? The most vulnerable are the exposed areas of the skin: the face and neck, hands, where age-related changes appear in the form of decreased tissue elasticity and fine wrinkles. Sometimes wrinkles appear due to bad habits of squinting your eyes from the sun and bright light or due to poor vision.

Everyone knows that after the age of 25, the first signs of aging appear on a person’s skin, and by the age of 30 they become more noticeable. This happens due to physiological changes in the internal structure of the skin, when the basal layer begins to gradually thin out, and the upper stratum corneum of the skin thickens and becomes thicker. With these changes, the skin loses more moisture and becomes drier.

Both the elastin and collagen fibers of the skin change, they become flattened, lose their elasticity, the processes of cell renewal in them slow down, which affects the elasticity of the skin.

Against the backdrop of a slowdown in blood circulation in the skin, microcirculation of nutrients in the upper layers of the epidermis decreases.

The tone of muscles and skin changes, the muscles of the chin and forehead shrink, which leads to the formation of wrinkles, and on the cheeks, on the contrary, they relax, which leads to sagging, deformation of the oval of the face and drooping of the corners of the lips.

Young people are characterized by a subcutaneous fat layer on the face, so the face of young people is usually round and smooth. The fat layer maintains the shape of the face. Gradually, over the years, this layer becomes thinner and thinner. The cheeks, without skeletal fat support, begin to stretch out and sag, the nose becomes sharper, the eyes become sunken, and the cheekbones protrude.

During this period, changes in hormonal levels already occur. Gradually, the production of the hormone estrogen begins to decrease, which plays a huge role in regulating the functions of many cells. The hormone estrogen affects the condition of the skin, its dryness, turgor, prolonged healing of wounds and cuts.

Age-related changes in the skin after 40 years of age increase and worsen in waves. According to scientists, the process of reverse development of organs and their slow atrophy or involution begins.

The epidermis of the skin, its thickness becomes smaller, the thickness of the muscle fibers also changes, in which the level of contractile proteins and energy substances gradually decreases, small sebaceous glands may stop functioning.

The amount of mucopolysaccharides, which, along with collagen and elastin, form the main intercellular substance in the skin and connective tissue, decreases; for this reason, the skin loses more moisture.

During this period, signs of aging of the skin around the eyes become more noticeable due to the thinness of the skin, its great mobility and participation in all facial movements, which is manifested in the appearance of wrinkles - “crow’s feet”, weighting of the upper and lower eyelids.

Nasolabial folds deepen, wrinkles appear on the neck and a double chin develops. Often, due to the increased content of male sex hormones - androgens, there is an increased growth of hairs above upper lip and chin, sometimes vascular disorders are observed - rosacea, in the form of stars on the skin of the nose, cheeks and chin.

Age-related changes in the skin after 50 years become more profound due to the restructuring of a woman’s hormonal system as menopause occurs. A lack of the female hormone estrogen entails a series of changes in a woman’s appearance.

Blood circulation in the skin is noticeably reduced, which leads to a significant slowdown in regeneration processes, the skin becomes completely dry and dehydrated, and thins even more. Pigment spots may appear on the skin.

Horizontal “thinking wrinkles” or vertical “concentration” wrinkles on the forehead deepen, giving the face an expression of dissatisfaction. Dark circles appear under the eyes, swelling in the form of “bags”, and drooping of the upper eyelid.

The most pronounced becomes the nasolabial fold and folds coming from the corners of the mouth, sagging cheeks, the appearance of “jowls”, a double chin, which radically changes the oval of the face.

Hot map of wrinkles or characteristic skin changes by age

Scientists from the Association of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery from America have set themselves the task of finding out which wrinkles on the face appear earlier than others and whether there are characteristic changes in the skin due to age in their appearance.

It has always been a common belief that skin aging depends on the individual characteristics of each person, lifestyle, chronic diseases and heredity factors.

But it turned out that there is general scheme skin aging, characteristic exclusively for everyone. which was compiled thanks to 3D visualization technology. Studies have shown that a certain part of the facial muscles loses its elasticity and tone earlier than others. The reasons for this are facial stress, a decrease in skin thickness due to a lack of collagen and the influence of gravity.

The subjects included 13 volunteers from 18 to 70 years old, who were asked to depict 6 emotions: surprise, joy, thoughtfulness, anger and bewilderment. Each facial expression was photographed and, using the scattering of light particles, an image was created in 3D. In those places where facial skin was more deformed due to facial expressions, there was a greater concentration of light particles, which made it possible to create a heat map.

After processing the data using a special computer program, experts identified common areas on the facial skin that are primarily susceptible to signs of aging and are characteristic of all ages. They turned out to be two zones: around the eyes and in the chin area.

1. Eyelids

  • At 18-25 years old, changes may be associated with facial expressions. For example, if a person constantly squints, then by the age of 25 he will have the first wrinkles.
  • Until the age of 30, folds on the lower eyelids become more noticeable, light crow's feet and bags under the eyes appear.
  • Up to 40 years of age, crow's feet and bags under the eyes are clearly visible, the upper eyelid is swollen by 35%
  • After 50 years, wrinkles in the corners of the eyes appear by 62%.

2. Bridge of the nose, forehead

  • After 30 years, as a result of loss of skin elasticity, expression lines become more noticeable.
  • By the age of 50, drooping of the upper eyelid—ptosis—causes the eyebrows to droop. Gloomy appearance men and women at this age is due to sagging facial skin.

3. Chin

  • Up to 30 years old. If the computer monitor is located below eye level, then constant sedentary work with the head tilted can cause the appearance of a double chin and drooping corners of the mouth.
  • Up to 40 years of age, lack of physical activity and a sedentary lifestyle provoke overweight, which affects the contours and oval of the face. All facial features float down slightly, changes will affect 34% of the tissues.
  • After 40 years, up to 58% of tissues are affected by ptosis.

4. Lips and nose

  • Up to 40 years old. 34% have skin drooping or ptosis. Nasolabial folds become noticeable. The face takes on a sad shape.
  • After 45 years. The corners of the lips are lowered, and the nasolabial folds are more clearly visible. The face either becomes more rounded due to sagging cheek skin, or the chin becomes sharper. It depends on the structure of the face. Skin aging affects 58% of the face.
  • After 50 years, many pronounced fine wrinkles appear, and men have fewer wrinkles than women.

5. Cheeks

  • After 30 years, volume slowly but surely disappears from the face. At first, prominent cheekbones look beautiful, but later, sunken cheeks treacherously emphasize age.
  • After 50. Folds may appear on the cheeks.

This is how age-related changes in facial skin appear in women, in the next article you will find out

After 30 years, you look the way you deserve, people say. But this is only partly true. Different types Skins age differently.

Some girls notice the first signs of age on their faces as early as 18 years old, but in fact, we begin to age much later. The appearance of facial wrinkles and age spots, which sometimes “spoil” young skin, has nothing to do with the aging process of the body. All of the above are the result of insufficient skin care, but not signs of age.

Real age-related changes appear on the face only after 30 years, when cell renewal processes in the body slow down, microcirculation is disrupted and metabolism decreases. But at this time it is still too early to talk about skin withering - an indispensable stage of its aging, although the status of the skin is still changing. In the language of cosmetology, a woman’s skin after 30 years is called mature. Nevertheless, there is no need to be upset.

The skin is a hormone-dependent organ, and at the age of 30-35 years, all vital hormones are still produced in sufficient quantities. This means that if you care for her correctly, taking into account not only her type and individual characteristics, but also the type of aging - you can achieve amazing results.


If you evaluate the skin condition of women at this age, you can see that it will be completely different. Some representatives of the fair sex will look 20 years old, as if biological age has no influence on them. Others can be given “all 35” - pronounced wrinkles, decreased skin turgor, a swollen oval of the face. Does this mean that the first ladies took better care of their skin and their skincare products were more effective?

Not really. U different women Not only the skin type (normal, dry, oily, combination) and its condition (sensitive, dehydrated), but also the type of facial aging differ. Only by taking into account all the factors can you stay young and beautiful longer.


If you want to see your skin healthy and beautiful for as long as possible, do not believe in the miraculous properties of cosmetics. The skin is a reflection of the changes that occur inside the body, which means that care for it must be comprehensive. A portion of cream in the morning and evening is not enough, you must lead healthy image life!


The skin of 30-year-old women reacts sharply to stress, so lack of sleep is immediately reflected on the face. The skin becomes dull, gray, the eyelid area turns red, and if you also drank coffee or alcohol in the evening, swelling appears. Sleep is the best cure for stress, including for your face!


The results of an interesting study were published by specialists from McMaster University in Ontario. They gathered two groups of like-minded people from 20 to 84 years old. The first group played sports three times a week, while the second group did not practice intense exercise.

A skin biopsy showed that in elderly people from the first group, the qualitative characteristics of the deep layers of the skin corresponded to young skin! While the second - biological age. Something to think about, isn't it?


Trite? But it's effective! We can talk for a long time about the dangers of fast food, but it’s better not to eat it. Eliminate or at least limit store-bought sausages and frankfurters, semi-finished products, as well as pasties and pies from the tray - your skin condition will immediately improve. And if you also start drinking at least 1.5 liters of water a day, your skin will visually become brighter and fresher, and optimally hydrated from the inside.


After 25-30 years, the risk of pigmentation, which is difficult to correct, increases. To prevent this problem, apply sun filter cream to the skin of your face, neck, décolleté and hands. The minimum SPF value is 30.


After 30 years, a woman should switch to anti-aging cosmetics. Regular moisturizer and simple cleansing morning and evening are no longer enough. To keep your skin velvety, fresh and youthful, you will have to expand your cosmetic arsenal.

An anti-aging cream with a moisturizing effect, a nourishing cream (evening), tonic lotions, moisturizing and restoring masks and serums should settle on your dressing table.

9 best components of anti-aging cosmetics:

Hyaluronic acid;


AHA acids;


Vitamins A, C and E;





Star example: Kim Basinger, Julia Roberts.

The first type of aging affects those with normal to moderately dry skin, sometimes with increased sensitivity. They usually have an asthenic (thin) or normosthenic physique, and their face is oval or diamond-shaped.

In the morning, the skin looks beautiful, pleases with freshness and blush, and in the evening it takes on a tired look, as if nature “throws on” 3-5 years. The main reason for the changes is the disruption of microcirculation in the deep layers.

Main features:

Dull complexion, acquires an earthy tint with age.

Decreased skin turgor and muscle tone.

Drooping of the corners of the eyes and mouth.

Manifestation of the pattern of the nasolabial triangle and tear trough.

Visual loss of volume.

What to do?

First of all, you should take care of proper rest as effective means reducing skin stress. When choosing cosmetics, give preference to ingredients that improve complexion and stimulate collagen synthesis. These are products with vitamin C, antioxidants and AHA acids.

Be sure to practice self-massage of the face. A procedure carried out in accordance with all the rules will improve the movement of blood in the lymph and tissues and will noticeably refresh you. And don’t forget about salon care - lymphatic drainage procedures will be useful - classic manual massage, myolifting, vacuum lymphatic drainage. Once a year recommended chemical peels, improving the condition of the skin and stimulating collagen synthesis.


Star example: Svetlana Kryuchkova, Sophia Loren.

It is not difficult to recognize a woman on the street who is prone to this type of facial aging - this is approximately 60 percent of our compatriots. This is how “heavy” full faces age. The skin of beautiful ladies is most often combination or oily, porous, often with rosacea and increased sensitivity to cosmetic care.

The defining symptom of the deformation type is sagging tissue, as the name suggests - the eyelids become bag-like, the circumference of the face “floats”, the cheeks droop. The reasons for the unpleasant changes are excess subcutaneous fat and decreased skin turgor.

Main features:

The appearance of swelling.

The appearance of “jowls”, double chin.

Bags under the eyes.

Spider veins (rosacea).

The cheeks hang over the nasolabial fold.

The oval of the face is lost.

What to do?

With this type of facial aging, the most important thing is prevention. Unfortunately, with age-related changes - sagging skin of the upper eyelids and cheeks, the appearance of fatty hernias, etc. - Only surgical intervention is effective.

Therefore, it is so important to start thoughtful skin care on time to prevent imperfections. Experts have shown procedures that can restore muscle tone and thereby tighten the skin. This is a sculptural massage, myostimulation, a course of modeling masks. At home, you can pamper your skin with alginate and paraffin masks, rely on anti-rosacea creams and serums, and also use skincare products that improve microcirculation in the layers of the skin. Creams containing seaweed, vitamins K, P and C are useful.


Star example: Andie MacDowell, Audrey Hepburn.

The beautiful half of humanity with this type of aging has normal or dry sensitive skin. Since such skin is quite thin and light, with age it does not stretch under the influence of gravity, but retains its shape.

But there is also bad news! It is covered first with small and then deep wrinkles. Over time, the face loses its beautiful porcelain glow - the skin requires moisture and protection. In order for it to remain bright and fresh longer, it literally needs greenhouse conditions.

Main features:

Constant feeling of dryness and tightness of the skin.

Acute reaction to cold and heat.

Expression wrinkles appear in the forehead area.

Folds are noticeable on the upper and lower eyelids.

Crow's feet and wrinkles around the lips are clearly visible.

Pigment “blots” appear.

What to do?

The “golden rule” of caring for such skin is protection. In the cold season, before going outside, you should apply a protective nourishing cream, and in the warm season, a product with solar filters. At the first sign of rashes and irritation, you will need an antiallergic drug.

In addition to all of the above, daily care should include a cream based on hyaluronic acid - an iconic skin moisturizer, with soothing ingredients and phytoestrogens.

If you are not afraid of injections and are ready for injection techniques, try mesotherapy sessions (injection of hyaluronic acid-based cocktails and gels under the skin). Among other techniques, skin condition can be improved by massages on top nourishing cream and a course of restorative masks.


A stellar example is Irina Alferova, Brigitte Bardot.

One of the most complex types, which is characterized by all the above characteristics. Briefly but succinctly, the aging process can be described as “all at once.” The face takes on a gloomy expression, swelling occurs and wrinkles appear.

At the age of 30, it is difficult to recognize it, since aging occurs like a tired face, after which other signs appear. However, if you have a normal physique, but have a tendency to be overweight, keep in mind that you are at risk.

Main features:

Formation of wrinkles.

Decreased skin elasticity.

Pronounced nasolabial folds.

The sagging of the cheeks is noticeable.

The brow ridges are lowered.

The oval of the face gradually loses its clarity.

What to do?

Since the mixed type of aging involves consistent changes in appearance, each problem should be addressed separately. When wrinkles appear, they can be corrected using injection techniques (based on botulinum toxin), loss of skin turgor - with modeling massage or lymphatic drainage hardware procedures.

IN home care good anti-aging products, contrast procedures, washing with ice cubes. A program to prevent hyperpigmentation should be a mandatory component of care. Train yourself to consult a cosmetologist at least once a year to monitor the changes that have occurred and select the necessary cosmetics.