How to do an acid pedicure at home. BioGel for pedicure – fruit acid

Which pedicure or manicure method should you choose? This is perhaps one of the most common questions modern woman. There are many ways, but not all are considered high-quality and advanced.

The unedged (European) version of pedicure has gained wide popularity in beauty salons. This method of dealing with corns is not know-how, however, it was forgotten for a long time.

As you know, untrimmed pedicure and manicure can help you deal with overgrown cuticles and keratinized cells. Its main advantage is the pacification of the actively coarsening epithelium and the slowdown of cuticle growth.

It has entered the service of nail masters - fruit acid for pedicure. This gel-like product can not only reduce the time it takes to treat your feet, but will also help you deal with cuticles in a matter of minutes.

The principle of action is simple - the acids in the gel destroy the connection between dead skin cells and promote better separation of dead layers.

It sounds interesting - but we’ll find out later whether everything is so good in practice.

Acid pedicure with BioGel- one of the most gentle. It allows you to get smooth, velvety and soft skin on your feet without the risk of injury and the use of conventional tools such as a blade.

The home result is no different from the salon level, and all because specialists use compounds with the same effect in their work.

Advantages of the procedure:

  • Speed ​​and efficiency. The whole procedure takes about 15–20 minutes.
  • Long lasting effect.
  • To perform a pedicure you do not need any special skills or abilities.
  • Antibacterial effect.

To perform an acid pedicure at home you will need: a small basin, a synthetic brush for applying the product, rubber gloves, a file and pumice, a disinfectant composition, cling film (optional).

Step-by-step pedicure procedure:

  1. First you need to steam the skin of your feet. Place your feet in a bath of warm water for ten minutes.
  2. We take the legs out of the water, wipe them dry and wipe them with a disinfectant.
  3. We put on gloves, shake the bottle well and apply BioGel with a brush, special attention focusing on rough areas, calluses and corns.
  4. We wrap the feet with film and leave the BioGel to act for two to five minutes - depending on the neglect of the feet (the time may vary slightly depending on the manufacturer - read the label).
  5. After the required time has passed, remove the film from your legs and lower your feet into the water. Partially wash off the BioGel.
  6. Now you need to walk over your feet with a pumice stone, removing excess skin. Unlike classic way foot treatment, you won’t have to worry too much - after all, the gel with fruit acids did the work for you.
  7. Now you need to rinse your feet in running water, dry them and coat them thoroughly with nourishing foot cream.

Needs to be repeated after 7–10 days, depending on the severity of the problem.

Manicure with BioGel – acids not only for feet

In addition to a qualitatively new removal of rough skin from the legs, BioGel is an excellent assistant in manicure. Fruit acids will soften the cuticle and skin on the nail ridges.

The result will be no worse than in a salon, because the gel acts quickly, which means the risk of doing the job carelessly is reduced to zero.

To perform this manicure at home you will need:

  • bath,
  • orange stick,
  • brush or cotton swab,
  • disinfectant.


  1. Steam your hands in a bath of warm water for about five to ten minutes.
  2. Wipe your hands thoroughly with a towel and treat with a disinfectant.
  3. With a brush or cotton swab Apply the gel to the cuticle area for 1–3 minutes.
  4. Rinse your fingers in the bath, and if the skin around the nail is too dry, you can keep them there for a couple more minutes.
  5. Using an orange stick, gently move the cuticle up and at the same time remove the keratinized parts with it.
  6. Rinse off any remaining gel under running water and cover your nails with cuticle cream or oil.

You must act with extreme caution, especially if there are burrs on your fingers.

If necessary, you should use nail clippers or nail scissors, especially if more than two weeks have passed since your last manicure. In the future, the use of manicure tools will be reduced to nothing.


Contraindications to the use of acid pedicure and manicure

Please note that not everyone can undergo this method of pedicure and manicure.

Contraindications to the use of BioGel are any damage or disease of the skin of the legs:

  • wounds, cuts, scratches,
  • fresh calluses,
  • nail and foot fungus,
  • sensitive skin,
  • tendency to allergies.

Acid that gets inside will cause pain and discomfort, it will sting unpleasantly, and severe burns may occur. We should not forget about the possible risks of allergic reactions, so before using the product it is worth conducting a sensitivity test.

Which acid biogel should you choose?

  • The most popular is BioGel from Derma Pharm, produced in the UK. Includes natural fruit acids, aloe vera extract, hyaluronate, amino acids, diazolidinyl urea, retinol and other components. The gel softens the skin well and copes with its task one hundred percent. When used correctly, the result is no worse than that of a manicurist. Available in 60 and 120 ml volumes. One bottle of a smaller volume is enough for 10 procedures, and the price varies between 250 rubles;
  • Universal professional product from Farmeffect “Instant pedicure and biomanicure” from a Finnish manufacturer. It also did not go unnoticed. The drug acts quickly, serves its purpose and is inexpensive. Persons with sensitive skin They note that during use it can cause discomfort - it can burn and pinch the skin, dry it out, and this must be taken into account. But it saves time and money.

As you can see, BioGel has a lot of advantages, so you shouldn’t deny yourself such a purchase. The main thing is to take into account all the nuances of application, strictly follow the instructions, and then the result will please you for a long time.

Fruit acid pedicure is a new method developed by Israeli specialists. The creams used are acid-based. Since the cream is based on safe fruit acids and there are no chemical components, this pedicure is quite gentle and safe, it can be done by pregnant and nursing mothers. This pedicure is suitable for everyone, it is very effective and the result is noticeable already from the first procedure.

This pedicure can be classified as an unedged pedicure for regular foot care. Acid peeling for pedicure is the effect on the skin of mixtures that soften the stratum corneum. A cream with acids is applied to the feet and after a while the cream is removed along with particles of rough skin. Acid pedicure is considered by many the best way for removing corns and calluses. This type of pedicure will help you quickly tidy up your feet without preliminary steaming.

Contraindications for acid pedicure:

Since it is still an acid and has a corrosive property, you should not use it when you have wounds, calluses, scratches, an allergic reaction and fungus on your feet.

Benefits of acid pedicure:

  1. Save time
  2. Efficiency
  3. Duration of result
  4. Possibility to make at home
  5. Has anti-inflammatory properties
  6. No risk of cuts.

to perform this type of pedicure you will need a bath, acid biogel for pedicure, cream or spray disinfectant, foot wipes, nail file, cling film.

Acid pedicure at home:

  1. Before you start a pedicure, you need to examine your feet for wounds and calluses.
  2. Then you need to disinfect your feet.
  3. Place your feet in the bath for 5 minutes.
  4. Then apply acidic pedicure products to your feet using a cotton pad.
  5. Wrap the legs in cling film for about 5 minutes.
  6. Remove the film and wipe your feet with a napkin.
  7. Use a nail file to remove dead skin.
  8. If necessary, apply a decorative coating.

In this article you learned about the effectiveness of acid pedicure. To understand in more detail how such a pedicure is done, we attach a video to watch.

Do you want to have feet like a baby’s, but they end up looking more like sandpaper? Do your fingers constantly suffer during pedicures? Tired of looking for a convenient time in the salon? And an acid pedicure will solve all these problems in one fell swoop!

This type of pedicure is based on the ability of fruit acids to soften and exfoliate dead skin cells. It does not involve sawing or cutting off keratinized areas, which immediately creates several advantages.


Gentle exfoliation of keratinized areas does not provoke the occurrence of wounds and cuts on the skin, which means that infection with infections and diseases transmitted through blood is impossible.

The acid pedicure product contains nothing but AHA acids, which means it is non-toxic and can be used even by pregnant women.


Traditional types of pedicure involve a set of measures: steaming, cutting off rough skin, cutting off the cuticle, trimming or filing away calluses. This is long and quite labor-intensive. Acid treatment does not have these problems.

Low cost and significant savings. If you do an acid pedicure at home, it will cost very little. A standard product for such a procedure costs an average of 90 UAH, which is cheaper than one session of any pedicure in a salon. And a bottle is enough for many procedures.


No need to find time for beauty salon and try to combine your and the master’s schedules. The process itself is easy, quick, and even a beginner can do it.

It is worth noting here that an acid pedicure looks very neat on the feet and is not accompanied by burrs, crooked cuts, or torn edges (as happens if you do a trimmed pedicure yourself).

Long lasting effect

As observed by observant girls, edged pedicures do not last very long, mainly due to the formation of torn edges during mechanical processing. And when doing acid work, the fabrics do not tear, but simply peel off, and the work will last longer.

For the procedure you will need: a disinfectant, the actual pedicure preparation, an orange stick for pushing back the cuticle, a sanding plate for the heels and a spatula for separating exfoliated tissue.

First you need to degrease the surface of your feet and remove any polish, if any. Then the legs are steamed in warm water for a couple of minutes. An acid (usually a jelly-like or creamy mass) is applied to the dry, steamed surface of the foot. It is also used to treat the cuticle. Now wait about a minute - and the pedicure is almost done. For a better effect, sometimes the foot is wrapped in cellophane: in the heat the process is more intense.

After a short wait, the product is washed off, the softened areas (those with corns and rough heels) are cleaned off with a special spatula, and the cuticle is removed using an orange stick.

And now it’s quite simple: the treated foot needs to be wiped dry, polished with a special polish and a nourishing cream applied.

Even though this is the safest type of pedicure, there are still some precautions you should pay attention to.
First of all, you cannot do this procedure if there are open wounds, smallpox or fungus on the skin. Acid can greatly aggravate the disease.

Before application, be sure to degrease and dry the surface of the foot: fatty deposits and water layers can neutralize or reduce the effectiveness of the drug.

After a pedicure, be sure to apply a rich cream to your feet, especially in areas with rough skin and calluses. Otherwise, drying of the skin cannot be avoided.

The procedure is completed. All that remains is to apply nail polish and you can go for a walk.

Acid pedicure: video

What could be more charming and attractive to men than well-groomed female legs? Every girl who loves herself and strives to look beautiful always pays special attention to her feet and heels.

And indeed: for a real woman, foot care is no less important than makeup, hairstyle, clothes, or manicure. Let your feet and heels not be so conspicuous - especially in winter time years, but attention should always be paid to them. Therefore, at the moment there are many different methods for caring for feet. Many of them involve cutting away rough skin, which has its own significant disadvantages, such as an increased risk of injury or infection.

Now you can forget about this, thanks to one of the new products in the field of cosmetology - acid pedicure, which promises girls practical and safe care for their heels and feet.

In our article we will provide a detailed review of this relatively new procedure and tell you about all the nuances and subtleties that await you when using it. In addition, at the end of the article you will find instructions that will be useful when carrying out this procedure yourself.

Acid pedicure – what is its essence?

What is this? Despite the rather scary name, acid pedicure is an absolutely painless and harmless procedure. It is also called “cream pedicure” - and by now you probably already guessed what we’re talking about.

This foot care method is an excellent alternative to those foot treatment methods that use a trimming method to remove rough skin. After all, an acid pedicure is produced by applying a special solution to the skin of the feet and heels, which contains fruit and vegetable acids as its components.

The basis of this solution is glycolic acid: it penetrates deeply into the cells and quite quickly dissolves all compactions and rough areas. After smearing with the solution, rough areas of skin are removed using a nail file.

"Pros" and "cons" of the procedure

Like any cosmetic procedure, an acid pedicure has its pros and cons, which become more or less important depending on individual priorities.

Only one thing can be said with confidence: acid pedicure has significant advantages over other types of foot care procedures: the solution very quickly penetrates the layers of the epidermis, destroys seals and exfoliates rough skin. In addition, acid pedicure has other properties that are beneficial for your heels. Let's take a closer look at them:

  • Acid pedicure has an anti-inflammatory effect: the composition of the solution used in this type of pedicure is rich in antioxidants, which are very beneficial for the skin;
  • Using this method for a pedicure, it is impossible to cut yourself or damage the skin, since an acid pedicure does not involve treating the skin with blades or scrapers;
  • Relatively low cost of the procedure;
  • You save a lot of time - with an acid pedicure there is no need to steam your feet for a long time, and the solution itself quickly penetrates the skin;
  • The composition of the solution used for acid pedicure is more gentle - and in this it has a great advantage over remover - and, therefore, the risk of allergies is minimal;
  • The solution is also effective for rough skin.

Now regarding the disadvantages of acid pedicure. The solution contains various chemical elements, which a priori contributes to the emergence of certain restrictions. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the most important condition for using this procedure – the absence of cracks, wounds and injuries on the skin! For example, if you have weeping calluses, or fungal infections– You should avoid acid pedicures! Also, pay attention to one more important point: if you are allergic to one of the components of the solution, then an acid pedicure is not suitable for you.

However, the above restrictions do not apply to all girls. And if you are one of those whom they do not concern, then you can safely start using an acid pedicure using our detailed instructions.

Acid pedicure in 6 steps

Every girl knows that one of the main conditions for a beautiful pedicure is well-groomed feet and heels. But not everyone has the opportunity to visit beauty salons every time to take care of their legs. But now this is not a problem - because an acid pedicure can be done at home!

So let's look at the step-by-step instructions with which you can do an acid pedicure. This instruction will allow you to perform the acid pedicure procedure yourself.

  1. Carefully examine your legs: make sure that there are no wounds, cracks, or calluses on them.
  2. Gently disinfect the skin of your feet and heels with an antiseptic solution.
  3. Next, you need to keep the legs in a warm bath for 5 minutes, and then treat them again with an antiseptic.
  4. Gently apply the acid solution to the desired areas of the skin using a cotton pad; do not touch healthy skin and do not overdo it with the solution to avoid burns.
  5. Wrap the legs with film and keep in this state for about 10 minutes.
  6. Remove the film and wipe the legs with a napkin. Take a file and remove dead skin.

Just 6 steps – and your legs are beautiful! Now they are ready to be decorated with varnish.

To summarize, it can be noted that acid pedicure is a very practical, useful and simple way to care for your feet and heels. The procedure is absolutely harmless - with the exception of individual diseases, injuries or intolerance to the components included in the solution. An acid pedicure will help you quickly and painlessly get your feet in order. This procedure can be used both in the salon and independently, following the instructions.

And let your legs always be irresistible!

Beautiful legs are the dream of many girls, but there is not always time for lengthy spa treatments. We invite you to discuss acid pedicure as an alternative to the traditional one, how to do it at home, and where to buy products for this procedure.

What is an acid pedicure

Acid pedicure is a foot skin care system that most closely resembles facial peeling with acids. It is believed that this method of pedicure is much safer than mechanical action with pumice or iron brushes, but still the technique has its own flaws:

  1. Acids are not suitable for those with hypersensitive foot skin;
  2. It should also be noted that there is a high probability of allergic reactions;
  3. High cost of the procedure. In the capital's salon, for such a spa approach, get ready to pay from 40-50 dollars per session.

But advantages an order of magnitude more acid pedicure:

  1. You can get rid of old calluses on your heels, feet, cracks, and rough skin practically without experiencing discomfort;
  2. The effect lasts about 3 months, and if you follow certain foot care rules, it lasts almost six months;
  3. Like mechanical pedicure, this technique is performed at home, more on that below;
  4. An unedged pedicure is much safer than a hardware pedicure; there is less chance of contracting any sore or fungus;
  5. Soft feet, like a child's, at any age.

Video: pedicure cadgets

Procedure in salons

In the salon you will be invited to a comfortable chair, after which your legs will be steamed. It is very important to take care of your nail polish before going to the pedicure salon - this will help significantly speed up the whole process. Afterwards, the skin will be treated with special protective agents (so that the acids do not remove the “good” layer of the epidermis).

A special softener is applied to the warmed feet, which helps the upper dead layers of cells move away from the body. During this period, your feet will be wrapped in film and a towel to create a greenhouse effect and speed up the procedure. On average, you need to sit like this for 90 minutes. At the end of the session, the most problematic areas are still treated with pumice and covered with a special cream.

Over the next five days, it is better for you not to appear in public without socks; simply layers of cells will begin to come away from your feet. The process is reminiscent of how a snake sheds its old skin. This is a completely painless stage, and apart from aesthetic inconvenience, it does not cause any further discomfort. This is how a fruit acid pedicure is performed in a salon. Now let's discuss how to spend it at home.

Photo - Before and after acid pedicure

How to do an acid pedicure yourself

First, you will need to buy special products for acid pedicure. These could be socks, softeners from well-known companies, or special gel formulations, for example, Remover. The choice must be made depending on your problems and budget. For example, socks will not cope with serious damage to the heels (fungus, cracks, calluses), but will quickly make them soft, and they are also very convenient to use. Acid peeling for pedicure Callus Remover will help solve the problems of rough skin on the heels, eliminate calluses, this is a “capital” drug.

Genji enzymatic peeling gel concentrate is highly effective on very rough areas of the heels and feet, but sometimes loses ground in the fight against cracks. It's also not the most best method solving problems for girls with allergic reactions to animal products.

Israeli fruit-acid pedicure peeling “Kart” is known for its double action: it eliminates calluses, cracks, etc. and also restores the skin after exposure to chemicals. Incredible effective thing from Israel, you can buy it in pharmacies.

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