Making snowflakes in kindergarten. How to make snowflakes out of paper

- do paper snowflakes. Everyone is familiar with the simple and effective way give a piece of plain white paper the resemblance of a delicate and fragile snowflake. Such decorations can be called the most budget(after all, the only materials you need are paper) and the fastest(a simple snowflake can be made in two minutes). But such rough work will only please children who can barely hold scissors in their hands. To make it really impressive and interesting need some free time. Various techniques allow you to create real miracles with paper. And the New Year is, as you know, a time of magic.

How to make beautiful snowflakes from paper?

To really get beautiful and stylish snowflake, you'll have to try. It is worth remembering that the paper is in process folds several times. This means that you will have to cut a thick layer of paper. That is why we recommend that you use not standard A4 paper for printers, but material with lower density. But you should not take very thin paper, since there is a high risk of tearing. Thin paper breaks easily.

How to make paper snowflakes step by step?

It's worth starting with preparatory process . Snowflakes make made of square paper, so a standard A4 sheet needs to be adjusted to the required dimensions. Fold it to form a triangle and cut off the excess. Now, if you unfold the sheet, you will see a perfect square.

But in specialized stores you can find sets of paper already the right size. They are sold in the departments of origami materials and paper crafts.

Step 1. The square must be folded diagonally to form a triangle.

Step 2. the triangle is folded again with the far corners. This creates another smaller triangle.

Step 3. A pattern is applied to the resulting workpiece. Then it is carefully cut out.

Step 4. We straighten the snowflake so as not to catch or tear it.

This the easiest way, which even schoolchildren know about. But the result depends not only on the skills of figured carving, but also on the chosen pattern itself. If it turns out to be too simple, then the snowflake will turn out ordinary and not interesting. If you choose a pattern that is too complex, you will encounter cutting problems.

Making paper snowflakes with your own hands: templates and diagrams

If you don’t know how to draw, then you can achieve exquisite and delicate patterns using ready-made templates. Using the templates below, you can easily make an unusual and beautiful snowflake.

Paper snowflakes cutting templates will help both kids and adults decorate their home for the New Year. We make snowflakes from paper; the diagrams are best printed on a printer and transferred to a denser material, such as cardboard. Then you can use this preparation many times and get an identical result.

Use the template to apply your chosen design to the paper blank. Then cut everything out as usual. As a result, you will get an unusual and exquisite snowflake. Be careful, some circuits require very careful and precise work. In some cases, it is better to use a sharp stationery knife rather than scissors.

How to make a three-dimensional paper snowflake?

Such New Year's decorations look very unusual and festive. Gives them extra volume lightness and airiness. But in fact, making such a snowflake is not much more difficult than cutting out an ordinary one from paper.

What is the secret to creating a three-dimensional snowflake?

First you need to prepare all the materials. You will need six square sheets of paper. You can make them yourself using the technique already mentioned in this article. Will also be needed scissors, stapler and glue (optional). Print the template attached below. This is what all six blanks should look like.

After you moved the pattern on paper fold a square diagonally. It should work triangle, one side of which is covered with lines and the other is clean. Along the marked lines you need cut the workpiece using scissors or a utility knife. Do not cut to the end, do not extend the lines, otherwise your future snowflake will break up into separate elements.

After that expand the triangle to its original condition. You need to fasten the ends of the inner square together. This can be done either with a stapler or with glue. The first option is faster and more reliable, and the second is more aesthetically pleasing.

The next stage is gluing the second free ends. But this must be done with reverse side blanks. To make it easier to work, turn the future snowflake over, but do not put pressure on it. You need to work carefully so as not to crush the paper and deprive the snowflake of volume.

Turn the workpiece over again and fasten the following ends. We repeat this step until the workpiece is completely worked out.

So you have made only one petal. Now we need to take care of five more similar ones. After all the preparations are ready, lay them out on the table. Select three petals and fasten them at the base using a stapler. Then do the same with the remaining three. Also connect the two structures together.

When we do volumetric snowflakes made from paper with your own hands, then we don’t pay attention to the little things. Namely, the final effect depends on them. To make this decoration not only beautiful, but also durable, you will need additional fixation. To do this, fasten the leaves together with glue. It is worth noting that the larger the snowflake itself, the thicker the paper should be. This is the only way to maintain the desired shape.

How to make paper snowflakes: video

Of course, the most popular material for making snowflakes is paper, but with a little imagination and a little ingenuity you can make this type decor from other available materials, such as wire, beads, felt fabric, plastic bottles, cotton swabs and much more. Today we will tell you what to make snowflakes from for home decor. Ready-made snowflakes can be used to decorate a Christmas tree, curtain rod, door handles, ceiling chandeliers, and wall sconces.

What can you make snowflakes from or how to make snowflakes with your own hands.

Such snowflakes can be collected from a wide variety of pasta, including in this example shells and bows were used. We place the future snowflake on the table, glue all the pasta together with a hot glue gun or polymer glue, and finally paint the product with acrylic paint. You can read more about making such snowflakes; various examples of pasta snowflakes are also presented there.

Snowflakes made of wire.

We take a long piece of wire, wind one of the ends into a spiral, string a transparent bead, create a loop, followed by two more loops, twist the ends with loops. We proceed to the next part of the snowflake, thread the bead, create a long loop, press it down with our fingers, create two more such loops next to it, twist all three loops one at a time. We do the same with the next parts of the snowflake. From the remaining piece of wire we create a cobweb in the center; to do this, we lead the wire from one ray of the snowflake to another, each time wrapping the ray at the center. You can tie a silver thread to the finished snowflake and hang it on the Christmas tree.

Snowflakes from plastic bottles.

Cut off the bottom with a knife plastic bottle, take a thin brush and use acrylic paint to paint a snowflake on the cut-off part of the bottle. Finally, using an awl on top, we create two holes into which we thread a rope to hang the product.

Snowflakes made from paper towel tubes.

Using a stationery knife, cut the slightly flattened paper towel tube into rings 5-7 mm wide. We lay out a snowflake out of them on the table (the product can be supplemented with elements of their paper), glue all the parts with polymer glue or Moment glue. Cover the top of the snowflake with a layer of PVA glue and sprinkle with small sparkles.

Felt snowflakes.

Cut the felt fabric into circles (you can try using cotton pads), sewing machine, use colored threads to draw out the outlines of the snowflakes, then use scissors to cut out their outlines.

Snowflakes made of beads.

Snowflakes can also be made from beads; the entire process of weaving snowflakes and beads is shown below.

Snowflakes made of beads.

To work, you will need three pieces of wire; they must be soldered or glued together with a glue gun in the center. String beads of different sizes onto the segments of the future snowflake, and so that they do not fall off at the ends, you need to create rings with pliers or treat the last beads with transparent polymer glue.

Snowflakes made from cotton swabs.

Cut out circles from thick colored cardboard and place them on them. cotton swabs, forming the outline of a snowflake, glue all parts of the sticks to the base of the circle.

Snowflakes made of woolen threads.

On a sheet of parchment or a piece of film, draw a snowflake with a marker (photo below), grease the surface of the snowflake with rich hand cream. Cut off the short part wool threads, soak it in PVA glue and apply it to the drawn parts. When all parts of the snowflake are pasted over, use the spout of a bottle of PVA glue to draw the snowflakes piece by piece, covering them with adhesive film. Then we dip the brush into blue gouache and paint the applied layer of glue. We leave the snowflake to dry; when the product is dry, carefully separate it from the parchment or film.

Snowflakes with a hot gun.

We grease a sheet of parchment with rich hand cream, use a glue gun to draw the outline of a snowflake, after the snowflake has hardened, we grease its surface with PVA glue and sprinkle it with glitter. Using a glue gun, glue a string pendant onto the back side.

Snowflakes made from toothpicks.

We lay out two identical lattices from toothpicks, gluing them with PVA glue, then we wrap each of them at the joints with thread. Then we lay one lattice on top of the other, slightly mixing it clockwise, gluing it to each other with transparent polymer glue or Moment.

Snowflake made of matches.

On a piece of paper, draw with a pen and measure out the shape of a snowflake with a ruler. Then we take several boxes of matches and light each match to give them the desired color. Then we glue the matches to the surface of the shape cut out of cardboard. The length of the matches can be adjusted by cutting off the excess with scissors.

Snowflakes made from PVA glue.

Cover a sheet of parchment with a layer of hand cream, then draw the outline of a snowflake with PVA glue, sprinkle the product with fine glitter, and leave to dry completely. Then we carefully separate the frozen snowflake from the surface of the parchment (a video is presented at the end of the article).

Volumetric snowflake made of paper.

On a sheet of paper we draw six squares, in each of the squares we draw three more squares. We cut out large squares and bend each one in the middle. Using scissors, we do not completely cut along the lines. We unfold the square, fold the first row of strips, gluing them together with PVA glue or connecting them with a stapler. Turn the square over and connect the next row of strips. Then turn the square over again and connect the next row of strips with glue or a stapler. The same should be done with the next five squares. When all the parts of the snowflake are ready, they need to be connected together, pinned with a stapler.

Snowflake made of textile napkin.

Such a snowflake will greatly decorate festive table, namely the guest's plate. We take a square textile napkin, bend all four corners to the center, and also bend the newly formed four corners to the center. Turn the napkin over, bend the corners towards the center, holding it with your hand. We pull the corners out, carefully straightening them with our hands; between the rays of the snowflake we also straighten the corners outward. Place the snowflake on a plate, and place a large rhinestone or cone in its center.

DIY paper snowflakes.

Paper snowflakes can be glued to the glass of a window, hung on a fishing line from the ceiling, chandelier or sconce, and also decorated with them New Year tree. To create a snowflake you will need a square sheet of paper, bend it in half, bend the corner of the left formed part to the bottom right, now bend the right corner to the bottom left, fold the resulting part in half. Cut off the excess part with scissors. Well, then you need to cut out the snowflakes using scissors according to the templates presented below.

How to fold paper correctly to create a snowflake.

What to make snowflakes from? Made from PVA glue.

As you can see, making snowflakes with your own hands is not at all difficult, especially since you can use absolutely different materials. We hope that after this review, the question of what to make snowflakes from will no longer bother you.

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New Year- the most fabulous and beautiful holiday in a year that both children and adults are looking forward to. It represents not only changes in life, but also gives a little magic to such a cruel world of reality.

On New Year's holidays, everything around is decorated with bright garlands and lanterns, Christmas trees are decorated with colorful balls, and houses are decorated with incredible snowflakes. Snowflakes have always been associated with winter holidays most. In a burst of creativity and in order to save money, you can make snowflakes yourself.

I offer several ways to make incredibly beautiful snowflakes and how to decorate your home with them for the holidays.

Simple paper snowflake

The easiest way to cut out a snowflake has been known to us since childhood - cutting out various figures and curls on the sides of a multi-layered sector.
Creating these snowflakes from paper is very simple. For this simple task you only need imagination, paper, white or any other color, scissors and a pencil.

Step 1

You need to lay out a piece of white or colored paper size A4-A5 on a hard, flat surface. Then place a round plate or saucer on it, trace the circle with a pencil and cut it out.

Step 2

The resulting circle needs to be folded in half three, if possible four, times. We will get a sector of six or eight layers.

Step 3

Now comes the most interesting step - creating beautiful pattern. To do this, you can use your imagination, or use ready-made diagrams. The pattern just needs to be drawn on your workpiece with a pencil. Then we take sharp thin scissors, maybe manicure scissors, and carefully cut out the drawn diagrams.

Step 4

We unfold the workpiece into its original shape. It turns out a little crumpled, for this you can iron the snowflake with an iron, but always through the fabric and without steam. Or you can put the workpiece in a book for a while, but this process is much longer than the previous one.

Step 5

To make an original snowflake, you can coat it with glue and sprinkle with glitter. Or paint it with watercolors in ombre style - make a transition from one color to another. Or draw bright dots on a snowflake. But we must not forget that the paint will significantly soften the paper, so you need to work very carefully. You can cut a snowflake out of foil. Then it will immediately turn out to be a beautiful silver or gold color.

Step 6

The last thing is to hang the finished snowflake with a lace, ordinary thread or wire. This decoration can be placed on a Christmas tree, you can create a whole garland of snowflakes, and decorate a window with it, simulating snowfall, attach it to the ceiling, furniture, wherever your imagination allows.

Simplified quilling

The latest popular innovation in making snowflakes is quilling technology. This method is much more complicated than regular paper cutting and requires certain skills and time.

I'll tell you how to make a three-dimensional snowflake out of paper, but in a slightly different system than quilling.
To make a snowflake, we need a newspaper or an old unnecessary book, or a stack of paper, but it must be soft so that it can easily be deformed. And also scissors, thread, glue and glitter.

Step 1

You need to cut out strips of paper measuring 2 cm X 20 cm on average. You can choose the size yourself, depending on what size snowflake you want to get as a result. To start, you should have seven stacks, each with 6-10 strips. Adjust the number of strips depending on the thickness of the paper: the strips should bend easily, but keep their shape.

Step 2

Fold the strips in half and gather them together. Make the middle stripe longer than the others, the side stripes a little shorter, as in the image. You can cut off the excess length. Tie such a petal with a thread and place it under some heavy object, be it a book or a table lamp.

In the original you should make eight such petals.

Step 3

Cut another stack of 15 strips of the same length. Roll the stack into a small ring and tie with thread. For strength and reliability, you can lubricate the strips with glue so that they do not unwind.

Step 4

Lubricate the end of the petal generously with glue and attach to the ring. Hold for a while until the petal sticks securely.
Repeat the same process with all the petals.

Step 5

When the snowflake has dried and is completely ready, its edges can be lightly coated with glue and sprinkled with glitter, or you can decorate it with the color you like.

Step 6

Attach with glue or simply thread a thread through the petal. You will get an original and wonderful three-dimensional toy for the Christmas tree or element New Year's decor for home.

Children's snowflake

Making crafts with children is a very useful activity that not only develops creative imagination, but also instills in the child perseverance and accuracy. For the New Year, you can make funny snowflakes to decorate your children's room.

To do this, you will need cardboard, scissors, glue, scraps of fabric, glitter, colored pencils and eyes, which are sold at office supply stores, although you can simply draw them.

Step 1

You need to print out the diagram or, if you are good at drawing and come up with your own snowflake, you need to draw it on cardboard. When the diagram is ready, cut it out.

Step 2

We glue the eyes or draw them, whichever is more convenient for you. We finish drawing the mouth, nose, eyebrows. Color the snowflake with pencils in the color you like.

Step 3

From fabric or colored paper we cut out a snowflake cap, a belt and other details that you came up with. Glue them to the snowflakes and decorate them with glitter, beads, beads or whatever you have on hand.

Step 4

The finished snowflake does not have to be hung on a Christmas tree or window. It can be attached with double-sided tape to the wall near the child’s bed, and a New Year’s atmosphere is guaranteed.

These are just basic ideas on how you can decorate your home for... New Year's holidays. And the rest depends on your imagination!

Happy crafting!

There are various variations of creating paper snowflakes, and the New Year requires all the best. That is why we have prepared for you the most original ideas and techniques for creating paper snowflakes with your own hands.

To make a classic simple snowflake, you need to fold a sheet of paper according to the pattern, then draw a pattern, cut it out and unfold the finished snowflake. Follow step-by-step photo instructions and you will get original snowflakes.


Shiny snowflake

You will need: shiny blue and purple cardboard, a stationery knife, a glue gun, a ruler, a simple pencil, a toothpick.

Master class

The shiny volumetric snowflake is ready!

Exquisite snowflake

You will need: 6 blue square sheets, 6 white square sheets, blue paper circle, PVA glue, rhinestone.

Master class

An exquisite three-dimensional paper snowflake is ready! I recommend watching this video!

Ballerina snowflakes

You will need: white cardboard, white paper, scissors, transparent fishing line or white thread, needle, pencil, compass or saucer.

Master class

  1. Choose your favorite ballerina templates.

  2. Print or redraw them.
  3. Cut them out.
  4. Trace ballerina templates onto cardboard.
  5. Cut them out.
  6. Use a needle to make a small hole in each ballerina's head.
  7. Make a tutu skirt this way: take a sheet of paper, draw an even circle and cut it out.

  8. Fold the circle in half 3 times.
  9. Choose a pattern and cut out a snowflake.

  10. Cut a circle in the center of the snowflake.
  11. Put a snowflake skirt on a ballerina.
  12. Thread a fishing line or thread into the hole in the ballerina's head.

  13. Hang the decoration.

Beautiful snowflake

You will need: 2 square sheets of blue paper, scissors, glue stick, pencil, rhinestone.

Master class

  1. Fold the square sheet diagonally.
  2. Fold twice more.
  3. Draw 3 lines along which the cuts will go. Do not cut all the way through at the fold as this is the center of the snowflake.

  4. Cut along the lines.
  5. Make triangular slits at the bottom of the workpiece.
  6. Unfold the workpiece.

  7. Fold and glue the middle stripes of each ray in the center.
  8. Make the second blank in the same way.

  9. Glue the blanks together so that the rays are located in checkerboard pattern.
  10. Glue a rhinestone to the center.

A beautiful three-dimensional paper snowflake is ready! I recommend watching this video!

3D snowflake with Christmas trees

You will need: 6 sheets green size 8x8 cm, scissors, pencil, glue stick, rhinestone.

Master class

Original snowflake

You will need: 2 sheets of yellow A4 paper, scissors, a simple pencil, white thread, glue stick.

Master class

The original volumetric paper snowflake is ready!

You will need: 2 sheets of colored paper, scissors, glue stick.

Master class

Snowflake using kirigami technique

Kirigami is the art of making paper figures using scissors. Let's consider a step-by-step master class. Using his example, you can create snowflakes of any shape, size and various patterns.

Master class

The snowflake using the kirigami technique is ready! We present to your attention patterns for kirigami.

Snowflake using origami technique

Origami is the art of folding paper figures. It's not called art for nothing. To make such a snowflake you need time, patience, perseverance, understanding and attentiveness. Study the manufacturing process and only then get to work. This master class describes only the preparatory part, and the main part is in the video lesson.

Master class

Modular origami is considered more complex than regular origami. Fold the first module according to the photo diagram, make a huge number of them and start assembling according to the photo master class. Creating such a masterpiece requires a lot of time and patience. There are also huge advantages - you develop fine motor skills hands and you can surprise others with such a gorgeous snowflake.

Master class

  1. Start assembly from the middle, forming a center of 12 modules.
  2. Insert the edges of the module into the pocket of the other modules.
  3. Attach the modules in a checkerboard pattern from one edge; a chain of two fastened rows should form - the outer row is 6 modules, and the outer row is 5.
  4. Turn out the remaining module and connect the ends of the chain with it, forming a ring.
  5. Increase the length of the beams by attaching modules.
  6. Add a module of a different color to each beam and continue building with the main one.
  7. Add modules until the snowflake reaches the desired size.

Snowflake in technology modular origami ready! I recommend watching this video!

Snowflake using quilling technique

Quilling is the art of creating compositions from rolled strips of paper. The basics of quilling are described. We present to your attention the most simple diagram for creating snowflakes using the quilling technique.

You will need: cardboard, corrugated paper, wooden skewer or pencil, scissors, glue.

Master class

  1. Cut out a regular hexagonal snowflake from cardboard.
  2. Slice corrugated paper into squares.
  3. Twist the squares using a skewer.
  4. Glue the snowflake, placing the blanks close to each other.

Volumetric snowflake made of component parts

DIY snowflakes are the most affordable and simple New Year’s decoration for your home, school or workplace. You can make them from the most ordinary paper, cutting them out according to ready-made templates and diagrams, which can be found in large quantities on the Internet. You can also make a beautiful snowflake, large and voluminous, or using quilling or origami techniques. Moreover, as a source material, in addition to white paper, newspaper sheets, pages of an old book or an unnecessary music notebook are also suitable. Such non-standard material, especially if it is artificially aged with coffee, will give the finished craft a special charm. As for the manufacturing technique, most master classes for New Year's snowflakes are quite simple and can be reproduced even by children, for example, as part of a labor lesson at school. In our article today, we have collected for you a whole selection of original templates and patterns for cutting out beautiful paper snowflakes for adults and children. In addition, here you will find interesting step-by-step master classes with photos of snowflakes, as well as videos with lessons on how to make them yourself.

Simple DIY paper Christmas snowflake 2017 for children, master class

First, we invite you to master a very simple DIY paper Christmas snowflake master class for children. It is so affordable that it is suitable even for kindergarten. To make this simple DIY paper Christmas snowflake for kids, you can use either plain white paper or colored sheets. Thin corrugated paper also works great.

Necessary materials for a simple DIY paper snowflake for children

  • sheet A4
  • scissors
  • felt-tip pens
  • scotch
  • stapler
  • decor (sequins, rhinestones, buttons)

Instructions for a DIY New Year's snowflake master class for children

  1. We cut the sheet into strips 2-3 cm wide and about 15-20 cm long. The number of strips will determine how voluminous the craft will be in the end.
  2. We wrap each strip on a felt-tip pen or marker, securing the edges with paper tape.
  3. Leave the pieces for at least an hour so that they take on a wave-like shape.
  4. Filming paper strips from felt-tip pens and connect them together using a star-shaped stapler.
  5. We decorate the ugly junction with bright sequins, beads or rhinestones. Also, if desired, you can add pieces of New Year's rain or glue confetti. Ready!

Do-it-yourself volumetric snowflake 2017 made of paper, master class with photo

Do-it-yourself voluminous paper snowflakes are considered one of the most complex in terms of technique. However, if you have it on hand detailed instructions With step by step photos, as in our next master class, you shouldn’t be afraid of difficulties. We assure you that after the first self-made voluminous snowflake made from paper with your own hands, the remaining copies will “go like clockwork.” See for yourself by following the instructions below.

Necessary materials for making a voluminous paper snowflake with your own hands

  • sheet A4
  • scissors
  • tape or glue

Instructions for a master class on DIY 3D paper snowflakes

  1. For the next craft you will need a rectangular sheet with the following parameters: length - 25 centimeters, width - 18 centimeters.
  2. We bend the lower left corner of the sheet inward, as in the photo below.
  3. Trim off the excess edge to create an isosceles triangle.
  4. Fold the triangle in half.

  5. Using scissors, make two shallow cuts on the tight side of the fold, as in the next photo.
  6. We unfold the workpiece so that we get a diamond with cuts. We connect the inner corners of the central cut together using tape or glue.

    Note! If you use glue, be sure to additionally secure the workpiece, for example, with a clothespin until it dries completely.

  7. We repeat the procedure with the next edges of the cut, fixing them in the opposite direction with the first workpiece.
  8. We will also fasten the edges of the last cut together, but in the opposite direction.
  9. The result should be the following design.
  10. For one volumetric snowflake you will need from 6 to 8 such blanks. They can be made different colors to add some color to the craft.
  11. Using tape or glue, secure all the blanks according to the template below.

Beautiful large snowflakes 2017 made from paper yourself - step by step with photos

You can make a beautiful paper snowflake with your own hands for decoration and in quite large sizes. Such decor will certainly attract everyone's attention and will become an interesting interior solution on the eve of the New Year. Learn how to make a beautiful large snowflake out of paper with your own hands step by step from our next master class.

Necessary materials for a large DIY paper snowflake

  • sheet A4
  • ruler and pencil
  • clothespins
  • New Year's garland, glitter

Instructions for a step-by-step master class on a large beautiful snowflake with your own hands

  1. First you need to cut thin paper strips in the amount of 20 pieces, 10 strips on each side. The longer they are, the larger the finished craft will be. Then we lay out five strips in a row at small intervals, and lay out five others on top using the braided principle.
  2. We turn the resulting workpiece so that it lies in front of us in the form of the letter “X”. Now we connect first the adjacent and then the outer strips and glue them. Secure the top with clothespins until completely dry.
  3. Repeat on each side. As a result, there should be one strip on each side, forming a thin cross.
  4. Leave the workpiece to dry completely for about half an hour. Then we remove the clothespins and move on to the second identical part of the craft.
  5. We connect both parts together by rotating the bottom part of the snowflake 45 degrees. Now the free strips can be fixed with the ready-made beams.
  6. We glue them with glue and secure them with clothespins, leaving them to dry completely.
  7. All that remains is to decorate the finished snowflake. This can be done using pieces New Year's garland and glitter.

    Note! Instead of store bought glitter, you can use broken ones. Christmas decorations. To do this, carefully crush the glass toy wrapped in thick fabric with a rolling pin. The resulting crumbs must be mixed with transparent glue and then used to decorate crafts.

    DIY snowflake 2017 from a book for the New Year, step-by-step master class

    In the next step-by-step master class we will make snowflakes for the New Year with our own hands from an old book. It's a great way to breathe new life into its yellowed pages. You can’t call a snowflake from a book for the New Year with your own hands (step-by-step master class below) a simple children’s craft. Small children definitely cannot handle it. This is more of a master class for creative adults who don't appreciate making New Year's decorations purely as children's fun. On the contrary, they are happy to create beautiful and exclusive decorative elements.

    Necessary materials for a snowflake from a book for the New Year

    • book sheets
    • glitter
    • ruler and pencil
    • scissors
    • fishing line or thick thread

    Instructions for a step-by-step master class on snowflakes from a book for the New Year

    1. First you need to draw book sheets into strips 2 centimeters wide.
    2. For one side you will need 7 such strips: 1 the full length of the page, two 2 centimeters shorter, two more 2 cm shorter than the previous ones, and two strips 6 centimeters shorter than the first.
    3. The longest strip should be folded in half to form a loop, gluing the bottom edges together. On the sides you need to fold the strips shorter, also gluing their lower parts, as in the photo below.
    4. Repeat similar manipulations with the remaining strips and fix them under heavy pressure, for example, a table lamp.
    5. When the workpiece dries, you should additionally secure its edges with thin fishing line. In general, you will need 6-8 such blanks for one snowflake.
    6. Again, cut the book sheet into strips of equal length. Cut and roll into a tight ring, tie with fishing line. The ring can also be additionally coated with transparent glue.
    7. After complete drying, you should proceed to joining the craft. To do this, coat the end of the workpiece tightly with glue and connect it to the ring.

    8. Repeat with each workpiece.
    9. To better fasten the snowflake, coat the outer loops of the adjacent rays of the snowflake with glue.
    10. Small sparkles are suitable as decoration and should be applied to the side edges of the snowflake. You can also use pieces of garland, sequins, and small beads.
    11. Then you need to make a loop from the fishing line so that you can attach the snowflake, for example, to a Christmas tree. Ready!

    DIY paper snowflake for children using origami technique, master class

    The art of origami is multifaceted and complex, but with the right instructions in this technique you can do it yourself and quite simple craft, for example, a children's snowflake. True, to be completely frank, the following master class with photos cannot be called made exclusively using the origami technique. In it, for a children's DIY paper snowflake, in addition to the origami technique, you will also use threads and scissors.

    Necessary materials for origami children's snowflakes for the New Year

    • thick colored sheet
    • pencil and ruler
    • needle and thread
    • scissors

    Instructions for a master class on children's snowflakes using the origami technique

    1. To begin, we cut out a strip 5-7 cm wide and about 20 cm long. Using a pencil and ruler, we make notes on every centimeter along the length. We cut out an imitation of a “fence” on top, as shown in the photo. In the middle of the resulting columns we draw small diamonds. Then we mark the middle of each centimeter with dots and pierce them with a thin needle.
    2. Now we take a ruler and place it on top of the first line dividing our “fence” section in half. Carefully bend the workpiece inward, and then remove the ruler and bend it in the opposite direction. We repeat the same with each section. The result should be an accordion, as in the photo below.
    3. We hold the accordion tightly with the fingers of one hand and use scissors to cut out the previously marked diamond shapes in the middle of each section.
    4. We take a needle and thread and carefully thread it through the small holes that we already pierced with the needle two steps ago.

      Note! The thread needs to be thick so that it holds the finished structure tightly!

    5. When the thread has already passed through all the points, we reinsert it into the first hole to close the structure.
    6. We remove the needle and begin to gradually tighten the thread until a tight ring is formed. We tie the thread into a knot, and place a spool on top of the snowflake to straighten it.
    7. We form a loop from the remaining thread and our children's snowflake is ready! And for those who want to master the pure origami technique for creating snowflakes, we have selected a video tutorial with step by step diagram below.

    Do-it-yourself openwork snowflake using the quilling technique, master class with photos

    Quilling is the real art of weaving amazingly beautiful crafts and cards from simple strips of paper. Using the quilling technique, you can create truly unique openwork snowflakes with your own hands, a direct confirmation of which is our next master class with step-by-step photos. But the most amazing thing is that by swapping individual parts and adding new elements, you can create several different openwork snowflakes with your own hands using the quilling technique according to one general pattern.

    Necessary materials for an openwork snowflake using the quilling technique

    • pencil and ruler
    • scissors
    • glue and brush

    Instructions for a master class on openwork snowflakes using quilling techniques

    1. Using a ruler and a simple pencil you need to draw a sheet. To do this, make 0.5 cm marks along the width of the sheet and draw lines along the entire length. Then we cut out the strips with scissors.
    2. To form the rolls you will need an awl. We wind the strip onto it quite tightly, and then let the roll unravel a little and glue the edge to its base.
    3. The snowflake will be based on one round element and six drop-shaped rolls. To get an element in the form of a drop, you need to lightly squeeze one edge of the round roll with your fingers. We connect the structure with glue.
    4. Now add six eye-shaped rolls to the base. We will also make them from round rolls, but by flattening both edges with our fingers. Glue the “eyes” between the drops according to the template below.
    5. Now we need small rolls, so we fold the standard strip in half and cut it into two parts. From each small strip we twist a small round roll. To begin with, you will need six of these elements.
    6. We glue small rolls along the edges of the elements in the form of a cat's eye.
    7. We roll six standard large rolls.
    8. We glue them to the drop-shaped elements, as shown in the diagram below.
    9. Now we need six square rolls. We will form them from standard round ones, slightly flattening the sides into a square shape.
    10. We glue the squares to the large round elements, having first turned them into the shape of rhombuses.
    11. All that remains is to twist a large round roll according to the standard pattern and glue it to the top of our craft. Let the snowflake dry completely and thread the thread through the large roll. Ready!

    How to cut a New Year's snowflake 2017 from paper with your own hands, diagrams and templates

    The easiest way to do New Year's snowflake with your own hands is to cut it out of paper according to a ready-made template or diagram. So simple, but at the same time very beautiful snowflake DIY projects are available primarily for children's creativity. However, there are quite complex patterns with which you can make even large and voluminous decorative snowflakes, which in their originality will not be inferior to crafts using the origami or quilling technique. Do you want to know how to cut a beautiful New Year's snowflake out of paper with your own hands? Then you will find a selection of photo templates and patterns for adults and children, as well as video tutorials below.