Game layouts for the development of older preschoolers. Multifunctional Zoo Game Multifunctional Physical Education Equipment

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Tryashina Olesya Mikhailovna


MADOU d/s No. 149 of the city of Tyumen

Multifunctional game "Zoo"

Age orientation: designed for children 3-7 years old (preschool age).

Relevance. The main activity of preschool children is play; in the process, spiritual and physical strength child: his attention, memory, imagination, discipline, dexterity, etc.

In addition, the game is This is a unique way of assimilating social experience, characteristic of preschool age. D.V. Mendzheritskaya.

The inclusion of the multifunctional textbook “Zoo” in the content of children’s activities helps preschoolers develop new knowledge and consolidate already learned material.

I made it for work multifunctional manual "Zoo".

Target:“Comprehensive full development of preschool children.”

This manual meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and will be useful to teachers of preschool institutions working with children of middle and senior preschool age. Complies with the principles of transformability, variability, safety and accessibility. The manual is used in working with children aged 3-7 years in direct educational activities teacher with children, as well as in special moments (in individual and subgroup lessons, play activity outside of class, in children’s independent play activities).

Game options.

Option 1: “Building a zoo.”


  • Ø develop and enrich the plot of the game “Zoo”;
  • Ø - develop creative imagination, the ability to jointly develop the game, coordinating one’s own game plan with the plans of peers;
  • Ø - develop initiative, organizational skills, lead to self-creation game plans;
  • Ø - To develop the ability to recognize and name zoo animals.
  • Ø - Formation of lexical and grammatical means of language and development of coherent speech.
  • Ø - Consolidate the acquired skills in building a path (narrow - long, short - wide, consolidate the ability to distinguish them by shape and color.
  • Ø - Reinforce the techniques of applying and applying.
  • Ø - consolidate knowledge geometric shapes;
  • Ø - Strengthening and development of fine motor skills of the hands, hand-eye coordination; developing the ability to combine colors.
  • Ø - Creation of a favorable psychological microclimate in the team.

Expected result:
Build a building based on your experience, according to your own plan, unite the building according to the plot, encourage joint games, the ability to conduct a dialogue, name the elements of details.
Promote the manifestation of creativity and independence, accuracy, responsiveness to their comrades.

  • Ø Description: Methodical manual for the game “Building a Zoo”
  • Ø This manual can be easily stored in a container.

"Zoo Fencing"

  • The zoo fence is made of foil tubes and mesh for decorating bouquets. Skewers and hot glue.

"Animal Cages"

ü The cages are made of the same material as the fence.

"Zoo Animals"

v Zoo animals are made of thick cardboard, acrylic paints and coated with acrylic varnish.

"Zoo vegetation and lanterns."

  • Ø Made: food foil tubes, covered with colored self-adhesive paper.

"Air stream".

  • Cloud, sun, bees, whistles - birdhouses, swing.
  • Made from scrap materials.

"Lake, a swamp for a hippopotamus."

  • Made from scrap materials.

Option #2. "Zoo" layout.

Description: Layout made from scrap materials.

  • Easily disassembled and placed in a container.
  • This material is easy to wash.
  • I would like to present to your attention the “Zoo” layout.
  • Children really like the layout and play with it with great pleasure.
  • The layout can be easily moved to any convenient place.
  • During the game, children's knowledge of the appearance and names of animals, their habits and habitat, as well as the rules of behavior in the zoo is consolidated.

Target: Get acquainted with the diversity of the animal world.

  • Tasks: Expand children's knowledge about the inhabitants of the zoo.
  • Learn to understand the relationship between appearance animal, its habits and habitat, feeding habits.
  • Introduce the rules of behavior when observing animals in the zoo.
  • Add animal names to the active dictionary.
  • Introduce the formation and meaning of the word “zoo”, the concept of “predator”.
  • Develop thinking, auditory perception and attentiveness.
  • Cultivate an interest in the animal world.

Option #3. Developmental manual "The Red Book".

"Red Book" - Inside the book are illustrations of animals, birds, vegetation - which are listed in the Red Book (laminated illustrations).

v The book is made of cardboard, thin foam rubber (for volume) and covered with velvet fabric.

v We often add illustrations to the book.

v Also for the Red Book, I made the animal and plant world.

v The manual is made of thick cardboard.

v This manual is very bright, colorful, and aesthetic.

In conclusion regarding the “Red Book” manual, I would like to say that the children and I achieved the following goals:

  • Ø - learned a lot of interesting things from the life of animals, plants, birds, insects;
  • Ø - we know that animals and plants that are on the verge of extinction are included in the Red Book;
  • Ø - we understand that caring for nature is necessary for a person to maintain his health;
  • Ø - designed “Our Red Book”.

But the work still cannot be called finished. We think that our book will be replenished with new objects: a new bird will fly to the feeder in winter to feed itself; new look a child will bring a medicinal plant to plant in our flowerbed; On a walk we will meet a new, unfamiliar insect.

Option No. 4. Educational game “To the Zoo”.

This manual is also multifunctional.

(the tablet is made of plastic, the cages are made of wooden glazing bead and elastic.

Blue cells represent water).

Didactic game “At the Zoo”.

Target: Continue introducing children to the inhabitants of the zoo.

Handout: A playing field, cards depicting zoo inhabitants, a card index with riddles.
Progress of the game: The teacher asks a riddle about an animal; whoever guesses it first puts it in a cage on the playing field.

Didactic game "Zoo".
Develop the ability to divide words into syllables

Animals have been brought to the zoo; they need to be housed in cages.

In the first cage you need to put animals whose names have only one syllable.
In the second cage you need to put animals whose names have two syllables.
In the third cage you need to put animals whose names have three syllables.
In the fourth cage you need to put animals whose names have four syllables.
In the first cage you need to put animals whose names have only one syllable.
In the second cage you need to put animals whose names have two syllables.
In the third cage you need to put animals whose names have three syllables.
In the fourth cage you need to put animals whose names have four syllables.

Didactic game “Where, whose mother? "


1. To develop in children a desire to play a didactic game.

2.Develop speech and motor activity, children's thinking.
3. Systematize children’s knowledge about animals and their cubs.

4. Activate children's vocabulary.
5.Cultivate interest in animals, attention, and intelligence.
6.Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

Handout: Zoo playing field, cards of animals and zoo cubs.

Progress of the game: the teacher or child shows the baby animal card, and the children find the animal’s mother card and place it in a cage on the playing field.

Option #5. Non-standard physical education equipment,made by hand.

Recently, the results of medical examinations indicate an increase in the number of children with musculoskeletal disorders, including flat feet. Therefore, there is an urgent need to address this problem in the most close attention, starting from the very early age child.

« Massage crocodile».

Crocodile is easy to wash and can be treated with a damp cloth.

All parts of the crocodile can be unfastened.

The crocodile easily rolls up and is stored in a container.

The crocodile is made of waterproof fabric, with foam inside.

All parts of the crocodile's body are designed to massage the child's feet (even small massage balls in the paws).

Tasks: massage the foot, improve blood supply to the body, develop muscles and joints, coordination of movements, allow the legs to rest, and also - which is especially important for children - correctly form the arch of the foot.

Massage orthopedic track “Caterpillar”:

It is an excellent means of preventing various types of flat feet and other foot deformities.

Promotes the correct formation of the longitudinal arches of the feet

Provides foot muscle training

Provides massage and reflexogenic effects on the plantar surface of the feet

Teaches children to move one after another correctly and accurately

It is one of the children’s favorite motor and relaxing moments of the activity.

Multifunctional physical education equipment:


(Octopus is easy to wash; you can roll it up and put it in a container).

An octopus is sewn from fabric, inside there is padding polyester and small rubber balls.

With the help of this manual, the following health problems are solved:

Maintaining a positive psycho-emotional state in children;

Prevention of flat feet;

Formation of correct posture;

Strengthening the ligamentous-articular apparatus;

Muscle development;

Development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Educational objectives:

Formation of motor skills: walking, maintaining correct posture; through an object, while jumping in place and turning in a circle; through an object, in rolling a ball, in throwing a horizontal target, in crawling without touching the object;

Multifunctionality when using the manual:

Exercises for children from 5 to 6 years old

  1. Walking on "tentacles". When walking, keep the glove on your head and keep your back straight.
  2. Walking on the “tentacles” with an extended step. When walking, keep the glove on your head and keep your back straight.

Exercises for children from 4 to 6 years old

  1. Jumping on two legs in place, turning in a circle to the right and left, alternating on gloves
  2. Stepping over the "tentacles"
  3. Rolling the ball between the “tentacles”.
    1. Crawling under the “tentacles” without touching the object
    2. Jumping on two legs through "tentacles".


An educational game organizes not only a child’s behavior, but also his inner life, helps him understand himself and his attitude to the world. This is practically the only area where he can show initiative and creativity. And at the same time, it is in the game that the child learns to control and evaluate himself, understand what he is doing and learn to act correctly. It is the independent regulation of actions that turns a child into a conscious subject of life, makes his behavior conscious and voluntary.

Childhood is not only the happiest and most carefree time of a person’s life. This is the period of the most intensive formation of personality; what did not work out in childhood can no longer be made up by an adult.

Developmental play, in combination with other educational means, represents the basis for the formation of a harmoniously developed active personality, capable of finding a way out of a critical situation, making decisions, taking initiative, i.e. acquire those qualities that are necessary in the future life.

The game is formed moral qualities: responsibility, feelings of camaraderie and friendship, coordination of actions to achieve a common goal, the ability to fairly resolve controversial issues.

Also in the educational game, much attention is paid to the development of fine motor skills of the hands, which plays an important role in the overall development of preschool children, allows for the formation of coordination of finger movements, develops speech activity, prepares the child for school, and develops creative abilities.

Children began to use the educational game “ZOO” more often for games and played it with great interest and success.

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Ekaterina Besprozvannykh

Target: To develop in children a cognitive interest in the life of animals in zoo.

Tasks: Teach children to recognize and name animals.

Develop interest in animals through poems, riddles, fairy tales, illustrations, and educational games.

Cultivate curiosity, empathy, and love for animals.

Develop skills in productive activity. Instill in children a love for wild animals.

Develop children's speech, enrich their vocabulary with words.

I would like to present to your attention layout"Zoo"I used everything I could get my hands on. I hope the kids really like this layout, because it can be easily moved anywhere, and you can also play it with great pleasure. During the game, children's knowledge of the names of various animals is consolidated.

Thank you for your attention.

Publications on the topic:

"We're playing at the zoo" Educational activity “We are playing at the zoo.” Integration educational areas « Cognitive development"; “Artistic and aesthetic.

Good day to all guests of my page. Thank you, friends, for taking the time to visit me. For a long time.

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To the senior preschool age The role-playing game has not faded into the background; it is necessary to make it the zone of proximal development of the child.

I would like to present to your attention a layout for the design of a corner of nature “ZOO”, the main task of which was education and attraction.

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Playing with layouts is a higher degree of development role-playing games, it is in demand by children and contributes to their development. Organizing subject-game environment using layouts in senior group, the teacher has the opportunity to solve problems related to the development of plot development in children.

In the lives of older preschoolers, a new form of story-based play—director’s—occupies a large place. small toys, where the child unfolds events with toy characters, identifying himself with them or distancing himself, performing one or more roles.

In order for the game to develop in a preschool institution, first of all, a universal layout is needed.

Game layouts are conventionally divided into two types:

  1. Layout models are reduced integral objects.
  2. Layout maps that display a certain territory and guide the child to the development of plot events taking place in this territory and around the objects that design it.

This work should be based on close interaction with the families of the pupils. Particularly interesting is the joint production of a mock-up model, which is a small plane with stable structures fixed on it (houses, trees, mountains, etc.), complemented by thematic figures-characters and objects denoting events-actions, surroundings (trees) . Doll houses need to be provided with the necessary “vital” set, some parts of which are fixed, and other parts the playing children arrange as they wish.

Layout cards- large planes with places marked on them for possible objects and several key objects - space markers. Thus, on the “City Street” layout map, roads and building sites are highlighted in color; the territory is supplemented with several commensurate objects (houses, garages, overpass bridge).

Landscape layout map- this is a plane with a natural territory (forest, river) designated by color, which is supplemented by several small markers freely placed on it - trees, a house, a fence.

The layout seems to come to life, filled and supplemented with a variety of subject material, depending on the play plans of the children, their individual characteristics. To develop the game, it is necessary to accumulate multifunctional material varied in content.

In the process of such games, children’s creative initiative develops, and various play ideas arise. They change, are supplemented with objects, and two or three layouts can be combined. Children come up with stories, combining real and fairy-tale, fantastic events, for example, layouts “Zoo”, “Dinosaur Park”, “House”, “Our Street”, “ Road traffic» etc.

Games with layouts contribute to the development of initiative and creativity.

Children designate a specific goal in the game, independently complement the layouts as they wish, using productive activities. Children's level of curiosity increases, they ask questions regarding objects and phenomena that lie outside the circle of direct observation (about nature, historical events, space, human health). Children include their new ideas in the plots of games and in the themes of drawings.

There are techniques that help increase children's interest in playing with models. This is, first of all, fiction that creates in the imagination of children various “worlds” with amazing characters and plots. Inhabitants-characters, additional items for the model can be made in the process of joint productive activity of children with the teacher (from paper, cardboard, wire and other waste material).

It should be noted that the layout is the central element that organizes subject environment for playing with small toys. It increases plotting ability by new level, promotes general development preschoolers, is a link between different forms of adult-children and free children’s activity.

Features of planning games with layouts

I. Layout models


  1. Based on the existing layout with objects (figurines, space markers, objects that help perform actions), come up with a plot and develop it alone or with partners.
  2. To play with the layout, select substitute objects, enriching the subject environment of the game.
  3. Together with children, create a subject environment for layouts, enriching the plot.
  4. Invent new plots, combining several layouts, combining realistic and fantastic events into a plot.


  1. Presentation of additional material for the mock-up game.
  2. Conversation after the game - highlighting an interesting plot and role-playing behavior of children.
  3. Playing together with children in order to captivate them and develop their imagination.
  4. Replenishing children's knowledge on the topics of model games through reading, storytelling, conversations, and watching videos.

II. Layout cards

Tasks: come up with your own game on a mock-up card, using ready-made game items, substitute items, creating your own additions.

Techniques: when playing together with children, include different shapes communication (dialogue, communicative games, conversations) to first give new knowledge on the topic of the game.

Layout "Zoo"– a thematic complex with realistic toys, made of cardboard and plastic.

The game includes items that perform the following plot-forming functions:

  • character figurines (wolf, horse, zebra, lion, rhinoceros, lizard, turtle, monkey, ostrich, bear, etc.);
  • space markers (cages, enclosures, pool, trees, buildings, etc.);
  • items related to events - transport (added by children if desired).

Preliminary work: reading fiction and encyclopedias about animals, conversations and watching videos about animals, looking at illustrations, drawing on a given topic, visiting the zoo with parents.

Dinosaur Planet Layout– a mock-up map depicting an approximate prehistoric space.

The game includes:

  • figurine items ( various types dinosaurs);
  • space markers (bushes, trees, palm trees);
  • objects denoting events ( waste material to create a plot).

Preliminary work: looking at illustrations, reading an encyclopedia about prehistoric times, reading interesting facts from the life of dinosaurs, conversations about dinosaurs and their relatives.

Layout "City Streets"– made on a plywood base, houses are covered with paper, roads, pedestrian crossings, lakes, and residential areas are marked.

The game includes:

  • figurine objects (people);
  • space markers (garage, buildings, trees, road signs, traffic lights);
  • objects denoting events (model cars, fuel truck, fire truck, ambulance).

All items can be easily rearranged and the location of the markers can be changed.

Preliminary work:, observations of the intersection, conversations (“Rules for crossing intersections”, “ Road signs", "Responsibilities of pedestrians and drivers"), desktop didactic games, drawing, design.

Layout "Sea inhabitants"– glass aquarium with algae and marine life.

The game includes:

  • figurine objects (fish, octopuses, starfish, turtle, snail, etc.);
  • space markers (plastic algae);
  • objects indicating actions (fishing rods).

The game can be converted to "Sea Kingdom" if you add figurine objects (king of the sea, mermaid, merman and other fairy-tale characters).

Preliminary work: reading fiction, encyclopedias, looking at illustrations, watching TV shows, reading the fairy tale “Barbara the Beauty” long braid", conversations.

Layout “Flight to another planet”– the box is covered with paper and painted on a space theme.

The game includes:

  • figurine objects (astronauts, aliens);
  • objects denoting actions - a spaceship, a lunar rover, a flying saucer.

Preliminary work: reading fiction, encyclopedias, literature, watching TV shows, conversations, looking at illustrations.

I will continue to talk about the toys that I made for Dasha. I have already shown you our house. Now I’ll tell you about the farm and zoo where the inhabitants of our house go for walks (by the way, this is the doll Anya and the bear Misha, almost like Masha and Misha 😉) So.


I took big box from some children's lotto and adapted one part for a zoo, the second for a farm. The floor of the zoo is made from wicker flower packaging in green, creating a grassy effect. I made an aquarium from the packaging of Romina's cologne. I attached the fish to both the back wall and the front, as a result of which a voluminous effect is created + some shells and algae. The fence is made of wine corks, ice cream sticks and matches. Everything is attached with a glue gun. For trees I used branches from artificial flowers and several trees. which were included in the set with rubber inhabitants of Africa. The crocodile pond is made from blue felt and beans. By the way, I made the crocodile myself from modeling mass attached to a clothespin, since it was not in the set of toys. The zoo is ready!


The farmhouse has a green fabric floor. The animal pen is supported by two plastic tubes and covered with corrugated cardboard on top. The basket with hay, the trough and the well are made of colored plastic. Bench – 2 plugs covered with corrugated cardboard. A pond made of blue felt and beans as pebbles around. The green wattle fence is made from plastic tubes and green clothesline. Everything is also attached to a glue gun. Animals move freely around the farm. The work took 3 hours.