DIY gift ideas. The best original birthday gifts for a guy from a girl

At nineteen, life plays with its brightest colors. This is the age of entry into adult life, new discoveries and first disappointments. By the age of nineteen, a boy still feels a little like a teenager, but masculine traits begin to appear in earnest.

Nineteen years is the age of impressive changes. Including changes in tastes. What you liked and captivated yesterday is now fading into the background or seems frivolous. Therefore, the question of a gift for a 19-year-old guy is not such a simple question, with the visible variety of different options.

Such gifts are usually given by parents or relatives. Although this is, of course, not prohibited for anyone else either. Such gifts can be given for birthdays and other suitable dates.

But you can also add your own twist to traditional gifts by adding a little imagination.

If a young man likes to take photographs, he can do unusual gift– radio-controlled helicopter with camera. With its help you can get beautiful panoramic photos from above.

When a gift for a hobby causes difficulties, you can simply present the certificate to a specialized store, where the hero of the occasion will choose it for himself. Today this type of gift is quite popular.

Funny and cool gifts

At 19 years old you usually like this kind of stuff, and it’s easy to choose. Gift shops both in real life and on the Internet offer jokes for every taste and color.

The choice of such gifts is actually very large. Flash drives of unusual design, funny figurines, cool slippers and much, much more.

Or perhaps it will make a lasting impression.

Souvenir shops offer a huge selection original packaging: nesting doll boxes, gift certificate in one of nineteen balloons, etc.

But if you create custom packaging with your own hands, it can turn out even more interesting.

Surprise gifts

You can't hold such gifts in your hands, but that doesn't make them any less impressive. They are called gifts-impressions.

Experiences to choose from:

Today there are a lot of special agencies that professionally organize such a gift.

Excellent surprises will be tickets to a concert of your favorite band, a sports match or a private party in an elite club.

Cheerful friends with good imagination and artistry can arrange a birthday party themed party or flash mob, write an ode in poetry in his honor.

You can also order the favorite song of the hero of the occasion on the radio or place a poster with his photo and a congratulatory inscription in a prominent place.

The main thing is that any gift and congratulations should be from the heart, and the guests should try to bring the hero of the occasion a great mood, a lot of impressions and joy.

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The birthday of a teenage boy who has finally turned 19 should be held in the circle of close friends, as is most often the case, or in the company of his girlfriend. But no matter who is next to the birthday boy on such a day, it is important not to make a mistake with the gift, because guys with gifts are more difficult to please than girls. And all because girls are somewhat similar to each other, and guys all differ in interests and hobbies.

A guy at the age of 19 is still at the stage of youthful maximalism, he is impulsive, shy in some places, harsh in others. It is clear that he himself does not yet know what position to take in life, what line of behavior to choose. He is still searching for himself and his passions. For a guy’s 19th birthday, you can give him any objects, things that coincide with his interests: music, sports, games, hobbies, travel, views, style, social circle. All these points are very important to take into account, because the category of the gift, its meaning, and symbolic meaning directly depend on them.

Traditional gifts

You can inadvertently include among the traditional ones boring gifts, which are the first to come to mind when the question arises of choosing a gift for a guy on his 19th. Traditional gifts are slightly generalized, they rely little on the guy’s personal interests, but more on those items that are usually chosen as a present in this case. What to choose from traditional gifts?

  1. Personal care kit: notorious shower gels, shaving gels, razors (for example, an electronic shaving device).
  2. Dumbbell set different weights for fitness, sports – this is a good and the right gift a guy who wants to improve, and for sure in the evenings he will pick up dumbbells, guided by the desire to stay in an attractive shape.
  3. Wardrobe item: something from clothing - fashion shirt, sneakers from your favorite brand, high-quality running shoes of the latest model, a stylish blazer, a T-shirt with an unusual cool print.
  4. Accessories: electronic watches (mechanical solid ones are, after all, the domain of grown men), a tablet case with a bright funny picture, a mobile case, a fashionable bag for guys, an elegant lighter (it’s better not to encourage smoking, but you can carry a lighter with you at any time case), powerful wireless headphones.
  5. Gadgets are the favorite topic of all guys. There is not always enough money for what you want to buy in the store digital technologies, but a birthday is just a reason to wait for the long-awaited thing: a tablet, a camera, a new lens, a portable speaker, a player, a sound control, a speaker system with a good subwoofer.
  6. Photo frame from your beloved girl: it can be a general photo in a large format or even a painting ordered from a real artist.
  7. Computer game or console.
  8. Wireless set: mouse and keyboard, as well as a laptop stand.
  9. Transport: bicycle for city walks, rollerblades or skateboard for relaxing and moving quickly, roomy fashion backpack with strong harnesses.
  10. Subscription to gym, where you can increase your muscles, lose weight, get six-pack abs - guys at 19 are quite narcissistic, they won’t miss this opportunity.

Original gifts

In order for the gift to be original, you will have to prepare in advance - you need to think through everything and find out exactly what the guy is interested in.

  1. To make a gift original and to make a choice quickly, you need to go straight to an interesting gift store or turn to online stores of unusual things for help. There you can find the most non-standard gifts, which are even difficult to understand at first glance. For example, flash drives in a wide variety of designs, stands, cups in the form of a lens, flasks with comic inscriptions, non-standard jewelry, a phone case, headphones.
  2. You can give a guy something ultra fashionable for his 19th birthday if he follows fashion and tries to be the center of attention. In any youth store in shopping centers you can find cool belts, glasses (for example, Ray Ban), chains, backpacks or bags.
  3. Darts large size with doors like a Texas saloon.
  4. Souvenirs or gadgets in the style of cars: for example, a stereo system in the form of a mini Cooper.
  5. LED laces for sneakers.
  6. Ring with a sacramental inscription.
  7. Watch on a large leather bracelet.
  8. New skateboard or BMX bike for performing tricks.
  9. A wallet or business card holder with a claim to adulthood.
  10. A website for your ideas or even work.
  11. Shapeless pear chair.


If you want not just to give a gift, but to extend the pleasure of receiving a gift, then you need to give a gift-impression. For example:

  1. Flying on an air crossing or jumping from a bridge (usually it is more appropriate to do this in the summer).
  2. A trip on a river boat with a party, dancing, goodies and entertainment.
  3. A ticket to a concert of your favorite rock band, or, if the guy is an esthete, a trip to the theater for a respectable premiere with famous actors, or an invitation to a 3D cinema.
  4. Diving lesson or session with dolphins at the dolphinarium.
  5. A party of friends in honor of the birthday boy.
  6. Private dance from a professional dancer.
  7. Flash mob organized with the help of friends.
  8. An off-road ride in a brutal SUV.
  9. A huge cake, made to order or with your own hands.
  10. An invitation to travel around Europe or to any country of your choice.

Once again, it is important to emphasize that it will be possible to give a gift correctly only when you know exactly what the guy’s hobbies are, what he likes best, what kind of character he has (whether he is a sociable person or, on the contrary, a closed one). The need for it, and therefore the joy of receiving it, directly depends on what personal interest is emphasized when choosing a gift.

1. Certificate for DJ courses
Many young people are interested in music and dream of packing halls while standing behind a DJ console. It is possible to take DJ courses. You can help make this dream come true.

2. Beer helmet
Alcohol is not best friend young man, but it just so happens that table jokes are loved by guys. Beer helmet – cool gift, which will bring a lot of laughter.

3. Computer accessory
A computer is an irreplaceable thing for a guy. You can find out what gadgets and accessories the birthday boy needs and give them as a gift. This could be a mouse, speakers, or a flash drive. If you also choose an original shape, for example, a mouse in the shape of a car that flashes headlights, the gift will be a double success.

4. Jewelry
A gift suitable for those closest to you. Guys like bracelets, signets and chains. The jewelry does not have to be gold, young people are happy to wear it and silver jewelry. The main thing is that the item is stylish and “adult”.

5. Attributes of your favorite football team
Men can be avid fans at any age, but every second guy is like that. If the birthday boy has a favorite football team, you can give him some paraphernalia. Caps, scarves, sweatshirts or even football uniform– all this is customary to wear to matches. An interesting and unusual gift.

Coming up with a gift for a friend's birthday is not an easy task. You have to choose from a lot, and every person is one and only, you want to find something the best and most interesting. We offer you some ideas on what to give your friend for his 19th birthday. Use them or come up with something really cool. Don't be afraid to fantasize!

What do you most often give to a friend?

There are “win-win” gift options. If you are afraid of not pleasing your friend with something original, choose the traditional. For example:

  1. Men's accessories. Wallet, fashionable laptop bag, tablet case, spacious backpack, umbrella, purse. Of course, when choosing, you need to take into account the person’s tastes and his clothing style. Stylish things from genuine leather, and for the cheerful and informal - something brighter and non-standard. If you like to dress fashionably, you can buy something fashionable: glasses, a belt.
  2. Gadgets, everything for the computer. What young person is not interested in this topic? You can give a new player, small desktop speakers with an original design, stands for a laptop and tablet. Feel free to choose one of the devices for your computer or smartphone: headphones, a wireless keyboard, acoustics, flash drives with a large amount of memory, or simply in the form of funny figures.
  3. Men's cosmetics and other care products. This is another traditional gift because it almost always fits the theme. Shaving set, pre-shave and after-shave products, preferably as a set and in beautiful packaging. You can give an electric razor or toothbrush on your birthday.
  4. T-shirt with a cool inscription or picture. Order a print of any print you like, or simply find a suitable T-shirt in the store.

Gifts for hobbies

Of course, your friend has hobbies, and he will definitely like the corresponding gift.

  1. Sporting goods. Everything for sports - good choice for a young man 19 years old. You can buy him dumbbells, rollers or a skateboard, a bicycle or some of the accessories for him. Another gift option for people leading an active lifestyle is a gym membership.
  2. Console, computer games. If your friend doesn’t mind relaxing while playing, you will definitely please him with these gifts. An avid gamer can be given a joystick, gaming headset, or mouse.
  3. A photography enthusiast will be happy if you give him something from the photo store’s assortment (you, of course, know what your friend needs to be completely happy!). Lens, tripod, camera bag, reflectors, filters, memory card.
  4. Everything for his motorcycle or car. If a guy has his own personal transport, he will be delighted with all kinds of accessories for him.
  5. A fan of a musical group can order tickets to a concert or a rare single of his favorite band. For sports fans, tickets to a match or any items with attributes of the team he supports will be a good gift. And if you manage to get a poster with autographs, that will be really cool.
  6. If your friend loves extreme sports, buy him a certificate for some adrenaline-filled entertainment. Now many companies offer such services, and you can choose something suitable specifically for your friend and your wallet.

Just nice and interesting things

Everything that can please a guy aged 19.

  • An unusual keychain (if a friend has a car, you can order a keychain with its license plate number).
  • Interesting book. A guy who enjoys reading will be happy to receive a beautiful gift edition of his favorite author or some book about his hobby.
  • Flask. Even if he is not a fan of alcoholic drinks, he should like the flask - it is perceived as a real man's gift.
  • Darts. It's fun to practice your accuracy at your leisure.
  • Chess in the form of glasses or others board games in an unusual design.
  • Hookah. What's a fun party without a hookah?
  • Expensive alcohol.
  • A disc with his favorite movie or new release.
  • Laser pointer with different modes.

Team up and make a collage of joint photos of your company as a gift to a friend, you can even prepare an entire wall newspaper - it will be fun to look at and discuss it in the company.

For a guy who already lives independently (even if in a dorm or in a rented apartment), you can choose something for the home as a gift.

  • Terry robe, slippers.
  • Towels (you can order towels with his initials, they look very stylish and are pleasant to use).
  • Cups of unusual design. To drink tea or coffee himself and treat guests. You can buy not cups, but beer mugs or wine glasses.
  • Armchair. For example, a computer chair, a rocking chair, a bean bag chair - depending on what he needs most and what the dimensions of his home allow. You can even surprise him by giving him a hammock - both unusual and functional - if necessary, it can be used as a sleeping place for guests.
  • Alarm. For example, a pistol alarm clock or other fun clock that will wake him up in the morning.
  • Tool set. A small suitcase with everything you need - of course, if you know that your friend knows how to handle a hammer and screwdriver.
  • Wall decoration: calendar, photograph or picture in a frame, unusual lamp.

Congratulate your friend with a flash mob - come up with the idea yourself and rehearse it with your friends

If you are a girl and your close friend turns 19, the options for choosing a gift for you expand. To a person with whom you are very close, whose tastes you know very well, you can give gifts accordingly. You can choose something very romantic, arrange a beautiful evening or a trip together for the two of you. Or you can present him with some thing with meaning (a chain with a pendant, a bracelet with engraving, etc.).

TOP 10 gifts for a friend on his 19th birthday

  1. Men's accessories
  2. Everything for your computer and smartphone
  3. Sporting goods
  4. T-shirt
  5. Board game
  6. Gifts, jokes and souvenirs
  7. Discs with films, games
  8. Everything for a hobby
  9. Extreme Gifts
  10. Accessories for a motorcycle or car

Your most important task on your friend’s birthday is to give him good impressions and positivity. Come up with unusual congratulations on your own behalf or on behalf of the entire company, prepare interesting gift and be sure to package it beautifully. Let your friend enjoy his holiday!

1. Stylish umbrella
An umbrella is such a thing that is necessary to use during autumn, spring and periodically summer. Few men buy umbrellas for themselves. You can diversify the gift original design- unusual shape, color, engraving on the umbrella handle or directly on its surface.

2. Attributes
A beautiful stylish wallet or business card holder. To fully maintain a solid style, it is better to buy such items from real leather. A prestigious brand of alcohol, even if you don’t drink it yourself, will be a reason to treat your friends/acquaintances, thereby increasing your status in their eyes. A branded lighter, even if you don’t smoke, will remain as a souvenir for a long time.

3. Personal care items
Do not think that this is a purely feminine gift. Most men are much more obsessed with their appearance than the average woman. This could be men's cosmetics, perfumes, manicure set, deodorant, a cool toothbrush, a shower kit, shaving kit and much more you need. Just use your imagination and remember what your friend prefers.

4. Necessary gifts
Tools, kitchen utensils, barbecue set. In general, everything that can be useful to the hero of the occasion for economic use. You can also include gifts for your hobby here. Give your friend something that may be useful to him depending on his interests and hobbies.

5. Interior items
An originally designed pillow, an aquarium, a painting, a rug with or without funny inscriptions, a bedspread with a fashionable pattern, a wall calendar, unusual shape and glow lamp, aroma lamp, electronic photo frame, etc. The main thing is to choose according to style compatibility with the overall interior of the birthday boy’s room. And do not forget that any of the listed items must be elite and original.