And what to do if the court is in another city. You can sue if you live in another city Court in another city what to do

Can I file a claim in another city?

In the modern world, conflict situations often arise that imply legal liability. Many people ask the pressing question: is it possible to file a claim in another city? Today, starting from January 2017, all residents of the Russian Federation have been given the opportunity to file claims through a service operating electronically.

Applications are accepted only from users registered on the State Automated System “Justice” resource. To do this, you need to have a confirmed personal account in the ESIA or create an electronic signature.

The procedure for submitting documents is determined by two orders that were adopted on December 27 and 28 in 2016. A citizen has the right to apply through an electronic portal to arbitration or a body of general jurisdiction. The orders came into full force at the beginning of 2017. This action cannot be performed with complaints, suggestions, or papers containing state secrets.

The Internet service provides the opportunity for every individual in the Russian Federation to submit documents to arbitration courts. For legal entities there is a special service “My Arbitrator”.

How can I file a claim in another city?

When wondering how you can file a claim in another city, you need to understand that the entire process is carried out via the Internet and requires careful study and attentiveness of the individual. To do this, you need to visit the official website of the authority and select the tab on it where the phrase “Submission of documents” is written.

Next, the citizen enters the menu of the State Automated System “Justice”. In the “Case” tab you can track the progress of work on the application. To open an application, an individual will need to submit an appeal to the authority. To file a claim in another city, you will need to identify a citizen through an account in the ESIA or a confirmed electronic signature.

The third stage is the formation of the appeal itself; you need to fill out an application, enter the details of the plaintiff and attach the relevant documents, and then click on the “generate” button.

Attaching documents is carried out through some manipulations:

  • On the existing resource page you will need to go to the “Add Document” tab;
  • It is necessary to fill in the “Description” field, where the name and purpose of the paper is written.”
  • Next, the file is selected;
  • The working window will display complete information about the paper provided;
  • Next, you need to go to the “Attach” tab;
  • Using Windows services, a document with a citizen’s electronic signature is selected;
  • Next, you should save the added papers.

At the last stage of the process, the application is sent to the authority. To do this, you need to select the previously submitted application, then fill out and check the details, and then send the application to the authority itself.

After completion of all manipulations, the plaintiff, after the consideration time has expired, will receive a notification that the documents have been received for consideration. Next, they will go to be checked by a court employee. Depending on the decision, the user will receive a result indicating whether documents are accepted for consideration or rejected if inconsistencies are detected.

To file a claim in another city, you need to take into account some recommendations for the formation of documents and an electronic signature.

Paper requirements:

  • They are submitted in PDF;
  • The scale of the scanned document must correspond to 1:1, color range from gray to black and white;
  • There is a limit on the size of one file – up to 30 MB;
  • Availability of an electronic signature with enhanced qualifications.

Each electronic signature must be presented as a separate document; if there are several people signing the appeal, then each signature should be saved in a separate file.

To create an electronic signature, you will need a specialized program, a provider that supports Russian versions of paintings and a certificate, which can be ordered on the service.

Legal advice on filing a claim in court

It is important to understand that submitting an appeal to the appropriate authority is a complex process that requires thorough knowledge of the legislation of the Russian Federation. Legal advice on filing a claim in court is the right choice for individuals and legal entities. With the help of a specialist, the client will achieve effective work with his application. The job of a lawyer is:

  • Competent preparation before the trial;
  • Analysis of the current situation and its elaboration;
  • Development of behavioral tactics;
  • Preparation of the entire list of documents.

While in another city, you can contact a law firm to submit an application through an online portal, or to submit it as an authorized representative.


The Judicial Department notes that after the possibility of filing claims electronically became available, citizens are actively using this service. It should be understood that filing an application with a court is strictly regulated by law, therefore the presence of errors and typos is undesirable either in electronic or paper form. A distinctive feature of a lawyer is the competence in conducting the case, the correct submission of documentation and the full consultation of the client on the court decision.

Important! For all questions regarding preparing and filing a claim in court, if you don’t know what to do and where to go:

Call 8-800-777-32-63.

Litigation lawyers, and attorneys who are registered on Russian Legal Portal, will try to help you from a practical point of view in this matter and advise you on all issues of interest.

Can I file a claim in another city? In the modern world, conflict situations often arise that imply legal liability. Many people ask the pressing question: is it possible to file a claim in another city? Today, starting from January 2017, all residents of the Russian Federation have been given the opportunity to file claims through a service operating electronically. Applications are accepted only from users registered on the State Automated System “Justice” resource. To do this, you need to have a confirmed personal account in the ESIA or create an electronic signature. The procedure for submitting documents is determined by two orders that were adopted on December 27 and 28 in 2016. A citizen has the right to apply through an electronic portal to arbitration or a body of general jurisdiction. The orders came into full force at the beginning of 2017.

Rules for going to court at a distance with the other party

And since it is quite difficult for some couples to meet in the same locality after several months or years to visit the court or the registry office, the question arises: is it possible to get a divorce if the spouses live in different cities? Our lawyers often receive questions like this on our hotline. Question: Good afternoon! How to divorce my wife if she lives in another city and we have children together from our marriage? The children live with her, is it possible for me to get a divorce without visiting her? Answer: Yes, you can. By law, you need to apply for a divorce to the magistrates' court. The claim is filed at the place of residence of the defendant, and, therefore, you need to file it in the magistrate’s court at the place of residence of the wife.

At the same time, nothing prevents you from submitting a petition to the court to consider the claim in your absence, without traveling to another city.

Is it possible to sue in another city?

How to obtain a divorce certificate while in another city Until a divorce certificate is received, none of the ex-spouses has the right to remarry. Therefore, even after a court decision on divorce, it is necessary to obtain such a certificate from the registry office. The certificate is issued in the presence of at least one of the divorcees.

A request for a certificate can be obtained by sending a request through the government services website or by registered mail. Thus, if one or both spouses does not have the opportunity to have a divorce in the city where it was registered, the law makes it possible (subject to certain conditions) to do this without leaving the place of residence.

How to get a divorce in a city other than the one in which the marriage was registered


Another option is to submit an application through the State Services portal using a verified account. Based on the results of acceptance of the document, the spouses will be assigned a date for divorce. By the way, it is also possible to send an application to the registry office through a multifunctional center, the branches of which are located in many large cities of Russia, both electronically and in writing.

Attach documents To support the validity of a divorce through the registry office within the framework of Article 31 of Federal Law No. 143, you will need:
  • passports of each spouse;
  • marriage registration certificates;
  • a copy of the court decision, if we are talking about unilateral divorce due to incapacity, unknown absence of a spouse or prison term;
  • receipt of payment of state duty.

Contact the court. Dissolution of family legal relations in the presence of children or disagreements about divorce can only be done in court.

Court in another city

D. Topic: Bank details for payment of state duty. What amount of state duty is charged for claims for deprivation of paternity and collection of alimony. And if the court is located in another city, where can I get bank details to pay the state fee? read answers (1) Subject: Case Very grateful for the answer to question No. 267286, but the fact is that the court already took place on July 27, and the letter with the summons arrived only July 30, what to do if you read the answers (1) Topic: Apartment I am the plaintiff. The trial will be in another city, I have to travel by plane.

The issue regarding the apartment is being resolved. And if the defendant does not come and the trial is postponed, then what should I do? read the answers (1) Topic: What should I do? Please advise, I filed a complaint with the court, I received a summons, but the court is in another city and due to financial problems I I can’t attend the meeting. read the answers (1) Topic: Family law I received a letter from the court asking for a divorce.

Is it possible to file a claim in court in another city?

In particular, under Article 333.19 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the duty is paid in the following amount:

  • 600 rubles upon termination of family legal relations in court;
  • 650 rubles when filing a divorce through the registry office;
  • 350 rubles, if an application for termination of family relations is submitted to the registry office by only one of the spouses on the grounds specified in Art. 19 RF IC.

Time limits for divorce Termination of family relations occurs in the presence of one or both spouses at the end of a month from the date of filing the application. But filing a divorce in court, especially when one of the spouses is from another city, may take longer.

How to file a divorce if spouses live in different cities

It should be understood that filing an application with a court is strictly regulated by law, therefore the presence of errors and typos is undesirable either in electronic or paper form. A distinctive feature of a lawyer is the competence in conducting the case, the correct submission of documentation and the full consultation of the client on the court decision. Important! For all questions about preparing and filing a claim in court, if you don’t know what to do and where to go: Call 8-800-777-32-63.
Litigation lawyers and lawyers who are registered on the Russian Legal Portal will try to help you from a practical point of view in this matter and advise you on all issues of interest.

The claim was filed by the husband; he now lives in another city (where the claim was filed). We signed in Moscowread answers (2) Topic: Court Some time ago, I sent a claim to the court, the court is located in another city. The other day I received a TELEGRAM saying that negotiations on my case will take place on such and such a date, at such and such a time. read answers (1) Subject: Abandonment of a child My husband is divorced. I applied for alimony, but it is on the labor exchange (in 6 months they only sent it twice). Now the question has arisen about abandoning the child on his part. read the answers (1) Topic: Right to inheritance Filed a lawsuit in a court in another city. The judge sent by mail that additional information must be provided by July 16 read answers (1) Subject: Deprivation of rights I want to deprive my ex-husband of parental rights. He lives in another city.

Rules for going to court at a distance with the other party

But there is a way out! To participate in the trial, you can attract a representative - the same lawyer or a lawyer who will not only file a claim, but will also represent the interests of the plaintiff in the courtroom. Moreover, in this situation, none of the spouses will need to go to another city if they take care of sending representatives to the court or one of them files a petition to consider the case in their absence.

Our lawyers can offer you representative services; to do this, leave a request through an online consultant! Where can you get a divorce if you got married in another city? From the moment of marriage, spouses acquire a number of rights and obligations, and therefore, the divorce process is associated with some features provided for by law in order to protect the interests of both the former couple and their joint minor children.

Is it possible to sue in another city?

I live with my parents in another city, because my mother-in-law kicked me out of my husband’s apartment. read answers (1) Topic: Compensation for damages The court issued a ruling to transfer the case to a court in another city, can I refer to remoteness as the reason for my absence from the court hearing for read answers (1) Topic: Court The following situation has arisen, described below. I lived with a girl for a year, then we separated. Now I find out that she has a child, he is literally a month old, they ran away 10 months ago. read answers (3) Topic: Court If you need to go to court in another city, then 2 questions.

1. petition for non-attendance at the court hearing due to the inability to come to file the claim or separately? read the answers (1) Topic: Compensation for damage A subpoena was received in another city. I received the documents.

How to get a divorce in a city other than the one in which the marriage was registered

If the spouse is nonresident If the spouse is nonresident, and the second (husband or wife) has no desire to go to another city for a divorce, you can submit an application to the registry office (indicating that this place is the last known place of residence of the second party), or a claim to the court of your city, motivating their decision with personal circumstances (they were listed above). If the nonresident spouse does not consent to the divorce, most likely the issue will be resolved through the court.
Here is a wonderful video on this topic: If there is the consent of the second spouse If there is the consent of the spouse (certified by a notary), he may not be present during the divorce at the registry office. The procedure will not take more than one month. If you agree to a divorce in court, the court will not investigate the reasons for the divorce, and it will go through faster.

Court in another city


  • no common minor children;
  • mutual agreement of the parties has been reached;
  • In a number of special cases (the spouse has been sentenced to a term of over 3 years, is incompetent, or has disappeared).

You will have to get a divorce in court if:

  • children under 18 years of age;
  • the husband/wife does not appear at the registry office and does not sign the application for divorce;
  • there is no consent of the other spouse (see article: how to get a divorce without the consent of your husband or wife).

Simultaneously with the divorce, the court (at the request of the parties) has the right to decide: with whom the children will remain, the payment of maintenance to them or the disabled ex-spouse, and also to carry out the division of acquired property. This procedure is established by Art. 21-24 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, and does not depend on the place of divorce (at the place where it was concluded or in another place).

Is it possible to file a claim in court in another city?

  • Divorce in another city - through the registry office or through the court?
  • The nuances of divorce in another city
    • What is needed for this
    • What documents will be required
  • If the spouse is foreign
    • If there is consent of the second spouse
  • If one or both spouses do not have residence permit or registration
  • If there is a child
  • We are getting divorced in the same city, but through a different registry office
  • How to get a divorce certificate while in another city

Situations in the life of each family can develop differently, and one day it is quite possible to face the problem of divorce. In this case, the decision to dissolve the marriage can come from any spouse.
In order to get a divorce, it is not at all necessary to go to the place where the marriage was originally formalized: after all, it is not always the family (or just one person) who lives in the same place where the marriage took place.

How to file a divorce if spouses live in different cities

Legal advice on filing a claim in court is the right choice for individuals and legal entities. With the help of a specialist, the client will achieve effective work with his application.
The job of a lawyer is:

  • Competent preparation before the trial;
  • Analysis of the current situation and its elaboration;
  • Development of behavioral tactics;
  • Preparation of the entire list of documents.

While in another city, you can contact a law firm to submit an application through an online portal, or to submit it as an authorized representative. Conclusion The Judicial Department notes that after the possibility of filing claims electronically became available, citizens are actively using this service.

Claims for compensation for losses caused by ship collisions, recovery of wages and other amounts due to ship crew members for work on board the ship, repatriation costs and social insurance contributions, collection of remuneration for providing assistance and rescue at sea may also be brought to court by the location of the defendant's ship or the ship's home port. (Part 8 as amended by Federal Law No. 4-FZ dated 06.02.2012) 9. Claims arising from agreements that indicate the place of their execution may also be brought to the court at the place of execution of such an agreement. 10. The choice between several courts, which, according to this article, has jurisdiction over the case, belongs to the plaintiff. Article 30. Exclusive jurisdiction 1.

Rules for going to court at a distance with the other party

To do this, you need to select the previously submitted application, then fill out and check the details, and then send the application to the authority itself. After completion of all manipulations, the plaintiff, after the consideration time has expired, will receive a notification that the documents have been received for consideration. Next, they will go to be checked by a court employee. Depending on the decision, the user will receive a result indicating whether documents are accepted for consideration or rejected if inconsistencies are detected.

To file a claim in another city, you need to take into account some recommendations for the formation of documents and an electronic signature.

Is it possible to sue in another city?


Claims for the protection of the rights of the subject of personal data, including compensation for losses and (or) compensation for moral damage, may also be brought to the court at the plaintiff’s place of residence. (Part 6.1 introduced by Federal Law dated 05/07/2013 N 99-FZ) 6.2. Claims to stop the search engine operator from issuing links allowing access to information on the Internet information and telecommunications network may also be brought to the court at the plaintiff’s place of residence. (Part 6.2 introduced by Federal Law No. 264-FZ of July 13, 2015) 7. Claims for the protection of consumer rights can also be brought to the court at the place of residence or place of stay of the plaintiff or at the place of conclusion or place of execution of the contract.

Where to file an application to court

Claims for divorce may also be brought to the court at the place of residence of the plaintiff in cases where there is a minor with him or, for health reasons, it is difficult for the plaintiff to travel to the defendant’s place of residence. 5. Claims for compensation for damage caused by injury, other damage to health or as a result of the death of the breadwinner may also be brought by the plaintiff to the court at the place of his residence or the place where the damage was caused. 6. Claims for the restoration of labor, pension and housing rights, return of property or its value, related to compensation for losses caused to a citizen by illegal conviction, illegal criminal prosecution, illegal use as a preventive measure of detention, recognizance not to leave, or illegal imposition administrative punishment in the form of arrest, may also be presented to the court at the plaintiff’s place of residence.

Is it possible to file a claim in court in another city?

First, an application (appeal, complaint) is submitted to the prosecutor's office, and the claim is filed in court. An appeal to the prosecutor's office can be sent to any of its structural divisions. If the prosecutor comes to the conclusion that it is necessary to change jurisdiction, he is obliged to forward your appeal independently. The applicant is notified of the redirection of the appeal (grounds: Order of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2007 No.
N 200 “On the introduction into force of the Instructions on the procedure for considering applications and receiving citizens in the system of the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation”). A claim or application for the issuance of a court order is filed according to the general scheme, i.e. at the location (registration) of the defendant. You can try to file a claim (application) at the place of execution of the contract, i.e. at the place of actual work (grounds: clause 9 of article 29 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation).

Where to file a claim if the company is registered in another city?

When resolving disputes related to land use, a claim is filed at the location of the objects (sites, buildings and structures) involved in the dispute. 3 Fill out your statement of claim in accordance with the requirements specified in the relevant procedural code of the Russian Federation. Indicate the name and address of the competent court. Attach to the application documents that are evidence in the case, as well as copies of them according to the number of participants in the process. Attach a receipt for payment of the state fee.
The completed document should be submitted to the court office. If the court is located in another city, send the application by mail, carefully checking all the details of the court. Please note: Individuals and legal entities have the right to resolve disputes in an arbitration court - a non-state judicial body.

How to file a claim if the defendant is in another city?

The third stage is the formation of the appeal itself; you need to fill out an application, enter the details of the plaintiff and attach the relevant documents, and then click on the “generate” button. Attaching documents is carried out through some manipulations:

  • On the existing resource page you will need to go to the “Add Document” tab;
  • It is necessary to fill in the “Description” field, where the name and purpose of the paper is written.”
  • Next, the file is selected;
  • The working window will display complete information about the paper provided;
  • Next, you need to go to the “Attach” tab;
  • Using Windows services, a document with a citizen’s electronic signature is selected;
  • Next, you should save the added papers.

At the last stage of the process, the application is sent to the authority.

How to file a lawsuit against an employer from another city?

It should be understood that filing an application with a court is strictly regulated by law, therefore the presence of errors and typos is undesirable either in electronic or paper form. A distinctive feature of a lawyer is the competence in conducting the case, the correct submission of documentation and the full consultation of the client on the court decision. Important! For all questions about preparing and filing a claim in court, if you don’t know what to do and where to go: Call 8-800-777-32-63.
Litigation lawyers and lawyers who are registered on the Russian Legal Portal will try to help you from a practical point of view in this matter and advise you on all issues of interest.
Instructions 1 Determine the jurisdiction and jurisdiction of the dispute. To do this, study the current procedural and other legislative acts of the Russian Federation. Citizens who are individuals must file a claim in a civil court to resolve a dispute with other citizens or legal entities.
If a dispute arises between two or more organizations and legal entities and concerns economic issues, it must be considered by an arbitration court. 2 Select the location of the court depending on the nature of the claim. The plaintiff may apply to the court at the place of residence of the defendant or the legal address of the organization. If they are unknown, and in the case of certain circumstances specified by law, the statement of claim must be filed with the court at the location of the defendant’s economic property.

Where to go to court against an organization in another city


Legal advice on filing a claim in court is the right choice for individuals and legal entities. With the help of a specialist, the client will achieve effective work with his application. The job of a lawyer is:

  • Competent preparation before the trial;
  • Analysis of the current situation and its elaboration;
  • Development of behavioral tactics;
  • Preparation of the entire list of documents.

While in another city, you can contact a law firm to submit an application through an online portal, or to submit it as an authorized representative.

Conclusion The Judicial Department notes that after the possibility of filing claims electronically became available, citizens are actively using this service.
It all depends on the subject of the claim (below). Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation Article 28. Filing a claim at the place of residence or location of the defendant The claim is brought to the court at the place of residence of the defendant. A claim against an organization is filed in court at the location of the organization.

Where the court case with the bank takes place, at the location of the bank or debtor. And what to do if the court is in another city.

At the place specified in the contract. you can ask the court. reschedule the meeting at the debtor’s place of residence.

I give you a general direction on credit debt and an acceptable way out of the situation with the least losses.

You can submit to the court (and if the bank goes to court) a counterclaim against the bank (banks) for termination of the loan agreement (agreements) on the basis of Art. 451 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and reduction of penalties. penalties and fines on the basis of Art. 333 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, and the offset of previously paid money on the loan towards payment of the loan debt. You can also ask the court for an INSTALLMENT payment for the remaining part of the loan, for example, in the amount of a monthly payment in the amount of 25% of the payment schedule provided for, or a DELAY for 3 months. you will have to repay the loan in any case, but minus penalties, and taking into account previously paid amounts on the loan, the court will decide, and I wish you good luck. Article 203 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation Postponement or installment plan for the execution of a court decision, change in the method and procedure for the execution of a court decision 1. The court that heard the case, upon applications of the persons participating in the case, the bailiff, or based on the property status of the parties or other circumstances, has the right to defer or install execution of a court decision, change the method and procedure for its execution. 2. The applications specified in part one of this article are considered at a court hearing. Persons participating in the case are notified of the time and place of the court hearing, but their failure to appear is not an obstacle to the consideration and resolution of the issue raised before the court. 3. A private complaint may be filed against a court ruling to defer or install the execution of a court decision, or to change the method and procedure for its execution. Article 434 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation Postponement or installment plan for the execution of a court decision, changing the method and procedure for its execution, indexation of awarded amounts of money

If there are circumstances that make it difficult to execute a court decision or decisions of other bodies, the claimant, debtor, bailiff has the right to raise before the court that heard the case, or before the court at the place of execution of the court decision, the question of postponing or installment execution, changing the method and procedure execution, as well as on the indexation of awarded sums of money. Such statements by the parties and the presentation of the bailiff are considered in the manner prescribed by Articles 203 and 208 of this Code.