Graphic drawings by cells. Graphic dictation "fish".

Equipment: album, stencils, water-based markers.

Progress of the lesson

Finger gymnastics.

"Fingers are waking up"
“Fingers fall asleep”
“Fingers say hello” The exercise is accompanied by reading a poem.
Finger comes to finger,
He finds himself a friend.
Fingers will be friends
Come visit often.

Alternately performing “goat” and “bunny” with the right hand.
“Bee” with a pure saying:
A bee sat on a flower
She drinks fragrant juice.

The bees built a roof. The fingertips are closed, the fingers are spread apart.
Let's check how the “roof” was built. We spread our thumbs to the side, then close them. Then the index fingers, etc.

“Castle” See picture. Children interlace the fingers of both hands.
"Knock on the lock." The fingers are in the “lock”. We move our palms apart, then sharply bring them together, producing a muffled knock.
"Who knocked?" The fingers are in the “lock”. We lift our fingers one by one, starting with the big ones, and hold them at the top.

"Cobweb." This spider was weaving a web. We connect the thumb of the right hand with the index finger of the left hand. And we connect the index finger of the right hand with the thumb of the left hand. We weave a web. Open the index finger of your right hand and raise both fingers up 180 degrees. Open the thumb of your right hand and also lift it up 180 degrees. In this way we weave a “web”. The exercise is accompanied by reading a poem.

Pow-pow-web, weaved a web.
Suddenly it began to rain, washing away the cobwebs.
Pow-pow-web, they began to weave.
Pow-pow-spider is working again.

Working with stencils.

Stencil No. 8

  1. We trace the index fingers of our left and right hands along the lines on the stencil.
  2. We draw these lines - “paths” with our index fingers in the air while standing.
  3. We draw these lines - “paths” with our index fingers along the table, sitting or standing, as is convenient for you. (You can use a linoleum napkin instead of the table surface.)
  4. We trace the lines on the stencil with colored felt-tip pens with the left and right hands at the same time.
  5. We copy the lines on our own clean slate paper.

Who lives in water all his life,
And he doesn’t drink the water itself:
Neither lake nor river,
Or any other?

Dictation: from the starting point 1 cell to the right, 1 up, 1 to the right, 1 up, 1 up, 2 to the right, 1 up, 1 to the right, 1 up, 4 to the right, 1 down, 1 to the right, 1 up, 1 left, 2 down, 1 right, 1 down, 1 right, 1 down, 1 right, 1 up, 1 right, 1 up, 1 right, 1 up, 2 right, 1 down, 1 left, 1 down, 1 left, 3 down, 1 right , 1 down, 1 right, 1 down, 2 left, 1 up, 1 left, 1 up, 1 left, 1 up, 1 left, 1 down, 1 left, 2 down, 1 right, 1 down, 1 right, 1 down, 3 left, 1 up, 4 left, 2 down, 1 left, 1 up, 1 left, 2 up, 1 left, 1 up, 1 left, 1 up, 1 left, 2 up, connect at the starting point.
Answer: see picture.

Graphic dictation"Fish"

Shade your drawing. Follow the shading rules.
After completing the task, the children themselves evaluate their work.