Children's projects on the theme of my small homeland. Project “My Small Homeland” project (preparatory group) on the topic

Gulnaz Salakhova
Project “My Small Motherland”

Relevance of the topic:

Fostering love and respect for one’s hometown is the most important component of a moral patriotic education.

To raise patriots of your city, you need to know it.

Patriotism is love and affection for Homeland, devotion to her, responsibility for her, the desire to work for her good, to protect and increase wealth.

The foundations of patriotism begin to form in preschool age. Patriotic education of preschoolers includes the transfer of knowledge to them, the formation of attitudes based on it, and the organization of age-appropriate activities. The foundation of patriotism is rightfully considered to be the purposeful familiarization of children with their native land.

Love for the Fatherland begins with love for your little one homeland - place, Where a man was born. The basic stage of developing a love for children Homeland– their accumulation of social experience of life in their city, assimilation of the norms of behavior and relationships accepted in it, familiarization with the world of its culture.

For the success of working with children to familiarize themselves with small Homeland, must be applied design method. Efficiency design activity is due to the positive attitude of the participants project for joint work, awareness of its goals; interest parents. The dynamics of successive connections at each age level are important, the selection of the most relevant knowledge and its gradual complication is important.

Knowledge acquired by children during implementation project, will become their property personal experience. They will be received in response to questions posed by the children themselves in the process project activities . Content project may vary depending on the cognitive interest of preschoolers.

Project focused on dialogical interaction between children, parents and teachers. This is not so much the transfer of knowledge as the formation on its basis of love for small Homeland.

Project aimed at solving issues of patriotic education of children in accordance with the program "From birth to school" edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. It was decided to expand the content of the program through the use of a partial program for moral and patriotic education “Moral and patriotic education of children preschool age» Vetokhina A. Ya., Dmitrienko Z. S., Zhignal E. N. and others and develop project"My small Motherland» for children of the preparatory group in order to provide a regional component for this section.

Preschool childhood can be called a time of daily discoveries. Adults should give children the joy of these discoveries, filling them with ideological and educational content, which should contribute to the formation moral principles and feelings of patriotism.

Subject project: "My small Motherland» .

Participants project: children of the preparatory group, parents, teacher - Salakhova Gulnaz Mingazievna; senior teacher - Chaplygina Zhanna Leonidovna; instructor physical culture– Nesterenkova Oksana Anatolyevna; musical director – Starkova Natalya Nikolaevna.

View project: short-term, group, creative-exploratory. It is carried out inside the preschool educational institution in contact with the families of the pupils.

Target project:

Formation of spiritual and moral attitudes and a sense of belonging to the family, home and city, education of a citizen and patriot of one’s country;

Fostering love for the native land, the city, forming ideas about the sights of the city;

Fostering a sense of pride, a sense of responsibility for the fate of the village, a desire to work for its benefit, to protect and increase its wealth.

Tasks project

For children:

To cultivate in children love and affection for family, home, kindergarten, the village of Nekrasovsky and the city of Dmitrov;

To form an idea of ​​​​the village of Nekrasovsky, Dmitrovsky district, as part of Russia: history, symbols, sights, traditions, work and life of citizens;

To awaken children's interest in research, curiosity, to ignite the flame of love for their native village, region, to evoke a desire to know it through a feeling of surprise, admiration for nature, home, profession of relatives, local attractions, culture, etc.;

Bring children to understand that our Dmitrovsky district and the village of Nekrasovsky are part of a large Homeland - Russia; introduce children to the symbols of the Dmitrovsky district and village Nekrasovsky: coat of arms, flag, anthem;

For parents:

Attract parents to participate in the implementation project(via library creation, layout "My town", wall newspapers “Where we love to relax!”, through the creation of thematic albums with photographs "Dmitrov region" And "My town"; participation in the action "Titmouse's Day" and physical education "Our Homeland – Russia» ;

To maintain interest, a sense of pride, love and respect in preschoolers for their "small Motherland» .

Predicted results project

For children:

Improving the quality of knowledge during organized educational activities;

Development of positive dynamics in the development of interest in the social world around us;

Activation cognitive activity in children's lives;

Manifestation of creative, patriotic self-expression;

Expanding children's knowledge and parents about their hometown and region, their customs and

culture, the formation on this basis of a spiritual, environmental, moral and personal attitude to reality.

For parents:

Increasing the level of competence in the patriotic education of preschool children;

Improving interaction with parents, position activation parents as participants in the pedagogical process of kindergarten;

Creative use of ICT in various activities.

Children should know and call:

Coat of arms, flag, anthem of Russia, capital;

Coat of arms, flag, anthem of the Dmitrov region and village;

Children know the name of the village, have information about its origins, show interest in its history, its traditions;

Some people call public holidays and their significance in the lives of citizens;

Name some of the sights of your hometown/settlement;

They know that people of other nationalities live in the village and have an idea of ​​their way of life and traditions;

Show cognitive interest in everyday life and in organized activities, are looking for ways to determine the properties of unfamiliar objects;


1. Determination of participants project, their role in achieving the expected results;

2. Diagnostic, research nature (observation, conversations).

3. Studying materials about your native land, village.

4. Collection and systematization information:

Geographic map of Dmitrovsky district, village. Nekrasovsky;

Symbols of the city;

Subject and subject pictures, flora and fauna of the region,

Household items of peoples;

Didactic, outdoor games;

Riddles, proverbs, entertaining exercises;

Photo albums.

5. Selection and planning of material, taking into account individual and age characteristics children and its compliance of this material with complex thematic planning.

6. Compilation long-term plan implementation work project.

7. Enabling this project into the local component of the work program.

8. Monitoring the children’s achievement of the planned results of mastering the program, studying changes in the intellectual and personal qualities of children, through observations of the child and conversations.

10. Public report on implementation results project at the pedagogical council of the preschool educational institution.

Appendix No. 1

Long-term work plan for implementation project.


Working with children - Conversations (Appendix No. 2):

"City `s history". Target: clarify and expand knowledge about your hometown. Give an idea of ​​what a coat of arms is, explain the symbolism of the coat of arms of the city of Dmitrov. Develop respect and love for Homeland, to his hometown. Develop cognitive interest and love for your native land.

"Streets of my city". Target: introduce children to the definition of “ Small Motherland is my home, yard, street. Tell about the history of the main street of the city. Give an idea about the streets of our city and that they have names.

“A journey through Nekrasovskaya’s native village”. Target: To consolidate and enrich children’s knowledge about their native village and its places of interest. Cultivate love for your native village. Develop thinking, creative imagination, visual memory, grammatically correct speech.

"My small Motherland» . Target: to cultivate love for their native land, to instill in children a sense of pride in their village; introduce children to the sights of the village, fix the address with the children, teach them to name their street and house number; enrich lexicon children.

Reading fiction (Appendix No. 3):

M. Prishvin's story “My Motherland". Target: clarify and expand students’ knowledge about Homeland; instill a love of nature and respect for all living things.

Story by N. Nosov "Dreamers". Target: develop children's interest in reading fiction. Learn to analyze the text of a work. Instill in children kindness, honesty, and hard work. Develop children's sense of humor and creative imagination.

Story by K. Ushinsky "Our Fatherland". Target: develop children's interest in reading fiction; clarify and expand students' knowledge about Homeland; instill a love for nature; develop patriotism.

Memorizing poems about your hometown, Homeland.

Learning proverbs, sayings, riddles in topic: "My small Motherland» .

Organized educational activities children (Appendix No. 4):

Application: “We are building a multi-story house”. Target: introduce children to the modular appliqué method; develop the ability to plan your work and implement your plans; develop a sense of composition.

Drawing: "Gzhel dishes" (Painting with gouache). Target: continue to introduce children to the traditional Russian artistic craft - Gzhel. Learn to highlight characteristics Gzhel painting and decorate tableware templates with the simplest types of plant ornaments. Continue learning how to mix blue and white paint to create a blue color. Foster a love of folk art.

“Ours is planet Earth”. Target: deepen the idea that planet Earth is a huge ball, most of which is covered with water. In addition to water, there are continents - solid land - land where people live.

Modeling: "Home construction". Target: to develop in children the ability to sculpt a house from columns, placing them on top of each other and firmly connecting them together; consolidate the ability to use a stack; develop imagination and creativity when creating crafts; continue to teach children to understand and analyze the content of the poem.

Construction: "Houses on our street". Target: learn to convey the image of the street on which the child lives; clarify ideas about size items: tall, low, big, small; practice cutting techniques straight and oblique; strengthen the ability to carefully use scissors, brushes, and glue.

OOD: "My small Motherland» . Target: continue to form elementary representations pupils about small Homeland- the village of Nekrasovskaya. Give an idea of ​​what is for each person Small Motherland is a place, Where was born, where you spent your childhood; continue to introduce the village of Nekrasovsky; continue to consolidate knowledge of your last and patronymic names; cultivate patriotic feelings, love for Homeland(socialization); continue to foster friendly relationships between children.

Communication "My city is mine small Motherland» . Target: speech development, learning to write stories; disclosure of the concept "city"; acquaintance with the native village, enrichment and expansion of knowledge about the memorable places of the village; determining the distinctive features of a village and a city; nurturing love for one’s native village; acquaintance with

verbal folk art through proverbs and sayings about Homeland, native land.

Physical education scenario (Appendix No. 8)

"Our Homeland – Russia. Target: consolidate and generalize children’s knowledge about state symbols Russia: flag, anthem, coat of arms; cultivate patriotic feelings of love for one’s Homeland - Russia, to their hometown, to create a positive emotional mood in children; improve motor skills when performing basic types of movements.

- Play activity :

Didactic games:

“Find out and name the coat of arms”. Target: consolidate children’s knowledge about the coat of arms and its distinctive features; consolidate the ability to find common and different in the variety of coats of arms.

"What is good, what is bad". Target: develop the ability to evaluate children’s actions, cultivate a desire to do well.

“Do you know your city?”. Target: consolidate children’s knowledge about their hometown, the ability to name and show the sights of the city.

"Call me kindly". Target: strengthening the agreement of an adjective with a noun, the formation of diminutive forms of adjectives.

Plot-role-playing games: "Home, family". Target: improve the ability to independently create a game environment for a planned plot.

"Kindergarten". Target: expand and consolidate children’s ideas about the content of labor actions of kindergarten employees.

"School". Target: expand children's knowledge about school. Foster fair relationships. Strengthen forms of polite address. Develop friendship, the ability to live and work in a team.

"Shop". Target: to arouse children’s interest in the sales profession, to develop skills in a culture of behavior in in public places, cultivate friendly relationships.


implementation project


implementation project


implementation project


implementation project

Work with parents - Conversations with parents in order to identify attitudes towards their hometown.

Help in creating a library (a selection of books, pictures about the city of Dmitrov, about the town).

- Design of a wall newspaper: “Where we love to relax!” (Appendix No. 14);

Photo report of physical education "Our Homeland – Russia (Appendix No. 7);

-Creation of photo albums: "My town"(Appendix No. 11, "Dmitrov region" (Appendix No. 12);

Organization and carrying out photographing.

- Consultations: My city is mine small Motherland.

- Participation in the promotion: "Titmouse's Day" (Appendix No. 13);

Help in creating a layout "My town" (Appendix No. 5);

Exhibition of children's creativity (Appendix No. 6);

Presentation “Dmitrov region, where I live” (Appendix No. 9);

Presentation “Where we love to relax!” (Appendix No. 10).


school year

Cooperation with society 1. Planning work on moral and patriotic education for a month.

2. Organization of on-site classes at the IUMC in Dmitrov (during the academic year).

3. Conducting thematic, educational games and activities.

4. Organization of viewing thematic videos.

5. Conducting thematic, educational games and activities by MADOU employees.

6. Consulting material for teachers.

during the school year

Methodological support - organization of a subject-development environment for the implementation of moral and patriotic education preschoolers: layout of the town, pictures about the city of Dmitrov;

Selection and creation of a card index didactic games By topic: "My small Motherland» ;

A selection of fiction by topic blocks: "My small Motherland» ;

Notes of OOD, conversations.

Scenarios for holidays, leisure and entertainment.

Consulting material for parents


implementation project


Throughout project work was carried out to implement the task of maintaining almost all educational areas. The project contributed to the formation of not only cognitive interest, artistic and aesthetic taste in children, but also had social significance. In the process of implementation project it became possible to increase children's and parental competence in matters of history, cultural heritage of small Motherland, traditions and modern reality, which makes it possible to develop the personality of each child, who will be the bearer of Russian character traits, Russian mentality, because only on the basis of knowledge about the past can one understand the present and foresee the future. A people who does not pass on all that is most valuable from generation to generation is a people without a future. The prospect of this project lies in the possibility of its further use for the purpose of moral and patriotic education, expanding interaction parents and kindergarten on issues of raising children, laying the foundations spiritually - moral personality with an active life position and creative potential, capable of self-improvement and harmonious interaction with other people.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 1 from Sterlibashevo municipal district Sterlibashevsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Project for the senior group “My small homeland”


Gilmanova G. N.


Project for the senior group “I love you, my Bashkortostan!”


Preschool age is a bright, unique page in the life of every person. It is during this period that the process of socialization begins, the child’s connection with the leading spheres of existence is established: the world of people, nature, the objective world, and the foundation of health is laid. Currently it is necessary to preschool institutions introduce children to the culture of their people as much as possible and develop their national identity. A child must, first of all, take root in his own land and culture, get acquainted with his original, and then master someone else’s.

It is known if Small child does not know his history, does not see the beauty of his native land, does not hear positive information about his country, he will not develop a value-based attitude towards the Motherland, he will not be able to fall in love, which means that in the future he will not be able to defend its interests and protect it. A range of social, moral, and spiritual values ​​cannot be imposed on a child. Their meaning and significance is determined and developed through his own efforts, in the process of direct acquaintance and familiarization with the environment in which he lives.

Relevance of the project:

“You don’t remember the big country that you traveled and

found out.

Do you remember your Motherland as it was when you were a child?



I associate the relevance of the topic under consideration primarily with the fact that currently the social development of the country requires teachers of kindergartens and schools to educate socially active, independent, creative individuals adapted to the conditions of modern life. In this project we will talk about the significance of the history of our native village and its influence on the patriotic education of preschool children. The successful development of preschool children when getting to know their native village is possible only under the condition of active interaction with the outside world in an emotionally practical way, i.e. through play, objective activity, communication, work, learning, different types activities typical of preschool age.Preschool childhood is an important stage in the development of a person’s appearance. During these years, the foundations of morality are laid, the initial understanding of the environment, ethical ideas are formed, and patriotic feelings are nurtured. It is in preschool age that children, according to scientists, have a high rate of mental development. Older preschoolers have a certain amount of knowledge, and their interests are connected not only with the present, but also with the past and future. They show a keen interest in problems that have happened and are happening in the big adult world. Older preschoolers have a desire to learn more about their native land and its historical past.

The process of introducing preschoolers to local history is quite complex; it requires a thoughtful selection of knowledge content, design of the pedagogical process based on student-oriented interaction, integration of means, methods and various types children's activities. The project method, as experience shows, is the most effective in developing a systematic approach to developing love for their native land in older preschool children.

Feeling of Motherland...

The Motherland is the place in which a person lives, and the street on which his house stands, and the tree under the window, and the singing of a bird: all this is the Motherland.


Children's interest in their place of residence is quite understandable and natural, but the information children draw from the world around them is rather scarce and scattered. “A tree without roots dies,” says popular wisdom. Therefore, the process of getting to know your native village and region should be varied and regular, without long pauses between events and classes.


If we use the methods and forms of the project in our work, we interest children and their parents in further developing an interest in the history of their region, then we can assume that the goal of the project will be fulfilled.

Goals and objectives of the project.

Target: education of a humane, spiritual and moral personality, worthy future citizens of Russia, patriots of their Fatherland.


    To form in a child feelings of love and affection for his native land, his small homeland on the basis of familiarization with his native nature, culture and traditions.

    Form feelings of attachment to your home, kindergarten, and your loved ones.

    Introduce children to the immediate surroundings and sights of the village of Sterlibashevo.

    Develop curiosity and interest in learning about your native land.

    Expanding ideas about Russia as a home country, acquaintance with the symbols of the state (coat of arms, flag, anthem).

    To instill in preschoolers patriotic feelings and pride in their “small Motherland.”

    Attachment to family, love and caring attitude towards family members;

    Humane, environmentally appropriate attitude towards nature;

    Love for the native land, the desire to see it beautiful, environmentally friendly;

    Respect for the traditions of your region.

Type project : cognitive – creative.Project type: group; long-term.

Implementation period project : September – May.Project participants: group teacher, children 5-6 years old, parents of pupils.

Expected results:

Awakening interest in the history and culture of your city, love fornative land. Formation of a sense of national dignity and responsibility. Expanding children's horizons through excursions to the Local History Museum, to monuments, visiting socially significant institutions in our area, communicating with interesting people.

Combining the efforts of teachers and parents in organizing work to familiarize themselves with the historical values ​​of our culture, traditions, sights, and monuments.

Stages of project activities.

Stage 1 – preparatory.


1. Introduce parents to the importance of project activities in kindergarten.

2. Select methods for implementing project activities.

3.Create the material and technical resources necessary to complete the project.

4. Development of a long-term plan.Stage 2 – practical.

Contents of project activities


Forms of working with children

Forms of work with



Conversations: “Who takes care of us in kindergarten”, “Sterlibashevo is my native village”, “Where do you live (address, street, what is nearby)?” D / game “Sights of the village of Sterlibashevo”.Reading lullabies.Modeling from salt dough “Baursak”.

Presentation "My little homeland."

Fix at home the sequence of growing grain crops, the names of the tools of labor of grain growers.


Conversation“The history of the emergence of the native village”, “On the way to kindergarten.”

Drawing “Streets of my native village”

GCD for FCCM topic: “Tatar national headdresses».

Didactic game “Clay toys of Bashkir craftsmen.” "Magic cube: sights of Sterlibashevo."

ReadingPoem by M. Karim “I am not Russian, but Russian.”

Making pancakes from waste material.

Plot-role-playing game Journey through the village”, “Cars on our street”.

Advice for parents “Tell us about your profession.”Invite parents to talk with children about their native village, looking at photographs and illustrations about their native land.Give the task on the way home to note the names of the streets, what businesses are located, what stores.


Conversations “Our kindergarten workers”, “My brothers and sisters”.

Looking at photos of Sterlibashevo

Drawing the flag of Sterlibashevo.

Didactic game"Secrets of Grandma's Chest."

Modeling from salt dough “Kystyby”.

Creation of a wall newspaper “My Small Motherland”.

The plot is a role-playing game “Yashelche Kibete”.

Tatar folk game"Knot".

Didactic game “Fold the Bashkir pattern.”

Bashkir outdoor game: “Aigul and chickens.”

Drawing up a family tree.


Conversations: “Tatar, Russian, Bashkir clothing”,"Flora and fauna of the native land".

A game“Come up with names for the future streets of the village.”

Situational conversation "Let's make our village cleaner."

Presentation “State symbols of the Republic of Bashkortostan”.

Review of albums: “Bashkir clothing”, “Tatar clothing”, “Russian clothing”.

Invite parents to participate in collecting information for the encyclopedia:

"Birds of our

the edges".


Conversations: "Sports facilities in our village .

Reading Tatar folk tale

“Kom kochle?”

Examination of portraits of Bashkir poets.

Bashkir folk game "Kurai»

Finger Theater"Chuar tavyk"

Didactic game “Decorate an apron”

NOD on constructive activities on the topic “Village microdistrict”.

Individual work using the applique “Decoration of a handkerchief” (Tatar ornament).

Learning counting rhymes in the Tatar language.

Kaenda - hag,


Җirdә - elan,

kavada - kosh,

Bar sin och!

Examination of the album “Bashkir Patterns”.

Ask parents to bring encyclopedias about the wild animals of our forests for their children to study. Design of the photo album “Families of our students.”


Conversations “Bashkir folk cuisine”,O national holidays“Crow porridge”, “Sabantuy”.

Looking at photographs of “Ufa”, albums about the nature of the native land, the album “Bashkir Patterns”.

GCD for speech development on the topic: “Retelling the Tatar folk tale “Three Sisters.”

Didactic game “Decorate the skullcap and

Kalfak",“Fold the pattern.”Bashkir game "Yurt"Tatar game“Tubәtay.”Learning riddles and counting rhymes in the Tatar language. Didactic game “Recognize and name a musical instrument”“Recognize and name the dishes.” GCD. PC activity"Rug".

Presentation “Traditions of the Bashkir people”.

Exhibition of children's drawings, theme: “My Dad.”Conversation “Fundamentals of moral relations in the family.”


Conversations “My Republic is Bashkortostan”,

“Ufa is the capital of our Republic”, “Symbols of Bashkortostan:

national flag, coat of arms, anthem."

Drawing the flag of Bashkortostan.

Examination of illustrations with national dishes and drinks.

Reading of F. Gubaidullina’s poem “Holiday Gift”.Didactic game“Find out and name the dish”

Listening to the anthem of Bashkortostan.

Tatar folk game “Who has the ring?”

Presentation “About Bashkiria and the Bashkir people.”

GCD"Clothing of our ancestors." Reading S. Zlobin “Salavat”.

Consultation for kindergarten parents"Role native language in the development of the personality of a preschooler».


Conversations “Why do you need to know Tatar”, Conversation with children “People of what nationalities live in our republic.”

Reading the Tatar fairy tale “Water” Tukay G.

Consideration of Tatar and

Bashkir national costumes

Viewing "Chukmar and Tukmar"

Drawing “Heroes of G. Tukay’s fairy tales”

Bashkir folk game "Yurt".

Poll “Name the attractions”

our village."

Presentation “Bashkir folklore”.

Application. “We are painting a Bashkir carpet.”

Consultation for kindergarten parents “Introducing children to the traditions of the Bashkir people.”


Conversation about the work of a beekeeper, abouthistory of the Sabantuy holiday, « Main holiday countries - Victory Day."

Examination of the painting by A.Kh. Sitdikova “Harvest year. Apiary".

Reading of G. Ramazanov’s poem “May Flowers.”

A story about the heroes of the Great Patriotic War by Sterlibashev, their exploits.

View "Shurale".

Drawing "Honeycomb".

Learn the Bashkir game “Bee”Bashkir folk game “Sticky Stumps”

Excursion to the monument to the “Grieving Mother”.

Stage 3 - final

1.Providing project development.

2. Assessment of the stages of project implementation.

3. Assessment of the subject-development environment.

4. Summing up the project (comparing the expected result with the achieved one).

5. Exhibition of children's activity products.

It is impossible to awaken the feeling of the Motherland
without perception and experience of the surrounding world.

Let him be in the baby's heart for life

Memories of a small corner of childhood will remain.

Let the image of the great Motherland be associated with this corner.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Methodological value

This project will help children and parents get to know their national culture, understand and accept ethnocultural differences, make sure that ethnocultural diversity is a positive, progressive phenomenon, and then build positive interactions with other people, and teachers will increase their competencies in the field of developing ethnocultural competence in children .


1. Agisheva R.L., Gubaidullina F.Kh. I will explore Bashkortostan: An educational textbook. Ufa, 2006.

2.State symbols of Russia. FLAG. COAT OF ARMS. HYMN. M.: Publishing house "Yuventa". – 2003.

3. Drozdova N.V. Lesson “Our coat of arms”. // Management of preschool educational institution.2008.No.4. S.-79.

4. Zhiryakova I.V. Moral and patriotic education of preschool children through museum pedagogy // Preschool Education Management. 2008. No. 4. S. - 77.

5.Markova N.A. Introducing preschoolers to the symbols of the Russian state. // Management of preschool educational institutions. 2008. No. 4. S. - 85.

6.My home: Program for moral and patriotic education of preschoolers. Under general ed. T.I. Overchuk. M., 2004.

7. Stories on the history of Bashkortostan: Tutorial on the course “History of Bashkortostan” / Ed. I.G. Akmanova. – Ufa: Kitap, 2001.

8. ∙ Osipova L.E. Civic-patriotic education of preschool children. Moscow: Scriptorium 2003. 2015.

G. Biysk


Implementation deadlines: one year


The problem of patriotic education of the younger generation is one of the most pressing today. Accepted in the country Government program“Patriotic education of citizens Russian Federation”, aimed at all social strata and age groups of Russian citizens. In this regard, the work of researchers and preschool children has noticeably intensified. educational institutions, one after another, scientific and practical conferences began to be held on issues of patriotic education of children.
Meanwhile, the debate continues in the media about whether it is necessary to cultivate love for the Motherland. And the voices of those who express a negative judgment on this matter are very loud. Patriotism supposedly must enter into a person naturally. The Motherland is obliged to take care of its children, shower them with benefits, and become an authoritative powerful power, such that each of us wants to love it. But the question arises: who will shower us with benefits, and is it possible to determine the amount of benefits sufficient for a person to begin to love his Motherland? If we don’t teach a child to love his country, who will need it? Who will rejoice at her achievements and be pained by her sorrows? The fate of the Motherland is in the hands of man, and waiting for the moment when it is worthy of his love is, at least, not reasonable. The homeland is what we make it ourselves. How to combine such global problems and patriotic education of preschool children of a specific age group in kindergarten?

Patriotism, in relation to a child of senior preschool age, is defined as the need to participate in all matters for the benefit of the family, kindergarten, hometown, Motherland, representatives of wildlife, presupposes that children have such qualities as compassion, empathy, self-esteem and awareness yourself as part of the world around you, which can be solved through implementation in work with older preschoolers regional component. Then patriotic feelings will arise on the basis of knowledge that is more accessible and understandable to children.

The essence of patriotic education is to sow and cultivate in a child’s soul the seeds of love for the native nature, for the native home and family, for the history and culture of the country, created by the labors of relatives and friends, those who are called compatriots. Inheriting the moral and aesthetic values ​​of one’s native culture at a very tender age is the most natural, and therefore the surest way of patriotic education, instilling a feeling of love for the Fatherland.

The cultural heritage of the people is a huge wealth that every child needs to learn how to properly manage, own it in such a way as not to squander it, not to crush it, not to exchange it for trifles, but to preserve and increase it, embodying it in the treasure of their inner world, their personality in further creative creation .

So, patriotic education in kindergarten is a process of mastering and inheriting traditional national culture.

Patriotic feelings are formed in the process of life and existence of a person located within a specific sociocultural environment. The basis for the formation of patriotism, especially in a preschooler, is the deep feelings of love and affection for one’s culture and one’s people, for one’s land.

A preschooler’s feeling of love for the Motherland begins with the relationship with those closest to him - father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, kindergarten, street, neighborhood, city.

Fostering love and respect for one’s hometown is the most important component of moral and patriotic education. To raise children who are patriots of their city, they need to have basic knowledge about it. Therefore, within of this project the goal and objectives of patriotic education of older preschoolers are highlighted, taking into account the regional component.

Target: Expanding older preschoolers’ ideas about their hometown. Fostering a sense of pride and love for your small Motherland.

Project objectives:

1. To form in children knowledge about their hometown: the history of its origin, symbols, attractions, industry.

2. Introduce the names of those after whom the streets of the kindergarten microdistrict are named? Pay attention to the fact that the names of individual streets reflect the history of the city and the country.

3.Expand children’s knowledge about the natural attractions of the surroundings of the city of Biysk.

4.Introduce children to the map of Russia.

5.Expand children's understanding of various natural objects. Foster environmental thinking.

6.Create interest in various buildings and structures of the city. Learn to notice the architectural features of buildings for various purposes: a residential building (hut, multi-story building), school, cinema, drama theater, palace of culture, temple.

7. Cultivate love for one’s hometown, region, the ability to see beauty and be proud of it.

8. To form an environmental culture among children and their parents, a desire to take part in environmental protection activities for the benefit of their hometown.

The novelty lies in the fact that the work of introducing children to the history of the city of Biysk and its present involves the creativity of the teacher in the process of planning and carrying out project activities (in particular, the fairy tale “The Birth of the City of Biysk” and the poem “I am a Biysk resident” were composed by the author of the project). The project work plan may vary depending on conditions of the preschool educational institution and the group in which the project is being implemented. Class activities are included in a separate diagram, where sequence, goals and practical output are highlighted. Motivates children to study the material and participate in the project with their favorite characters from Prostokvashino. The combination of educational material with design, drawing, and appliqué ultimately presupposes the presence of children's creativity products, which can then be used in independent and joint activities adults and children. All the work that is carried out during the implementation of the project can be aimed in the future at creating a new project, for example, “Russia is my Motherland.”

Ways and means of implementation:

o Conversations with children in joint activities.

o Looking at albums, illustrations, photographs

o Didactic games and exercises

o Excursions

Conditions for the implementation of the project.

To implement the project you need:

1. Availability of a sufficient amount of demonstration material.

2. The teacher’s desire to create conditions for children’s cognitive local history activities.

3.Knowledge by the teacher modern approaches in working with parents.

4. Availability of a comfortable environment for conducting classes and other activities.

Project implementation work plan

“What are you like, my little Motherland?”



Cognitive activity

    “Birth of the city of Biysk” “Coat of arms of the city of Biysk” “Monument to the defenders of the Motherland of Biysk” “The streets of our city are named after them” “Transport of the city of Biysk” “Architecture of the city” “Industry of the city of Biysk” “Nature of the surroundings of the city of Biysk and Altai”

2. Writing creative stories:

    "The city where I live"

3. Word creation between children and parents: write poems, a fairy tale about the city of Biysk.

4. Compiling crossword puzzles about birds and plants: “What is this?”

5. Reading fiction.

6. Evening of proverbs and sayings. “There is time for business, an hour for fun.”

7. An evening of riddles about plants, animals, birds, insects of the native land.

8. Memorizing poetry.

Play activity

1. Design of a library of educational games

    What tree is the leaf from? Name the friends of the forest. Who's the odd one out? Find the animals of our region. When does this happen? Mushroom glade. Who lives in the lake. Who needs what for work. What should we take on a hike? What did the artist get wrong?

2. Plot - role-playing games:

    Firefighters Defenders of the Motherland Excursion to the museum City tour

Labor activity

· Competition for the best bird feeder

· Competition for the best ice building

Manual labor:

· Crafts from natural material

· Making models of city buildings

· Making symbols of the city, family

Visual arts, design


    Animals, birds, plants of Altai Streets of my hometown Where I rested I want to draw about good things

Modeling: animals, birds

Construction: buildings in the city of Biysk

Health and physical development

Outdoor games:

· "Blind Man's Bluff"

· "Lapta"

· "Cats and Mouse"

· "Krasochki"

· "Towns"

· “Burn, burn clearly!”

· "Good habits"

· "Amazing points"

· Sports holidays, entertainment

Environmental education

· Conversation about the climatic conditions of the city.

· Design of albums with animal species diversity, flora, their habitat.

· Environmental protection measures.

· Registration of the Red Data Book of Altai

Social development

· Excursions around your hometown

· Excursions to the forest, to the lake.

· Visiting exhibitions of artists of the city and region

· Excursion to the library

· Organizing a local history corner in a group

Holidays and entertainment

    KVN "We are Biychane". Living room "Musical Biysk" Matinee "Birthday of the city"

Interaction with parents

    Photo albums “Where I vacationed in the summer” Corner of trust “You ask, we will answer”

· Consultation “How to organize a family excursion”

· Design of the folder – movement “The city in which we live”

· Design of the stand “Songs and poems about the city of Biysk”

GCD topics

Practical solution

NOD (familiarization with the environment and creative activities) “The Birth of the City of Biysk”

To acquaint children with the history of the origin of their hometown, its economic and social significance, to cultivate love for their homeland, and the ability to listen to the teacher’s story. Learn to create your own idea of ​​the image of the past through visual activity.

City tour “Biysk - my hometown”

Continue introducing children to their hometown and its attractions (architectural monuments). Cultivate interest in its history. Develop memory and attention.

Photo album

GCD (familiarization with the environment and artistic activities) “Coat of arms of the city of Biysk”

Introduce the city's coat of arms. Strengthen children's knowledge about their hometown. Cultivate interest in the past of your small homeland. Learn to use vocabulary related to symbolism when writing a story about your family’s coat of arms.

Competition "Best Coat of Arms"

GCD (familiarization with the surroundings and construction) “Monument to the Biychan warriors”

Expand and clarify children's understanding of who defended the Motherland during the war. To help understand why people living now should remember the soldiers who died for our homeland. Develop the skills to work together and harmoniously.

NOD (acquaintance with the surroundings and music) “Streets of my city”

Continue to introduce children to their small homeland. Give an idea of ​​your neighborhood: street, residential buildings, public buildings. Introduce the following concepts into children's active vocabulary: neighbors, relatives, street. Strengthen children's knowledge about family and family members. To instill in children an interest in their neighborhood, its beauty and cleanliness. Pay attention to the fact that the names of individual streets reflect the history of the city and the country.

Route maps from home to kindergarten

NOD (familiarization with the environment and creative activities) “Transport of the city of Biysk”

Fix the names of modes of transport and the meaning of traffic lights; fix the rules traffic for pedestrians, to cultivate a sense of responsibility on the road.

Exhibition of children's works "Transport of the city of Biysk"

GCD (acquaintance with the surroundings and design) “City Architecture”.

Learn to notice the architectural features of buildings for various purposes: a residential building (hut, multi-story building), school, cinema, drama theater, palace of culture, temple. Arouse interest in domestic architecture. Develop the ability to consistently analyze the design of a structure. Develop skills in drawing up a drawing, creating a structure from a drawing. Develop a positive attitude towards the history of your hometown. Create conditions for joint creative work.

Drawings of the “Building of the Future”

GCD "Industry of the city of Biysk".

Introduce the existing industrial enterprises of the city, what food products are produced and at which plant. Foster respect for the work of people of different professions.

Game "Shop"

NOD "Nature of the surroundings of the city of Biysk."

Expand children's knowledge about the natural environment of the city of Biysk and Altai. Introduce children to Teletskoye, Kovalevskoye, Kanonerskoye lakes and their uniqueness. To cultivate love for one’s hometown, region, the ability to see beauty and be proud of it.

Red Book of Altai


KVN "We are Biychane".

Strengthen children's knowledge about their native land and city. Summarize elementary ideas about the origin and functional purpose of the coat of arms, about symbolic meaning colors and images. Develop skills in conscious and appropriate use of words in accordance with the context of the statement. Develop children's cognitive interests and self-regulation. To cultivate in children a sense of camaraderie, the ability to empathize and support each other, the ability to convey a feeling of love and pride for their small homeland. Create a joyful, cheerful mood in children.

Film "Journey to the land of knowledge about Biysk"

Expected result

Children: elementary ideas about the hometown have been formed (the most significant historical events, the symbols of the city, its attractions, the natural environment, the activities of the townspeople).

The ability to experience love and affection on an emotional level for one’s home, family, mother, kindergarten; cherish your family, home; I'm happy to go to kindergarten. Children experience positive emotions from communicating with nature and treat it with care.

Parents: show interest in the activities of the kindergarten to instill in children a love for their hometown; take an active part in organizing excursions and preparing manuals; engage in pedagogical self-education.

Educators: enrichment of the development environment:

· Selection of local history material for working with children

Illustrations of the flora and fauna of Biysk and Altai - albums “Birds of our city, region”, “Animals of the Biysk region”, “Trees and shrubs”, “Mushrooms and berries”, etc.

· The “Red Book” was compiled;

· For the ecological corner of the collection:

Cutting trees and shrubs of local species,

Make a herbarium.

· Benefit “The Wealth of the Native Land”.


Results tracking:

Survey of children's knowledge on the topic;

Observing children in the process of productive activities;

Questioning parents


GCD notes

1. Topic:"The Birth of the City of Biysk"

Target: To introduce the history of the birth of the native city, its location, its economic and social significance, to cultivate love for the homeland, and the ability to listen to the teacher’s story. Learn to create your own idea of ​​the image of the past, conveying this through visual creativity.

Enrichment and activation of vocabulary. Fortress, fort, khan.

Material. Map of Russia. Travel plan. Photo of a model of an ancient fortress. Pointer. Audio recording of the noise of an ancient city under construction. Landscape sheets, brushes, paints, sippy cups, napkins, colored pencils, wax crayons.

Preliminary work. Looking at postcards of the old city. Memorizing the poem “Small Motherland”

Postman Pechkin(knock on the door). Hello. Help me, help me! Look what letter I received. (Dear Postman Pechkin. Sharik and Matroskin went to the city of Biysk. And they got lost there. Find our friends. Thank you very much. Uncle Fedor). And here is this package, and some kind of travel plan, but I don’t understand anything, what is it and what is it for? (Map of Russia) And why do I need this travel plan and punishment for Russia?

Educator Children, let's help Pechkin? He suggests going on a trip, but first consider the route plan. The first stop on the plan is “Fortress”. Educator:(Draws the children’s attention to the map of Russia, which they looked at in previous lessons). Look carefully at the map. This is a map of our state. Who knows the name of the state in which we live? (Russia.) Who can show the borders of our state, our country Russia? (Those who wish can circle the borders of Russia with a pointer.)

A map can tell you a lot about a country. We see that Russia is a large state; our country has many cities, rivers, forests, and mineral resources. We are proud of our great Motherland. But each of us has a small Motherland - that corner of the earth where we were born, where our home is located.


Small Motherland - An Island of the Earth.

There are currants under the window,

The cherries have blossomed.

curly apple tree,

And under it is a bench.

Affectionate, small

My motherland!

Educator. Our small Motherland is the city in which we live. What is the name of our city? (Biysk)

Why do you like him? (It has many beautiful parks, squares, and a lot of greenery. The city stands on the banks of the Biya River.)

If you love your city and are proud of it, you need to know its history. Now we will travel back in time and find out how our city came into being.

An audio recording of the noise of an ancient city under construction is heard.

Fairy tale “The Birth of the City of Biysk”

Postman Pechkin: But I still don’t understand what this stop is called? (Birth of the city of Biysk). Can I give you a task: please draw illustrations for the fairy tale “The Birth of the City of Biysk”, how you see the Bikatun fortress, the soldiers guarding the fortress, merchants, peasants, children. And then in Prostokvashino I will tell this tale and show illustrations. Calm music sounds.

Result of the work: Illustrations for the fairy tale “The Birth of the City of Biysk”

2. Sightseeing tour of the city “Biysk is my hometown.”

Target: Introduce children to their small homeland. Give an idea about your city, its attractions, architectural monuments. Cultivate interest in the city and its history. Develop memory and attention.

Material: camera, travel plan.

Group conversation.

(Working with a travel plan). The children find out that the second stop on the travel plan is somehow connected to the bus. The teacher explains to the children that this is a city tour by bus. The teacher's phone rings. He talks to the postman Pechkin. After this, he informs the children that Pechkin is busy with business at the post office and asks the children to go on a trip without him, but only take a camera with them and take pictures of everything.

Excursion progress:(Paid guide services).

3. Topic: “Coat of arms of the city of Biysk.”

Program content: Introduce children to the city's coat of arms. Strengthen children's knowledge about their hometown. Cultivate interest in the past of your small homeland. Learn to use vocabulary related to symbolism when writing a story about your family’s coat of arms.

Preliminary work. Conversation about coats of arms. Joint production (drawing, appliqué) of family coats of arms by children and parents.

Material. Family coats of arms, coat of arms of the city of Biysk. Audio recording of the song “What is family?” (lyrics and music by E. Gomonova). fortresses, map of the city of Biysk, gouache, watercolor, sheets of paper. Large building material.

Enrichment and activation of the dictionary: symbolism, sign, coat of arms.

Quiet, calm music sounds

Educator: A long time ago, on the site of our city, on the banks of the Biya River, soldiers built a fortress; 3-meter walls reliably protected it from enemies. A drawing of the fortress and large building materials are offered: cubes, bricks, arches, cylinders, prisms, spheres, hemispheres.

Postman Pechkin: Let us build a fortress according to the drawing. Children make one big building. The coats of arms of families are laid out on the table, and under a napkin the coat of arms of the city of Biysk is played with an audio recording of the song “What is a family?” Children sit around the table and sing along if they wish.

Educator: Are you familiar with this song? What is it about? What is the name of? (Children's answers.) What do you think a family is? (Children’s reasoning. The teacher makes a generalization).



Integration of educational areas:
Reading fiction
Artistic creativity

To form elementary ideas of pupils about their small Motherland - the village of Krasnoarmeyskoye.

1.Formation of patriotic feelings.
2.Acquaintance with the sights of the village. Krasnoarmeyskoe
3. Updating the dictionary on the topic.
4. Improving the grammatical structure of speech:
a) formation of relative adjectives;
b) formation of adjectives from nouns;
c) agreement of adjectives with nouns.
5. Improving the syntactic side of speech.
6. Development of visual perception, attention, memory, thinking.
7. Development of verbal communication skills, ability to perceive
aurally readable text.
8.Development of creative abilities and imagination.
9. Enrichment of the dictionary with formulas of verbal politeness.
10.Improving phonemic hearing.
11.Improving the ability to create a collective composition through appliqué
12. Education of patriotism, love for the Motherland.

Materials and equipment:
Multimedia equipment, slides with a view of his native village, a ball, a phonogram of the song “Where the Motherland Begins,” a phonogram of “Waltz of the Rain” by F. Schubert, a phonogram of a Russian folk melody of a calm tempo, a “Dunno” doll, whatman paper, glue, photographs with views of Krasnormeisky, brushes, napkins for each child.

The teacher enters the hall. Draws children's attention to the “magic ball” lying on the floor.
V. - Look, what an unusual guest. Let's use it to remember our first and last names. How can you do this? (Children's hypothetical answers)
V. - Come on, we will pass the ball to each other and say our first and last name. But first, let's remember what words we can greet each other with? (hello, good afternoon).

Game "Let's get to know each other."

IN. - Guys, each of you said your first and last name.
-Who gave you your first and last name? (parents, mom, dad)
-When did your parents give them to you? (when were born)
IN.- Right. Every person has a birthday, and what else can have a birthday? (near books, cars, cities, towns)
IN. - Right. A book, a toy, a house, a village, even an entire city has its own birthday. They, like people, are given “names”.
IN.- Guys, every person has a Motherland - the country where he lives. What is the name of our country? (Russia)
-What are the people of our country called? (Russians)
IN.– Guys, our country is the largest in the world (show map on slide). There are many cities, rivers, lakes, seas, mountains and plains in it. But for every person, the place where he was born, goes to kindergarten, school, works and lives is closer and dearer. This is his small homeland. Guys, do you know poems about your homeland? (Yes)

Reading a poem by Tatyana Bokova. Motherland

V. - Wonderful. Guys, what is the name of the village in which we live? (Krasnoarmeyskoe)
V.- Our village is our small homeland. But a long time ago, our village had a completely different name, and it was called Koldyban, and now I’ll tell you why. (teacher's story)

Over the long history of our village, people of different nationalities came here to live. Russians, Tatars, Chuvashs, Mordovians, Ukrainians and many other nationalities live together in our village. Each nation has its own traditions, culture and, of course, its own language. I am Russian and speak Russian, but do you know what languages ​​other peoples speak?

Game "Name the national language."

IN.– Every nation has its own national games, and I suggest you now play the Russian folk game “Zarya”.

(The game is played to a Russian folk melody. Children recite the poetic text and perform the action.)

IN.- Well played, well done. Now I invite you to a forest clearing near our village. (Slide show)
IN.- Let's close our eyes and imagine that we are not in a kindergarten, but in this clearing. (A moment of relaxation to the sounds of nature)
Dunno appears.
N. - Hello! Guys, where did I come? (Children's answers)
- What is the name of your village? (Children's answers)
N.- I live in the Flower City, we have a lot of flowers. You know how beautiful it is there! We have many different buildings in our city, but I forgot what they are called. Can you help me remember their names? (Yes)
N. - Then listen to my riddles.
There are doctors in this house
They are waiting for people to treat them.
They are ready to help everyone -
Only healthy people are released.
There is a cheerful, bright house.
There are a lot of agile guys there.
They write and count there,
Draw and read.
What kind of wonderful house is this?
A hundred children in that house
The kids are very happy at home.
What is this?…

You can buy an envelope here.
Send the parcel urgently.
Say hello to everyone.
After all, this building is...
If someone gets sick.
Everyone goes to get treatment
To city, regional,
If the refrigerator is empty,
We've run out of food.
Come here quickly.
And take the basket
Buy what tastes better.
In our…
N. - Well done. All my riddles were solved. Oh! What miracles! (Draws attention to the screen)
Are these buildings in your village? (Children's answers)
N.- Come on, guys, now let’s warm up a little and do some physical exercise:
Physical exercise “We are walking through the streets.”
N.- Do you know the names of the streets in your village? (Children's answers)
N.- Do you know your home address? (Children's answers)

Game "Name your home address."

N. – What great fellows you are, you know so much about your village. But I always forget everything. Znayka says that the wind is blowing in my head. I really want to tell my friends about your village. Help me please. Make me a newspaper. You have pictures here, paper, and glue. Do you agree? (Yes)
N.- Then let’s get to work.

Collective work “MY NATIVE VILLAGE”.
N. - Thanks guys. It turned out great. Just remind me, please, what interesting things there are in your village.
(Children comment on the image on the newspaper.)
N. - I will return to my Flower City and tell my friends about your village of Krasnoarmeyskoye, Krasnoarmeysky district, Samara region. And you, Yulia Viktorovna, please guide me so that I don’t get lost again.
V. - Guys, say goodbye to Dunno. (Goodbye!)


Poem by T. Bokova “Motherland”:
Motherland is a big, big word!
Let there be no miracles in the world,
If you say this word with your soul,
It is deeper than the seas, higher than the skies!

It fits exactly half the world:
Mom and dad, neighbors, friends.
Dear city, dear apartment,
Grandma, school, kitten... and me.

Sunny bunny in the palm of your hand
Lilac bush outside the window
And on the cheek there is a mole -
This is also the Motherland.

Russian folk game "Zarya":
Everyone stands in a circle, holds their hands behind their backs, and one of the players - Zarya - walks behind with a ribbon and says:
Zarya-lightning, sister of the sun
Walked across the sky, dropped rays,
Golden rays, blue ribbons,
One, two is not a crow
Run like fire!
With the last words, the driver carefully places the ribbon on the shoulder of one of the players, who, noticing this, quickly takes the ribbon, and they both run different sides in a circle, their task is to be the first to take the vacant place in the circle. The one who is left without a place becomes the dawn. The game repeats itself.

Physical education lesson “We are walking through the streets.”
Children stand in a circle. They pronounce the words in chorus, accompanying them with movements:
We are walking around the city (marching)
We sing a song loudly (clap our hands)
We are walking down the street (marching)
We raise our legs straight (marching, stretching out the toes)
Take a step - one, two (marching)
Wave your arms - three, four
Turned the head (turn the head right - left)
Arms up and legs wider
Let's jump high together (they jump)
And let's run easily (running in place)

MKDOU Kindergarten No. 32 “Ryabinka” in the village of Vyartsilya

Project “My Small Motherland”

Senior group "B"

Teachers: Prikhodko V.V.

Ruppieva Zh.L.

Creative research project in senior group"B".

Subject : “My small Motherland”

Educators : Prikhodko V.V., Ruppieva Zh.L.

Project type : group, short-term.

Project participants : children of the older group, teachers, parents.

Implementation period : October mc(2 weeks)

Objective of the project:

  1. Raising a citizen and patriot of one's country.
  2. Forming in children a love for the Motherland, their native village and its history, a sense of responsibility, a desire to take care of it.
  3. Fostering love for the native land, village, forming ideas about the sights of the village of Vyartsilya.
  4. Fostering a sense of pride in the village in which we live.
  5. Summarize and systematize knowledge about the native land, expand children's horizons.

Project objectives :

To give children knowledge about their native village of Vyartsilya: attractions, industrial facilities;

Introduce children to the Yanis River and its location in the village;

Consolidate knowledge about familiar streets, where the house, kindergarten is located, routes from home to kindergarten;

Introducing children to the traditions, work and life of their fellow villagers;

Develop a caring attitude towards the village (sights, nature).

Relevance of the topic: nurturing love and respect for the native village of Vyartsilya is the most important component of moral and patriotic education. Development of free communication with adults and children.

Expected result:

1. During the implementation of the project, children gain knowledge about their village of Vyartsilya (sights, work of residents).

1. Children will begin to show interest in events, the life of the village, and reflect their impressions in productive activities.

Project implementation plan:

Stage 1 - preparatory

Studying methodological literature

Drawing up a long-term plan

Creating a developmental environment

Selection of games and equipment

Create conditions for creative and productive activities

Stage 2 - project implementation

Thematic plan of work to familiarize children with their native land

Stage 3 - final

Album design about the village

Action plan for the project “My Small Motherland”

Journey through photographs

Teacher's story about the village

Getting to know the sights of the village of Vyartsilya

Examination of drawings and buildings

Excursions along the streets of the village (library, Gym, central square, Administration)

Working with parents:

1.involving parents in the creation of a unified educational process.

2.expanding the forms of work with the family (helping parents in organizing excursions).

Integration of educational areas: cognitive, speech, artistic and aesthetic, social and communicative, physical development.

Long-term work plan

Preparatory stage

Drawing up a plan for working with children; selection of material for conversations, observations and games

To encourage children and parents to become interested in participating in the project; create conditions for creative and productive activities.

Children, teachers, parents

Main stage

Lesson - Cognition. Conversation with children. Topic: “Our village of Vyartsilya”

Introduce children to your small homeland. Give knowledge about the village of Vyartsilya: sights of industrial facilities, location on the map. To form civic, family, patriotic feelings.

Children and teachers

Target walk. Topic: “Streets of our village”

Expand and systematize children’s knowledge about the village: the names and locations of streets.

Examine the village’s facilities with your children (kindergarten, school, post office, hardware plant, hospital, library and art house)

Children and teachers

Class: artistic creativity- drawing.

Topic: “Our street”

Continue to enrich children's knowledge about their native land. Teach children to reflect their impressions and knowledge about the streets of the village in productive activities. Develop children's creative skills and abilities.

Children and teachers

Playful and constructive activities. Topic: “Village Street” (large and small construction set)

Develop children's constructive abilities. Learn to build buildings, relying on your experience. Develop the ability to play in a team, negotiate with each other, plan your work, and create friendly relationships.

Children and teachers

Lesson - Cognition. Topic: “Life and life of the people of our village”

To form in children ideas about the work of adults in our village, the importance of this work. Continue to develop cognitive interest in children. Fostering patriotic and family feelings.

Children and teachers

Occupation - artistic creativity - drawing. Topic: “The house where I live”

Develop productive activity in children. Continue to learn how to reflect your impressions in a drawing, draw your home from memory. Cultivate accuracy, diligence, and friendliness.

Teacher and children

Lesson - application. Topic: “Multi-story building”

Teach children to plan their work. Strengthen skills in using scissors, brushes and glue. Develop the ability to complete the work started.

Teachers and children.

Playful and constructive activities for children “House with a Window”

Continue to teach children how to build various buildings, develop Creative skills, friendliness.

Teachers and children

Excursion to the library

Introduce children to the library and the profession of a librarian. Looking at the bookshelves, talking with the librarian. Develop free communication with adults and children.

Teachers, children, parents.

Excursion to the gym

Give children an idea of ​​the profession - coach. Introduce gym, equipment, its purpose and benefits for human health. Continue to enrich children's knowledge of their native land.

Children, teachers, parents.

Reading fiction

V. Stepanov 2 What we called homeland”, “Our home”, Y. Shiryaev “About my city”, I. Surikov “Here is my village”, P. Voronko “There is no better native land”, E. Shim “Where is our village” .

Teacher, children

Final product of the project:

Exhibition of children's works by topic

1. our street

2.the house where I live

3. multi-storey building.


An exemplary general educational program for preschool education “From birth to school,” edited by N.E. Veraks, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva.

Complex classes according to the program “From birth to school” edited by N.E. Veraks, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva in the senior group (FSES).

O.V. Dybina “Acquaintance with the subject social environment.”

T.V. Vostrukhina “Introducing children 5-6 years old to the world around them”