What to give a girl for her ninth birthday. New Year's gifts for girls Gifts for children 9 years old girl

Vika Di October 30, 2018, 11:02

Remember the children's song: “What are our girls made of? Our girls are made from flowers and bells, from notebooks and exchanges of glances!” Actually interests modern girls much wider, and this must be taken into account when choosing a gift.

What can you give a 9 year old girl for her birthday? Girls of this age are already very different from boys in their interests, but, as experience shows, choose a gift it's much easier for them.

Of course, a lot depends on the budget, as well as family or friendly ties

Thus, grandparents often believe that the best gift for a 9-year-old child is gold jewelry (earrings, chains, etc.), so that the girl will have a long-lasting memory of her grandparents. It is unlikely that she will be able to fully appreciate this gift, although many young fashionistas already know that gold is prestigious.

Photo of a birthday gift for a 9 year old girl

We offer you gift ideas for children 9 years old that will surely please the girl, but first let’s talk about what it is better NOT to give.

What gifts should not be given to girls?

Here are our ideas:

  1. Money. Nine-year-old girls don’t yet know their value and will most likely spend it on unhealthy chips, cola and sweets to treat their friends.
  2. Pet. Such a gift can only be given in agreement with the parents, because a pet requires care and generally changes the life of the family in many ways; in addition, one of its members may have allergies.
  3. Gift certificate. It happens that an item that a girl likes in a store will turn out to be much more expensive than the amount indicated in the certificate, and then instead of joy, the result will be only disappointment.

But these gifts will certainly come the girl likes it.

Birthday gift certificate

Children's cosmetics

At 9 years old, a girl wants to become as beautiful as her mother, which is why she is so lively She is interested in her mother’s decorative cosmetics: lipstick, mascara, eye shadow, nail polish, in short, the whole arsenal modern women, helping them “beautify”.

Needless to say, all these funds, not intended for children's skin, only harm it.

Therefore, a set of children's cosmetics will be a wonderful gift for a girl, and will help her mother teach her the first lessons in proper makeup

It is better not to give shampoo, hair conditioner or cream - these are products everyday care, and they are not so interesting for a girl.


Yes, yes, at this age girls really love to play with toys, they just need to choose them correctly. A huge soft toy is not the best best choice: It is rather a dust collector and a source of allergens.

Give a soft toy for a 9 year old girl's birthday

It is better to choose toys related to your favorite cartoons:

  • movie heroines Disney,
  • fairies, monsters and other characters from your favorite cartoons;
  • Barbie with everything she deserves: a dollhouse, a car, a groom, girlfriends, a set of dishes, clothes, etc.

Will be a wonderful gift interactive baby dolls that need to be looked after, because every girl has a maternal instinct, and with such a doll she will be able to realize it, albeit in a playful form.

Also very popular among girls are:

  • dress up games;
  • mannequin doll to create hairstyles with appropriate accessories;
  • DIY kits perfume making.


Once upon a time a book was considered the best gift, but today, unfortunately, there are not many children who love to read. And yet it is possible choose a book with good illustrations, which will interest the girl in its theme: something about adventures on land and sea, especially stories with pirates, princesses, etc.

They will be a wonderful, and most importantly, useful gift. encyclopedias for children, for example, about the animal and plant world.


  • Beautiful diary with a lock that also contains profiles for girlfriends, fortune tellers, etc., where she can write down her secrets;
  • large sets for drawing pencils, felt-tip pens and/or paints;
  • originally designed 3D pens with a girly theme (this is more of a souvenir in addition to the main gift;
  • modeling kits from plasticine, kinetic sand, polymer clay etc.;
  • building kits sand pictures.

Give a drawing set to a girl for her 9th birthday

Educational games

These games are meant for development logical thinking , attentiveness, ability to concentrate, that is, everything that will help the girl study better. Today they are offered in a huge range, so we will list only the main ones:

  • puzzles large size;
  • « Erudite"(a game for two or more people, in which you need to form words from individual letters; it is advisable that a literate adult supervise the game so that the words are formed without errors);
  • logical board new games;
  • a variety of constructors, including Lego.

Microscope, binoculars or telescope will certainly arouse great interest among girls, as they will open up new horizons for them in the literal sense of the word.

Sports gifts

Even if the girl doesn't attend sports section, a good gift for her would be:

  • roller skates;
  • protective accessories for roller skating, cycling, etc.;
  • subscription to visit the pool;
  • gift certificate to a climbing school, etc.


Modern girls know how to use a computer just as well as boys, which is why computer games and a variety of gadgets would also make a good gift, as well as a smartphone case in a girly design, headphones for your phone, etc.

Give headphones for a phone to a 9 year old girl for her birthday

For young needlewomen

Sewing, knitting, embroidery, beading - mastering these exclusively useful skills The girl will find it very useful in the future.

In addition, they perfectly develop fine motor skills, attention, perseverance, the ability to concentrate and help develop good taste.

The girl will learn to sew outfits for her favorite doll, make soft toys, and create beaded jewelry so beloved by girls, following simple and understandable instructions.

What to give to the girl who has everything?

Perhaps the most difficult question What to give to the girl who has everything? Then you need to choose a gift that will surprise her and arouse interest, for example:

  • portrait of the birthday girl in a princess outfit, made from a photograph on canvas in a beautiful frame;
  • projector for smartphone;
  • ecocube for growing trees at home;
  • ant farm and other unusual and original things.

What to give a 9 year old girl a birthday present from her parents?

Relatives and friends will probably give the girl various toys, games, and sets; a good book as a birthday gift, but only parents can do it for a girl's 9th birthday unforgettable, giving her and her little guests a vivid impression.

Give a book as a birthday gift for 9 years

They could be:

  • birthday celebration in the children's entertainment center, where children will be offered a lot of entertainment: quests in accordance with their age, a trampoline, attractions, etc., and you can end such a holiday in a children's cafe;
  • joint trip to amusement park, water park or dolphinarium;
  • photoshoot from a professional photographer with costume changes.

Wardrobe replenishment

Which little fashionista doesn’t dream of a beautiful dress like a princess? Sometimes parents give a nine-year-old girl some practical thing, forgetting that a holiday is the fulfillment of desires. Therefore, it is best to select several models in advance beautiful dresses, and then buy from preliminary fitting whatever the girl chooses.

She can wear this dress to her friends’ holidays and birthdays.

A complement to the “princess” dress will be beautiful shoes that definitely need trying on, as well as accessories(handbag, cosmetic bag, etc.).

What to give your 9 year old friend for her birthday?

A gift for a 9-year-old girl from a girl friend should not be too expensive so as not to put her parents in an uncomfortable position, but she knows best what the birthday girl will like. The choice here is very wide:

  • a set of jewelry with earrings, chains, rings, etc.;
  • handbag;
  • diary.

And much of what is listed above. An inexpensive joke gift from a friend, for example, a set of comic fortune telling or funny souvenirs.

Give souvenirs to a girl for her 9th birthday

What to give to a 9 year old girl with your own hands?

Here are some ideas on how to give a girl a birthday gift with her own hands:

  • thought pillow: sew a cover from a beautiful silky fabric (for example, for curtains), knit a simple chain from colored wool or synthetics and sew it in the form of the birthday girl’s name; fill the pillow with foam rubber;
  • doll with a skirt from candies: take an ordinary Barbie, attach a fabric cover to her waist so that it stands like a bell, and attach the candies to the top of the candy wrappers with threads so that you get several tiers, preferably in different colors;
  • edible bouquet: take some small stick or straw for cocktails and attach the ends of candy wrappers to it to make a bouquet, wrap it in beautiful paper and tie with a ribbon;
  • put in a basket kinder surprises for girls, decorate with bows and roses from colored ribbons.

Both the birthday girl and her guests will like such an original birthday gift for a 9-year-old girl, because all the girls are famous sweet tooths!

At 9 years old, the girl is half still a child, half already a teenager. On the one hand, she enjoys playing, alone or with friends. And, like any child, he continues to explore the world and is interested in everything new. On the other hand, she pays attention to her own appearance and style. Therefore, the question of what to give a 9-year-old girl is not so difficult.

Toys for a 9 year old girl

At this age, girls are already quite selective in terms of toys. It is necessary to focus on the interests of the birthday girl herself. Observe what kind of toys predominate in her “collection”? Give something similar, you can't go wrong. Here are examples of the most popular toys among nine-year-old girls.

  1. "Themed" dolls. Nine-year-old girls prefer the currently popular “families” of dolls – Monster High, Bratz, Winx. Find out which series the birthday girl likes. It is important that the doll is from the “right family”. If the girl already has many similar dolls, you can present a “dowry” for them. However, accessories must also be from “the same” series.
  2. Soft toys. At 9 years old, a girl needs a close friend more than ever to whom she can tell secrets. Often the roles of such friends go to soft toys. Or perhaps the girl just collects stuffed animals. Then such a gift will come in handy. You can present a popular Teddy bear or another cute toy that you want to hold in your hands and not part with it.
  3. Lego. Yes, such construction sets are produced not only for kids. Even 9-year-old girls are interested in these toys, the main thing is to choose the right series. Sets from the “Lego Friends” or “Disney Princess” series are suitable.

It is important that the toy matches the interests of a particular girl. Any doll or playset may not be suitable. Before buying a gift, be sure to find out what toys the birthday girl is interested in.

Gifts for active leisure

For the well-being and full development of the child, it is important that he moves enough. And while boys usually don’t have problems with this, it’s a little more difficult with girls. They often prefer less active activities: handicrafts, dolls... You can improve the situation with your gift. What might pique the interest of a nine-year-old girl?

  • Game "Electronic Grab". The game is as follows: the grabber must be thrown into the air. Lights on some of the gadget's handles will light up. You need to grab the object by the glowing areas. Time is limited. If the player did not have time or grabbed the gadget by the wrong handles, the turn moves on to the next one. The grabber can be used alone, training dexterity and eye. The entertainment is also suitable for groups of friends or for the whole family. The grabber has several game modes, so you won’t get bored with the gadget for a long time.
  • Removable casters. They are worn on the heel (they can be combined with almost any shoe, they perfectly “adjust” to the foot). These devices are somewhat different from ordinary rollers, as is the process of skating on them. After all, in in this case Only the heel is involved. It gives new sensations.
  • Bright kite. Once upon a time, literally every child was familiar with this toy. For many children today, this is a novelty. Some girls today have not even heard of kites. However, any nine-year-old birthday girl will definitely like this toy. The main thing is to tell how to use this item.
  • Inflatable pool. Beautiful summer gift(in winter it is unlikely to cause a positive reaction). Suitable for a girl whose parents have a summer house. Otherwise, the birthday girl will have nowhere to use the pool.

If you find it difficult to choose, consult a salesperson at a children's toy store. Ask what games and toys for active leisure are currently popular among nine-year-old girls. What is most often bought for such children?

What to give to a stylish person

At 9 years old, a girl pays a lot of attention to her appearance. Therefore, gifts that will make her look better will be received with a bang. We offer several of the most current options.

  • Set for magnetic manicure . At this age, many girls get their nails done and try to decorate their nails in different ways. The “magnetic” set will allow the birthday girl to expand the scope of her experiments. And using such kits is very easy. A special varnish is applied to the nail, and then a special magnet with a pattern is applied to it. A few seconds - and a design appears on the nail. The more different varnishes and magnets in the set, the better.
  • Costume jewelry or jewelry . If a girl has pierced ears, she can be presented with earrings made of precious metal. Gold is hardly suitable for everyday wear at such a young age. But the girl can wear silver earrings to school and to some festive events. If to jewelry The birthday girl is indifferent, give her a set of bright jewelry.
  • Clothes for school. No need to wear school uniform has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. After all, the clothes a girl wears to classes need to look quite discreet. But at the same time, schoolgirls want to look stylish. You can help a girl in this endeavor if you give her a set of clothes especially for school (jeans and a blouse, a dress and accessories, a skirt and blouse, etc.). But let the birthday girl choose things herself - you can make a big mistake by buying things to suit your taste.

If a girl wants to seem like an adult, she can be presented with a certificate for visiting a beauty salon. Just choose an institution that specializes in working with children (there are some now). If the salon provides services only to adults, the staff may have problems communicating with the girl due to lack of experience.

TOP 10 gifts for a 9 year old girl

  1. Sand painting table
  2. Handmade collectible doll
  3. Elsa's dress from Frozen
  4. Unusual aquarium “Fish Hotel”
  5. Personalized tea “For the Princess” and a beautiful mug with cartoon characters
  6. Photo album with magnetic sheets
  7. Children's sewing machine and good fabrics
  8. Stylish lamp for illuminating books
  9. Set for weaving bracelets
  10. Board intellectual game “Bet”

Gifts for interior

Girls of any conscious age strive to decorate and ennoble their room. Let's help the birthday girl. This is not difficult, because the options for such birthday gifts are quite varied.

  1. Set of decorative pillows. Girls love to decorate their room with colorful pillows. But since these decorative items are often purchased separately, they may not harmonize with each other. You can present a set of several pillows made in the same style. Plain or patterned, decorated with appliqués, embroidery, photo printing - your choice.
  2. Interesting lamp or glowing garland. Most people associate garlands with colored lights with the New Year. However, today LED devices are used for interior decoration at any time of the year. Just choose not typical New Year's ones, but neutral ones. If you haven’t found a suitable garland, you can present a lamp or night light of an interesting shape.
  3. Beautiful bed linen. Even if only at a certain time of the day, but still bed linen is also part of the decor. A interesting options now the mass. This could be underwear decorated with cartoon characters. Or a set with drawings made using 3D technology.
  4. Original bedspread. If a girl has enough bedding sets, maybe she doesn't have a good bedspread? Also a great gift option.
  5. "Smart plant" Such sets are called “Click and grow”. Almost no effort is required from plant owners. There is no need for daily watering, careful care, or fiddling with fertilizers. The plant “lives” inside a special box with software. Sensors monitor the environment, and the box itself “takes care” of necessary procedures. With the help of such a gift, a girl will be able to decorate her room with a living plant and watch the process of its “evolution.” The choice of plants is huge: from strawberries and various flowers to vegetables.

A memorable gift

And what to give if we are talking about happy child, who has everything, everything, everything he needs? And even more? Give impressions! So that the girl can remember this birthday in adult life. A nine year old girl will like:

  • swimming with dolphins;
  • visit to the water park;
  • flight to hot air balloon;
  • horse riding;
  • attending a concert of your favorite performer.

If the girl was given gifts and impressions more than once... In this case, you can organize a fun costume party themed party with a lot of quests and surprises. This gift will definitely be remembered for a long time!

New Year- the favorite holiday of all children. Both kids and teenagers look forward to matinees, masquerades and, of course, gifts. But choose a good present to the modern child not easy. They have everything you need and lots of toys. But there is no need to despair. If you don’t know what to give a 9, 10, 11, 12 year old girl for New Year, decide and choose the best one. best present Our advice will help.

An interesting toy is the best New Year's gift for a girl 9-12 years old

Teenage girls usually try to appear more mature than they really are, and therefore are embarrassed to ask to buy a toy. But when they find it under the Christmas tree, they will probably be happy. Just remember that the toy must be appropriate for the age of the recipient. Various dolls and little ponies are a thing of the past, now the girl will like:

  • Model doll. This can be a beautiful doll with a proportional figure, for which it is easy and interesting to sew outfits, or a doll for applying makeup and creating hairstyles. Also, the girl will probably love a collectible doll that she can show off to her friends.
  • Interactive toy. Funny little animals that can repeat words and even respond to the owner’s commands always cause affection and genuine joy even in adults, so a teenager will definitely like them.
  • Large soft toy. Even fully grown girls adore them. Therefore, at 9, 10, 11 or 12 years old, the recipient will definitely be delighted to receive a huge white teddy bear or hare. You can also fry a soft anti-stress toy with small balls inside. It is very pleasant to squeeze and knead it in your hands.
  • Puzzle. Choose something beautiful and with lots of detail. Such an adult girl will be quite capable of putting together a complex landscape or a modern 3D puzzle.
  • Board game. Choose a fun game for the whole family. It will become not only entertainment, but also a means of bringing family together. And the girl’s many friends will be able to play this exciting board game. Choose Alias, Scrabble, forfeits, sets with cards - they are the most popular today.
  • Experiment kit. Choose something that the girl will definitely like. Many people do not like and do not understand experiments in chemistry or physics; they will like a set for creating perfumes or growing shining crystals.
  • Musical rug. Both children and adults are delighted with it. This is not only a toy, but also a wonderful tool for developing coordination of movements and a sense of rhythm.

When choosing a toy for a girl, be sure to remember her temperament. An active child will not like it board game or a puzzle. In such a situation, give preference to sports equipment and similar items.

TOP 10 gifts for a girl 9, 10, 11, 12 years old for the New Year

  1. Model doll
  2. Interactive toy
  3. Large soft toy
  4. Board game
  5. Experiment kit
  6. Musical rug
  7. Rubber bands or beads for weaving bracelets
  8. Canvas painting for painting by numbers
  9. 3D pen
  10. A set of unusual accessories for school

What to give a creative girl 9,10,11 or 12 years old for New Year

Almost all girls at this age can be called creative. They love creating beautiful things and consider themselves unsurpassed craftswomen. If you want to please a girl with a gift, choose something that will help her create a real masterpiece, for example:

  • Embroidery kit. Usually girls aged 11-12 like to embroider with beads - it’s quick and easy. But you can give a kit for embroidering with ribbons or decorating wallets and handbags.
  • Materials and patterns for sewing soft toys from felt. A girl from 9 years old can handle the creation of such cute little animals.
  • Rubber bands or beads for weaving bracelets. All teenagers love them.
  • Set for painting or painting wooden, glass or ceramic products. Great idea to give a blank New Year's toys and paints so that the girl can create her own Christmas tree decoration.
  • Painting on canvas for painting by numbers. That's enough difficult task, which will be within the power of an 11-12 year old girl. But the result will be a real painting painted on canvas, no worse than the work of a professional artist.
  • Good watercolor paints and a set of brushes. Such a gift will delight the young artist.
  • 3D pen. It will allow the girl to create unique three-dimensional masterpieces and will become her favorite toy for a long time.

When choosing a creative gift, start from the girl’s hobby. If she doesn’t have a hobby yet, try to choose something universal and uncomplicated. Who knows, maybe your gift will be the first step towards real mastery.

Useful New Year gifts for girls 9,10,11,12 years old

At this age, children rarely think about the benefits of a gift - entertainment is much more important for them. But you can choose something useful and at the same time fun to please your teenager, for example:

  • A stylish bag for school, walking or going to the gym. At this age, girls are already trying to look beautiful and love fashionable things, so the recipient will definitely like your gift.
  • Lunch box. It will come in handy for a girl who takes lunches to school or for walks.
  • A set of unusual accessories for school. This could be a pencil case of an original shape, an eraser in the shape of a lipstick and a sharpener.

If this is a gift from parents or very close relatives, you can even present some furniture and interior items. The girl will be glad to have her own dressing table, like an adult’s, or a beautiful lamp in the form of a bouquet of flowers. You can also give beautiful luminous wall stickers or a mirror in an elegant frame.

Undoubtedly useful gifts include all items for active recreation and sports. Of course, giving a bicycle or roller skates for New Year is not the best idea, because the recipient will have to wait until spring to use them. Give something that can be used immediately - skates or skis.

Children aged 9-12 are already actively using modern digital devices and are interested in technical innovations. Therefore, the girl will definitely be delighted when she receives a smartphone, tablet, laptop or something similar. One more good idea- camera. Most teenage girls enjoy taking photos and sharing their masterpieces on social media. It’s still too early for a sophisticated SLR camera, but a simple point-and-shoot camera with a minimal set of functions will be just right.

Is it worth giving a girl 9,10,11,12 years old clothes for the New Year?

Most modern children do not suffer from hunger or cold, and do not need clothing. Therefore, when you decide to update a young lady’s wardrobe, you should think carefully about whether it’s worth doing. Only very close people who know for sure that the girl dreamed of a new thing and what kind of new thing can give as a gift. Most likely, the girl will like:

  • Animal hat. But not a wolf one, like in adults, but in the form of a fox or knitted with a cute face.
  • Bright mittens or leather gloves. The second option will be especially pleasing, because in them the girl will feel almost like an adult.
  • Unusual fur headphones. They allow you to protect your ears from the cold and at the same time the young lady’s hair will be visible.
  • A T-shirt or sweatshirt with a photo of the recipient. Such a gift will amuse the young lady’s self-esteem and will become the envy of all her girlfriends.

If you decide to buy some clothes, but are undecided what to choose, give them a gift certificate. This way you can “kill several birds with one stone”:

  • You don’t have to waste energy and nerves looking for a gift; the recipient will do it herself;
  • The girl will definitely be pleased with the present;
  • She will choose a gift herself, which will help her learn how to shop and choose her wardrobe.

Unexpected New Year's gifts for a girl

If you want to surprise the recipient with your gift, try to present something that she definitely does not expect. For example, you can give a pet. Just choose an animal that the girl will definitely like - a kitten, puppy, rat, hamster, fish or even a spider. Be sure to provide him with a suitable cage and a supply of food for the first time.

Only parents who know the home environment well and will help the girl if she cannot cope with caring for a living creature can give such a risky gift without fear. Others should consult the recipient's mom and dad.

A great idea is a certificate to a beauty salon or a consultation with a stylist. It is very difficult for young girls to decide what suits them and what does not. It would be good if a professional could help you sort this out. This will help develop good taste and sense of style. You can also give the girl some money so that she can buy something on the advice of the stylist.

Another great option gift - adventure. You can present an excursion trip, a certificate for visiting a water park or a flight in a wind tunnel. Choose what the girl will like and this New Year will be unforgettable. You can also give an invitation to the best New Year's masquerade in your city or country. Then the gift will definitely become one of the brightest memories this year.

The question of what to give a 9-year-old girl does not have a clear answer. All girls are different, and age means little.

Some girls already take first place in school competitions, others still play with dolls, and others combine school and children's games. In any case, a gift for your ninth birthday should be interesting and unusual.

A birthday is a personal holiday, so it is not so much the age that is taken into account as the temperament and interests of the birthday person. When choosing what to give to a 9-year-old girl, you should remember these two factors. Despite the fact that the birthday girl is still a child, she may already have personal opinions and hobbies.


A quiet, assiduous girl will happily take care of things at home. Such a birthday girl can be presented with materials and ideas for needlework, puzzles, puzzles, encyclopedias. Practical things for your desk can also be useful - an organizer, a cork board, a lamp.

Examples of what you can give a 9-year-old girl for homeschooling are presented in the table:

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Board games are a classic and timeless gift. Popular games are Memo, Jenga, Monopoly, Munchkin. You should choose boards marked “9+” or “10-11 years old”.

Creative sets will appeal to a girl who loves to create with her own hands. In the hobby store you can choose a kit for embroidery, soap making, perfume making, sewing toys, bead weaving and much more.

A children's sewing machine will appeal to a girl who loves to sew for dolls. You can also give a book with patterns or a kit for sewing a bag, skirt, or top.

Paints or pencils will please the artist. The larger the set of colors, the more enthusiastically the gift will be received.

Designers are liked not only by boys, but also by girls. The birthday girl will be pleased with a “Lego” or a wooden mechanical construction set.


A gift for a 9-year-old girl who loves to communicate and does not sit still should be special. If the girl has many friends, then you can choose a gift that she will share with friends.

For example, outdoor games or unusual sweets. Active girls love to be the center of attention, so you should choose bright, unusual gifts.

Examples of such gifts:

  • dance mat;
  • radio controlled toy;
  • instant photo camera;
  • kite;
  • air mattress for swimming;
  • hanging swing;
  • interactive pet;
  • karaoke;
  • snow blaster;
  • machine for making cotton candy;
  • bubble gun;
  • head for creating hairstyles and makeup.

Advice! The girl is still at the age when she can be given toys. A good gift would be a fashion doll, a flying fairy, soft dogs, cats, bear cubs.


A sports birthday girl will rejoice at the opportunity to show her talents in sports. For such a girl, you can present sports equipment, vehicles, and equipment.

Options for what to give a 9-year-old girl for a sporty lifestyle:

  • roller skates;
  • skateboard;
  • bike;
  • ball;
  • hoop;
  • kimono;
  • hoverboard;
  • wireless headphones;
  • badminton;
  • skates;
  • snowboard;
  • Swedish wall.

Advice! An obvious gift for an athlete is sportswear and shoes. However, only parents can give such a gift, okay those who know the size and the girl's preferences. It is better for guests to refrain from such a gift, because... It’s easy to make a mistake with the size, color, style.

Smart girl

Despite the fact that the birthday girl is still a child, studying takes up more and more time. At the age of 9, an interest in knowledge and science can already awaken. Therefore, it is recommended to give a “smart” gift for a 9-year-old girl.

Examples of gifts that will be useful in your studies are presented in the table:

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A laptop is the most obvious gift needed for studying and communicating. If the birthday girl doesn’t yet have such electronics, then it’s time to buy one. In the future, searching for information and the ability to work with documents will become part of life. Therefore, the sooner a girl starts, the better she will adapt to the information world.

The e-book will be useful for learning and leisure. You can carry an entire library in your bag. It is convenient to learn foreign languages ​​with an electronic device.

A microscope is a great gift for future scientists. Depending on the model, the microscope magnifies the image up to 1200 times. The kit includes several samples, instructions, additional tools and accessories. An alternative gift could be a telescope.

An interactive globe will help you remember the location of countries and find out brief information about different corners peace. Using the interactive pen, a location on the globe is indicated and a category of information information is selected. The voice reports physical, demographic, climatic data.

You can choose a set of home experiments based on the girl’s interests. At home, you can experiment with water, electricity, and light. In addition to chemical and physical experiments, you can give a girl a kit for growing plants.

Read also:

Beautiful and useful things

If the invited guests do not understand well what exactly the girl needs, what she is interested in and how she will react to a gift based on her interests, then the easiest way is to resort to universal gifts. Useful gizmos, trinkets, and accessories will appeal to many girls, regardless of their character and hobbies. Price universal gifts does not exceed a couple of thousand rubles.

To the room

A gift for a 9 year old girl can decorate her room. We are not talking about furniture, but about pleasant accessories that will find their place in the birthday girl’s personal corner. The more unusual and functional the item, the more interested the girl will be in the gift.

The table shows several examples of interior gifts:

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An unusual night light will transform the room. You can choose a night light with a projection of the starry sky, waves, and figures. Also, the device itself can be in the shape of a flower, mushrooms, or crystals.

An alarm clock can be an unusual gift if you choose a model with backlighting, a built-in radio or a drawing board. The birthday girl will be pleased to wake up to such an unusual alarm clock.

A wall calendar with your favorite characters or animals and humorous inscriptions will decorate your room and help you plan your affairs.

Mermaid tail blanket – unusual gift for a cozy pastime. You can knit this blanket yourself.

The toy pillow is perfect for reading or studying with a tablet. The pillow can be in the shape of an animal or with an original, for example, three-dimensional image.

To the wardrobe

You shouldn’t give clothes as a gift, but it’s quite possible to pick up accessories for a little fashionista.

Options for giving a 9 year old girl:

  • handbag;
  • backpack;
  • hair clip;
  • headband;
  • umbrella;
  • bijouterie;
  • cosmetic bag with children's cosmetics;
  • bright leggings;
  • sunglasses;
  • hat;
  • wrist watch.

Advice! You can give it to a girl natural cosmetics and children's perfumes. However, not every girl will be happy with such a gift. If the birthday girl is a modest girl who does not like to attract attention to herself or is indifferent to cosmetics, then it is better to refuse such a gift.

On the table

The desktop is an important part of the room. At the table, the girl does her homework, writes down her thoughts, dreams and plans. With the help of functional and beautiful details, you can make your personal and work space more comfortable and pleasant.

Examples of what to give a 9-year-old girl to organize her desk:

  • original cup for pencils;
  • wall organizer;
  • the diary is locked;
  • chalk board;
  • a set of colored pencils and pens;
  • potted plant;
  • anti-stress toy;
  • electronic frame;
  • pencil case;
  • piggy bank;
  • set of bookmarks;
  • eternal rose;
  • box.

Advice! It is better not to give simple stationery, but to focus on originality.

You can get some ideas from the video in this article:

Nine years is a relatively calm age before the transition period. You can still pamper a girl with toys and sweets. It is recommended to arrange a themed party with balloons for the birthday girl, big cake, draws. The birthday girl will also be pleasantly surprised by a carriage ride, a hot air balloon flight, and an unusual photo shoot.