What can you draw with a pencil step by step for beginners. Pencil drawing lessons for beginners step by step: basic rules for drawing with a pencil, and video master classes for those who want to learn how to draw well with a pencil from scratch

Do you like indoor flowers? Then watch short videos of blooming anthuriums, hibiscus and other house flowers.

Learn to draw cartoon characters

Animal drawing lessons

Pet drawing lessons

Pencil drawing lessons for birds

Nature drawing lessons

Let's draw the mushroom step by step, first with a simple pencil. At the last step, you can color the picture of the mushroom with paints or colored pencils, and if you draw leaves and grass next to it, the picture of the mushroom will be very beautiful and attractive.

To begin with, remember that a rose consists of petals adjacent to each other. This is the biggest difficulty in drawing this flower. To make the rose flower look more realistic, also draw a rose stem with leaves.

It is better to draw flowers with paints; a black and white drawing of flowers cannot convey all the beauty of flowers. In this lesson we will learn how to draw flowers in a bouquet step by step with a simple pencil.

To draw a picture of a snowflake, in addition to a pencil, you definitely need a ruler. Any snowflake drawing has the correct geometric shape and therefore it is better to draw with a ruler.

It is better to paint a butterfly, just like flowers. But first, draw a butterfly step by step with a simple pencil.

Drawing is, at the very least, a great hobby for creative people. Many people believe that for this you need to have some kind of special talent, when, in fact, anyone can learn to draw - with a certain persistence and systematic practice. We will help you figure out how to learn to draw with a pencil and what beginners need to know about this activity.

Drawing supplies

You should have a set of simple pencils. They are designated by the letters H (T in Russian markings) - hard pencil, B (M) - soft, and a number is placed in front of the letter, which indicates the degree of hardness or softness, for example, 2B.

Beginners should start with an HB (TM) pencil - this is a standard pencil, medium hard-soft. Once you get used to it, it will be easier to control the pressure when using other types of pencils.

Take white and thick paper, preferably grainy - pencil shades will be clearly visible on it. If possible, buy one sheet of paper for testing and rub it with an eraser - if it immediately becomes loose with pellets, then the quality of such paper leaves much to be desired.

Don't forget to take a good eraser to correct future marks. Choose a soft eraser so that you don’t damage the paper too much when erasing.

Where to start

First of all, you need to become familiar with the basic principles of drawing: composition, volume, perspective, dynamics. These basics apply to any style, not just pencil drawings.

After this, you should decide what exactly you want to learn and how you want to draw, what style to choose. Even if you want to be able to do a little bit of everything, stop first on something specific and don’t try to embrace the immensity - master one style, and then move on to another.

If you want to learn how to draw portraits, you will have to learn the basics of anatomy, the proportions of the human face and body. To learn how to draw landscapes, you need to practice drawing natural objects - plants, mountain ranges, sea waves, etc. If you want to draw anime, then you need to know the features of drawing characters in this genre.

From simple to complex

You must learn to draw geometric shapes in two dimensions, and then in three dimensions. This will become a very important stage in your practice, because, in fact, all objects and even we ourselves conditionally consist of different geometric shapes. And when you are just learning to draw objects and people, and even after gaining experience, you will still sketch circles, ovals, squares on paper, indicating the proportions of the objects being drawn.

Draw a lot of simple objects and animals in a simplified form. Don't shy away from drawing objects that seem boring at first glance, like a cup, an alarm clock, or an apple on a table - even a simple two-dimensional outline drawing will require some skill on your part.

Let's try to practice a little right now and draw a cute mouse.

1. Take a soft pencil and draw two ovals next to each other, with a slight intersection. One of them will be smaller - this is the future mouse’s head, and the second will become the body.

2. Draw circles for the ears, outline the paws and outline the curving tail.

3. Now let’s draw a muzzle for the mouse - an eye in the shape of an inverted drop, a nose like a ball, a smile, and don’t forget to draw the ears.

4. Erase the inner contours of the muzzle and make a more saturated stroke. Color the pupil and nose black, with a white highlight in the middle.

5. Draw the mouse’s paws and shape the tail, erasing the auxiliary contours along the body. Trace the rest of the mouse.

After two-dimensional images, start mastering three-dimensional ones, with the transfer of volume. When studying black and white drawing, start with the classic task - draw a ball with a falling shadow. If you don't have a suitable ball at home, use a chicken egg as an object. You can see how to perform such a drawing in the following video.

At first, it is very important to learn how to draw from life - you must develop a sense of form on real objects, observe shadows and light, see volume.

The main principle in drawing is the movement from simple to complex, from the general to the details.

Don't rush and don't expect that after a couple of drawing lessons you will be able to create brilliant paintings. Be patient: sometimes you will have to learn to draw the same figure over and over again until you get it right before moving on to more complex tasks, such as drawing people.

Basic pencil drawing techniques

The main techniques for drawing with a pencil include shading and shading.

In the initial stages, it will be easier for you to master shading. Although sometimes art school students, for example, use exclusively shading, and shading is considered the wrong technique. In any case, it will be useful to master both techniques, as they help achieve different results in the drawing.


Hatching is done by drawing short, thin lines with a pencil on an area of ​​paper. The lines are placed at the same distance from each other. At the same time, the pencil comes off the sheet: having drawn one line, you do not pull it along the paper in a zigzag to its original position, but return it back without leaving marks. It is important to hatch the drawing in one direction.

The degree of tone saturation is controlled by different frequencies of strokes and their direction - strokes can be vertical, horizontal, diagonal. Increasing the depth of color is achieved using cross strokes in different directions, for example, diagonal strokes are superimposed on top of vertical strokes.

There are also relief strokes - they are used to convey the relief and are made with curved, arched, broken strokes, but not straight.

Pencil shading conveys both light and shade and tones, as well as various textures: backgrounds, surfaces, materials, etc.

The shading technique is quite complex for beginners and requires a lot of training. It will likely take a long time before you can develop your own shading style. Therefore, for beginners, the shading technique is suitable, which will help correct defects in shading if necessary.

It is with the help of shading that a realistic image is achieved with a smooth gradation of tone.

It is performed as follows: hatch lines are applied to the paper with a pencil, and then rubbed using a special tool - a feather brush, or with a cotton swab, a piece of soft paper, fabric or suede. Do not shade the lines with your finger in order to avoid the appearance of greasy spots in the drawing.

In fact, shading is an optional stage after shading, but with its own peculiarity: shading before shading is better with cross zigzag lines. Do not do horizontal shading - rub pencil lines only from top to bottom.

It is important that the shading is uniform. As a last resort, you can carefully highlight the light areas with a pencil again, and weaken the dark areas with an eraser.

In this video you can see how to perform different types of shading and shading.

When the basics have been studied and pencil techniques have been mastered, all that remains is to practice drawing more often. Remember that practice is the key to your success.

There are a lot of manuals for beginning artists, where you will see special lessons on drawing individual objects or paintings with a pencil. You can either buy these publications in a specialized store or take lessons from the Internet. The main thing is to practice as much and often as possible. Let drawing become, first of all, a pleasant leisure time for you.

Don't you know how to draw? It seems like it's high time you learned this! Pick up your brushes and paints and visit any site from our list!

Drawing with Anna Koshkina - an extensive selection of various video tutorials on drawing. Everything is explained in an accessible and understandable way.

Learn to draw in 30 days - a selection of lessons based on the well-known book “How to learn to draw in 30 days.” All you need is 20 minutes of your time, a notepad and a pencil with an eraser, and in just a month you can draw!

A selection of lessons from the group “Drawing Lessons”- There are lessons for various techniques and lots of tips. There is also a section on painting lessons where you can learn to paint with watercolors, oils or pastels.

Drawing lessons for beginners and children - many drawing lessons with both pencil and felt-tip pens.

Everyone can draw! - a complete free course on drawing with pencil and watercolor.

A simple pencil - many video lessons on drawing in various techniques, there is also a section for children, video lessons on drawing in Photoshop and an overview of various online graphic editors.

Drawing and drawing lessons for beginners - a large course on drawing and drawing, as well as many articles and tips, including even exercises for developing the eye and “getting” your hand.

Drawing: video tutorials - hundreds of educational videos on the topic of drawing an entire picture or any detail.

How to learn to draw - simple and complex lessons, step-by-step lessons on drawing various animals, people and more!

DrawSpace is a portal with drawing lessons, a total of eight levels, each of which is divided into sections, the only minus/plus is that it is in English.

Learn to draw - also in English. They mainly teach how to draw people, but you can also learn how to draw caricatures.

Carol's Drawing Blog is a blog of professional artist Carol Rosinski, where she posts tutorials. All lessons are divided into several levels, there are also videos and articles in which Carol shares her secrets. Another resource in English.

About: Drawing/Sketching - a section of the large About project dedicated to drawing, also in English. The site publishes many collections, training videos and articles on the topic of sketching and drawing.

DrawSchool is a resource for learning to draw. There are both free and paid webinars.

Purmix - with the help of this resource you will learn how to draw anime, manga, and tattoos, and you can use both video and photo lessons.

How to learn to draw- a whole channel on Youtube dedicated to teaching drawing. You can learn to draw a bug, a worm, and a bear.

PaintMaster - here you can learn graphic design, academic drawing and even interior design!

DrawMaster.ru - many lessons suitable not only for Photoshop, but also for ordinary pencils and paper.

ArtDrawing.ru - you can get a full course in drawing from the talented artist Yuri Sinchukov.

Pencil drawing lessons - a complete variety of styles, tastes, colors, and drawing themes.

Who among us has not dreamed of becoming an artist at least once? Especially in childhood, many of us wanted to learn how to draw beautifully, and maybe even paint real pictures. But, as often happens, dreams were shattered due to a banal lack of skills. Either due to a change of interests, or because of ordinary laziness, many lacked the desire and patience to continue to develop in this direction.

So how can beginners learn to draw with a pencil?

Like any creative activity, the art of drawing contains many subtleties and helps its owner to reveal not only his creative potential, but also to realize his worldview in a beautiful form. These subtleties will be discussed further.

Stages and principles of training

Often, in order to fully learn how to draw, they resort to step-by-step training and practice of drawing various compositions of different plans. There is quite a big difference if, for example, you are trying to draw a person, or if you are trying to realize some kind of landscape on paper. That is why in this case it is very important to master the skills of drawing a wide variety of objects.

Another basic principle in learning to draw is regularity. Practice is the decisive factor in developing drawing skills. It would not be a bad idea to create a specific schedule for the week, according to which you could devote at least 20 minutes a day to this activity. It follows from this that you also need to show some patience in such training.

What do you need to get started?

So, first of all, find yourself notebook with fairly large leaves. There should be at least 50 sheets. The second point in your preparation should be the choice pencil to taste. There are a great variety of pencils, so in your case the best choice will be the one you are used to using. For example, it could be a pencil with a soft lead. Naturally, a little later you will one way or another have to purchase the necessary pencils in order to improve the quality of your work.

Get yourself a calendar too. Where you will celebrate not only your class schedule, but also your successes. At first you will have to force yourself to strictly follow the schedule, but over time it will become part of your lifestyle and will bring great pleasure.

Try to draw something on the first page. Don't worry about the high quality of the drawing. After a certain time, you will open the notebook to the first page and be surprised at the difference between how it was and what changes have occurred.


Many people think that drawing is a skill that depends only on natural talent, so they easily find excuses in the format of “not given” or “doesn’t work out.” But it’s not just about talent, but also about acquired skills. A person who can draw well without knowing the basic principles is a rare exception. Any business needs to be learned. Therefore, next we will look at the basic laws and techniques of drawing.

There are 9 basic laws of drawing, after learning which you will learn to draw at a fairly high level. Let's discuss them.

  • Law of perspective. Objects that the author wants to visually bring closer are distorted in such a way that one part of it appears closer than another part of it.
  • Arrangement of objects. Objects that are at the bottom of the sheet appear much closer than others.
  • Law of size. The object in the picture, which, according to the author’s plan, should be located closer, should, accordingly, look larger than those located further away.
  • Law of overlap. An object that is in front of another becomes visually closer to us.
  • Law of penumbra. The conventionally unlit part of the object, which is located on the opposite side of the light source, should be darker.
  • Law of the shadow. To make the drawn object seem three-dimensional, you need to add a cast shadow to it, also strictly on the opposite side of the light source.
  • Law of contours. It is necessary to accentuate the contours of round objects to give them depth.
  • Law of the horizon. This is the case when the horizon is drawn so that the depicted objects appear to be at different distances from the observer.
  • Density law. To make it seem that objects are at different distances, it is also necessary to draw near objects in more detail and distant objects in less detail.

Using these 9 basic laws in practice, it will not be difficult for you to move to the next level in drawing.

Also, in order to avoid simple mistakes, a beginner in drawing needs to follow several important steps when creating a sketch of a drawing. Here they are:

We draw from simple to complex

A less well-known fact is that drawing is different from drawing. What we mean first of all is that drawing a person is far from the same as drawing, say, a tree. Different things require different approaches to be executed perfectly. That is why further we will consider in detail the technique of drawing various compositions.

You should not immediately take on complex compositions. Because in the science of drawing, the mindset with which you start working is very important. If you immediately took on a complex drawing, but nothing worked out, then you are guaranteed to be in a bad mood. You may even lose the desire to pick up a pencil altogether. Therefore, in our training we will go from simple to complex, gradually learning new drawing techniques. Let's start with something simple.

Drawing geometric shapes

Since it will take quite a long time to search for suitable layouts of geometric shapes, we will be based on our imagination. For convenience, you can even download ready-made pictures of various geometric shapes from the Internet.


Let's draw a cube. Take this picture as a basis:

Repeat all the edges and sides of the geometric figure. Don't forget that the back wall of the cube is proportionally smaller than the front. Now let's pay attention to the shadow.

Imagine the light source is in front. This will make the front side of the cube lighter and the sides darker. Shade the sides. Mark the lines of the front corner with a pencil, and leave the rest thin. He will attract all the attention of the observer.

To give your figure a unique look, you can slightly distort the proportions. So we might end up with something similar.


Draw the plane on which your figure will be located. It should not be in the air, because the shadow must fall on something. Find on this plane the ideal place to locate the central axis of your cylinder. Draw a vertical line straight up from this point. Draw ellipses around both ends of this line. Connect the lower and upper ellipses with the same vertical lines. The sketch is almost ready. For convenience, you can add a couple of auxiliary lines. For example, in front, such a line can mark the border of the shadow. Draw the outline of the shadow on the horizontal plane on which your figure is located. The result should be something like this:

Now that we're done with the frame, it's time shade the main parts of our figure. Again, taking into account that the light should be strictly in the opposite direction from the shadow, we mark by eye where the highlight will be. It is also worth considering that the glare on the cylinder will not form a spot, but a vertical stripe. Shade the area from the shadow line to the rear border of the cylinder with a darker shade. Lubricate the border of the hatching to make the transition smooth. Shade the shadow of the figure itself. Leave the upper part of the cylinder light.

Drawing a sphere

Let's try to depict one of the basic geometric shapes, on the basis of which more complex objects will be drawn in the future. This figure is a sphere. She is even easier to draw than the others. You need to draw a circle. Next, from the edges of this circle, you need to draw several more concentric circles inside this figure. These circles may not be perfectly regular; moreover, they may take the shape of an ellipse.

They will serve us in order to do the shading correctly. Refer to the picture below.

Shade the circles according to the diagram shown. Draw another ellipse on the main plane. Shade this ellipse too to create a shadow. The sphere is ready.


Try using the sphere drawing skill to draw more complex compositions, such as a plum. Notice what changes have occurred to the shadow? What happened in the end?


Shadow and light switched places. As a result, the berry acquired the illusion of transparency.

So, we found out that drawing geometric shapes is not such a difficult task.

Based on a basic knowledge of geometry and the skill of drawing such figures, you will be able to create more complex compositions with their help.

Drawing dishes

The next most difficult stage in pencil drawing is drawing dishes. In this case, the main difficulty lies more in the correct placement of shadows, both on the subject and around it.

Let's draw a simple vase. It will be great if you find a suitable example that you can study in advance.

At the very beginning, we need to indicate the parameters of the object using straight lines. Draw a small horizontal line at the bottom of the sheet. This line will be the bottom of our vase. From the center of the horizontal line, perpendicular to it, draw a vertical line. This line will indicate the height of the object. Draw another horizontal line at the top of the vertical one. If anything is not clear to you, refer to the figure below:

As we can see, we will need another horizontal line marking the narrow neck of the vase. Draw it. Next, you need to draw ellipses with centers coinciding with the intersection points of the vertical and horizontal lines. They are needed to add volume to the vase.

The next step will be drawing the outline of the object. For example, it could be like this:

The final stage will be drawing light and shadows. This is done in the same way as with geometric shapes. Simply, you first need to decide what underlies each part of the object, a sphere, cylinder, cone or cube.

Try to ensure that the outline of your vase is symmetrical on both sides.

Drawing a cup

First, using the proven method, we need to draw the vertical and horizontal lines. This time, the base of the cup will be much smaller than its neck, and not the same. Draw ellipses for the top and bottom.


Unlike geometric shapes and dishes, drawing various plants is a more difficult task than it might seem at first. For example, in contrast to relatively simple objects, in the case of flowers, bushes, trees and many others, it is better to always have a living example before your eyes. It is very difficult to reliably imagine such a number of different details and correctly display them on paper. Or it could be a finished image of the original. With the level of detail of the drawing, it is important to decide the issue at the very beginning. After all, it can be as simple as possible, or, on the contrary, contain a large number of details.

Drawings by degree of detail:

Let's start drawing.

Make a preliminary sketch of your composition. If it is not one flower but several, draw them so that the stems are slightly curved and the buds look in different directions. You don't have to make all the lines perfectly correct.

One of the most interesting things is that the initial sketch can consist of geometric shapes, albeit a little distorted. Take a closer look.

What do you see? The picture contains at least a circle, ovals, a cylinder, a distorted rhombus and cones. This tells us that sometimes even complex images at the initial stage can be drawn using simple shapes.

Start drawing out the details. Draw the petals and add some irregularities to the petals. Add leaves to the composition. Focus on the original.

A tulip flower usually has about 6-7 petals that partially overlap each other.

If you pay attention, you will note that the thickness of the stems is the same along the entire length. The leaves are long, with a sharp end, curved. Leaves envelop the stem. Also pay attention to attaching the stem to the bud. This is noticeable on the flower turning back.

The final stage will be adding light and shadow. Using light strokes, make the areas inside the flower, as well as on the inside of the leaves, more shaded. The places where the petals intersect can also be slightly shaded. This will give the petals a transparent effect. Draw the stamens. They can be emphasized with a darker color.

As you can see from the last lesson, creating a simple composition is not a problem if you know the basic fundamentals of drawing, from simple to complex.

Drawing an oak tree

Trees are very often an integral part of various complex paintings. For example, these could be landscapes where numerous trees echo images of animals, which will be discussed later.

Take a hard pencil. It will be needed to very loosely draw a general sketch of the tree. As always, we will go from the general to the details.

Draw a tree trunk. Since we are drawing an oak tree, it should be thick. Draw branches from the tree trunk.

Add a few clouds of leaves inside the crown. You need to deliberately leave empty areas so that some branches are visible.

Thicken the branches where they are not covered by leaves.

Start applying the main shadows. Before doing this, think about which side the light will fall from and how parts can be further shaded.

Draw the leaves. Add detail to them and distribute the shadows correctly. Select several leaves throughout the crown. This adds volume to the picture. The oak is ready!

It is not necessary to draw every leaf in the final image. You can simply thicken the contours of the leaves.

Art therapy helps to get rid of stress, restore inner harmony, have fun and develop new talents. To learn to draw, you don’t have to attend an art studio. It is enough to spend a little time watching free video lessons on Youtube and practicing in your free time.

There are a great variety of materials for drawing: pencils, pastels, watercolors, gouache, acrylic and oil paints. You need to try them all and understand which method is closer. It's better to start with the simplest techniques. ALL ONLINE COURSES have selected the best video drawing lessons for beginning artists.

Training your hand for drawing

Warm-up is an important part of any activity, be it singing, sports or playing a musical instrument. Before drawing, you need to get rid of tightness, get used to holding your pencil and hand correctly, and avoid overwriting the drawing. Exercises can be performed not only before drawing, but also at any other time, while talking on the phone or watching TV. When the hand performs the necessary actions more often, learning occurs faster.

Pencil drawing for beginners

Special exercises help you improve your skills and confidently draw high-quality drawings. When doing shading, the hand gets used to moving easily and correctly, adjusting the degree of pressure and color intensity. Mastering the six main types of hatching: vertical, horizontal, mesh, dotted, multidirectional and spring is enough to perform professional drawings. With the help of some shading, you can convey not only the intensity of color, but also different textures: fur and wool, stone and egg shell. Exercises are performed from simple to complex.

How to learn to draw with a pencil step by step

One of the most difficult types of drawing is a portrait from life. It is unlikely that a beginner will be able to draw a person the first time, but numerous attempts will give tangible results for the development of drawing skills. Artist and fine arts teacher Olesya Bershadskaya advises making sketches as often as possible, in public transport or in a cafe. In the video lesson, she shows how to make sketches correctly and step by step, from transparent lines and shadows to clear drawing. The sketch is done without using an eraser.

10 watercolor techniques and techniques

When a drawing uses a variety of techniques, it looks more interesting and lively. You can achieve different effects by painting with a dry, semi-dry or wet brush on dry or wet paper. You can create a uniform coating of paper with color, gradients - increasing tone from dark to light, or smooth transitions between different shades. Or darken and lighten parts of the picture, draw lines with different pressure and tilt of the brush, realistically depicting tree bark, branches, grass, sky and ripples on the water. The techniques are easy to learn, and the drawings can turn out worthy of a frame and a place of honor on the interior wall.

How to draw a sunset with pastels (painting in 10 minutes)

Try drawing with pastel crayons. To work, you will need your own crayons and fingers. The secret to the realistic drawing lies in multi-layering and competent shading with your fingers. At first the work seems childishly simple and unprofessional, but by the end of the lesson it takes on a magnificent look.

Chinese painting

The art of the East attracts attention with its unusualness. Chinese painting is closely related to poetry and calligraphy, hence its fabulousness, mystery and graphic quality. She doesn't use complex color schemes and the lesson can be watched and followed with young children. Arm yourself with a larger piece of whatman paper, brushes of different thicknesses, a sponge, water, paints and repeat the poetic landscape after the teacher. Having mastered the technique, start painting original paintings. It is better to practice Chinese painting while listening to inspiring meditative music.

Draw a tree in 20 minutes. Simple and unusual technique

The technique of drawing with gouache is more complicated than pencil and watercolor: you have to draw without a sketch, there is no way to correct the drawing with an eraser or a wet sponge. It’s worth starting the lesson with a little training. At the beginning of the video, the materials for the work are described in detail. Before applying paint to paper, it must be mixed and tested on a separate sheet or palette, achieving a variety of shades based on only six colors. The painting process uses brush strokes, strokes and splashing techniques.

Drawing lessons for beginners: composition basics in 5 minutes

Composition is the foundation for fine art. It is difficult to imagine an artist without knowledge of the basics of composition. You can learn to draw individual objects, people and animals well, but what’s the point if you don’t know how to put them together into a coherent picture with a plot? We recommend watching a short video about the rules for constructing the composition of a drawing. Using the techniques listed in the video, you can concentrate the viewer’s attention in the right place in the picture, attract and hold the eye, engage and create the effect of presence.

Simple drawings that anyone can draw 

Video for everyone who wants to draw simple and quick drawings with pencils, markers and pens. If you want to draw a postcard or coloring book for children with your own hands without spending a lot of time on the lesson, then this lesson is just the thing. Simple drawings are suitable for designing notebooks, notes, notebooks. Balloons, many varieties of flowers and plants, cartoon cats - just watch it once and you’ll learn right away.