Eco year protocol questionnaires. Eco statistics on successful pregnancies

The modern world is rich in innovation and technology development. Changes in medicine, especially in the field of reproductive medicine, have not been spared. Medicine has stepped far forward, pushing the boundaries of the impossible. Now doctors have the opportunity to help infertile couples. Assisted reproductive technology has come to their aid, which is developing every year and increasing the percentage of positive results. The most commonly used technology is in vitro fertilization. Married couples, and especially women, are worried and anxious, worrying about every little thing. And, of course, the first thing that worries couples who decide to turn to drastic methods for help is the statistics of in vitro fertilization protocols. They are worried about what success awaits them, in what attempt they will be able to feel that very long-awaited joy of motherhood and fatherhood.

Probably the decisive point in choosing a clinic is the statistics of IVF clinics on successful pregnancies. Only after studying existing information about the results, many couples choose one or another clinic. In addition, if a couple goes for an IVF protocol according to the received quota that was provided to them by the state, this will not affect the choice of clinic in any way. Thus, a clinic dealing with reproduction issues provides you with its services free of charge on the basis that your treatment will be financed under a compulsory health insurance policy.

Statistics of successful IVF and factors influencing it

It is worth noting that in vitro fertilization is the most effective method of treating infertility.

When taking into account IVF success statistics, the following factors affecting the results should be taken into account:

  • age limits for women and men;
  • the reason why the couple is infertile, the duration of infertility;
  • results of ovarian puncture, i.e. what eggs were obtained and in what quantity;
  • with male factor, the characteristics of the resulting sperm and the quantity are affected;
  • how many embryos were obtained that are capable of development;
  • the longer the period of infertility, the more difficult it is to treat;
  • endometrial conditions during the period of embryo transfer and implantation;
  • number of previous attempts at treatment with in vitro fertilization;
  • the level of qualifications of doctors in the selected clinic;
  • individual selection of the protocol in each individual case;
  • correct choice of hormonal drugs with adequate dosage;
  • hereditary diseases that affect the course of treatment;
  • embryo transfer after cryoprotocol;
  • the lifestyle of patients (alcohol consumption and smoking) has a significant impact;
  • the presence of diseases in the acute stage or not completely cured at the time of the protocol.

IVF statistics around the world differ from those in our country. The reason for this is more modern equipment. For example, in the United States over the past year, about 200 thousand IVF protocols were carried out, 130 thousand of them were carried out for the first time. According to data, among these thousands, 38% were successful and ended in emergency births with absolutely normal, healthy children.

Countries where IVF is performed with positive results

Japan is famous for its technology. It is worth noting that for a large population (127 million people) there are about 500 clinics that deal with infertility treatment. While, for example, in the Russian Federation with a large population there are much fewer clinics. Also, do not forget that the protocol with the most gentle effects of hormonal drugs during stimulation comes from Japan. So in 2016, 424 thousand IVF protocols were carried out, of which 12% were successful.

Israel ranks first among the countries where in vitro fertilization is performed. The high percentage, namely 47-50%, is explained by the fact that this method of treatment has been carried out in this country since 1980. And clinics conduct training on preparation for in vitro fertilization.

Good results after IVF are observed in clinics in Spain. Every year, about 5 thousand IVF protocols are performed in Barcelona clinics. The percentage result in Barcelona exceeds 45%, and in the country in general it is 43-44%, of which almost 20% became pregnant the first time.

Along with Israeli clinics there are clinics in Poland. So in Poland, the percentage of successful IVF reaches 55-60%, and this is worth noting the highest result among all European countries.

Sweden has also established itself as a country with effective protocol indicators. In addition, another positive aspect in this country is that each clinic has a certain type of agreement, which provides for an agreement on the number of attempts. If for some reason IVF is not successful, part of the amount spent will be returned to you.

Türkiye and Cyprus are also famous for their great successes. In these countries, about 3000-4000 married couples apply annually, including singles. In percentage terms, we can say that after the cryoprotocol, success is 48.5%, and after intrauterine insemination, 17.9%.

In Belarus, the rules for conducting IVF are stricter; only officially married couples have the right to undergo treatment using methods of assisted reproductive technology. As for effectiveness, the percentage of positive results is also high.

If we talk about indications in Ukraine, it is worth noting that the statistics of successful IVF are also at the proper level. That is, about 35% of the protocols carried out result in a normal pregnancy and, accordingly, childbirth.

In Russia over the past year, the percentage of children born as a result of IVF was slightly more than 1% of all babies. Statistics on successful IVF are kept by each clinic individually, but if we take the total, then after the first attempt 35% were successful, and 40% were successful after a second attempt at treatment. But on average, statistics for the country are at the world level, that is, about 55-60%.

Do not forget that the success of the procedure depends on the clinic itself. For example, clinics in the capital have more modern and high-tech equipment, unlike peripheral clinics.

Having an idea of ​​the average statistical indicators of the results of IVF procedures, you can decide on the issue of choosing a clinic, as well as prepare for various treatment outcome options.

IVF success rate

The statistics of IVF attempts depending on the chosen protocol are as follows:

  • In vitro fertilization carried out in the natural cycle has not very encouraging figures, 8-11% of cases. The probability is reduced due to the fact that one, maximum two eggs are punctured. This means that they fertilize a cell that they only received one.
  • the use of cryoprotocols has a more rosy picture of successful attempts. 23-25% of procedures are successful. These figures are influenced by the method of storing the resulting embryos and their subsequent thawing. Compliance with all the rules for conducting this protocol.
  • IVF with donor material has a fairly high success rate. About 46-47% of women become pregnant and bear a healthy child. Most likely, a high percentage is obtained as a result of careful selection of a “worthy” egg. This method is usually used in the treatment of patients over 35 years of age, when their reserve is sharply limited or exhausted.
  • the use of IVF + ICSI gives a result of 32-35% on the first attempt, with repeated use the result is already higher - 40-42%. With each procedure performed, the result improves, for example, after the fifth attempt, a successful result is obtained in almost 70% of cases.

Depending on the experience of infertility:

  • infertility for three years and a less successful result on the first try, about 30%;
  • infertility treatment lasts from 3 to 6 years; for each case, the probability of a positive result is reduced to 27.5%;
  • with infertility for 6-9 years, the success rate drops to 27%;
  • hesitation to resort to IVF for 10-12 years leads to a 20% decrease in pregnancy rates;
  • If infertility has not been treated for 15 years, the success rate for each cycle is only 14-15%.

IVF results depending on the infertility factor:

  • tubo-peritoneal factor of infertility is successful in 53% of couples;
  • infertility of endocrine origin as a result of treatment 45.5% successful development of pregnancy;
  • 47% of successful cases in severe forms of endometriosis;
  • with polycystic ovary syndrome, with a correctly selected protocol, a positive result after IVF is observed in 55% of cases;
  • in the case of male factor, the use of IVF + ICSI methods gives a result of about 50% success;
  • in the presence of any other cause, treatment gives a result of 25.5%;
  • favorable treatment of infertility of unknown origin in 30%;
  • combined factor in women, result in 22.5%;
  • combined male and female factors lead to a positive result after IVF treatment in 26%.

Taking into account age, it should be noted that:

  • with IVF in women under 34 years of age, the result is positive in 38.6%;
  • in patients aged 34 to 38 years, successful IVF occurs in 30.3% of cases;
  • in women over 40 years of age, the success rate for positive completion of the protocol decreases to 16.8%.

Statistics of results after IVF

The results of statistical data can be improved by adhering to the recommendations of your doctor, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, eating right, and giving up alcohol and nicotine. If these rules are followed, successful results of the IVF protocol can be achieved. Over the past ten years, it has been possible to increase the effectiveness of this method from 10% to 40%. And all this thanks to the development of science and technology, the emergence of new, more accurate and modern equipment. As well as annual training for doctors in the field of assisted reproductive technologies.

Undoubtedly, everyone knows that it is not always possible to get pregnant on the first try, but with each attempt the chance of successfully completing the program increases. So in the case after repeated attempts, the percentage increases from 35% to 74%.

The incidence of complications after IVF protocols.

The most common complication is ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. But as statistics show, its frequency of occurrence is about 2% of cases.

The development of an ectopic pregnancy is quite rare, and most importantly, the doctor can prevent the occurrence of this pathology in time. So, according to statistics, this is possible in 8% of cases.

Statistics on IVF provide data that in 0.0001% of cases, a possible complication is the development of an oncological process. This may be due to aggressive hormonal therapy. But the percentage is so small that cases of such complications can be said to practically never occur.

Among doctors, multiple pregnancies are also considered a complication after an IVF program. Such a pregnancy can occur if two embryos are implanted after the transplant and both are viable. It is considered a complication because, in general, multiple pregnancies are very difficult to bear and have their own management characteristics. This occurs in about 25-30% of cases.

Spontaneous termination of IVF pregnancy can occur for completely different reasons and happens in any pregnancy. Such cases occur in 10% of all pregnancies.

Well, I found information a long time ago on how to increase the chances of eco.
how to increase the chances of successful embryo implantation??? The first stage is pre-infusion. 1. It is believed that on the day of replanting (several hours before) it is necessary to have good sex with your husband (preferably with orgasm). Why? Because this will best enhance blood circulation in the uterus, which means it will be easier for embryos to implant. But after the transplant, until the hCG analysis (or until the first ultrasound - then consult a doctor) - you should not have sex, you must maintain complete sexual rest. 2. Eat pineapples and protein foods, drink plenty of fluids. 3. 2 hours before embryo transfer, you must take one PIROXICAM-Piroxicam tablet, which increases the likelihood of successful implantation. The second stage - after replanting
1. The transfer was successful and you are already home. For the first three days, you need to lie down, so to speak, “like a corpse,” only getting up to go to the toilet and to the kitchen for reinforcements. These first days are very important, as implantation of the embryos will occur. It is known that blastocysts are implanted on the first day (the day of transfer does not count), and blastomeres in the first 2-4 days. I don't agree with this. IF I HAVE PROBLEMS WITH HEMOSTASIS AND, THEREFORE, WITH BLOOD CIRCULATION IN THE UTERUS, THEN I CAN'T LYE AS A CORPSE.
In the following days, it is advisable to start moving: do not strain, do not run, but just walk, walk, and preferably in the fresh air. An hour or two walks per day is enough. 2. It is very important to insert Utrozhestan correctly, since many IVF pregnancies are lost in the early stages due to its incorrect use. Our body needs appropriate progesterone support, so it is important to promptly and correctly follow the doctor’s instructions for taking the necessary medications. As for the insertion of Utrozhestan (many doctors do not focus on this - and this is important!) - to do this, we lie down on the bed, put a pillow under the butt, spread our legs wide apart and stick it far, far away (preferably directly to the cervix or to the very ears)) in the vagina. It is advisable to lie down after this for about an hour and not get out of bed or from the pillow. Thus, Utrozhestan will not spill onto the pad and its maximum absorption into the body will occur. I don’t entirely agree with this either. Of course, it needs to be inserted correctly, but it dissolves in about an hour. It’s enough to lie down for an hour; if a part falls out later, the body will take what it needs during that time. You really need to push it in as deep as you can.
3. You need to aim for success and remain calm.
4. Discuss the situation with your doctor in advance, if you start to experience pain, how to eliminate it (cannot be tolerated). The pain is the same as during menstruation, but can be stronger. But they cannot be tolerated. The most harmless remedy is no-spa. But, unfortunately, it doesn’t help everyone. Everything else is more harmful. But in the period 3-7 days (the first day is the day of puncture), you can take almost everything (even analgin and other GINS). But you need to discuss this with your doctor. Suppositories with papaverine help well (absolutely harmless), but, again, not for everyone
5. Then, during the period 3-7 days, maintain semi-bed rest. No stress, no household chores. Walk in the yard on a bench (I quietly went out into the yard with a book, sat on the bench for a couple of hours, and then went back to bed). There are no dog walks, shops, etc. Forget about all this
After the 7th day, you can begin to move slowly. But everything is very, very moderate. I don't agree. It's better to take a little walk. Especially in the summer. Nothing good comes from screwing up.
6. From the 4th day you can lead a normal lifestyle, with the exception of the following:
- lift weights more than 2 kg, jump, run;
- be sexually active until the next menstruation;
- take hot baths and wash in a sauna (you can take a shower);
- it is advisable to avoid hypothermia and overheating, and protect yourself from colds;
- take medications without special instructions (which can only be given by a doctor);
- avoid all possible conflicts if possible;
- preferably avoided

IVF (in vitro fertilization) - in medical science and practice, is one of the modern assistive technologies in the field of reproduction (ART), specially designed for couples suffering from infertility. In short, the meaning of IVF is that a reproductologist performs artificial insemination with male reproductive cells (spermatozoa) of a female reproductive cell (egg). To do this, it must be removed from the female body and placed in a special incubator. After a few hours, the egg undergoes artificial insemination. Three days after this, the resulting embryo is inserted into the woman’s uterus, where it then develops naturally.

The first IVF in the world. How it was.

In the modern world, IVF is an integral part of the method by which infertility is treated. Modern reproductive technologies have made it possible to make reality what was simply fantasy several decades ago. Now, with the help of IVF, many women find the joy of motherhood. But it wasn't always like this.

The first experiments with fertilization of human eggs were carried out back in 1944.

The first test tube baby was born into the Brown family (mother's name was Leslie and father's name was John) on July 25, 1978. Long before this, in what was truly a world event for the entire world of reproductive medicine, many scientists were working on the problem, and first of all it is worth paying tribute to the creators of IVF from the University of Cambridge, Robert Edwards and Wikipedia Steptoe. They were the first to conduct laboratory research on eggs back in the 60s of the last century. It took 10 years to study and determine the optimal conditions for IVF. At first, experiments were carried out with animals. The first attempt to perform IVF on a woman in 1975 resulted in an ectopic pregnancy.

And finally, in 1978, IVF ended in success. A woman who underwent treatment for almost 10 years and was diagnosed with “Infertility caused by obstruction of the fallopian tubes” gave birth to a girl named Louise. Louise, living in the city of Bristol, married Wesley Mallinder and in 2006 gave birth naturally, without resorting to IVF, to her son Cameron.

The first IVF in Russia and its further development.

Domestic medical science, in turn, also showed interest in in vitro fertilization. Since 1954, our scientists have been conducting research on extracorporeal fertilization (conception outside the body) of germ cells. Soon one of them (Grigory Nikolaevich Petrov from the Crimean Medical Institute) managed to carry out IVF and publish a scientific dissertation on this topic. It has been found that when conceived outside the body, sperm cannot fertilize eggs. Petrov’s work provided the foundation for the creation of future infertility treatment.

And now, 10 years after the success of the English scientists Edwards and Steptoe, successful IVF was carried out in our country. In 1986, a girl was born in Moscow as a result of IVF.

In 2007, she was able to become a mother and gave birth to a son. This became possible thanks to a group of our embryologists and obstetrician-gynecologists in the field of IVF: Boris Vasilievich Leonov, Elena Andreevna Kalinina and Valentin Alekseevich Lukin. It was they who completed the full IVF cycle for the first time in the USSR, which allowed the birth of the first Soviet test tube girl, Lenochka Dontsova.

Her conception through IVF occurred in 1985, and her birth in 1986. Years later, in 1996, these scientists were awarded the State Prize for their work “IVF Program in the Treatment of Infertile Marriage.”

It is worth noting that the development of IVF in Russia has always been accompanied by various obstacles, either technical or legal. And sometimes the most important scientific discoveries were perceived with obvious distrust. A striking example of this is the fact that during the delivery of Lena Dontsova’s mother, doctors were forced to use a caesarean section, and all this only because they were trying to prove that they were not deceiving: that the patient really did not have fallopian tubes, which means she would not have been able to get pregnant normally never.

Finally, the infertile women of the USSR had at first a timid hope, and then a very modest opportunity to experience the happiness of motherhood. Gradually, clinics specializing in the treatment of infertility began to open in the country. Speaking about today, according to statistical data, more than 30 thousand IVF protocols are carried out in Russia within one year, 1/3 of which are free, due to the state program for compulsory medical insurance.

IVF statistics in Russia

The most interesting thing is that in our country there is no strict and accurate recording of IVF procedures and protocols. This means that we will not be able to reliably say how many successful and how many unsuccessful IVFs are in Russia. Rosstat does not require objective information from each clinic, regardless of whether it is public or private, regarding such indicators.

An approximate picture of IVF protocols is as follows.

Most of the medical institutions involved in ART are concentrated in our two capitals: Moscow and St. Petersburg. According to their data, approximately 30 to 45 percent of IVF protocols are positive, which is when women become pregnant after IVF. In total, as noted above, about 30-35 thousand IVF protocols are carried out annually, and 10 thousand protocols are carried out annually under compulsory medical insurance. When using frozen material, the number of positive IVF protocols is about 22%. In the total share of children born, children born as a result of IVF make up 0.7%. Up to 1.5%. The IVF procedure is mainly used by patients who are over 30 years old and usually have an above-average standard of living.

How long does it take to get IVF? IVF effectiveness

When studying the effectiveness of IVF, the success rate of IVF is important, that is, the ratio of the number of IVF procedures performed to the number of pregnancies that have occurred.

The success rate of IVF the first time ranges from 45 to 50% of cases. The positive outcome of conception is largely influenced by the woman’s age, the specific reasons for her infertility, the quality of her partner’s sperm, and the professionalism of the fertility doctor.

Let's take a closer look at these factors.

  1. Woman's age. When a woman is not older than 30 years old, pregnancy with IVF is observed the first time with a frequency of 60%. When the age is over 35 years, the pregnancy rate from the first IVF is from 35 to 40%. At an older age, success from the first IVF occurs in 10% of cases.
  2. The second factor is the cause of infertility. For example, the chances of getting pregnant the first time for women diagnosed with tubal obstruction are much higher than for those diagnosed with endometriosis or polycystic ovary syndrome. Diagnoses associated with genetic causes have the lowest conception rates from the first IVF.
  3. The professionalism of the doctor is the third factor. The success of IVF directly depends on the skill of the gynecologist, reproductive specialist, embryologist and other specialists involved in the treatment of the patient, preparing her for the protocol, applying one or another treatment regimen with drugs that work with embryos.
  4. A complete examination is the most important factor for successful IVF. This is an integral part of the IVF preparation, including strict adherence to the doctor’s prescriptions, strict adherence to the diet and overall lifestyle, and of course, before the IVF procedure, it is important to have a full examination, including hysteroscopy, immunological and other studies. Often women neglect these rules and begin to strictly follow them only after unsuccessful IVF, turning to repeat IVF.
  5. The quality of the husband’s sperm is also the most important factor in the success of IVF. In order to increase the likelihood of conception with male factor infertility, the ICSI technique is successful, in which the most active and high-quality sperm are selected for subsequent fertilization of the egg. This technique is effective when a man has low motility and insufficient sperm.

The IVF procedure for many infertile couples is the only hope for pregnancy and the birth of a baby. Many women are in a hurry to get their desired pregnancy from the very first IVF protocol. But IVF statistics tell us that this does not happen to all women. In vitro fertilization, taking into account the long preparation for it, is a difficult test for the body, both physical and psychological. In addition, artificial insemination is always a hope, and for many couples it is the only hope. This is why all women dream of IVF succeeding the first time, but this does not always happen. Data from many clinics have shown that IVF is most effective when used repeatedly.

According to generalized data from medical institutions, women most often become pregnant the second time.

IVF statistics in the natural cycle

IVF is often used in a natural cycle. This is a method in which stimulant drugs are excluded, and one naturally matured egg is taken from the uterus. This method eliminates the hormonal load on a woman’s body, but at the same time, the effectiveness of pregnancy drops sharply. The statistics of such IVF indicate only 10% success.

IVF statistics with cryo protocol

There is an IVF technique using cryo protocols. Frozen embryos are taken here for IVF. According to statistics, the success of cryo protocols is about 20-25%. The success factors here are the peculiarities of the methods used for storing, freezing and thawing embryos.

IVF statistics with donor eggs

IVF of this type has good statistics - the success rate differs in about 45-50% of cases. This method is well suited in cases where patients are more mature and have a small follicular reserve.

IVF statistics using ICSI

The average success rate of IVF the first time using ICSI is 30-34%. Such data indicate that IVF protocols using ICSI are much more complex than conventional IVF and require high skill of reproductive doctors. For repeated IVF with ICSI, the statistics are much better - 44%, with the third attempt this figure already reaches 58%, and with the fifth attempt 77% of positive conceptions are already observed.

Statistics of pathologies of children conceived through IVF

In life, you can come across many myths about supposedly massive development of pathologies in children born through IVF. However, scientists refute these myths. According to the Russian Association of Human Reproduction, which studied about 30 thousand IVF cycles, children born after IVF are as healthy as those children born naturally. Those developmental deviations that appeared in children after IVF are absolutely similar to the deviations inherent in children conceived naturally. All these deviations have nothing to do with the use of ART, IVF, but are associated with other factors, such as ecology and heredity, and these factors equally affect children born both naturally and those born using in vitro fertilization. Moreover, scientists have long refuted the myth that children born as a result of IVF are allegedly infertile.

Today, the Russian Association of Human Reproduction includes reproductive doctors and embryologists not only from our country, but also representatives of European and American IVF clinics. RAHR constantly monitors IVF clinics in Russia and, on its basis, prepares ratings of medical institutions involved in assisted reproductive technologies.

This allows domestic patients to objectively make decisions about choosing a clinic that is suitable for them.

When comparing the statistics of IVF protocols, we must remember that nature itself does not give us 100% of cases of conception: after all, more than 60% of embryos obtained through natural conception, unfortunately, also die in the first seven days of development. And at the same time, women do not even realize that the fact of fertilization of the egg has or has not occurred inside their body due to the fact that there is no delay in menstrual discharge.

We asked Sergei Ivanovich Mazur, an obstetrician-gynecologist, reproductologist, member of the Russian Association of Human Reproduction and the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, and head of the Moscow and Yaroslavl clinics “For the Birth,” to comment on the statistics of IVF protocols. This is what he told us: “Indeed, many patients are initially confident that the IVF procedure never works the first time. Apparently they form this false confidence in themselves from stories from friends and information that they selectively read in the media and on the Internet. The worst thing for the patient is the uncertainty of her success. Therefore, at the very first appointment, such patients have to be told about the actual statistics of IVF, acquainted with the stories of many happy couples in order to convince them of the complete inconsistency of their misconceptions. Statistics from the country and from our clinics in Moscow and Yaroslavl clearly state that IVF can be successful the first time. With us, every second woman who has entered into the IVF protocol successfully becomes pregnant and after 9 months gives birth to her long-awaited baby. Our specialists both in Moscow and Yaroslavl provide patients with comprehensive and effective medical care.

What does it include? This is a complete and thorough diagnosis, a comprehensive study and prognosis of future pregnancy, and provision of comprehensive assistance in the onset of pregnancy. When necessary, we use treatment of male and female infertility, IVF, surrogacy, sperm donation, ICSI and other modern techniques. It is important to note that we use only high-quality original medications. In most cases, we use therapeutic measures to stimulate the natural onset of pregnancy. If this is not possible, then we use IVF-ICSI, IMSI, intrauterine insemination, insemination and other artificial techniques. Medical centers “For Birth” in Moscow and Yaroslavl are noted for their high professionalism and work for results. Therefore, we have already helped many, many infertile couples achieve the opportunity to have their own children and we will continue to fight infertility together with those who do not give up and believe in their success.”

No matter how doctors assure patients that their clinic has the highest percentage of successful use of assisted reproductive technologies, the most powerful argument remains the statistics of IVF protocols. In this material we will present some data regarding the success of the procedure in Russian medical institutions, and also use information provided in the report of ESHRE - the European Society of Reproduction and Embryology, which was published in 2014, and in documents of the World Health Organization. The success rate refers to the ratio of the number of procedures performed and the number of pregnancies that have occurred.

Statistics of successful IVF in Russia

It should be noted that in Russia, the study of the ART market (specifically the market of medical services, and not the technology itself) began quite recently, so there is no accurate statistical accounting of successful or, conversely, unsuccessful IVF. Each may provide some data, but there is no guarantee that it is accurate and objective. However, in general, the statistics of IVF protocols are approximately as follows:

  • more than half of the clinics that specialize in assisted reproductive technologies are located in Moscow and St. Petersburg;
  • in approximately 30% of cases, pregnancy occurs after in vitro fertilization;
  • if frozen material is used, the share is reduced to 21%;
  • as a result of IVF in Russia, about 0.5% of children are born, the total number of attempts per year is more than 30 thousand;
  • most of the patients are women over 30 years old with above-average incomes;
  • The leading factor in choosing a clinic is trust in the fertility doctor.

Positive results in other countries

The highest pregnancy rate after IVF is in Israel

We list the countries where the statistics of successful IVF are the highest due to a strong school of embryology and modern equipment.

  1. USA. According to 2013 data, 175 thousand procedures were carried out in the country, 63 thousand of them were successful, that is, 36%. At the same time, about 1.5% of all babies born were born thanks to assistive technologies.
  2. Israel. The country boasts one of the most positive IVF statistics: the success rate is about 45. The high success rate is explained by the accumulated experience (the procedure has been carried out since 1980), and the peculiarities of the legislation: in vitro fertilization is one of the medical services that are provided free of charge to participants in the national health insurance system. The availability of the procedure leads to the fact that the number of IVF is constantly growing, and along with it, the experience of doctors is growing.
  3. Japan. In modern medicine, the concept of “Japanese protocol” is used, which means that in preparation for embryo transfer a minimal hormonal load is carried out. The statistics for IVF protocols in Japan are quite successful; The development of reproductive medicine is evidenced by the fact that for 127 million people (the population of Japan) there are more than 500 specialized centers, while in Russia with a population of more than 140 million people there are about a hundred.
  4. Spain. Leading fertility clinics are located in Barcelona. The performance rate is 43%, which is higher than most neighboring European countries. About 5,000 people undergo the procedure every year in Barcelona clinics.
  5. South Korea. The average success rate is about 40, but the pregnancy rate among foreign patients is even higher – 50%. Korean medicine is also attractive for its diagnostic capabilities: it often happens that a diagnosis of “infertility” made in Russia is canceled here.

Other statistics

How long does it take to get IVF?

Most often, IVF with a donor egg is used for older patients

In vitro fertilization is effective the first time on average in 45-50% of cases. However, the probability of conception in this case depends on several factors, among which the determining factor is the woman’s age. In addition, the reasons that led to infertility, the quality of sperm, and the qualifications of the doctor play a significant role. According to generalized data from medical institutions, women most often become pregnant the second time.

Read also:

This method assumes that drugs that stimulate the production of eggs are not used, and only one naturally matured egg is removed from the uterus. The hormonal load on the female body in this case is much lower, but at the same time the effectiveness is significantly reduced: pregnancy occurs only in 7-10% of cases.


In which frozen embryos are used, the statistics are also not very optimistic. In Europe, the share of successful procedures was 23%; approximately the same data is typical for Russia. This is explained by the fact that the factors that determine the success of the standard in vitro fertilization procedure include the method of freezing and thawing the embryo, compliance with storage conditions, and others.

With a donor egg

According to ESHRE findings, in vitro fertilization using in vitro fertilization is highly successful, with a success rate of 45.8%. Probably, such high figures are associated, among other things, with the method of sampling statistical data: most often “aged” patients resort to the use of donor eggs, due to the fact that their own follicular reserve is exhausted, and therefore traditional protocols are ineffective.


In Europe, the success rate of IVF using the ICSI method was 32%. This is slightly lower than the statistics of successful in vitro fertilization protocols in general, which is explained by the complexity of the procedure, which requires highly qualified reproductive specialists. However, in this case we are talking about a single procedure, while, according to statistics, IVF on the second attempt and subsequent ones is much more successful. For example, the effectiveness of repeated ICSI is 44%, after three procedures – 58%, and after five – 77%.