Envy - aphorisms, catchphrases, phrases, sayings. Wise sayings and clever phrases about envy and gossip Phrases about people's envy

Envy torments and is itself tormented.

Envy is the enemy of the happy.

Envy is one of the most effective elements of hatred.

Balzac O.

Three persons reign in the world, Their names are: Envy, Jealousy, Malice.

To inflict torment on your envious people is to be in a good mood.

The envious person is sad either because he himself has suffered misfortune, or because someone else has been lucky.

He who envies others in everything is tormented with unbearable torment. All his life, breathing melancholy and anger, his soul is tied in a knot.

In someone else's field, the harvest is always more abundant; the udders of the neighbor's cattle seem larger.

By flattering yourself with what belongs to others, you lose what is yours.

Let us enjoy our lot without resorting to comparisons - the one who is tormented by the sight of greater happiness will never be happy... When it occurs to you how many people are walking ahead of you, think how many of them are following behind.

Envious people will die, but envy will never die.

No one is more prone to envy than self-deprecating people.

Spinoza B.

The most important of all destructive passions is envy - the mother of other passions and iniquities.

Skovoroda G. S.

Why are envious people always upset about something? Because they are consumed not only by their own failures, but also by the successes of others.

Abul Faraj

Hatred is an active feeling of discontent; envy - passive. It is not surprising that envy quickly turns into hatred.

An envious person dies more than once, but as many times as he hears praise from his opponent.

Gracian y Morales

Envy is poison for the heart.

Not many of us can bear happiness - I mean, the happiness of our neighbor.

Mark Twain

An envious person is his own enemy, because he is tormented by torment voluntarily chosen by him.

I prefer that my enemies envy me than I envy my enemies.

Nothing but death can reconcile envy with virtue.

Envy accuses and judges without evidence, it multiplies shortcomings, gives the slightest mistakes loud names; her tongue is full of bile, exaggeration and injustice.


Envy is the sister of competition.

Pushkin A. S.

There is only one way to fight envy: to make the lives of the envious happier and fuller.

Russell B.

The bad disposition of people who are not worthy of respect should not be restrictive. Know that they never wish evil upon those whom they despise, but usually wish evil upon those who have the right to despise. People envy more than just wealth, more than just nobility: and virtue also has its envious people.

Fonvizin D. I.

Of all passions, envy is the most disgusting. Hatred, betrayal and intrigue march under the banner of envy. Ilvestius K. The envious person says not what is, but what can cause harm.

There is not a single vice that is so harmful to the well-being of people as envy, for those who are infected with it not only upset themselves, but also darken the joy of others.

When envy is unavoidable, it should be used as a stimulus for one's own efforts rather than as a hindrance to others.

Russell B.

Envy, among other things, also contains a love of justice.

Hazlitt W.

Envy is nothing other than hatred itself, since someone else's misfortune causes pleasure and, conversely, someone else's happiness causes displeasure.

Spinoza B.

An envious person causes grief to himself, as if to his enemy.


Envy is a restlessness (displeasure) of the soul arising from the fact that another person has a good we desire, whom we no longer consider worthy of owning it.

Leibniz G.

Let our enemy be suddenly gifted by Fortune, but not a friend; We are ready to endure the first, But we will not survive the second.

Envy creates discord among people.

Helvetius K.

I walk among the people and keep my eyes open: people do not forgive me for the fact that I do not envy their virtues.

One piece of nonsense printed creates in two more people the belief that they too can write just as well. These two, having written and been published, already arouse the envy of four.

Mayakovsky V.V.

The destructive poison that poisons our souls is envy.

Fielding G.

Those who are envious or want this and that will not have fun.

Catherine the Great

If you don't want to suffer, don't be envious.


Envy is to the mind what pain is to the eye. The mind can go blind from envy.

Envy is even more irreconcilable than hatred.

La Rochefoucauld

Those who, out of whim and vanity, want to succeed in everything at once, are invariably envious. They will always have someone to envy, for it is impossible for many not to be superior to them in at least some way.

shows how unhappy they feel." Seneca

« Don't envy what you can't change.» Khayyam O.

“Due to the envy of opponents, it is possible, to a certain extent, judge the extent of your own success." Helmholtz G.

« Those who are envious or want this and that will not have fun." Catherine II

“People often boast of the most criminal passions,

but no one dares to admit to envy, a timid and bashful passion.”

La Rochefoucauld F.

« No one is more prone to envy than self-deprecating people." Spinoza

« Envy, so to speak, is devoid of self-interest. It does not arise from the desire to possess. On the contrary, it is a desire for someone else not to have something. Its goal is to take away this “something” and destroy or at least reduce its value or meaning." Vishnevsky Ya.

« Look,” said the count, grabbing the young people by the hands, “look, for I swear to you, this is worth looking at: here is a man who submitted to fate, who went to the scaffold, who was ready to die like a coward, it’s true, but without resistance and complaints. Do you know what gave him strength? What consoled him? Do you know why he obediently awaited execution? Because the other was also tormented; because the other also had to die; because the other had to die before him!» Dumas A. Count of Monte Cristo

« Envy is the sister of competition, and therefore comes from a good family.» Pushkin A.

« Envy devours the envious person just as fire devours dry branches.» Imam Sadiq

« Do not envy the glory of a sinner, for you do not know what his end will be." Bible. Old Testament

Looking for quotes about envy? Do you want to know why envious feelings awaken in people, how they manifest themselves and whether it is possible to resist it? By reading quotes about envy, sayings and aphorisms, you can find answers to all these questions.

Envy is an emotion that eats away at many of us. This is an unhealthy human trait, it prevents us from moving forward, as it focuses our attention on the success of others, and not on what we would like to work on.

There is a Buddhist term "Mudita" which means sympathy or selfless joy for the success of others. Having developed such sympathy, our lives will radically change, turning previously negative emotions into positive ones that motivate and inspire us.

Therefore, I invite you to start reading some thoughts about envy and gossip that you should take into account on your life path.

Quotes about envy and gossip

  • It is unwise to seek or desire someone else's misfortune. If anger or envy were tangible and had a form, it would be the shape of a boomerang. (Charlie Reese)
  • Envy, surrounded on all sides by the brilliance of someone else's prosperity, is like a scorpion enclosed in a circle of fire, where it will die. (Charles Caleb Colton)
  • Envy withers in the joy of others, while it hates any superiority that it cannot achieve. (James Thomson)
  • Envy is a pistol with a faulty bolt that explodes in the hands of the one who takes aim. (Austin O'Malley)
  • Envy is the insignificance of the soul that cannot see beyond a certain point. (William Hazlitt)
  • Envy is the cowardly side of hatred, all its paths are dark and desolate. (Unknown)
  • Don't overestimate what you have received and don't envy others. Anyone who envies does not receive peace of mind. (Buddha)
  • For every one person who sincerely regrets our troubles, there are thousands who sincerely hate our success. (Charles Caleb Colton)
  • Don't hold grudges against those who try to hold you back. The higher you go, the smaller they become. Don't trust those who try to push you when you get up. The more envious they are, the more dangerous they become. (Unknown)
  • Stay away from envy. It eats up good deeds, just as fire burns up a forest. (Muhammad)
  • Blessed is the one who has learned to admire, but not to envy, to follow, but not to imitate, to praise, but not to flatter, to lead, and not to manipulate. (William Arthur Ward)
  • We do nothing but criticize envious people, while at the same time we do everything to envy others. (Unknown)
  • An envious person thinks that if his neighbor breaks his leg, he will be able to walk better than him. (Helmut Scheuck)
  • Life is an invisible utensil, and you are what is thrown into it. By giving up envy, gossip or anger, you suppress anxiety. When you give up kindness, empathy and love, you are filled with serenity. (Fabrizio Caramagna)
  • Envy is the feeling we experience when someone we consider to be our own worth is superior to us. Then the impression of deep injustice in the world is created. We try to convince ourselves that that person doesn't deserve it. We do everything to devalue him, we talk bad about him, we criticize him. But if society continues to "raise" it, we become angry and question everything. Because we're not sure we're right. This is why we are ashamed of our own envy. From a psychological perspective, we could say that envy is a somewhat clumsy attempt to restore trust and self-esteem by preventing one's value from being devalued by devaluing others. (Francesco Alberoni)
  • In fact, all successful people who are admired and loved always have enemies who hate them and are furiously jealous of them. (Francesco Alberoni)
  • We can describe our hatred, jealousy, fears or shame, but not our own envy. (Francesco Alberoni)
  • The effect of envy is not the desire to have a certain thing, but that others do not have it. (Unknown)
  • Envy is the base, if not the core, of all psychopathologies. Because if I envy, it means that I inevitably want harm to you. And if I want you harm, then I will inevitably harm myself. (Guido Savio)
  • A truly envious person is insatiable; he can never be satisfied. Because his envy comes from within and therefore always finds an object to focus on. (Melanie Klein)
  • Envy is a form of vice, partly moral and partly intellectual, which consists in never seeing things in relation to oneself, but only in relation to others. (Bertrand Russell)
  • Beware of those who are easily indignant, for resentment is separated from humiliation only through a thin veil of envy. (Juan Miro)
  • Envy never comes to the ball dressed in the costume of envy. It comes in something different: asceticism, high standards, common sense. (Martin Louis Amis)

  • Don't envy someone who seems to have everything. He has what he wants, like the life he wants. But he doesn't have what he really needs. (Mario Aguilar)
  • If there is a lot of valuables in the house, it is a target for many burglars. And when a person has many talents, he is a target for many envious people. (Unknown)
  • Our envy of others consumes us the most. (Alexander Solzhenitsyn)
  • Oh, what a bitter thing it is to look at happiness through someone else's eyes. (William Shakespeare)
  • Fools may despise us, not envy us. Because envy is a kind of praise for us. (John Gay)
  • Envy is a sign of a lack of understanding of our own uniqueness and self-worth. Each of us has something that no one else has. (Elizabeth O'Connor)
  • Laws do not prevent each person from living according to his inclination, unless people have harmed each other; for envy creates the beginning of strife. (Democritus)
  • If the envy of your envious people has no meaning, you are one step ahead of them. And if you have any sense, you are miles ahead of them. (Unknown)
  • Indignation in many cases is 2% of morality, 48% of indignation and 50% of envy. (Christian De Sica)
  • Envy is the stupidest of vices because there is not a single advantage to be gained from it. (Honoré de Balzac)
  • The surest sign of being born with outstanding qualities is to be born without envy. (Francois de La Rochefoucauld)
  • Merit is often an obstacle to a quiet life because it awakens two bad qualities in neighbors - envy and fear. (Unknown)

Aphorisms about envy

  • Envy always lasts longer than the happiness of those who are envied. (Baltasar Gracian)
  • Envy is the tax that pays for all differences. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
  • Nothing sharpens the eye like envy. (Thomas Fuller)
  • Envy is more irreconcilable than hatred. (Ovid)
  • Envy is like a fly that crawls all over the body, but stops at ulcers or wounds. (Unknown)
  • All envy is proportional to desire. (Samuel Johnson)
  • Every time a friend succeeds, something in me dies. (Gore Vidal)
  • Let age leave wrinkles on your face, not envy. (Thomas Brown)
  • Envy was, is and will be the destruction of many. (Pythagoras)
  • Envy is born from comparing oneself with another person. Where there is no comparison, there is no envy. (Francis Bacon)

  • The bird with beautiful feathers is a target for many hunters.
  • Stop envying people for what they have; start working on what you want.
  • When they can't kill your genius, they try to kill your character with envy.
  • A fruitful tree has no reason to envy the fruit of another tree.
  • The brighter the fruits of the tree, the more stones people throw at them, wanting to knock them down.
  • Superiority irritates our envious people, success infuriates them, and genius kills them.
  • Envy is admiration caused by resentment.
  • Envy is the masterpiece of your enemies to make you doubt your genius.
  • An envious person becomes thinner with the obesity of his neighbor. (Socrates)
  • Jealousy is torturing yourself, fearing that you will be tormented by another.
  • Love looks through a telescope, and envy through a microscope. (Josh Billings)
  • Envy is the art of counting another person's blessings rather than one's own. (Harold Coffin)
  • Envy lurks at the bottom of the human heart, like a viper in its lair. (Honoré de Balzac)
  • Jealousy is always born with love, but does not always die with it. (Francois de La Rochefoucauld)
  • Envy attacks the noblest, so the winds howl around the highest peaks. (Ovid)
  • Whistling envy is an insult to oneself. (Evtushenko Evgeniy Aleksandrovich)
  • Envy kills itself with its own arrows. (Unknown)
  • If envy were work, there would be no unemployed people in the world.
  • Jealousy traumatizes us with the dagger of insecurity. (Terry Guillemets)

  • Envy is the torment of your own powerlessness. (Salvatore Natoli)
  • Envy is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die. (Malachi McCourt)
  • A dog sitting on a leash barks at one that is running freely. (Marty Rubin)
  • Just as a moth gnaws at clothes, so envy consumes a person. (Unknown)
  • Envy always needs an audience. (Francesco Alberoni)
  • The silence of an envious person makes a lot of noise. (Gibran Kahlil Gibran)
  • Those who have the least self-confidence are the most envious people. (William Hazlitt)
  • Just as rust eats up iron, envy eats up envious people.
  • From envy to admiration there is only one step - honesty. (Anna Kulik)
  • Those who live with envy die of anger. (Unknown)

Proverbs about envy

  • Where there is envy, love will fade. (Sicilian)
  • Envy is a companion to great failure. (Swedish)
  • Envy is the surest form of flattery. (Swedish)
  • Jealousy is as cruel as a grave. (Romanian)
  • Love never exists without jealousy. (Romanian)
  • Envy always shoots with high accuracy. (Romanian)
  • Envy never dies. (Romanian)
  • Envy follows merit like a shadow follows a body. (Nicaraguan)
  • Jealousy is the ashes left from the fire of love. (Nigerian)
  • Envy of a friend's success is like the smell of a rotten pumpkin. (Peruvian)
  • Envy and greed grow on the same stem. (Namibia)
  • A careless blacksmith is always jealous of another. (Hungarian)
  • Jealousy is pain that seeks the cause of its appearance. (German)
  • The house of envy lies in the lowest depressions, breathless, windless, gloomy and filled with cold. (Greek)
  • To make your neighbor jealous, go to bed early and get up at dawn. (Corsican)
  • Envy shoots at others, but inflicts wounds on itself. (Costa Rican)

  • As long as there are at least two people left on Earth, jealousy will exist. (Bengal)
  • Envy is a weight that is difficult to carry. (Arabic)
  • A lion bite heals faster than envy. (Arabic)
  • True friendship can be destroyed by envy. (Albanian)
  • Envy is blind. (Albanian)
  • Envy always lurks behind exaggerated praise. (Albanian)
  • Envy does not enter an empty house. (Albanian)
  • The envy of a friend is worse than the hatred of an enemy. (Albanian)
  • The torment of envy is like a grain of sand in the eye. (Chinese)
  • If envy were a fever, the whole world would be sick. (Danish)
  • When the chariot of fortune rolls easily, envy and shame cling to the wheels. (Danish)
  • It is better to have an unloved husband than to be jealous. (Italian)
  • Only a fool drinks water from the well of envy. (Nigerian)
  • It's better to be the object of jealousy than pity. (Moroccan)
  • Love is too rare to be lost through jealousy. (Mexican)
  • Love without jealousy is like a gentleman without a mustache. (Polish)
  • Envy sees the sea, but not the rocks. (Russian)
  • Envy can hatch bad ducklings from swan eggs. (Russian)
  • If envy could burn, there would be no need for wood. (Yugoslav)
  • Jealousy and fear have big eyes. (Serbian)
  • Envy always comes to happy people without invitation. (Unknown)
  • Envy is a companion of glory. (Latin)
  • Envy never has a holiday. (Latin)
  • Envy awaits someone's boasting. (Latin)
  • Envy does nothing in a vacuum. (Greek)
  • The enemy's own punishment is his envy. (Indian)
  • A loving person is a jealous person. (Italian)
  • Where there is no jealousy, there is no love. (German)
  • He who envyes always suffers. (German)
  • There is no jealousy without love. (German)
  • Envy eats nothing but its own heart. (German)
  • Jealousy feeds on doubt. (French)
  • Love drives out jealousy. (French)
  • Envy goes beyond stinginess. (French)
  • Envy is its own tormentor. (Danish)
  • Envy has never been a good representative. (Danish)
  • The neighbor's eye is full of jealousy. (Danish)
  • The eyes are more envious than the ears. (African)
  • Compete, but don't be jealous. (Arabic)
  • Envy shoots at others, but wounds itself. (English)


What do you think about these quotes about envy? Developing a sense of selfless joy is not
will allow the seeds of envy to grow in our hearts. We are able to truly enjoy the feeling of joy rather than getting bogged down in negativity. Instead, let's be inspired and positively motivated.

Envy comes from the Latin word in-videre (“to look with prejudice”, “to look wrong”). It is one of the most common, and even the most inexpressible, modern feelings. A Danish proverb says: “If envy were a fever, the whole world would be sick.”

In this collection of quotes you could find a wide selection of proverbs and aphorisms, as well as quotes about envy and envious people that will help you draw the right conclusions.

Best regards, Helen

In conclusion, check out 10 photos that show wild envy.

We should not envy the wealth of other people: they acquire it at a price that we cannot afford; they sacrificed peace, health, honor, and conscience for it. This is too expensive - the deal would only bring us losses.

People's envy shows how unhappy they feel; their constant attention to other people's behavior - how bored they are. Solomon: Do not eat food from an envious person and do not be tempted by his tasty dishes.

When I think, for some I simply do not exist.

It's not easy to get rid of envy. It can be quelled with difficulty, but it cannot be completely eradicated.

Everyone pities the weak, but envy must be earned.

Our callousness, our selfishness prompt us to look at nature with envy, but she herself will envy us when we recover from our illnesses.

Envy always lasts longer than the happiness of those who are envied.

ENVY - admitting oneself is defeated.

Sympathy is easy enough to get, but envy has to be earned.

Hatred is an active feeling of discontent; envy - passive. It is not surprising that envy quickly turns into hatred.

A curious and annoying person is usually also envious; for it is unlikely that he delves into other people's affairs because it concerns himself; no, he marvels at other people's happiness.

Indeed, in our damned age - I myself am a witness to this - a lot of envy gives rise to virtue.

What is the greatest happiness for one is a reason for envy for another!

Envy is to the mind what pain is to the eye. The mind can go crazy with envy.

The better others do, the higher the quality of our envy.

A meek heart is life for the body, but envy is rottenness for the bones.

Even now I do not envy the strength of the young any more than I previously envied the strength of a bull or an elephant.

Envy and jealousy are shameful parts of the human soul.

They envy only those with whom they do not hope to be equal.

After those people who occupy the highest positions, I do not know more unhappy people than those who envy them.

It is better to be the subject of envy than compassion.

How many people want to tarnish the sun just because it shines for us all!

All sins are associated with pleasure and admit their guilt, only envy knows neither guilt nor pleasure.

The one who is not envied is worth nothing.

Schadenfreude... is an unprovoked desire to cause harm to another person in order to experience pleasure through comparison with one’s own situation.

Envy is a restlessness (displeasure) of the soul arising from the fact that another person has a good we desire, whom we no longer consider worthy of owning it.

And envy drives progress if it is within the framework of conscience.

Love looks through a telescope, envy through a microscope.

If you don't want to suffer, don't be envious.

There can be no envy between people who barely know each other.

Of all that exists today, only mediocrity knows no envy.

Envy, among other things, also contains a love of justice.

The few who do are envied by the many who simply watch.

The hardest thing for an envious person is that no one envies him.

Don't be so quick to envy someone who has achieved success; maybe success will reach him soon.

Of all the abominations, the first thing you need to do is drive away envy. It penetrates you unnoticed and very quickly eats away from the inside.

Envious people die, but envy never does.

People amuse me. Their faces turned green with envy and puffed up like owls. Rosalyn, my fun gives me strength and health.

Women's groups are always full of rumors, gossip, speculation and envy.

People hate the best for their success and genius.

Envy is a contradictory feeling. Today you are on a horse, tomorrow someone bought a limousine, and your horse has faded. Life is like a rally in which there are always leaders who are constantly changing. It's stupid to hate everyone.

Talent is like a flower rising high above a clearing and darkening the rest of the flower garden. It's stupid to envy the first flower you've picked. His life hangs by a thread, due to the isolation of the genius from the roots and earth. And you will still be healthy.

Well-being for another is sad. Causes envy. – Ya. Knyazhnin

Pity is free, but envy still requires work.

With the enthusiasm of anger, envy is born.

The neighbors changed cars again. Wait. I'll come to choke you. Your Toad.

Envy leads to the destruction of the aura and mental balance, distracting from the goal and business. Follow her and you'll end up in a mental hospital.

The dragon flies for three persons. With heads of hatred, deceit and malice.

Read more beautiful quotes on the following pages:

Only those who are not worthy of envy are not blasphemed. – Aeschylus

Envy knows no days off.

Envy is jealousy of self-love.

Envy is regret for someone else's good. – Plutarch

Envy is regret for someone else's good. – Plutarch

Envy is one of the most effective elements of hatred. - Honore de Balzac.

Nothing stresses others out more than the ability of others to relax!

The purest joy is the schadenfreude we feel when observing the misfortune of those we envy.

human envy is, first of all, a desire to change places in life...

Of all passions, envy is the most disgusting. Hatred, betrayal and intrigue march under the banner of envy. – Claude Adrian Helvetius

Envy is enthusiastic malice.

Where hopes are greater, envy is always more destructive and hatred is more dangerous.

Love and envy make a person tremble.

People always say bad things about those they envy.

Envy does not justify anyone: to the detriment of others, it acts exclusively in its own favor. – Seneca the Younger

To inflict torment on your envious people is to be in a good mood. – Diogenes

You often notice your own happiness only thanks to the envy it causes.

I was always happy to sympathize with the joys of my neighbor.

The higher we rise, the smaller and more insignificant we seem to those who cannot fly.

Nijo Castle in Kyoto - it was not built by the shogun because the shogun lived or was going to live in Kyoto. The emperor lived in Kyoto, exactly opposite the shogun's new palace, and was very jealous. That's the whole purpose.

Nothing but death can reconcile envy with virtue. – Francis Bacon

It is not safe to praise the object of your love to a friend - once he believes your praises, he will follow in your footsteps.

The human body is covered with clothes, and selfishness and envy are covered with chatter about wonderful feelings. Manage to tear off the rags and here they are in front of you, naked and obedient.

Damn, I really like envious people who whisper behind your back, discuss, envy. they spend time on this. It’s nice for me. It’s somehow amusing...

Those people jump at you and, seeing you have a bucket of shit, demand that you give them half of it.

These sidelong glances, this impudent envy, puts pressure on me even if only a little!

Let us enjoy what we have without going into comparisons; The one who is annoyed with the happier one will never be happy.

Envy is an admission of defeat.

Envy is the most unconscious and most base flattery. – E. Marbo

Envy is the enemy of the happy. – Epictetus

Envy does not know how to forgive.

A person is ready to do a lot to awaken love, but will decide to do anything to arouse envy.

Envy, among other things, also contains a love of justice.

How sad it is to see petty envy in the great sages and mentors of this world. I already have difficulty understanding what guides people—and myself—in their actions. – Charles Dickens

People often boast of the most criminal passions, but no one dares to admit to envy, a timid and bashful passion. - Francois La Rochefoucauld.

The fate of one whom no one envy is unenviable. – Aeschylus

Envy is the feeling generated in others by my smile...

Sheep who envy the wolf are wolves in sheep's clothing.

Envy is nothing other than hatred itself, since someone else's misfortune causes pleasure and, conversely, someone else's happiness causes displeasure. – B. Spinoza

An envious person causes grief to himself, as if to his enemy.

There is no compliment more sincere and eloquent than human envy.

Other people's envy is the best consolation.

Ambitious people are more envious than people without ambition. – Aristotle

Envy and jealousy are shameful parts of the human soul. – F. Nietzsche

She is not alone in her illness. If envy were accompanied by fever, the whole world would shake.

Our envy is always more durable than the happiness of others that we envy. – F. La Rochefoucauld

Envy, which talks and shouts, is usually inactive; We must be afraid of that envy that is silent. – Antoine de Rivarol

Honor and envy go side by side.

By envying good things, you can become good yourself.

By nature, people are petty and jealous. They envy what they themselves do not have, and since they cannot get it themselves, they simply destroy it. And beauty is the thing they hate the most.

Like shadow follows light, so envy follows on the heels of success.

Those who loved you before your success will not love you after success. People do not forgive fame and success.

In someone else's field, the harvest is always more abundant; the udders of the neighbor's cattle seem larger. – Ovid

Obviously, a person who does not arouse envy is worth nothing. – Epicharmus

Hatred is an active feeling of discontent, envy is a passive feeling. It is not surprising that envy quickly turns into hatred.

Sympathy can be obtained, envy must be earned...

The cure for envious people is desert.

Curiosity is the most reliable cure for envy: having penetrated the veil of the external, you always discover that there is nothing to envy.

Why do people envy each other instead of realizing how beautiful they themselves are?

Where there is unfounded hatred, there is always well-founded envy.

Envy usually seeks to destroy what another has.

Envy doesn't only make the heart ugly.

If envy were accompanied by fever, the whole world would shake.

Envy is the friend of empty souls. – Pindar

Envious people die, but envy never does.

No noble and sublime feeling is strong enough to counteract the base feeling of envy. – I. Flavius

Envy is the sincerest form of flattery. – D. Collins

The size of a tower is measured by the length of the shadow it casts, and the greatness of a person is measured by the number of his envious people.

envy is a bad advisor

Envy attacks the highest virtues and spares only mediocrity. – G. Lewis

A beautiful girl, who has had enough of her parents' love and is so spoiled that the consequences are irreversible, has a special talent for spoiling the mood of other people.

Elbows get bitten when the arms are short.

Envious people have long arms. – D. Kelly

Those who are envious or want this and that will not have fun. – Catherine II

No passion bewitches a person like love or envy. – Francis Bacon

The most important of all destructive passions is envy - the mother of other passions and iniquities. – G. Skovoroda

Why are envious people always upset about something? Because they are consumed not only by their own failures, but also by the successes of others. – Abul-Faraj

Just as rust eats up iron, so envious people eat up their own character. – Antisthenes

Envy is the sincerest form of flattery. – John Collins

Envy attacks the highest virtues and spares only mediocrity. – Gaston de Levis

The feeling of envy doesn’t let you relax, don’t you like that I got up and you’re in the ass?!

Those who talk in the back have always been there, and will remain there.

The destructive poison that poisons our souls is envy. – G. Fielding

Our envy is always more durable than the happiness of others that we envy. – François de La Rochefoucauld

An envious person is his own enemy, because he is tormented by torment voluntarily chosen by him. – Menander

Envy is the sister of competition. – A. Pushkin

The main reason for hostility between people... is envy.

The only passions that do not give pleasure are envy and fear. – D. Collins

Envy finds justification if only the malice relates to the distribution of goods, and not to those who possess them or distribute them. – R. Descartes

Envy... is such a low and cowardly passion that no one dares to admit to it. – F. La Rochefoucauld

The most painful thing for an envious person is if no one envies him. – M. Martin du Gard

Envy is more irreconcilable than hatred. – F. La Rochefoucauld

What in the world won’t a woman say and do, especially when it comes to the beauty of another woman!

If you don't want to suffer, don't be envious. (Unsur al Maali)

In today's world there is so much envy, evil, hypocrisy and deception that it is impossible to enjoy pure love and sincere happiness. Envious people will die. But never envy!

Envy is the sister of competition, and therefore comes from a good family.

Envy is the ax of the soul. – Anacharsis

No one is more prone to envy than self-deprecating people. – B. Spinoza

Even if envy causes silence among all contemporaries, those who will judge without irritation and without condescension will come. – Seneca the Younger

Envy is better than sympathy...

Envy torments and is itself tormented. – Ovid

Discuss, hate quietly, you will still smile in my face, don’t get burned, I will know your weakness - envy.

Those people who sit in their ass, dreaming of achieving the same thing as you, are jealous!

Many people perceive every shilling in someone else's pocket as a personal insult.

People are ready to envy even a beautiful funeral.

Envy is the enemy of the happy