Life safety classes in kindergarten. Fire safety

Life safety is one of the main problems of humanity in modern world. Children, especially preschoolers, are the most vulnerable to the challenges of modern civilization. Children are trusting, open and inquisitive; they do not know how to assess the consequences of their actions or the degree of danger that threatens them. Therefore, adults must help children overcome the difficulties of growing up and entering into the world around us. Immersion in the problems of safe behavior in the world around us is an important and necessary area of ​​training in modern Russian education. In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Additional Education, mastering the rules of safe behavior in different life situations begins already with the junior group of preschool educational institutions.

Main aspects of the organization of educational activities on life safety in preschool educational institutions

Any learning activity begins with goal setting and detailing the stages of achieving the goal through setting goals.

The purpose and objectives of life safety classes

The general goal of life safety classes with preschoolers is to develop in them the knowledge, skills and abilities of safe and healthy image life, and, most importantly, nurturing the ability and readiness of children to comply with the learned rules. In achieving this goal, the teacher solves a whole range of tasks: educational (instills confidence, friendliness, empathy, etc.), educational (provides knowledge in the subject area, teaches how to critically evaluate situations, teaches rules of behavior, etc.), developmental (develops communication skills, cognitive abilities, etc.), health (ensures the psychophysiological well-being of the child, monitors his well-being, etc.). The teacher must also understand that tasks will be differentiated depending on the age of the children, their individual needs and characteristics, the topic of the lesson and other variables. The general objectives of life safety classes in preschool educational institutions include the following:

  1. To form in the child the concept of safe behavior at home, on the street and in nature, when interacting with strangers, etc.
  2. Teach the child safe behavior in accordance with the current situation, activate the conscious ability to avoid dangers or get out of problematic situations without causing harm to themselves and others.
  3. To develop in the child a willingness to exercise independence and be responsible for the results of his actions.
  4. Encourage the child to comply with the learned rules and basic norms of safe behavior in familiar and non-standard situations.
  5. Teach the child foresight, if possible, evasion, and, if necessary, conscious correct action in a dangerous situation.

The formulated goal and objectives of classes in life safety are laid by the teacher-teacher as the basis for the development of an EP (educational program), which is developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (FSES DO). The standard is the main regulatory document; it sets out the mandatory requirements for preschool education. The current Standard requires the mandatory inclusion of the subject area “Security” in educational program DOW. Based on the requirements of the Standard, each preschool educational institution develops its own unique educational program. We can recommend the following basic rules for the development and implementation of a life safety program:

  1. The program can be independent or part of a comprehensive program, i.e. integrated. Typically, life safety classes are combined with physical education classes. environmental education etc. If a life safety program is implemented as part of an integrated one, then try to avoid repetition, maintain the sequence of topics, and coordinate the topics and content of classes with the thematic plans of other teachers. This approach, on the one hand, complicates the task of program developers, but, on the other hand, contributes to a more complete mastery of it by children.
  2. It is important to fill the content of training and use forms of conducting classes that correspond to the psychophysiological characteristics of children.
  3. Work on the implementation of the program should be carried out systematically throughout the academic year. Systematically distribute the content of the program over months, weeks, and days. It's a good idea to have an alternative contingency plan.
  4. Be sure to focus on the natural and climatic features of your area, the territorial living conditions of children, since a significant part of the program is based on introducing children to nature native land and living conditions in a specific (urban or rural) area. At the same time, do not exclude situations that are exotic for your area from the program.
  5. Remember about cooperation with the children's parents. The maximum effect is achieved when the work is carried out together. Familiarize parents with the main sections of the program; perhaps parents will suggest interesting ideas, which can be used when implementing the program. Parents will also be able to continue working with their child on the proposed topics outside the preschool educational institution.

When developing his own life safety program for preschoolers, a teacher can use numerous ready-made developments.

Long-term plan for life safety

The program finds its concrete embodiment in a long-term lesson plan. The form in which the plan is written may vary. Traditionally, the long-term plan for life safety prescribes program objectives for specific types of occupations; sections and topics of classes; forms of conduct; deadlines; responsible persons and performers; methodological support.

this plan can be used as a reference model when developing a long-term life safety plan for the junior group

In the examples presented we see that long-term plan For senior group contains the same sections as for the younger one, however, the number of planned lessons increases, the material becomes more complex, the topics expand, and more complex pedagogical tasks are set.

this plan can be used as a reference model when developing a long-term life safety plan for the senior group

At the request of parents and in order to improve the quality of training and education in the field of life safety, the preschool educational institution organizes additional training in the form of circle activities. The topics of safety clubs are extensive and involve a more in-depth study of the most significant sections on life safety (usually traffic rules, fire safety). Club activities are held in the afternoon and last 10–25 minutes depending on the group. The work of the circle is designed for the academic year. The safety club program has a structure similar to the long-term plan for life safety, the main difference will be that the plan covers all the main sections of the “Safety” area, its topics are varied, and within the circle only one section/topic is studied in depth. Note also that club activities in a preschool educational institution, is free for parents. Below is an example of a safety circle plan.

this plan can be used as a reference model when organizing a safety club with an in-depth study of traffic rules

Project activities in preschool educational institutions

Currently, preschool educational institutions are being actively introduced into the educational environment project activities. A project is understood as a joint creative cognitive and research activity of participants aimed at achieving a certain result. In terms of duration, projects implemented in preschool educational institutions, including life safety projects, can be: firstly, short-term, when the implementation and evaluation of the project takes 1–3 lessons, and, secondly, long-term (medium and long-term) - duration more than a month, or carried out throughout the year.

Life safety lesson at preschool educational institution

After determining the goals, objectives and drawing up a plan, the educator is faced with questions, most of which are related to the problems of preparing, implementing and evaluating the educational activity.

Basic requirements of SanPiN for GCD

As you know, a lesson is a form of education in kindergarten. The teacher must conduct ECD with children in strict accordance with sanitary norms and rules (SanPiN–13), which determine its duration for children different ages. So, for children aged three to four years, GCD can last no more than fifteen minutes. Older children, aged four to five years, can be involved in NOD for no more than twenty minutes, from five to six years old - no more than twenty-five minutes, from six to seven years old - no more than half an hour. The maximum permissible amount of educational load in the first half of the day in the junior and middle groups does not exceed thirty and forty minutes, respectively, and in the senior and preparatory groups - forty-five minutes and one and a half hours, respectively. Teachers must spend physical education minutes in the middle of the lesson and take a break between classes for at least ten minutes. For children of the senior and preparatory groups, it is allowed to conduct classes after naps; their duration is no more than twenty-five to thirty minutes a day.

Structure of a life safety lesson

Structurally, the lesson consists of three parts (stages): the first is the organizational part, the very beginning of the lesson, its first minutes, includes checking the children’s readiness for the lesson (is everyone gathered, appearance, correct positioning in a group or on the playground) and creating interest in the activity (motivational stage); the second is the main part of the lesson (content stage), which allocates approximately 80% of the total time; the third is the end of the lesson (reflective stage). All stages of the lesson are important, however, if the teacher fails to interest the children from the very beginning, the objectives of the lesson may not be achieved or more effort will have to be made. What can be used as a motivating start to a life safety lesson? The general recommendations are as follows - these are intriguing techniques, they are based on mystery, mystery, which children really love, or surprise, unexpectedness.

An example of a motivating start to a life safety lesson for older children

For example, the beginning of a life safety lesson in a senior group on the topic “Fire Hazardous Objects” could be like this: the teacher-leader tells the children that they will learn the topic of the lesson after they solve the riddles. Examples of riddles:

He's a friend of the guys
But when they play tricks on him,
He becomes an enemy
And it burns everything around. (Fire)

In a hut - a hut,
There is a pipe on the hut.
There was a noise in the hut,
There was a buzz in the pipe.
The people see the flame,
But it doesn’t simmer. (Oven)

My head is on fire,
The body melts and burns.
I want to be useful:
There is no lamp - I’ll shine it. (Candle)

Teachers of modern preschool educational institutions must work with children on the basis of an individual approach, create conditions for active cognitive activity child, take into account the specific developmental features of each pupil (this approach is becoming increasingly relevant in the light of the introduction of inclusive education into the practice of preschool educational institutions). So, instead of a riddle, a child who is lagging behind or has difficulty perceiving information by ear can be shown a picture, illustration, etc.

Types of life safety classes

As for the types of activities, the teacher has a fairly wide range of them in his arsenal:

Firstly, classes that differ in didactic tasks (for example, new knowledge may be acquired or previously acquired knowledge may be consolidated; the basis of the lesson may be the process of creative transformation of previously acquired knowledge and skills);

Secondly, the content of the classes can be the same topic; integrated; complex;

Thirdly, according to the form of implementation, classes differ into traditional and non-traditional ( various types games - educational, role-playing, didactic, board games and others, trainings, analysis of problem situations, theatrical activities, etc.). As practitioners note, play is the most effective form of introducing preschoolers to the basics of safety.

Examples of game lessons in life safety

Examples of game training topics on life safety for preschoolers

Recently, game training has demonstrated an increasingly greater educational and educational effect. The specificity of the training is to simulate a real situation and develop skills to overcome it. The child, with the help of the teacher or other children, must find and practice the correct algorithm of behavior in a situation with given parameters. The range of questions that can be offered to children is determined by their age and level of preparedness. So, for older and older children preparatory groups we can offer the following training topics: “How to protect yourself from a stranger on the street?”, “How to behave if you get lost in public place", "What to do in the event of a terrorist attack?". For children middle group We can offer the following training topics: “How to ask passers-by or a police officer for help?”, “What rules should a pedestrian follow?”, “How to behave with an unfamiliar animal?”, “Home Alone.” With children of the younger group, you can practice situations related to minor injuries, handling electrical appliances, etc.

Main sections on life safety

Most often in Preschool education classes on life safety are carried out in the following sections, affecting the main areas of a child’s life: “Child and other people”, “Child and the street”, “Child in everyday life”, “Child and nature”, “Child’s health”, “Psycho-emotional well-being of the child”. Each of these sections includes a wide range of topics that require detailed study. Below is an approximate list of questions/topics that can be considered within the section.

Card index of topics on life safety: table

Section name Sample list of topics
Child and other people
  1. “A person’s appearance can be deceiving”;
  2. “Not all people have good intentions”;
  3. “A stranger makes you do bad/wrong things”;
  4. “If strangers want to take your thing”;
  5. "A stranger is ringing the doorbell";
  6. “An outsider acquaintance (neighbor, friend of parents, etc.) invites you to visit”;
  7. “Telephone conversation with a stranger”, etc.
Child and street
  1. "Rules traffic»;
  2. “Rules of behavior on the street, in the yard, store, etc.”;
  3. "I am a traveler";
  4. “Rules of conduct on an airplane, train, bus”;
  5. “Lost”, etc.
Child and nature
  1. “Danger of environmental pollution”;
  2. "Lost in the forest";
  3. “Reservoirs and rules of behavior on the water”;
  4. “Rules of behavior at different times of the year”;
  5. “How to behave during a thunderstorm”, etc.
Child in everyday life
  1. “How to properly handle sources of electricity”;
  2. “Hot objects as a source of danger”;
  3. “Windows, balconies, loggias and terraces as sources of danger”;
  4. “Sharp, piercing and cutting objects as a source of danger”;
  5. “Household chemicals as a source of danger”;
  6. “Extreme situations in everyday life”, etc.
Child's health
  1. “The value of human life and health”;
  2. “Physical training”;
  3. “Dress according to the weather”;
  4. “General ideas about the human body and body”;
  5. "Talk about diseases";
  6. "Proper nutrition";
  7. “Rules of first aid for injury”, etc.
Psycho-emotional well-being of the child
  1. “Fears and intrapersonal conflicts of children”;
  2. “How to talk about your experience, about the bad deed of another person”;
  3. “I have terrible dreams”;
  4. "Superstition";
  5. “People close to you hurt you”, etc.

Lesson summary on life safety

Before conducting a lesson, the teacher must prepare a summary of it. An approximate example of a synopsis directly educational activities(GCD) is presented below.

Rules for writing notes: table

Structural element of a synopsis Description/Contents Example of a summary
HeadingIn the title, indicate the name of the educational activity and the age (group) of the children.Summary of GCD for traffic safety in younger group on the topic “Kids are friends of traffic lights”
NOD organizations
Specify forms collective activity And independent activity children, type of activity and expected time spent.Analysis of a problem situation, games using modern educational technologies: gaming, ICT technologies. Duration: 15 minutes.
Logistics supportThe list is indicated necessary materials, equipment, inventory. As well as the time required to conduct the lesson.Traffic light mockup, paper circles of red, yellow and green, black and white strips of paper, d/i “Smart Cars”, cut-out pictures of cars (ambulance, police, fire truck, truck), bi-ba-bo toys (Teddy Bear, bunny, bear).
Preliminary workThe activities preceding the lesson are briefly described.Conversation about the purpose of road signs, markings, sidewalks, traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, playing with cars, playing with puzzles, viewing illustrations in books and cartoons.
Expected resultsA planned list of lesson results is compiled.Children will develop an understanding of the dangers of pranks on the roadway and master the basics of safe behavior when crossing the roadway.
TasksImportant! It is correct to write in the notes not “GCD goals”, but “GCD tasks”. The goal is the final overall result, extended over time. So, for a specific lesson, set tasks, 4-5 tasks are enough, and remember that they all must be solved at the end of it. When formulating tasks, use verbs - “give knowledge”, “consolidate knowledge”, “form skill”, etc. Training tasks: Give children knowledge about the rules for crossing the roadway, enter the words “traffic light” and “crossing” into the thesaurus, and consolidate children’s knowledge of traffic light colors.
Developmental tasks: develop communication, thinking, memory.
Educational tasks: cultivate the desire to apply the rules of the road in the game, in life and demand their observance from others.
Progress of direct educational activitiesIn this part, the teacher offers a scenario, described in stages and words.
  1. Introductory part: write down a technique, the purpose of which is to stimulate the interest of children and encourage inclusion in activities.
  2. Main part: write down all the developed educational situations.
  3. The final part: write down questions for feedback, they will help assess the degree of mastery of the material. Questions are also used to reinforce new knowledge children have acquired.
The example is given in abbreviated form
1. Educator: “Guess, children, what I found in the mailbox today? (Children's answers) That's right, a letter (shows). It was sent by Mishutka from a fairy tale. He writes to us: Hello, children. In the fairy-tale city where I live, a disaster happened: heavy rain washed away all the paint from the traffic light on the main street. Now the traffic lights don't light up and accidents happen. Help us please. Well, shall we help?
Children: “Yes!”
2. Educator: “Just let’s first remember what a traffic light is for!” (Children's answers)
Educator: “What can we use to go to the fairy-tale city?”
Dynamic pause “The train is rushing”(music sounds)
Teacher: “Oh, look what’s on the floor?”
There are red, yellow and green circles on the floor in the form of a path.
"Build your own pedestrian crossing"
The teacher gives the children stripes indicating a pedestrian crossing (black and white) and the children must lay out their pedestrian crossing correctly
Game "Assemble a car"
You need to put the parts together into a whole. Name the mode of transport and color.
Children collect puzzles and the collected pictures are displayed on the interactive board.
“Children, did you like our adventures? What new have you learned?
How to cross the road correctly? Why do we need a traffic light? etc.

Recommendations for preparing and conducting an open lesson on life safety

For educators kindergarten, especially for beginners, the pressing question is how to conduct an open lesson. Open classes are usually attended by children's parents, fellow educators, management of the child care institution, and representatives of regulatory authorities. The presence of guests who critically evaluate what is happening creates a stressful situation for the teacher and affects the psycho-emotional state of the children. Therefore, open classes, like most educational activities, are not held spontaneously. You can use a ready-made outline, but do not forget to use your own creative solutions. Naturally, holding open class requires even more careful preliminary preparation. The following recommendations will be a good help in planning an open lesson:

  1. Decide on a topic, try to choose the one that is most developed by you and is interesting to children; create a glossary of key concepts.
  2. Clearly outline the training, developmental and educational objectives of the lesson, justify its feasibility.
  3. Plan carefully educational materials(select appropriate literature, find ready-made ones, or develop tasks yourself). When developing tasks, do not forget about the main criteria that they must meet: adhere to the principle “from simple to complex”, create three sets of tasks: firstly, those that contribute to the reproduction of the material; secondly, facilitating comprehension of the material; thirdly, contributing to the consolidation of the material. And, most importantly, a creative approach! Think of a non-standard move that will surprise and be remembered by participants and spectators.
  4. Carefully group the selected material and distribute it among the structural elements of the lesson. The main thing is to keep children active.
  5. Plan your control “tricks” no less carefully and special attention during class (what and how to control, how to use diagnostic results).
  6. Consider the need for equipment and prepare it. It is better to compile a comprehensive list of educational visual aids, techniques, consumables etc. Use more visualization: layouts, posters, visual material, slides, etc. Don’t forget to check again immediately before class whether the necessary equipment is working. If the activity is very responsible, consider alternative options in case of force majeure.

Analysis of a life safety lesson

Having carried out a certain work, be it a ten-minute lesson or a long-term project, the teacher asks the questions: was the work done productive? Is it worth scaling it up? What are the problem areas, errors and shortcomings? Is it possible to improve the result? etc. A diagnostic analysis of the lesson conducted allows you to get answers to these questions. Analysis of a lesson in a preschool educational institution involves assessment according to quantitative and qualitative criteria. For example, were attention-getting techniques used during the motivational phase of the lesson? (yes/no - quantitative criterion); How effective are the methods used (qualitative criterion). In general, the assessment methodology involves answering questions of a certain nature. The more detailed the assessment, the more questions you need to ask. When documenting the diagnostic results of the lesson, do not forget to indicate: Full name. the one who conducts the lesson; topic, date, age of children and group, assigned tasks and ways to achieve them, main conclusions, including an assessment of the teacher’s actions, justification for both positive and negative aspects, as well as studying the opinions of children. When conducting the analysis, be sure to fill out all the points in the template below; if necessary, these points can be supplemented.

Lesson Assessment Template: Table

Evaluation criteria 0–10 points
Selection of demonstration and handout material, rationality of its location and use
Availability of material supply
compliance of the lesson form with the educational technologies used
Preliminary work with children
Compliance with the requirements for conducting GCD according to SanPiN
Using gaming techniques
Attraction techniques and focusing on the motivating stage
Techniques for activating children at the activity stage
Presenting new material based on children’s existing knowledge
Stimulating children's activity in class
Degree of mastery of lesson material by children
Psycho-emotional state of children
Creative activity of children

Design of a corner on life safety in a preschool educational institution

A colorfully decorated corner is a constant subject of children’s attention, implicitly carrying out educational and educational functions. Lifestyle classes have their own frequency in accordance with the plan, but the corner is constantly in front of children and parents. When setting up an information corner, the teacher focuses on the most serious situations that most often lead to tragedy. There are no general requirements for the design of a corner; it can be designed as a single stand (at least 30*65 cm) or as a set of components, each of which is intended for a specific topic. Approaches to organizing such a corner are determined by the availability of free space and the amount of information posted, i.e., determined by the conditions of a particular preschool educational institution.

The collage can be used both to decorate a safety corner and to conduct a lesson on the topic “Careless handling of fire and electrical appliances”

Illustrative materials can be made typographically or manually by teachers. Children can also take part in decorating the corner.

The poster can be used both to decorate a safety corner and to conduct a lesson on the topics of the section “Child and other people”

A corner is usually dedicated to a specific topic.

The stand gives children an idea of ​​the necessary equipment for extinguishing a fire.

Safety lesson in kindergarten: video

Creative works of children in life safety classes

A clear result of life safety classes can be various creative works, crafts and drawings for children. Through creativity, children learn the basic rules of safe behavior in various situations.

The picture demonstrates the degree to which the child understands the dangers of careless handling of electrical appliances

Crafts can be done by children individually, in a group or together with parents.

The craft shows the child’s level of understanding of the content of the work of firefighters

Thus, preschool teachers carry out and systematically improve important work aimed at protecting children from an aggressive and dangerous external environment, instilling in them the skills of a healthy and safe lifestyle in for many years forward.


To consolidate children's knowledge about the causes of fires and fire safety rules. To develop in children the ability to generalize knowledge about safety rules at home and on the street. Give children an idea of ​​the benefits and dangers of fire. Cultivate responsibility for yourself and for the lives of your loved ones

Demo material:

Illustrations. Cut-out pictures (for riddles). Pictures of fire situations (burning electrical appliances or furniture) by number of children. Pictures with flammable and dangerous objects.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guess the riddle:

The red beast sits in the oven,
The red beast is angry with everyone.
He eats wood out of anger,
A whole hour, maybe two.
Don't touch him with your hand -
Bites the entire palm.

Children: Fire.

Educator: Correct!


It is always different -

Amazing fire.

Then an ugly brawler,

That's the quietest of the quiet ones.

Then he's a hurried snake

Slides on dry grass.

That shaggy red mane

Blazes at dawn.

Here on a match, like on a branch,

The blue leaf is trembling.

Here, breaking twigs, branches,

The predator makes a throw.

Yes, there are different types of fire -

Pale yellow, bright red,

Blue or gold

Very kind, very evil.

Educator: When do you think fire is evil?

Children: When things, an apartment, a house, a forest can burn because of it. People and animals may die.

Educator: The harm of fire depends on the person. Adults know how not to quarrel with fire. And children need to learn this. Is fire always evil?

Children: No.

Educator: Think about when fire is kind and useful?

Children: Cook food, warm yourself by the fire in the forest.

Educator: What should we do to make fire bring us benefit and joy?

Children: Handle it correctly.

Educator :

Everyone knows: no fire
We won't live another day!
In the fire, as in the sun, it is light!
It's warm in the fire and in winter!
But when we are careless with fire,
He becomes our enemy!

Listen to an excerpt from S. Ya. Marshak’s poem “Fire”

Mother went to the market,
She told her daughter Lena:
Don’t touch the stove, Lenochka.
It burns, Helen, fire!
Only the mother left the porch,
Lena sat down in front of the stove,
He looks through the red crack,
And the fire is roaring in the stove.
Lena opened the door slightly -
The fire jumped from the log,
I burned the floor in front of the stove,
Climbed the tablecloth onto the table,
He ran over the chairs with a crash,
Crawled up the curtains
The walls are covered in smoke,
Licks the floor and ceiling.

Educator: Guys, why do you think the fire started?
Children: The fire started because Lena did not listen to her mother. She opened the stove door, a coal fell on the floor and a fire started. Lena violated fire safety rules

Educator: How dangerous is a fire? (In a fire, things and an apartment can burn, but most importantly, people can die)

Educator: Correct.

Educator: Why does a fire occur?

Conducted didactic game“Why did the fire start?”
Children look at the pictures and discuss them (children turn on electrical appliances without the permission of adults;
the tourists did not put out the fire in the forest; forgot to turn off the stove; the fire burned everything in the house when the children took matches to play; the fire burned the entire forest, when the tourists forgot to put out the fire, animals, insects, and plants died; the fire burned the whole house when they forgot to put out the candle, etc.).

Educator: Guys, a fire is bad! Let us come up with fire safety rules for people!

do not pick up or play with matches and lighters;

do not put objects into the socket;

do not go near the gas stove;

Do not turn on the iron or other electrical appliances for children; etc.

Firefighter rules are a simple lesson.
Know, follow them and remember, my friend!
So that there is no trouble in the house,
We must remember with you:
To avoid fires and troubles,
You shouldn't play with fire!

Educator: Now let's play the game "Guess it"

Groups of children of 3-4 people guess the riddle and put together a cut picture.

What kind of cramped, cramped house is this?

A hundred sisters huddle in it.

And any of the sisters

It can break out like a fire!

Don't joke with your thin sisters... (matches)

The house is a glass bubble,

And a light lives in it.

During the day he sleeps, but when he wakes up,

It will light up with a bright flame. (bulb)

It curls, wriggles,

It rushes into the sky. (smoke)

It hangs and is silent, but if you turn it over, it hisses.

And the foam flies. (fire extinguisher)

Got hot if suddenly

Electric iron

What should you kids do?

Remove the plug from... (socket)

Hisses and gets angry

He is afraid of water.

With tongue, and not barking,

No teeth, but bites.

He eats everything but doesn’t get enough,

And if he drinks, he dies? (fire)

What happens when matches are lit at home? (fire)

A coal fell to the floor -

Wooden floor lit

Don't look, don't wait, don't stand

And fill it with (water)

Educator: So what will help us cope with the fire?

Children: Water.

Educator: And now we will move a little and play the game “Fire - Water”

The presenter is selected at will, either by counting or in another way. When the presenter says loudly: “Fire,” everyone begins to squat; when he says: “Water,” everyone begins to jump. The presenter tries to confuse the players, sometimes repeating the same word in a row, changing the intonation, making movements corresponding to a different word

Educator: Now we will check how you distinguish between objects that pose a fire hazard and simply dangerous objects.

Game "Flammable Objects". Children are given cards that depict flammable objects and simply dangerous objects. For example: matches, candle, iron, knife, sparklers, stove, saw. You need to remove the card with the image of an object that does not pose a fire threat.


You can't fight a fire on your own!
This is not work for children.
Without wasting time,
"01" call quickly!
Type wisely!
So that not everything burns.

Who do we call on this phone number?

The fire has dared, they are bolder,
He is strong, they are stronger
Don't scare them with fire
They are no strangers to fire!

Children: Firefighters.

Educator: What do firefighters ride on?

Children: Firefighters go out in special fire trucks.

Educator: Why do you think they call it that?

Children: From the word “fire”

Educator: Why are fire trucks always red? (Children's answers are listened to) Red is the color of fire.

The fire truck is driving fast to put out the fire and save people.

Educator: Well done!

Now let's summarize:

What did we talk about today?

Why does a fire occur?

What should we do if there is a fire?

You need to be very careful and careful to avoid a fire, be sure to follow fire safety rules.

Let every citizen remember
Firefighter number - 01.

Galia Valiakhmetova

Program content:

Integration educational areas: “Cognition”, “Socialization”, “Communication”, “Health”, “ Artistic creativity», « Physical culture", "Health", "Safety", "Reading fiction".

Lesson objectives: consolidate knowledge about safety, rules of behavior at home and on the street, the ability to behave correctly in an extreme situation; teach to empathize with the heroes of a fairy tale; create a desire to help them; develop thinking, intelligence, imagination.


Educational task:

Reinforce knowledge of dangerous situations that may arise in everyday life;

Teach the basics of personal safety;

Teach children to answer questions in complete sentences;

Teach children to use telephone numbers: 01, 02, 03.

Clarify children's knowledge about edible and inedible mushrooms and berries.

Developmental task:

Develop safe behavior skills on the roadway and intersection,

Develop speech, memory, thinking, attention;

Develop the ability to listen to each other;

Form the concept of “dos and don’ts” for various situations on the street and at home;

Educational task:

To cultivate a culture of behavior on the street, in the forest, and a conscious attitude towards compliance with traffic rules;

Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

Cultivate responsibility for yourself and for others.

Dictionary activation: edible, inedible, names of mushrooms and berries, names of road signs.

Preliminary work:

Review of safety albums.

Conversations on safety at home, in kindergarten, on the street.

Didactic games: “The ABC of Safety”, “Dangerous or Not Dangerous”, “Who can put the house out the fastest.”

Reading Russians folk tales“Three Bears”, “Cat, Rooster and Fox”, “Kolobok”. "The Three Little Pigs" and others.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator. Guys, say hello to the guests.

Exercise "Hello"

Children. Hello gentle morning,

Hello kindergarten,

Hello good friend,

Hello everyone around.

We are very glad to have guests,

We give you warmth.

Educator: (B) - Guys, do you want to visit a safe country?

Children's answers: (O) Yes!

Q: Are you ready?

Q: What do you think you can use to travel?

A: By train, by plane, by car, by boat.

Q: You guys are great, you know everything. And today I invite you on a trip to a country of security to go on a rocket. Are you ready?

B: Great! We sit down on the chairs and close our eyes.

Our journey begins. (A sound recording of a rocket taking off sounds and the game begins.)

Q: Guys, open your eyes, we are arriving with you on the first planet, it’s called "Traffic Light".

Look, traffic police inspector Svistulkina meets us on this planet.

(Inspector Svistulkina enters. (I.S.)

I.S.: Hello, guys. It’s so good that you came to my planet. I really want to know if you know how to behave near the roadway, because even in space we need to follow the rules of the road. I have prepared it for you interesting tasks, try them.

I.S.: Let’s first play a game with you: “Be careful on the road.”

Now I'll check everything

And I’ll start a game for you.

I’ll ask you questions now -

It is not easy to answer them.

Let me warm up

Give you riddles.

You guys need to be strong

Know the traffic rules

Everyone answer me in a friendly manner,

Or, hiding, remaining silent.

If you act in accordance with the traffic rules, then unanimously answer: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!”, And if any of the rules does not correspond to the norm, then remain silent.

Which one of you, on your way home,

Is it on the pavement?

Which one of you is going forward?

Only where the transition is?

Who runs forward so quickly

What does the traffic light not see?

Who knows that the light is green

Means: the way is open?

Why is the yellow light always for us?

Does he talk about attention?

Let anyone speak honestly

Doesn't it hang on the tram?

Who knows that red light -

Does this mean: no move?

Which one of you is in a cramped carriage?

Did you give up your seat to the old lady?

Who is in a hurry, runs

In front of the “Path closed” sign?

I.S.: I’m sure that you are just as attentive on the road. Well done!

I.S.: And now, guys, let’s listen to the task --- carefully look at the picture. You need to find and mark with a red icon cases of traffic violations and explain why you think so.

The task “Guess what the children violated?”

Svistulkina: Well done! Which child behaves correctly on the road? Why do you think so? Mark them with a green icon.

(Children should mark cases of traffic violations with a red circle. And then explain why they think so. And also talk about those cases where children behave correctly.).

I.S.: Well done, guys. We completed this task. Now the second task. It's called "Collect and find out what the sign is."

(Children collect picture puzzles on which road signs and explain what kind of sign it is and what it means.)

I.S.: Well done, guys, you completed the tasks. I give it to you board game"Road signs".

Q: Thank you, Svistulkina, but it’s time for us to continue our journey.

There's a planet on our way "Fairytale".

Q: Guys, on this planet we are met by heroes of different fairy tales.

Look, what fairy tale heroes do you see?

D: This is a cat, a rooster and a fox, three bears, a bun, three pigs. Q: Which of the characters in the fairy tale “The Cat, the Fox and the Rooster” violated the safety rule?

D: Cockerel.

Q: What is this rule? D: You can't trust strangers. Q: How did the cockerel attract the cat's attention when he was in the fox's clutches?

D: Loud scream.

Q: What did the bun do wrong?

D: He left his grandparents.

Q: How does the fairy tale end? (Children's answers)

Q: What rule did Mashenka from the fairy tale “The Three Bears” break? D: She went into the forest alone and got lost. You can't leave the house alone.

– Masha went into someone else’s house.

- Mashenka ate the porridge.

– I was rocking on Mishutka’s chair, it broke.

“I went to bed, not even knowing who lived in the house.”

Q: How does the fairy tale end? (Children's answers)

Q: Guys, why did the heroes of the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs” get into trouble? D: No, not all. Two of the brothers were lazy, and only thanks to the third brother, who built a strong house, they were able to escape from the wolf. The wolf could not get into their house. Q: Guys, where should you call if a stranger wants to break into your house?

D: You need to call the police at number - 02. Q: Where should you go if there is a fire?

D: Fire department - 01. Q: Guys, tell me the number of the service that I need to contact if someone becomes ill. D: Ambulance - 03.

B: Well done. Guys, stand near the chairs.


Along the path, along the path

We gallop on our right leg,

And along the same path

We jump on our left leg.

Let's run along the path and reach the clearing.

In the clearing, in the clearing We will jump like bunnies.

Stop. Let's rest a little

And now let's go on foot.

Q: Now we take our places - our rocket is moving on. Next planet - "Lesnaya". (Sound recording of a rocket taking off)

Q: Here we are, arriving at the clearing. (We walk along the path to a clearing).

Guys, this planet is uninhabited, there is only wild nature around here. You and I have been traveling for a long time and it’s time for us to refresh ourselves. What can you and I eat in the forest?

Children: Berries, mushrooms, plant roots.

Q: Now we’ll check how you know edible mushrooms and berries.

Task “Learn about mushrooms and berries.”

(Children are asked to name berries and mushrooms, and then explain whether these mushrooms and berries are edible or not.)

Q: But remember, guys, leave mushrooms that you don’t know in the clearing, don’t trample them, don’t knock them down. All the mushrooms in the forest are needed. Either a squirrel will eat the fungus, or a hedgehog, and moose in the forest are treated with fly agarics. Q: Guys, how can we quench our thirst?

D: We can find a spring, a river, chew the leaves of plants and herbs.

Q: Guys, but there may be wild animals on this planet. What will we do if there are some animals nearby to scare them away?

D: Make noise, whistle, knock on wood with a stick, shout.

Q: My stay on this planet has come to an end. We fly further. (Music plays, children calmly board the rocket)

Q: And there’s a planet on our way "Health." (Sound recording of a rocket taking off).

Q: A new task awaits us here. In the center you must connect the dots in order. (Children complete the task)

Q: What did you get?

Q: Correct. And this is the key to health. There are pictures around the key; you must connect with arrows the key and those pictures that will help you be healthy. (the pictures show various products, sports)

Q: What should we do to be healthy? D: Play sports, eat fruits, eat right, be sure to walk outside.

Q: Well done, guys! It's time for us to move on. (knock on the door).

Masha Zaboleikina comes to visit.

Q: Hello! Who are you?

Masha: Zaboleikina Masha I,

It's just me who's sick, friends.

I look sad.

My head hurts a lot.

My back hurts, my side hurts,

I need a doctor, he would help me.

Q: What a strange last name you have, Zaboleikina!

Masha: I like my last name, it suits me just right, because I get sick all the time.

Q: And you look kind of pale. Come on in, Mashenka, sit on the chair. Is something strange going on with you?

What do you eat? Do you do physical education?

Masha: I have cake, candy, cookies, Coca-Cola, lemonade, chewing gum, and chips in the bag. (Shows package contents).

Q: Is this all delicious, kids? Is it useful?

Q: What foods are good for our body?

D: Fruits, vegetables, milk, cottage cheese, onions, garlic.

Q: How are they useful?

Q: What are vitamins?

D: Nutrients which are necessary for our body. They help children grow.

Q: What happens if a person eats food that is low in vitamins?

D: He often gets sick, becomes lethargic, sad, and gets tired quickly.

Q: Now, Zaboleikina, do you understand which foods are healthy and which are not?

Q: Guys, let's tell Masha how you can improve your health.

1st child Everyone knows, everyone understands

It's nice to be healthy.

You just need to know.

How to become healthy.

2nd child There is no better recipe in the world

Be inseparable from sports.

You will live a hundred years

That's the whole secret.

3rd child Train yourself to order

Do exercises every day

Laugh more cheerfully

You'll be healthier.

4th child To be healthy

Please note in advance

What everyone needs

Healthy food.

5th child And remember this

Going shopping

Don't look for sweets -

Look for vitamins.

Q: Guys, we have the “Key of Health”, let’s give it to Masha.

And let us remind you once again what we must do to be healthy. D: Play sports, eat fruits, eat right, be sure to walk outside.

M: Thank you guys. I felt much better. I'll go home. (Children say goodbye to Masha).

Q: Well, guys, our journey is over. Did you enjoy our trip? How many new things we learned and consolidated today. What planets have you and I visited? D: Traffic lights, fairy-tale, forest, planet of Health. Q: Our lesson has come to an end, get up and quietly move your chairs.

Now let's say goodbye to the guests. (Everyone joins hands and says):

We are all friendly guys

We are preschool children.

We don't offend anyone

We know how to care.

We won’t leave anyone in trouble,

We won’t take it away, we’ll ask for it.

May everything be fine

It will be joyful and light.

— strengthen the ability to navigate in extreme situations;

- develop attention, observation, logical thinking, team interaction skills;

- cultivate a caring attitude towards your health and the safety of others.

Materials and equipment for life safety classes:“bus” made of chairs, children’s firefighter costumes, a model of a burning house, buckets of sand and water, children’s shovel, fire extinguisher, fire hose, toy fire truck, dry branches, paper, iron, matches, metal tray, aquarium, paraffin candles, containers with water and sand, glass flask, audio recording “Crackling of Fire”, microphone.

Progress of the lesson

Educator (V.). Guys, please tell me what security is? (When nothing threatens your life, when everything around is calm, when there are no fires, etc.) Correct! Let's remember the safety rules with you. And to remember them, let's go to an exciting and useful trip by country of security. I invite you to board the “bus” and take your seats. (The teacher and children take their places. The phone rings, and then the text recorded on the voice recorder sounds.)

Dunno. Hello, hello, is this a kindergarten? Are these guys from the older group? Finally I got through to you. Hello guys! It's me Dunno. This is what happened to me here! Your help is urgently needed!

IN. Don't worry, Dunno. Would you rather tell me what happened to you? How can we help you?

Dunno. Okay, I’ll tell you everything in order, but you yourself think about how you can help me. Yesterday, at home, under the table, I decided to make a fire to keep warm. But he, this fire, turned out to be so jumpy! First he jumped onto the tablecloth, then onto the curtains and... a fire started! The firefighters have arrived. But they had to work hard to find me: after all, I’m smart - I hid in the closet from this fire! And the harmful firefighters, when they found me, told me that I didn’t know any fire safety rules! I actually don’t know what these rules are. Guys, maybe you can help me figure this out?

IN. Guys, can we help Dunno? (Children's answers.) Don't worry, Dunno, we'll tell you about fire safety rules. By the way, the guys and I are now going to a country of safety, and what we see there will be recorded on a disk and sent to you by mail.

Dunno. Oh, thank you! I will be waiting for a letter from you. Goodbye!

IN. Guys, what fire safety rules did Dunno violate? (Children's answers.) Well done, right. Under no circumstances should children pick up matches or lighters, play with fire at home or on the street, or hide during a fire. Here we are. Our first stop is the Experimental Laboratory.

Here we will conduct experiments. Which ones do you think? (Children look at the material and answer.) We will conduct several experiments with fire, so we will be very, very careful.

(The teacher lights candles on a metal tray.)

When we lit the candles, what did we see? (Lights). They are bright, beautiful, and attract attention. Do you think it is possible to touch them? (No.) Explain why? (You may get burned, and if the candle falls on the floor or carpet, it may start a fire.)

In fact, fire is a bright and attractive element, but very dangerous.

Experiment one

IN. If the fire becomes too dangerous, how can a person cope with it? (It needs to be extinguished.) What is fire very afraid of? (Water, snow, earth.) Now let's check the correctness of your statements. Our laboratory has different material, which can be used when extinguishing fire. What is this? (Children's answers.) Let's do the following experiment: pour some water on a burning candle. What's happening and why? (The fire went out because he is afraid of water.)

Experiment two.

Similar experiments are carried out with sand.

Experiment three.

IN. Now let's do the last experiment. Cover the burning candle tightly with a glass flask. What happens to fire? (It goes out.) Why did our light go out after a while? I'll give you a hint: without air, fire cannot burn. If the air supply to the flask stopped, the fire went out. Therefore, a fire that is just beginning can be extinguished by throwing a thick cloth over the flame.

After conducting the experiments, the teacher asks questions: How can you put out a fire? What should you do if a fire does happen? (You should call an adult, call the fire department at 101 and leave the apartment.)

IN. This concludes our work in the laboratory.

IN. Now let's continue our journey. (Everyone takes a seat on the “bus.”) While we are driving, I suggest the game “Make no mistake.” I will name the words, and when you hear those that relate to the fire, clap your hands. (Names the words: cake, saw, fireman, package, fire extinguisher, chair, door, fire hose, ball, fire, box, matches.)

Our next stop is the Fire Safety Museum.

Children go to the Security Museum, choose 2 guides who introduce visitors to its objects.)

1st tour guide. This is where the Art Gallery is located. It is unusual because each picture depicts rules for safe behavior in case of fire (it talks about what is depicted in them.)

IN. Guys, if we follow all these rules, then trouble will never happen to us.

2nd tour guide. IN Our museum also houses various games, toys, and paraphernalia. Here you can play firefighters. Now we will talk about firefighter costumes.

IN. Can we try them on?

Children try on firefighter costumes, “tour guides” talk about them.)

1-tour guide. This suit white. It does not burn, does not get wet, this fabric protects from fire. In this suit you can enter a burning house and save people.

2-tour guide. This suit is red because red is the color of fire that firefighters fight with, and the fire truck is also painted red so that it can be seen from afar.

1-tour guide. This suit is yellow. It is worn for rescue purposes when rescuing people and animals in danger.

IN. We learned a lot of interesting things in the museum. Guys, let's thank our guides and continue our journey. (Invites the children onto the bus.)

Game situation “House on Fire”.

The sound recording “Crackling of Fire” is heard. The teacher draws the children’s attention to this and asks them to think about what this sound is like. Children make guesses.

IN. There must be a house on fire somewhere. Let's get off the "bus" and help put out the fire.

Guys, who professionally and skillfully helps people cope with fire? (Firemen.) Children, which of you can become a firefighter? (Invites the children to choose firefighters themselves from among their comrades.). Why were these children chosen? (Explain the reason for the choice.) Before you begin to extinguish the fire, you must put on a special firefighter uniform. (Children-firefighters put on costumes. At this time, the rest of the children offer the firefighters items and means that are available to extinguish the fire. The children-firefighters imitate extinguishing a fire.)

IN. Well done guys, you quickly dealt with the fire. What items were left unused? (Paper, dry leaves, etc.) Why? (If you throw these items into the fire, it will flare up even hotter.)

Our journey through the country of safety is over, we return to kindergarten.

Children get on the “bus” and sing “March of Young Firemen”.

Guys, did you enjoy our trip? What do you remember most? (Children's answers.)

Game "Chain of Wishes".

IN. Guys, let's turn to Dunno with our wishes. They must concern compliance with fire safety rules. After all, you know that our entire trip was recorded on video. To make the recording of wishes loud and clear, we will speak into the microphone.

Children follow fire safety rules.

To consolidate knowledge about safety, rules of behavior at home and on the street, on the road, at sea, the ability to behave correctly in an extreme situation; teach to empathize with the heroes of a fairy tale; create a desire to help them; develop thinking, intelligence, imagination.



Summary of an open lesson on life safety in the senior group “Journey to a country of safety.”

Prepared and conducted by the teacher of the senior group: Demchenko V.L.

Program content:

Integration of educational areas: “Cognition”, “Socialization”, “Communication”, “Health”, “Artistic creativity”, “Physical education”, “Health”, “Safety”, “Reading fiction”.

Lesson objectives: consolidate knowledge about safety, rules of behavior at home and on the street, the ability to behave correctly in an extreme situation; teach to empathize with the heroes of a fairy tale; create a desire to help them; develop thinking, intelligence, imagination.


Educational task:

Reinforce knowledge of dangerous situations that may arise in everyday life;

Teach the basics of personal safety;

Teach children to answer questions in complete sentences;

Teach children to use telephone numbers: 102, 103.

Clarify children's knowledge about edible and inedible mushrooms and berries.

Developmental task:

Develop safe behavior skills on the roadway and intersection,

Develop speech, memory, thinking, attention;

Develop the ability to listen to each other;

Form the concept of “dos and don’ts” for various situations on the street and at home;

Educational task:

To cultivate a culture of behavior on the street, in the forest and at sea, and a conscious attitude towards compliance with traffic rules;

Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

Cultivate responsibility for yourself and for others.

Dictionary activation:edible, inedible, names of mushrooms and berries, names of road signs.

Progress of the lesson:

V. – Guys. Today we will go to a land of safety.

Please tell me how you understand the word security.

D. - Safety is the ability to behave in such a way that no misfortune or trouble occurs.

Q-Where might danger lie in wait for us?

(At home, on the street, in the forest, in the meadow, by the river, etc.)

Educator: (B) - Guys, do you want to visit a safe country?

Children's answers: (O) Yes!

Q: Are you ready?

O: Yes!

Q: What do you think you can use to travel?

A: By train, by plane, by car, by boat.

Q: We find out by putting together a picture of parts (car).

B: Great! We get into the car.

Our journey begins.(A recording of a driving car sounds.)

We steer right, left, straight.

Look, traffic police inspector Svistulkin is meeting us.

(Picture of inspector Svistulkin. (I.S.)

I.S.: Hello, guys. I really want to know if you know how to be safe on the road. I show pictures:

If you act in accordance with the traffic rules, then unanimously answer: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!”, And if any of the rules does not correspond to the norm, then remain silent.

View the presentation “Observe the rules of the road”

Svistulkin: Well done, guys, you know how to behave safely on the street, you can continue moving.

On our way there is a fairy forest.

Q: Here we are met by heroes of different fairy tales.

Look, what fairy tale heroes do you see?

D: This is a cat, a rooster and a fox; three bears; bun; three little pigs; red riding hood; bun.

Q: What did the bun do wrong?

D: He left his grandparents.

(Children's answers)

Q: What rule did Mashenka from the fairy tale “The Three Bears” break? D: She went into the forest alone and got lost. You can't leave the house alone.

– Masha went into someone else’s house.

- Mashenka ate the porridge.

– I was rocking on Mishutka’s chair, it broke.

“I went to bed, not even knowing who lived in the house.”

Q: How does the fairy tale end?(Children's answers)

Q: Guys, why did the heroes of the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs” get into trouble?

D: No, not all. Two of the brothers were lazy, and only thanks to the third brother, who built a strong house, they were able to escape from the wolf. The wolf could not get into their house.

Q: Guys, where should you call if a stranger wants to break into your house?

D: You need to call the police at number 102.

Q: Which of the characters in the fairy tale “The Cat, the Fox and the Rooster” violated the safety rule?

D: Cockerel.

Q: What is this rule?

D: You can't trust strangers.

Q: How did the cockerel attract the cat's attention when he was in the fox's clutches?

D: Loud scream.

Q: How does the fairy tale end?

If the uncle is very kind

And there are no friends nearby.

Maybe he just wants

Take away your bike?

If he doesn't know you -

Why is he calling you?

Suddenly he promises everything -

And he will take it away from his mother.

B: Well done. Guys, let's take a walk in the forest.


Along the path, along the path

We gallop on our right leg,

And along the same path

We jump on our left leg.

Let's run along the path,

We'll get to the clearing.

In the clearing, in the clearing

We'll jump like bunnies.

Stop. Let's rest a little

And now let's go on foot.

Q: Here we are, arriving at the clearing.(We walk along the path (ribbed board) to the clearing).

You and I have been traveling for a long time and it’s time for us to refresh ourselves. What can you and I eat in the forest?

You need to collect edible mushrooms in a basket. Game “Let's collect mushrooms in a basket”

V. - Well done, now I see you are real mushroom pickers. Let's remember the rules for picking mushrooms and play the game “Stomp, Clap.” When the answer is “yes,” clap, when the answer is “no,” stomp.

B.1.Collect only familiar mushrooms.

2Can I use large, old mushrooms?

3Is it better to pick mushrooms near the road?

4. Can I eat raw mushrooms?

Q: But remember, guys, leave mushrooms that you don’t know in the clearing, don’t trample them, don’t knock them down. All the mushrooms in the forest are needed. Either a squirrel will eat the fungus, or a hedgehog, and moose in the forest are treated with fly agarics.

Q: We didn’t even notice that we had passed through the entire forest, and here was the sea.

Look at our sea, let's admire the seagulls.

(Watch a video of the sea with seagulls.)

Relaxation to the sound of the sea and the cry of seagulls.

What dangers are there when traveling by ship? (don’t lean overboard, you might fall overboard)

We swam to the shore (what are the safety rules when leaving the ship).

Suddenly a storm broke out. (watch video of the storm)

Where is it dangerous to be during a storm?

Look, whose house is this?

V. – Please guess the riddle, which fairy tale hero lives in it?

Riddle about Cinderella.

Do you know this girl?

She's in old fairy tale sung.

She worked, lived modestly,

I didn’t see the clear sun,

There is only dirt and ash around.

And the name of the beauty... (Cinderella)

(picture of Cinderella)

Cinderella is crying, she was sewing dresses for her sisters and got hurt. What could have hurt her? (scissors, needle).

How to use a needle safely?

1 child

Don't put a needle in your mouth:

A sharp needle is not a fruit.

2 child

The needle at work is fun,

She is thin and so cute.

You won't put it back

Suddenly lost in revenge

And hide in the chaos

Then it will stick in your heel.

Educator: How should you use scissors correctly?

1 child

You can work with scissors

But only very carefully.

Don't run around the apartment with them -

This is how you can do hara-kiri.

If someone asks, don’t yawn,

Serve it in rings first.

Keep scissors in place

With the ends closed together.

Q: Guys, tell me the number of the service that I need to contact if someone feels bad.

D: Ambulance - 103.

Educator: guys, let's review the rules for using piercing and cutting objects.

So guys, always remember...

At home, put the sharp knives in their place,

Don't throw away the needles

Put them all on the shelf.

If you got the scissors,

Take it back where you got it from.

Then neither girls nor boys

They won't cut their fingers.

Q: Well, guys, our journey is over. Did you enjoy our trip? What country have we visited?