A spell for good luck in water business. Plot for good luck

How effective a plot for good luck in business will be depends on its purpose and compliance with the subtleties of its implementation. The lion's share of success is ensured by the performer's faith in his own capabilities, therefore, casting aside doubts, read the spells - let the magic work for you.

Slavic spells to attract good luck

It is clearer to us. Firstly, it is much closer to the spiritual principle, and secondly, it gives a reliable result without side effects. Read below for tips on how to pronounce them, to whom to address them, and about the rules of spell magic.

For luck in business all day

Read at dawn, immediately upon awakening. Spray your face with pre-prepared water three times, saying:

Queen of water, please wash away the night fears, past sins, unfinished business from me. Give me new beauty, new life, new strength on a new day. Amen.

Now, looking at the rising sun, read:

As soon as I, God’s servant (name your name), rise up, I will bless myself and go out into the field, crossing myself. I’ll stand on a high hill, look towards the distant side, towards the east, where the red sun rises and smiles at the whole world. Help, sunshine, as you allow the grass to grow, flowers to bloom, leaves to bloom, and people to rejoice, for me, the servant of God (name yourself again), to ripen and blossom, and to find joy. Let my words be stronger than stone, stronger than iron, hotter than fire, faster than the wind. Amen!

After reading the plot, take a swim. If you plan to spend the day outside the house, cross yourself three times to the east when going out.

An ancient spell to bring good luck

Activated on the waxing moon at midnight. It is mainly carried out in the summer-autumn period, since it is desirable to see wild or garden flowers while reading.

Read the plot using clean water collected in a glass vessel (glass, jar).

In the Garden of Eden, the Most Holy Theotokos took a walk, breathed the sweet floral air, collected strange flowers, gave praise to the Lord and wove a wreath of inflorescences. I, God’s servant (name), will approach the flowers and start a song of praise and find something good for myself. With the Holy Sign of myself in the fall, I will bow my knees before the Mother of God, filling my soul with the Lord’s power. Great blessing to my home, and strength to my heart and soul! Amen!

The custom of charming things, turning them into amulets of happiness, has existed in Rus' since pagan times. You can use any item: from a simple needle to precious jewelry.

Good luck spell on a pin

And a thin church candle. On Sunday afternoon, during the Sunday service, light the wick and wait until the candle begins to drip. Hold it at an angle with one hand so that the wax falls on the eye of the pin. Read the whisper three times so that no one hears:

I appeal to the spirits, I conjure!
Penetrate protective spirits into this item
Leave your strength and power on him.
So that your strength protects me,
and your power has helped me all the days:
from morning to evening
from Monday to Sunday
Bring me good luck, perfume! Amen!

The candle should burn out completely. Hide the wax-filled pin in a place inaccessible to household members.

Among the texts for good luck on a thing, rituals using coins and rings are considered traditional.

Spell on a coin

Take any money (the more valuable the metal, the better), clamp it in your fist and bring it to your mouth. Blow into your fist three times while quickly saying:

“I blow away the bad, I call on the good! Help me, coin, to become successful and rich!”

Always carry a lucky penny in a secret pocket of your wallet.

Ring spell for good luck

If you are the lucky recipient of a gift in the form of a ring or keep a family heirloom - for example, a precious ring - you can turn it into an amulet for good luck and endow it with protective properties. The ceremony is only for the gift of jewelry.

Take woolen threads, put a ring in the ball and quietly say the spell:

Over the sea, God's titmouse flew,
she wove a nest on a tall tree,
in that nest the titmouse found a ring,
she brought it to me, the servant of God (name yourself).
I’ll decorate myself for free and go to people.
All doors and gates will open before me,
All endeavors will end in success.
Be it my way! Amen.

Take the talisman out of the skein and put it on your finger. Try not to remove the ring - then it will turn into a powerful amulet.

When starting the path of an entrepreneur or dreaming of climbing the career ladder, you should not only take care of your image, but also try to find the right moment to implement your plans.

Career Spell

The ritual was invented a long time ago and adapted to modern realities. Its content involves reading a prayer for water. If earlier it was necessarily taken from a living source (a spring, a spring, a river), now you can use it consecrated in a church or thawed (frozen in a freezer and melted).

The ritual is done daily for a month, the text of the conspiracy is read in the morning on the water prepared for washing.

I conjure and enchant the uncontrollable element, the flowing water, for wild success, for enviable luck. So that everything that I, the servant of God (call yourself) started, goes uphill. Any business that I have conceived and started has brought benefits. Word to the lock, lock to the key, key to the safe! Amen!

Rinse your face with magic water. It should be fresh every day.

Plot for good luck in business

It happens that a business started successfully, but went into decline. With this ritual, a black stripe can be turned into a white one. Prepare a piece of soap, a red thread, a coin.

Choose sunrise on Thursday, when the moon enters its waxing phase. Taking the necessary items with you, go to an uninhabited place. Dig a shallow hole in the ground, put a thread, a coin and soap there, say the words:

As quickly as the soap ends, so my misfortunes and failures end. Just as coins jingle in wallets, so mine will always be filled to the top. Just as one knits a red thread for good luck, so success will remain in my life. What you said will come true! Amen!

Bury, sign the place with the sign of the cross, say: “The word is the law!” Then leave without looking back, without speaking to anyone along the way.

Latin is revered by magicians as the oldest means of communication with otherworldly forces. These texts have a special energy - they have been spoken for centuries. Spells have accumulated the emotions of millions of people living at different times.

It is not advisable for inexperienced followers of the occult to independently read ancient spells, since any incorrect pronunciation can be interpreted by higher powers in a completely different way.

If you decide to use it, study a reliable translation and accurate transcription so as not to make a fatal mistake. Perhaps the following option will suit you:

Conjuro et confirmo super vos Angeli fortes Dei, et sancti, in nomin magnum ipsius Dei fortis et potentis, exaltatique super omnes coelos, araye, plasmatoris seculorum, qui creavit mundum, coelum, terram, mare, et omnia quae in eis sunt in primo die , et sigillavit ea sancto nomine. Et per nomina sanctorum Angelorum, qui dominantur in quarto exercitu, et serviunt coram potentissimo Salamia, Angelo magno et honorato. Et per nomen stellae, quae est Sol, et per signum, et per immensum nomen Dei vivi, conjuro vos Angeli, qui creavit mundum et quicquid in eo est, quod pro melabores, et ad moleas omnem meam petitionem, juxta meum velle et votum meum , in negotio et causa mea.

The spell requires three repetitions, it must be read without hesitation, evenly, monotonously. Therefore, it will be better if you use the transcription:

Kony'uro et con'firmo s'uper vos An'geli 'fortes Dei, et 'sancti, in 'nomin 'magnum ip'sius Dei 'fortis et po'tentis, exaltatic'ue 'super 'omnes 'kelos, a' raye, plasma'toris seku'lorum, k'ui cre'avit 'mundum, 'kelum, 'terram, 'mare, et om'nia k'ue in 'eis sunt in 'primo die, et sigi'lavit ea 'sancto 'nomine. Et per 'nomina san'torum Ange'lorum, k'ui domi'nantur in 'quarto ek'serkitu, et ser'viunt 'coram potentis'simo Sala'mia, An'gelo 'magno et hono'rato. Et per 'nomen 'stelle, k'ue est Sol, et per 'signum, et per im'mensum 'nomen Dei 'vivi, kony'uro vos Ang'eli, k'ui, kre'avit 'mindum et kwu'ikwuid in eo est, kv'uod pro mala'bores, et ed mo'leas 'omnem 'meam petiti'onem, y'uksta 'meum 'welle et 'votum 'meaum, in nego'tio et ka'usa mea.

Pay attention to the stress: the syllable highlighted by intonation comes after the sign “’”. While reciting a spell in Latin, you need to think about your successful future and imagine yourself happy. The interpretation of magic phrases in your understanding will sound something like this:

Angels of God, I conjure you, I call on the powers of heaven to you, help me fulfill my desires and accomplish my deeds!

As you can see, the meaning of the spell in the Latin version does not differ from the content of ancient prayer texts used by the Slavs.

When starting a business, we wish for its successful completion and mentally appeal to higher powers for help. But there are only a few lucky people who are successful in life. This state of circumstances is easy to explain:

  • internal uncertainty about a successful outcome;
  • incorrect use of spells, incorrect choice of ritual;
  • lack of specificity in the request.

In everyday life, we are accustomed to formulating thoughts about the fulfillment of desires like: “God, grant...”, “Lord, help...” However, in addition to the central figure - the Heavenly Father, in the Christian religion there is a certain hierarchy of his assistants. Each of them is called upon to act as a mediator between humanity and God, solving the everyday problems of sincere believers.

If we talk about, it’s worth remembering our ancestors who lived thousands of years ago. Each nation worshiped not one, but several dozen gods, endowed with different powers and abilities. When invoking good luck, the pagans did not list the entire list of patrons, but performed a sacred rite in front of the altar of a certain ruler.

The ancient Greeks tried to appease Zeus's younger brother Kairos, since he was considered the god of a happy moment and helped not to miss the chance given by fate.

The Romans asked for help from Fortuna, the fickle goddess of luck, who chose the lucky ones at random, according to her mood.

The Slavs sought favor from such hypostases:

  • Belbog is the patron of good luck and goodness.
  • Dazhdbog - the god of fertility, health, giver of warmth and light.
  • Veles - master of wildlife, guardian of travelers and traders.

The luckiest, judging by the number of gods who give blessings, are the Japanese. Their culture includes seven representatives of the heavenly brethren, responsible for the well-being of their charges:

  • Bishamonten is a defender with a spear. Patron of doctors, lawyers, warriors, god of prosperity and wealth.
  • Bezaiten is a young maiden with a biwa (a folk musical instrument), considered the patroness of knowledge, arts, luck and wisdom.
  • Daikoku is a peasant god who brings wealth and grants wishes.
  • Dzyurozin is a patron-hermit with a staff, bringing wisdom and longevity.
  • Fukurokuju is a deity with an elongated head, patronizing the elderly.
  • Hotei is a cheerful “pot-bellied” who knows how to make wishes come true, awakening kindness and compassion in the hearts of people.
  • Ebisu is the god of hard work, patron of fishermen and merchants (depicted with a fishing rod in his hands), he is asked for good luck in business.

Figurines of oriental benefactors can be found in specialized stores. The Japanese believe that if you gather all the gods in a house, luck will always be on the owner's side.

Remember, it is forbidden to divulge the secret that you used spell magic! Success is guaranteed to those who know how to keep secrets and believe in the power of the witchcraft spells used!

Good luck spells are sometimes the most effective way to solve a problem and protect yourself from troubles. Special spells that have great power and energy will help you become lucky. When pronouncing them, do not forget that these are just assistants that operate on your subconscious level. By pronouncing a conspiracy, you become more confident in yourself and your victory. Here are the seven most effective conspiracies for all occasions.

Spell for good luck in money

A money spell can be cast in situations involving material wealth, as well as when you receive money. “Money is to me like bees are to honey. Fly and fly, but don’t fly past me.”

Plot for good luck in business

If you have to solve some serious matter, then say to yourself: “I take good luck, leave bad luck.”

Plot for good luck on the road

When getting ready to go, crossing the threshold, say: “I’m going for luck, I’ll come back more beautiful and richer.”

Spell to attract good luck every day

If you need to enlist the support of higher powers, then place your left palm on your solar plexus and say: “Luck is with me, all the troubles are behind me. As I want, so it will be.”

Spell for good luck in business and work

This plot will help solve business issues: “My guardian angel, love me and don’t leave me. Your word is my word. Prompt, instruct and protect. Amen."

Spell for good luck in love

If you want to attract good luck in love, read the words of the conspiracy before going to bed: “There is love in me, it cannot be taken away. I give it to someone who is nice. And whoever is not kind, God has forgiven him.”

Spell for good luck in trading

If you need to sell something profitably, then this conspiracy will help you: “I give less, I get more.” If you need to buy something, then read this plot: “A good (apartment, car, cottage, whatever you are buying) will find its owner, me (name), and may it serve faithfully for a long time.”

Remember that when working with conspiracies, it is important to feel every word spoken and believe in the fulfillment of your plan. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

08.08.2014 09:08

In the pursuit of well-being, we often forget about ancient but effective methods that can bring...

How to attract luck on the right day and how to generally become lucky in life? Some people are always lucky, while others, despite...

Our ancestors had a custom: when starting any new business, they performed a ritual to attract good luck. Without luck, you will not be able to attract wealth, improve your living conditions, find love or a good job. Here, both a strong conspiracy for good luck and a prayer addressed to God are equally suitable - it depends on your own beliefs and religious preferences.

It is customary to use a spell to attract good luck when starting the sowing season, sending a child to study, starting a new profitable business, and even when putting pies in the oven. A whole pantheon of pagan spirit-deities was responsible for different directions of human aspirations. To help us, we have compiled a list of the correct days on which the consequences of a spell or prayer will be most favorable.

The calendar of the most successful days for rituals aimed at a certain area of ​​life has long been known, so that they have the greatest result. As well as days on which conspiracies to attract good luck will not bring the expected result.

On this day, it is not customary to read spells or prayers that affect the sphere of money and work, attracting wealth. Especially Monday on the waning Moon is fraught with catastrophic financial losses and decline in business. But on Monday, magic helps well, aimed at improving relationships in love and good luck in studies. On Monday, during the waning moon, it is good to start fighting addictions: alcohol, smoking and drug addiction. By starting to read conspiracies against these bad habits, you will quickly achieve success in the fight against this evil.

  • Tuesday

    Rituals and prayers for wealth, attracting good luck in money, done on Tuesday, very quickly bear fruit. A spell for good luck in business is best done on Tuesday. The magic of Tuesday is tightly tied to monetary growth. And Tuesday, which falls on the full moon, is the most favorable time for rituals for good luck in a business involving huge amounts of money. When a day like this comes, don't miss out on the luck!

    A very auspicious day when spells for good luck in your personal life bring excellent results. Perfect for attracting good luck when looking for a job, fortune-telling about your career and boss, or charming amulets that help in the development of the business sphere. The magic of the environment can enhance your luck in any rituals of influence on your career and wealth. The waning moon on this day can be used in the fight against competitors, including envious colleagues.

    • Thursday

      A favorable day to bring good luck to your home. Thursday is considered the patron saint of the home. By applying home cleansing rituals on the waning moon, you can cleanse the house of unwanted magical and emotional debris, and a good luck spell made after cleansing will give quick results. The night from Thursday to Friday, starting from the first star, is the right time when black magic is most powerful and its rituals are effective.

      • Friday

      The most powerful day for witchcraft and spell casting. A conspiracy for luck and success will attract maximum material wealth, a good marriage and success in love. On the waning moon at midnight on Friday, it is a strong time to cast spells to cast damage and spells. The black magic of lapels and quarrels has enormous power at this time. A favorable day for fortune telling about your future and love. Friday dreams are usually prophetic.

      • Traditionally in e That day, black magic is not used, but conspiracies and prayers for good luck, addressed to the forces of light, have a good impact. By adhering to the traditional time for prayer, you can carry out very strong conspiracies to generally enhance luck in your destiny and luck in a planned or new business. Only days on the waning moon are not suitable for rituals for wealth; the consequences will be completely opposite - you will suffer losses if you perform the ritual at this time.

        • Sunday

        As a rule, this day is not generally accepted for rituals and witchcraft. An exception can be made only to prayers aimed at good deeds, requests for health and forgiveness. Conspiracies for good luck based on turning to God through prayer are allowed. The consequences of witchcraft on Sunday for a person little versed in magical secrets can be fraught with punishment from the Heavenly Forces.

        Conspiracy for success in business and material well-being

        There are strong conspiracies, the action of which very effectively helps to improve material conditions. defense of your life. To increase your wealth or gain benefits, you can use a spell for material luck. It must be read over all the wealth, gold and money that you have.

        Even if you are not a rich person, collect everything valuable in the house and money. Prepare a bunch of straw: wheat, barley, rye. Anything from which edible grains grow is suitable. In the first days of the waxing Moon, on Tuesday, when the first bright stars appear in the sky, you need to light seven green candles, placing them on a windowsill or on a table by the window. Pile up your wealth in the middle and start reading the words of the conspiracy.

        “Multiply, witchcraft powers, my mountain of gold. May there remain in my possession a great abundance of gold and silver. You, glorious spirits of Mother Earth, give me luck for a rich life. Just as the dawns in the sky behind the Moon lead round dances, so rich luck will be near me until the end. May good luck spread along the road ahead of me, may there be rich rain on my wild head from the horn of plenty. Glory to the strong Veles! Glory to the rich Chur! Let me breathe according to my command!”

        When you have read the words of the spell three times, take one paper bill, light a bunch of straw in the flame of candles and burn them together in a clay container, saying the words:

        “Take my gift, reward me a hundredfold!”

        The consequences will not be long in coming. In a very short time, luck will give you completely unexpected moments for enrichment. This is Old Slavonic magic, the guardianship over the spells and rituals of which we seek from the deities and spirits of the Russian land.

        • A conspiracy for good luck and wealth, improvement of the financial component in life is carried out on the young waxing Moon. The main thing is not to confuse the waning Moon with the waxing one. Very often, inexperienced and beginners in magic confuse these phases, making a fatal mistake in performing rituals.
        • If you do not have a calendar, and you urgently need to determine the phase of the moon, then use the folk method, it is very simple. To determine the correct phase, you need to look at the rim of the Moon and place your index finger on it. If a figure similar to the letter “P” is formed, then this is a growing phase. If the figure more closely resembles the letter “U,” it is decreasing!

        Conspiracies to attract luck into your life

        Very often, diligent, not lazy, fairly smart people cannot successfully complete the work they have started. As if a little bit of luck is not enough for intelligence and ingenuity. If you correctly apply good luck spells, you can firmly secure your reputation as a lucky person, making your work easier and getting the maximum return.

        • Plot for quick luck

          Magic can not only increase wealth, but also strengthen our ability to attract positivity and luck in everything. In order for luck to favor you in all matters, you need to start things with words that attract and lure good luck.

          “Oh, Mother Lada, most pure Mother of Sva! Don't leave us without love and participation! Sent your graces upon us, as we honor and glorify you. Now and forever, and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it! Until the end of time, while the golden Yarilo shines for us.”

          These are words addressed to the ancient Slavic deity, the Foremother of the Russian people. They must be read every time before deeds and actions of any kind. Starting every business with a request to her, you enlist support for a successful outcome in everything planned.

          • Water for purification

          If you notice in all Without the properties of bad luck, when a well-thought-out business for others bears fruit, but you have complete failures, then attract the magic of water to your aid. Its cleansing properties will help you remove negativity from your aura.

          For seven days in a row, starting from Monday, observing the waxing moon phase, place a glass of water at the head of the bed at night. Water must be used of natural origin - artesian or well. Since the adoption of Christianity in Rus', magicians began to add holy water to this glass, this is allowed.

          Before going to bed, the words of the conspiracy are read on a glass of water. You need to read it once:

          “Voditsa, voditsa, cleanse and save me with your power. From an evil eye and a crooked tale, from an envious person and from an offender, from a crook and from a perpetrator. Bring me satisfying fruits from my righteous labors. Remove obstacles and thresholds from my path. Be according to my word!”

          When you get up every morning, pour out this glass. Never drink from it, it contains all the negativity from your biofield. Having cleansed yourself in this way, you will remove the bad things that prevented you from achieving your plans.

A good luck ritual can help when life situations don't work out. When a person is unlucky, he will constantly encounter problems along the path of life. And those who are lucky achieve what they want.

In the article:

There are rituals to attract good luck, which you can do at least every day for good luck in any matter. Many people don't think about the importance of luck.

If you eat fresh vegetables for breakfast, recite the following spell when peeling carrots, cucumbers or other vegetables:

Kind (name of a vegetable, for example, garlic), ward off any illness, ward off misfortunes, give more happiness

Eat the vegetable completely after reading the plot.

Before breakfast is a good time to do magic for luck. Eggs are the first meal of the day. Do not throw away the shell, but when you eat the egg, hit the shell with a spoon and say:

How many small parts, so many successful days for me!

Familiar sandwiches will also help in attracting good luck. Make bread with butter or other “spread” and draw a cross on it with any cutlery. Top it with green onions or other vegetables. Do not use meat for such purposes; sausage and cutlets are not suitable for slander for luck. Focus on goals and desires. Say the spell:

Let the cross open the way for you to fulfill your desire, visit your guests and always be happy!

And then just eat a sandwich that brings good luck.

Say the following spell when you leave the house - it will help you choose safe roads and meet positively minded people. Place your left hand on the door before leaving the apartment and say:

Father-Lord! Save God's servant (name) from melancholy and misfortune, from torment and vanity, from fierce misfortune and an evil person! Lead me to where happiness is! Amen.

Then go about your business. But remember, you can’t turn around. It is not advisable to return when you have forgotten what. I had to go back - repeat this simple ritual for good luck.

There is a spell that is read every day after waking up, when you are lying in bed. It calls for good luck and happiness, works as protection against unpleasant incidents - theft and accidents. Text:

There is salt, Easter and bread in the house! Give me, guardian angel, a shield from all troubles! Don’t let anger in your heart, turn it into a happy day! Amen. Amen. Amen.

Repeat the words three times.

Morning ritual from Vanga for good luck

The time to find luck is morning, sunrise. Take a cup or glass, pour water into the bowl and speak into it three times:

Voditsa-voditsa, you let me drink, you let me wash.
So give me, water, three drops of luck, five drops of luck, and a sea of ​​happiness.
I close it with a key, wash it with water, and let everything come true according to my word.

After reading the hex, drink water. There are separate ones.

Knot magic for luck

You will need a brown leather cord. Tie three knots at equal distances.

When doing the first one, say:

May success be with me in my deeds and thoughts!

On the second:

May this always be true and true to my word!

And on the third:

So that the untrue, but the obvious, cannot knock my luck away from me! This will be so!

Put the lace in your wallet or pocket and carry it with you, secretly from other people.

This is done on a sunny morning, on an empty stomach. Take a 5-kopeck coin in your left hand and expose it to the rays of the sun and read the plot. Say three times, first in a whisper, then louder and the last time loudly:

There are three dawns. One - clear, red - burns with light, silvers with dawn. The second - golden, pure - glows like a stream, warms the soul with warmth, comforts with happiness like gold. The third dawn is dark, like black water, like a cold night. Let three little dawns come together in a stream, go into the cold with warmth, turn into fire, turn into luck.

The enchanted coin is kept throughout life as a talisman for good luck and luck. She will take you away from trouble, keep your home and help you solve problems.

This ritual repels envy, anger and failure and fills the living space with positive energy, which has a positive effect on luck and other aspects of life.

The ceremony is performed on Tuesday before sunrise and facing the east. Light three white candles and read the plot seven times:

In the house, the cat caught a mouse, basked, and went to bed.
A demon also lived there and drove away all the evil spirits.
In this mansion-house a beautiful maiden lives,
People call her God's servant (name).
A girl needs to put on a dress and go for a walk in public.
That sundress is not simple - it looks like it’s filled with sunshine.
As soon as she goes to the people, a ray will shine from the gate.
He will treat the girl with dignity and prevent evil from happening.
Let the girl walk where there is joy and light
And her holy outfit will ward off all evil.
Let it flow like water and protect you from troubles,
Together with heaven and earth, he will bless her with luck.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Extinguish the used candles and use them for this ceremony. Repeat it once a week, on Tuesdays. The text of the conspiracy refers to an outfit of light. When you read, imagine it on yourself - it repels everything negative.

To attract luck to your home, you need a stone. Take either an ordinary stone that you found during your vacation, or a semi-precious one that you buy for this purpose. In the latter case, the effect of the ritual will be better.

Rinse in running water and smoke with verbena smoke (buy at a pharmacy). Repeat during these processes:

May good luck come to me, and may adversity disappear!

Place the stone at the bottom of the sugar bowl you are using. Don't forget to always have sugar in it.

What to do if your luck runs out?

You can attract luck, or you can. When similar problems are constantly repeated, a dark streak has come in life, perform one of the rituals to get rid of bad luck. Such rituals are performed for seven or thirteen days.

For the ritual against failure, you will need blessed candles - twenty-one pieces. Choose ones that burn quickly. The action begins on Friday, before sunrise. Light three candles and read the plot six times:

Be you gray-haired, the extreme of the extremes, burn out, settle down, decayed misfortune, devastation, poverty, bad luck from my body and from the sorcerer’s work. Amine.

You cannot leave the room when the fire is burning. Therefore, we need candles that do not burn out quickly. Repeat these steps for another five days. On the seventh, Thursday, light the candles at the same time, but do not say anything. Contemplate the flames of the candles and imagine what will happen when the failures go away, until the candles burn out completely.

In this article:

Every person in life has a situation that falls out of the blue - a nuisance. It wipes the smile off your face, interferes with your work day, ties your arms and legs, and prevents you from thinking soberly and positively.

Time passes, people leave and new ones come. Waste and debt are covered and the pain of loss is dulled, but failure still follows on the heels of a person, enjoying his new tears and disappointments.

It’s good to have friends and steely willpower: you can force yourself to get distracted, take up a hobby, join friendly interests and get away from the problem. But even very strong people have problems with their program and new, even the smallest troubles that occur after a big shock hit the energy so hard that the person changes physically and spiritually.

Here are the main factors where bad luck comes from:

  • Constantly thinking about the problem and making a huge conflict out of an unimportant incident;
  • Reasoning about the problem “What if...”;
  • Bringing trouble upon yourself with the words “I feel bad, now this trouble will last for a long time, I have no money and it’s hard for me, I’m sick, I’m unhappy, etc.”;
  • Damage, evil eye;
  • The inability or inability to solve one’s problems and repay debts.

The main enemy of potential bad luck is the phrase “I can do anything.” Your “can do” requires time: for some a day or a minute, for others a month or decades, but the fact remains that the goal will certainly be achieved. If you don't give up. While you arrive within the walls of despair. The world seems gray and hopeless.

Let's return to the question of how to escape from failure if you don't even have the strength to open your eyes in the morning and don't know what to live for next?

Take advantage of the kind words contained in the spell against bad luck and start life with a clean slate. Believe me, it's never too late to do this.

First aid for bad luck

If you feel the shackles of bad luck and you urgently need to get rid of them. Repeat to yourself simple, familiar words:

"Water is off a duck's back, all thinness is off me."

In this case, it is better to get under the shower or just shake your hands and feet, make rotational movements with your neck.

Draw one of the runes on your wrist for good luck. These ancient signs have the strongest energy that is transmitted to all generations and, thanks to your correct request, within the next few hours, they will remove the negativity that has stuck to you lately.

Name of runes for luck:

  • Fehu;
  • Laguz;
  • Soulo;
  • Dagaz.

When interacting with your body, the rune will begin to itch or warm the place where you drew it. This will last a few minutes. Then positive energy, like an antidote, will flow through your cells, destroying the symptoms of prolonged bad luck.

Fehu, Laguz, Soulo, Dagaz

When drawing runes, you can repeat the following words:

“Go away sadness - trouble, through the heavy gates. In my world there is no place for you, in my world there is luck and luck. In my world I am the master (mistress). I can do anything."

Spell for luck on your favorite thing

It is customary to carry talismans and amulets with you for good luck. It's very easy to make one for yourself. The main thing is to love your thing. This could be clothing, an accessory, a keychain, a toy, or jewelry. Even a card in your wallet or a pompom on a pin.

Take such a talisman, hold it in your hands, convey all your warmth to it and mentally ask for protection. You will be heard by all the saints and the Universe and any power that can help at this moment. Read the following plot above the amulet:

“I will not go out into the field or into the forest,
I will open neither the window nor the door,
I will meet neither a swamp nor a sea.
There I will find myself an interesting little thing so that I can be lucky everywhere,
You are my beloved, good one. I will always be with you forever, and you know my soul, take care of my heart,
Attract money and dry your tears. May you and I be lucky forever and ever.”

Good luck spell for your food

Blessing food is a wonderful practice that should become a rule

Before eating, sit comfortably over it, relax and close your eyes. Take a deep breath and exhale. Imagine that when you inhale, you launch a golden stream of air into yourself - the spirit of food, and exhale gray-black negative oxygen, which will scatter without a trace through the air.

Food spell

“The sun rose to give energy to the sprouts of wheat for my bread, the rivers flowed to give life to my drink. Everything inside me will be filled with life and joy. Thanks to bread and water for bringing me luck.”

Conspiracies are based on gratitude to nature and to the Universe for giving us strength and help, and on the request itself, which you want to fulfill at the expense of higher powers.