Getting married a second time: how not to step on the same rake. Remarriage - is it worth it? What to do to get married a second time

Marriage is an important step in the life of any woman. When this event happens again, then on this day you want to look especially impressive. What should you wear to get married a second time? This question is asked by many experienced fashionistas. The outfit in which the newlywed will begin a new, undoubtedly wonderful period in her life, should become a kind of symbol of change.

This article offers various options for the image of a bride for whom Mendelssohn’s “Wedding March” is not heard for the first time. And the photos will help you choose the most suitable one for every taste.


There is an opinion that a white dress is worn to a wedding by a bride who is getting married for the first time in her life. In our time, only the bride herself decides what dress to wear to a wedding ceremony. It all depends on her desire, mood and taste. And modern fashion trends make it possible to realize the most original and daring desires.

Modest white dress

No ruffles, trains, stones or layers. A white dress of a simple style will decorate any bride. It is suitable for both a celebration in a restaurant and a celebration in a narrow family circle. Tuxedo dresses made of silk and satin are very popular. A hat of an interesting model or a veil will complete the look.

If you are planning a magnificent celebration according to all the rules, then it is quite possible to wear a magnificent snow-white or beige wedding dress.

Red dress

In the old days, the color of the dress of the bride who was getting married for the second time was red.

Following traditions, you can choose a red dress. White wedding dresses with red accents and details are trending right now.

Mini dress

Brides in mini-dresses look touching and romantic, the models of which were very popular in the 60s. The dress with three-quarter sleeves, complemented by elegant lace trim, is perfect for a slender bride. You can wear pumps or ballet shoes with this dress.

Original dress

If the bride wants dramatic changes in her image, then it is better to forget about traditions and not follow them. A dress for the second day, bright color and original style, will suit a brave girl. By complementing it with accessories and fashionable shoes, you can safely step into a new life. In such an outfit the bride will feel modern and fashionable.


You can celebrate your second marriage in a trouser suit or skirt with a jacket. A white suit is a wedding classic. The suit can be pastel shades: beige, café au lait, soft pink, pearl. For those who prefer bold decisions, a fuchsia or lemon-colored suit will be an excellent choice.

Top and skirt

A thick silk top paired with a ruffled skirt is an excellent replacement for a classic white dress. This image is suitable for an event without ransom, competitions and a noisy banquet. The outfit will not cost much, and it can be combined with other wardrobe items in the future.


Since ancient times, the veil has been considered a symbol of innocence. Traditions say that for a bride getting married for the first time, a veil is a necessary part of her look. The veil is a kind of amulet for the family and is kept at home as a family heirloom.

But wedding fashion does not believe in omens and gives complete freedom of choice to the bride.

When a wedding event occurs again, women prefer to decorate themselves with an elegant hat with a veil. A stylish and modern hat can be matched to any outfit and any face shape.

If the weather outside is warm, you can decorate your hair with flowers.

A hairstyle decorated with pearls or a tiara looks very beautiful.

Jewelry will make the image more feminine and festive, and at the same time, it will not add pathos and will look appropriate.


A wedding bouquet can become a unique accent to the bride’s entire image. When choosing a bouquet, be sure to take into account the age of the bride.

Bright flowers will fit perfectly into the image of a mature woman, and delicate shades will decorate a young bride. Dark colors are strictly contraindicated for young girls.

For slender and tall brides, flowing bouquets are suitable, which focus attention on a beautiful figure.

For girls with short stature, a bouquet in the shape of a ball will come in handy.

Particularly relevant for modern bouquets are compositions of berries, fruits and even vegetables, in which you can use:

At summer and autumn weddings, bouquets of wheat ears, combined with sunflowers, are especially popular.

It's never too late to be happy. Regardless of age and type of marriage. On this holiday, you can do everything the way the bride wants, and not as is customary. Throw away all boundaries and enjoy the changes that will definitely bring happiness.

Video selection:

Second marriage. Is a woman's second marriage happy? Is a second marriage necessary? Psychology.

Failed marriage. Who doesn't it happen to? There is a lady who got married seven times. This was evident from the record book. You know, if you studied, that the names in a document, in order not to change it, are crossed out and written above the old one. Thus, the “truthfulness” of surnames comes into force.

How to get married a second time? I'm getting married for the second time. Should I get married?

You've already been married. You didn't really like this status. All that you remember from your first wedding is the pomp of the wedding, everyday life, quarrels, swearing, scandals, misunderstandings, tears, beatings, police and divorce. There was little good, although it was good. For his sake, you constantly postponed the step towards divorce.

They decided, they decided, they all hoped that life would change. But, in the “family”, nothing changed. For the better - for sure. You tried in every possible way to improve the situation. But, as you know, one person cannot build happiness in a couple. Two people must take part in the “construction” of happiness. This is the psychology of love.

Only what was supposed to happen happened. But we need to move on with our lives, no matter what. What happened to you after the divorce... Nobody recognizes you anymore: neither family, nor friends. You have turned into an “alien”, by God! Don't give up! You don’t have a husband, but you still have your looks and talents. So use it. Do you really think that you won’t get married successfully? These are all your far-fetched complexes. Turn your thoughts in the other direction, in the one that will be beneficial for you.

Now I won’t draw out and describe to you any rules or recommendations, otherwise you might suddenly think and decide that I’m trying to impose something on you. And obsession is not my trait or peculiarity. I don't respect her. And you are unlikely.

Is a woman's second marriage happy? Is a second marriage necessary? Don't know…. If you just want to decorate your passport with a stamp, no need. The passport will not be happy. Why marry “at random” and without love? Neither you nor the people who care about you need it. Have you had any experience of “marriage”. There was, but it turned out to be unsuccessful. Maybe it’s not your fault, but why bother with the same rakes... Putting a stamp is easy. Divorce is more difficult. But living with a person in whom you have made a mistake is a thousand times more difficult.

By the way, if you want the man you like to not “run away” from you, don’t wear a wedding ring. It can be left in a specially designated box. And the box goes to a secluded place.

Don’t tell your husband candidates that you are still in contact with your “ex-hubby.” The fact that you remained on friendly terms with him should remain a secret at least for some time. Your goal: not to lose what you have gained. And the past is a frequent obstacle to this. So don't involve the past in your present or future.

If you haven’t found a second husband, find a job in which there is not an exclusively female team. A man is needed everywhere. Even at work. This is a completely proven fact, undeniable by anyone. There is no point in disputing what is obvious.

There are no worthy ones - take a closer look. Perhaps your destiny is a man who walks nearby, and you look at those who are “far away” from you. Your destiny may lie in the form of an acquaintance or friend. Maybe a neighbor. We often, living in a house, don’t notice and don’t know many of them. Yes - for everyone. Almost. It’s stupid to speak for the inhabitants of the entire planet.

We met, and he hints at the place of a lover. Let him understand that what you need is not at all what he offers, so that later misunderstandings and misunderstandings do not arise.

Marrying your ex-husband a second time is not the best idea. You don’t need someone with whom you brought yourself and him to court, where you filed for divorce. Why, tell me, do you need this extra hassle? In life, believe me, there will still be millions of moments where you will have to “spent” more nerves.

If you have children (or a child) from “marriage number one”, do not consider them (him) as some kind of “interference” for personal happiness. Be glad you have a baby. There are those who only dream of children, but cannot, due to illness, bring their dream to fruition. Take care and appreciate what has been given to you from above.

You are upset that you cannot get married in a dress during your second wedding. In vain! This is all nonsense! Go out in what you want, spend your wedding the way you want. While the groom is away (if he is not there), you can plan and dream about how and what you would like to arrange. Dream in the bathroom, in your room, at work, at a party…. And your dreams will come true, albeit not with the accuracy you expect.

If you have a groom in mind, start courting him and winning him over. Use your full powers of charm. This power lives in you, even if you are not aware of this “life”. You like him - don't miss him, don't give him to another woman. Then you will regret and cry. And tears can't help you. They will just wash off the mascara and give relief to the soul. But the man will not appear. You need to act here yourself, not count on anyone, so that later, in the event of a fiasco, you don’t have to look for those to blame.

Men can be “bewitched” without witchcraft. And so that he will never run away from you anywhere. And you won't have to work. Be yourself and show him your best side. The man will be conquered by them. Let me switch to “you”. It's easier that way.

How to get married a second time? A second marriage is “just around the corner.”

P look, look and admire what would delight any man in a woman:

  1. Optimistic.
  2. Communication skills.
  3. Liberation.
  4. Smiling.
  5. Sincerity.
  6. Kindness.
  7. Intelligence.
  8. A healthy sense of humor.
  9. Thrift.
  10. Determination.

Add, if you want, something to this “hot ten”. And come up with your own when you have even the slightest desire or craving for it. “Write off” yourself that there is something in a woman that can charm a male person.

The cliché of the phrase, about the paths to a man’s heart, tormented many lines and consciousnesses. Not all men can be “captured” only thanks to their ability to cook. This skill would come in handy for you too. Especially on holidays and days.

About the holiday: you will celebrate your “holiday” in the form of your missing half. It will happen suddenly. And such suddenness will make you understand how much happiness there is in the world. And there is a lot of it all over the world. And all of it is for you. If you earn it with hope, love and faith.

P continuation follows:

“A second marriage is a chance for happiness. Now you won’t be bothered by your ex, and in the new family everything will be different!” - this is what many people think when they decide to remarry or get married. However, changing a sexual partner rarely leads to positive results, since whether a person is happy in marriage or not largely depends on himself. For many, a second marriage is like staying a second year in class, when you have to re-learn everything you went through and make the same mistakes.

According to statistics, 80% of second marriages end in divorce. Newly created marriages break up more often than first ones. There is even an opinion that if a man’s first marriage turned out to be a mistake, his second wife will pay for it. But despite the guaranteed suffering, many people get divorced, get back together, and get divorced again. They are looking for happiness. Is it possible in remarriages?

To the second marriage If you don’t become a copy of the first one, you must, first of all, change your attitude towards the first one, which ended in divorce. This means that in order to live happily in your second marriage, you must properly divorce your first. Divorce always leads to nervous tension and stress, and therefore it is always a loss. The ex is alive, but he is not around. If the spouses come to a common opinion and divorce peacefully, then they have no claims against each other.

And if one of spouses does not agree to divorce, then hatred of the other, long suffering, disappointment and self-pity are inevitable. In this case, divorce looks like a whole tragedy, which is accompanied by insults and a shameful division of property. If the pain after such a breakup remains with a person, then this is a sign that he had a bad divorce and he will drag this negative experience into a second marriage.

Happiness comes to the happy people, and an unhappy person cannot find happiness. This means that you cannot remarry for the purpose of taking revenge on your ex or forgetting him. If you are sure that you yourself are fluffy and white, and your ex is a “goat,” then you should not get married a second time. Because your second husband will be the same "goat". Our chosen ones live up to our expectations. Everyone gets what they want and next to them is the person they deserve.

Although he hopes Human who enters into a second marriage, saying that he will never step on the same rake again, in fact, he is stepping on exactly them. Of course, he does this unconsciously, without wanting it. For example, “chronic wives of alcoholics” are often found. These are women who are disappointed and tired of life, who see themselves as positive only against the background of a person who drinks, does not work anywhere, or is sick.

Psychologically, this is beneficial for her, against the backdrop of a weak partner she herself seems good and successful. To assert herself, she constantly criticizes her drunkard husband with the words: “You ruined my life,” “I put up with you so much,” “I pulled you out of the mud,” etc. Yes, she endured, but the thought - how good I am and how bad he is - gave her the resource to live on.

Often men married for the second time, compares his wife with the first: “Why don’t you cook just like her,” “You’re just like her,” “She didn’t scream at the child like you...”. There is no end to this. A divorced man always has the image of his first wife in his subconscious, and he can no longer return to her because of resentment. The second wife, of course, does not like this behavior of her husband, she increasingly wants to send him to the first, but instead she endures and tries with all her might to be better than the first. In the end, her patience comes to an end and another divorce occurs.

The next reason for the lack of mutual understanding between spouses in the second marriage there are children from the first marriage. It seems to a man that he will love other people's children as if they were his own, but the children cannot perceive him as a father. He is a stranger to them. Women also think that they will become good mothers for their husband's children, but they already have a mother and do not need another. And if children demonstrate such aversion for a long time, then after a year or two there is not even a wet spot left from the second marriage.

To avoid re-divorce, you need to talk to your children immediately after your second marriage and discuss with them all the nuances of how they see living together. Very often, dads, having heard from their children that their second wife treats them poorly, feel guilty. Children never tire of repeating how good they were with their mother, but how bad they felt with their stepmother. We need to explain to the children that their mother is no longer there, and the second wife will always be by their side. Explain to your husband that it is not his fault and he does not need to make excuses. If he divorced his first wife with dignity or she is no longer alive, then there should be no feeling of guilt.

Of course, happy second marriages also happen, but only when divorce becomes a reason to realize your mistakes and change for the better. And if this happens, spouses in second marriages feel happier. It is important to understand: luck never comes just like that. Love and happiness also need to be built, protected and cherished. It’s like soil, which if you don’t loosen and fertilize constantly, nothing will grow or bear fruit on it. So a person must change, develop and remake himself. His views on life and behavior must change as he works on the mistakes he made earlier, then he can come to happiness in his second marriage.

Don’t be afraid to repeat previous mistakes, man is not perfect, but searching love And happiness- these are compelling reasons to try to start over and get married a second time.

Getting married a second time is another attempt to become happy. But if it didn’t work out the first time, where are the guarantees that it will work out this time? Maybe it’s not worth trying - what if the same rake happens again? And again - tears, disappointment and now a complete loss of self-confidence... Or maybe vice versa - hopes for a better future will come true and this time, after working on the mistakes of the previous marriage, everything will finally be as dreamed and wanted.

Let go of the past for good

Women's doubts are understandable, psychologists say. When you get married for the first time, there are no such thoughts. What lies ahead - it is unknown how your chosen one will show himself - you don’t think about what pitfalls are in store for your marriage - no one knows. The future seems beautiful and cloudless. You just want to be together - and you have no reason not to develop the relationship further. Many are lucky - their family life develops harmoniously. But things didn’t work out for you, you and your first husband divorced for some reason - and now you’re painfully analyzing: either he’s not like that, or you’re not like that. You are still looking back - and until the situation changes, until you break with the past completely, you should not move on and think about a second marriage.

Continuing to be emotionally connected to her first husband, a woman can make a lot of mistakes. For example, getting married as if in revenge for betrayal, in order to prove that she also has admirers. Or in order not to feel abandoned - thus escaping loneliness. Needless to say, these are dead-end solutions; they will not lead to happiness. It’s even worse when the new spouse is subconsciously chosen “in the image and likeness” of the first, simply because you continue to think about him.

Don’t repeat your mistakes, take a closer look at your chosen one

There are cases when a woman remarries her ex-husband because she agrees with him that perhaps the marriage broke up because they did something wrong due to inexperience, but now that they have realized that they cannot live without each other maybe they will behave as they should. Often these repeated runs only confirm the immutable truth that you cannot step into the same river twice.

You should also not think about a second marriage as a safety net, feeling that your current marriage is on its way out. Like, I won’t get a divorce for now, but when I find a replacement, I’ll give this husband my resignation. With this position, you are unlikely to find a worthy candidate: most men consider a relationship with a married woman only as an option for spending time without any obligations and do not see in them the prospect of starting a family. First you need to get a divorce, and only then build a new relationship, psychologists emphasize.

But before you build them, you should carefully understand yourself, understand what you want and what you don’t want, how you see your future spouse and what you expect from life together. Try to analyze what you may need to change in yourself, in your attitude towards life in general and marriage in particular, in order to ultimately achieve happiness and harmony. In other words, try to answer the tricky question: why do you need to get married again? Maybe you don't need this? At least for now...

Marrying for the second time: signs, dress color

But if there is already a number two chosen one and the decision to marry him has been made, new worries appear at the start. How to do everything right so that not a single little thing can overshadow your future life? What color dress to wear to the wedding ceremony, should there be a veil? Experts in organizing wedding events say that neither folk signs nor wedding etiquette place any special restrictions on this matter. Brides who have already been to the registry office can dress the same way as the first time - in a long dress with a veil, especially if the current groom has not yet been married. But more often, women choose short cocktail dresses for this occasion - white or a delicate cream shade. Many approach the issue practically - they purchase an outfit that they can then wear to other events. The main thing when choosing a wedding dress is to focus not on someone else’s opinion, but on your desires.

The “second” wedding dress does not have to be long and with a veil

Should you follow wedding signs when planning to get married a second time? Will this help? It will definitely help. And this is not about some kind of magic. The simple purpose of any of them is to provide guidance for the happiness and well-being of spouses and their future children. It is a completely psychological technique and has practical implications. Well, for example, there is a well-known sign that the groom should not see the bride in elegant attire before the wedding. Have you ever wondered why. Because there will be no happiness - an unconvincing explanation. In fact, this is necessary so that he cannot take his admiring eyes off his beloved on the wedding day. And if he already sees her the day before, the effect will not be the same. Or a sign that you need to get married in old shoes, otherwise the marriage will not work out. Well, of course, if you don’t break in the new shoes, they will put pressure, rub, and the bride may twist her foot and break her heel because of this - and that’s what will make the marriage “limp” at the very beginning. So no “dark forces” - only a sober approach.

Everything really depends on us - and the people have always understood this. Therefore, when planning to make another attempt to build a happy family, it is worth carefully considering all the details. Even before going to the registry office, discuss the “dormitory rules” with your future spouse, distribute household responsibilities, find out the boundaries of personal space and plans for the future, food preferences and habits of each other. All this will help to avoid quarrels and mutual insults - and then you will definitely be lucky the second time!

Valeria Zhilyaeva

Alas, dreams that marriage is concluded once and for all sometimes remain dreams. Remarriage is now far from uncommon. Of course, everyone hopes that the next marriage will be more successful.

After all, it would seem that nothing new will arise in this matter. However, difficulties still arise. The problems of a second marriage differ primarily in that there are ex-spouses on the horizon and joint children from previous marriages husband and wife. Or the reason for the separation lies in the death of the spouse, which also entails certain psychological difficulties.

It's normal for a widower to get married. However, for a woman who decides to marry a widowed man, everything can turn out to be a disaster.

Marriage to a widower can have many emotional problems

Some women, thinking about whether to agree to marry a widower, come up with the superstition that she too may suffer the same fate as her deceased wife. However, all this is nothing more than “old wives' tales.” You should not believe in such things if you want to build a strong family with a widower.

The main difficulty of such a marriage is that an imaginary competition with the deceased spouse may arise. This is especially true if the man himself “warms up” this feeling in his new wife.

Of course that there is no escape from the “baggage” of your past life. If you don’t want your man to have a second unsuccessful marriage, follow these recommendations:

  1. Accept your spouse's past. It will be much easier for you if you allow yourself to have confidential conversations with your husband on all topics, including the death of your last wife. Show respect for his feelings.
  2. Come to terms with the memories. Sometimes a spouse may remember his deceased life partner. You shouldn't be jealous in such cases. Believe me, if he remembers his first wife, this does not mean at all that he does not love you.
  3. Find a compromise regarding the personal belongings of the deceased. If you are uncomfortable with a man keeping some items that are associated with his deceased wife, discuss this with him. When talking, show maximum patience and mercy.
  4. Set boundaries. You don't have to be a perpetual "vest". You also deserve unconditional respect and understanding because you are his wife. Don't be afraid to tell your man how you feel, but also let him know that you care about how he feels.

The statistics of remarriages are such that almost half of them end in separation. If you do not want to join the number of couples who have failed to build harmonious relationships, do not neglect the help of a family psychologist when the need arises.

Happy remarriage

If you are determined to marry a widower, remember that he, with all his desire, will not be able to change or forget his past. Create your history and your memories together with him. Over time, you will notice that he remembers his first wife less and less often.

The signs are inexorable here too. Someone will say that you definitely cannot marry a widow, because there is a risk that the fate of her first husband will be repeated. However, all this is as illogical as the question “can a man marry his widow’s sister.”

A marriage with a widow can be successful if you show maximum sensitivity and attention to the woman

It is not easy for a widow to remarry. The pain of loss, severe grief and the memory of her first husband hang like a burden on her soul. A man who decides to marry such a woman needs show maximum patience and generosity.

When a widow gets married, she must decide for herself. There is no need to rush things and insist on getting married. Sometimes it is very difficult for women to decide to take such a step.

Dating between a man and a woman - marrying a widow

In addition, it is worth considering that such a marriage is fraught with some emotional difficulties. The first thing that awaits a man is test of a widowed woman's past. No one likes comparisons with another person, but in such a situation you will have to accept it or leave. Endless breakdowns and scandals about this will lead to a break with 100% probability.

Another difficulty lies in the peculiarities of human memory. Most likely, the woman will eventually forgot about the shortcomings deceased spouse and remembers only good things. Difficulties begin from the moment she begins to idealize that man.

There is good news - all these difficulties are temporary. Remember that " a drop wears away a stone" Show patience and love for a woman who has lost her husband, and soon the pain of loss will subside, memories will be replaced by new ones, and the “ghost” of her first husband will fade far into the background.

Show love in remarriage

Marry a divorced man or marry a divorced woman

There are pros and cons to dating a divorced man or woman. It doesn’t matter whether this is the second or the fourth marriage - the situation will develop in the same way each time.

You should only start a family with a divorced person if you are ready to accept his past

Benefits of marrying a divorced person person:

  1. He values ​​serious relationships and does not waste time on trifles. A man or woman starting a family after a divorce is focused on strong and harmonious relationships.
  2. Such a person knows how to communicate with a partner and what function he should perform.
  3. Having some experience and freedom in intimate life.
  4. Life experience will allow you not to repeat the banal mistakes of amateur couples.

But there is also disadvantages of such a union:

  1. A partner who has already been married has his own established principles. You should choose your words more carefully when communicating with him so as not to touch a nerve.
  2. After one unsuccessful marriage, a person is in no hurry to tie himself back to these ties.
  3. A new relationship may just be a way to forget the old one.
  4. A person may regularly complain about their first marriage and their spouse.

In addition, a divorced person may have children from a previous marriage. They will also demand attention, money and effort. And you will have to come to terms with this.

Children in remarriage

How to get married a second time?

It is difficult for a woman to remain alone, but at the same time she is afraid that the next relationship will follow the same scenario, so the question of whether she should get married a second time is relevant for her.

Almost all divorced women for the first time after separation believe that they will never get married again

Divorce is not the end of the world. A second marriage is more than possible for a woman, as well as a third and all subsequent ones.

To have a good marriage You need to take these simple tips into account:

  1. Close the “door” to your previous relationship. It is impossible to start a new life if mentally you are still in the old one.
  2. Set a goal. Visualize your desire for a successful marriage. Describe your future husband on a piece of paper. Consider everything - appearance, character, attitude towards you and towards life.
  3. Do not look for the father of a child from your first husband. He has a father. It is important that the man shows kindness and respect towards the child, and paternal feelings will arise over time.
  4. Don't settle for a relationship without commitment. The so-called “civil” marriage is also a relationship without obligations that will become ballast for you. Let the man know that you will live together only after submitting an application to the registry office.

How to remarry

Second marriage for a man

Getting married a second time is just as psychologically difficult for a man as it is for a woman. As they say, if you burn yourself with milk, you blow water. However, sooner or later the question “is it worth getting married a second time” will arise.

Many men, after their first marriage, lose the meaning of officially registering their relationship

And if he has already been in a second marriage, then deciding on a third is many times more difficult. The third marriage for a man, just like the third marriage for a woman, is perceived as if they were stepping on the same rake. After all, nothing has worked out twice already, where is the guarantee that third marriages will be happy?

Indeed, there is no such guarantee, and fear is quite natural. It is important to understand here that any relationship is unpredictable, and, alas, no one is immune from troubles. But to be afraid of wolves, don’t go into the forest, right?

A man is afraid of remarriage

You need to decide for yourself the issue of remarriage yourself. The main thing is not to drag past negative experiences into your present. Be happy here and now and help your partner with this.

March 30, 2018, 01:54