"Mimosa branch." Drawing with cotton swabs

Abstract of OOD on drawing in the second junior group

"Mimosa sprig"

(with a summary of the preliminary conversation)

Target: teach children to depict mimosa flowers using cotton swabs


Introduce children to the mimosa plant;

Tell about the structure and characteristics of this plant;

Expand children's understanding of plants and animals in the spring;

Learn to empathize with the character;

To develop children’s interest in unconventional drawing techniques, to teach them to draw independently with cotton swabs;

Strengthen the ability to recognize and name colors;

Develop creativity and imagination in children;

Develop fine motor skills;

Cultivate neatness.

Material and equipment: pictures of mimosa; Teddy Bear toy; orange tinted paper with a green branch without flowers; yellow gouache; cotton swabs; napkins for cotton swabs.

Preliminary work: conversation about seasonal changes in nature, getting to know each other and looking at a mimosa sprig.

Preliminary conversation:

Educator. Guys, spring has come to us and brought warm sunny weather. Flowers are blooming everywhere. Guys, tell me, what flowers do you know?

(Children's answers)

Today I will show you a twig with small yellow flowers.

(The teacher shows the children a sprig of mimosa)

Want to know the name of this plant? A short poem will help you with this

Let the sun shine!

Let the frost go away!

Let the winter go away

Mimosa sprig!

Educator. It's a mimosa! Would you like me to tell you about mimosa - this modest, unpretentious, delicate and fragrant plant, and about where it is brought to us from?

(Children's answers)

Mimosa is not a flower, but a shrub, the branches of which are strewn with bright yellow inflorescences consisting of fluffy balls.

(Children carefully examine the mimosa sprig)

The height of the bush is more than 10 meters! The trunk of the mimosa is prickly, and the leaves, tender and soft to the touch, have a silvery-green color. The correct name for mimosa is silver acacia. The bush is native to Australia. The mimosa growing there reaches a height of 45 meters.

The unusual thing about mimosa is that it begins to bloom in winter and ends in early spring. In Russia we have such a place with a warm climate for mimosa to live. This is the Black Sea coast! It is the branches of this amazingly beautiful plant that are a traditional gift for International Women's Day on March 8th.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, you know, I’m completely confused and forgot what time of year it is!

Who will help me? (children's answers).

That's right, spring has already arrived! How did you find out about this? (children's answers: birds are flying in from warmer climes, the sun has begun to warm up, the first flowers, snowdrops and mimosa, have appeared).

And with the onset of spring, animals that have been sleeping all winter wake up in the forest! Listen to a riddle about such an animal:

The owner of the forest

Wakes up in the spring.

And in winter, under the blizzard howl

Sleeping in a snowy hut!

What's his name?

That's right, of course it's a bear! Well done, you solved the riddle! Today a little bear came to visit our group (the teacher brings in a teddy bear).

Bear, bear, couch potato!

You slept long and deeply,

I slept through the whole winter

And I didn’t get on the tree,

And I didn’t go sledding,

And he didn’t throw snowballs!

You woke up in the spring,

I was surprised, mischievous!

After all, spring is already in the yard,

And you don't have a gift,

To congratulate mom on her awakening!

After all, your mother bear loves flowers very much, especially mimosa!

Guys, how can we help Mishka? ( Children's answers)

That's right, you can draw a mimosa, but, unfortunately, our Mishka can't draw!

So, what should we do? Let's teach Mishka how to draw! Do you agree?

But first, let's show the bear these beautiful mimosa flowers! (the teacher and the children look at the screen, which shows pictures of mimosa flowers in a bouquet, a twig, and enlarged mimosa flowers).

Let's all look at the mimosa sprig together. How beautiful and fluffy she is!

Tell me, what color is its stem? What color is the flower itself? ( Children's answers)

What do you think mimosa flowers look like? ( Children's answers: to chickens, to the sun, to fluffy balls)

Listen to Angelina Sbezhneva’s poem “Mimosa”.

March sun,

It's frosty at night.

Brought to our city

Fresh mimosas.

On green branches

Leaf tassels,

They look like chickens

Yellow flowers!

We brought it to mommy

A bouquet of mimosas.
Gifted for the holiday

Sunshine for her!

Well, we told Mishka about mimosa, and for this he wants to play with us (physical exercise “Three Bears” is being held):

Three bears were walking home(waddling steps).

Dad was big, big(raise their arms above their head, pull themselves up).

His mom is shorter than him(hands at chest level),

And my son is just a little baby(children crouch).

He was very small(crouching, the children sway),

Walked with rattles(stand up, hands clenched into fists in front of chest).

Ding - ding - ding - ding(children imitate playing with rattles).

Well done! Now sit down at the tables (in the work area in front of the children’s tables there is an easel on which hangs a sample of a mimosa branch without flowers to demonstrate drawing techniques. First, the teacher demonstrates on the easel, then the children begin to work independently).

Today I will teach you how to draw mimosa flowers in an unusual way, you will not paint with brushes, but with these magic wands - they are called cotton swabs! You need to take the stick the same way you take a pencil, i.e. three fingers.

Show how you will pick up cotton swabs! Well done, you did everything right!

We will dip the tip of the stick in yellow paint and apply it to the mimosa stem (then the teacher shows the sequence of work on the easel on a sample for display). Let me remind you that we will start drawing the flowers from the top of the stem and around each one, so that we get a lush mimosa!

Look how I do it.

Lisa, go now and try it (the child draws on the teacher’s example).

Who else wants to try? (the teacher calls two more children to show). Then the children begin to work independently. As the work progresses, the teacher provides assistance to those children who have difficulty drawing and draws the children’s attention to their posture.

Let's put all your works on the common table and see what wonderful flowers you have made!

Which mimosa sprig do you think Mishka will like best?

And you, Anya, whose branch did you like? Well done, everyone did it!

The bear says thank you, you taught him to draw. Now he will run to his home and draw this wonderful flower for his mother. Let's tell him goodbye.

The game “Bear in the Den” is played to change the type of activity.

Natalya Solomatina

Unconventional drawing« mimosa branch» .

Secondary speech therapy group No. 2

Teacher Solomatina Natalya Nikolaevna

Implemented educational area “Artistic and aesthetic development”.

Integration of educational regions: "Speech development", "Cognitive Development"

Unconventional technique: painting with cotton swabs.

Target: introduce children to unconventional techniques drawing - drawing with cotton swabs; teach paint small flowers using cotton swabs.

Tasks: teach paint with gouache using a cotton swab; develop interest in unconventional images on paper; develop a vision of the artistic image, form a sense of composition; consolidate knowledge of flowers; develop the articulatory apparatus and fine motor skills of the hands; evoke emotional responsiveness.

Preliminary work: looking at illustrations of spring flowers, talking about the coming season and the upcoming holiday, memorizing poems, songs, drawing on a free topic.

Vocabulary work: yellow, golden, fragrant, tender, bright

Work progress:

To the music of P. Tchaikovsky, children greet the teacher with a bouquet mimosas.

Breathing exercises.

How many of you know the name of this flower? This mimosa. Look at mimosa, smell, touch carefully. What is she like? (Yellow, fluffy, fragrant, tender, beautiful).

Take a twig mimosas, stand up straight, watch and listen to how I do the exercise. (Inhale, hold your breath, while exhaling say “Oh, how fragrant mimosa» ).

You saw that I took a breath, then held my breath, and then spoke as I exhaled “Oh, how fragrant mimosa» . Let's try to do this together.


Oh look, some flowers fell on the table. Put a flower mimosas on the palm, as I do, now place your palm on the edge of the table. Take a magnifying glass and bring it to mimosa. Fine. Now slowly lift the magnifying glass. What happens to mimosa? Now bring the magnifying glass closer to mimosa. Did you like this task? Perform the exercise several times.

Educator: - Children, what time of year has it come?

Children: - Spring has come.

Educator: - What is happening at this time?

Children: - Nature wakes up, birds chirp, the sun shines brightly, drops drop loudly.

Educator: - Children, what are the very first flowers that appear in the spring?

Children: - Snowdrops, dandelions, mimosa.

Let's take a closer look at the bouquet mimosas.

What color mimosa flowers?

What shape? flowers? What kind of leaves?

Educator: - Let's admire the bouquet again mimosas. leaves beautiful mimosas, carved, green, and bright flowers, golden, small and fluffy, there are many, many of them on a branch.

Educator: - A beautiful bouquet?

Do you love your mothers?

Children: - Yes

Educator: - And mothers love you. You are the most beautiful flowers for mothers.

Do you want to be flowers?

Finger gymnastics.

Our gentle flowers

The petals are blooming,

The breeze breathes a little

The petals are swaying.

Our scarlet flowers

Petals close

Quietly falling asleep

They shake their heads.

And now for our mothers we will draw a twig mimosas. A paint we will not only be tassels, but also cotton swabs. (Demonstration by the reception teacher drawing with cotton swabs). Independent work of children.

We worked hard painted, let our eyes rest.

Visual gymnastics « Mimosa» .

Yellow fluffy lumps circle their eyes.

On the green the branches blossomed. They move their eyes up and down.

These first spring flowers circle with their eyes.

We brought it as a gift for my mother. Close your eyes and open them.

Comparing the real one mimosa branch and drawn.

Exhibition of children's works.

Publications on the topic:

Yellow fluffies - sitting cheerfully, Yellow fluffies - looking friendly; Like her Greatness - she gave light: Tenderness and joy, her warmth;.

Drawing a bullfinch with cotton swabs. Objectives: - teach children to color the chest of a bullfinch without going beyond the outline; - develop children's drawing skills.

Abstract of the educational activity “Rowan berries for a bird” (drawing with cotton swabs) Summary of the direct educational activities of the teacher with children of the second group of early age Topic: “Rowan berries for the bird” (Integration.

Summary of GCD in the senior group on the topic “Goldfish”.

In order to teach a child to draw, along with software teaching methods for each specific age, it is very useful to use.

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Slide captions:

M I M O Z A 1 Presentation prepared by N.B. Goryainova. primary school teacher at MOAU "GYMNASIUM No. 1 in Novotroitsk, Orenburg Region"

Fine arts LESSON 2nd grade 2 Purpose: To give an idea of ​​the history of mimosa. Give the concept of to….. Tell about…. Development of students' creative abilities.

Material: gouache, paper, cotton swabs. Technique: Drawing 3

Mimosa Mimosa is a spring plant that is given to women on March 8th. And this type of mimosa is correctly called Silver Acacia. 4

Mimosa The mimosa we are used to is actually called silver acacia. There is another name for Australian acacia, as it was brought to us from Australia. Our mimosa belongs to the legume family. It is an evergreen tree that reaches 30 m in height. The unusual thing about mimosa is that it blooms in winter and ends in early spring. 5

The March sun drives away the frosts, And to the sound of drops we carry mimosas 6

Pencil drawing diagram step by step: Mimosa 1. Draw a circle 2. Then a twig from it, other circles and twigs 7

First we draw the stem: Guess the riddle: The flower is yellow-golden, Like a fluffy chicken, Immediately withers from the frost, Our sissy... 8

Then we draw this “fluffy” yellow ball: 9

3. Now add many, many circles and another twig 4. Now our gift drawing for mom is ready 10

And fill our stems with these balls: 11

Drawing leaves-feathers: Fluffy twigs In golden peas How fragrant How good 12

Now the “Mimosa” drawing is ready: 13

By March 8th, you can draw a mimosa branch in the shape of the number “8”: On the holiday morning, we will congratulate our mothers, We will give each one a sunny bouquet. 14

16 Fluffy yellow mimosa balls were considered a symbol of the sun and rebirth back in Ancient Egypt. Thanks to all these qualities, mimosas were, by the way, suitable for the March 8 holiday.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Gifts for March 8th. Mimosa.

Nomination “Gift Workshop” Work done in Power Point 2003 Primary school teacher: Irina Yuryevna Kleymenova Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary school No. 3 with in-depth study of sepa...

Gift for March 8th. Mimosa. 2nd grade

The presentation provides a description of the technology for making gifts for the March 8 holiday from paper, cardboard and napkins with a demonstration of practical techniques for performing the work. Manufacturing technology...

Beading. Mimosa for mom.

Mimosa photo-0030.jpgTo create a mimosa from beads we will need: - yellow and green beads No. 11, - green bugles, - wire dia. 0.2 mm. First, we weave flowers from yellow beads. We take the wire...

Belyakova Daria Vladimirovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MADO kindergarten KV No. 33
Locality: Naro - Fominsk - 10
Name of material: Abstract of GCD on artistic and aesthetic development
Subject:"Mimosa" (unconventional drawing methods: with palms and cotton swabs)
Publication date: 14.03.2018
Chapter: preschool education

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

combined kindergarten No. 33

Abstract of GCD on artistic and aesthetic development

on the theme "Mimosa"

(within the framework of a project on non-traditional artistic and aesthetic development

"The Magic of Drawing";

drawing method - with your palm and cotton swabs)

Prepared by:

Teacher Belyakova D.V.

Naro - Fominsk - 10


Strengthen the ability to draw in an unconventional way: with cotton swabs and palms;

Introduce children to the mimosa flower - about color (yellow), shape (round), size

(small), quantity (many), quality (fluffy) of the item.

Develop associative thinking, perception of color, shape, size of an object.

To cultivate love and respect for mother, the desire to give her a gift;

interest in creative visual activities.

Make children want to draw a beautiful bouquet for their mother.


Sheets of paper, paint: green and yellow, cotton swabs for each child, brushes for

each child, armbands, jars of water, illustrations of mimosa, spring,


Music is playing.

Children sit on the floor in a circle.

Educator: R Fuck, the long-awaited spring has arrived. (The teacher draws attention

children to a painting depicting spring). Very soon it will become warm, the snow will melt,

birds will arrive in warm countries, the first flowers will appear, animals that have been sleeping all day will wake up.

Spring has come, but it’s still frosty and there’s a lot of snow outside. And so that we can feel the coming of spring,

Very soon we will celebrate the spring holiday.

Let's listen to the poem and

tell me what kind of holiday this is.

On the Eighth of March

On the Eighth of March

I'll draw it for mom

Blue sea,

Sky with clouds.

Next to this sea

Dressed in foam,

I'll draw my mom

With a festive bouquet.

Educator: What kind of holiday is this?

Educator: That's right, March 8 is International Women's Day. And it is noted at the beginning

spring. On this day, all women and girls, mothers and grandmothers receive congratulations, gifts and

flowers. And there is one flower that is considered a symbol on this day, this flower symbolizes

the arrival of spring. Let's solve the riddle and find out what this flower is.

Yellow chicks

On a green branch

Dads give it to mommy,

And boys - girls.

A picture of a mimosa flower is displayed on the laptop screen.

If in a flower shop you see small branches with yellow beads everywhere, it means 8

March is just around the corner. Of course, you guessed that we are talking about a flower that is traditionally





Of course, no one has canceled tulips either, but mimosa is so tender and warm... and the warmth after

there is never too much winter. Mimosa is not a frost-hardy plant and can withstand

only up to 10 degrees below zero, so mimosa needs a climate with mild winters. Flowers

Mimosas are yellow in color, round, with a pleasant delicate aroma.

And let us draw mimosa bouquets to please our dear mothers. But

first, let's play with you.

II. Physical education minute.

Is spring coming to us?

Mishka climbed onto a nut

(imitation of movements - show how a bear climbs a tree)

From the branch he can see the distance

(put your palm like a visor to your forehead)

Looks at the hills and rooftops

(we connect our hands above our heads like a house - a roof)

Is spring coming to us?

(raise our shoulders - surprise)

Beyond the village, beyond the valley,

Where the sky is transparent

(turn the head to the right and left).

Wedge seeing the crane

(showing cranes flapping their wings)

He shouted: “Spring is coming!”

(raise your arms to the sides with joy and smile at spring!)

It is carried out 1-2 times.

III. Progress of drawing.

Wear armbands.

The palm is painted with green paint - mimosa branches.

A palm print is made - 3 times.

Dots are made with yellow paint using cotton swabs - these are mimosa flowers.

At the end, the teacher draws the stems and adds a bow.

IV. Reflection.

What time of year is it?

What holiday do we celebrate at the beginning of spring?

What flower did we draw that symbolizes the arrival of spring and warmth?

What did we use to paint mimosa?

What did you like most?

What was the hardest thing to do?