What bodies of water can an expectant mother swim in? Is it possible for pregnant women to swim in the river: the benefits of swimming and when to abstain. Is it possible for pregnant women to swim in later stages?

During pregnancy, caution is required even water procedures. We are talking about both home bathing and visiting open water bodies. Bathing strengthens the body and prepares a woman for the upcoming birth. And regular swimming trains the respiratory system.

    Can pregnant women swim?

    Scientists have proven that a pregnant woman’s presence in water has a beneficial effect on the pregnancy process. Swimming can reduce stress on the spine and strengthen muscles without causing harm to the fetus. Doctors approve of swimming. But there are nuances that must be observed during water procedures.

    Swimming in open waters involves large crowds of people and hot weather. At blood pressure disorders Staying in the sun for a long time is contraindicated. On later vigilance is necessary. A woman's center of gravity shifts. This increases the risk of falls, which contribute to premature birth.

    Before carrying out water procedures, it is advisable to analyze the surrounding situation. Not recommended to visit mass gatherings people alone. When swimming, you need to focus on the following parameters:

    • water temperature;
    • duration of stay in water;
    • degree of purity;
    • woman's condition;
    • bottom quality and depth.

    IMPORTANT! To prevent cramps, it is necessary to warm up before entering the water.

    At sea

    Sea water has a beneficial effect on a pregnant woman and her child. High salt concentration protects against infection with infectious diseases. Sea water is rich in beneficial elements. They affect the quality of the skin, preventing the appearance of stretch marks.

    Before swimming in the sea, you must make sure there are no wounds on your body. Salt water corrodes them, causing pain. Swimming in the sea is useful for prevention varicose veins. The composition of water has a positive effect on blood circulation.

    In the river

    Swimming in the river brings many positive emotions, which has a positive effect on the child. But in such a body of water an infection may be present. To reduce the level of danger, the expectant mother must adhere to the following rules:

    • You cannot dive headlong into water. Getting water into the nasopharynx and eyes can cause infectious diseases.
    • Closed paid beaches preferable for bathing pregnant women.
    • The transparency of the water indicates its purity. Muddy bodies of water should be avoided.
    • It is advisable to choose a pond with a sandy bottom.

    In the lake

    ADVICE! When visiting public beaches, you must carry water, a hat and sunglasses. This will avoid burns and dehydration.

    In the pool

    Swim in the pool safer than in open waters. The water contains bleach, which prevents the growth of bacteria. Despite this, women need to be careful. Slippers should be worn as there is a risk of infection fungal infections.

    There are courses for pregnant women aimed at strengthening the body and preparing for childbirth. They are held in swimming pools under the supervision of an instructor. For pregnant women, this is an excellent opportunity to have a pleasant time, having a beneficial effect on the baby. Classes are allowed to be attended on any term of the position.

    In the bath

    Bath procedures rid the body of toxins and normalize the functioning of the respiratory system. Being in a steam room eliminates the symptoms of toxicosis and improves blood circulation. Despite this, visiting a bathhouse during pregnancy is not advisable. Temperature changes negatively affect a woman’s condition. Before visiting the bathhouse, you should consult your doctor.

    In hot springs

    Hot springs– a great balancer nervous system pregnant woman. They normalize metabolism and improve appearance skin. Unique composition of water in the springs saturates the body with calcium, chromium, magnesium, sodium and potassium. The negative aspects of visiting hot springs include high temperatures.

    FOR REFERENCE! A good alternative to hot springs for a pregnant woman would be to visit thermal waters with more comfortable temperatures.

    In the bathroom

    Taking a bath during pregnancy is not advisable. Both too cold and hot water have a negative effect on the fetus. Achieve optimal temperature very difficult. During the procedure, you must use an anti-slip mat to avoid injury.

    Hot water has a negative effect on the condition of a pregnant woman. The water temperature should not exceed 37 degrees. Hot bath provokes uterine tone, which leads to fetal rejection. The total duration of the bath should not exceed 15 minutes.

    Cold bath increases the risk colds. To avoid hypothermia, it is necessary to periodically add hot water as it cools. In the later stages, you should avoid taking a bath, replacing it with a cool shower.


    In some cases, swimming is completely prohibited during pregnancy. Such a ban is essential reduces the risk of miscarriage. Contraindications to water procedures include:

    • uterine tone;
    • tendency to seizures;
    • blood pressure disorder;
    • heart disease;
    • last 2-3 weeks of pregnancy.

    PECULIARITIES! During the period of bearing a child, the tan adheres to the skin better. Long-term exposure to the sun near a pond can lead to severe burns.

    When visiting bodies of water, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the water. It should be as clean as possible, free of foreign inclusions. The optimal temperature is no higher than 37 degrees. Most suitable reservoir depth- no taller than a pregnant woman. Should always be nearby close person, ready to help at any time.

    There is an opinion that any contact with water eliminates negative energy. It is very beneficial for pregnant condition. But do not forget about the danger that accompanies bathing process. The expectant mother must have the appropriate skills to avoid unforeseen situations.

In the summer heat, you really want to cool off in a pond, relaxing in nature. In this regard, the question arises, Can pregnant women swim? and how this will affect the woman’s well-being and the development of the fetus. Many expectant mothers safely go to the sea for a couple of weeks to improve their health during maternity leave. Let's look at all the advantages and disadvantages of such a summer holiday.

The benefits of water procedures for the mother’s body and health developing baby proven from a medical point of view back in the 19th century by S. Kneipp and is currently actively used to prevent obstetric pathologies and strengthen the female body before childbirth. In turn, swimming in the sea is more effective than swimming in fresh water.

What are the benefits of water bathing for pregnant women?

Sea water contains a high level of inorganic salts, due to which it has a beneficial effect on the human body. And any water procedures, even in fresh water bodies, are recommended due to the activation of the thermal factor. Water in any body of water will be colder than body temperature, therefore, plunging into it, the body begins to actively give off heat, thermoregulation of the body occurs, the speed of biochemical processes increases, urination increases, blood sugar levels decrease, and fats are “burned.”

If we talk about the benefits for the growing fetus, then sea bathing increases the level of plasma albumin proteins, increases the content of hemoglobin and red blood cells, phosphorus and calcium.

All of the listed benefits of sea bathing can be attributed to women living in the resort area and accustomed to water bathing.

For example, obstetricians and gynecologists in resort cities know that pregnant women who regularly swam in the sea during the 2-3 trimester of pregnancy are less likely to suffer from edema and increased blood pressure. The influence of active bathing on the course of labor has also been clearly established. Childbirth among bathers, on average, is faster and less painful, requiring less caesarean section and painkillers, etc.

Definitely has a positive effect swimming during pregnancy in a reservoir on uteroplacental hemodynamics, improving blood flow in the vessels of the uterus, fetus and umbilical cord. The oxygen concentration in the umbilical cord blood increases. However, all these indicators are more relevant to women who regularly swim in water and live near a body of water. But Is it possible for pregnant women to swim? who want to go on vacation to the sea.

Video: Pregnancy and swimming. What can you do during pregnancy?

Bathing rules for pregnant women

The first unshakable rule should be to visit a doctor to receive recommendations for water bathing. It is your leading doctor who will give the exact answer to the question. Is it possible for pregnant women to swim?, in your specific case. For example, it is not recommended for pregnant women with high blood pressure to swim. In the early and late stages of pregnancy, climate change and tiring trips are not recommended. And in case of a difficult pregnancy, long-distance travel is completely prohibited.

Also, if you are going to go to another natural area, you need to take into account the risks associated with climate change. Is it possible for pregnant women to swim? an issue related to waterborne diseases. Considering the deteriorating environment and pollution of water bodies, it is necessary to approach this issue carefully. Please note that using tampons does not protect you from the penetration of infectious agents. Therefore, there is a risk of infection of the fetus - carefully choose a place for bathing.

Let's consider the basic rules of bathing during pregnancy

  1. It is necessary to start swimming only in reservoirs where the water temperature has reached + 22°C, and storm waves do not exceed 2 points, the best option is 2 hours after eating. If possible, measure your blood pressure after your first swim. If the indicators have increased by more than 20-25 mmHg and by 10-15, respectively, then the duration of bathing should be reduced.
  2. Arriving at the beach, it is advisable to “cool down” in the shade for 10-15 minutes to prevent rapid hypothermia in the water. Swim actively in the water, avoiding the feeling of freezing.
  3. It is advisable to start the swimming season with a 10-minute swim, gradually increasing the time to 30 minutes.

Set a personal bathing regime, preferably daily, at approximately the same time, in the morning before 10 a.m. or in the evening after 4 p.m. You should get out of the water with the first sensation of muscle fatigue; according to doctors, this also indicates fatigue of the heart muscle.

When leaving the water, dry yourself with a towel and wrap yourself until you feel warm. After swimming, you should not immediately leave the beach, you need to give your body time to recover, adapting to the surrounding conditions, you should rest in the shade for about 30 minutes. Also, you should not immediately after swimming take a fresh shower with soap, even though sea salts may remain on your skin , exert their therapeutic effect for at least two hours.

Also, during one visit to the beach you should swim only once, without overloading the body. Spending time consisting of multiple short-term swims, alternating with periods of sunbathing on the beach, is not suitable for pregnant women. Take care of yourself by supporting, not tiring, your body.

Answer to the question Is it possible for pregnant women to swim?, each woman will find it independently, focusing on the recommendations of her leading doctor and common sense advice.

Is it possible for a pregnant woman to swim in various ponds and pools?

Is it possible for pregnant women to swim in a river, pond, lake, or sea? There is no single correct answer to this question. It all depends on many circumstances: the health of the expectant mother, water quality, beach safety, etc. Let's talk in more detail about all these factors.

The healing power of water has been known for thousands of years. Clean water is not only useful for drinking, but also for cleansing the skin. How nice it is to plunge into the coolness of a natural reservoir in the hot summer! However, in some cases it is better to limit yourself to this pleasure. When is it not a good idea to get into the water?

1. If the water is not clear and you are not a very good swimmer. This way you won't be able to really judge the depth. This especially applies to unequipped, wild beaches and stagnant bodies of water.

2. If there is a large amount of mud and algae in the water. Of course, wandering around in knee-deep warm water is not at all dangerous. But dive and swim far to the expectant mother It is very dangerous in such water, you can easily not swim.

3. Water temperature is less than 22 degrees, as the risk of seizures increases sharply.

4. If you have bloody vaginal discharge, you should definitely not swim. It is possible to wet your feet on a warm summer day, not under the scorching sun, even for those ladies who have been diagnosed with “threatened miscarriage”, but have not been prescribed bed rest.

This is understandable. Is it possible for pregnant women to swim with a tampon or is it better without? In general, this question arises due to the fact that during menstruation it is recommended to swim only with a tampon. But here the situation is different. Expectant mothers do not need tampons. Even if a small amount of water gets into the vagina, nothing bad will happen (of course, we mean a body of water that is clean in every sense), since the entrance to the uterus is closed by a mucus plug, and the baby itself is reliably protected by the amniotic sac, in which it is located inside the uterus .

Can pregnant women swim in the sea? Yes, and this is even more preferable than in stagnant bodies of water. In addition, in sea water, especially in our Black Sea, the salt content is so high that it is unlikely that any infection can spread there. And sea water itself has a beneficial effect on the body. Let's remember thalassotherapy - treatment using sea water. To achieve this, people go to expensive resorts and visit elite spas, when they can simply swim in the sea.

Is it possible for a pregnant woman to swim in the pool? Yes, and this option is preferable in many respects. Firstly, there trainers and medical workers. Secondly, the water is guaranteed to be safe from infections and clean, even if this is achieved, in most cases, by adding bleach. By the way, those small amounts of bleach added are not dangerous for pregnant women. But it still doesn’t hurt to wash yourself in the shower after visiting the pool and use special diving glasses, as bleach has a very bad effect on the cornea of ​​the eye.

So, have fun swimming! And don’t forget that swimming promotes good functioning of the cardiovascular system, relieves the musculoskeletal system, promotes good stretching and perfectly prepares the body for childbirth.

During the hot season, every person wants to swim in a lake or river. And here an important question arises: is it possible to swim in the lake while pregnant?

Today we will look at this topic in detail, talk about the benefits of swimming in water and tell you what a pregnant woman needs to know before going on such a vacation.

Swimming has a number of positive aspects, among which the following can be noted:

  • Uniform and gentle physical activity. In water, the load is distributed across all muscle groups, including the muscles of the abdomen, back, and pelvis, the work of which is extremely important during the process of childbirth. Many experts claim that women who did water aerobics from the first days of pregnancy endured contractions and pushing easier, and they did not require additional stimulation during childbirth and there were no ruptures.
  • During swimming, muscles actively develop and relax. Therefore, such exercises not only strengthen the muscles of the back and abdomen, but also actively relax them, which is why exercises in water are often recommended for women who have pronounced uterine tone. They also help reduce pain in the back and lower back, especially if the expectant mother has these problems.

  • Some women, especially in the last trimester, experience swelling and develop varicose veins. Staying in water helps reduce the symptoms of these manifestations and even get rid of them if the swelling and problems with the veins are minor and are at an early stage of development.
  • While in water, the pressure in the body changes, due to which lymph and blood begin to circulate throughout the body much faster and more intensely. And this has a beneficial effect on general blood circulation and the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

  • This is also a great opportunity to develop correct breathing, which will be needed during contractions and pushing. In addition, such breathing actively saturates with oxygen not only the woman’s body, but also the child’s. For example, during exercises in the pool, the expectant mother learns to hold her breath (while diving), such slight “hypoxia” prepares the future baby for passage through the birth canal, but at this moment he just lacks oxygen. Such training promotes preparation and is not dangerous.
  • It is impossible not to mention the positive impact on work immune system, because swimming helps to strengthen it and better protect the body.
  • Almost every expectant mother gains weight during pregnancy, some more, some less, but there is such a tendency. Exercising in water helps control this moment and promotes weight loss. It has been proven that you can burn about 650 kcal in one session.

  • Some claim that this practice helps to find harmony with their unborn baby. In water, the mother calms down and receives many positive emotions, and this directly affects the child. Obstetricians and gynecologists also claim that exercises are useful for ensuring that the baby takes the correct position in the tummy, so swimming is recommended for those who have a breech presentation.
  • During pregnancy female body undergoes enormous changes and sometimes this scares some women, because they simply cannot control this factor. In water, she learns to control her body, so she begins to feel much more confident and calmer, and also, if these are group classes, like-minded people appear with whom she can always talk and discuss troubling issues. So this psychological factor is also worth remembering when talking about the benefits of swimming.

When and in which lake is it better to swim during pregnancy?

This is great if there is a good and proven lake nearby, but during pregnancy there are a number of conditions on the basis of which you can assess whether you can swim in it or not.

  • Water pollution. The peculiarity of lakes is that they contain stagnant water, and this provokes the development of a huge number of a wide variety of microorganisms that are dangerous to human health. In addition, there are unscrupulous entrepreneurs who dump waste in such places. Therefore, if there is no garbage in the water, this does not mean that the lake is suitable for swimming. Pregnant women are allowed to swim where the water and lake have been tested by epidemiologists and there are special conclusions about this test.
  • Condition of the beach. Not every beach has the necessary conditions. If the beaches in the swimming areas are highly polluted and there are no toilets or changing rooms, this can complicate your stay expectant mother. Moreover, increased contamination of the sand and shore can lead to injury, and this is dangerous in this situation. It is also important that the shore be flat, level and at least 15 meters long. In such places there should be a point medical care and rescuers.
  • Water temperature. It is known that pregnant women are prone to cramps, so this indicator is of no small importance. It is worth swimming in the hot season, when the water temperature exceeds 22 ºС.

Some people have a question: is it possible for pregnant women to swim in salt lakes? Swimming in salty sea water is a fairly useful activity if there are no special contraindications. As for lakes, the concentration of salt in them is much higher and swimming in such places is possible only for medicinal purposes and only if there are direct indications for such an activity.

In all other cases, pregnant women are not recommended to swim in salt lakes, otherwise it can harm the condition of not only the woman, but also the child, because the skin has the ability to pass various substances through itself. This is the basis for the action of many therapeutic procedures (bathing with herbs, essential oils or other components).

In what cases should you give up the desire to swim in the lake?

Before swimming in a lake or river, you should consult your doctor.

It is forbidden to swim if you have the following warning symptoms:

  • bloody discharge;
  • threat of spontaneous abortion;
  • placental insufficiency and other serious disorders of pregnancy;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • presence of allergies to components that may be in the water.

Water safety rules during pregnancy

  1. You should not go swimming in the lake alone, even if there are lifeguards on the beach. It is important that someone is with you and can provide any necessary assistance at any time.
  2. It is not recommended to swim to depths or stay in the water for a long time.
  3. Experts recommend the use of sunscreen and urge expectant mothers not to sunbathe or spend long periods of time in the open sun.
  4. When going for a swim at the lake, take with you all the necessary things and accessories, as well as water and a light but nutritious snack.

Video about swimming during pregnancy

We also recommend that you read this information, which addresses the question of whether pregnant women can swim in the lake, other bodies of water and go to the sea, what the water should be like and what the expectant mother will need for such a procedure.

Useful information

Even during pregnancy, active women try to maintain an active lifestyle. Many people do gymnastics, but it may differ significantly from the exercises that are allowed in.

Some prefer to practice yoga during this important period of life, some begin to exercise already in the 1st trimester, if there are no complications during pregnancy, and some expectant mothers prefer to start with. We also recommend that you read this useful information, especially if you plan to maintain your physical health, even while carrying your baby.

Have you ever swum in a lake, river or sea while in an interesting position? Maybe you even attended aqua aerobics for pregnant women or did aqua yoga? Share your impressions and stories, leave your advice for other women and don’t forget to comment on the information you read.

While expecting a child, a woman changes her lifestyle and becomes more careful. If earlier there were no doubts about whether to go for a swim at the sea, at a lake, at a river, now the expectant mother views such a trip as an adventure that threatens the baby’s health. The pregnant woman's fears are partly justified, but exaggerated. It doesn’t hurt to figure out where it’s better to go to swim to your heart’s content, what precautions to take and what to absolutely refuse.

Bathing the expectant mother in open water

Medicine in the 19th century proved the benefits of water procedures for health, but even in ancient times people were treated with water.

It is known from literary sources that hydrotherapy was used by the Egyptians and Indians back in the 15th century BC; the technique was improved by the great Hippocrates, and public baths became widespread in ancient Rome, where they could relax and get rid of ailments. The beneficial effects of water procedures on the body were substantiated by the German doctor and priest Sebastian Kneipp, who got rid of a serious illness by taking baths in the Danube.

In any body of water, the water temperature is lower than body temperature, so when plunging, a person begins to give off heat. If the body is not overcooled, enhanced thermoregulation contributes to:

  • increasing the speed of biochemical processes;
  • increased urination;
  • decreased blood sugar levels;
  • reducing the amount of fat.

Pregnancy is not a disease, but a special state of the body. Of course, it is necessary to take care of yourself, but excessive precautions will only do harm. When an expectant mother swims not for sporting achievements, but for pleasure, she improves health, increases the body's resistance to infections, and provides skin firmness and elasticity. In addition, as a result of swimming:

  • blood flow in the vessels of the uterus and umbilical cord improves;
  • the level of oxygen that reaches the fetus increases, ensuring normal breathing.
Water procedures have long been considered healing, including for expectant mothers

Varicose veins are common in pregnant women. Swimming has a beneficial effect on sore veins, relaxing them and revitalizing blood circulation.

It has been proven that swimming in the sea is healthier than swimming in fresh water.

If you want to go to the sea

Sea water is rich in inorganic salts, which have a complex effect on the organisms of the expectant mother and fetus. Immersion in coastal waters will help:

  • improve the functioning of blood vessels and the heart;
  • normalize metabolism;
  • heal wounds on the body;
  • remove swelling;
  • improve blood condition - increase the amount of hemoglobin and red blood cells;
  • strengthen the bones of the fetus;
  • improve mental development unborn child;
  • increase the immunity of mother and fetus;
  • calm the pregnant woman’s nerves and establish normal sleep.

Running and jumping in sea water, the expectant mother feels the resistance of the dense liquid; This results in a kind of massage that increases blood flow.
A pregnant woman can swim in the sea, or she can just sit aground near the shore - in both cases the health benefits are obvious

When a woman lives in a resort area and takes water procedures regularly during the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, childbirth will be faster and less painful than for those who bathe little or avoid active recreation in the water.

When to go

First, visit your doctor. If the pregnancy proceeds without complications and the doctor does not object to moving to another climate zone, you can prepare for the trip.

The best time for sea swimming is the 2nd trimester (12–24 weeks of pregnancy). The body has already adapted to the changes, the woman’s well-being is normal. On early stages embarking on a journey is dangerous: the fetus develops organs and tissues, limbs and a head appear; important processes should not be interfered with by adverse external influences. In addition, climate change and the difficulties of a long journey pose a threat of miscarriage. And in the 3rd trimester, the slightest negative impact will cause increased uterine tone, which sometimes provokes premature birth.

It’s easier for those who live near the sea and are used to swimming often and for a long time. Such a woman will not need a long journey, and in the later stages, in the absence of contraindications, swimming will not harm.

Which sea to choose

Dead Sea water has healing properties and, it would seem, for the expectant mother a trip to Israel - best option. However, there are two serious contraindications:

  • hot climate; summer air temperatures reach an annual maximum, and a pregnant woman has no need to fry under the scorching sun, so during the holiday season you will have to refuse a trip to the Dead Sea;
  • water saturated with salts creates too much pressure, which threatens the expectant mother with negative consequences.

So it is not recommended for a woman to swim in the sea; she is only allowed to wet her feet and rinse off.
The Dead Sea is rich in beneficial elements, but pregnant women should swim with caution

In the Black Sea, the water is cool, and on the shore, even at the height of summer, there is almost no sweltering heat, as in the Middle East. Other benefits:

  • due to the relatively small amount of salt, the water is less dense than in the Dead Sea and even in the Mediterranean; swimming, the expectant mother makes more effort and receives moderate physical activity, which is beneficial for the body - trained abdominal muscles will make childbirth easier;
  • the chemical composition of the Black Sea is close to the composition of human blood - the content of microelements is identical;
  • the water contains hydrogen sulfide - useful for normal heart function for both mother and fetus;
  • soft water almost does not irritate the skin and mucous membranes.

Unfortunately, on the shores of the Black Sea it is difficult to find beaches with clean water - this is perhaps the main disadvantage of the reservoir. In the Mediterranean Sea, the water is saltier, which means it is dense and hard, but many beaches have blue UNESCO flags: they indicate that it is safe to swim.


Choosing the right resort (with a cool climate) and travel time is already half the battle. But so that a trip to the sea does not turn into health problems for the expectant mother, we have to take into account the nuances, for example:

  • sandy beaches with a flat seabed are preferable - on rocks a pregnant woman runs the risk of slipping or tripping and ultimately getting injured;
  • it’s good if the beach has a wide spit or breakwaters - the wave height is lower;
  • noisy, crowded places by the sea are not entirely suitable for pregnant women - there is a lot of dirt on such beaches and the risk of infection increases;
  • comfort in the coastal zone is important - comfortable sun loungers, canopies from scorching rays; There is a rescue team and a medical aid station nearby.

The expectant mother deserves a comfortable holiday on a well-equipped beach

People come to the beach to have a great time and relax; only the expectant mother has to not forget for a minute about her position: carelessness is dangerous for the child in the womb. You need to be alert:

  • do not go into muddy or dirty water;
  • stay on the shore when there is a storm - pregnant women often lose their balance, and the waves easily knock them off their feet, so that the expectant mother may choke;
  • even first-class swimmers are better off not swimming beyond the buoys, and others generally stay close to the shore - so as to be able to call for help if necessary;
  • avoid swimming in water that is too cold so as not to increase the tone of the uterus and catch a cold; minimum temperature for swimming - +22 °C;
  • before entering the water, wait in the shade for 10–15 minutes - the body will “cool down” and the temperature difference will not become sharp;
  • avoid contact with jellyfish in water - even a small, seemingly harmless specimen can be poisonous;
  • Before entering the water, it is preferable to warm up, this will reduce the risk of cramps.

One summer I had a chance to relax on the Black Sea in the company of a pregnant friend and her husband. Three more acquaintances joined us, and we decided to “romantically” spend time in tents on a wild beach. One morning I came out of the tent and saw a picture: my friend’s husband was standing on the shore, desperately waving his arms, and the girl herself was blithely splashing in the sea... with dolphins. Not paying attention to our signs to slowly move towards the shore, my friend enjoyed communicating with the smartest and kindest sea animals. Of course, she had an unforgettable experience of a lifetime; Luckily for her, everything ended well, the dolphins frolicked and swam away. They say that these clever girls feel pregnant women and treat them with care, but please, when you see a cheerful flock near the shore, do not repeat the “feat” of my friend. Still, there is a big difference between wild dolphins and those from the dolphinarium.

Are fresh water bodies suitable for a pregnant woman?

If you don’t risk going on a long journey to the sea, and somewhere nearby there is a river flowing or a lake, you should consider the opportunity to plunge into the cool water and swim. But first obtain the approval of a gynecologist.

Swimming in the river

Choose a body of water for swimming meticulously:

The main danger of river water lies in the pathogenic microflora living there. The expectant mother, especially in the early stages, experiences a natural decrease in immunity, and the body is less resistant to infections. That is why it is important to choose proven beaches that have earned good reviews from visitors.

To protect yourself and the fetus from the penetration of pathogenic bacteria, it is recommended to use tampons. However, the tampon is not airtight and does not protect the uterus well from infectious agents. Natural protection is much more reliable: until the 3rd trimester, the entrance of microbes into the birth canal is blocked by a dense mucus plug. Of course, this does not mean that a polluted reservoir is suitable for the expectant mother.

There are underwater currents in the river, the water in which is colder than the main mass; in such currents my legs often cramp. To prevent cramps from leading to disaster, stay close to the shore and try not to go into the water unaccompanied.

Swimming in the lake

A lake is a natural body of water with tributaries, which is replenished by rain and groundwater. Lakes are fresh and salty. The water is not stagnant; All lakes have a slow current.

Conditions for bathing expectant mothers, at first glance, are suitable:

  • the water in the lake warms up well;
  • there are no fast cold currents, like in a river;
  • The shores are sandy and gently sloping - it’s comfortable to be on land and enter the water.

However, in warm lake water microorganisms, including pathogens, multiply intensively. If you accidentally swallow such water, there is a high risk of contracting an intestinal disorder or a genitourinary infection.
The lakes have warm water and a soft sandy bottom, but the cleanliness is questionable

Of course, the expectant mother does not need such complications, so before going into the lake, put on rubber swimming shoes or lubricate your feet with baby insect repellent. To be honest, swimming in a lake is not the best water treatment option for a pregnant woman.

Ponds - artificial reservoirs with standing water - should be treated with even greater caution. Initially, there are no living organisms there, but over time, organic matter accumulates at the bottom, which serves as food for pathogenic bacteria and fungi. And since the water in the pond is not running, colonies of microorganisms reach impressive sizes. Even when the pond is regularly cleaned, it is not safe for the expectant mother to swim in it.

Should a pregnant woman visit the pool and water park?

When it is not possible to go out into nature, but you want to swim, swimming pools or water parks are quite suitable for pregnant women; you can use them all year round. Of course, there will be no fresh country air there, but the beneficial effects of water on the body are guaranteed. And again about the main thing: you should not start water procedures without consulting your doctor.

Pros and cons of a swimming pool

The likelihood of catching an infection in the pool is low: they vigilantly monitor the purification of the water. However, to combat microbes, it happens that a lot of chlorine is added to the water. According to some doctors, the element accumulates in the body; Swimming of the expectant mother in chlorinated water will provoke allergies in the child when he is born. In addition, chlorine vapors harm the respiratory system. Other doctors deny the harmful effects of the element on the body. One way or another, it wouldn’t hurt to be on the safe side for a pregnant woman: choose a pool that guarantees minimal use of chlorine - for example, a children’s pool.
A swimming pool is a suitable alternative to the sea or river; It is better for the expectant mother to swim where less chlorine is added to the water

Regular swimming in the pool will help the expectant mother:

  • keep your body in shape;
  • provide the necessary physical activity;
  • reduce the load on joints and spine;
  • relax the muscles;
  • cheer up.

A big plus of swimming pools is the opportunity to work out with a trainer; In some places, special water aerobics sessions are held for pregnant women. Groups gather and expectant mothers do a set of exercises to prepare the body for childbirth. In addition, there is always a doctor nearby in the pool.
Doing gymnastics in the pool for pregnant women is useful for the upcoming birth

Should I go to the water park?

It is unlikely that a place full of people, including children, will suit an expectant mother, especially in the later stages. The first thing that comes to mind is how a poor woman can protect her growing belly from accidental collisions with randomly running tomboys. It’s immediately clear: a water park is a high-risk area for pregnant women.

Women in this position also face other risks:

  • a high chance of contracting an infection from one of the visitors, especially in autumn and spring;
  • Often the temperature regime in the water park is not maintained, it can be too hot and stuffy; the expectant mother may faint;
  • very slippery floor; if a woman stumbles, she will probably not maintain her balance, fall and be injured (possibly seriously);
  • Just like in swimming pools, water in water parks is chlorinated.

If you still decide to visit the water park - let's say your older child asks - choose quieter places, near the pools. It is absolutely forbidden for an expectant mother to ride down steep, winding slides - she will feel dizzy, and joints in the structures will lead to injuries. Straight slides for the little ones and inflatable rings or mattresses are the maximum that a responsible mother can afford.

If the pool in the water park is filled to capacity with people, wait until there are fewer people - then get into the water.

General bathing rules for expectant mothers

Regardless of the body of water in which you take water procedures, take precautions so that swimming does not result in problems. The rules are simple:

  • if you are going not just to “wet your feet”, but to swim, go into the water two hours after eating;
  • the water temperature should not be lower than 22 °C;
  • dive gradually, over 5–7 minutes, so that the body does not become hypothermic;
  • for the first time you should splash in the water for no more than 10–15 minutes; then the duration of bathing can be increased;
  • avoid heavy loads, swim slowly or at an average pace, control your breathing;
  • It is better for pregnant women to avoid swimming on their back;
  • don’t even think about doing water sports, even if you were into “extreme” sports before pregnancy;
  • as soon as you feel tired, go ashore;
  • Dry yourself thoroughly after swimming terry towel; if you are frozen, wrap yourself up - hypothermia threatens to catch a cold;
  • on the shore, after swimming in a river or lake, change into dry clothes; the warm, humid environment is very popular with microbes, which will immediately begin to actively multiply;
  • when you come out of the sea, do not rush to take a shower - let sea ​​salts have a healing effect;
  • if the sea is stormy but the wind is not strong, take a walk along the shore; sea ​​air will have a beneficial effect on your well-being.

Clean sea air is saturated with ozone and mineral ions; cleanses the lungs, improves blood flow, rejuvenates the skin

As a rule, there are many stalls on the beach selling food and drinks. Beach food is a risky pleasure for pregnant women; if a pregnant woman is poisoned by low-quality products, the fetus will also be in trouble: profuse diarrhea in the mother will lead to dehydration, which can cause a miscarriage. In addition, it is undesirable to be treated with medications during pregnancy. So refrain from "tent" delicacies.

Unfortunately, some expectant mothers are strictly prohibited from swimming in reservoirs - otherwise the condition of the woman and fetus will be complicated. So, those who have:

  • threat of miscarriage or premature birth;
  • pathology (incompetence) of the cervix, in which the cervix is ​​not able to withstand the increasing pressure of the fetus and expands prematurely;
  • placenta previa is a pathology in which the placenta blocks the birth canal;
  • infections of the genitourinary system - for example, cystitis, pyelonephritis;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage.

A tan is an indispensable companion to swimming in open water. Doctors do not prohibit pregnant women from sunbathing if the following conditions are met:

  • bask in the sun before 11 a.m. and after 4 p.m.; the rest of the time, hot rays will provoke the appearance age spots, or even melanoma (skin cancer); the risk of brain overheating in the unborn child also increases;
  • drink plenty of fluids to prevent dry skin;
  • use sunscreen - hypoallergenic, with a high level of protection (30–50 units); ultraviolet rays penetrate through the water column, so the cream is also useful while swimming;
  • when basking in the sun, do not forget about your hat;
  • It is more convenient for a pregnant woman to be on the beach in a closed swimsuit.

When the birth is close, the mucous plug comes off and abdominal pain occurs - you can no longer swim or sunbathe.