The best board games for children. Board games for children: we develop by playing.

Benefits of educational children's board games

Long-term contact of our children with computer technology, which offers many games and cartoons, has quite a lot of disadvantages for their health. A smart alternative to excessive screen time is educational board games.

Joint activities with parents help children broaden their horizons, increase vocabulary, develop a penchant for non-standard solutions, i.e. create best conditions for active knowledge of the surrounding world. Please note that even in the animal world, babies learn everything they need through play.

They also created the rules of the game. The teachers explained what needed to be done and how it would be done. Three possible routes were surveyed. They cut twenty-four pieces using molds glued and decorated with the soft material of two different colors to distinguish each other.

School house - mom. The reports were completed by 6th grade students who served as a science course teacher coordinator during research support sessions. The proposal was presented to the club and students immediately joined. They did research on board games and decided on a version of the game of fame.

If a child does not have the opportunity to play, then conditions are created for a lag in his development. The child receives perception of the world, thinking and analysis, speech development - all these main components of the unity of a person with the environment in gaming situations that educational board games provide him with.

An important advantage of a board game is the opportunity to spend time in joint activities with your child and achieve mutual understanding in the future. Board games have been around since ancient times. One of the oldest is backgammon, which can be introduced to children as early as five years of age. The rules are quite simple; with your help, the child will be able to master it.

The activity began with a presentation of the topic and tasks to the students. From the knowledge acquired by the students during the year, questions were developed and written by the students on cards. In the group we discuss the material that will be used, ideas for reuse. The board, cards and pawns were built by reusing materials.

A protection box was created in each of the games. The game pieces were made with caps made from yogurt bottles in two colors, which were designed with two animals chosen by the students. The pieces are placed in a plastic box, on mobile phones. It can be reproduced without question in a simplified version.

Playing board games with your child not only gives him useful necessary skills, but also allows you to diversify the ways you spend your leisure time. But the most important thing in this process is not coercion, but the child’s interest and voluntary participation in the game.

The modern children's goods market offers a wide variety of board games for any age, with a certain systematization. Parents will be able to easily choose a game for their child, taking into account the development of different skills and abilities, which is necessarily taken into account when developing all types of educational board games.

The enthusiasm was great, and projects began to appear, all very interesting, but you could only choose one. There is a drawing in which the houses are square. Several houses have messages and questions. Creating strategies to ensure that all children at Adeline Fernandez Community School in Natal learn and play chess presented an impossible task for our team of educators. But with the participation of the unit in the open course " Open doors", at the Rodrigo Mendes Institute, we have created the necessary security to risk this initiative.

Thus, throughout the course, we developed a board games project with the school's 4th and 5th year classes, in which students with and without disabilities participated together in the proposed activities. Board games were used in extended versions at school. Located in the northern part of the city, in a lower grade, there were approximately 815 students participating at the time of the project. Of this number, 18 were part of the special education target population and received a multipurpose resource room with a teacher.

Educational board games for children range from very simple ones (for children 3 and 4 years old), where, for example, from the total number of pictures you need to select similar ones, to more complex ones, in which the child already needs to analyze his actions. These games are perfect for children 5, 6 and 7 summer age. Children aged 8 years and above can already play educational board games that are interesting even to teenagers and adults.

Both handicaps and physics were features inherent in the school environment. Due to the complexity of the rules, most of our students did not know about chess. And introducing them directly to the game, showing early movements of objects such as the bishop and horse, can dissuade them. Therefore, we chose a strategy to stimulate the logical reasoning of those involved in the process, using pre-chess activities such as the old game, the game of life and other board games that functioned as facilitators of the learning process.

The first job on board was playing an old woman. In pairs, children worked out the basic structure and took turns filling in the blanks until they completed a line, column or diagonal. Subsequently, the game was enlarged and took place on a table, with figures cut out of cardboard.

Below is a list of games that are suitable for both girls and boys. They will help your child develop his erudition and logic, teach him to make decisions faster and think better.

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Board games are a popular pastime, and not just for children. More and more manufacturers are targeting adult players or even entire families. But some of them are not only fun to play, but also useful.

Giant versions of the activities were used as a strategy to add playfulness rather than limit the classroom project. For example, playing the old woman was also practiced in the yard. Since some students showed difficulty with the arches, we decided to install horizontal and vertical lines with crepe tape. An additional challenge was the addition of racing as a game element: with bottles out of the way of the structure, doubles must run up to the pieces to place them in the space.

Then we play the game of life. In some of these "houses" we insert pieces of paper with instructions such as "advance the house" and "return to the beginning." In practicing the game, students rolled giant dice and walked the appropriate number of houses, following the guidelines they found along the way.

Games that develop motor skills

Any mother knows: for small child Hand motor skills are just as important as walking and talking. Motor skills are our ability to perform certain movements automatically. It is especially important to develop fine motor skills, that is, a set of coordinated actions of muscles and the visual system. It's the skills fine motor skills help us hold a fork and knife, thread a needle, write, draw...
But these skills can be improved not only in childhood. And here board games come to our aid.

Chess: from pedestrians to matches

A magnetic board was used to present the chess board to the students. Our first action was to develop a theory class where we present the history of the game, its purpose and its parts. The students then completed the first games using only pedestrians. In the version also with towers, the goal was to capture enemy pedestrians. Bishops, horses, a queen and a king were gradually added until the game was completed. Not to be discouraged by the fact that learning is faster, an additional challenge was playing with four players.

Variations of the game “Jenga” or, in the domestic version, “The Leaning Tower” are best suited for this. Its rules are extremely simple: a tower is built from identical blocks, then players take turns pulling out one “brick” at a time and placing it on top. The loser is the one who drops the tower with his movement.

But in addition to the accuracy of movements, reaction speed is also important. The game "Wild Jungle" allows players to compete in attentiveness and speed. Participants in the game lay out cards with very similar designs, and those whose designs completely match must grab the totem standing in the center of the table. The one in whose hands the totem ends up wins.

Due to the degree of difficulty, this version of chess changed the rules - instead of winning the first mate, it was enough to threaten the king. In the playground version of the giant chess set, students had another perspective on the movements. They went home on a tray made of nappa. Each child “interpreted” one of the parts.

The video is available with pound accessibility features and audio description. With cut out pieces of cardboard, the children also practiced playing the old woman in a larger version on the table. Louis, our student with Down syndrome, excelled at board games and was knowledgeable about chess. The theoretical lessons gave him a strong interest in subjects related to the Middle Ages, such as castles, battles and the legend of the knights round table. According to his father, at home the boy showed great concern about what happened at school.

Games for company

Board games are great entertainment for a group of friends. Of course, you are unlikely to play chess at a fun party, but this does not mean that games for a group cannot be educational. They perform the most important function - they unite the team, force people to communicate, interact, and seek compromises. It's never too late to learn this, and, as you know, it's easier to learn by playing. For example, in Activity. The goal of the game is to explain as many words as possible written on special cards. You will have to explain some words with pantomime, some concepts you will have to draw. Other players will have to guess what you mean. Since the cards in the set are of varying complexity, both adults and children can play “Activity”.

The students themselves taught each other the movements and rules with great patience and played together in a rotating pattern. Our intention is to expand the initiative to other classes in the coming years. The novelty we bring to this project is the practice of logic board games in different dimensions, each leading to differentiated benefits and learning.

The first dimension is the traditional board-on-table game. Therefore, the player's attention - and his brain - is not distracted by body movement, and the vision can easily see the entire scenario of the logical problem that needs to be solved. Individual play intensifies the situation of interpersonal dispute, which can lead to a measurement of strength and feelings of success and failure before the duel is achieved.

In 1986, psychology student Dmitry Davydov came up with the game “Mafia,” which gained popularity not only in Russia, but throughout the world. Previously, decks of playing cards were used to distribute roles, but today board game manufacturers produce colorful sets for the mafia: special decks and even masks that allow you to hide your emotions. The mafia perfectly develops teamwork skills, artistry, and public speaking abilities. All players are divided into “civilians” and “mafiosi”. The goal of the former is to identify the mafia hiding among them, the goal of the latter is to destroy all civilians. Your life in the game depends on how convincing you are.

The second dimension is playing on a computer. In this modality interpersonal relationships do not exist: the player competes with the programmed artificial intelligence, and the game ends with what becomes an individual challenge - a puzzle or logic problem to be solved.

The third dimension, the "giant game", is practiced on a board up to 2 meters long, with pieces to be moved using greater body action. The tendency in this gaming model is that it will be more difficult to predict subsequent bets for the player and his opponent. It is interesting to have a giant game between doubles or trios, so that each team's games must be coordinated and agreed upon among its members.

Games to develop imagination

If you think that imagination is something that is given to a person from birth, then you are deeply mistaken. It can be trained in the same way as all other skills. Association games are the best way to develop imagination.

The game “Imaginarium” is a whole set of colorful pictures, each of which is a small story. Players receive six cards each and take turns making an association with one of the pictures. Everyone tries to choose from their cards the one that most corresponds to a given association. The leader of this game collects all these cards and places them on the table. The goal of the players is to understand where the leader's card is. Points are awarded for correctly guessed cards. If someone voted for the picture proposed by another player, so much the better... for that player.

In the fourth dimension of the “living game” or “human game”, people are the very pieces of the board. If there is no external intervention in deciding each team's movements, then there are people not just puppets in a giant game led by an external participant - seeing the problem that needs to be solved, assembling strategies and solving the movement becomes more difficult to understand. Each team must agree on the best move, preventing the opposing team from following these negotiations and implementing their strategy. In this model, interpersonal relationships are enhanced; however, the strategy that will be assembled by logical reasoning loses, however, a little in quality.

But let’s say you want to come up with amazing stories yourself, and not make associations with ready-made pictures. Among the many board games, there is one for you. It's called "Igroskaz". The set of “Igroskaz” cards includes characters, various places, magical objects, and heroes’ tasks. The player must combine the cards he received into one fairy-tale plot, and other players can participate in the creation of his fairy tale, or I can offer my own stories to the audience. “Igroskaz” is a fantasy without boundaries and age restrictions.

The games studied and applied so far are divided into six modules. When planning intervention strategies for learning in children, youth, and adults, it is important to conceptualize and understand the cognitive processes associated with learning acquisition and development. In this sense, although it is difficult to isolate definitions of knowledge, memory and reasoning, since interference and interdependence between them are inevitable, understanding their differences and their own characteristics helps us evaluate them in a more limited and focused context.

To appreciate the intensity and breadth of our pedagogical offerings, it is necessary to understand the relationships between these three elements of learning. In the context of this Extension Programme, once the application of the activity is well established, research is carried out on the impact of board game practice on the daily life of its participants.

An excellent example of a modern economic game is Startup. This strategy is dedicated to the development and promotion of IT projects. The player must realize his cards - “ideas”, turn them into finished products. To do this, he needs developers, money, services. At the most unexpected moment, cards come into play - “opportunities” that can bring small pleasant bonuses or, conversely, put a spoke in your wheels. And, of course, you won’t be able to implement a single project alone: ​​negotiate with your colleagues, get ahead of your competitors and release the finished product. Working all night, taxes, deadlines... Everything is like in life!

Board games Logic Olympiad

Volume 21, issue. 2, July-December. Commemorative and illustrative booklet for the first biennium of the Programme. Piccinini, Liliana Giordani, Andre Carissimi. The Logic Board Games Olympiad idealized in this Extension Program served as a closure to faculty training and as a primary motivator for students participating in the activities promoted during this training. This is a unique event, we do not know of a similar event at the golden place. In this Olympics, we are not considering games like Chess because we understand that this game already has school tournaments and the ladies we understand are already familiar in our culture.

The slogan of the game "Sold": Speculating in real estate is fun! The principle is extremely simple: buy cheaper and sell more expensive. Participate in auctions, bluff, sell a crumbling shack for the price of a castle in Scotland - everything is in your hands! The one with the most money at the end wins.