How many holidays are there on March 8th? Work on weekends and non-working holidays

March - the first of the spring months - is considered only a harbinger of spring, since real warmth and the first green leaves appear much later. And yet, warm money and long-awaited drops come exactly this month. In addition, in March 2017 they set the mood, allowing you to plunge into an atmosphere of fun and joy, which is so lacking in the cold winter.

Weekends in March 2017

Probably the first holiday that every citizen will think of, if asked about the March festivities, will be Women's Day - a day that is loved and celebrated with pleasure throughout the country.

But holidays in March 2017 in Russia they are very diverse and not all of them are also weekends. However, for me these can be carried out with interest and benefit.

The month opens with the day of cats, which is not surprising, because this particular month is associated with a common phrase describing overly loving cats who organize real “concerts” under the windows with the arrival of the first warmth.

If you don't know much about leprechauns and their gold hidden under the rainbow, ask the Irish on St. Patrick's Day. Over a glass of ale, they will be happy to share their stories with you. And each, of course, is true. And fighters for preserving the resources of planet Earth will thank you if during Earth Hour you turn off all devices and just be in silence, listening to the sounds of the world around you. The action, which began as a flash mob, today has the status of a real holiday.

World Civil Defense Day - March 1st

In the 30s of the last century, a worldwide organization was founded, which today is called the “International Civil Defense Organization” - this is an association of services various countries, the purpose of which is the exchange and dissemination of information and knowledge on civil defense and protection. Summits and meetings are held annually at which representatives of government organizations present their data and innovations. This significantly increases the level of protection for citizens, and also allows them to become familiar with new ways of dealing with natural disasters.

On this holiday, the inhabitants of the planet are reminded of the dangerous and difficult work of those who choose to serve in fire departments, hospitals and the army as their profession. After all, it is the Ministry of Emergency Situations who are the first to help – doctors, rescuers, firefighters and military personnel. They pull people out of rubble, provide first aid during volcanic eruptions and floods, and evacuate in the event of a tornado or hurricane. They are the first to arrive at the scene of a disaster or incident and the last to leave the danger zone. Therefore, this is one of the holidays in March 2017.

Cat Day - March 1st

Each country has its own date for Cat Day. So in Russia, the mustachioed and tailed have their day. The initiative was taken by the publication “Cat and Dog”, which, together with the Moscow Cat Museum, held the first event back in 2004. The holiday was enjoyed not only by the animals - after all, they were honored as kings - but also by their owners. After all, a purring animal can leave few people indifferent. Cat Day in Russia has not yet been recognized as an official holiday in March 2017.

In Russia, there has not yet been a special tradition of celebrating this day, but in other countries where the holiday has existed for a long time, there are a number of special events that are held only on this day. So, in the USA, on December 29, which is when they celebrate cat day, processions, parades and demonstrations are held to draw public attention to the cruelty of furry cats and to prevent this in the future. In Italy, they celebrate the day of the Black Cat, since for a very long time they were subjected to cruel extermination: in the Middle Ages they were considered accomplices of evil witches, sorcerers and sorcerers. In Japan, where cats even have their own separate island, a festival and even a carnival are held with gifts and prizes for both cats and their owners. And in Belgium, on a holiday, the cat is given its own ball of thread, with which it can play anywhere.

International Women's Day - March 8

The history of the holiday begins with a speech by feminist and revolutionary woman Clara Zetkin, who proposed founding a holiday for women. This day just symbolized their struggle for equal rights with men in various spheres of life. The initiative was accepted by the public and soon such a day appeared - March 8th. It received the status of a world holiday relatively recently - in 1975, when the United Nations recognized it as such.

Today, hardly anyone remembers the true purpose of the holiday, because over time it has lost its original meaning. Women's Day now praises the real woman and her tenderness, patience, fragility, vulnerability and beauty. The first spring flowers are chosen as a gift: lilies of the valley, snowdrops, tulips and mimosas. They also give cards, sweets, and small souvenirs. In addition, the 8th is a day off in March 2017 in Russia, which can be spent with family or at a party.

World Consumer Rights Day – March 15th

You are unlikely to have heard of this day, because there are no large-scale events or entertainment events held on this holiday, but you can contact the hotline or attend a conference where you will be told about the latest news and achievements in this area, as well as the requirements that now they are moving towards one product or another. You will be able to familiarize yourself with international standards and rules for the production, packaging, and storage of products - both food and non-food.

This holiday does not belong to the March 2017 weekend in Russia, but has existed for 24 years, when one of the treaties with the UN was ratified. After all, it was this organization, on the initiative of former John Kennedy, that established such a holiday and events. The former US President was the first to formulate the rights that a consumer should have: the right to choose, the right to receive information about a product (which is now displayed on labels and packaging), the right to safe products (standards and state regulations were introduced), and, of course, the right to be heard (created special organizations that protect rights and can file a claim against the manufacturer or seller).

St. Patrick's Day - March 17

The day, which has a religious basis, has long gone beyond its borders, as well as beyond the borders of the country. But, if in Ireland this is one of the main holidays in March 2017, then in Russia it is not even a day off, and yet it is gaining popularity in our country.

The history of the holiday tells how Saint Patrick, having come to the lands of the green island, converted all its inhabitants to Christianity. He did this by driving out the snakes from the entire island, and thus demonstrated the power of God. Also, to explain to the former pagans the principles of the new faith, he used a simple three-leaf clover, showing by its example how God can exist in three forms at the same time - the Holy Trinity. Since then, the symbols of St. Patrick's Day among the Irish and the whole world are clover and green.

But still alive and folk traditions. Some believe that on the night of March 18th you can meet a mythical leprechaun, and if you catch him, he will give up his pot of gold. However, since these legends are told over a pint of dark Irish ale, there is very little faith in them.

Earth Hour - March 25

A clear example of how the initiative of one person or organization can sweep a wave across the entire planet, capturing and captivating people, united by one idea and goal.

Activists for the protection of the Earth's wildlife first held an action in Sydney back in 2007. The purpose of the event is to convey to the inhabitants of the entire planet information about how human activity affects the Earth's biosphere. According to representatives of the organization, irreparable damage to the ecosystem of individual territories and the planet as a whole has been caused over the past fifty years, when there has been a sharp jump and high growth in the consumption of earth resources, which is associated with the inevitable technological process.

Being a technogenic civilization, we create many devices and objects that are alien to the planet and thereby disrupt the natural flow of things, litter the area, and pollute the air and water. According to supporters of this movement, within forty to fifty years, mineral reserves will be depleted, and fresh water drinking water will become a real treasure. To avoid problems in the future and preserve the planet for future generations, they suggest starting to take care of the environment today.

Symbolically, on this holiday, the lights are turned off for only one hour - at 20.30 local time on the last Saturday of March. This year it is a day off in March 2017 - the 25th. Every year more and more people on the planet support the campaign. But the main events include: open ecology lessons, which clearly demonstrate the harm caused by humans, drinking tea by candlelight, and launching popular lanterns into the sky at night.

World Theater Day - March 27

On this holiday, it is customary to praise not only actors and theater workers, but also spectators and avid theatergoers. It received its official date in 1961 and joins the March 2017 weekend and holidays celebrated around the world. Since the history of the theater itself goes back thousands of years, many corpses are preparing new performances for this day, with which they can perform as in the old days - not on a pre-prepared stage, but right on the street, in a crowd of spectators.

For residents of the post-Soviet space, March 8 is one of the most favorite holidays. It is on this day that men are happy to give gifts and congratulate the most important women in my life - a beloved mother, a caring grandmother, the most tender wife, dear sister and adored daughter. So, what day is March 8th in 2017, and can we count on additional days off?

Celebration of March 8

Few people remember that the history of the appearance of this date is connected with the honoring of not just a woman, but a fighting friend and comrade of a male revolutionary - a female revolutionary. The very name of the holiday used to sound weighty, significant and strict, not at all inspiring a playful mood. On the “Day of the Women's Workers' International” any light and idle thoughts about relaxation and fun could hardly arise.

Time passed, and the history of the holiday became a thing of the past, leaving us with the spring Women's Day. Now this holiday fills our hearts with joy and fun, and the air with bright floral aromas, thereby marking the end of a long and cold winter. The mood on March 8 is always high! In gratitude for this, representatives of the strong half of humanity surround women special attention, warmth and care.

In 2017, the March 8 holiday falls in the very middle of the week – Wednesday, so you can’t count on a long weekend. The only concession to the labor legislation of Russia and Ukraine is that the previous Tuesday (03/07/2017) will be a shortened working day.

Annually on the last Saturday of March environmental action is being carried out all over the world" Earth Hour", organized by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).

The meaning of the action is in voluntary refusal to consume electrical energy for one hour. Thus, society realizes the importance of taking measures to reduce the negative impact of human activity on the environment.

This great idea was first implemented in Sydney, Australia in 2007. Then about two million residents of the metropolis took part in the action, and energy savings amounted to about 10%.

Inspired by the example, more and more cities began to join the Earth Hour campaign every year. It is expected that in 2020, residents of more than 7 thousand settlements on our planet (more than 2 billion people) will take part in a voluntary power outage for 1 hour. Of course, among the countries participating in the action is Russia.

What date and time does the Earth Hour 2020 campaign take place:

As we wrote above, the event is held annually on the last Saturday of March, with the exception of those years when the last Saturday in March precedes Easter.

This year's Earth Hour is scheduled for Saturday. March 28, 2020. The promotion will begin at 20:30 local time and will last for an hour, until 21:30.

That is, the Earth Hour 2020 campaign - what date is it held and at what time:
* Date: March 28, 2020
* from 20:30 to 21:30 local time.

International Women's Day in 2017 will be celebrated in many countries. And it is especially loved in post-Soviet states, in which a wonderful tradition has arisen to celebrate this lovely women's holiday fun and with love, and often this day coincides with several weekends and holidays, and how many of them there will be in Russia in 2017, we will tell you about it below.

All men, in honor of March 8, 2017, will try during these holidays to demonstrate their attention, care and affection to all their beloved women: dear mother, caring grandmother, loving wife, dear sister and adored daughter.

Will not be left without congratulations from men on this wonderful holiday and work colleagues. All representatives of the fair sex will feel special and loved this holiday weekend in March.

Holidays and weekends on March 8, 2017

All men strive to congratulate their beloved women on International Women's Day. And according to Russian legislation, this holiday is considered a state holiday and is officially declared. on a day off. In 2017, March 8 falls on a Wednesday (see holiday calendar below), because postponing the weekend in March 2017 - not expected. On this day, all state-owned enterprises will not work, and the 7th (Tuesday) will be declared a shortened working day.

Weekend calendar for March 8, 2017

This work and leisure schedule will help everyone who wants to celebrate this day to beautifully and festively plan their vacation in the company of their beloved women in advance, because, as a rule, International Women's Day, causes a considerable sell-out in many cafes, restaurants and other places where caring men go to honor the representatives of the fair sex dear to them. You can also find out what other holidays there will be.

History of the holiday

The holiday itself has a less romantic history. Previously, March 8 was the day of revolutionary women, fighting for equal rights with men: permission to work, get an education, participate in the political life of the state, etc. It is thanks to the efforts of courageous women of the past that modern young ladies have the opportunity to study in schools, receive higher education, choose a profession, while simultaneously raising children and running a household.

Congratulations on March 8, 2017

We hope it's original musical congratulations with wishes for March 8th, will delight all representatives of the fair sex without exception.

A woman of our generation is not afraid to be herself, has every opportunity for her own development, quality work and education, and most importantly, all this has become available to modern beauties along with their main calling - the role of mother and wife.

Despite such a limited number of holiday days off, we still wish you, dear women, a festive mood and have a good rest! Happy holiday to you!

The first and most feminine holiday of spring comes in March, at the very beginning of the month. Traditionally, every resident of the country carefully studies the calendar for the next year in order to mark all the weekends for the future. International Women's Day is usually celebrated in many countries, but in the post-Soviet space this holiday is also a day off.

What does the calendar tell you?

Often, some days are moved to March 8 to add days off to the holiday. There are no transfers planned for 2017. The calendar will give women only one day off. As always, March 7 has been declared a shortened working day. The shift duration is shortened by one hour and is 7 working hours.

Many employers agree with this system and try to let employees leave work even earlier so that they have time to prepare for the holiday. The presence of officially established entrances allows men to organize a real celebration for their beloved mother, wife and daughter. On March 8, we relax “with our souls”: Russians buy expensive gifts, small souvenirs and lots of flowers.

In 2017, the March 8 holiday falls on a Wednesday; all employees of state enterprises and organizations will not work. On the shortened Tuesday, a large influx of shoppers is expected in flower and grocery stores. The purchase of perishable goods and culinary delicacies falls on March 7th.

How to congratulate colleagues

On the day before a holiday, the work shift is shortened by 1 hour. It is on Tuesday, before March 8, 2017, that all men in the country congratulate their colleagues on their spring holiday. It is traditional to give small bouquets of flowers and souvenirs.

A good office gift for a lady would be:

  • Thermal mug with an original ornament or photograph.
  • Chocolates or sweet bouquet.
  • Cool figures corresponding to the position held.
  • Keychains, pens, notepads, decorated with crystals and sparkles.
  • Original flash drives made of precious metal and with beautiful engraving.
  • Paper stationery. Cute “women’s” diary for 2017, paper for notes in the shape of an apple or watermelon slices, holders for business cards, etc.
  • Decorative candles in the shape of flowers or animals.
  • You can combine a bouquet with a gift in the form of a flower in a pot, for example, an orchid.

You should not give personal items to female colleagues on March 8th. Shower sets and cosmetics are products that every woman chooses for herself.

It is almost impossible to guess a colleague’s preferences and there is a high probability of presenting a completely unnecessary gift.

An excellent addition to souvenirs for March 8 in 2017 would be a small feast. If you have enough finances, you can relax with colleagues in a cafe or restaurant. On this day, it doesn’t matter what time the corporate party ends, because March 8 will be a day off. There will be enough time in the morning to get enough sleep and prepare for evening out into the world

Where to go on holiday

Most Russians are used to relaxing to the fullest, especially on International Women's Day. The beautiful half of humanity is in a great mood and wants fun. Young people arrange quiet romantic evenings in cafes, restaurants or a cozy home environment. Single ladies prefer going to the cinema and clubs, making new acquaintances and romantic interests.

  • Restaurant. This is a classic that is always in fashion. Advance table reservation, good cuisine, wine and quiet music set the mood for a romantic mood.
  • Holiday show. Great for active people. You should take advantage of the holiday weekend to attend an unforgettable performance prepared for March 8th.
  • Film premiere. Traditionally, the holiday is expected to premiere several films suitable for the occasion. 2017 is no exception, you can choose a movie to your taste and enjoy the plot or kissing spots.
  • Privacy. In 2017, by March 8, there is only one day off; it will not be possible to plan a romantic trip for several days. An alternative could be a quiet, cozy evening at home with a romantic dinner.

For single ladies

Many free women feel out of place on a holiday. There is one great way out - a bachelorette party. You should think carefully about the plot of the evening and count how many friends to invite. The best way to start a real women's day is with a full range of services at the spa. You should take care of ordering a one-time subscription for all participants in advance. You should definitely include a relaxing massage and chocolate wrap in your order.

The next stop, where the girls relax on March 8, is a beauty salon. Haircut, coloring, fashionable styling, manicure and pedicure will lift your spirits even on a cloudy day. If you have some money left, you can go shopping and buy new shoes, no matter how many you already have.

Girls and women of all ages recognize festive gatherings as the final stage of an ideal day. On March 8, 2017, clubs, cafes and restaurants expect a huge influx of visitors. It is better to reserve tables and buy tickets for performances in advance.

Circle the holiday of March 8th in red. There is nothing worse than forgetting to congratulate your loved one or colleague on International Women's Day. In 2017, one day off was officially announced - the 8th. Holidays are not expected to be rescheduled.