Family traditions of celebrating the New Year. How to celebrate the New Year in my family (essay) New Year family holiday articles

For many New Year associated with Olivier salad, “The Irony of Fate”, fireworks and a decorated Christmas tree. However, the most beautiful thing about this holiday is that it is at this time that you can get together with the whole family and spend the outgoing year together.

Letidor has compiled a list of five reasons why New Year is the best family celebration, and hardly anyone will be able to argue with us!

New Year unites people of different religions

It doesn't matter who you believe in or what your religious preferences are - on New Year's Day it doesn't matter at all. After all, this holiday has no connection to any belief.

People of all religions say goodbye to the past year with joy and welcome the new one with hopes for a bright future.

On New Year's Day the whole family gets together

Family is the most important thing in the world. And when all our loved ones are gathered, sitting at a common table, smiling, joking and laughing, then we are truly happy.

Nothing can replace your mother's concern about what kind of salad you would like to try, your sister's interesting stories, your husband's gentle hands and the children's funny antics.

IN New Year's Eve You can get everything at once, you just have to get everyone together and prepare as many delicious treats as possible!

You can also dance, hug and believe in miracles. And also - all together.

On New Year's Day, you can remember all the good things and let go of the bad.

When was the last time you sat down and looked through Family album with old photos? A holiday night is a great opportunity for this.

After a fun feast, take out your photos, find old videos and immerse your whole family in memories of the past year.

New Year - new life. It is at this time that we must boldly make plans and set goals for ourselves.

You can even make yourself a list of wishes/goals and follow them for 12 months, each time checking off the completed task. The list will be filled with “checkmarks”, and at the end of December you will be surprised how much you have managed to do!

There is a magical atmosphere everywhere

Flickering lights, the smell of fresh cookies, snow outside the window and your favorite movies on TV - this is what creates a truly fabulous mood. The house is filled with warmth and comfort, all family members, after household chores, sit down at the large table and raise glasses of champagne.

What can we say about the expression of joy and happiness on the face when unpacking gifts and warm hugs!

New Year - wonderful holiday for everyone, because when it’s snowy and cold outside, it’s so nice to bask in the warmth of family happiness!

Ramzia: | December 17th, 2019 | 4:18 pm

We meet at home, make dumplings, when we were children, our parents used to come up with some riddles for us and we would guess them, it was fun. While the children are small, I am thinking of continuing the tradition in the future.

Tatiana: | December 17th, 2019 | 2:59 pm

We have a tradition of printing out the best photographs from the past year and pasting them into a family album, remembering the past year.

Anna: | December 16th, 2019 | 11:04 pm

Every year the whole family makes chocolate sausage, and then we give some of it to our relatives.
After the chimes we go to watch the fireworks, leaving the windows open. Upon return, the children will receive gifts from DM.
I prepare salads for the film Irony of Fate...
New Year's songs also help create the right atmosphere.
I also like to wrap gifts for relatives myself.

Vlada: | December 16th, 2019 | 9:52 am

For the New Year I give everyone new pajamas and nighties. At some point, a holiday dinner turns into a slumber party.

Lily: | December 14th, 2019 | 12:40 pm

We also decorate the Christmas tree and the house together, made wreaths, and bake gingerbread cookies. This year we are moving right before the New Year to a new apartment, I hope that we will have time to prepare everything. On New Year's Eve we meet either with friends or with parents and spend the entire holiday with guests. This year they will come to us. There is a special tradition for children - from January 1, every day they look under the tree for a little surprise from the frost. This year the main gifts will be on the morning of January 1 (traditionally, this is a Lego set and a Book for everyone), sweets in a New Year's Sock. Our adults receive gifts from adults, and children receive gifts from the frost. During the holidays, we definitely go for walks in the forest, go cheesecake riding, ice skating, and meet with family and friends.
Next year I want to make Advent calendars and a gingerbread house for the children, maybe I’ll get around to making a homemade fireplace

Tanya: | December 14th, 2019 | 12:39 pm

Before the New Year, we get together with friends and bake gingerbread, everyone takes some home and decorates it as desired. This tradition appeared when my son was little, it was necessary to give some small gifts to all the grandparents, and we decided to bake cookies in the shape of New Year's creatures and decorate with icing. Each set was packed in specially purchased bags and decorated with ribbons and pieces of paper with wishes (mini postcards). Plus the child drew postcards.
They also gathered to make toys from felt and scrap materials with their own hands, making little animals, angels, Christmas wreaths...
My mother always gives us a new toy for the Christmas tree, she still has this tradition, plus we go as a family and buy what’s missing - new garlands, beautiful New Year’s candles, new toys, masks and funny hats.

We always buy live pine, and we start guarding the New Year's market with Christmas trees in advance, although everyone is not on the way from work, we make a detour and check whether the Christmas trees have already been brought for sale or not. We try to buy pine right away)))) but usually they ask you to come the next day, they say, at least let us unload them and arrange them) so we are always among the first, dragging home our “spruce-pine” under the envious glances of passers-by
We decorate everything together, this is also a tradition. Sweet symbols of the year have already been purchased and are waiting in the wings, which can be hung on the Christmas tree. It’s true that they rarely live to see the 31st)

We don’t cook a lot, but we always decorate in a winter style, beautifully... And we try not to repeat ourselves. We also decorate the table with beads and candles.

Our aroma lamp has been running all December, the house smells of oranges and cinnamon, my son will cut out snowflakes and this weekend we will decorate the apartment.

And, of course, when the first snow falls, we always go to play snowballs and go sledding, regardless of age. But this year we are not promised snow soon, so we will come up with other traditions.

Previously, wishlists wrote for the next year, then it’s interesting to see what they accomplished... For some reason they stopped doing this, we need to revive the tradition.

We present gifts at midnight. But in the morning the son also finds a gift from Santa Claus)

Svetlana: | December 14th, 2018 | 3:58 pm

Every year on December 31st
1. We write letters to Santa Claus with the children,
2. We make dumplings (since 2017, we now take care of them in advance)
4. Last year we went to the skating rink
3. After 12.00 at night we go for a walk and release lanterns with wishes.
4. After the walk, when they return home, the children find gifts under the tree.

This year, on the 31st, from early morning until lunch, the whole family is planning to build a snowman in the yard. Or we’ll go to a pine forest for a walk in the mysterious silence of the forest

Natalya: | December 14th, 2018 | 12:05 pm

A very interesting article, for several years now I have been wanting to introduce the tradition of buying an expensive Christmas tree decoration, but I just can’t bring myself to do it, after all, it will be glass, and I still have small children. I also liked the tradition of writing wishes for the next year, and then seeing whether it came true or not.
We also have standard traditions of decorating the Christmas tree: on 30 we go to the village and on 31 we go to the bathhouse.
I have never seen such a tradition, which came from my family, to celebrate the New Year in new underwear.

Inna: | December 14th, 2018 | 11:58 am

The game “Secret Santa Claus” has taken root in our family, on my birthday. at the end of November, a lottery is drawn to see who congratulates whom. A chat is created in which each participant writes a letter to DM, the age of the participants is 5-74 years old, the child writes the letter with the help of adults, but also speaks on video (this is how a collection of letters is created) Everyone walks mysteriously, smiles, gifts are decorated with love and humor. When we arrive at KV, we put gifts under the tree. At midnight we all leave the room, enter one at a time, look for our name on the box. The action begins... one by one we open the gift, everyone else applauds, the one who opens it looks closely at the faces and tries to guess who his DM is, so everyone opens it and makes a guess. Then the second round, the DM admits to whom he gives the gift and we check who has the same, will good year!

Julia: | December 14th, 2018 | 11:41 am

And to us every night after St. Nicholas, elves arrive. They put the letter and gifts in a special mailbox. The children are really looking forward to this Advent, and since October I started buying small gifts from the elves))

Anastasia: | December 14th, 2018 | 11:37 am

Maria: | December 14th, 2018 | 9:10 am

We have been making Advent calendars for 4 years now. Be sure to decorate the Christmas tree together. Gifts for everyone under the tree.

Ksenia: | December 14th, 2018 | 8:37 am

From the traditions of my childhood:
-decorate a Christmas tree
– gifts “appear” under the tree after 12))) while everyone is running to set off fireworks
– cut out snowflakes and decorate the windows with them
– I draw a “newspaper” either with the symbol of the year, or with wishes, or with photographs of significant events of the outgoing year
– in December, be sure to go to the theater both yourself and with your son
From the ones I entered:
– Advent Calendar with candies for the whole December
– I bake gingerbread cookies and hang them on the Christmas tree with my son, then we take them off one at a time and eat them)))

Ksenia: | December 25th, 2017 | 4:51 pm

Our traditions: we buy big beautiful toy or with the symbol of the year; When the chimes strike, we write a wish on a piece of paper, burn it, throw it into a glass of champagne and drink it to the bottom. And it’s also my personal tradition to watch “ Real love” :) I really liked the tradition of giving a gift to the house

Elena: | December 18th, 2017 | 2:59 pm

We decorate the Christmas tree and dress the house together with my son, this year we made a red dog from polymer clay, Olivier on the table is a must, and tangerines, a letter to Santa Claus, gifts for the Christmas tree.

Elena: | December 18th, 2017 | 3:22 dp

Dasha, thank you for the ideas. We are a young family, this year we will celebrate New Year's Eve at home for the first time, we will start, as a tradition of writing a letter, eclairs with wishes, every new year, a new beautiful Christmas tree toy, and then we will give it to the child.

Galina: | December 17th, 2017 | 11:12 pm

We had a tradition in our family: after decorating the Christmas tree, on the same night Santa Claus leaves gifts under the tree. The eldest believed until she was 10 years old, and the youngest, at the age of 6, waylaid Santa Claus - he was very interested in how he got into the house. And mom was caught in the act at 3 am. But my daughter is 40 years old, my son is 35, and they are still looking for gifts under the tree...

Alexandra: | December 17th, 2017 | 10:27 pm

We celebrate New Year at the dacha with a family of about 15-20 people with children.
There is already an elegant living Christmas tree in the yard; over the past summer it has grown very well and become bushy, just a super spruce!
Everyone brings dishes to the dacha at their own discretion, we discuss it in advance

Olga: | December 17th, 2017 | 6:19 pm

We decorate the Christmas tree on December 30th and... j. We have small children, and by evening the tree is almost empty. Every New Year with my parents at our house.

Julia: | December 17th, 2017 | 6:12 pm

We definitely decorate the Christmas tree with the children. Every year we buy live pine. We cut out snowflakes with the children and decorate the windows. I bought my third balloon this year. self made for the youngest son. Now each of them has their own. I try to replenish my collection of Christmas tree decorations every year.
I try to cook something new for the New Year's table. We try to have dinner at 8-9 o'clock, and at midnight we have champagne and delicious tartlets.

Zoya: | December 17th, 2017 | 2:25 pm

We celebrate the New Year at home with the whole family. There is a decorated Christmas tree in the yard and the house itself is also decorated. Gifts for adults are under the tree, but you cannot see them until 24.00. For kids, Santa Claus brings gifts under the tree outside and leaves them in a bag. They see all this through the window, then run for gifts. We are writing a letter to Santa Claus before New Year. A photo shoot is a must for every New Year.

Margarita: | December 16th, 2017 | 9:45 pm

Every year we always get into the car at 9-10 pm and drive around all the big Christmas trees in the city, the children go down the slides, and by 12 pm we return home. The table is set in advance and after such a walk the mood is the most New Year's. Every year we buy new toy to the Christmas tree. And of course, gifts are waiting for everyone under the tree.

Anastasia: | December 16th, 2017 | 9:09 pm

Daria, thank you very much for the marathon! Thanks to him, the New Year's mood appears already at the beginning of December. So many interesting ideas!
1. We always decorate the Christmas tree with the whole family.
2. On New Year's Eve we hide gifts for the whole family under the tree.
3. Prepare goose, Olivier, cheese salad.
4. At the table we read New Year’s predictions.
5. In the first days of January, our family goes to see a cartoon, often it was the Three Bogatyrs.
6. Thanks to Dasha, we started a new tradition: baking gingerbread and making homemade sweets and chocolate sausage.

Elena: | December 16th, 2017 | 4:40 pm

Every year we decorated the pine tree with real candies and tangerines) And this year, on your advice, we started writing letters to Santa Claus) Since my little one is only 9 months old, we dipped her palms in finger paints and left fingerprints on the letter to Santa Claus) So that everyone wrote the letter!)

Tatiana: | December 16th, 2017 | 3:48 pm

1. The Christmas tree must be real
2. We celebrate at home, invite our closest relatives.
3. Olivier, red caviar and champagne.
4. I bake stained glass gingerbread cookies.
5. On the 1st, kebabs, and on the 2nd, hodgepodge)
6. New tradition– I’m drawing a New Year’s themed board game) Let’s play)

Olga: | December 16th, 2017 | 12:22 pm

Our family is young, the child is small, so the traditions are also young:
-we always decorate the Christmas tree together
-for the coming year we give our relatives calendars with general photos
-on New Year's Eve we write our most cherished wishes for the next year and hang them on the tree, and then put them in a box with Christmas decorations until next year. Almost everything comes true 😜
-We slightly remade the tradition with the piggy bank. All year long we put change in a piggy bank, and at the end of the year we transfer the accumulated amount to a special account in which we save money for the construction of our house)))

Olga: | December 16th, 2017 | 11:02 am

Hello, thanks for the marathon! Creates a New Year's mood. And we make dumplings. We invite guests - all relatives. 10-12 people are recruited. We knead the dough, prepare the minced meat and sit down to sculpt. Children run, scream, dress up in costumes. There is turmoil, laughter, noise, and adults are sculpting. Children periodically join in the modeling, this creates even more turmoil. Flour flies in all directions, laughter. Then we cook it and eat it all!

Irina: | December 16th, 2017 | 10:35 am

I am very glad that I decided to participate in the marathon!!! Thank you very much!!! So many ideas, so much positivity!!! Unfortunately, I don’t always have time to complete all the tasks, but I try. Today our family will cut out snowflakes and decorate the windows. We always decorate the Christmas tree together, it’s fun and very cool.

Lyudmila: | December 28th, 2016 | 11:55 am

Thank you, Dasha, for the marathon! Everything somehow happens by itself. Everything is washed, put away, dressed up, bought. All that remains is to prepare and celebrate the New Year. We have a tradition of always having a live Christmas tree (we only sell pine trees, but that doesn’t matter). And there will definitely be a lot of gifts under the Christmas tree with poems and wishes. We open it for them after 12. We open, we try, we show off. Last year we wrote down 12 wishes and hid them. On New Year's Eve we will open it, we will read what has come true, and again next year we will write down our wishes.

Tatiana: | December 23rd, 2016 | 11:30 am

As in the famous film, on December 31st we go to the bathhouse. I cook Olivier salad and always have herring under a fur coat. We also grill shish kebab, but it depends on the weather, when there are severe frosts or snowstorms we have to cook the meat in the oven. We also make sure to watch The Irony of Fate on December 31st and of course decorate the Christmas tree, although it’s not always real, this year it will probably be artificial. Well, that’s all, you need to choose something else from the article, traditions are great.

Lyudmila: | December 23rd, 2016 | 7:33 am

Daria, thank you very much for the marathon. I enjoy reading your suggestions and assignments. It creates a mood. I want to tell you about one tradition that might appeal to those who have small children. The son was about three years when we celebrated the New Year in a new apartment. For the first time we had a real big Christmas tree. Thanks to his grandmothers, the son already knew what candy was and could eat everything they gave him in one sitting. And here at work, both my husband and I got gifts for our son. Giving him a gift is scary. I came up with such a game. When they decorated the tree, I said that it was magical and candies grew on it. In the morning, my son always ran to the tree and looked for candy. And they grew (one or two). If my son didn’t want to sleep, then I explained that if he didn’t sleep, the candy wouldn’t grow. Once, when my son was already growing up, I decided that there was no need to hang candy. But the son, supporting the game, asked why candies don’t grow on the Christmas tree? This was the last year they grew. Maybe they will start growing again when the grandchildren appear.

Marina: | December 23rd, 2016 | 12:32 am

Definitely gifts under the tree that appear at midnight. I really liked the idea of ​​a sweet treasure and a lucky dumpling. I do this with a pie - a coin for wealth and a bean for good luck)))

Elena: | December 22nd, 2016 | 10:51 am

Thanks everyone for the new ideas. In our childhood we put up pine (spruce doesn’t grow there) and now the tradition has begun to put up pine instead of spruce (and the aroma is stronger and the needles don’t fall out and pleasant memories of childhood. traditional goose, Olivier and most importantly homemade candies from cookies and waffles with poop truffles , with beetroot juice - strawberries and sausage made from cookies with nuts, condensed milk and sweet butter: my sons (already having children of their own) were absolutely delighted, this was their childhood, and gifts for the grandchildren for the Christmas tree

Julia: | December 22nd, 2016 | 10:08 am

We order sushi for the New Year so as not to cook at all) we buy a new toy every year, on the 1st we go to our mother, where Olivier (including Lenten) is waiting for us. On the 2nd we walk all day. And during the holidays, be sure to go up the hill and admire beautiful Moscow. Well, meeting with friends.

Olga S: | December 29th, 2015 | 10:43 am

It has already become a tradition for me to participate in the “New Year’s Eve” flash mob.
Another family tradition from my childhood passed into mine new family– put gifts under the tree and unwrap them on the morning of January 1st.
This year I started the tradition of doing Advent for children, so far only for my son, because... my daughter is still small. I write him letters with tasks from Santa Claus. And so that he would be interested in the letter, I replace some words with pictures and then I read the text, and he pronounces the words encrypted by the picture.

Gulmira: | December 29th, 2015 | 6:14 am

which good ideas! It is our tradition to celebrate the New Year with fun! There is a tradition where we pull out wishes in NG, there is also a tradition of Santa Claus coming with gifts and letters!

Asya: | December 28th, 2015 | 1:14 pm

So many great ideas!!!
We haven’t developed any traditions yet)) As a child, we always decorated the Christmas tree together, always hung candy, found gifts under the tree)) And always at home, as I remember.
Now I really want to establish my own traditions! Decorating a Christmas tree (and definitely with candies too), celebrating houses, writing a letter to Santa Claus, New Year's dishes, family viewing of New Year's films, family photos, making a collection of Christmas tree decorations, cutting out snowflakes for neighbors, making a box for good deeds and joyful events - I really liked these ideas! Thanks everyone!

Elena: | December 28th, 2015 | 12:34 pm

Thanks a lot for good advice. Next year I will be more experienced. A family tradition is the family gathering at the New Year's table. A live Christmas tree is a must.

Valeria: | December 28th, 2015 | 7:59 am

And this year my husband and I are not going to our parents’ families, but we will celebrate the three of us (we’ll put our little son to bed, so it’s almost just the two of us). I want to get a beautiful jar or box, where we will put notes with pleasant memories all next year, good deeds and joyful events. And next New Year we will open it and re-read everything - we will remember.

Anyutka: | December 28th, 2015 | 7:37 am

And with the children, be sure to read some interesting New Year's book

Anyutka: | December 28th, 2015 | 7:34 am

We have the following traditions:
1.decorate the Christmas tree
2.baking Christmas cookies
3.preparing a waiting calendar (for 10 days) with tasks and gifts
4. We go (necessarily when it gets dark) to check whether the city is ready for the New Year with an obligatory stop to recuperate at a favorite family cafe

Yulita: | December 27th, 2014 | 12:51 pm

My husband and I have a tradition of preparing the Olivier salad together and taking a traditional bath on the 31st.

Polina: | December 27th, 2014 | 8:19 am

1. The whole family decorates the Christmas tree
2. Decorate the Christmas tree with sweets in addition to toys
3 listening to the President's New Year's speech

Elena Kuzmina: | December 26th, 2014 | 4:07 pm

1. We had this tradition: we celebrated the Russian New Year with my parents, and the Ukrainian New Year with my husband’s parents. Now we have one new year (We live in Crimea), but we decided not to cancel the tradition, and still celebrate 2 new years.
2. For 2 new years we have been playing predictions. We printed cards with predictions: real and comic. Everyone pulls out several cards in a circle. It turned out that this is a very entertaining and funny activity :-) And a year later we check what has come true.
3. Make wishes, write them down and seal them in an envelope. We'll see in a year.
4. I make calendars for my family for next year with photos of the past year.
5. On January 2 or 3, we go to the premiere of the cartoon with the whole family.
6. We open the piggy bank that our grandfather collects all year. We divide it among 3 grandchildren. Then they spend it :-)
7. We also go to the city Christmas tree on January 2 with the whole family.
8. We watch “The Lord of the Rings” every year and Christmas movies every evening during the holidays.
9. Every year I make hand-made toys and decor
I really want a family photo shoot every year in the snow, but we don’t have snow on New Year’s Eve :-(

Julia: | December 26th, 2014 | 11:29 am

We have traditions: I make a photo book for all my relatives for the past year with children’s photographs. Let's decorate the Christmas tree together. Photos together - somehow it didn’t really catch on, although I would like to
This year I want: a photo at the Christmas tree, a photo shoot in outfits, a theater
Everything was bought for the photo shoot, I found a script for the (shadow) theater, all that was left was one character and the scenery to cut out and make a screen.

Oksana: | December 26th, 2014 | 11:12 am

and we buy a box of Kinder surprises on New Year's Eve and after the chimes begin to snatch and open the Kinders, look at what fell out there, put them somewhere on a shelf and then see if it came true)) such fortune telling on Kinders))
but I would like to introduce gingerbread houses, like Daria’s on the website))
Happy New Year!!!

Marina: | December 26th, 2014 | 11:11 am

On January 1, we open the piggy bank where we put 10 ruble coins all year and use them to buy a homemade gift. For several years now I have been preparing for the holiday with a marathon. For the first time I am decorating a house on a large scale; today, for example, I painted the windows. The menu is also traditional and we always celebrate the holiday with our family at home.

Elena: | December 26th, 2014 | 7:16 am

We do it every year paper snowflakes all together on the windows (although dad prefers to watch from the side, but sits with us). And we update the decoration of the Christmas tree with homemade toys. And we’ll meet as best we can – it’s not always possible to get everyone together on New Year’s Eve.

Valentina: | December 26th, 2014 | 6:50 am

Thank you for the article

Maria: | November 29th, 2014 | 6:44 pm

I offer these 5 simple New Year traditions: I want to offer these new year traditions:

– family collection of Christmas tree decorations
– a jar with a year’s supply of positivity
- farewell to the old year
New Year's collection magazines
– annual photo

Elena: | December 25th, 2013 | 8:11 pm

1.We celebrate every New Year only at home.
2 We decorate the Christmas tree on December 30 and only with figurines of animals and people. We already have a large collection. This year I bought horses.
3. We also decorate the entire apartment.
4. On January 1, we go to visit our mother-in-law with our whole family.
5. A photo shoot is required every New Year.

Sairana: | December 25th, 2013 | 5:23 dp

One good tradition is that for each new year we buy one new book on a New Year’s theme and read it with the whole family.

Elena: | December 31st, 2012 | 4:59 pm

we decorate the Christmas tree, although for the last three years it’s not a real one, but it was always up to the ceiling, we decorate the house. gifts are only under the tree.

Olga: | December 29th, 2012 | 10:39 am

We decorated the Christmas tree, now we’ll just decorate the house, we’ll do a snowflake competition, now it’s more difficult, the older the parents are, the harder it is for them to become children. We open the door for the New Year to the sound of the chimes, and then who will be the first to find their gift under the tree. There will be new games with children, since children have just appeared.

Olga.I: | December 27th, 2012 | 6:28 pm

This year we tried to introduce a tradition - making gingerbread houses with children. It went with a bang!!! We don’t live in Russia and we have to give gifts when all the children here receive them. Of course, we celebrate New Year too! So, the day before, before Santa Claus arrived, we had a small family dinner, and for dessert - decorating gingerbread houses!!! Imagine - the WHOLE family, without exception, took part! I didn’t expect it to be so exciting and fun and delicious! All preparatory work I kept it to a minimum - house blanks and white marzipan were smoked at IKEA. The day before hour X and one of my daughters had a dress rehearsal)))) - I glued the walls and roofs, and she painted the marzipan red and green colors. We used white chocolate as the “cement” for the gingerbread – the simplest option. A piece of chocolate is placed in a bag, then the whole thing is microwaved for 30-45 seconds, then a tiny corner of the bag is cut off - and you can glue it!!! Fast and tasty!!!

Olga: | December 27th, 2012 | 9:09 am

In our family every year
1) we buy a new toy, the one that our daughter chooses,
2) the whole family decorates the Christmas tree and decorates the house,
3) write a letter to Santa Claus and send it by paper plane from the bridge of lovers
4) We make dumplings, wrap cabbage or potatoes in one instead of meat, this dumpling is lucky, and the one who gets it too!!!
5) We send postcards to family and friends by mail
6) we organize a walk with downhill and ice skating
7) We watch the President’s congratulations, open the champagne, watch festive fireworks in the courtyard
8)After this we return home, and there are gifts waiting under the tree.
9) and our dad also hangs gilets on the Christmas tree, in which banknotes of different denominations are pre-hidden; whoever cuts which one will get 100, 500 or 1000 (the main prize) rubles.
Our parents did a lot, and we continue them good traditions, some of it was brought in ourselves.

Answer: Thank you! I especially liked about the walkers :)

Anna: | December 27th, 2012 | 8:31 am

Together we decorate the Christmas tree and decorate the house. On the night of January 1, everyone finds gifts under the tree. New Year's table and splashes of champagne during the striking of the Chimes - that goes without saying. Fireworks on the street. I would like to add notes with wishes.

Ekaterina: | December 27th, 2012 | 7:20 am

Our family is still new – we’ve only been celebrating the 2nd New Year together. There were no special traditions in my family, and neither did my husband. But I really want to have something of my own for the family, I think it’s time to start one. Together we decorated the Christmas tree and decorated the apartment.
My friend has a tradition: early in the morning on December 31, her whole family and friends gather in the forest near a live Christmas tree, decorate it and celebrate the New Year, saying goodbye to the old one.

Maria: | December 27th, 2012 | 6:30 am

In the meantime, we are only decorating the Christmas tree, but it must be a live one, so that there is the smell of the New Year.
I also want to make an album where every year I will make handprints of my daughters (the eldest is 2.9 years old, the youngest is 3 months old). It will be interesting to see how they grow over the year.
nothing new came to mind.

New Year is a good reason to add something new to your life. And it doesn’t matter whether your family is young or not - it’s never too late to resume old traditions or come up with new ones!

Perhaps it is these bright and joyful moments that your child will remember, will remember them with warmth after many years and will keep them in his family.

Here are ideas for traditions, rituals and just pleasant everyday little things that you can take note of.

- Celebrate the New Year with your family.

Make an advent calendar or countdown to the New Year.

Making Christmas decorations and making a figurine of an animal symbolizing
the coming year.

On the eve of the holiday, hide small gifts or notes from Santa Claus under the child’s pillow.

Place holiday harbingers around the apartment.

A week before the New Year, give up everything tasty so that holiday treats bring real joy not only to children, but also to adults!

- Collect unnecessary things and take them to charitable organizations.

Send homemade greeting cards.

Go to the library before the New Year and choose a thematic book there that you will read every evening.

Place books about Christmas, New Year and simply winter themes on the shelf. Read them on the eve of the holiday and throughout the winter, and then put them away again. Every year we find new books that are age-appropriate for children.

- Make a photo album with pictures of the most interesting and significant events of this year
of the year. Before the holiday, look at albums from previous years.

Write down on paper the saddest, most offensive and unpleasant moments of the past year, especially if they bother your child (or you), and burn the list.

Write a list of promises and wishes for the next year. Read it next year and note what you managed to implement. You can also cut and paste pictures from magazines if your child cannot write.

Before the New Year, change something in the interior of the house: rearrange the furniture or replace the covers and upholstery on it, change the curtains, tablecloth, towels or shower curtain.

For the holiday, take out the New Year's service and tablecloth. For example, made by yourself.

Make New Year's costumes for all family members and pets.

- Every year, arrange a photo shoot for the whole family, including grandparents and other close relatives. Or just take a photo every year in front of the Christmas tree. Over time, there will be more and more such photographs, and it will be very interesting to watch how family members change.

Make a photo album with pictures of significant events of the past year. Remember and discuss the happiest moments.

Decorate the Christmas tree, prepare salads and decorate the apartment while listening to good New Year's songs. These could be soulful retro hits of Ella Fitzgerald, Frank Sinatra, Louis Armstrong or old Soviet songs.

Bake gingerbread or cookies. Collect all kinds of baking molds and decorations and make as many different gingerbread cookies as possible. Put them all in one bag and invite your guests to pull out one gingerbread at a time: what falls out is what awaits them in the coming year. You'll have to use a lot of imagination to figure out what a squirrel, clown, star or house means. You can also hang gingerbread cookies on the tree and, starting from January 1st, eat one piece at a time, and when there is not a single gingerbread left, remove the tree.

- The youngest member of the family begins to decorate the Christmas tree. You can hang first homemade toy, for example, with the symbol of the coming year. Or start decorating the Christmas tree with a new toy every year.

When the Christmas tree is decorated, gather with the whole family and say in unison: “Christmas tree, light up!” and turn on the garland.

Figure out how to give gifts on New Year's Eve: discreetly place gifts under the tree so that the child opens them the night before or on New Year's Eve, put gifts in one large bag and then distribute them to everyone gathered, gifts are given by Santa Claus, the child finds gifts under the tree the next day morning.

Give your grandparents photo gifts every year.

Give gifts to all pets, be it a dog, a hamster or an aquarium fish.

Watch the same movie with the whole family every year, for example “Home Alone”, “Frost”, “Carnival Night”, “Miracle on 34th Street”.

- Leave a special gift under the Christmas tree for the apartment in which you live. It could be new picture, carpet or even a “certificate” for installing windows or a new kitchen. And also smaller items to replace those that may have become unusable over the years: a toothbrush cup, cutting boards, a trash can or a door mat.

Make peace with friends and relatives before the New Year, ask for forgiveness, so as not to bear resentment in the coming year.

Thank each of those gathered at the table for some specific spiritual qualities or actions. Or just take turns giving compliments and good words each other.

Place almonds in a cake or salad. Whoever gets it will have a happy event in the New Year.

Place small gifts in slippers every day until the Old New Year, if the child did not forget to put the slippers under the Christmas tree. Also, gifts (for example, just candy) can be placed under the pillow or in a Christmas stocking.

- Every year, make a gnome from the trunk of a used Christmas tree.

On Christmas Eve (the evening before Christmas) put twelve different dishes or at least twelve different products on the table.

Fortune telling at Christmas, for example, with wax. Pour the melted wax into a bowl of water, and when it hardens, place it on a contrasting background and try to guess what kind of figure it is and what it reminds you of.

New Year is always a noisy celebration. Pre-holiday bustle in the form of choosing and purchasing gifts, outfits, Christmas tree decorations, food for preparing a dinner party brings many only nervous breakdowns and fatigue. As usual, this holiday follows the same scenario every year. And every time we try to celebrate the coming year outside the home, outside the family, away from loved ones. The article presents reflections on the following topics: why the prospect of celebrating the New Year with our family scares us; why it is important to make this holiday truly family-friendly and what is needed for this.

New Year's Eve has long ago become for everyone a symbol of the renewal of the world created by mankind. On this magical day, December 31, until midnight, each of us gives ourselves a countless number of unshakable promises, unbreakable vows, makes a host of fulfilled or doomed desires, and, of course, prepares to begin on January 1 a completely different one, full of joy, goodness, love and happiness life.

Vanity precedes all this. Buying gifts, which in most cases are either very expensive (for extra showiness) or very similar to a ransom (after all, it’s customary to give, so you have to give something). Disputes about where to celebrate and what to wear. If you have children, then think about where to place them during the “adult” feast. If there are elderly parents, decisions are made about whether to visit them at all, and if so, how long to stay there. If you plan to visit several familiar families in the evening or night, then the order of their visits is established by quarreling and slamming doors. The options can be listed endlessly.

There is no doubt that the New Year's weekend intuitively makes us strive for a noisy, cheerful pastime due to historical background. “How you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it,” our ancestors used to say. Therefore, January 1 has always been considered a day of idle idleness and unbridled celebrations, while December 31 was recommended to be spent quietly, boringly and sadly, so that the coming year would turn out to be joyful and blessed. Since ancient times, songs and shouts, the ringing of bells, the firing of rifles and cannons on New Year's Eve were called upon to drive out all evil spirits and call upon good spirits. Today's loud screams, explosions of firecrackers and firecrackers, small fireworks, the burning of sparklers and candles worthily continue the described ancient traditions of our country. We seem to have forgotten only one tradition amid all this external carnival: new year - family holiday.

Most of us have a negative attitude towards all kinds of family celebrations and therefore are not eager to spend the New Year with your family. These are really not very pleasant chores: you need to clean the house, decorate the rooms, spend almost the whole day preparing holiday dishes (everything should turn out not only appetizing, but also elegant), get nervous about the money spent on food, alcohol, souvenirs, festive clothes and tinsel. In addition, almost everyone has at least 15 relatives, and you cannot invite some and not others, otherwise a mistake will result in a lifelong resentment on the part of the “rejected”. And like the apotheosis of excitement - the anticipation of the finale of the holiday. It necessarily contains, for example, immobile guests who will need to be sent home by taxi as valuable cargo. It also involves uncontrollable children who will constantly get in the way and do whatever comes into their head. And after the guests leave, the owners will be left with mountains of dirty dishes that they don’t want to wash after a whole day of cooking. As a result, there will be no pleasure left from meeting a new milestone, no strength, and no wishes for Grandfather Frost.

On the other hand, a troubling observation can be made. Everyday life - work; I want to devote my vacation to myself; Birthdays and other holidays are monotonous gatherings at the table that end the same way, so there is absolutely no desire to go there. It turns out that the family practically never gets together. And this is unfortunate, because this is exactly what our society lacks now - strong family ties. The family has been an important part of people's lives for many centuries. Everyone knew that behind him there was real support, protection, help, and this calmed him down and gave him strength. Now gender as such means nothing. He gradually lost his authority, and we, instead of returning its significance, on the contrary, in every possible way push away any opportunity to change this set of circumstances. Thus, with our own hands we make ourselves weak, and, partly, lonely.

Many European countries have their own long-standing traditions of celebrating the New Year. There are none in Russia. Noisy sledding, trips abroad, trips to nightclubs, corporate parties, launching multi-colored lights into the sky, etc. - all these types of events winter holidays take place in many parts of the planet. So why not create an authentic tradition that will not only become a distinctive feature of how Russians greet the coming year, but will also make us stronger spiritually?

There is nothing difficult about staying close to your loved ones on New Year's Eve and having fun with them. As they say, you can’t catch a fish without effort, so all family members will have to put in a little effort. It is advisable to think about the menu in advance, distribute responsibilities around the house, plan the day of December 31 so that everyone has time to take a walk together, go to the theater, to a concert, to the square where folk festivals take place, to the hill, play snowballs and carry out similar events.

In order not to turn the holiday into a dull, ordinary sitting at the table, into the process of absorbing food and alcohol, it makes sense to come up with interesting activities, in which the whole family will participate. Board games, viewing the positive film on New Year's theme (preferably without the TV - it’s better to prepare a disc of your choice), Balloons with fortunes, gift exchange, karaoke (whoever has everything you need) - coupled with other exciting options, these entertainments will make your stay at home, close to your loved ones, comfortable and positively fulfilling.

By showing imagination and involving the whole family in preparing the holiday, everyone will get the chance to give themselves the best New Year's gift, bringing together what supports a person's harmony with the world, peace of mind, and confidence in the future, despite prejudices.

Is New Year a family holiday for you?

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What are family traditions? With a high degree of probability, it can be assumed that when the phrase “family traditions” is mentioned, most people have associations with the words “home”, “relatives”, “parents”, “children”.
And indeed, if you close your eyes and mentally say the word “childhood”, then, along with loved ones and family and the homeliness of your parents’ home, other associations arise in the human mind, something that is unique only to your family. It is precisely this “something” that can be called a family tradition.

These memories are very deep in the human consciousness, since the actions that we mean by the concept of “family traditions” have been repeated many times since early childhood. If your family did not have established traditions, other memories from childhood loom large in your memory - usually bright and colorful, but often they are not related to the family.

It is also characteristic that in human memory not only the tradition itself is stored, but also the smallest details associated with it - starting with a special method of preparing seasoning for dumplings, and ending with such little things as a place to store an album with photographs of children.

Our favorite holiday of the year is approaching - New Year. For most people, New Year is a family holiday with its own traditions and customs. Family traditions bring all relatives closer together, making a family a family, and not just a community of relatives by blood. Home customs and rituals can become a kind of vaccination against the alienation of children from their parents and their mutual misunderstanding. And New Year's celebrations are perfect for this purpose!

Everyone is preparing to welcome the coming year in their own way. Some people get together with the whole family on the eve of the holiday and go buy a Christmas tree that everyone likes, while others do this with their child every year New Year's toys and decorates the Christmas tree, and someone goes to celebrate the New Year to visit their loved ones or friends. All these are wonderful New Year traditions that play an important role in the development of personality (especially if there is a child in the family). After all, family is not just loving parents, but also their own traditions. By observing them, the child feels like one of the participants and organizer of the holiday, and subsequently becomes a self-confident optimist.

All these are wonderful New Year traditions that play an important role in the development of personality (especially if there is a child in the family). After all, a family is not just loving parents, but also its own traditions. By observing them, the child feels like one of the participants and organizer of the holiday, and subsequently becomes a self-confident optimist.

Do you have your own traditions for celebrating the New Year? If there is, that’s great, but if not, then maybe get them? After all, all traditions once had their beginning! It makes sense to do this both for our own sake (to create a festive mood and vivid memories of the past holiday), and for the sake of our children. After all, their own family happiness largely depends on how cozy and comfortable they feel with their family.

For example, some families have the following New Year traditions:
1. Christmas tree is set 2 weeks before the New Year and remains until Epiphany. The selection, purchase, installation and decoration of the Christmas tree is carried out by the whole family.

2. Walking through the evening city, decorated with bright festive illuminations, romantic dinner to a cafe and buying a few new toys for your Christmas tree.

3. Buying New Year's outfits for a fun carnival held on December 31 in the family circle with friends. These are different New Year's costumes, masks, ears, horns, in general, everything that can be useful for organizing a fun New Year's evening.

4. When going on a visit, we take with us a pre-prepared bag New Year's gifts, put on masks, wigs, false noses and go congratulate the whole family with neighbors, friends, close relatives (parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts...).

5. Exactly at midnight, at the chime of the clock, on December 31, for 1 minute, everyone makes their cherished wishes and lights sparklers.

6. An hour before the New Year, you can write a letter to yourself. In the letter we describe our plans, dreams and hopes, wishes to ourselves and loved ones. The letters are put into envelopes, sealed and waiting in the wings - the next New Year. It will be interesting to read them in a year.

7. A few days before the New Year, invite your baby’s friends to visit and arrange a party for them with New Year’s treats, competitions, games and, of course, gifts. Organize a real carnival with New Year's costumes and outfits.

8. Keep a family history. Get together as a family and write down all the important family events of the past year. These could be the personal achievements of each family member, or they could be memories of where they managed to visit this year. It all depends on your imagination.

9. Making Christmas tree decorations with the whole family (or with friends) indicating the upcoming New Year is a mandatory New Year’s tradition. A few years later, you will look with admiration at toys made, it would seem, quite recently.

10. On the box with Christmas tree decorations that we take out every year from our mezzanines, write new year wishes Happy New Year to each other. How nice it will be to read them next year in preparation for the New Year holidays.

These, of course, are not all New Year’s traditions - and only you, with your imagination and creativity, can multiply them and create the atmosphere of a real family holiday. Create your own family traditions and treasure them carefully! Will it be difficult to perform home performances, a special New Year's dish, or a family song performed for festive table or under the tree, not so important. The main thing is that after many, many years, your now grown-up child remembers the family New Year with joy and hidden sadness and wants to revive the traditions of his parents’ home in his own family.

Happy upcoming holiday!

The material was prepared by Voronina I.A., deputy. head according to UVR

based on materials from the site