Family traditions and the world around us 2. Our friendly family

Topic: “Family Traditions”

Objective of the lesson: Form children's ideas about family relationships, about family responsibilities, about traditions and family relics;

Lesson objectives:

1. developing a belief about the importance of family in a person’s life;

2. Develop interest in the history of your family, family traditions, pedigree, develop the ability to carry out project work and present it;

3. cultivate an understanding of the need to take care of weak, sick, old family members, a desire to maintain the traditions of one’s family, and preserve family heirlooms;

Teaching methods: practical, problem-search methods independent work, work in pairs, group, verbal, visual

Equipment: interactive whiteboard, stickers, markers, colored paper, scissors, glue. Lesson progress

1.Organizational stage. (Greetings, psychological attitude to work)

Everyone stood in a circle beautifully,

Greeted politely

We'll take a slight breath

Let's begin the lesson of knowledge!

Let's, guys, smile at each other and start our lesson in high spirits. Game "Leaf Fall". In front of you are leaves of three colors (yellow, green, orange), I suggest you take any leaf (children take one leaf at a time), so you are divided into groups. Now, let's take our seats. The first group is the first row, the second group is the second row, the third is the third.

2.Updating knowledge

Today our lesson is unusual. Firstly, there are guests at our lesson, and secondly- you will determine the topic on which we will work today, and thirdly, as a result of a joint search, we will find answers to complex questions that concern many people. I suggest looking at the board. Slide 1

Guys, here are three pictures - relaxation, tea drinking, decoration Christmas tree. What do you think these pictures mean, and what are we going to talk about today? (Children's answers) That's right, today we will talk about family traditions, the traditions of every family. What would you like to learn in this lesson? Why do you need to observe family traditions?

Reading a poem by heart by Dima Ibatulin

Family traditions... They contain the wisdom of our ancestors.
Family traditions... They have the stamp of time.
Family traditions are a wonderful heritage.
We will bequeath it to our children.

But in order to talk about traditions, I propose to remember what we talked about in the last lesson? (about family)

Let's remember what a family is? (this is a group of close relatives living together).

Family. Quite often we hear or pronounce this word, but how often do we think about what it means? FAMILY - there are so many mysteries in this word! There are several versions of its origin.

I suggest viewing the presentations prepared by Snezhana and Sofia.

Presentation prepared by Shamsutdinova Snezhana

The word “family” is divided into 2 words “seven” and “I”, i.e. 7 + i. That means seven like me. After all, everyone in a family is somewhat similar to each other: face, voice, look, character; there may be common interests, hobbies.

“Seven” is not divisible. It is considered a special number and reminds us that the “family” is also one and indivisible.

And we can also say that the word “family” comes from the word “SEED”. A small seed, planted with love in the ground, soon gives rise to a strong sprout, on which, over time, first delicate flowers appear, and then good fruits.

When your parents started a family, it also resembled a small seed. It had to be nurtured with love: living in harmony, caring for each other. The family grows stronger, and the seed turns into a strong sprout. The first flowers - sons and daughters - bloom on it.

Presentation of the story by Petrova Sofia.-Once upon a time, a boy lived on a distant island. He lived all alone. No one raised him, no one punished him, he did not share nuts and fruits with anyone. But this boy was very sad.

One day he went to the seashore. And suddenly a gray-haired old man came out to meet him. He was very old, but very wise.

Where are you going? - asked the old man

I'm going to look for a place where I won't be so lonely.

I know how to help you. “Come with me,” the old man suggested.

He brought the boy to his house, where his children and grandchildren lived.

Listen! - said the old man.

We all live in the same house, we rejoice together, we are sad together, we eat together what nature has given us, we help each other.

Stay! I will be your grandfather, my son and his wife will be your father and mother, and my grandchildren will be your brothers and sisters.

The boy stayed, and after a while he realized that only now had he learned to rejoice and become truly happy. And this happened because he had a family.

Work in pairs.

Guys, I invite you to discuss the story and draw conclusions.

Do you think it is difficult for a person without a family that supports and understands him?

How did the boy realize that he was truly happy?

And does a person need to feel happy and needed? (the children, having thought about and analyzed the text, prove to each other that family and family traditions are necessary for every creature on earth)

Reading the text by heart by Ibatullina Angela.

Once upon a time the earth did not hear about him...

But Adam said to Eve before the wedding:

Now I will ask you seven questions.

Who will give birth to children for me, my goddess?

And Eva answered quietly:

Who will raise them, my queen?

And Eva answered obediently:

Who will prepare the food, oh my joy?

And Eve still answered:

Who sews the dress, washes the linen,

Will he caress me and decorate my home?

Answer the questions, my friend!

I... I... - Eva said quietly,

She said the famous seven I.

This is how a family appeared on earth.

Who do we call close relatives? (people who have common parents, grandparents, great-grandparents)

A family can be small or large. Several generations can live in a family. How do you understand this?

Each person has a first name, patronymic, and last name.

Parents choose names for children.

Guys, at home you should have asked your parents why they called you that and tried to find out what your name means (several answers from the children).

And a patronymic is assigned to a person by whose name? (father)

1. Problem solving.

Sasha has a cousin, Daria Petrovna. What is the name of Sasha's mother's brother? (Peter.)

Two mothers, two daughters and a grandmother and granddaughter, and there are three of them in total. Who is this? (granddaughter, daughter, grandmother.)

2. Name the missing words.

* son, father, ... (grandfather), great-grandfather. (This is a male line.)

* great-grandmother, grandmother, ... (mother), daughter. (This is a women's line.)

3. State the name of Kolya’s uncle, if cousin If his name is Andrey Ilyich. (Ilya.)

Game "Folk Wisdom".

There are many proverbs and sayings about family. What proverbs can be made from these pieces. Explain their meaning. (proverbs are cut into several parts, children make up proverbs and explain their meaning)

A family is strong when there is only one roof over it.

In the family there is love and advice, and there is no need.

Why the treasure if there is harmony in the family?

The whole family is together, and the soul is in place

In your own family the porridge is thicker.

One for all and all for one.

Family is the refuge of the soul.

4. Physical education minute.

You all love to relax with your family. And I suggest you rest now during the warm-up. Listen to the task and complete it.

Those who have an older brother, stand up and clap your hands

Who has a sibling, wave your hand over your head

Those who help loved ones at home, stand up and clap your hands

Whoever has pets in the family, raise your hands up

Clap those who love their family very much

5. Conversation.

Each of you has people closest and dearest whom you love.

Who is this?

(Mom, dad, grandma, grandpa)

6. Working with the textbook.

Look at the drawing. What are family members doing?

Mom, dad?

7. Primary assimilation of new knowledge

The life of every family is filled with different worries.

What kind of family can be called friendly?

How are responsibilities and affairs distributed among family members?

What responsibilities do you have around the house?

What worries does every family have? (about younger people, about plants, animals, older people)

8. Reading a storyL. N. Tolstoy:

The old man was planting apple trees. They told him: “Why do you need these apple trees?

It will take a long time to wait for fruit from these apple trees, and you will not eat an apple from them.”

The old man said: “I won’t eat, others will eat and they will thank me.”

– Which matters can be called personal, which – family?

– What kind of family can be called friendly?

– In which family does harmony reign?

– Do you always follow advice?

– Are there male and female affairs in the family?

re-enactmentpoem by E. Uspensky “If I were a girl”

– Should all family responsibilities be divided into male and female? (Of course, men in the family take on more difficult work; women can do some things well, but there are things that in a close-knit family are done together. In such a family, it does not happen that someone works, and someone this time I was playing games or watching TV)

6. Conversation

Family was of great importance in the lives of our ancestors. The family discussed and solved important problems of everyday life and work (since the whole family worked in the field, in the workshop, etc.). There was always an elder in the family, whom everyone was obliged to obey. He maintained order. The head of the family was called the housebuilder. The youngest in the family came under the tutelage of either their father (boys) or mother (girls) and learned their craft and management. The old people were surrounded by honor and care. The mother-ancestress was especially respected.

Family is the most important thing in life for a person. What a blessing that you all have a family, a parental home - the beginning of all beginnings.

Listen to an excerpt from the essay prepared by Vanya.

The most important tradition in our family is caring for each other and helping those who need it. No wonder they say that a friend is a friend in need. And it’s so wonderful when there are family and friends nearby who can help and help out, provide support in any situation. Just recently, my grandmother needed to undergo a complex operation. And literally in a few days the relatives collected the required amount of money and gave it to us without hesitation. Grandma has already recovered, and I am very grateful to my big family for help, support and care for each other.

Presentation. Working with an interactive whiteboard

What are traditions? Tradition is customs passed on from older relatives to younger ones.

Why do people follow traditions?
What family traditions do you know?

Dramatizing a poem

And she asked her daughter:

Daughter: - How are you, daughter?

Have you crawled under the table again, fidget?

Did you sit all day without lunch again?

These daughters are in real trouble!

Soon you will be like a matchstick.

Go to lunch, spinner!

And she asked her daughter:

Mom: How are you, daughter?

Playing again, probably in the garden?

Have you managed to forget about food again?

"Dinner!" - granny shouted 100 times,

And you answered: “Now, yes now!”

These daughters are in real trouble,

Go to lunch, spinner!

And I asked my mother:

Grandmother: How are you, daughter?

Probably in the hospital for a whole day

Again there was not a minute to eat,

Did you eat a dry sandwich in the evening?

You can't sit all day without lunch!

She’s already become a doctor, but she’s still a fidget.

These daughters are just a disaster!

Soon you will be as thin as a match,

Go to lunch, spinner!

3 mothers looking at their daughters

What to do with stubborn daughters?

All: Oh, and it’s not easy to be mothers!

What family tradition did the girls show us?

Work in pairs

What traditions do your families have?

Every family has different traditions. Let's think about them. (Children in pairs tell each other about family traditions and then present them to the whole class)


Family traditions include your favorite family game, and a traditional family favorite dish, and reading bedtime stories.

So this can be called a family tradition?

Maslenitsa has been celebrated in Rus' since ancient times.

How many of your grandmothers or mothers bake pancakes at home on Maslenitsa? So this too folk tradition.

A common folk tradition is New Year's Eve

Group work

Guys, what are family traditions? What traditions do your families have? Let's demonstrate using a cluster (doing work in a group, protecting clusters, grading).

Learn about family heirlooms.

Write an essay about your family's traditions.

8. Lesson summary. Reflection.

So, what did we continue talking about?

What did you learn today that you didn’t know before?

What was interesting for you during the lesson?

Would you like to know as much as possible about your family traditions and heirlooms?

I propose to finish our lesson by writing on your palms what you remember, what you liked, what you didn’t like, what you would like to repeat.

Every person holds his own family and home very dear. And wherever we are, we always remember him, he attracts us with his warmth. A home is not only a roof over your head: it is the people closest to you.

I want to give you reminders.

All this is necessary for the family to be friendly and strong. At the end of our lesson, I would like to remind you of the wise commandment “Honor your father and mother, and it will be good for you, and you will live long.”

Memo for children.

    Love, appreciate and take care of your parents - no one can replace them for you.

    Overcome laziness, always try to help your parents - this will bring them joy.

    You like your mom's smile, your dad's approval. Try to have them in your home every day. It depends only on yourself.

    Say pleasant, affectionate words to your loved ones, never refuse help, offer it yourself.

    And if you get down to business, do it well, with soul.

And remember the words of Marina Tsvetaeva: “Don’t be too angry with your parents, remember that they were you, and you will be them.

Traditions, customs, and rituals exist in every family, which are very valuable for raising kind, decent people. For example, in the morning, when relatives wake up, they wish good morning each other, and at night they say good night.

The word family means a blood connection between relatives who are connected by everyday life, interconnection, and responsibility. They are always ready to help their relatives morally and financially, to come to the rescue, to support, to be happy, to be sad.

Family traditions are manners of behavior, principles established in the family, habits that the child will carry out in further development and teach them to his children.

Family holidays and traditions in the family can allow:

  1. They influence the child’s development, stability, and help children recognize friends in their parents with whom they can have fun.
  2. They bring relatives closer together, allow them to spend time together and enjoy life.
  3. They help you become a full-fledged family in society and gain cultural enrichment.

A person living in a family where traditions and customs are present will be surrounded by affection and attention.

Let's look at what family traditions there are in a family, examples:

Name Peculiarity
Birthday, family holiday With the help of this custom, children and parents will receive a lot of pleasure and a great mood from communicating with their family.
Household chores, cleaning From a young age, a child gets used to order and feels like a full-fledged member of the family.
Children's games Thanks to developing games the child begins to get used to it, love his parents, learns skills, maintains a trusting and warm relationship.
Family dinners The custom helps everyone present at home to unite at one table, receive guests, and discuss family problems of relatives and friends.
Family Council Blood relatives of the family hold meetings where various issues are discussed. Raising children, rewards, punishments.
Greetings, farewells Various words of praise, kisses, hugs, signs of attention to children from parents and loved ones.
Days of remembrance and walks together They remember and commemorate departed relatives, days of relaxation in nature, trips to the circus, cinema, and shopping help fill their lives with variety.

Throughout their lives, people use established customs and rituals that are passed down from generation to generation. The rituals show the customs of the family, holidays, weddings, and various celebrations. With the help of rituals, national songs and dances appeared.

There are so many families in the world, so many traditions that can be fascinating and interesting:

  1. Overnight fishing trip. Spending the night in a tent and boiling fish soup over a fire will bring children many new positive emotions.
  2. Family cooking dinner. When preparing any dish, everyone is given a task. This will bring a lot of fun and joyful emotions.
  3. Birthdays. Waking up in the morning, a family member is told a clue that he is looking for a gift.
  4. Travel to the sea. Packing your bags together, going on vacation, sunbathing, swimming. This will unite, bring the family closer, and give wonderful impressions.
  5. Make your own gifts without any reason, to confess your love.
  6. Bake a pie with the whole family For kindergarten for any occasion, it will bring a lot of pleasure.
  7. Bedtime story. Not only mom can read, but dad and dad can take turns reading. Then wish the children pleasant dreams, embrace them and kiss them. Even small child will feel that he is surrounded by the care, attention, and love of his parents.
  8. Make scenes at home, performances, singing songs, reciting poems. A friendly family will be pleased with these events, especially children.
  9. Celebrate Christmas and New Year in new places so that the children will remember each year for a long time.

New traditions and customs

When a new family appears, family traditions do not always coincide between spouses. For one, family holidays were celebrated in a wide family circle, where all relatives were present.

The bride, on the contrary, is in a close circle. Because of this, disagreements and quarrels may arise. To come to the right result, you can come up with new traditions and regulations in the family, if there is desire and consent.

To do this you need to follow the steps:

  • come up with a new family tradition where all family members will participate;
  • be the first to show interest in the undertaking;
  • you should not invent too many customs every day;
  • repeat the tradition several times to consolidate and remember.

Family traditions from different countries

Individual countries, as a rule, have their own statutes, orders, customs, and traditions. IN UK It is customary to raise children in strictness and to restrain emotions.

Looking from the outside, one can testify that they do not love their children. On the contrary, it is customary for them to give parental love in such a way that it differs from upbringing in Russia.

IN Japan mother sitting with child in maternity leave until it reaches 6 summer age. She doesn’t yell at him, she indulges him, fulfills his whims. At school, on the contrary, children are brought up in strictness, taught to order. Several generations can live in a house.

IN Germany There is a custom to get married at a late age. It is customary to first make a career, after which by the age of 30 you are allowed to get married and have children.

IN Italy, all relatives, even distant ones, are considered one family. They often gather around a common table to discuss everyone's problems.

Svetlana Morozova

I present to your attention creative work my student.

In our lives we communicate with different people, but the people closest to us are our relatives, our family. Family is a person’s closest circle. In any family, good relationships, mutual assistance, family traditions.

Word « tradition» came to us from Latin language And means"broadcast". Traditions- this is something in our lives that is passed on from one generation to another, from older to younger. Thanks to traditions the wisdom of the elders is passed on to the young.

Many families have special traditions. One of them is family reading. From childhood, my mother instilled a love of reading and books in me and my older brother; in the evenings she always read aloud to us, and sometimes, switching roles, we read aloud. There are so many interesting and instructive things in each book!

In any family, adults help children, and children help adults. Caring for children, the elderly, and the sick is the duty of every person. On weekends, my parents and I visit my grandparents, we buy food and medicine for them, and help clean up the house and garden.

Wonderful tradition became for our family and our numerous relatives joint Job in a large vegetable garden in the village. Gathering All: from small to large. Planting, weeding and harvesting potatoes for us holiday: first we work together, then we also cook dinner together and arrange family gatherings, with songs, jokes, intimate conversations.

I always help my mother with the housework, I help take care of the flowers, feed the fish and the dog, do the cleaning, wash and iron the clothes, I like to help prepare and decorate salads and pies.

Another beautiful tradition - family dinners. They are usually held on Sundays. All family members gather around a large table. You can take your time to discuss family matters, events of the week, plans for the future. In the evenings we always have dinner together, and on weekends when my brother comes, we always have family dinners. There is so much warmth in this communication between the closest and dearest people! And then you wait for the next weekend to relive this joy - to be close to each other, to be all together!

Well, how not to say about our favorite family holidays. This New Year, Christmas, Easter, Trinity, birthdays. We prepare surprises for each other in advance, gifts, cards, festive table We invite our family and friends to visit.

Another kind one tradition – family hikes. How nice it is to go with the whole family to the forest, to the river or to the pond! In winter we like to ski, play snowballs, and make snowmen. In the warm season, when the weather is good outside and there is free time, we go on vacation to nature: we walk, breathe fresh air, pick mushrooms and berries, barbecue, bake fish and potatoes, swim in the pond, play ball. Children help their parents and learn from them the rules of marching life: how to pitch a tent, make a fire and cook food. And, of course, they learn to understand nature and take care of the beautiful world around them.

I'm sure that family traditions– great value, our spiritual wealth. They need to be protected!

Family traditions The world around us 4th grade

On January 1, 2016, according to our family tradition, we visited the Penza Zoo.

New Year at the Zoo Family traditions

On this day the zoo celebrates every year open doors and entry is free for everyone.

It seemed like everything was as usual, and yet we saw something new.

Almost every animal had a Christmas tree in its cage, so it turns out they were put there before the New Year. Father Frost and Snow Maiden were walking around the zoo. Some animals were given gifts: tangerines and apples from a bag and even toys. The monkeys looked at the toys like children. Father Frost and the Snow Maiden did not enter the cages. We communicated with animals through glass or bars. And gifts were handed over through the feeding window.

My brother was surprised: Mom, it turns out that Santa Claus also comes to the monkeys.

New Year's lunch

The animals just had lunch, they all came out of the heated places, and we looked at who was eating what.

Raccoons and foxes were fed chicken legs. And the tiger was given 2 live ducks from a pond, which is also in the zoo, into a cage. Our tiger was not going to be friends with them. He immediately caught them and dragged them to the far corner of the cage, away from the audience.

Mom was slightly shocked by this sight; she felt sorry for the ducks. It's New Year's Day for them too. Dad said it was nothing special, it was just the tiger having New Year's dinner. But I think that the tiger is a predator and needs to be fed with live food. My younger brother thinks tigers are always fed this way. In general, no one took pity on the ducks except mom.

The panther's lunch was late, and when my brother approached the glass where she was sitting, the panther began to run up and rush at the glass, trying to catch him. At first he got scared and moved away, but then he liked it and went back to the glass.

Monkeys and raccoons asked visitors for food, but there were requests not to feed everywhere and the bars were very small.

For the first time, kangaroos appeared in our zoo, and even with offspring and polar bear. For some reason, some animals: lion, zebra, ostriches, parrots were hidden from spectators for the winter.

In my opinion: January 1 at the zoo - Open Day - is a very good idea, our family never misses it. When I grow up, I will definitely continue our family tradition; on January 1st every year I will go with my family to the zoo.

This is all about our family traditions The world around us I wish you success in your studies!

Most families have their own public or unspoken traditions. How important are they for raising happy people?

Traditions and rituals are inherent in every family. Even if you think that there is nothing like this in your family, most likely you are a little mistaken. After all, even the morning: “Hello!” and evening: " Good night! - this is also a kind of tradition. What can we say about Sunday dinners with the whole family or the collective making of Christmas tree decorations.

First, let’s remember what the word “family,” so simple and familiar from childhood, means. Agree, there may be different options on the topic: “mom, dad, me”, and “parents and grandparents”, and “sisters, brothers, uncles, aunts, etc.” One of the most popular definitions of this term says: “A family is an association of people based on marriage or consanguinity, connected by a common life, mutual moral responsibility and mutual assistance.” That is, these are not just blood relatives living under the same roof, but also people who help each other and are mutually responsible. Family members in the true sense of the word love each other, support each other, rejoice together on happy occasions and are sad on sad occasions. They seem to be all together, but at the same time they learn to respect each other’s opinions and personal space. And there is something that unites them into one whole, unique to them, in addition to the stamps in the passport.

This “something” is family traditions. Do you remember how you loved to come to your grandmother for the summer as a child? Or celebrate birthdays with a large crowd of relatives? Or decorate the Christmas tree with your mother? These memories are filled with warmth and light.

What are family traditions? Explanatory dictionaries say the following: “Family traditions are the usual norms, behavior patterns, customs and views accepted in the family that are passed on from generation to generation.” Most likely, these are the usual standards of behavior that the child will take with him to his future family and pass on to his children.

What do family traditions give to people? Firstly, they contribute harmonious development child. After all, traditions imply repeated repetition of some actions, and, therefore, stability. For a baby, such predictability is very important; thanks to it, over time he ceases to be afraid of this big, incomprehensible world. Why be afraid if everything is constant, stable, and your parents are nearby? In addition, traditions help children see in their parents not just strict educators, but also friends with whom it is interesting to spend time together.

Secondly, for adults, family traditions give a feeling of unity with their relatives, bring them closer, and strengthen feelings. After all, these are often moments of pleasant time together with those closest to you, when you can relax, be yourself and enjoy life.

Thirdly, this is the cultural enrichment of the family. It becomes not just a combination of individual “selves”, but a full-fledged unit of society, bearing and making its contribution to the cultural heritage of the country.

Of course, these are not all the “pros” family traditions. But even this is enough to make us think: how do our families live? Perhaps we should add some interesting traditions?

There is a huge variety of family traditions in the world. But still, in general, we can try to conditionally divide them into two large groups: general and special.

Common traditions are traditions found in most families in one form or another. These include:

  • Celebrating birthdays and family holidays. This tradition will certainly become one of the first significant events in the baby’s life. Thanks to such customs, both children and adults receive many “bonuses”: anticipation of the holiday, good mood, the joy of communicating with family, the feeling of being needed and important to loved ones. This tradition is one of the warmest and most cheerful.
  • Household duties of all family members, cleaning, putting things in their places. When a child is accustomed to his household duties from an early age, he begins to feel included in the life of the family and learns to care.
  • Joint games with children. Both adults and children take part in such games. By doing something with their children, parents show them an example, teach them different skills, and show their feelings. Then, as the child grows up, it will be easier for him to maintain a trusting relationship with mom and dad.
  • Family lunch. Many families honor the traditions of hospitality, which helps unite families by gathering them around the same table.
  • Family council. This is a “meeting” of all family members, at which important issues are resolved, the situation is discussed, further plans are made, the family budget is considered, etc. It is very important to involve children in the council - this way the child will learn to be responsible, as well as better understand his family.
  • Traditions of “carrot and stick”. Each family has its own rules for what you can (if possible) punish a child for, and how to encourage him. Some give you extra pocket money, while others give you a trip to the circus together. The main thing for parents is not to overdo it; excessive demands from adults can make the child uninitiated and lethargic or, conversely, envious and angry.
  • Rituals of greeting and farewell. Wishes of good morning and sweet dreams, kisses, hugs, greetings when returning home - all these are signs of attention and care from loved ones.
  • Days of remembrance of deceased relatives and friends.
  • Walking together, going to the theater, cinema, exhibitions, traveling - these traditions enrich the life of the family, making it brighter and more eventful.

Special traditions are special traditions specific to one given family. Perhaps this is the habit of sleeping until lunch on Sundays, or going on a picnic on weekends. Or a home cinema. Or hiking in the mountains. Or…

Also, all family traditions can be divided into those that developed on their own and those that were consciously introduced into the family. About how to create new tradition, we'll talk a little later. Now let’s look at some interesting examples of family traditions. Perhaps you will like some of them and want to introduce them into your family?

How many families - how many examples of traditions can be found in the world. But sometimes they are so interesting and unusual that you immediately begin to think: “Shouldn’t I come up with something like that?”

So, examples of interesting family traditions:

  • Joint fishing until the morning. Dad, mom, children, night and mosquitoes - few people will dare to do this! But a lot of emotions and new impressions are also guaranteed!
  • Family cooking. Mom kneads the dough, dad twists the minced meat, and the child makes dumplings. So what if it’s not quite straight and correct. The main thing is that everyone is cheerful, happy and covered in flour!
  • Birthday quests. Each birthday person - be it a child or a grandfather - is given a card in the morning, using which he looks for clues leading him to the gift.
  • Trips to the sea in winter. Packing your whole family's backpacks and going to the seaside, breathing in fresh air, having a picnic or spending the night in a winter tent - all this will give an unusual feeling and unite the family.
  • Draw cards for each other. Just like that, without any reason or special artistic talent. Instead of being offended and pouting, write: “I love you! Although you are sometimes unbearable... But I’m not a gift either.”
  • Together with the little ones, bake shortcakes for the feast of St. Nicholas for orphans. Joint selfless good deeds and trips to orphanage will help children become kinder and more sympathetic, and grow up to be caring people.
  • Bedtime story. No, it’s not easy when a mother reads to her baby. And when all the adults read in turn, and everyone listens. Light, kind, eternal.
  • Celebrate the New Year in a new place every time. It doesn’t matter where it will be - in the square of a foreign city, on the top of a mountain or near the Egyptian pyramids, the main thing is not to repeat yourself!
  • Evenings of poems and songs. When the family gets together, everyone sits in a circle, composes poems - each one a line - and immediately comes up with music for them, and sings with a guitar. Great! You can also organize home performances and puppet theaters.
  • “Putting” gifts for neighbors. Remaining unnoticed, the family gives gifts to neighbors and friends. How nice it is to give!
  • Let's talk kind words. Every time before eating everyone talks to each other nice words and compliments. Inspiring, isn't it?
  • Cooking with love. “Did you put down love?” “Yes, of course, I’ll put it in now. Please give it to me, it’s in the locker!”
  • Holiday on the top shelf. It is a custom to celebrate all holidays on the train. Have fun and on the move!

In order to create a new family tradition, you only need two things: your desire and the fundamental consent of your household. The algorithm for creating a tradition can be summarized as follows:

  1. Actually, come up with the tradition itself. Try to involve all family members as much as possible to create a friendly, cohesive atmosphere.
  2. Take the first step. Try your "action". It is very important to saturate it with positive emotions - then everyone will look forward to the next time.
  3. Be moderate in your desires. You shouldn’t immediately introduce many different traditions for every day of the week. It takes time for customs to take hold. And when everything in life is planned down to the smallest detail, it’s also not interesting. Leave room for surprises!
  4. Strengthen the tradition. It is necessary to repeat it several times so that it is remembered and strictly observed. But don’t take the situation to the point of absurdity - if there’s a snowstorm or rainstorm outside, you might want to give up the walk. In other cases, it is better to observe tradition.

When created new family, it often happens that spouses do not have the same concepts about traditions. For example, in the groom’s family it is customary to celebrate all holidays with numerous relatives, but the bride celebrated these events only with her mother and father, and some dates could not be celebrated at all. In this case, the newlyweds may immediately develop a conflict. What to do in case of disagreement? The advice is simple - just a compromise. Discuss the problem and find a solution that suits both of you. Come up with a new tradition - already common - and everything will work out!

In Russia, from time immemorial, family traditions have been honored and protected. They are a very important part of the country's historical and cultural heritage. What kind of family traditions were there in Russia?

Firstly, important rule for each person there was knowledge of his own ancestry, and not at the level of “grandparents,” but much deeper. Each noble family had family tree, a detailed pedigree, stories about the life of their ancestors were carefully preserved and passed on. Over time, when cameras appeared, the maintenance and storage of family albums, passing them on as inheritance to younger generations. This tradition has survived to this day - many families have old albums with photographs of loved ones and relatives, even those who are no longer with us. It’s always nice to review these “pictures of the past”, to be happy or, conversely, to be sad. Now, with the widespread use of digital photographic equipment, there are more and more frames, but most often they remain electronic files that have not “flowed” onto paper. On the one hand, storing photos this way is much easier and more convenient; they do not take up space on shelves, do not turn yellow over time, and do not get dirty. Yes, and you can shoot much more often. But the trepidation associated with the expectation of a miracle also became less. After all, at the very beginning of the photo era, going to a family photo was a whole event - they carefully prepared for it, dressed smartly, everyone walked joyfully together - why isn’t it a separate beautiful tradition?

Secondly, the primordial Russian family tradition has been and remains to honor the memory of relatives, remember the departed, as well as care and constant care for elderly parents. In this, it is worth noting, the Russian people differ from European countries, where elderly citizens are mainly cared for by special institutions. Whether this is good or bad is not for us to judge, but the fact that such a tradition exists and is alive is a fact.

Thirdly, since ancient times in Russia it has been the custom to pass on family heirlooms from generation to generation - jewelry, dishes, some things of distant relatives. Often young girls got married in their mothers' wedding dresses, who had previously received them from their mothers, etc. Therefore, many families always had special “secrets” where grandfather’s watches, grandmother’s rings, family silver and other valuables were kept.

Fourthly, it was previously very popular to name a newborn child after one of the family members. This is how “family names” appeared, and families where, for example, grandfather Ivan, son Ivan and grandson Ivan.

Fifthly, an important family tradition of the Russian people was and is assigning a patronymic to a child. Thus, already at birth the baby receives part of the clan name. By calling someone by name or patronymic, we express our respect and politeness.

Sixth, previously very often a child was assigned church name in honor of the saint who is celebrated on the baby’s birthday. According to legend, such a name will protect the child from evil forces and help in life. Nowadays, such a tradition is observed infrequently, and mainly among deeply religious people.

Seventhly, there were professional dynasties in Rus' - entire generations of bakers, shoemakers, doctors, military men, and priests. Growing up, the son continued his father’s work, then his son continued the same work, and so on. Unfortunately, now such dynasties are very, very rare in Russia.

Eighth, an important family tradition was, and is still being returned to more and more often, the mandatory wedding of newlyweds in church and the baptism of infants.

Yes, there were many interesting family traditions in Russia. Take, for example, a traditional feast. It’s not for nothing that they talk about the “broad Russian soul.” But it’s true that they carefully prepared for the reception of guests, cleaned the house and yard, set the tables with the best tablecloths and towels, served pickles in dishes stored specifically for special occasions. The hostess came out to the threshold with bread and salt, bowed at the waist to the guests, and they bowed to her in return. Then everyone went to the table, ate, sang songs, and talked. Oh, beauty!

Some of these traditions have hopelessly sunk into oblivion. But how interesting it is to notice that many of them are alive, and they are still passed down from generation to generation, from father to son, from mother to daughter... And that means the people have a future!

The cult of family traditions in different countries

In the UK important point In raising a child, the goal is to raise a true Englishman. Children are raised in strictness, taught to restrain their emotions. At first glance, it may seem that the British love their children less than parents in other countries. But this, of course, is a deceptive impression, because they are simply accustomed to showing their love in a different way, not the way, for example, in Russia or Italy.

In Japan, it is very rare to hear a child cry - all the wishes of children under 6 years old are immediately fulfilled. All these years, the mother has been engaged only in raising the baby. But then the child goes to school, where strict discipline and order await him. It is also curious that the entire extended family usually lives under one roof - both old people and babies.

In Germany, there is a tradition of late marriages - there are rarely anyone starting a family before the age of thirty. It is believed that before this time, future spouses can realize their potential at work, build a career, and are already able to provide for their family.

In Italy, the concept of “family” is comprehensive - it includes all relatives, including the most distant ones. An important family tradition is joint dinners, where everyone communicates, shares their news, and discusses pressing issues. Interestingly, the Italian mother plays a significant role in choosing a son-in-law or daughter-in-law.

In France, women prefer a career to raising children, so after a very short time after the birth of a child, the mother returns to work, and her child goes to kindergarten.

In America, an interesting family tradition is the habit of teaching children to live in society from early childhood, supposedly this will help their children in adulthood. Therefore, it is quite natural to see families with small children both in cafes and at parties.

In Mexico the cult of marriage is not so high. Families often live without official registration. But male friendship there is quite strong, the community of men supports each other, helps in solving problems.

As you can see, family traditions are interesting and great. Do not neglect them, because they unite the family and help it become one.

“Love your family, spend time with them and be happy!”
Anna Kutyavina for the website website