Secrets of losing weight from Nadezhda Granovskaya. Nadezhda Granovskaya about the secrets of a slim figure Will and desire

Show business stars are constantly in sight of a large number of fans, so the slightest changes in their appearance never go unnoticed. Celebrities, just like ordinary people, tend to gain excess weight, which they each fight with their own methods and with varying degrees of success. Singer Nadezhda Granovskaya is known not only for her creativity, but also for her struggle with excess weight.

Not long ago, fans of the singer were able to see that their favorite had seriously lost weight, losing several kilograms. It is worth noting that this is not the first time she has lost weight - she has gained and lost weight several times during her career. However, behind the apparent ease of Nadezhda’s weight loss lies enormous effort and considerable diligence.

The star's recent participation in another show showed how much her appearance had changed - not a trace remained of her curvy figure, she had lost a lot of weight, and in a very short time. When looking at the singer, you may wonder how she manages to lose weight so quickly and easily. The basic principles for acquiring Granovskaya’s slimness can be called strict dietary restrictions and intense physical activity.

Factors influencing Nadezhda Granovskaya's weight loss

In the celebrity's weight loss process, several factors played a major role and had a significant impact on the final result. The main ones are the following rules.


Significant restrictions on food. In order to lose weight in a relatively short period of time, Nadezhda Granovskaya had to introduce very strict rules regarding food intake. Many foods had to be abandoned altogether, while others had to be reduced in quantity to minimal portions. In addition, the star introduced strict control over the frequency of meals, and it was forbidden to eat anything between breakfast and lunch, or lunch and dinner.

Drink more

A large amount of liquid was introduced into the diet - mainly mineral and ordinary water. Alcoholic drinks were almost completely prohibited. The food consisted of plant components; meat products were also present in it, but only in limited quantities. The meat used was lean.

Sports exercises

Along with reducing the number of calories, Nadezhda Granovskaya began to give her body more physical activity. To do this, she visited the gym, practiced several types of outdoor sports, as well as swimming. In combination, all these methods gave a quick result, which was visible after just one month after starting to work on myself.

Will and Desire

Another important factor that influenced the singer’s rapid weight loss is the enormous volitional effort she made to achieve the result. It would have been very difficult to adhere to the regime chosen by Nadezhda, but she succeeded, which is why she got such a result.

Diet wisely

Despite the fact that by adhering to this method, Nadezhda Granovskaya was able to achieve amazing results, some experts do not advise repeating it completely, since if you adhere to this regimen for a long time, you can get exhaustion and concomitant diseases associated with metabolism. At the same time, this method should be used as carefully as possible, since the slightest disruption can lead to even greater weight gain.

Nadezhda Granovskaya is a person who has great stamina and determination, which is why she managed to defeat those extra pounds. For her method to be effective, you must adhere to the chosen rules, and it is advisable to first consult with a specialist so as not to harm your health.

Singer and TV presenter Nadezhda Granovskaya talks about an active lifestyle, losing weight for the sake of art and the fact that Ukrainian cuisine is not a hindrance to an ideal figure.

Have you ever had to lose weight for your career?

This happened twice. The very first time this happened was before joining the group. "VIA Gra". The producers accepted me into the team, but warned me that I would need to lose weight. There are many photos of me from that time on the Internet, and in them I am a girl "in the body", blood with milk. (Laughs.) Also me lost weight after giving birth, but this is in order to bring the body back to normal.

Could you, like Renee Zellweger or Charlize Theron, gain weight for work?

Most likely it could. I am an adventurous person by nature and simply love experiments. When it comes to art, I am ready to go to great lengths to realize myself.

By the way, recently in one of the Ukrainian reality shows, where artists copy world stars, I appeared before the audience in the role of an opera singer. singer Montserrat Caballe. In order to achieve an external resemblance, makeup was applied. Special "thick" increased the volume of my body. I began to look fuller. And I must say, with such dimensions it was not very convenient to move, although the makeup itself weighed a little.

  • “I almost never limited myself in my food choices.”

I wonder what you were like as a child?

I have never been very thin. In general, I began to develop very early and looked older than my years. During her student years she studied choreography, then taught dancing. We can say that my body always received the necessary physical activity, which allowed me to constantly be in shape.

What are your food preferences?

I love to eat delicious food. I like traditional Ukrainian cuisine- including lard. I almost never limited myself in my food choices. It's probably more a matter of genetics - I really can't complain about my data.

Have you tried any diets?

At one time I gave up fatty and fried foods. True, in this way I did not strive to lose weight, but to cleanse my body. After all, such food not only affects a person’s weight, but also entails skin and stomach problems. I can say that after I ate this way for some time, my general condition certainly improved.

However, I am not one of those who step on the scale and monitor my weight every day. Thanks to natural gifts, I don't need to devote any attention to this. a lot of time and effort. Often women, in order to lose weight, resort to some unthinkable methods, constantly torturing themselves with strict diets, killing their psyche by refusing to eat. And even after diet they have it tough control your diet.

It's already psychological problem– it feels like these women don’t love themselves at all. After all, a person is beautiful at any weight and in any clothes. You look at people who completely accept themselves, and you understand how much positive energy they have.

  • “We often eat junk food, which, apart from damage, does nothing for the body.”

Have you ever used the services of a personal nutritionist?

I have never had a need to use the services of a specialist in this field. I always control myself. Here, it seems to me, there should be golden mean– if you really want something sweet, you can eat it, but don't overeat. There is no need to poison yourself and give up your favorite foods. On the other hand, you shouldn’t cross all boundaries either.

My approach to nutrition is as follows - I always I listen to my body. He never let me down. I think it is also important that I have always led an active lifestyle. I don't like sitting in one place. Constantly I live on the move I guess this helps me stay in good shape.

Singer Anna Semenovich, at 30, weighs less than she did at 25. Anya lost 10 kilograms.

Busty Anna has always been famous for her outstanding forms in every sense of the word. However, over the past 2 months, Anna has lost at least 10 kilos!

“I think every woman, if she wants, will lose weight. At a certain point, I realized that I needed to lose weight. Then, I had a lot of work, which did not let me think about food,” Anna Semenovich shared with us.

The singer alternates fasting with visiting a Russian bath. First, the beauty fasts for several days: during this time she drinks only freshly squeezed celery and carrot juice and green tea. Then he goes to the bathhouse. After the bath, Anna Semenovich always visits a massage therapist. According to her, up to 3 kilograms are lost in this way per day. The girl also practically gave up her favorite fried potatoes, which, as you know, contain a lot of fat and calories. However, this is an emergency method of losing weight, which Anna resorts to only if she needs to lose weight quickly. Constantly being on such a diet is unsafe for health.

Presenter Ksenia Borodina also managed to lose 10 extra kilos.

She hates the gym and physical activity. In addition, once a month the slender presenter can afford... McDonald's without any remorse. How does Ksenia manage to stay so slim? According to the star, everything depends on the quality of food and... on the psychological mood!

“Everything that was written about me on the Internet is not true. I didn’t do any enemas. I just psychologically prepared myself for the right food,” Ksenia Borodina told “I fell in love with steamed dishes, stopped eating fried potatoes and my favorite ice cream “Although, it seems to me, I simply ate too much ice cream during pregnancy, and now I don’t want it at all.”

The TV presenter's diet consists of seafood, lean meat, vegetables and fruits. But Ksenia does not have a specific schedule for eating. “Without remorse, I can eat boiled fish with vegetables at night, knowing that this food will not make me sick. Once a month I allow myself McDonald’s, if I really want to. But only once, not more often,” shared her secret from Ksenia Borodina.

And VIA Gra participant Nadezhda Granovskaya also managed to lose 10 kilograms. The singer just looked older.

Looking at Nadya, it’s hard to imagine that she, like most women, is struggling with excess weight. 10 years ago, when Nadezhda, being a professional dancer, came to the casting of the still unknown group “VIA Gra”, the beauty was given a condition: to lose at least 8 kg in 10 days. Nadezhda went on a strict diet and achieved the desired result. Then the girl periodically gained weight and lost weight.

But over the past 2 months, the singer has rather not just lost weight, but become emaciated... It seems that even Nadya’s luxurious bust has decreased in size.
Now Nadezhda Granovskaya is taking part in the project on Channel One “Ice and Fire”. According to the participants, the girl not only trains hard, but also eats practically nothing. Hence such colossal weight loss. Now Nadezhda, although quite tall - 171 cm - weighs like a teenager - 45 kg.

Nadezhda Granovskaya's method of losing weight:

Being a professional dancer, Nadezhda Granovskaya pays great attention to physical activity. The singer plays tennis, visits the pool, and goes to the gym. Her main rule in food is no snacking between main meals. At the same time, Nadezhda loves meat very much, but eats it only with vegetables.

I listen to my body. I eat as he demands. This way I can always be at my normal weight,” said Nadezhda Granovskaya. - In any case, the main thing is that whatever you do with your own appearance - diet, gym, massage, did not happen under someone else's control, but according to your own desire. Then everything will work out."

At 34 years old, Nadezhda Granovskaya is considered one of the sexiest pop stars. You can’t tell from her figure that the singer is raising three charming children. The last child, daughter Maria, was born from businessman Mikhail Urzhumtsev in October 2015. It would seem that the star would have to get into shape for a long time after the birth of the baby, but Granovskaya lost weight very quickly. This both surprised and excited her fans.

According to the star, it is natural for her to lose weight after childbirth. In addition, the singer does not gain many kilograms during pregnancy. When she was waiting for Masha to be born, she gained 12 kilograms, and the previous time - only 7. As soon as the star mother begins to breastfeed, the excess weight quickly goes away and does not return. Granovskaya believes that she owes her slimness to her active lifestyle, since she doesn’t like to go on diets, and she doesn’t always have time for the gym.

However, every photo on Nadezhda’s microblog is met with a flurry of compliments from fans. “An example to follow. Ideal Nadya”, “Chic”, “The most beautiful” - her fans admire the beauty and grace of the star.

Granovskaya cannot imagine her life without dancing. Recently, the singer began to practice tango. This is how the star is preparing for the art performance Historia De Un Amor (“The Story of a Love”), which is scheduled for June. The artist has already shared footage from rehearsals in which she freezes in dance poses with her colleagues on stage. Admirers of Granovskaya's talents are eagerly awaiting the premiere of the production.

In addition, not so long ago Nadezhda became the owner of her own clothing store. Before this, items designed by the singer were sold only via the Internet, but in April Granovskaya opened a showroom.

“The design of the boutique, in short, can be described as “Argentine tango” - my wife also designed it herself. At the opening, Nadya will present her second capsule collection of clothing. She personally flies to buy fabrics from a factory in Italy,” Mikhail Urzhumtsev said about his wife’s business.

In the collection of Nadezhda Meiher by Meiher you could find about 70 models of feminine things. Pencil skirts are made of guipure and lace, tops are decorated with lines from Granovskaya's poetry. All clothes are distinguished by sophistication and allow a woman to look seductive and stylish.