Scenario for a children's game program about the adventures of a sunny bunny. Material on the topic: Game program script

Municipal budget educational institution additional education children

Center for extracurricular activities "Winged"

urban district of Samara

Game program"Children's fun"

(for children 8-12 years old)

methodologist, additional teacher


Samara, 2014

Explanatory note

An important task in educating the younger generation has always been and remains the education of patriotism and citizenship. A huge role in this process is played by introducing children to the folk art of their homeland. Oral folk art and play folklore give the child the opportunity to gain a comprehensive understanding of reality, history, national characteristics the work and life of his people, their morals and customs. Knowledge of genres of children's folklore helps to diversify children's communication, makes it meaningful and emotional. The acquired knowledge accustoms one to discipline (counting tables in games), develops self-control (silence games), teaches one to manage one’s emotions (teasers, peace games), and one realizes the need to take into account the opinions of others. The child’s personality develops and is formed through activity. The game is its fundamental basis. Through play, children's artistic and imaginative thinking, creative activity, and independence are formed. Games achieve positive results only when they fulfill their main purpose - they give children pleasure and joy. Therefore, the goal of the “Children's Fun” program is to game form generalize children's oral knowledge folk art, develop interest in the folk word, introduce Russians folk games. This program was developed at the Russia House Center, tested on students of the creative associations Volzhane, Zabava, Razgulay, and is also used in the excursion program for schoolchildren visiting the Russia House museum.

Conditions and features of the program implementation

It is advisable to conduct the program in a room decorated in Russian folk style. You need a place for games, chairs for each participant. Musical arrangement is presented atCD- disk.

Game program script

"Children's fun"

(for children 8-12 years old)

Host: Hello, guys! I'm very glad to see you! I’ve been walking around this world for a long time, looking at people and showing myself off. And today I want to compete with you in the knowledge of Russian folk tales, proverbs, sayings, and, of course, play the funniest, favorite, most exciting games of our ancestors. Will you come out with me for a fair fight? Will you try to cope with my tasks?

Presumable children's answer: Yes!

Host: So that we can have a real competition, I suggest you divide into two teams and come up with a name for your team (coming up with names). So, today we have a team……, greets the team……………. Attention - “Warm-up”!

I will tell each team in turn the first part of the proverb, and you must continue it.

Time for business - time for fun

If you like to ride, you also like to carry sleds

Live forever and learn

When I eat I am deaf and dumb

Measure seven times - cut once

Two boots - a pair

If you hurry, you will make people laugh

For a big ship, a long voyage

If only there were mushrooms growing in my mouth,

And then there would be not a mouth, but a whole - a vegetable garden

You've done the job - go for a walk

Don't have a hundred rubles - but have a hundred friends

You can't catch a fish out of a pond without effort

(summing up)

Host: Proverb, we know you,

But you weren't like that:

Is it really a mischievous letter?

Did you take someone else's place?

In the following proverbs one letter is incorrect, it must be replaced with the correct one. Teams guess in turns.

Two boots -T macaw (pair)

U s is good - but two is better (mind)

Eggs kun they don't teach itsu (chicken)

PestleWith odu (water)

FirstTo Lingcom (damn)

WITH You can’t spoil your porridge with oil (porridge)

Spin likeb street in a wheel (squirrel)

Patience andn ore - everything will be ground (labor)

If you don't know the ford, don't poke your nose into itm odu (water)

UG Get treatment from a doctor, and learn from a smart doctor (doctor)

BuyTo ita in a bag (cat)

TrueWith feeds, but laziness spoils (labor)

(summing up)

Host: You guessed my proverbs, but can you play my favorite game? It's called "Razziava". Just don't be offended, just call it that in the game. I invite team No. 1……… to stand in a circle, and the guys from team No. 2…….. stand behind, behind them. (One person must be the driver; if there is an even number of children, the leader of the event becomes the player). The driver is in the center of the circle. The first numbers, while the music is playing, come to the center to the driver and dance with him, moving in a circle. The second numbers remain in place. As soon as the music stops, the dancers must take a place behind anyone standing man(second number), and the driver must try to be the very first to take a place behind him. The new driver, left without a partner, is teased:

One, two, three,

You're a shame!!!

The game continues, and now the second numbers become the first, and dance along with the driver.

Presenter: One game is not fun,

One game is not a win,

I'll teach you another game,

It's called "Uncle Tryphon's".

Everyone stand in one big circle. We use a counting machine to select the driver. He leaves the circle. Another driver is selected in the circle, who shows various movements, and everyone must repeat them. In this case, the first driver, having entered the circle, must guess in three attempts who everyone is repeating after. The first driver is invited into the circle with these words:

Uncle Tryphon had seven children,

Seven, seven, seven sons.

They didn’t drink or eat, they all looked at their uncle,

They did it like this... (repeat after the leader of the movement)

Presenter: Well done, everyone played with all their hearts! Sit down on command.

Far, far away lies the kingdom, an immense state - a land of fairy tales, miracles and magic. And I invite you to visit this wonderful country. Quickly remember Russian folk tales and answer the questions of my fabulous humor quiz. Questions for teams:

Which fairy tale contains a recipe for preparing an outlandish dish with unique taste using carpentry tools? ("Porridge from an ax")

Which fairy tale talks about a unique high jump sports competition among males, the winner of which was rewarded with a valuable prize - a kiss from the princess and marriage to her?


Which fairy tale tells about how a hare became homeless, and a red-haired cheat took possession of all the hare's real estate and only the intervention of a third party helped restore justice?

(“Hare Hut”)

Name a fairy-tale character who goes out of his way to


What is the name of Russian folk tale, which tells the story of the long journey of a baked goods product to the consumer?


What is the name of the part? women's dress, in which rivers, lakes, swans and other environmental elements are placed?


Name the fairy-tale character who burst out laughing at the sight of a poorly constructed bridge.


What is the name of the sewing accessory that conceals mortal danger for fabulous centenarians?


What is the highest achievement of magical catering?

(tablecloth - self-assembled)

Name a high-ranking person whose smile was incredibly expensive. (Nesmeyana)

Host: And you know such fairy tales - Correct my mistakes, call them a fairy tale together.

Sh Ryaba lesson

Sh ar – bird

P Olk and the seven kids

Co.With side

Bear - lil new leg

TO epka

TO oshechka - havroshechka

Sivka –m lesson

Gusl and - swans.

(summing up)

Host: Hey guys, stand in a circle.

Give me your hand friend to friend,

After all, the game is calling again

We are in a merry round dance.

Game "Goose, goose, duck!":

The driver is selected using the counting machine and he follows the circle. Sentences, pointing to each participant:

“Goose, goose, goose, duck” - “Duck” runs around the circle in the opposite direction from the leader. Whichever one of them runs forward to the free space wins.

Host: And finally, a game for you - everyone will like it. It’s called “Blinkers”: Stand in a circle, in pairs, as in “Razzyav”. The leader is the one without a partner, he also stands in a circle. The guys who are in front are the first numbers, the ones behind are the second. The second numbers lower their heads down, hands behind their backs. As soon as they feel that the first number is running away from them towards the blinking leader, they must have time, descending from their place, to hide the first one. Whoever is left without a pair is the leader.

Presenter: (general results are summed up - conclusion - friendship won!)

Now the moment of farewell has come,

My speech will be short

I tell you: “Goodbye,

See you happy next time!”


Ageeva I.D. New riddles about words for all school holidays. - M.: TC Sfera, 2003. - 192 p.

Besova M.A. Jokes, games, songs will bring us together. – Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2000. – 240 p.

Volina V.V. Etymological dictionary. M., 1994

Litvinova M.F. Russian folk outdoor games. - M.: Education, 1986.-79 p.

Game program script

Journey to the “Land of Creativity”

Goal: development of communicative and creativity in children and adolescents

Presenter: Good afternoon!

Everyone is interested in trying their hand at creativity. Creativity presupposes independence, independence, and originality of thinking.

Today we will look into the workshops of musicians, artists, artists, where each of you will have the opportunity to express yourself and try to create......

Musician's workshop

1.Unusual singing.


Everyone knows how to sing correctly. But sometimes singing “correctly” is not interesting. Try to perform a song (1 verse) from the repertoire of modern pop singers (your choice), but at the same time... -pinch your nose with your fingers; pull your cheeks in; have a snack lower lip; about meowing; about barking, etc.

2.Piano improvisation


It is generally accepted that only those who take a long time to learn can play musical instruments. Of course this is true, but not entirely. Any person, if he plucks up courage, can approach, for example, a piano and, even without knowing the notes, perform an improvisational piece on it. Believe in yourself, sit down at the piano and play a piece that could be called......

- “Hare”, - “Wolf”, “Bear”, - “Lion”, - “Elephant”

Note . It is advisable to listen to several “works” on each topic.

3.Noise orchestra


Noise orchestra is everyone's favorite genre of the 20-30s. You can play in such an orchestra on any “instruments” that sound: bottles, combs, kitchen utensils, toys. The orchestra can include a teacher or one of the participants who will play the piano or accordion, i.e. lead musical theme. The orchestra must have its own identity, distinguished by the theme of the piece being performed, costumes, direction and... the composition of musical instruments. The “genres” of noise orchestras can be: “Funny Chefs”, “Toy Store”, “Poultry Yard”.

Come up with your own “genre” and your own “tools”.

Note: Several noise orchestras are created, which after a rehearsal (10 minutes) show their skills.

Art workshop

1. “Unfinished drawing”


One famous artist decided to paint a picture. He drew the first line on the sheet with a felt-tip pen... And then he was distracted from his work. The drawing remained unfinished. Try to penetrate the artist's intention and complete his work. Complete the picture if you know that the first line the artist drew is.....

Two parallel segments; -wavy line; - semicircle line; - two segments forming an acute angle.

Note : Several versions of unfinished drawings are distributed among the participants.

2. “This does not exist in nature”

Visitors to the “workshop” are invited to draw and unusually color animals, birds, insects, and fish that do not exist in nature, and then come up with a witty name for them. At the end of the work (10 minutes), an exhibition of unusual paintings is organized.

Artist's workshop

1. "Gait"


Each person has his own individual gait. One has a proud, confident gait, the other has a fussy, hurrying gait, the third has an imposing, lazy gait. Try to imitate a person's gait.....

Who just had a good lunch;

Whose shoes are too tight;

Who unsuccessfully kicked a brick;

Who suffered an acute attack of radiculitis;

Who ended up in the forest at night.

2. “Biblical situation”

Presenter: Fleeing from the global flood, Noah found 7 pairs of clean and 7 pairs of unclean animals in his ship. The names of male and female animals (for example: “mare”, “stallion”, “dove”, “dove”, “pig”, “hog”, etc.) are written on cards, which are distributed to the participants in complete silence.

Assignment: using only non-verbal forms of communication (and without showing cards with text to each other), find your match.

3. “Draw without an object”

Participants (optional) are invited, using their imagination, to do the following in public:

Thread the needle:

Sew on a button;

Chop wood;

Sharpen a pencil;

Move an object from one place to another;

Unfold and topple the newspaper;

Pour water from one glass to another several times;

Cut the watermelon into slices and eat one piece.....

Smell the apple, orange, rose, onion, ammonia.

4. “Read it differently”

Players are invited to read any text, for example: “Once upon a time in the cold winter time..." in a pinch; like a robot; at a snail's pace; with machine gun speed; like a five year old girl; at maximum speed; as if you were terribly cold; as if you have a hot potato in your mouth, etc.


Today everyone was able to experience the “pangs of creativity” and feel the process creative work. You all now realize that creating a new work of art is very difficult. All masterpieces are born as a result of incredible, “painful” efforts of the artist. But creativity can be learned, if only you have the desire.

See you again!

Game program for children 3-4 years old “Radiant Sun”

Efimova Alla Ivanovna, teacher of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Description of material: The game program is intended for children of the second youngest and middle groups kindergarten. It may be of interest to educators and parents for conducting observations and conversations in nature with children.
Target: create joy for children and good mood.
Tasks: expand ideas about the sun, form a system of ideas about the sun, its main functions - to shine and warm. The fact that the sun does not always bring good to living nature, sometimes prolonged exposure to the sun causes burns on the skin and sunstroke in people, plants in the fields dry out.

Educator: Guys, today we have unusual activities, but I hope you really like it. I want to talk to you about the benefits and harms of the sun. But first, I want to ask you a question to which I hope to hear an answer. What do you think the sun does in the summer?
Answers children.
There is a knock on the door.
Educator: Someone is knocking on our door. Guys, are you expecting guests?
Educator: I'll open the door and see who's there.
The teacher opens the door, the radiant Sun is standing there.
Educator: Guys, look how bright, radiant and sunny the guest came to us. Did you find out who it is?

Sun: Who shines brightly, brightly for us? Who keeps us warm, hot, hot?
Sun: I have small yellow circles in my hands, they look like the sun, but they are missing something, I can’t understand what, can you tell me?
Sun: of course, rays. Now I will give each child a sun and a piece of paper (white), you must finish drawing or lay out rays from yellow threads.
Sun: The sun will smile at us and the child will laugh.
The sun will look in the window, the kids will have more fun.
The children will quickly stand in a circle and understand that a friend is nearby.
Sun: I invite everyone to the circle,
To play a little.
Educator: Our Sunshine wants to play with you, he goes to sleep in our clearing in the middle of your circle. And you listen carefully to the words and repeat the movements after me.

The sun and clouds again,
They started playing hide and seek.
Only the sun will hide -
The cloud will burst into tears.
How can the sun be found -
A rainbow is laughing in the sky.

The sun is hiding behind the clouds:
Hides legs, hides hands, (children hide)
Hides the rays in the pillows (palms folded together)
Hides cheeks, hides ears. (hid cheeks, ears)
Hides his big head (cover it with his arms)
And a golden hairstyle (covered with handles)
Pulled the blanket - (pulled)
We felt sad without the sun. (Sad faces)
It's so dark without the sun!!!
The sad window is crying (they pretend to cry)
The oak tree is crying - it is a hundred years old,
Grandma and grandpa are crying...
Bubbles jump through puddles (jumping in place)
The leaves on the trees are crying,
Every grass needs a ray (arms extended forward)
Every bird and booger.
Every flower in the field,
Our Daughter needs a ray of light,
To walk down the street,
Walk with mom hand in hand. (hold hands)
Come on, stop raining!
Let's wake up the sun! (approach the sun)
Hey, sleepyhead! Stop sleeping!
Sun! It's time to get up!
Educator: Sunny, did you like playing with us?
Or maybe you want to ask us questions?
Sun: Yes, girls and boys, I have prepared small questions for you.
- Do you like the summer sun?
- What is it like, Sunshine?
- How can you affectionately call the Sun?
Answers children.
Educator: Sunny, the guys and I have prepared some poems, do you want to listen?
Children read poetry:
Child: The sun is shining through my window in the morning,
So it’s time for me to go to kindergarten.
I quickly wash my face, brush my teeth myself,
Outside the window you can hear the cheerful noise of birds.
Child: I'm going to kindergarten with mommy by the hand,
The sun winked at me only
I closed my eyes and heard:
How it said, “Hey baby, hi!”
Sun:- Guys, what can you do in the summer?
- What games do you play in the summer?
- And so that the sun doesn’t bake our heads, what do we put on our heads?
- And if we sit in the sun for a long time, what could happen?
- Do you know how to solve riddles?
Sun: I'll tell you riddles
To listen to your answers.

- Well, which one of you will answer:
It’s not fire, but it burns painfully,
Not a lantern, but shining brightly,
And not a baker, but a baker? (Sun)
- The long-awaited time!
The kids shout: Hurray
!What kind of joy is this?
It's here... (Summer)
- They moved around the flower,
All four petals.
I wanted to rip it off
And he fluttered and flew away. (butterfly)
- What a miracle - beauty,
Painted gate.
Showed up on the way
You can’t drive into them or enter them. (rainbow)
- At the door, at the window
There won't be any knocking
And it will rise -
And it will wake everyone up. (Sun)
Sun: The questions were answered,
And they read poetry to me.
I'll play some music for you
And I invite you to dance.

Song: This is what it is, our summer,
Summer is dressed in bright greenery,
Summer is warmed by the hot sun,
Summer breathes with the breeze.

La-la-la la-la-la,
La-la-la-la-la la-la-la-la.
La-la-la la-la-la,
La-la-la-la-la la-la!

On the green sunny edge
Green frogs are jumping
And the butterfly friends dance,
Everything is blooming around.

We're on the road with a song about summer,
The best song in the world
Perhaps we will meet a hedgehog in the forest,
It's good that the rain has passed.

La-la-la la-la-la,
La-la-la la-la-la-la.
We're bronzed
The berries in the forest are on fire.
Summer is hot for a reason,
Summer is good!

La-la-la la-la-la,
La-la-la-la-la la-la-la-la.
La-la-la la-la-la,
La - la - la - la - la - la - la!

Sun: You all did a great job.
I invite you to the tables,
I'll give you a treat.
And in memory of the sunny summer,
I want to give you some magnets and suns.
At home, you attach them to the refrigerator, and your sun will warm you every day and in any weather.
I wish you all a warm summer,
Lots of light.
To bask in the sun to your heart's content,
And remember me.
Thank you guys, girls and boys.