Scenario for the spring holiday in kindergarten, methodological development. Scenario for the spring holiday for children of the middle group in kindergarten “We welcome Spring An interesting scenario for the spring holiday in kindergarten

A bird trill sounds (intro to the song “Spring Drops”) March 22, 2017

Scenario of the holiday “Meeting of Spring.”

The round dance song “Vesnyanka” sounds

Educator : Today is March 22 – an unusual day, the day of birds’ arrival. People said this about this day:

When the water spills, When the forest turns green, When the birds fly in, Then spring comes.

According to the folk calendar, the day March 22 was called Magpies; it was believed that on this day winter ends and spring begins. The Russian people believed that on this day forty different birds, and the first of them is a lark. They used to say that larks did not fly away to warmer climes for the winter, but turned into mice, waiting out the cold in a warm mouse hole. And as soon as the sun warmed the earth, they took on their previous form and flew out into the light of God, welcoming spring with jubilant singing. According to signs, it was from this time, “when the magpie begins to build a nest and puts forty sticks in it, and forty different birds return from the south,” spring comes.

The song “Sunny Drops” is performed by pupils of preparatory groups.

Educator: Let's guess the riddles and remember what birds fly to us from warm regions?

Educator : If the snow melts everywhere

The day is getting longer

If everything turns green

And a stream rings in the fields.

If the sun shines brighter,

If the birds can't sleep

If the wind gets warmer,

So spring has come to us!

Children: (average group)

1st - Where are you, sunshine, wake up!

2nd - Where are you, little bird, come back!

3rd – Winter is tired of pouring snow,

4th - Drip-drip-drip! Spring has come!

5th - Mother Spring is coming, open the gates!

6th - And April followed him - opened the window and door!

7th - And when the May sun came, invite me to the tower!

Leading :

Let's open the golden gates for the Red Spring. This will help spring double its strength and overcome winter. But even though “winter scares spring and melts away on its own,” even though spring often gets cold, spring will still win, and we will help it with this.

rearrange themselves “in a stream, enter in a chain through the gate of two scarves (music “Vesnyanka”)

General nickname:

We stretched out our palms and looked at the sun -raise their hands up

Give us the warmth of the sun so that there will be strength -moving your palms towards you

Sunshine, sunshine, red bucket.

Rise high, shine far...

On dark forests, on damp forests...

To the river, to the fields, to the blue seas...

To the green garden and to all honest people!

In costumes of birds arriving in the spring with birds on sticks, children run into the hall and flap their wings, shouting in unison - children of the older group

1: Arina

We're flying, flying, flying,

We flap our wings.

We want to arrive soon

To our lovely groves.

(They fly into loose air.)

2: Nastya

We are flying from far away

The birds are tired.

Let's sit by the stream

And let's drink some water.

(They drink water.)

3: Varvara

Here he is, here he is native land,

Nice side.

We arrived home

And they sang loudly.

All birds : Spring has come, red has come!

(raise the birds up and down.)

Dance "Balalaika", music by T. Morozov - Spanish. st. gr.

Poetry read by Vanya, Nastya - senior group

Pupils of preparatory groups ask riddles,

read sayings and proverbs


In Rus', Spring has been celebrated for a long time. They organized festivities - they danced in circles, invited Spring - Red. In every house they made these birds (shows) from dough - larks, and baked them. Those who did not have dough sculpted them from clay, made them from rags and paper. In the old days, people believed that spring came because birds brought it from distant lands. The birds were distributed to the children, and they ran screaming and loudly laughing to call the larks, and with them spring. To do this, baked larks were impaled on long sticks and ran out onto the hills with them, or the birds were impaled on poles, on fence sticks, etc. and, huddled together, shouted loudly:

Children: poems are read by children of 2 junior groups





Spring is red


Winter is cold

Take it away!




Swallow birds!

They arrived to us!

Clear spring

Red spring

Bring it to us!


We're tired of winter

I ate bread and hay,

My arms and legs were chilly,

She killed the cattle.




Winter is on you,

It's summer for us!

You're wearing a sleigh

And we have a cart!


Come to us, Spring,

With joy,

With great mercy to us!

With grainy rye,

With viburnum-raspberries,

With black currants

With pears, with apples,

With every garden,

With azure flowers,

With grass-ant!

6. _________________________

Do a round dance,

Cheer up honest people!

On earth open to the sun,

In honor of the cheerful, eminent,

In a ringing song not forgotten

Our Mother Spring.

Sounds Ukrainian. adv. round dance song “Oh, the water is running like a stream”

2 ml. gr., average gr.

A piano piece will be performed by Valeria (pre-graduate group, preparatory class of MBUDO "Nikolaev Children's School of Art")

r.n.p. "On the Green Meadow"

Scene “In the Forest” (A magpie appears)

Soroka (Sofia) : I chirped about spring, oh, I’m tired, tired

If only there was a telephone here... Oh, look, here it is!(Magpie flies up to the phone) I’ll wake up the bear first and tell him about spring.(The phone is ringing, the bear is sleeping) Our little bear is awake, waking him up is no joke.(Magpie calls the phone again)

Bear(Dima) : Hello!

Magpie : Hello! Hello! Magpie is calling!

Bear : What happened, white-sided?


Bear : That's how I brought the news. Are you saying spring has come?

I sucked my paw for six months, and now I’d like to get some honey!(The bear leaves)

Magpie: I need to hurry up and call the fox godfather.(Magpie calls on the phone)

Fox (Dasha) : Hello!

Magpie: Hello! Hello! Magpie is calling!

Fox : What happened, white-sided?

Magpie : There is no winter, spring has come, it is walking through the forest.

Fox : Oh, how glad I am for spring! We are bored with winter, tormented by frost.(Fox leaves)

Magpie: Now I'll find the hare. I'll tell him the news. (Magpie calls on the phone)

Hare (Nikita) : Hello!

Magpie : Hello! Hello! A magpie is calling.

Hare : What happened, white-sided?

Magpie : No winter, spring has come. She walks through the forest.

Hare : I’ll run through the forests, I’ll tell you here and there,

That spring has come to our forest - and all the animals have no time to sleep. (The hare runs away)

Magpie : I will tell the whole world that there is no more winter!

Look, it’s spring, it’s coming across the earth!

(Spring appears to the musical accompaniment of the song “Spring round dance - They called for Spring, they waited for summer”)

Leading : You guys don’t get bored, welcome the red spring

Spring: I'll drive away the snow and the cold, bring warmth from the south

Streams will run around, the sun's rays will splash

Shine your rays brighter and warm the land

Children : Hello, Freckles - Spring! What, Spring, did you come to us with?

You are spring, Spring is red, what did you bring with you?

Spring : I came to visit the kids and brought them as a gift

A golden ray of sunshine, a blue flower in the field

The ringing song of a stream, the trill of a nightingale in the grove.

I brought a blanket of flowers for the meadows.

Brought new needles for the Christmas tree

For aspens and birches, a whole cartload of fresh leaves.



Winter is over!

Rejoice, spring has come!

The sun woke up first

Good people smiled!

2. __________________

The streams rang,

Flowers are blooming.

Rejoice, spring has come!


We got up early today

We can't sleep today

They say the starlings are back

They say spring has come.

4. _____________________

We've been waiting for spring for a long time,

And you're wandering somewhere

He won't come without you

Sunny summer.

5. _________________

golden ray of sun

Visited our kindergarten

Very good in spring

All the guys are talking.

6. _________________

Give us sun and warmth,

For the apple tree to bloom,

So that the grass turns green,

So that the bird sings loudly,

All : So that we can grow faster From the joy of spring

Spring: Get ready, kids! is waiting for you fun game!

Game "Burners".

Spring: Have fun! It's time to say goodbye. I need to get to work: dress the fields and forests in green, warm all the forest animals with my warmth, and check if all the birds have returned from warm countries.

Children read poetry.

Dramatization "Case" Spanish

This incident took place in April

Birds have flown in from the south.

The snow is melting andsparrow – Maxim

They are thrown out of their homes.

Get out, bully, -

Whistled at himstarling Danila

No way, my apartment,

I'm not a temporary resident!

I'm here with blizzards and frost.

He endured it patiently.

And now, under this roof

I'm preparing a nest for the family

And I won’t touch you, even if you kill me! –

The sparrow chirped.

Don't be stubborn! My inheritance

I got this house from childhood.

Fly out. My beak is sharp


But here in the yard...

With a birdhouseMisha came out -Sasha

He quickly climbed onto the roof with her,

Immediately tied tightly

And he said affably:

I, friends, am heartily glad,

Protect the garden together.

Only Misha got down,

The sparrow is daring,

Moved to a new house

And he made peace with his neighbor.

Signs of spring - tell the story. gr.

The song “SPRING IS COMING” in Spanish sounds. preparatory groups

Educator: In the spring they began to return from warmer climes migratory birds, it was believed that it was they who brought spring on their wings.

Wanting to hurry them up, housewives baked figurines of birds with wings and eyes from dough. They were distributed to all family members. You had to go out into the street and, throwing up a bird made of dough, say:


My mothers,

Fly to me

Bring it to me

Spring, red spring.

Educator: We sang and danced. And we called for spring. Guests are waiting for refreshments. Why don’t they carry them!

Ready-made larks are brought in

Thank you all for your attention!

Thank you guys for your efforts!

Our deepest bow to all of you!

Goodbye! Goodbye!

We'll see you later!

Help yourself, dear guests, and may Spring come to you soon. Guys, let's tell the guests together:


Scenarios of holidays that take place in the spring in kindergarten:

Scenario of the holiday “Spring has come” for children of the senior and preparatory groups of kindergarten

Scenario of an educational and entertaining event on the theme "Spring"

Scenario of thematic entertainment "Meeting of Spring" for children second junior group preschool educational institution

Scenario spring holiday"Ruddy side pie" for younger and older children middle group preschool educational institution

Matinee “We must remember and honor everything...”

Scenario for kindergarten “We will live in peace and friendship.” Senior and preparatory group.

Scenario “There are many of us, we are together” for children of the senior and preparatory groups of kindergarten

The song “The morning is painted with gentle light” sounds, the children enter the hall, walk in pairs, then disperse in different directions.

1st child.

May is coming! Happy holiday -

Holiday of Friendship and Labor,

Everything blooms and turns green -

After all, spring has come to our region!

2nd child.

The earth is so beautiful:

Smiles everywhere, here and there,

The guys are very happy about Maya,

Sun, songs and flowers!

3rd child.

The sky is blue today,

The sonorous songs are heard,

We celebrate May Day -

Holiday of sun and spring!

Children perform the song “The Sun Asks”, music. A. Abramova.

Presenter. New grass whispers.

All. Spring has come to us!

Presenter. A bee circles on flowers.

All. Spring has come to us!

Presenter. All nature has come to life, the children are having fun.

All. Spring has come to us!

The children take their seats.


In all corners of our Earth

Happy songs are heard today!

1st child.

Ah, Russia, you, Russia,

How your soul sings

My dear side,

How good are you!


Mother Volga spills,

The birches and fields rustle here,

The scarlet dawn rises.

Russia, you are dear to us!

2nd child.

Golden fields and birch trees all around,

You, my Russia, you are our beloved home!


Rus' is rich in talents,

Both girls and boys sing here.

We love our free songs,

We love white birch trees!

Children dance in a round dance “Ah yes birch tree”, music. T. Popatenko.


If songs swirl in the sky,

The leaves are ringing more cheerfully,

If people all become friends -

The kids will be happy!

1st child.

It will become more interesting for everyone,

If we live together!

2nd child.

Everyone will have more fun

When there are many friends in the world!


And what, dear friends,

I invite you on a journey!

We'll see how it is in other parts of the world

People are celebrating these May days!

A girl wearing a flight attendant uniform comes out.


On the road, it's time to hit the road!

Our flight to Ukraine, friends.

Comrade passengers, our plane

Taking flight!


The route is known to children:

We are flying to Kyiv on the Dnieper.

The phonogram of the song “Airplane” by Yu. Antonov plays.

Presenter. We've arrived!

The teacher comes out, wearing a wreath on her head, dressed in a Ukrainian costume; dances "Hopak".


Healthy bulls,

Dear Volgarians!

It's spring in Ukraine,

She also came to our region!

Girl(in Ukrainian costume).

Ukraine, Ukraine -

The sun is shining, the sky is blue.

In the meadows here and there

Red poppies are blooming!

Children perform an exercise with poppies to the waltz “Native Kyiv”.

1st child.

The chestnuts are blooming

Poppies are blooming

Ukrainian song

The children will sing for you.

They sing the song “Blossomed in the Valley”, music. A. Filippenko, lyrics. T. Shevchenko.

2nd child.

Ukraine dear,

You blossomed more beautifully in May!

A child cook comes out and brings out two buckets of potatoes.

1st child.

Well done guys, we

We love potatoes very much

We'll roast her at the stake

And quickly cook it in a saucepan.


In Russia - potatoes,

In Ukraine - potatoes,

Come on, friends,

Let's play a little!

To boil potatoes,

She needs to be imprisoned.

Here are the potatoes, and here is the vegetable garden,

Who's ready to plant potatoes?

The game “Who can plant potatoes the fastest” is played.

Spring has come . The buds and first flowers began to bloom on the trees, and the smell of spring was in the air. It's time to celebrate the arrival of spring in kindergarten.
Scenario for the spring holiday in kindergarten . Scenario for a spring holiday with children and leaders.

"Spring has come"

Authors: Yugova S.V., Belyaeva V.A., Kalugina L.G.
Target: Formation of a comprehensively developed, whole personality.
Objectives: 1. Expand children’s ideas about spring;
2.Develop an aesthetic perception of reality;
3. Educate creativity children, moral purity and aesthetic attitude to life and performing arts.

Good afternoon, dear guests!
We invite you to the spring festival!

Mother spring is coming, open the gates.
The first of March has arrived
White snow got off.
And behind him is April, let’s open the window and the door,
And when May came,
Invite the sun into the mansion.

Come in quickly, welcome guests.
Throw away all your worries at the entrance
Let happy faces flash everywhere
Let everyone have fun with us today

Everyone come out together to hear the ringing
These droplets ring ding-dong (2 times)
Birds hover here and there in the heights
They sing a sonorous song about spring.

(children come out)
Song "sun drops"

How much sun, how much light
Spring has brought for you.
Songs and dances are heard everywhere
ringing laughter is heard,
Flowers are blooming in a clearing in spring
and they lead their round dance, that’s it.

(matryoshka dance)

Everything is ready for the holiday,
So what are we waiting for?
We will start our holiday with a poem.


Masha, Olya, Egor, Nikita, Lera, Alena, Vika, Karina, Christina, Tima, Katya.

And now, guys,
listen to the riddles

1. The children sat on the ledge
And they grow down all the time (icicles)

2. Winter has passed and everyone is happy
Spring and the month (March) are hurrying

3. Behind him another knocks on the door
It's called (April)

4. And remember the third month,
What is it called (May)

5. The beauty walks, touches the ground lightly,
Goes to the field, to the river
And by snow and by flower (spring)

6. There is a palace on a pole, and in the palace there is a singer
And his name is (starling)

Game "Skvorushki"

To the clearing where the stream is,
Grandma drove out the geese.

Dramatization “Two cheerful geese lived with grandma”

I've been to the fair
I didn’t see anything there.
How many dances, how many jokes
And funny jokes.
And when the square dance begins to play
All the dancers are captivated.

Dance "Quadrille"

Kind, good looks at people,
And he doesn’t tell people to look at themselves? (Sun)

Game "Sun"

What is the stream singing to us about?
About the rustle of the forest.
-What is the breeze singing to us about?
About the blue sky.
-What does the earth always sing about?
O sun on high.
-What will you and I sing about?
About mom, about spring.

Song "We Live on a Rainbow"


1. Guys, did you like the holiday?
2. What time of year were we talking about today?
3. What did you like most?
(games, songs, poems, dances, etc.)

Guys, spring thanks you for such a holiday and gives you little suns so that your soul will be warm, light and joyful.

Majestic architecture of the walls, stretching into the sky, a bottomless roof full of stars, thick and strong taiga smells - they are brought by the wind, interfering with the smell of river water. It is clear that the pagans could not but perceive such greatness of the earth and not worship everything in the night - the moon, stars, water, sky. And during the day, of course, the sun, because everything depends on it, like on water: both life and death, and they knew it.
I love the mysterious ways of the night. One or two flight steps of the planet after twilight - unstoppable, predetermined - a turn given to it forever, and now we are looking into the black abyss of infinity. And everyone immediately finds themselves face to face with her. And with myself too.
They say it wrong - night has fallen... Where does it come from? The night is always with us, but we forget about it. This light is coming down to us. And the night, hiding somewhere from dawn, waits out the long day - maybe in caves, maybe in remote corners under tree roots or under blocks of granite. The night penetrates everywhere without moving the branches apart.
All his life a person sees the coming of night and never treats it with indifference. Perhaps in the city, where more often than not he simply misses an extraordinary hour. When night falls, the world changes not only externally. The spiritual rebirth of a person occurs imperceptibly every day. Moods, well-being, and attitudes towards others change. After all, there is no leap from youth to old age - an elusive gradualness, not felt by a person, a subtle movement-transition, a quietly growing, ever-renewing new quality. Time moves like an amoeba, and, blurring, envelops us.
Let the ancient pagan deity will give me something good - a saving thought, a dear memory. Is there anything good on earth? And suddenly it came, this saving thought - everything ends! And soon my stay here and my hardships will end. I almost completed my task.
I sent Dima to Aldan, at the disposal of the expedition, and gave Vasya-Yakut a gun as a guide. I sent a notice to management with it - let them rejoice: there is a lot of water, you can count on several cubic meters per second.
After Dima left, an almost incredible silence descended on the camp. No one is rude, no one contradicts over trifles, they eat noodles without salt in silence.
In the evenings, sitting by the fire, I often think that soon everything will be different here. Industrial plants, laboratories, houses, hospitals will be built in Chulman, avenues will appear, holiday homes will appear, tourists will appear... Of course, this is why I am looking
water. But I don’t want to imagine the trampled gait, tin cans in Byralas, shot moose and bears. I don't want this place to ever be crowded with people. Let this be a place where everyone can bathe in ancient silence and breathe in the cleansing wind of the passes.
I'd like to leave Timpton as it is for people. I see it as a nature reserve. Just as a mother wants to hand her child over to the right hands, I want pure and kind people to come to these lands.
"Bear Riot"
“Nowhere is it said,” Yakov knocks on the ground with his bowl and feet, “to force people to go to their death.”
Vasya and Nikolai look gloomily from the tents. Andreich smokes silently, sitting on a stump, and looks at the ground. Everyone spoke out before me, decided something and now they are going ahead.
- Let's leave! - Nikolai says defiantly. “To hell with your money, at least let it go to waste.” The fools agreed. “There is no trace of his complaisance.”
- What's the matter? - I ask.
- The point is that we don’t want to work with your bears, and that’s all...
I'm going to the tent. We must contain our excitement. They will disrupt the completion of the work! I missed this “bear rebellion”! And it's not easy. Going out to them, she calmly asked:
- What happened anyway? After all, you have been working there, on the “bear terrace”, for two days.
- We worked, and now we’re leaving. Enough.
Yakov sits with his knees tucked up to his chin and looks at the bucket where the porridge is bubbling. The appearance is good-natured, the snub-nosed face does not express either gloom or anger. He obviously knows this and, when he goes into a rage, he shows all his anger in action. “I don’t care about anything” is his favorite saying.

Spring holiday at the preschool educational institution. Scenario

Scenario for a festive performance on the theme of Spring

Festive concert for preschoolers “Spring in the Stone Kingdom”


The mistress of the copper mountain is an adult.

Two lizards



Sunny bunnies


Matryoshka dolls

Little frogs



Concert progress

Children of all age groups participate in the concert. This concert can be a kind of report on the work done during the academic year. The curtain opens to the lyrical, solemn melody of “The Lonely Shepherd.” The central wall is designed in the form of a stone rock, along which “lizards scurry” and shimmer “ gems" In the foreground is a majestic glowing stone flower. The Mistress of the Copper Mountain emerges from the “rock.”

Mistress of the Copper Mountain. Hello, dear guests. I'm glad to see you in my kingdom of stones. Although my kingdom is made of stone, glorified throughout the world for its countless riches, spring has not passed by.

My kingdom is the most wonderful of all:

The noise of leaves and bird songs,

Soft feather beds of the forest

And the murmuring of a brook...

Frisky squirrels are jumping,

The hedgehog runs, rustling the grass,

And the bears with the whole family

They stomp to the watering hole...

Masters and craftswomen,

Guests, dear friends,

Have a lot of fun

I invite you all.

My cheerful people

Never gets tired

Life is very fun:

He jokes, dances and sings.

Here are my lizards

They came to us to have fun.

Come to us soon,

What's going on, tell me!

Two girls in lizard costumes come out.

1st lizard.

Spring is coming across the earth,

He brings his own music.

2nd lizard.

Listen to this music

Everyone is welcome in the green forest.

Orchestra of noise instruments (children senior group) perform “Spring Voices” (“Waltz” by P. I. Tchaikovsky).

Mistress of the Copper Mountain. But bunnies appeared on the green lawn. So nimble and cheerful!

1st lizard. And we know why they are so funny.

2nd lizard. How can you stand still when cheerful musicians take up their instruments!

Staging of the song “The Cheerful Musician”, lyrics by T. Volgina, music by A. Filippenko.

1st lizard. Spring in the forest is the time for construction.

2nd lizard. All birds and animals are building new homes for themselves.

Mistress of the Copper Mountain. In my fairy-tale kingdom, even the little kids decided to build something. But we learn what and for whom from their songs.

The song “Building a House” (verses by V. Kuklovskaya, music by T. Shutenko) is performed by children of the second younger group.

Mistress of the Copper Mountain. Everywhere in the spring forest there is music and fun.

1st lizard. Look, even in the forest swamp the frogs put on quite a show.

2nd lizard. Yes, they had a whole concert.

The children of the preparatory group run out in frog costumes, perform the song “Concert”, poems by S. Cherny, music by N. Eliseev.

1st lizard. How wonderful it is in our forest!

2nd lizard. How beautiful our stone kingdom is in spring!

Mistress of the Copper Mountain. But we also have different funny stories and adventures. Here's one of them.

Staging of the song “Adventure in the Forest”, lyrics by T. Volgina, music by A. Filippenko.

Performed by children of the older group.

Mistress of the Copper Mountain. In my kingdom, not only stone flowers “bloom,” but also real ones. Look how beautiful they are!

The dance of flowers (“Waltz of the Flowers” ​​by P. I. Tchaikovsky) is performed by children of the preparatory group.

1st lizard. And another flower bloomed in our fairy-tale kingdom quite recently.

2nd lizard. Yes, I know, it's a rose.

Mistress of the Copper Mountain. A wonderful girl will sing the melody of this beautiful flower.

Piano three-handed “Rose” (Polish folk song). Performed by a preparatory group student and music director.

1st lizard. We know all the animals and birds in your forest, Mistress of the Copper Mountain.

2nd lizard. But often in a forest clearing we meet unprecedented animals. They are cheerful, mischievous and very restless.

Mistress of the Copper Mountain. I can guess who you are talking about. These are sunbeams. And here they are!

The song “Sunny Bunny” (poems by M. Sadovsky, music by V. Muradeli) is performed by children of the older group.

1st lizard. And if the day is sunny and fine, such sunny bunnies become visible and invisible.

2nd lizard. And they start a merry dance.

The sunbeam dance is performed by children from the preparatory group.

Mistress of the Copper Mountain. Sunny bunnies are the children of the bright sun, which warms and pleases everyone with its warmth. And the spring sun is so playful and mischievous!

1st lizard. It can even make all people sunny.

2nd lizard. How is this?

1st lizard. But listen to one such story.

A dramatization of the song “Red” (verses by E. Uspensky, music by I. Eliseev) is performed by children of the older group.

1st lizard.

All the boys and girls

They joke, they don't grieve.

2nd lizard.

And in a sunny meadow

They dance in pairs.

The dance "Quadrille" is performed by children of the preparatory group.

Mistress of the Copper Mountain.

The fun has come to an end

Our concert ends.

1st lizard.

But a treat awaits the guests,

The holiday continues.

Mistress of the Copper Mountain.

We ask you not to disperse,

Enjoy delicious tea.

1st lizard.

For aromatic tea -

A noble treat.

2nd lizard.

Tea quenches our thirst

Yes, it brings people together forever.

All guests and concert participants are invited to the tea table.

Children enter the hall to the song “Spring” and sit on chairs. No. 1

Look outside the window:

It's filled with light!

Everyone is squinting from the sun.

After all, spring is outside!

The birds are chirping cheerfully, the squirrel has changed its gray coat for a red one, the fox is moving from an old hole to a new one, the bear has gotten up and left the den, the crow is bathing in the first puddle...

What a wonderful time of year - spring.

There are three springs in nature:

Spring of light - March,

Spring of water - April,

Spring of green grass - May.

(3 children come out in costumes of the spring months.) No. 2

March. So that spring comes again,

We need to call her.

April. And we're tired of winter

And she ate all our bread.

May. Winter, winter, go beyond the seas!

Spring, spring, wake up from your sleep!

Guys, get acquainted, these are the spring months. Do you know what their names are?

Children. ………

And they came to us to welcome Spring and invite birds. And the weather today is wonderful for this.

So let's all call Spring, the beauty, together. Let's shout:

Spring, Spring, wake up from your sleep!

(All the children scream. Kikimora Bolotnaya comes in) No. 3


Who called me? Who called me?

We called Spring, not you. Who are you?


I'm Kikimora Bolotnaya. Why do you need spring? I can easily pass for her.

What can you do?

Kikimora (thinks, bends his fingers).

I can scream loudly. Aw! Aw! I can hit pots! Muddy the waters. To lure people into the forest. And steal children. (Approaches one of the children, scares him.)

Uh, no! That won't do! We'll have to drive away this Kikimora.

Kikimora (crying).

Don't want! No need!

Fine. Then we’ll do this: we’ll play a game together, and then we’ll see what to do with you.

(The game “Flies or does not fly” is played.)


Oh, oh! How smart you all are!

(There is a knock on the door, a child postman enters) No. 4

Postman Child

Telegram, telegram!

I'm running straight to you from the post office.

The telegram is urgent

The address is very precise: Barsovo village, Ryabinka kindergarten.

Thank you postman. (He wants to take the telegram, but does not have time, at this time Kikimora snatches the telegram from the postman’s hands.)


But I won’t give you the telegram.

Let's get it here! We will read the telegram and find out who it is from! (Reads.)

To make your life more fun,

To laugh and dance,

We need to call the birds soon

And me, welcome Spring!

I want to invite you

Stay in the clearing,

So that later we remember

How they played with me here,

To find a clearing,

We need to cross the bridge,

And then through the swamp,

And then, who cares,

Step over the handles

Here you will find me.

Good luck, brave friends!

I'm looking forward to seeing you! SPRING-RED


Oops! Spring is no joke! It's time for me to go home. (Runs away.)

As soon as we started talking about spring, spring itself invites us to visit. But to get there, you need to overcome all obstacles. Let's hit the road

(Children pass obstacles, cheerful music sounds.) No. 5

And here is the bridge. (They walk along the bridge.)

And here is a stream that needs to be jumped over (they jump over).

Here are the hummocks, you have to walk over them and not fall, otherwise you will get your feet wet in the swamp.

Here we are. What a beautiful clearing. Where is Spring - red?

Let's call her.

(Spring appears in the clearing.) No. 6

I, Spring - Red

I wake the Earth from sleep.

I fill the kidneys with juice.

I grow flowers in the meadows.

I drive ice away from the rivers.

I make the sunrise bright.

Everywhere - in the field and in the forest,

I bring joy to people.

(Children perform the round dance “Vesnyanka.”) No. 7

The children take their seats.

Hello guys! I am very glad that you responded to my invitation. She came to the clearing to visit me, listen to my stories, play, have fun.

Guys, do you know the signs well? Let's check it out.

Signs of spring: (for children)

1 child.

March will come - drip - and winter will cry.

2nd child.

I saw a starling - know that spring is on the porch.

3 child.

May decorates the forests, summer awaits visitors.

4 child.

April begins with snow and ends with greenery.

5 child.

In April, clear nights end with frosts.

And when I was coming to you, I heard in the forest how wintering birds were talking with migratory birds. Very interesting conversation...

Staging. No. 8

Hello, little bird,

Hello, good titmouse!

Hello, woodpecker, our friend,

Hello, dove and bullfinch!

Tell the birds

Where have you been

Tell the birds

What have you seen?

In hot countries there is a hot summer.

There is no winter, no snow.

Giant elephants roam there,

Monkeys scream all day long.

Lianas curl under the trees,

There are coconuts and bananas.

Did you live well?

Far from home?

Who were you friends with there?

In unfamiliar countries.

We missed the village

Along the ringing stream,

By the birdhouse, by the trees,

Next door - a sparrow.

Would you dance for us?

We have been waiting for you very, very much!

To make it more interesting,

We dance with you together. (A dance of the specialist’s choice is performed.)

I am a titmouse, a small bird.

I am addressing you, friends!

Children, don’t destroy the nests!

Don't touch the bird house!

Don't take eggs from nests,

Take care of us, friends!

(A child sitting in a mass of children stands up and speaks.)

We won't ruin

Bird nests.

Let the bird songs ring

To the delight of all the guys

How do animals greet spring?

Let's ask them guys to tell us.

(Magpie flies, flying around a circle, stopping in the center.) No. 9

I am a cheerful Magpie, I am a white-sided Magpie!

I heard the news in the forest, I’m carrying it on my tail!

I will tell the whole world that winter is long gone!

(Calls.) Teddy Bear, get up!

(Bear comes out of the house.) No. 10

What happened, Beloboka?

No winter, spring has come!

Without care or worry

The bear was sleeping in his den!

Suddenly the clubfoot woke up,

He hears a drip, that's the problem!

He got out and saw - a puddle!

The snow is melting, spring has come!

Hooray! I sucked my paw for six months, and now let’s eat some honey!

(The bear sits on a bench.)

Bunnies! Bunnies!

(Three bunnies run out from behind the Christmas tree.) No. 11

Hares (in chorus):

What happened, Beloboka?

No winter, spring has come!

Hares (in chorus):

Hooray! It's time for us to change our fur coat!

1st Bunny:

In winter we were white!

2nd Bunny:

And in the summer we will be gray!

3rd Bunny.

The animals in the forest trembled in winter,

There was nowhere for them to go!

Fox! Little fox!

Fox: (running out from behind the Christmas tree): No. 12

What happened, Beloboka?

No winter, spring has come!

So it's time to sing songs!

The animals dance for joy -

There is so much sun in April!

Animals are having fun, imitation movements. No. 13

Baba Yaga flies in on a broom, the animals run away. No. 14

Baba Yaga.

They danced! Now I’ll take the smiles off your faces, you’ll cry! I'll call the evil Cloud, she'll show you

(Whistles.) No. 15

Cloud enters smoothly. No. 16

This light is my fierce enemy!

I will send in darkness and gloom!

I don't like to live in the world,

And I won’t let you be friends either!

“Rays” with colored ribbons run out and perform a dance.

At the end of the music, Sunny comes out. No. 17


I am the radiant sun

I bring warmth and light,

I return your smiles

And I give joy to everyone!

The music of Vivaldi "Spring" is playing. The ray children, spinning in a dance, push Baba Yaga and Cloud out of the hall.

The sun is shining and laughing,

And the rain is pouring on the ground!

Rain, rain! Water it!

There will be a loaf of bread!


The sun doesn't frown

He can't take his eyes off you,

Because Sunny

I like it!

Thank you, Sunny!

Guys, we welcomed spring,

They danced and played.

We had fun with the spring,

And she stayed with us!

It’s spring, and the guys want to tell you poems about you, they’ve been waiting for you

Tell me, I'll be happy to listen.

Spring comes gradually:

The snow is silently melting in the fields,

Escape from ice captivity

River waters are secretly prepared.

It's not that cold at night,

And now the starling is flying

To your house on a birch trunk...

Spring has arrived. Winter is over!

If the snow is melting everywhere,

The day is getting longer

If everything turns green,

And a stream rings in the fields.

If the sun shines brighter,

If the birds can't sleep,

If the evening has become warmer,

So spring has come to us!

Presenter. Musical background. No. 18

Winter is over. Rejoice, spring has come!

The sun woke up first good people smiled.

Streams rang and flowers bloomed.

1 child

We got up early today, we don’t have time to sleep today.

They say the starlings are back! They say spring has come!

2 child

We have been waiting for spring for a long time, and you are wandering somewhere.

Without you, sunny summer will not come.

3 child

A golden ray of sunshine peeked into our kindergarten.

"Very good in spring!" - all the guys say.

Children sing a song about spring “Spring Drops” No. 19

Spring drops

What kind of music can you hear on the street?

It's spring singing again

Bird trills whistled and droplets rang

The whole street is full of bright music

Open the doors wider

Wake up birds, animals

The evil winter has retreated - winter - a - a

We forgot about the cold

We don't need them at all

Cold and silent silence

Winter cold and silent silence

What kind of music do I hear outside the window?

Everything melted away, what was a winter's dream

And the sound of icicles dripped loudly like a spring waterfall

Everything around me started laughing

This music is like spring water

We will never be bored with her

There's a melody everywhere I'll sing along with it

I will remember this music forever

Snowdrop peeked out

In the twilight of the forest,

Little scout

Sent in the spring.

(Flowers run out into the clearing.)

1st Flower.

How much sun, how much light

Spring has brought for everyone!

2nd Flower.

In a clearing near Spring

Flowers are blooming

Unprecedented beauty!

3rd Flower.

Nature wakes up

Washed with dew!

4th Flower.

And, of course, all the animals

Waking up in spring!

And flowers, and flowers,

Fragrant and tender.

Bees, bees, fly

And find your flower.

Dance "Flowers and Bees"

You made me happy, how funny you are, how you can dance, how to sing songs, and what good poems you told. I had fun with you.

It's good to walk in the spring -

And to meet the Red Spring.

Thank you, spring, for inviting us to your clearing. And now it’s time for us to return to our kindergarten.

I look forward to your visit again.

Goodbye Spring. (They say goodbye. The children return to kindergarten.) (Teacher No. 5.)

List of used literature:

1. Kartushina M. Yu. Scenarios of recreational leisure activities for children 5–6 years old. – M.: TC Sfera, 2004. – 128 p. (Together with the children.)

2. “Musical Director” No. 8 2011; Publishing house "Education of preschool children"; Editor-in-Chief T.B. Koryabina.

3. N. Lukonina, L. Chadova “Holiday in kindergarten for children from 2 to 4 years old”; 5th ed. - M.Iris-press, 2007.

4. “Holidays in kindergarten” Mikhailova M.A., Academy of Development Academy and Co., 1998 (series “Kindergarten: day by day”).

Materials used and Internet resources:

Noise and sound effects:,

music by M. Eremeeva, S. Merzlyakova's-Songs/Spring-drops/