Celebration script for International School Library Day. Scenario for a class hour on the topic "International School Library Day" International School Library Day activities at school

Every school in the world has a treasured office, the main “filling” of which is not stylish furniture or modern technology, but books. We are, of course, talking about the school library. Both teachers and students turn to the services of a specialist working within its framework - a school librarian - every day. Interestingly, there is a global holiday dedicated to libraries educational institutions. Let's find out more about him!

Information about the holiday

The celebration we are interested in is called International Day school libraries. It was first celebrated in 1999. The initiators of the establishment of such a holiday were representatives of UNESCO. The time of the socially significant event is always the same and falls on the fourth Monday of the average autumn month.

The fact that the new date was included in the calendar was announced at the appropriate moment by Blanche Woolles, the man who at that time held the position of president of the ASL (International Association of School Libraries). The official status of the holiday was given 6 years later, in 2005, as announced by Peter Jenko, who replaced the previously mentioned Blanche Woolles as president of the said association.

Two more years have passed, and International School Library Day has turned from a one-time annual event into a month-long event. Employees of “book depositories” in educational institutions talk about this innovation different countries supporters of the project learned from the coordinator of the festive event, Rick Mulholland. The motto of the first October month of social significance was: “Literacy and learning in your school library.” It is noteworthy that in order to hold a specific holiday, school librarians were not required to follow any strict regulations: it was enough to choose one day in the specified autumn month at their discretion to organize a thematic event. However, many responded to this initiative with remarkable enthusiasm, as a result devoting a week of their time to International School Library Day.

What is the situation with the holiday in our country? Russian schools joined the School Library Month relatively recently - only in 2008. It was then that this wonderful, useful action was organized and carried out. Its motto was a wonderful phrase: “The school library is on the agenda.” Within the framework of the national month, in most Russian schools a variety of events took place: exhibitions, competitions, seminars, conferences, presentations and librarians’ congresses.

The history of the school library

Such a structural unit of an educational institution as a school library appeared at the end of the 17th century. This happened thanks to the efforts of Muscovites, who repeatedly submitted relevant petitions and petitions to higher authorities.

School libraries were the first to appear in prestigious educational institutions - gymnasiums, colleges and cadet corps. Gradually, this process spread to middle and lower level schools. A little later, this structural unit settled even in parochial schools. The pace of the emergence of school libraries can be judged by the following statistics: in the 30s. the century before last, in gymnasiums alone there were more than 60 libraries, and in parochial schools there were about 30 of them.

In 1860, the authorities carried out a reform that was of great importance for the development of school “book depositories”. It consisted of the creation of a so-called public school, in connection with which the formation of a network of student libraries began. The formation of this system took place at the expense of funds coming from the pockets of parents, who paid the state for the education of their children, and thanks to the voluntary donations of a caring population.

At that time, the network of school libraries was managed by three government bodies: the Ministry of State Property, Education and Education, and the Synod. By the beginning of the 20th century, the share of school libraries in the total number of all structural units of this type was almost 80%. In the 30s The profession of a school librarian appeared. Its emergence was caused by the need to improve library services.

Surprisingly, the Great Patriotic War failed to put an end to the idea of ​​an extensive network of school libraries once and for all. After its completion, the restoration of the latter occurred in record time. Until 1975, school librarians were only responsible for serving students. But, starting from the announced moment, teachers will also join the students.

After 2 years, school libraries began to be equipped with free textbooks. In addition to the school librarian, new specialists have been added: an inspector of educational collections and a methodologist.

Currently, more than 60 thousand libraries operate within schools and similar educational institutions in Russia.

Tasks and functions

The school library is figuratively called the “brain” of the school. The validity of this informal status is confirmed by the functions performed by the library within the walls of a general education institution.

In total, three main functions can be distinguished:

Information. It consists of providing schoolchildren and their mentors with the opportunity to receive and use at their discretion any information they request.

Cultural. School librarians are required, as part of their work, to organize thematic events from time to time, the purpose of which is to develop students' social awareness and cultural development.

General education. This means contributing to the fulfillment of educational tasks outlined in the school curriculum and present in the concept of the educational institution.

School libraries also have several areas of activity. They must be equipped in such a way that children, their parents and teachers can easily access books and periodicals for reading and familiarization; to computer programs. As for teachers themselves, they should also have the opportunity to use methodological and pedagogical literature. Methodological consultations provided to all of the listed categories of citizens are also included in the list of services provided by school libraries and their employees. In addition, the activities of school libraries are aimed at preserving, replenishing and protecting the book collection.

What challenges do school libraries face? Instilling in students a love of books, healthy image life, the reading process, meeting the needs of information teachers, carrying out ideological and educational work. At the same time, school librarians must use new computer technologies in their activities and maintain electronic catalogs in order to make their work easier and the access to library services for those visiting it.


Every school in the world has a treasured office, the main “filling” of which is not stylish furniture or modern technology, but books. We are, of course, talking about the school library. Both teachers and students turn to the services of a specialist working within its framework - a school librarian - every day. Interestingly, there is a world-wide holiday dedicated to libraries of educational institutions. Let's find out more about him!

Russian schools joined the School Library Month relatively recently - only in 2008. It was then that this wonderful, useful action was organized and carried out. Its motto was the wonderful phrase: “The school library is on.” As part of the national month, most Russian schools hosted a variety of events: exhibitions, competitions, seminars, conferences, presentations and librarian congresses.

Currently, more than 60 thousand libraries operate within schools and similar educational institutions in Russia.

What challenges do school libraries face? Instilling in students a love of books, a healthy lifestyle, the reading process, meeting the information needs of teachers, carrying out ideological and educational work.

Russian school librarians have the opportunity to celebrate their professional holiday: May 27 - on All-Russian Library Day and in October (in 2017 - October 23) - during the International School Library Month.

The Russian School Library Association (RSLA) invites you to take an active part in the International School Library Month 2017!

The month is a time to draw everyone's attention to school libraries, children's reading, and is an opportunity to support school librarians.

In pursuance of the order of the head of the Education Department dated 01.01.2001 No. /581-o “On holding the municipal School Libraries Month”, in order to attract the attention of all participants in the educational process, the parent community to school libraries, books, children's reading and the formation of a positive image of the school library as information and educational space that ensures creativity and development of schoolchildren, based on the information letter of the Ministry of Education dated January 1, 2001. No. 000/09о in the city of. Elektrostal is holding the municipal School Libraries Month from 10/01/2017 to 10/31/2017, dedicated to International School Libraries Day.

Our school is an active participant!

The school library invites everyone to take part in a wide variety of activities during School Library Month, offering various forms work.

Event plan

School Libraries Month at Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 22 with UIOP”






Integrated lesson “In the boundless sea of ​​books”


Festival “The World of Unknown Secrets of the Forest”

5.10.17– 25.10.17

class class leaders

Stand "October - International School Libraries Month"



1-11 grades

Virtual acquaintance with the work of children's writers by sending out presentations with portraits of writers from the library

offices primary classes

1-4 grades

primary school teachers

Book exhibition for International Literacy Day



1-11 grades

“Meeting with the Text” - a series of loud readings for the 115th anniversary

16.10.17– 23.10.17

Exhibition creative works students

23.10.17– 30.10.17

library reading room

2-4 grades

primary school teachers

Master class “Making a book cover with your own hands”



International School Library Day appeared in the register of holidays in 1999 at the initiative of UNESCO. Since then, it has been celebrated annually every fourth Monday in October. But in 2008, one was replaced holiday School Library Month is here. Now each organization can choose any suitable day for holding a holiday and events.

The main goal month is attraction public attention to school libraries in need of regular replenishment of classical and modern literature. As part of School Library Day, events are held to collect books from volunteers, meetings with authors and interesting people, literary presentations, professional conferences and competitions.

This holiday is not easy,
It's international.
Together we celebrate the Day
School libraries.

The kids' textbooks are waiting,
The classics are bored
Books lined up
Knowledge is retained.

Be a frequent visitor
You're in the library
And they will open the books to you
All your secrets.

Books teach us to see the truth,
Understand real values.
They share important thoughts
From the past and present.

We got acquainted with these books
In school libraries.
And we want to say thank you to them.
They made us human.

Today wonderful holiday- International School Libraries Day. The library opens the student to the boundless world of books and gives the opportunity to get acquainted with outstanding works fiction, instills a love of reading. On this professional holiday, we wish all school library workers good luck in their business, good mood and grateful readers.

School library -
Amazing place!
For any person
Interests will be found here.

Both textbooks and books -
A storehouse of knowledge and events,
It is possible here without a doubt
Make millions of discoveries!

All answers and tips
You can easily find it here!
Here you believe in a dream and a fairy tale
School, book - forever!

Tablets, computers, smart phones, iPhones -
Today all schoolchildren are familiar with them!
But no matter how fast time runs -
We can't study without libraries!
Textbooks have settled here in a crowd,
And we can’t pass by the book with you.
We don’t press keys, but turn pages.
We can't learn anything without books,
After all, a man wrote a book with his soul.
Let's celebrate School Libraries Day!

Even the air is hidden here,
Here is a well of wisdom spilled,
Draw from it immensely.

There is a quiet peaceful area at school,
All textbooks are stored here,
Here books don't gather dust for a long time,
Take it for joy and read.

There is a quiet peaceful area at school,
His name is library
There the ignoramus will become a man,
And don't forget him!

Our school has a librarian,
She gives books to children,
There is no calmer, wiser man,
She will understand everyone who comes.

On this glorious international day,
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
Your work is undoubtedly noble,
Let it pass in blissful silence.

May your children love you very much,
A kind heart is always appreciated,
There will be peace in the soul and on the planet,
And there will never be grief!

Who will help all schoolchildren?
Who can tell me the right volume?
Who, according to the author, can only
Should I pick up a book, too?

This is our librarian!
We answer at the same moment,
Congratulations and best wishes
Good days and bright books.

Congratulations to school libraries today,
And we welcome all workers now!
We wish you prosperity and inspiration,
So that everything is sparkle and class.

Let the shelves be empty more often,
We read books to get schoolchildren on a binge.
Libraries are developing brilliantly,
And let the kids hurry in them in a crowd.

School library -
Temple of beautiful, kind books,
This is a chance for a man
May he comprehend all sciences!

Remember this guys,
Go to this temple more often,
All the age-old wisdom of the world,
Then it will be revealed to you here!

Today is Library Day
And with him, I congratulate you,
Read more smart books
And be happy friends!

International School Library Day is celebrated in many countries every year on the fourth Monday of October, since 1999 at the initiative of UNESCO. Moreover, every year it is dedicated to a specific topic. In 2018, the holiday falls on October 22.

The main goal of the holiday is to attract public attention to school libraries, which need regular replenishment of classical and modern literature.
Holiday traditions
“School libraries are partners in discovery, ideas, and learning. They are called upon to serve educational process, accustom children to books and work with information, accustom children to books and work with information. In addition, the library at the school is a center of culture and leisure. It is the library that creates the cultural space of the school. Disseminating information about the cultural values ​​of the people, cultural life native land, new books, the library gradually forms the cultural background of the school around itself.

In many countries, the holiday has received the status of a “month” and is celebrated throughout the month by holding various events. Each school, throughout the month, chooses the day when the main holiday will be held, and all other days are held with small events.

The main goal of the School Library Month is to attract students’ attention to books and reading as important factors in the preservation and development of national culture and science, strengthening the living connection between generations.

School Library Day includes, among other things, events to collect books from volunteers, meetings with authors and interesting people, as well as literary presentations, professional conferences and competitions. With the help of students, librarians prepare wall newspapers and decorate school corners.

International School Libraries Day: history and traditions of the holiday

About the profession
A modern librarian is not only a custodian of books. He is also a teacher, an artist, a psychologist, a marketer, and an information technology specialist.

In a broad sense, it is the custodian of information sources. Be it clay tablets, books, films, disks or files. He knows the secrets of navigation in an endless information treacle, the secrets of classifying, processing and organizing information, compiling bibliographic reference books and catalogues.

The librarian advises visitors, issues books, periodicals, and files stored in the library, and keeps records of issued and returned materials. Organizes the storage of information and searches for it.

He takes part in the creation of the library fund (places orders for the purchase of new literature, prepares catalogues). Registers and compiles files of periodicals.
Interesting facts

  • Librarian is one of the oldest professions, it is more than five thousand years old! The first librarians were scribes and priests who compiled collections of clay tablets.
  • In the old days, the librarian profession was very respected and exclusively male. Such famous people as mathematician Nikolai Lobachevsky, writer Vladimir Odoevsky, and fabulist Ivan Krylov once worked as librarians.
  • In the 19th century, to get a job in the main library of Russia, the Imperial Public Library, a higher education was not enough. Knowledge of Latin, Greek, French and German languages. Even junior library staff had to speak at least three (weak?) foreign languages!

Dear librarians! I wish you all not to lose courage, to remain as creative, mobile, creative, sincere and, of course, wise! Good luck to everyone and everything!

Congratulations on School Libraries Day

Librarian - information keeper,
From children's fairy tales to scientific articles,
He's in an immense book labyrinth
The best path to knowledge shows
His profession is complex and multifaceted,
There are a lot of different responsibilities,
And no catalogs, databases
His work cannot be replaced!
To those whose work is connected with the library,
We wish you a wonderful day
Health and success of all kinds,
Let life be bright and interesting!

Happy School Libraries Day!

You don’t give books against signature,
And give knowledge to the whole world.
It cleanses the human soul
A divine idol born by the author.
Libraries for many centuries
They protect our minds like the leaves of an old maple tree.
I bless you for long life,
Who has been in love with decent work since childhood.
Here are thoughts, feelings, wisdom, the secret of the century.
Let the winds of change blow in the world,
And you keep your contribution to the library.
Then decay will not touch the books of oblivion.
You often invited me to the reading room
Writers, poets and readers.
And your reader took it for happiness
Listen to the priceless wisdom of the fathers.
To friends who are books, not to people
You trusted the long-standing sadness.
So who is he, a librarian?
Healer of souls, mentor, guide.
He is a kind magician and an experienced pharmacist,
An infusion served from medicinal books.
Wise books do not gather dust on the shelves
And they will always find a reader,
If he can reach your heart
One whose work is greatly needed.
It is so important for you, librarians,
Find an answer to any question.
And sails like a paper boat
Precious light of enlightenment!
Librarians are the people
A special breed.
In the silence of libraries goes
The most important work.
The world of knowledge is accessible,
And, helping everyone,
Stores all knowledge
Your brain is like a computer.
You want it more and more
Read, grow smarter, dream
Or concentrate -
Create something great.
Great without loud words,
Invisible to the eye.
For you, the basis of all basics is
So that the light of the soul does not go out.
Happy Library Day!
Gives inspiration
The book is no problem for us.

Congratulations to the librarian

And doors to distant countries,
And new worlds
Unreal events -
Here are the book gifts!

Read, be faithful
You can easily read books!
You have a dream, believe me,
It will come true then!
On International Library Day
I want to remind you of a simple truth -
That a book is a gift for everyone!
She will draw a wonderful world for us.

Behind the lines, pages always
Something mysterious is hiding!
Read more books, gentlemen -
Books worthy of the highest honor!

It goes back to ancient times
The holy rule is to read to become wiser!
I wish you all the best
And remember - a book will always warm you up!
The school library is small,
But so quiet, cozy and sweet,
And we know you very well,
Today we cordially congratulate you!

We wish you to stay young,
Beautiful, but still simple,
To be a captain in this sea of ​​books,
After all, everyone has long been accustomed to you!

So that they buy new books more often,
So that your students don’t forget you,
And good health forever
Extended your school years!
Everyone Knows - Library
Each school has a center.
It's saturated with knowledge
Every centimeter.

(International School Library Day) is celebrated in many countries annually on the fourth Monday since 1999 at the initiative of UNESCO. Moreover, every year it is dedicated to a specific topic.

It was first proclaimed by the President of the International Association of School Librarianship (IASL) Blanche Woolles. In 2005, the official status of the holiday was confirmed by the new president of this organization, Peter Jenko.

In 2008, this event came out on new level- in January, project coordinator Rick Mulholland announced that International School Library Day would be transformed into a month - also international. In October of the same year, the first International School Library Month took place under the theme “Literacy and learning in your school library.”

Participants in the action could choose any day during the month to hold events dedicated to school libraries. Some, however, were not limited to one day or even a week, but announced long-term events - such as collecting books throughout the month.

October 23 is International School Library Day.

In Russia, the International School Library Month was first held in 2008. Then his motto became the words “The school library is on the agenda.” That year the foundation of the traditional monthly program was laid. It included congresses of school librarians, presentations of the “teacher-librarian” profession, honoring veterans of librarianship, training seminars, numerous events for schoolchildren (competitions, conferences, exhibitions, book collections) and their parents and teachers.

And these celebration traditions continue today and are becoming increasingly widespread. The main event of the month in Russia remains the Forum of School Librarians, which takes place in Mikhailovsky (Pushkin Nature Reserve in the Pskov region).

In addition to the international day and month of school libraries, domestic school librarians, along with all their colleagues, celebrate a professional holiday in the spring. falls on .

School library -
Temple of beautiful, kind books,
This is a chance for a man
May he comprehend all sciences!

Remember this guys,
Go to this temple more often,
All the age-old wisdom of the world,
Then it will be revealed to you here!

Today is Library Day
And with him, I congratulate you,
Read more smart books
And be happy friends!

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