Psychology of men 40-50 years old. Midlife crisis: when a man ruins everything

At the age of 40, it is a subject of study for leading experts, since it is very difficult to find answers to many questions. This fateful period can bring significant destruction to all areas of a man’s life. At the same time, not only one’s own self-esteem suffers, but also one’s personal life.

Reasons for disappointment

A 35-40 year old man is quite predictable. The woman is no longer surprised by his bad mood and constant reproaches. You can give a short list of men's “essays”.

  • “I want more freedom, you limit me and don’t let me live in peace.” And it doesn’t matter that these “interests” are completely incompatible with the role of a husband.
  • “I work hard, so I will live the way I want.” Although, in this case, the wife can also spend the whole day at work, and in the evenings take care of the house and children. The only thing that matters is what a man does.
  • “You follow me and forbid me to communicate with my friends.”
  • “You are a bad mother and you raised your children wrong.” To his wife’s counter question: “What were you doing at that time?” - at best, you can get one answer: “It worked.”
  • “You are only interested in your own, you are not interested in my life.” But if a wife shows interest in her husband, this is perceived as an interference in his personal space and control.
  • "You only want my money."
  • “The house is dirty, the children are ill-mannered, the food is tasteless.” Wives of 40-year-old husbands have to listen to this “song” every day.
  • “Don’t ask why I behave this way, you still won’t understand.”
  • “Why am I patient? I have one life, let’s get a divorce."

When a man turns 40, he thinks about only one thing - escaping from the “prison” in which he finds himself. It depresses him that every day he has to return to the evil witch when there are so many beautiful fairies around. This “breakdown” leads to the man destroying his family and setting off towards something new and unknown. The fact that another life is not always better is of little concern to him during this period. He is sure that a miracle awaits him ahead, which will bring happiness.

The man is a hero

A man’s 40th birthday is the age when he begins to take stock. If he has certain successes, then he sincerely considers himself a winner and craves universal approval and admiration. First of all, from my wife. But she cannot always share his confidence in her own exclusivity. The wife stopped admiring her husband and giving him compliments, which really hurt his pride. Photos of men who are in this state often reveal their dissatisfaction.

To satisfy his ambitions, a man is looking for a girl who will look at him with loving eyes and hang on every word. It seems to him that if he doesn’t find such a fan now, then it will be too late. This fear is so strong that a man is ready to rush headlong into the pool and destroy everything that was created with such difficulty.

Youth is flowing away

The man begins to understand that he is in his fifties, and besides, his body begins to play pranks: it will hurt here, then it will get stabbed here. The realization that old age is not as far away as it seemed a couple of years ago, and perhaps the best years are behind us, causes a man to panic. Photos of men taken several years ago are further confirmation of this.

Erectile dysfunction

Women may not even try to understand what this means for a man. The fear of impotence or weak erection cannot be compared with the worries of the fair sex about a new wrinkle or cellulite. Sexual dysfunction for a man is like the end of life. When a man reaches 45 years old, his psychology changes.

Even if there is no real problem yet, such thoughts make a man angry and aggressive. He gets irritated over trifles and tries to get rid of internal negativity. But under stress, testosterone, the hormone of aggressiveness, splashes out in large quantities, so it turns out to be a vicious circle. Often it is the wife who becomes a hostage to the situation.

The psychology of a 40-year-old man has a characteristic feature - he is completely focused on his own achievements and intimate victories. He is sure that he and his wife have already outlived their usefulness and do not bring satisfaction. All that remains is a sense of duty, which does not inspire heroism at all. Quite the contrary. The man feels unhappy, he understands that he is tormented by his wife’s claims and that he blames her for the fact that his dreams have not yet been realized. During a crisis, he does not want to take care of children and delve into their problems; all this seems unimportant to him. The main thing now is your own ego and meeting your needs.

Of course, in the understanding of a man, the wife is to blame for all troubles. He is sure that she has ceased to understand him, that he is lonely in the family and everyone is using him.

The crisis of forty years is a real earthquake

The psychology of a 40-year-old man is such that he walks around and doesn’t think about anything. The thirst for freedom is very strong, and it seems to him that if he does not “jump on the departing train” now, then it will be too late.

Primary psychology and experts are sure that at this age a man’s behavior is similar to that of a teenager, and his thoughts are just as confused. He wants romance and thrills, so he has light affairs and flirts with everyone. The most interesting thing is that the man sincerely thinks that he has fallen in love. For the sake of his passion, he is ready to deceive his wife and forget about his children. The only woman who gives him inspiration is a woman who is completely different from his demanding and angry wife.

How does a forty-year-old married man behave?

Almost every wife of a forty-year-old husband noticed changes in his behavior that were caused by interest in other women. At the beginning of the spree, a man may not plan to leave his family, but a new sexual charge and long-forgotten emotions give him an incentive to live. After all, the passion for his wife has long subsided, although not every woman is ready to admit this fact.

The peak of sexual activity occurs at the age of thirty, so it is quite natural that by the age of forty a man is no longer so strong in this regard. But this state of affairs does not suit him at all, so he blames the woman for everything. In his understanding, it is she who cannot “turn him on”.

The man looks for confirmation of his own theory on the side. He feels quite confident with new women, which is not surprising, because emotions are strong, and novelty always excites the imagination. But over time, everything returns to normal, because it is impossible to deceive nature.

The psychology of men in the family is such that if the wife accepts this situation and does not consider it necessary to destroy the family because of her husband’s “stupidity,” then the marriage can exist in this mode for several more years. Most likely, when the crisis is over, the husband will again become loving and caring. But not every woman is ready to forgive betrayal.

Peak of divorces

When the age of “a man after 40” comes, his psychology changes dramatically. Everything he once strived for now seems completely unimportant to him. He easily leaves his family and is firmly convinced that he will never return there. Well, who voluntarily returns to prison? But over time, his life with the new good fairy turns into a man who begins to compare her with his “old” wife, whom, as it turns out, he cannot completely let go. Obligations begin to weigh him down again, so he “runs away” to a place where he can be alone.

What should a woman do?

There is an opinion that a man’s interest can be regained with the help of a new image. But, as practice shows, this is complete nonsense. A woman should always take care of herself and look well-groomed, regardless of her husband’s attitude towards her.

Most often, not to the woman who is younger or more beautiful, but to the one who, it seems to him, understands him better and does not demand anything, agreeing to his “rules of the game.” It is this kind of young lady that attracts him most. He does not want to “stress”, spend a lot of money on courtship and sacrifice his interests for the sake of a woman. But the most important thing a man is looking for is novelty.

If a woman wants to save her family

In this case, she needs to shut her mouth and not discuss the unworthy behavior of her own husband. If a woman can show wisdom, then the man will “go crazy” and return to the family. You should not share your problem with friends and neighbors so as not to cause unnecessary gossip.

You can enlist the support of your mother-in-law, because she is unlikely to approve of the behavior of her married son. But sometimes you can “run into” the opposite situation: the mother-in-law can blame her wife for all the troubles, because she is a bad housewife and her cooking is tasteless. And in general, husbands do not leave good wives. So it’s worth thinking several times about whether you need to interfere with your parents’ family problems.

Who is this rival?

A man is unlikely to tell himself who his mistress is and with whom he is cheating on his wife. Therefore, almost all women try to independently obtain information about their rival, so as not to fight the enemy with their eyes closed. But this will not lead to anything good except mental anguish. Moreover, there is no need to seek contacts with your mistress and sort things out with her. It will be an unconditional loss.

If a woman wants to save her family, she cannot kick her husband out on her own. When you have life in perfect harmony behind you, you should not make decisions rashly. Often, during this difficult period for him, a man expects support, understanding and action from his wife, but he behaves so aggressively that his behavior is repulsive. At this moment it seems to him that he will always think this way. But someday the crisis will end, and it will no longer be possible to return the family. As life shows, it is at this moment that the wife gets a man who loves her and the children and is ready to move mountains for them.

How to help a man

So, a man after 40... His psychology implies during this period a certain waterline that divides life into “before” and “after”. As soon as the wife sees the first symptoms of a crisis, she should devote more time to the man, surrounding him with unobtrusive care and warmth.

During this period, a man begins to think about health and prefers to eat right. The wife needs to take this nuance into account and diversify or completely change her usual diet. If the husband is quite smart, he will appreciate the efforts and patience of his wife and will not allow betrayal in the form of infidelity. After such a test, their life can change dramatically and become even better than it was before the crisis. A man must be aware of every action and understand what it can lead to. The craving for novelty, no matter how strong it may be, should not prevail over reason and adequacy.

Four crisis models

The psychology of a man at 40, as well as his behavior, changes dramatically. Experts identify four crisis models.

  • The world is collapsing. It seems to a man that nothing is working out for him, life is passing him by and all his desires remain unfulfilled.
  • Pseudo-development. The man is completely dissatisfied with his life, although there are no apparent reasons for this. But at the same time, he demonstratively radiates happiness.
  • Offense at fate. It is more difficult for a person with such a mindset to overcome a crisis.
  • Full implementation. A man who is confident in his abilities and does not suffer from hidden complexes overcomes this difficult period with minimal losses. He does not destroy the family and does not indulge in all serious things. Life taught him that problems need to be solved, not run away from them.

Knowing the secrets of the psychology of men, you can survive a fatal crisis without ruining your life and without causing pain to the people around you who sincerely love and care.

In this article, the author, absolutely honestly and without the slightest regard for political correctness, conveys the really existing and very widespread views of a fairly large part of the male population on the problem of relationships with women with whom they have lived for many years. What makes the article especially valuable is the fact that it’s not that it’s not customary to talk about this problem openly in society, no, the topic is so taboo that even in an outspoken male environment you rarely hear sincere statements on this matter. So, here is a typical male view of the problem, without regard to the usual ethical norms and rules. And if you are a woman and this is unpleasant for you to read, then remember one thing, in most cases it is true. So what is it, boundless male egoism or a man’s sincere desire for personal happiness?

The closer I get to forty, the more people I know my age are getting divorced. Some go to younger people, but most just leave. Because they can't do it anymore.

Because life with a modern emancipated woman does not justify the psychological costs of an adult and no longer hypersexual man.

The rest are patient. For reasons of responsibility and greed: what will happen to the children, what will the relatives say, and how will I live if I give away or divide the apartment, dacha, car “acquired in a joint marriage”?

Only a few are truly happy, and even then you can’t tell whether they are happy or have learned to deceive themselves so well.

I won't write nasty things about women. I'll just write about male happiness. Have you heard of this? I didn't hear it either.

"10 ways to make a woman happy." "20 opportunities to make her orgasm." “100 words your beloved wants to hear.” The “Women’s Happiness” brand creeps in from all the cracks - just dodge. As for male happiness, the social demand for this matter is under an unspoken taboo. About how to make a man happy, if anyone stutters, it’s again women. Either through the chauvinistic “hee-hee”, or through the glamorous “syu-siu”. I have never heard men speak seriously, publicly and in Russian about this topic. We have convinced ourselves that such discussions are a sign of weakness. And to overcome this misconception, you need too much courage and political incorrectness - in the modern world there is not so much.

In fact, this presumption of silence is from an honorable collection of outdated gender stereotypes that still persist only because no one has thought to break them. If we transcribe this false courage into female discourse, we get something like: “Our female lot is to love and endure.” Since such statements were popular, women's emancipation has taken a huge step forward. So huge that it seems the time has come for the emancipation of men.

No, I’m not calling anyone to a rally, I’m not suggesting that they write proclamations and fight for men’s rights. I’ll just now suggest that both you, a man, and you, a woman, find a significant answer to one bad question. It sounds like this: “Why do we need a female person at all - with all his today’s cultural and ideological load - after this person turns 40 years old and he finally loses the only thing that was feminine about him - external attractiveness? What should we do with him now?

“Judge for yourself,” another peer, who filed for divorce yesterday, tells me over a glass of non-alcoholic mojito. - Why should I continue to endure all this?! Let's look at things with healthy cynicism, discarding all this love-carrot that the Jews came up with so as not to pay money. A full package of women's services in Moscow today costs from 30 to 100 thousand rubles per month, depending on their quality. There are tons of options, and I can afford any. A secretary with sex, for example, costs 70-80 thousand. We add here 10 thousand to some aunt for weekly house cleaning - and the question arises: “Why do I need this pale, inadequate hysterical woman, who also smokes in the apartment?” Another option: I rent a good apartment for 30 thousand to some uninhibited student with the right to regular visits on Fridays. Finally, you can simply become a regular client of an elite brothel.

- What about family comfort? What about the children? What about warmth?

- Yes, it’s worth a lot. But there is nothing left - no warmth, no comfort, no mother instilling in her children respect for their father! - the peer suddenly became wound up as if he had not a mojito in his glass, but vodka and beer. - No and it can’t be! Because 90 percent of women in a big city, even if they grew up in the provinces, very quickly become like my wife. And there are too few of those left to risk marrying them. What can you do with her if she becomes inappropriate? The law, cultural norms - everything is not on your side. You can only leave. Having suffered great losses.

Why does a man get married? There is a romantic and incorrect answer to this question. In fact, in any union of a man and a woman, a certain economy of relationships inevitably turns on, a certain “you give me - I give you” - and the violation of this unwritten regulation inevitably leads, if not to the destruction of the marriage, then certainly to the disappearance of love.

Imagine, for example, that your man becomes unconditionally passive, loses the desire to dominate at least something in the field of life. What will be your actions? That's right, he will very soon see the dull eyes of his wife. In the same way, if a woman loses everything feminine in herself except her genitals, sooner or later she will kill herself in the eyes of her husband. To be irresponsible towards a man is her right, given to her by the law of the Russian Federation and not challenged by cultural norms.

But after 35-40, a period of illusions dying away begins, nature puts everything in its place. The vast majority of men now have no reason to sincerely continue a permanent relationship with such a woman. Those who managed to get into trouble begin to feel an irresistible desire to leave. Because the only “I am for you” that this woman had was her unearthly beauty, which no longer exists.

This means - unless her life partner has manic patience - such a woman is doomed to divorce. The man simply cannot help but leave her. Staying with a woman without the slightest “I am for you,” he loses in his own eyes the right to be called a man. But from the point of view of law and morality, he ends up in complete crap. The same modern law and modern morality that do not object to the irresponsible attitude of a woman towards a man.

A package of women's services as an alternative to marriage with an emancipated person is, of course, a barbaric view, but increasingly popular, and therefore worthy of reflection. It is better for faint-hearted women not to read further, because now I will turn on the cold shower of male pragmatism at full power.

This is a problem that for some reason we men are silent about, like a fish on ice. Show me an article in some glossy magazine with this headline: “100 reasons to tolerate a woman in your home after 40 years.” Or this: “10 reasons to tolerate a woman in your home after 40 years.” Or at least this: “5 reasons to tolerate a woman in your home after 40 years.”

There are no such publications. And there are no such reasons. Except for the only one. But it is not customary to write about her in glossy magazines.

You can tolerate a woman after 40 years in your home only if after 40 years she does NOT lose her feminine attractiveness. And at the age of 50 she does not lose her feminine attractiveness. And at 60, and even at 90.

If she understands that female attractiveness is not only about the face, breasts and buttocks. And not even common views and spiritual kinship - concepts that an emancipated woman loves to manipulate. Female attractiveness is the ability to charge the air. Harmonize the world at least within a single home. Do not rape male and female nature, but give your chosen one what without which he cannot feel like a happy man: respect, slight dominance, peace. And without hysteria, demand from him everything without which not a single woman in the world can be happy, no matter how she positions herself. This feeling of security and everything that follows from it - tenderness, generosity, fidelity.

Dear girls and women, you, of course, can continue to experiment and indulge yourself with the illusion that your experiment is successful. I won’t even be surprised that your opinion will be confirmed by your husband. But are you sure that he has never entered the phrase “secretary with sex” into a search engine? Or “rent an apartment, pay in kind”? Really, are you sure? Exactly, exactly? We'll talk in ten years.

What awaits a man after forty? It is known that many perceive the age of forty as a kind of line, crossing which a man can discover a second wind, new strengths and opportunities. This line is called a midlife crisis.

What is behind the number 40

At the age of forty, a man begins to rethink his life, revises his values, critically evaluates his achievements, counts his losses and tries to correct mistakes. At this age, many people experience certain successes, both in their personal lives and in their careers. Some are ready to engage in their favorite profession, others have a highly paid job or open their own business.

But these are not the only circumstances that worry men. Most representatives of the stronger sex, like women, are picky and careful about their own appearance. And here many may be disappointed. Beer belly, balding crown, flabby muscles, ten kilograms of excess weight. Few guys have remained in excellent shape after forty years. Fatigue has accumulated, vigor and love of life have disappeared, and strength has diminished. It is worth adding the beginning problems in intimate life, surprises with manifestations of impotence - and you can see the portrait of an ordinary average man.

How to change the situation

You are more than capable of doing this, even without special financial and physical costs. Leave in your life:

  • moderate physical activity;
  • joyful pleasant emotions;
  • the factors you need to strengthen your spirit;
  • proper nutrition.

What is the right diet for a 40-year-old?

Such nutrition is endowed with its own inherent characteristics. Remember that your first enemy should be considered excess weight, since the measured rhythm of life of a forty-year-old man provokes the deposition of fatty tissue in various areas. So the diet after forty years must certainly be hypocaloric, it must contain a minimum of easily digestible carbohydrates and animal fats. Give preference to plant and protein foods - meat, vegetables, fruits. The frequency of meals should ideally increase, and the volume of portions should decrease.

Need to strengthen bones

Over the years, the human skeletal system suffers. For the most part, this concerns, first of all, women during menopause, but a man cannot be immune from calcium loss. Consequently, the daily diet must necessarily include fermented milk and dairy products, hard cheeses, chocolate, cabbage, and calcium-rich foods.

How to strengthen your heart

After forty years of age, life often presents diseases of the cardiovascular system, such as angina pectoris, coronary heart disease, heart attack, and stroke. To successfully prevent these diseases, try to eat potassium - as much as possible. It is found in dried apricots and bananas. It is better to give up fatty meats and processed foods.

Do you know what the stage of life is called when you are in your early 40s? Autumn time of life. This is because everything falls like leaves in autumn...: hair, tone, potency...

Sad? On the one hand, yes. Why? Because not everyone can cope with new feelings of SELF, accepting another stage of life, like sunset.

The cause of all the troubles of men “just over 40” is fear, and it’s secret, but it destroys everything around and gives rise to a lot of complexes and mistakes.

Here are some of them:

1. Suddenly, a man becomes a mega athlete. Before that, he drank, smoked, partied, and now sports, sports, sports. This is all very good. But science has repeatedly said that a sharp change from an idle lifestyle to a healthy and MEGA active one leads to failures. Firstly, psychological, secondly, physical. We need to get out of the “stagnation” gradually.

2. At the turn of forty, a woman is afraid of wrinkles, and a man is afraid of menopause. It’s a paradox, menopause comes to both one and the other. But the woman knows that menopause will bring her temperament, and the man, on the contrary, worries about his potency. Remember: the main thing is regularity! No, this does not mean at all that you need to look for young mistresses and use them as a simulator. Everything is important here: emotions, quality of performance, the ability to open up and trust. If you change partners frequently, it will be more like physical education. Which, by the way, is fraught with various diseases. And it’s one thing to “pick them up” at 20 years old, quite another at 40...

3. In the event of a crisis at the age of 40, a man will again have to rebuild his life plan, develop a new “I-concept”. This crisis can seriously change a person’s life, including changing professions and starting a new family. And often, with a much younger girl.

No, I don't want to offend young girls. We've all been there :). Young girls really like older uncles. They are so impressive, smart, accomplished, attentive lovers and blah blah blah.

A young girl has a better body, she looks with loving eyes and brags about you to her friends... But damn, what could people so different have in common, except sex and a wallet? 20 and 40 years are like two polar circles... She loves him, he loves her... And there is fear in his eyes...

Research is disappointing; with a small age gap (3-7 years), experts observe the greatest satisfaction with marriage, the largest number of children in the family, the most harmonious sex life, and the lowest number of divorces (37%). In turn, marriages of different ages, where the gap is 10 years or more, are much less stable: there are about 60% of divorces, there are much fewer children, the degree of satisfaction, both psychological and sexual, decreases significantly over the years.

And here is the girls’ collective argument: “It’s one thing when you’re 20, and he’s 40... It’s cool. But when you are only 30, and he is already 50, this is where the problems begin...”

In a word, choose your companions not by age, but by intelligence - you will live longer: British social psychologists conducted research on the duration of marriages and longevity and found that those men live longer and more fully whose wives are more intellectually developed than them. Men - think about it.

And one more argument...many men think that having “having” a young girl (mistress) everyone around him will envy him. No matter how it is. There is no envy there, there is more sympathy... Even 5 years ago this was supported by fashion. Now the fashion for such unions has passed. And only love remained. If you are united by love, then age does not matter...

4. In fourth place we have healthy eating. The smartest decision is to switch to a proper, balanced diet. Clearly separate meals and refuse low-quality products.

Many times I have come across men who suddenly become vegetarians... I don’t want to argue about the usefulness of such a diet - I’ll leave it for you to think about. I will only note that such an experience leads to the fact that a man begins to “dry out”, becoming a “fried dried fruit”... After 40 years, such “dryness” does not make men more attractive... And it doesn’t add great health. Decide for yourself.

5. Changing style, hairdresser and shopping place... this is perhaps another precarious moment in a man’s life. You could write a book here, but... The main rule: it’s better to be just a forty-year-old man than a young forty-year-old man. I AM FOR: gray hair coloring, beautiful teeth, manicures, massages and visits to a cosmetologist. But I am AGAINST: the outfits of twenty-year-old youths, shirts in “pink” and collars with an open chest.

At 40, you need to have your own style and not chase trendy things. Short trousers and jackets with seven-eighths length sleeves evoke only pity and ridicule. I once read in a magazine, that when looking at such “retro” one gets a hopelessly sad impression that the only chance in life has already been taken and it was with the purchase of this outfit.:))))

We asked three questions to our beautiful readers.

Perhaps a woman’s opinion will help men get through this stage without losses...:

1. Should a man look younger or should he remain himself first of all?

2. In your opinion, there are three components to avoid despondency in the 40-year crisis...

3. How should a companion support a man in this “difficult” time?

1. Should a man get younger... Everything here is very subtle and individual. Right now I am watching the “transformation” of two men I know. Two opposite stories, but I suppose one reason is the crisis of 40 years. One got out of his chair, took off his oversized sweaters, went to the pool, lost 25 kg, put on expensive shirts and elegant suits. I replaced trips to the dacha with traveling around the world. He is surrounded by intelligent, self-sufficient young women, while his wife in curlers remains at the dacha.

The second story is not so encouraging. Thigh jeans, oblipon T-shirts and discos with school graduates. The wife forgives everything for now, but it’s sad to look at both spouses.

2. 3 components...It is unlikely that it will be possible to avoid the crisis; a reassessment of values ​​is inevitable. The collapse of those “importances” on which I am accustomed to rely and the birth of new ones. But it is possible to avoid despondency.

To live to be 40 without it being excruciatingly painful to answer the question to yourself: “Is this all you can do?”

Don’t delay solving problems until they snowball into neurosis. Dissatisfied with your job, don't just think about changes, but also take action. The chill in family life will not go away on its own. Weight and physical fitness will not improve from the strength of desire.

Learn to accept life more easily.

3. How a wife should support her husband... My opinion, to be honest, a wife should get less involved in this. It’s better to think about yourself, so that after your husband looks at the past years from a new perspective, he would not want to leave her in the past.

1. Looking younger?! I think every age has its own charms, but as for men, I am for naturalness and the opportunity to remain oneself. Everything should be in moderation, but if a man is clearly looking younger, then you should be wary. After all, such narcissism is a one-man show, and not all women are interested in this.

The crisis of 40 is an eternal topic, and of course, there are many reasons for this. But I think the only way to avoid it is in a global way: don’t lose your taste for life. Crisis 40 cannot be cured in one day. There is no such medicine.

2. Three components: 1. expression of emotions, it doesn’t even matter what, but as long as you feel something, it means that not everything has stopped around. Crackers more often suffer from a crisis of 40 :-)) 2. A hobby that can help you relax, be it a hobby or a sport, there are a lot of variations of interests at the moment. 3. Be honest with yourself, and not confuse yourself in life, so that by the age of 40 you don’t have to rethink all your priorities, desires and aspirations.

3. Support of a companion... This is not an easy moment for both parties, and a test for the marriage. Often a man pushes his wife aside and does not give her a chance to help him. He himself doesn’t understand what’s happening, how can we help him?! This is where winter sets in in relationships. But that’s why we women are endowed with wisdom and patience. At such moments, you just need to be there and give your man time to think about things high and far away. And then, it all depends on how strong the feelings are in the marriage. Now it’s time for the wife to go on stage and awaken feelings not in words, but in deeds - to show how the sun can warm :).

1. A man, no matter how old he is, needs to take care of himself. It would be good to select clothes according to the place and status (in the good sense of the word). And also take vitamins, eat well, and exercise. Men over 40 are interesting for their charisma, remember Clooney, or the aging and simply stunning Sean Conery.

2. Dejection is a state of mind, not age, so it’s an individual matter. But I can say for sure, a sad man over 40 is certainly a terrible thing. It’s another matter when there are sparkles in the eyes, or a person acts as a teacher, a wise person - it attracts.

3. A wife should take care of herself and look great :). And also to indulge small weaknesses, in other respects, as at 30 or 50 years of age.

1. There’s probably no need to look younger, although this is everyone’s personal choice. The main thing is not to forget about basic self-care, then everything will be fine.

2. Men always have something going on. I think this is a general trend and the most important thing is what’s in your head! Let them pay more attention to family, children, other half, play sports...

3. Regarding the support of a companion...How do they support a woman during pregnancy, childbirth, menopause?

Perhaps the wife should approach the situation with humor, unless, of course, her partner’s sense of humor is ok :).

The wife of a forty-year-old man, for obvious reasons, decided to remain incognito...

1. A man definitely shouldn’t look younger. You just need to take basic care of yourself (at least eat less and drink alcohol in moderation) - then your weight will be normal. And a person without excess weight already looks old! A man must remain unambiguously himself. Doing what you love (work), sports and sex - from the “boxing, sex, jazz” series. Well-organized leisure time is also a big thing.

2. In order not to become discouraged, first of all, these are new impressions and sensations in which your loved one (travel and sports), your favorite job takes part. It seems to me that by the age of 40 people already have enough rich life experience and they stop being surprised. It would be nice to come up with a way to surprise yourself further.

3. A wife should not nag, but be a “fighting friend”, not itch with or without reason, love and appreciate her man, not focus on age and take an active part in the implementation of point 2.

In general, I’ll say behind the scenes: it seems to me that at the age of 14, and at the age of 40, a man should be SO busy that he has no time to raise his head and think about all sorts of nonsense, so that there is no time to get bored, so that life would be so interesting and saturated that, upon arriving home, the man had only one desire - to relax.

1. I think it is preferable to remain yourself at any age. A man should not neglect himself, take care of his appearance (without fanaticism), be fresh, clean-shaven, smelling good, and of course with clean teeth... it may sound comical, but very often I pay attention to this important detail when communicating and alas, not in favor of the stronger sex.

2. Probably the most powerful stimulant for preventing despondency after 40 is the birth of a child. Such an event completely makes you forget about your age and possible physiological changes.

And so, of course, an active lifestyle, sports, which stimulates the production of hormones that improve mood and appearance. As a third factor, you might want to find a new gambling hobby, passion, business, maybe an interesting business, thereby increasing your circle of communication and acquaintances among enthusiastic like-minded people.
3. In my opinion, a wife certainly needs to be a “lighter” in a number of life situations, to stimulate new achievements, both in the domestic and professional environment. Gently and unobtrusively guide you in the right direction. I once read an interesting statement, I don’t know who the author is, but I completely agree with it: A man is the wine of the wisdom of his ancestors, the aging period of which depends on the woman.