Signs about toys. What things should not be kept in the house: folk signs

Probably no one will argue that a house full of flowers is always cozy, it is calm and safe, the abundance of flowers pleases the eye and warms the soul. But few people know why this happens. Why do flowers have such an effect on our mood? It turns out that flowers can absorb negative aura, releasing vibes of joy and happiness. You may have noticed more than once that some people’s flowers always grow well and never stop blooming, while others’ flowers wither and die. The thing is that if at least one unfriendly person lives in a house (apartment), then the flowers simply become unable to process all the negative energy emanating from him.

But among other things, different flowers, it turns out, have different specializations.

The cactus is simply irreplaceable in a house where quarrels and disagreements are frequent.

If you really want peace and harmony to reign in your home, get a cactus, it will cool down anger and relieve irritation. Another invaluable property of this inconspicuous-looking plant is its ability to fight evil spirits. That is why magicians recommend installing a cactus in places where there is contact with the outside world - near doors and on window sills.

Tradescantia is a universal remedy for the “evil eye”. Are there too many people in your home? And not all of them are friendly and frank? Get a Tradescantia, under its influence evil people will forget the way to your house. Tradescantia is a source of joy and inspiration. It can charge you with energy, sharpen your sense of humor, and give hope. Among other things, it protects its owners from upper respiratory tract diseases.

Money tree (crassula)- recommended for accountants, sellers, bankers - that is, those people who constantly have contact with money. Not that the fat woman would be especially conducive to getting rich... It helps to cope with financial problems, relieves stress and anxiety for people involved in financial transactions.

Orchid is a healer.

It is believed that it can cleanse and heal any body, even the sickest one. An orchid will put things in order in your thoughts, calm you down if necessary, give you hope for the best, and teach you to enjoy life. Orchids of different colors also differ in their properties. Red ones provide strength and energy, white ones make a good person even better, pink ones give the love of the right person, yellow ones encourage creativity.

Indoor bonsais establish a connection between man and the subtle world of the beyond. Being in the room, they help you see prophetic dreams, foresee the future, and read the thoughts of others. They develop spirituality and sublimity in a person. It is in the company of these plants that it is best to meditate.

Monstera is able to organize and systematize the thoughts of its owner, putting everything into order. For those who have a constant mess in their home, it is simply irreplaceable. Monstera is also good for those who are constantly obsessed with unrealizable ideas and grab onto work that is beyond their strength. In addition, monstera protects people from poisoning.

Azalea creates positive energy in the home.

If there is no peace in your family, small skirmishes constantly occur over trifles, azalea will help you restore an atmosphere of love and understanding. If you are doing a serious, impressive business, azalea will come to your aid here too. It will help you find the strength to solve quite complex issues.

Calla lilies in the house are a source of cheerfulness and an enemy of despondency. She gives her owner the ability to speak eloquently, which helps the latter make a career and win respect and recognition. If someone in the family suffers from painful pride, calla lily will help here too and relieve this deficiency.

Cyclamen is a peacemaker.
He is able to suppress and nullify conflicts, calm capricious children. For the female fickle essence it is simply irreplaceable. Cyclamen helps overcome complexes, isolation, and shyness. This flower can give hope to the desperate.

Colin Robbins:
Figurines at home: do they hinder or help?

Recently, the fashion of past years to use various figurines for decorative decoration of the home has become widespread. But you should know that these are not just objects that bring originality and individuality to the house. These are things that carry a charge of a certain energy, which will certainly have an impact on family relationships, material wealth and health.

They are made from various materials: wood, porcelain, metal, clay, earthenware, and what energy a particular figurine carries is of great importance. In accordance with this, it should be remembered that products made of clay, earthenware and porcelain best store information.

The figurines have different shapes and their presence in the house is not so harmless. For example, a frog brings good luck in business, love and happiness in the family to the house, a bull - good health, material well-being, swans - fidelity in married life and often unexpected income, a lizard - a calm, smooth flow of life without any changes, a buffalo - frequent suffering and illness. Although the snake personifies wisdom, you should not keep its figure in the house, there will be cold relationships and frequent quarrels in the family, the eagle brings aggression and scandals into the house, but the stork brings material well-being, peace and harmony.

If someone in the family is involved in exact sciences, writes articles, novels, etc., or works as a psychologist, studies philosophy, then a bust of a famous writer, thinker or scientist will not only be appropriate in the office at the workplace, but will also be of great benefit. It will stimulate mental activity and promote success at work.

But busts of political figures should not be kept in the house. As a rule, these are authoritarian, rather tough, and sometimes cruel people, so the energy emanating from their image will interfere with warm, friendly relationships in the family and will begin to provoke anger and ill will towards each other. In the office, on the contrary, busts of political figures will give confidence, composure, and bring success in a leadership position.

Signs associated with the house:

You should not give or accept knives as gifts - this is a sign of enmity.
You cannot wipe the table with paper - this leads to quarrels and losses.
Also, you should not knock keys and put them on the table - this leads to conflicts.
Do not place an open umbrella in the bedroom or living room - this may cause tears to be shed.
To avoid a quarrel at a party, cross the threshold with your right foot.
Don't sweep the floor when a person dear to you has left, so as not to block his path to your home.
Don't play with the knife- a quarrel may arise.
After sunset do not cut new bread, as this may lead to quarrels and lack of money.
The salt shaker should not be passed from hand to hand. You need to put it on the table.
If you have to pass a needle to someone, you need to lightly (jokingly) prick this person. This is done so that there is no enmity with him.
To prevent two brothers from quarreling, one magnet is sewn into their clothes.
If someone is called by the name of a person who has left, then this person will be angry when he arrives.

Ruslan Ken:
Amber. Talisman stone.

Everyone knows that amber is pieces of frozen resin that sometimes bury insects or plants. It seems that inside the yellowish stone there is a whole world hidden, which, although frozen under the gaze, but if it is left alone with itself, it will live its own life again... How many people know that amber is a powerful magical talisman, and that absolutely everyone is recommended to have it in their home?
Amber is traditionally set in silver, and this is not without reason. Representing a symbiosis of the energy of nature and the power of antiquity, amber itself has strong magical properties, and cold noble silver enhances action of amber. Until relatively recently, jewelry with amber was much more expensive than gold: still, they were both more beautiful and brought much more benefits. A girl who attached a brooch with amber to her dress never stood against the wall at dances, and by wearing amber earrings for an exam, she could not fear an unsatisfactory grade.
What is it magical properties of amber? Of course, it has properties that many magical objects have: it charges its owner with energy and positivity and does not allow negativity to reach. But besides this, amber has an amazing effect on the human mind: if you twirl a small piece of amber in your hands for a few minutes, your head becomes clear and calm; thoughts flow smoothly, it becomes easier to solve problems and make decisions. Everything that is superfluous and non-existent, but sometimes prevents us from understanding the truth, fades into the background.
Amber is also useful during family quarrels: each of the dissatisfied will understand where they are wrong and will be able to easily admit their mistakes. It will help different generations find mutual understanding, understand their own and other people’s problems, understand where it is appropriate to help and where it is not worth interfering in someone else’s life.
Women who wear amber jewelry, they probably know that if you press your fingers to the stone for a few seconds, looking at a man, you can understand whether he likes her or not. If yes, the stone will give the owner warmth; if not, she will have the feeling that the stone has pushed her hand away.
But the most useful will be amber in earrings, because the two stones will establish a connection with each other and this connection will pass through the head. The head will be protected not only from external influences, but also from our own bad thoughts, which often spoil the lives of each of us.
Amber pendants, which hang at the level of the heart will help you soberly assess the situation in your personal life, identify deceivers and people who communicate with you for selfish reasons.
Do not expect that as soon as you start wearing amber, you will be able to understand everything in this life, will never make mistakes and communicate exclusively with the right people. This is unlikely to happen. It’s just that at some point the world will become a little clearer and more understandable to you. Most likely, you will not even connect this fact with the action of amber; you will think that this is a natural process of accumulating wisdom.
For any woman, amber will be a wonderful gift. Although this is inexplicable from the point of view of logic and science, it is a fact: amber is given only from the heart, unlike gold jewelry, which is sometimes given in order to obtain a certain benefit for oneself. This is probably why it is difficult to give jewelry with amber that a person will not like: when you give a gift from the heart, you take into account all the unspoken wishes and interests.
But in all these cases, amber provides assistance along the way, so the benefit from it is not as great as it could be.
Of course, there is a way to make amber fully reveal its abilities and help you as best it can.
To do this, you need to take a small amber figurine or a piece of raw amber. It is important that it is just amber, without any frame or foreign inclusions. It should be placed in a small bag made of blue fabric (the blue color will saturate the amber with the energy of the sky), and then rinse in water for 10 minutes. It's best in the river, but you can just hold it under warm tap water. In this way, you will wash away from the amber all its previous memories that may prevent it from working for you.
Then put the amber in your breast pocket and take a walk with it in the evening. All this time you must conduct a mental dialogue with the stone, telling it about yourself, your home, your family. Amber is that rare item of power, who should not become a member of your family, but become a friend to a specific person. Ask amber for advice on how to act in a certain life situation - he will answer you, even if not right now, but reliably, and you will not have any doubts about this.
If it’s cold outside, after bringing home amber, warm him with the warmth of your hands, let him feel your care.
Place it on a desk or computer desk so that the light from the lamp falls on the stone, but not too intensely. It is important that amber is regularly saturated with light energy; if it lies in the dark for a long time, it may lose a number of its properties. However, they will not be restored for long if you let it lie in the light again.
Amber loves any light, loves soft fabrics, and if you place a piece under the figurine, it will not delay gratitude. He loves amber and calm music, especially classical: unlike other objects of power, amber can hear.

Yulia Desyatkova:
Animal figurines

Since ancient times, animals have been considered human companions. They gave food to man, protected him, were friends, or, conversely, terrified him with their ferocious appearance. Different peoples had their own sacred animals, which they worshiped, which they carefully protected and revered, trying to decorate their life with their images. It is not surprising that animal figurines are still popular today.
The Romans and ancient Greeks preferred to carry talismans and amulets in the form of animal figures, believing that they thus endeared themselves to the gods, since each god was symbolized by a specific animal. The god Zeus was personified with a bull, the beautiful Aphrodite with a beautiful bird - a dove, and Neptune with a horse. Our ancestors, the Slavs, had different attitudes towards birds and animals: owl, crow, fox, jackdaw, mouse, cat were servants of evil spirits. But bee, rooster, bear and wolf personified all the brightest things. These animals protected people from all evil spirits and promised good luck in all endeavors.
All nations and at all times had their own animal mascots, the figures of which were desirable to have with you or in your home. Even gardens and vegetable gardens are traditionally still decorated with figurines of animals and birds; their images are often decorated with fences and garden furniture.

Each figure there is a purpose that you need to know about, because they all influence our lives in different ways. So for example, turtle figurine symbolizes strength, endurance and long life. The tortoise shell signifies the protective shell of the house and its aura. A turtle in the house can protect the owners from various misfortunes and disasters, and this is of great importance in our time.

Dragon figurine. In the East they have always believed that this animal brings family happiness, prosperity, good luck, prevents illness, and also helps to maintain a sincere feeling of love between spouses. A dragon with a pearl symbolizes wisdom and kindness, power, and also brings success in business. It is recommended to place a dragon figurine in the eastern sector of your home. But you should not place it above the eye level of the head of the family, otherwise it is believed that the dragon will dominate.

Elephant figurine. The elephant figurine symbolizes good nature and wisdom. The elephant is also considered a symbol of wealth and prosperity, which is why many people keep figurines of seven porcelain elephants in their homes. It is generally accepted that a talisman in the form of an elephant figurine instills confidence in a person, bestows patience, and improves memory. Thanks to this figurine, harmony and peace reign in the house.

Eagle figurine. In addition to the fact that the eagle figurine is very beautiful, it is also very meaningful. The eagle is a symbol of freedom, power, pride and wealth. The eagle image is one of the best images for the glory sector. If a person has great ambitions, it is necessary to very powerfully activate the South zone by placing an eagle figurine there, this will strengthen your good reputation as a person, and will also bring fame and success in business.

The horse figurine is considered a classic mascot for the glory zone. A horse that strives upward is especially good. In the South, a horse figurine activates glory, personifying swiftness, endurance, good reputation, and is also a symbol of optimism. The horse brings with it the wind of change and positive changes in life.
A zebra figurine can also become a talisman. It will come in very handy if you plan to move to another apartment or transfer to another school. A zebra will help you easily settle into a new place and survive separation from your old life without any problems.

There are also animal figurines that pregnant women like to carry with them, such as a figurine of a lion and a figurine of a stork.

The lion figurine will help the expectant mother maintain good health, open the internal reserves of the body, and also protect her from all sorts of dangers. And the figurine of a stork will help you cope with difficulties in everyday life during a difficult period of life. The stork will give self-confidence and peace of mind, which expectant mothers so lack, but which they so desperately need.

Knowing the symbolism of various animal figures, you can easily choose something suitable for yourself, depending on your goals or life situations, and also choose a beautiful and useful gift for your parents, family or friends.

We live in a world that is permeated with invisible threads of energy. These flows can both create and bring destruction. Many things that are familiar to us also have a special energy that can act for good, or can take away vitality.

Each thing in your home has a different effect on your health, mood and biofield. Most often, items that take away energy cause negative emotions, and this is one of the main signs that you should get rid of them. Other things attract attention and create a peaceful mood, a desire to relax or, conversely, to begin to act actively.

Any thing has energy. The atmosphere of your home, the well-being and mood of your household largely depends on whether it is positive or negative.

Over the years, our apartments are filled with a wide variety of objects and things - from those needed in everyday life to those that decorate the interiors of rooms. In past centuries, man always knew which things were “good” and which were “evil”, he knew what material should be made of what.

Energy of things

There are many items that spoil the energy background in your home. Absolutely every thing has its own purpose.

Some things can act like magnets, but they attract not positive Qi energy, but negativity. It is about them that will be discussed further. Energy vampirism is inherent in many household items with which you can connect your life every day. You can use something all the time, but it may actually be a big mistake.

Over time, bad things only become stronger, worsening your mood and sometimes your well-being. In 99 percent of cases, people simply don’t understand why they don’t get enough sleep, why they don’t feel well, why they have a headache, why they are haunted by failures. Negative things can even cause discord between lovers, between parents and children, brothers and sisters.

Here are some practical tips that will help make your life safer, better, more joyful.

Vampire things in the house that bring negativity into the house

Such things can be described as clots of energy, superficial or independent, capable of destroying a person’s energy field. These things have no place in your home or life and need to be gotten rid of. Otherwise, such a dangerous neighborhood can lead to disastrous results.

1. One of the most destructive types of energy is possessed by linings. They are left by ill-wishers and envious people who want to harm your happiness and well-being. These can be small bags, pins, needles and nails stuck in door frames or other secluded places. In any case, if you find something that neither you nor your family has anything to do with, it is better not to touch it and try to get rid of such a neighborhood as quickly as possible.

2. Questionable gifts can carry destructive energy, so try not to take unexpected gifts from people who don’t like you with your bare hands. Thank you politely and say to yourself: « Don't bother me, give back to the owner what he wanted » . If you were presented with a gift, but this person only evokes negativity, then such a thing will definitely be a vampire thing. It will suck the energy out of you and your loved ones until you get rid of it. Sell ​​it, throw it away, do whatever you want, just move it outside your apartment. This is very dangerous because you put yourself at risk. Such things deprive people of luck, good mood and even health. It is possible that this thing will act as a curse or evil eye. If it is something small and can burn, then you can even burn such a gift to be more sure that it will not have power over you.

3. Items associated with or personifying death , have an aura of destruction. These are bones and skulls, horns and skins of animals, stuffed animals and other parts of the animal world. Attributes that refer us to death (drawn skeletons, coffins) also do not bring anything good to the owner of these items.

4. Jewelry , whose history you do not know, may have energy that can harm your energy field. Particularly dangerous are natural stones that have been stolen or belonged to people with magical abilities. If you love jewelry, purchase it only from trusted sellers and choose it correctly. For example, each Zodiac Sign has certain minerals that help and protect their owners from troubles and failures.

5. Art, interior, antiques - all these things carry the energy of the previous owners, and if it is negative, you are unlikely to feel comfortable being surrounded, for example, by chairs that you inherited from the energy vampire owner.

6. Most often, failures bring figurines of some birds : crows, jackdaws, wading birds.

7. Figurines of lions or dogs who sit on their hind legs, holding their mouths open, attract negative energy into the house and negatively affect intuitive abilities.

8. Items with fish images may well weaken you and make you vulnerable to damage and the evil eye.

9. Harmless at first glance shells negatively affect the cardiovascular system, and are also guides into your home for robbers and people with unclean thoughts.

10. Broken dishes, chips and cracks on them - conductors of negative energy. These things literally suck the positive energy out of you, dooming you to poverty and misfortune. Dishes with chips and cracks lose their energetic integrity and, accordingly, disrupt the energy of food, either reducing its energy value or making it completely negative. Eating or drinking from such containers will only harm yourself. Broken dishes and damaged kitchen utensils can not only become sources of pathogenic bacteria, but also provoke scandals in the family. I recommend immediately throwing away even your favorite cup if it has unattractive chips or cracks.

11. A knife left on the table overnight , attracts negativity and willingly shares negative energy with the owners of the house. Knives left on the table overnight accumulate negative energy and attract all sorts of evil spirits, which, receiving energy from this knife, remain in the house for a long time, disturbing the sleep, peace and comfort of household members. In addition, this knife becomes dangerous because it makes it easier for them to inflict sudden and unexpected cuts on themselves. Knives with broken or chipped blades have the same properties. There is no need to try to put them in order, but should secretly bury them in the ground.

12.Elephant figurine with trunk up (trumpeting) - brings good luck to the house and helps to defeat ill-wishers, and With womb with trunk down (sleeping) - brings despondency, melancholy, depression, frequent heavy thoughts, stress into the house.

13. can cause the loss of a loved one or separation from him, provoke illness and mental trauma.

14. Shoes and clothes that have become unusable , should not remain in your home. This is especially true for house slippers. They accumulate negative energy, which does not allow positive energy to circulate normally throughout the house. The space in the house should be free from everything unnecessary. Don't be afraid to make room for new things by throwing away junk. Of course, we are not talking about old wardrobe items, but about torn, dirty, unsuitable for normal wear. Many people stockpile such things, afraid to part with them. You need to learn to throw them away. Together with them, you throw out problems, bad health and dark thoughts. If your old shoes or clothes are well-groomed and look normal, then everything will be fine.

By leaving unnecessary things in the house, we thereby program ourselves for poverty. The desire to hold on to old things is a sure sign of the psychology of poverty.

Old things do not provide the opportunity to acquire new ones; they accumulate negative energy, which can affect well-being and luck in general. Holding on to old things with the thoughts “What if I don’t have the money to buy new things and I’ll never have one again?” We program ourselves for the fact that we will not be able to earn money and buy the things we need.

15. WITH old calendar. The past must remain in the past, it cannot be delayed. Not only the calendar for previous years, but even turning over a page from the last month or day of the week brings failure.

16. Non-working hours
It often happens that a beautiful non-working clock serves as an interior decoration. And this is a big mistake! You should not store any broken things at home, especially watches, they are considered a strong source of negative energy.

17. Things that can be used for magical purposes
Bones, skulls, masks, rosaries, glass balls, medallions with unknown symbols can be sources of harmful energy. You should treat figurines with caution. So, according to signs, an elephant with a lowered trunk provokes stress and depression, a lion or a dog with an open mouth, sitting on its hind legs, attracts evil spirits, and figurines of birds (magpies, crows, eagles, doves, storks) bring misfortune.

18.Broken mirrors. Psychics and bioenergy specialists say that broken mirrors attract troubles. Eastern teachings claim that a broken mirror distorts positive energy, turning it into dark energy. Since ancient times, in Eastern traditions it has been customary to get rid of broken glass and mirrors. Many of us keep broken mirrors at our dachas, sparing money for new ones, but this is fundamentally wrong. It’s even worse when even whole mirrors hang in front of the front door. This needs to be fixed immediately.

19. A dirty floor is a very bad omen in Eastern cultures. As for cleanliness in the house, in the east people are very attentive to this. Dirt on the floor attracts poverty and destroys money luck. Dust is the enemy of your health, because it delays the renewal of energy. It is better to wipe the dust once every two days. Garbage should not accumulate under any circumstances. Dirty dishes, if any, should be placed in the sink. Garbage bags cannot be accumulated and cannot be placed near the front door - neither outside nor inside. This blocks all entrances and exits for Chi energy. Very often garbage is thrown out the door, but this is wrong. Place it in the designated place and do not store it. Throw it away on time.

20.Broken appliances, electronics. Many people do not throw away mobile phones with broken screens or gadgets that do not work at all. Don't hoard it all, because electronics have their own special disadvantages if they don't work. This is especially true for televisions, which some bioenergetics experts call energy portals. Negativity circulates through the technology, but while it works, it remains inside. When a phone or TV, tablet, radio, etc. breaks down, what experts call an energy blockage occurs. The devices begin to release all the accumulated negative energy into the outside world.

21.Things of dead people. This is absolutely obvious, but this point applies to absolutely everything. This could be photographs, equipment, clothing. Everything that belonged to a person who is no longer in this world is better to throw away or sell. For other people in other houses this will not have any negative start. In Eastern philosophy, it is customary to treat dead people with great respect. Their belongings should not belong to the place where they once lived.

22. Old broom. What we use to sweep away trash should look neat. Old brooms only bring trouble. From them we can often get sick and lose luck in all areas of life. Get rid of old brooms, broken mops, and excessively dirty rags. Don't skimp on new home cleaning products. They themselves can be powerful magnets for negative energy.

23. Empty bottles and waste paper . Paper and glass are the best conductors for negativity. He just sticks to them. There is less safe trash, but paper and glass are the height of danger. Old magazines and newspapers are very bad companions in your life. They accumulate dust and clutter up the space. You can’t even keep them in a barn, let alone a place where you sleep, eat, or relax.

24. Plants with needles. Cacti, roses, rose hips, and so on are living blockers of positive energy coming from windows. If you want to have a cactus, then place it next to the computer or TV, but only one, no more. In Feng Shui, such plants are not recommended to be used to create a pleasant atmosphere at home. In general, this applies to any sharp objects, including finishing and decorative elements.

Some plants can negatively affect the energy of the house, provoke scandals and negative emotions. These include climbing flowers. They should be located on the outside of the house so that they can prevent negativity from entering the house. Climbing plants prevent a person from thinking normally and distort his worldview. Such plants become sources of doubt. It is more difficult for people to engage in intellectual work in such a room. If cacti or roses can be placed away from windows and the place where you sleep, then it is better not to have these plants at all.

Dry plants - for example, reeds and feather grass - can provoke diseases. Ikebanas and other dried flower arrangements have no place in your home.

Wilted or artificial plants. If one of the plants dies, throw it away without mercy. It will not bring anything good to your home, just like artificial flowers. It is believed that they bring problems and illnesses.

25. Printed photographs with defects. Many people keep old photos at home that are dear to them as memories of old times and people. This is normal, but the photos should not be shabby. There are now many photo restoration and digitization services available. Throw away old photos that do not convey the picture properly. Replace them with an electronic version if you don’t want the old models to drain your energy. The effect is similar to broken mirrors, but it is less noticeable. Don't risk the present for the sake of the past.

26. Old unnecessary things draw energy onto themselves. Old things must be thrown away mercilessly. By clearing space, we signal our readiness to change and accept abundance and happiness into our lives.

Of course, you should not get rid of some rarity, for example, a chest of drawers, if it is very dear to you or was inherited from your beloved grandmother. But one principle applies here. What emotions or memories do you have when you look at or use this item? If it's unpleasant, get rid of it.

Antique furniture, of course, looks elegant and gives a certain coziness to the home, but you should not keep furniture in the house if you do not know its origin and, of course, without proper preliminary cleaning.

Antique furniture retains the energy of its previous owners, therefore, it is very important to use pine needles, salt or incense to cleanse its energy. The consequences of negative feng shui of old furniture are very serious. In old houses, furniture stands in one place for a long time, collects dirt, and the energy thus stagnates and quickly develops into disease-causing energy.

The house is a projection of the body and soul of a person. And what is in the house is connected with our future, desires and our subconscious. Of course, not every thing is beneficial. Take a small inventory of your home and get rid of things that may clog the energy of the premises.

1. Dried bouquets of medicinal herbs, ears of rye contribute to the purification of space and have a positive effect on the human biofield. In addition, some plants, for example, wormwood, will perfectly protect you from any manifestations of negative energy. Ears of wheat, rye, oats, placed in a vase (they can even be artificial), always contribute only to well-being, wealth, health, comfort and peace in the house. They perfectly neutralize currents of negative energy. Therefore, during the period from December 25 to January 6, it is recommended to constantly keep a vase of cookies, bagels, crackers, and bread rolls on the table, as this will ensure profitable financial agreements on these days, receiving a large sum of money, and possibly news of an inheritance or will.

2. Amulets and talismans for the home will protect your home from negativity. Use the knowledge of our ancestors to choose suitable amulets and hang them according to all the rules.

3.Household items with folk painting (Zhostovo, Palekh, Khokhloma, Gzhel, etc.) have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and improve mood. This is explained by the fact that each drawing on them is a magical symbol or sign that came from time immemorial, serving as a talisman of health, a talisman of wisdom, intuition and prosperity (i.e., it helps you find them).

4. A figurine of a bear, placed in a prominent place, protects the house from evil spirits and evil spells, is a talisman of the family hearth, and also stores monetary wealth in the house. She should be alternately in the room and in the kitchen.

5. Ficus creates a positive aura around itself , helps to concentrate, calm down after stress, extinguish nervousness, and normalizes the energy in the house. To restore physical and mental health, sit in the evening for half an hour near a ficus, holding its leaf between your palms and closing your eyes, mentally tell it about your failures, and it will help you get rid of negative thoughts and emotions.

6. Cushions embroidered with flowers in warm colors are a talisman of marital love, cold colors - develop the gift of anticipation of failure, embroidery with images of flowers - protects against separation from a loved one, embroidered ornament - protects from sudden danger, embroidery with images of people, landscapes, buildings - helps to maintain success in various business endeavors.

7. Matryoshka with an even number of figures It is a talisman for money, prosperity, helps to avoid bankruptcy, and also preserves existing well-being and health. With an odd number of figures - protects against a bad uninvited guest, the evil eye, illness and family quarrels.

8. Honey, apples and garlic Everyone needs to have it in their home. Honey helps attract wealth and happiness, apples are necessary for rejuvenation and positivity in the home, and garlic perfectly disinfects and neutralizes negative energy. Eating garlic improves immunity and clears away the negative effects of ill-wishers. Honey serves as a treat for the brownie. As people used to say: “Honey in the house means prosperity in the house.” Fresh honey is poured onto a beautiful plate with a pattern, saying kind words to the brownie: “Taste the honey, Father Brownie, and protect our home from adversity, bring us happiness and prosperity. And may it be as sweet as honey.”

According to the superstition, keeping apples in the house means having plenty of everything. With their freshness, they will provide you with a good mood and will not allow you to be sad. The positive energy that they were filled with during the summer will penetrate the house and cleanse it at all energy levels. Place a smooth, plump apple without wormholes in a beautiful bowl, tie a bow of satin ribbon on the stem and say: “I tighten the knot tightly, I lure happiness into the house. A pouring apple is in the kitchen - it will preserve order and contentment.”

9. Horseshoe. According to popular belief, it brings good luck and health. It is believed that luck is always on the horse, and the horse needs a horseshoe. She will show luck the way to your home. Placing the horseshoe correctly is very important. With a successful choice of its location, there will be happiness and prosperity in the house, and sorrows and illnesses will be avoided.
To activate the amulet, you need to introduce the horseshoe to the whole house, show it the location of the rooms and ask for protection and well-being. Don't forget to tell the horseshoe how it helps.

10. Bell. The melodious ringing of a bell can restore the mood in the house, ward off all evil spirits and resist the encroachments of evil forces. People believed that it was better to choose a bell from silver or iron. It should have a clear, non-irritating ringing sound.

To activate the amulet, just hang it in a place where it will ring frequently. Listen for his call back. If the melody changes, becomes plaintive or goes silent altogether, it’s time to change the defender, as he has absorbed too much negative energy.

11. Candles. Candles cast from wax are a powerful amulet that brings well-being to the home in all areas. No home would be complete without a candle, a symbol of light and wisdom.
Left alone, light a candle and walk around the entire house, not missing a single corner. Perform a home cleansing ritual, ask for protection and light in your home and souls. Place a candle stub in front of the icon or find a place on the eastern side of the house where you can place a talisman.

12. Money tree (crassula). A strong magical effect is tying banknotes to a fat woman. It is advisable to choose red threads or satin ribbons to attach money of different denominations. Over time, old bills are replaced with new ones to prevent stagnation of monetary energy. For the New Year, it is recommended to decorate the tree with chocolates in golden foil, tied with scarlet ribbons.
Many benefits of keeping at home:

♦ attracting good luck and prosperity;
♦ cleansing the house from stagnant negative energy;
♦ if family members are sick, it takes on the negativity, begins to waste away, and after the person recovers, it returns to its original appearance;
♦ does not release allergic compounds into the air, so it is suitable for everyone;
♦ the bactericidal properties of the tree are known.
♦ In addition to attracting financial well-being, the leaves are used to treat skin lesions, abscesses and arthritis. Decoctions of the leaves will help get rid of sore throats and herpes rashes.

For sprains and bruises, use the juice, which is soaked in a bandage, and then tied around the affected area.

Any thing that you have great sympathy for will be appropriate in the house. Don't forget about items such as figurines. They are able to bring well-being, positive energy into your home and become protectors for all family members. For example, figures of lions, tigers and dragons will protect your peace.

Many people do not change their slippers for years, despite the fact that they have already become old and worn out. Be aware that such shoes attract negative energy. The same applies to torn, unusable clothing.

Cracked dishes

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, dishes symbolize health and family. When you eat from cracked dishes or keep them in the house, you are bringing bad luck to yourself and your loved ones.

Old calendar

The past must remain in the past, it cannot be delayed. Not only the calendar for previous years, but even an unturned page from the last month or day of the week brings bad luck.

Non-working hours

It often happens that a beautiful non-working clock serves as interior decoration. And this is a big mistake! You should not store any broken things at home, especially watches, they are considered a strong source of negative energy.

Wilted or artificial plants

If one of the plants dies, throw it away without mercy. It will not bring anything good to your home, just like artificial flowers. They are believed to bring problems, illness and death.

Unpleasant gifts

Get rid of gifts that for some reason you are not in the mood for, or the gift was presented to you by an unpleasant person, but you could not refuse it. Such gifts bring misfortune, as they are made with bad feelings or with a slander.

climbing plants

If the climbing plant is located outside the house, on the outside, then this is only beneficial - your house is protected. But inside the house it attracts various diseases and misfortunes. It can only be grown if its stems grow into a ball in a pot; for this, a wire frame is installed.

Things that can be used for magical purposes

Bones, skulls, masks, rosaries, glass balls, medallions with unknown symbols can be sources of harmful energy. You should treat figurines with caution. So, according to signs, an elephant with a lowered trunk provokes stress and depression, a lion or a dog with an open mouth, sitting on its hind legs, attracts evil spirits, and figurines of birds (magpies, crows, eagles, doves, storks) bring misfortune.

Plants with thorns

It is also better not to grow plants with thorns in the house, as they contribute to the emergence of quarrels and negativity. The exception is roses with thorns.

Paintings with grinning faces of animals

Such pictures create nervousness, aggressiveness and negativity in household relationships. They can provoke disputes and scandals. Also, you should not keep paintings in your house depicting something that is uncomfortable for the eye, they have a negative psychological effect and disturb peace of mind.


It is dangerous to keep reeds and feather grass in the house. Dried, they attract misfortune and portend illness. But at the same time, you can have other dried flowers; most of them process negative radiation, protecting residents from diseases.

Remains of living beings

Stuffed animals, skins, and antlers are also prohibited from having in the house. Signs say that you cannot even store empty mollusk shells, which tourists like to bring from the sea. They carry negative information and can harm people living in the house, causing health problems.

I would recommend starting an inspection of your own home with garbage removal. This is not only the contents of the trash can, but also various things that have become unusable, which many of us “don’t raise our hands to throw out.” I would divide them into 5 main categories.

Old clothes and shoes. What do you do when you find a hole in your formal clothes? You probably sew it up and put the thing in the closet, hoping that someday you will wear it again - for example, on a country walk. But, when going on a picnic, you put on your favorite tracksuit, and the sewn clothes continue to gather dust in the closet for years. Popular superstitions say that you should immediately get rid of old, torn clothes, as well as worn-out shoes. In cases where you don’t have the courage to immediately throw out worn-out shoes and clothes, give them a trial period of six months or a year. If during this time you have never touched them, feel free to throw things away for scrap or distribute them to the needy and homeless. This practice will rid your home of excess dust, negative energy and free up a lot of space in the closets.

Broken mirrors. There are many superstitions about the magical power of these objects, but one of the most famous is the belief that forbids looking into a broken mirror. Throughout life, this thing accumulates the energy of people who look at it. But as soon as the mirror breaks, according to the superstition, it begins to release all its accumulated power, and with a clearly negative connotation. And if you look into a broken mirror, then, according to legend, the reflected essence of a person will also be crushed. And at the everyday level, storing a broken mirror is quite dangerous, because you can easily get hurt on it.

Cracked and bruised dishes. Our ancestors never kept chipped plates. As soon as a chip appeared on the dishes, they were immediately thrown out of the house. Cutlery has long been considered a symbol of the family, and if cracks appeared on them, it was necessary to quickly get rid of them so that a split did not occur in family relationships. In addition, it is believed that food that gets into a broken dish acquires negative energy and becomes simply dangerous to health. You should also get rid of knives with chipped or broken blades without regret.

Many housewives fill their closets with broken household appliances: it’s a pity to throw them away, since they once paid a lot of money for them, and there is no point in giving them away for repairs, because new, more modern appliances have already been purchased a long time ago. Broken large household appliances such as washing machines and refrigerators are often not thrown away, but are adapted into bedside tables and stands. Of course, such improvised furniture helps save money, but the overall energy of the house from such “tenants” seriously loses. The same applies to old computers, laptops and phones, which it is also advisable to get rid of on time.

Old newspapers, magazines, unnecessary photocopies, as well as glass and plastic bottles play a big role in the clutter of modern apartments. All this stuff is stored on balconies and in the corners of apartments and is used very rarely. Signs say that all these things attract poverty and family quarrels into the house. Therefore, unnecessary waste paper and bottles should be taken to recycling collection points or thrown away. By the way, the Western practice of separating household waste into paper, plastic and glass waste not only simplifies industrial recycling, but also allows owners to organize their own lives without creating chaos in the trash can.

Away with sadness and aggression!

Basically, signs, in accordance with common sense, do not recommend storing things in the house that remind us of sad or tragic events, and also contain elements of aggression. I will give the most common examples of such “inhabitants” of our cabinets, walls and bedside tables.

Pictures and photographs with scenes of violence and other images that cause psychological discomfort. If you don’t like the art hanging on the wall, even if it was painted by a famous master, immediately remove the canvas and throw it away. The same applies to photographs that depict gloomy, heavy landscapes, fallen trees, animals with grinning mouths, warlike mythical heroes and other unpleasant sights. The negative energy of such objects will provoke constant quarrels and scandals in your home. Even if you don’t believe in omens, it is quite logical that contemplating unpleasant pictures has a negative effect on the psyche and can provoke not only outbursts of aggression, but also mental disorders.

Photos with defects in places where you or your loved ones are depicted. It is also undesirable to store images taken in places or situations that are unpleasant for you, photos of funerals, dead people and natural disasters. According to signs, you should not keep photographs at home where you are depicted against the backdrop of monuments of famous people, whom many scold or curse. It is better to remove all such photographs from albums and burn them. In addition, signs recommend storing images of dead and living people in separate albums. You should also not hang portraits of deceased relatives on the wall, especially if during their lifetime they did not have good spiritual qualities.

Gifts from unpleasant people who carry negativity and hostility. This category also includes all things purchased for unpleasant reasons or illness, including shoes and clothes. You shouldn't keep antiques at home, especially if you don't know who owned the item in the past.

Clothes and shoes of deceased people. There is no need to keep things in your house that were once worn by deceased relatives or people close to you. Of course, sometimes you really want to leave them in memory of a loved one, but, according to popular belief, such things will not bring happiness.

Ashes and things from the cemetery. Such artifacts should be kept in special storage facilities, but not in residential premises.

Remains of living creatures: stuffed animals, skins, horns, etc. Signs say that you cannot even store empty mollusk shells, which we so love to bring from the south. They carry negative information and can harm people living in the house, causing health problems.

Items intended for use for ritual purposes: bones, skulls, masks, rosaries, glass balls, medallions with unknown symbols. You should treat figurines with caution. So, according to signs, an elephant with a lowered trunk provokes stress and depression, a lion or a dog with an open mouth, sitting on its hind legs, attracts evil spirits, and figurines of birds (magpies, crows, eagles, doves, storks) bring misfortune.

Furniture with sharp corners. It is better to keep objects that dissect space away from living spaces, and furniture with pointed corners is dangerous both in terms of energy and household use.

This item should be regularly updated, since signs say that using an old, shabby broom promises lack of money, poverty and illness. It is necessary to sweep the floor only in the first half of the day; Cleaning up after dinner means sweeping money out of the house.

Plants in the house

Fresh flowers and plants have a very positive effect on people and their homes, saturating the house with oxygen and positive energy. Exceptions include climbing plants (except grapevines). Our ancestors believed that they attracted diseases and family squabbles. At the same time, such plants protect well from the evil eye, so the best place for them is the external walls and windows of the house. And if you want to grow them in rooms, do not let the plants climb along the walls and ceiling, but build a frame for them, preferably in the form of a ball. This will remove the negative impact of the flower on the energy of the house.

Signs also say that pansies and palm trees should not be brought into the house. It is not advisable to keep spruce branches and trees in your home, although exceptions are allowed on New Year's holidays. And under no circumstances should you keep reeds and feather grass in your rooms: these plants attract misfortune, illness and even death. You should immediately throw away wilted bouquets, but dried bunches of medicinal herbs are very welcome in the house. Another strict prohibition on storage concerns artificial flowers made of wax and plastic.

Having figured out what things should never be stored in your own home, do not forget the basic principle of good owners: the home must be clean! The condition of an apartment is very closely related to the people who live in it. Even if your small children regularly turn the apartment upside down, do not forget to clean up the mess and teach your kids to do the same. Because if there is constant chaos in the house, your life will acquire the same state. And people living in apartments that are regularly cleaned, washed and ventilated have a much better chance of good health and family happiness.

Your brownie.

Do you believe in miracles, do you recognize beyond the invisible the existence of secrets dominating our souls? But it is somewhere there, in the depths of the adult consciousness that has grown from childhood, that our fears smolder and the darkness of superstitions nests!

Yes, yes, there is no reason for this, except perhaps folk tales, but many people believe in numerous signs and follow certain rules. There are a lot of elements that overcome a person and accompany us throughout our lives.

What can I say, a black cat crossing the road can ruin your mood for the whole day - after all, something bad is bound to happen. This is the sign.
And a bad mood in the morning is a sure sign that you accidentally got out of bed on the wrong foot.

And how many more signs are born from our imagination? Here is a selection of six signs and superstitions that we have collected for you on the Internet.

Everyone has a lot of different things stored in their house or apartment, some of them have not been used for a long time and do not serve any functional or interior purposes, it’s just a shame to throw them away.

1. Cracked or even chipped dishes are terrible things in their influence. Such kitchen utensils must be thrown away immediately! — it destroys the positive energy of food, thereby posing a health hazard.

The plate is considered one of the symbols of the family, and therefore flaws can create problems in the family and relationships. Therefore, no matter how valuable a cracked cup or plate is to you, it is better to throw the dishes in the trash can - the weather in the house is more important.

2. No less dangerous are old, worn-out clothes. House slippers that are tattered into trash and have lost their appearance can attract negative energy into the home.
Exactly the same situation occurs with clothes and shoes. Anything you no longer wear should be thrown away immediately.

3. Be as careful as possible when choosing plants for your home. Plants with climbing shoots, entwining the walls of the room with their stems, look very amazing.
However, they are extremely dangerous to keep in the house, as they attract all kinds of diseases.
At the same time, if such plants are planted near the house, then this will serve as a kind of protection, at least a little, but restraining

* Never bring reeds into the house! Like a mystical magnet, he attracts all kinds of illness and misfortune - he generally
Feather grass has similar characteristics, foreshadowing impending widowhood.

*Please note: flowers such as pansies should not be grown indoors as these flowers are traditionally planted on graves. After all, you don’t want to organize a crypt in your home?

* By the way, pine needles can only be kept in the house during the Christmas holidays; during the rest of the year it is dangerous - this is an extremely bad omen. As you know, coniferous paws cover the last path of the deceased.
If you were given a palm tree, then know that you cannot bring it into the house - this will lead to great grief.

4. A cracked mirror is a real horror! Throw it away without hesitation, right now! Not only superstitious people recognize that a mirror is a transitional portal to the other world.

Therefore, you need to immediately get rid of a cracked mirror so that it does not conduct negative energy from other dimensions into the house.

5. Paintings and photo wallpapers that depict a dead, withered forest, or the grinning faces of animals are unacceptable in a living space, since they attract negativity into the house, and in general have a strong impact on the home atmosphere.

6. Do not take into your home gifts from people you dislike, as well as things of deceased people or objects that may remind you of negative, sad events (on such things, by the way).
Such things should never be stored in the house, because they bring trouble and trouble to the owner. Although in this case, one should not confuse the same distribution of glasses during a wake - this is a slightly different case.

Superstitions and omens - some people accept them as an immutable fact of life. Others are skeptical, considering the phenomenon a social insanity that holds our minds captive.
But there is a third side - signs, this is a gigantic experience of centuries-old observations, collected by more than one generation of people. Surely there is a solid grain of truth in the signs!