Beautiful birthday greetings for an elderly woman. Beautiful happy birthday greetings to an elderly woman Happy birthday to an elderly woman

Happy birthday to you today! Let the days fly, counting the years, but let there always be a holiday in your soul, let life please you with warm meetings, joyful events, smiles and kind words loved ones. Good health and prosperity to you!

Please accept my congratulations on your birthday! The main wealth is health, may it never leave you. Prosperity and happiness to your loved ones. Let the wonderful moments of life only increase and delight you. I wish you mutual understanding and patience in any matter.

Happy birthday to you! Let life experience, kind hearts and warmth will be appreciated! We wish you eternal youth, joyful days and good health for many years to come!

Happy birthday to a kind and wonderful woman! Let age, counted over the years, not affect your state of mind and health in any way. I wish you vigorous strength and bright joy, nice gifts from loved ones, kind attention and happy holidays with your family.

Happy birthday! I wish you longevity and good health. So that the children visit more often and fill the room with warmth. Enjoy life and not get upset over trifles.

Congratulations to a wonderful, wise woman who always maintains optimism and youthful enthusiasm. We wish you never to lose heart, to accept the experience that you have accumulated over the years as a gift, and not as the burden of the years you have lived. You always remain beautiful, we wish you to bloom for many more years. We wish you great human happiness. And let there always be those who will help you hide from troubles. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday, our dear, be healthy always, may the river of life never dry up and bring only joy to your home, the joy of love from family and friends, the joy of communicating with dear people, prosperity in everything and immense happiness of a fulfilling life!

Congratulations and with all my heart on your birthday I want to wish you a peaceful, kind, gracious, joyful life, in which every day will be filled with the smiles of loved ones, warm words, strong hugs, favorite flowers, incredible beauty and faith in all good things.

We wish that the world around you will always be kind and bright. Let your every day be illuminated not only by the gentle rays of the sun, but also by endless happiness. We wish you good health, tireless energy and endless youth, which still shines in your eyes and stirs your heart. Happy birthday!

I wish your heart to always be full of love, happiness and harmony! Let your health be strong, your smile bright, and your wishes come true! May your family always appreciate and love you, because you are a wonderful woman and just a good person!

Happy Birthday Greetings elderly woman have their own specifics related to the age of the birthday girl. Often in old age, birthdays gradually begin to bring more and more sadness rather than joy (for obvious reasons). This means we need to work on wishes and congratulations. So that they instantly extinguish even a hint of sadness in an elderly woman. Even if the lady has already touched the first gray hair, then such attention will remind her that she still belongs to the fair sex. This will be the most desired gift at the holiday. If you don’t know how to congratulate the female audience of respectable years, then this section will definitely help.

I can call your age wealth,
I wish you not to lose strength and energy.
I wish to remain young
Body and, of course, soul.

Believe in a world that is rich in colors,
Appreciate the sunrise and see off the sunset.
Try to help people
Forgive offenses and do not let enemies in.

Sharing experience and wisdom over the years
Fill your life with happiness, kindness, dreams,
Step forward, don’t be afraid of obstacles,
Don't lose confidence and don't give up,

Be cheerful, smile as often as possible.
Admire your successes
Proud of his past victories
And continue to win now!

Age is a reason for pride,
I had to tell you a lot in life,
You manage to be attractive
Don't lose your mysterious charm at all.

Let relatives ask questions,
How did you accumulate so much energy?
The desire to live is a great force,
With which you managed to walk.

Grandchildren and children are your wealth,
Your desire to live and create.
Always be understanding for everyone
Your family will love you more.

I wish you the best health,
In the desert, be a rose that blooms luxuriantly.
You manage to create an oasis,
Where fate will not take you!

I wish you a life without problems,
Always a pleasant change.
Live without pain, without worries,
Pleasant worries only for you.

Goodness, prosperity, strength, desires,
Reciprocity, not knowing suffering.
Live peacefully, don’t lose wisdom,
And don't be afraid to fall asleep.

Dawn will surely come,
Live long and unforgettable,
Appreciate what life has given
May you have plenty of happiness!

You have lived in this world for many years,
You were able to resist troubles,
Although fate was sometimes cruel,
You have never lost your humanity!

For this we love you, respect you,
And we always consider you very strong,
Worthy of respect, praise,
You are still beautiful and sweet!

May your years last up to a hundred years,
It’s not you who is sick, but let them be afraid of you,
The soul and heart will be young,
You are surrounded by dear people!

Happy birthday
And we wish you many years
Stay so beautiful
To the detriment of all your enemies.

May your health be good,
The soul does not grieve.
Let unbridled fun
Your life will be full.

Let your grandchildren touch you,
They give happiness, drive away sadness,
And the star of victories, good luck
Lights the path of life

It’s already quite a bit behind,
But don't be sad!
On your birthday there is a reason
Treat everyone to some cooking!

Let the years flow like a river,
Give joy infusion!
Stay so cheerful
And young at heart!

Joy, happiness and good luck,
Strength of spirit in life these days!
So that there is always a happy occasion,
Helped you with your business!

There is no need to be sad about the years,
Life cannot be crossed out.
Think only about good things
And forget about sorrows.

Take it on your birthday
You are gifts and flowers,
You are beautiful as before
And over the years, be on first name terms.

It doesn’t matter that there’s white snow
Whiskey powdered
We wish you happiness
Less pain and anguish!

There are many paths in life
You've already passed
Happy birthday congratulations
I want you today.

I wish you women's happiness
And good news
Days filled with love
And the care of children.

Age is no barrier to happiness
It's just life experience
Let it be filled with positivity
There will be life baggage.

Accept it, darling,
Happy birthday greetings,
I wish you health,
Strength and inspiration.

You are beautiful as before
Years suit you very well,
Can turn your head
And grandpa and young man.

I wish you not to lose
In a life of optimism,
May you always be decorated
Wisdom and charisma.

On this day for a wonderful woman
We will voice our congratulations:
Happy birthday
And we wish you longevity!

May your health not fail you
And relatives stand like a wall.
Let it lead only to success
Everything - in any situation.

We wish you not to give up,
Even if it's hard.
So that at your eighteen
You have always been lucky in everything!

woman man funny relatives
wife to my husband funny mother-in-law
girl guy short father-in-law
girlfriend friend beautiful mother-in-law
sister brother original father-in-law
daughters son in your own words daughter-in-law
mom dad SMS son-in-law
girl boy in prose kume
aunt uncle in verse godfather
grandma grandfather postcards goddaughter
niece nephew pictures godson
baby colleague matchmaking

On your birthday I wish you
May all your dreams come true,
So that men surround you,
Not March cats!

So that you can achieve everything.
To make life seem more fun,
We wish you one
And after that – a lot of zeros!!!

Love life, love inspiration,
Let them not fear you in the coming years,
May your mood be better
And the sadness will leave once and for all.
We wish you good luck, blue skies,
The smile of the sun, joy, love,
And the greatest happiness in life!
May you be lucky on your life's journey!

May beautiful dreams come true,
After all, today is your birthday!
Bright, cheerful, happy -
You are beautiful! Always be like this!
You are tender, lovely, charming!
May everything in life be wonderful!

I'm ready to take off my hat and bow
On the occasion of the next “anniversary”,
So that the Lioness always gets it
Good luck multicolor.
I wish you taste, charm, couture,
And secularity and elegance.
And miniature youth,
And the maturity of piquancy.
In short, be yourself and be happy
Successful in big and small
And we will give it on your birthday,
Envelope with foreign cash.

Today is your anniversary,
Yes, not simple, but golden!
We could believe sooner
That he is your fortieth.
Beautiful in appearance, tender,
Well, how can you not fall in love with someone like that?
You are good at everything
And you can be proud of your life.
We achieved only five in it
And keep striving
Be an example, radiate light,
In business, be the first master.
It’s too early to draw conclusions
They are increasingly letting us down...
But you just need to live brightly!
You seem to be able to do this.
May you continue to be happy
In friends, work, longevity,
To wipe the nose of all enemies
And, as always, be a Lady in everything!

Beautiful happy birthday greetings to an elderly woman

Any anniversary is a little sad,
After all, it’s years that pass from life.
But if these years are lived honestly -
You should never regret it.

Let a series of happy years
Make a bouquet of bright days!
May happiness be like a moth
It flutters from flower to flower!
Let every passing moment
The bright glare of the sun will illuminate,
And every passing hour
Let it be a holiday for you!

Today, on this day
Let the sadness and shadow disappear,
I wish you to always be beautiful,
Happy, young and sweet.
Let the sky be clear azure
Will dispel all your troubles.
Hope, Faith and Love
May your years inspire you!

We wish you with all our hearts
Great happiness and goodness.
We wish you what you dream of
What are you always thinking about?
So that bad luck does not occur,
So that your laughter can always be heard,
Of course, still good health,
Smiles, sun and warmth!

May you always be under a lucky star
Fate led you along the road,
In the house so that there is a deep river
Life flowed calmly and peacefully.
Let friends visit your home,
Bad weather passes by,
From the bottom of our hearts we wish you well,
Long life, health and happiness!

Our dear! On this day
You illuminated the world when you were born!
All the colors began to sparkle, the shadow disappeared,
And all nature sang, surprised!

All the gifts and flowers are for you today!
And a lot of all kinds of compliments!
And you bloom like a rose
I wish you had more moments like this!

Full of kindness and warmth
Words for a wonderful birthday:
May flowers always bring joy,
Any wishes come true!

Let the gifts be pleasant,
Fate gives good luck more often,
And all the years, days and minutes
Let only happiness warm you!

Zebra and rainbow are somewhat similar.
Zebra striped, rainbow too.
Let life be a striped zebra,
But not two-colored, but multi-colored.

Let there be a lot of green,
Green - hope and warm summer.
Let the bright sun shine yellow,
Red - life illuminates with love

Blue will lift you above the bustle,
he will be a faithful and kind dream
I wish you such a variety of colors,
happiness, health, love and longevity!

I can wish you endlessly
Hope, joy, love!
I also sincerely wish -
Live with pleasant ease!

So that if you are a pie in the sky
Grab it with a bold hand,
Destiny's winged swing
We only soared upward with you!
So that your path becomes illuminated,
Know the essence of love and happiness!

Let the world around you be beautiful,
Let there be no grief, troubles,
I wish you joy and happiness,
I wish you creative victories!

I wish you a lot of everything:
Love, and money, and friends,
Let the road be easy
Let life be more fun!

I wish you good health,
More confidence, strength,
So that every day of ordinary life
He brought warmth with him!

Congratulate an elderly woman on her birthday beautifully

Happy holiday, accept my congratulations!
May you be in a good mood today.
I wish you happiness, comfort and warmth,
So that you find the right path in life.

Joy in the heart and peace in the soul,
Always live with a good inner attitude!
May love and hope always be near,
May all misfortunes pass you by!

I wish you never to get better,
Always dress in fashion.
Have perfume and jewelry
And be able to make decisions.
Let there also be sports and goals,
Income that you do not share with anyone.
The car is such that the whole world
I would have snapped my neck after him!

To her, beautiful, on her birthday
Need to give: jam,
Lots of grains, vermicelli...
To you, madam, by eye color
Relying on a diamond!
Huge, 5 carats
It will please your eyes!
And for this nonsense, keep in mind,
At home you can eat and drink,
We'll have cola, whiskey, kvass.
Happy birthday congratulations,
Allow it from all of us!

Until recently I was a baby...
But look, it’s blossomed!..
I accidentally turned my head,
She charmed another in a hurry...
She herself doesn’t even lead her ears...
He bears his nature with pride,
In which tenderness, affection and comfort,
Such people are desired, loved, cherished...
May your best dreams come true!
You are a woman - the Goddess of beauty!

You are so beautiful at this moment,
And that’s why he’s so important to us,
After all, we want to wish you
Health, happiness and good luck.

Let success reign in everything,
And there will be only joy in life,
So that your laughter is always ringing,
And on everyday life the color was only bright.

Let your dreams come true
And the stars fall into the palms of your hands,
Today you are the queen
Love and prosperity in your home.

For venerable age -
A sea of ​​respect!
We congratulate you
Happy birthday.

Good health,
From friends' attention,
And in the family there is peace
You and understanding!

So that children, grandchildren
Visited more often
To talk about diseases
You didn't remember.

We wish you life
Long and happy
So that always and everyone
You were loved.

Grandchildren, children and relatives,
We gathered again with you,
Everyone warmly congratulates,
Be healthy, of course!

We admire handicrafts,
And we’ll ask for advice again,
Life is always beautiful
Even if it's Indian autumn.

You cook very tasty
Let your soul rejoice!
And to joyful songs,
Will definitely dance!

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.
And we want to wish
For the authorities to hurry up
Raise your pension as soon as possible.

We wish you health,
Happiness, joy, guests,
So that for loud feasts
All the children were called.

May your grandchildren make you happy,
To wait for great-grandchildren,
So that illnesses disappear
There is still life ahead!

There is no need to be sad about the years,
Life cannot be crossed out.
Think only about good things
And forget about sorrows.
Take it on your birthday
You are gifts and flowers,
You are beautiful as before
And over the years, be on first name terms.
It doesn’t matter that there’s white snow
Whiskey powdered
We wish you happiness
Less pain and anguish!

You've been living on your passport for a long time,

And this cannot be taken away forever.

Beautiful birthday wishes for an elderly woman

You've been living on your passport for a long time,
By the looks of it, you can give it 20 years,
You are like a bird in flight,
And this cannot be taken away forever.
The birthday will show what's on the cake,
We will build a bright gesture from candles,
Let's remind you about your birthday,
Let us prove that it was not in vain that we gathered here.

May you become a year older today,
But not in the soul... Youth plays in it!
We will shout “Bravo” to you while the glasses clink
And let's congratulate you on your birthday.

The grandson is already at the festive table,
But you can’t give in to age!
The fighting spirit always leads forward!
Otherwise, life is unbearable for you!

If summer means garden and vegetable garden,
In winter you hang out on the Internet,
And you like to make your home cozy,
There is no one else like you on the planet!

We are happy that you exist!
And continue to be optimistic!
Today you can even take a sip,
Allow yourself to be an artist again!

We were deceived recklessly
After all, we know that you are thirty-two.
Retribution will be merciless
The head will fly off your shoulders.
We certainly wish you
Health, happiness and love,
Extraordinary achievements,
Capable of surprising the sky.
And adventures without torment,
And gains without losses,
To be more cheerful and blush,
Opening the door for happiness.

Today, the most beautiful woman on the planet is celebrating her next birthday, and in honor of this, time should simply stop for a moment. Let life be in full swing, regardless of age, because it doesn’t matter how old you are, we know that you are always 18, the rest is experience. Your charming appearance today dazzles everyone around with its radiance; you have no equal. Always be like this. Let music sound loudly today in your honor, glasses clink and a variety of toasts be heard. We wish your heart to glow with love. May happiness be endless, may your friends be reliable, may your colleagues be worthy, may the sun shine where you are present. Never regret the time you have lived, because all the best awaits you ahead. Happy birthday, have an unforgettable holiday.

I wish you to be blooming and strong,
Don't notice gray hairs and wrinkles,
To appreciate all your efforts
The husband and son are beloved men.
So that the most cherished things come true,
Health never betrayed
And memorable, joyful, bright
I walked next to you every day!

You are not one of those women who gets upset over a new wrinkle. You know your worth and are getting prettier day by day. A certain amount of wisdom has accumulated within you. You are a true treasure trove of advice and wisdom. The years do not take over you only because you yourself do not allow it, and those around you perceive you the way you feel. Therefore, I wish you to continue in the same spirit and remain an unsurpassed woman!

We sincerely hasten to congratulate our wise, competent and respected woman on her birthday! On this holiday, may your happiness know no bounds, and may warm wishes flow like a river, warming your soul and heart. We wish that today, like many years ago, you are carried in your arms, your loved one is always nearby, and your children and grandchildren make you happy every day.

Let your health be strong,
Let the house be surrounded by love and comfort,
And let success and luck be accurate,
And the years don’t take their toll.

Happy Birthday, sweet, tender!
Happy Birthday, my joy!
May your soul be boundless
And he sings, joy melting in his heart!

May you not be young at all,
Even if your hair is already gray.
We congratulate you with all our hearts,
Beloved person, dear!

You lived your life gloriously,
They were always honest in everything.
And even despite age,
Smart, beautiful, and slim.

Live happily ever after
So that there is always peace in your soul.
Congratulations on your anniversary,
Beloved person, dear!

Beautiful poems for an elderly woman on her birthday

A woman becomes more beautiful over the years,
A woman becomes wiser over the years.
For advice, help and just conversation,
We often turn to her.
I want to congratulate my neighbor on her birthday,
Wish you health and warmth of home.
So that children and grandchildren often visit,
So that friends never forget.

Today I want to wish you a happy birthday. You can wish for a lot of different things. But I want to wish you to always feel in your place in this life. This is when it is convenient, comfortable, pleasant, warm, reliable. May God take away illnesses and evil thoughts, the glances of envious people and the lies of others from you. Let your heart beat to the rhythm of a happy song, and let your soul hum a melody of joyful notes.

Let the past years fly by quickly,

There is no way to turn them back

But you bloom like a flower,

Every year you receive congratulations from us.

On your birthday we want to wish you

Find out more happy moments

Wonderful acquaintances on your way,

Which you still have to go through.

I admire your wisdom, intelligence,
You've probably seen a lot in life.
First for the children, then for the grandchildren,
They gave their heart and love.
Happy birthday to a good woman,
I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
Let only the best be in your life,
Live happily and believe in your dreams.

You are not a girl, you are simply a miracle!
And the whole world is at your feet.
On your birthday you are so beautiful
Like the first spring flower!

May everything be great for you,
You are the only one in the world.
The sun shines clearly for you,
The moon is white in the dark sky.

The stars give necklaces,
The clouds write the word “Love”.
And congratulations fly to the sky,
To congratulate with rain from above!

Another year has passed unnoticed,
And I congratulate you, wanting to love
This life is for you, and at the same time, in return,
To be the happiest and most satisfied!

And let wrinkles never scare you,
After all, with them wisdom comes to you,
But still let your eyes shine in the old fashioned way,
And let joy and love rule in destiny!

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. Kind, sympathetic, sincere, wonderful, attentive, generous - all this is about you. Remain the same radiant person. I wish you health and prosperity, love of family and respect of acquaintances, joy of heart and joy of soul.

Accept it, darling,
Happy birthday greetings,
I wish you health,
Strength and inspiration.

You are beautiful as before
Years suit you very well,
Can turn your head
And grandpa and young man.

I wish you not to lose
In a life of optimism,
May you always be decorated
Wisdom and charisma.

Happy birthday! You are irresistible
As before, young, fresh,
I wish to always be loved
For your husband to appreciate and adore.
Be cheerful, attractive, desirable,
Kind mother and gentle wife,
Let your loved one take you to restaurants
And she calls you an unearthly beauty.
There will be a million in life, without end
Women's joys, pleasant little things,
I wish you happiness and harmony
Bright days and sweet nights!

On this day for a wonderful woman
We will voice our congratulations:
Happy birthday
And we wish you longevity!

May your health not fail you
And relatives stand like a wall.
Let it lead only to success
Everything - in any situation.

We wish you not to give up,
Even if it's hard.
So that at your eighteen
You have always been lucky in everything!

Today is a good holiday, no less.
Today all congratulations are only for you.
Perhaps someone will cry with joy,
You will smile and become more cheerful.
So allow me to sincerely wish you,
May such people live forever!
You are a mother, sister and dear grandmother!
I wish you health and warmth without end!
Let your grandchildren visit you more often,
And your home will be the fullest cup!

I would like to congratulate a beautiful and unique woman on this significant day! I would like to wish you not to lose youth in your heart and enthusiasm in your judgments, good health that would not interfere with travel and new discoveries, respect and love from children and grandchildren, and peace of mind. Happy holiday!

Be happy, mischievous,
Let your laughter sound in the house.
Admiring the beauty
Always be a muse for everyone.

Stay young
Even though the years run and run.
Don't give in to adversity
And always go forward!

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.
And we want to wish
For the authorities to hurry up
Raise your pension as soon as possible.
We wish you health,
Happiness, joy, guests,
So that for loud feasts
All the children were called.
May your grandchildren make you happy,
To wait for great-grandchildren,
So that illnesses disappear
There is still life ahead!

I wish you on your birthday
Simple and sincere things:
Let the food be delicious,
And the table is full of guests.

Let the sun shine outside the window,
And sadness will melt without a trace,
Don't let the children upset you
And they always visit you.

Let it be a reliable support
You will have an old faithful friend,
Let disputes disappear in the family.
And the sky is peaceful around.

Happy birthday! I wish you longevity and good health. So that the children visit more often and fill the room with warmth. Enjoy life and not get upset over trifles.

Years add beauty to you!
Let the love of your family warm you,
The energy boils and does not fade.

For the best woman
All congratulations sound.
Today you meet
Your glorious birthday.

We wish you good health,
Smiles and good luck.
And of course warm
Close relationship with you.

Let it be everything you want
And everything you dream about.
All wishes will come true,
After all, life does not repeat itself.

Dear, wonderful and sweet woman, I congratulate you on your birthday. I wish you to live without moments of melancholy and loneliness, I wish you to be constantly surrounded by the care and love of dear people, I wish you to often remember funny and happy days youth, I wish you to continue your life with good hope and a happy smile life path.

Yes, you're welcome, please don't,
You can't be that old!
With your gait, gesture, look,
You said no time.
And accepting congratulations,
You are young and good
May all your wishes come true,
What they tell you from the heart:
Health, happiness and success,
Love and long life many years,
Good luck, joy and laughter,
Both small and big victories!
So that you don’t know sadness and grief,
So that the sea is knee-deep,
So that more than one opens a flower
Your sprout is on the tree of life!

Today is your holiday
And I wish you
Be beautiful as before
Regardless of the years.

May good luck accompany you
Let your business promise success,
Let him be next to you
The most faithful person!

Let one day be Monday
It will become light and cheerful.
And let it be heard everywhere
The most needed voice!

Dear woman, on your birthday I would like to sincerely wish you to always listen only to your heart and never pay attention to age. And even though the past years will not bring back my former youth and brave strength, I still want to feel great, more often remember the happy and bright moments of my youth, and awaken inspiration and the light of hope in myself with every dawn.

Tears glisten on your eyelashes...
What are you talking about? What's wrong with you? Are you really sad?
You are very rich: in the future you will
There are countless wonderful minutes.
Does spring excite you with its arrival?
Happy is he who is tormented by such excitement.
Listen to the song that people sing
They will charm you and carry you away.
Look at the scope of life everywhere!
Go ahead, dare! Everything is in your hands!
The wonderful cup before you is full -
Feel free to take a sip and drink to the bottom!

May the years never scare you,
At heart you are eighteen years old.
Let your eyes sparkle with happiness.
And your immunity will be strong.

Care for relatives to surround you,
And they often came to visit you.
So that your grandchildren take an example from you,
And they rejoiced at your calls.

And on this glorious birthday,
We sincerely want to wish you.
Draw inspiration from life
And where you definitely dreamed of visiting.

How much time has passed, how much life has flown by, and you are still the same girl with a beautiful braid. We wish you to remain young at heart and not be upset by the numbers in your documents. May your life be beautiful, rich, full of love, and may happiness often knock on your door, and may you pack your things and come for permanent residence. We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday, may all your plans and dreams come true!

Happy birthday!
On this day we wish you -
So that your husband loves you very much,
And he always gave flowers,
Children don't forget
They helped my mother in everything,
Helped with advice
And a kind look.

Living life is not a field to cross,
Find your happiness in time,
And remain pure and beautiful,
And with a kind soul and clear eyes!

Happy birthday, warmest congratulations,
I wish you long life with all my heart,
Kindness, don’t lose your health,
Outdo the young in everything!

Travel the world far and wide,
Live in joy, without worries at all,
To be respected and loved very much,
And be devoted to sports!

This holiday is a little sad,
After all, it adds years.
But, no matter how trivial it may be,
You are always young at heart!

I wish you a lot of health
And don't lose optimism.
May God help you on your way
No fatigue at all.

Takes up our time
Our eternal problems.
And ongoing work
They're watching from around the corner,
To instantly grab you
And with teeth and claws,
But giving up is no good
And push with your elbows
Until everyone around wins.
Happy Birthday dear friend,
After all, today... years
How did you come into the world?

Kind, sweet woman, happy birthday to you. May the years not frighten you at all, may life continue to flow like a living and pure spring, may the echoes of a happy youth and cheerful youth give strength and vigor, may your heart never feel loneliness, may your soul greet every new day with good hope and desire for something... then joyful and gratifying.

For venerable age -
A sea of ​​respect!
We congratulate you
Happy birthday.

Good health,
From friends' attention,
And in the family there is peace
You and understanding!

So that children, grandchildren
Visited more often
To talk about diseases
You didn't remember.

We wish you life
Long and happy
So that always and everyone
You were loved.

Our meeting on a good occasion:
Happy birthday to you!
Thankful for your friendliness
And good relationships.
Optimism and vitality,
You are distinguished by your humanity,
Wonderful mood
You radiate around like the sun!

There have been adversities in our lives,
A great misfortune has come
But even in the most difficult years
Your optimism never faded.
So welcome your guests, dear,
Celebrate your anniversary more joyfully
And for those who have known you for a long time,
Don't regret the new wine.
We heartily congratulate you,
And we wish you, dear,
May you remain young forever!
Inspiration and light in destiny!

You are so chic, so fresh,
You are infinitely good!
Today, on my birthday
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
But don't hide your age,
It's very small!
You are very remarkable,
There is no other beauty like this!
You are a very delightful soul,
And in appearance they are excellent and I won’t hide it,
Men adore you, we know
And we wish to be the same!

Happy birthday to a beautiful elderly woman! We wish you not to know fatigue and sadness. So that loved ones and relatives always fully show care, love and guardianship. Joy to you, health, prosperity and delightful moments!

On your birthday, let me wish you good health, the absence of mental adversity in your destiny, may your inner world become richer over the years, and may wisdom and experience always go hand in hand with you.

Happy birthday
And I wish that you always
You were young at heart
Regardless of the years.

Call it old
I don't want you at all
Best suits you
Status - Old lady.

I wish that you always
You were loved
So that there is a road of life
Long and happy.

Happy birthday, I congratulate you with all my heart. Let age never be a hindrance for such a sweet and kind, wonderful and magnificent woman like you. happy holidays and welcoming meetings, for interesting activities and lively heart-to-heart conversations with loved ones. I wish you, dear, health, wonderful mood and prosperity in life.

I wish you always
She was healthy and happy
So that all bad weather can be avoided,
The weather was not rainy.

Everything you dream about would come true,
So that the house doesn’t run out of caviar,
And so that your youth
It continued non-stop!

Let the years fly forward
But you are beautiful, as always!
I wish you a happy life,
Laugh, believe and love,
Making dreams come true,
Always shine with joy,
And on this glorious birthday
be in positive mood!

Happy birthday
And we wish you many years
Stay so beautiful
To the detriment of all your enemies.

May your health be good,
The soul does not grieve.
Let unbridled fun
Your life will be full.

Let your grandchildren touch you,
They give happiness, drive away sadness,
And the star of victories, good luck
Lights the path of life.

There are many paths in life
You've already passed
Happy birthday congratulations
I want you today.

I wish you women's happiness
And good news
Days filled with love
And the care of children.

Age is no barrier to happiness
It's just life experience
Let it be filled with positivity
There will be life baggage.

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. I wish you warm words and sincere smiles, kind looks and sincere conversations, warm winters and long years, blessed life and happy hope.

Happy holiday today,
I warmly congratulate you.
Happy wonderful birthday,
I wish you health.

Never stop
Smile and laugh.
I wish you the best,
And stay chic!

Today we congratulate you on your birthday,
We openly express our respect.
There is so much spiritual simplicity in you.
Years add beauty to you!

Let the love of your family warm you,
The energy boils and does not fade.
We wish you good health forever,
You are the best person in the world!

Happy birthday,
I am sending a bouquet of admiration.
I wish you health,
Long and happy years.

Inspiration in children and grandchildren
I wish you to draw.
Be an active optimist
Never lose heart.

Happy birthday,
Joy, warmth, kindness.
Don’t be sad that the strands have become
Already silver color.

Remain a lady with charm,
Subtle, smart, businesslike.
May you always be in good spirits,
Be young at heart.

Let happiness shine in your eyes,
May spring always sing in your soul,
Let only love and affection from your husband,
After all, there is only one like this in the world.
So that you walk with luck hand in hand
To be respected and praised,
So that you don’t forget your friends,
For them, you are the only one in the world.
You are smart, beautiful, without a doubt,
I always wish you to be like this.
Happy birthday to you,
Be the person everyone knows you to be.

Life seems to have just begun
Measure your path... But, no.
It doesn’t take long to believe how much
Already lived sunny years!
But God has more in store
Once again youth is in the heart.
Forget that you are many years old,
Know: you are forever twenty-five!
Live and enjoy this:
What - years, and even years?
When we shine with smiles,
We are young again. Oh yes!
No, not wrinkles on the skin -
You are younger than everyone around you at heart!

Let me congratulate you on your birthday and sincerely wish you to live a good and on clear days, receiving help and support at the right moment, allowing your soul to rejoice, and your heart to deeply love dear people and hope only for the good.

You have lived in this world for many years,
You were able to resist troubles,
Although fate was sometimes cruel,
You have never lost your humanity!

For this we love you, respect you,
And we always consider you very strong,
Worthy of respect, praise,
You are still beautiful and sweet!

May your years last up to a hundred years,
It’s not you who is sick, but let them be afraid of you,
The soul and heart will be young,
You are surrounded by dear people!

There is no need to be sad about the years,
Life cannot be crossed out.
Think only about good things
And forget about sorrows.

Take it on your birthday
You are gifts and flowers,
You are beautiful as before
And over the years, be on first name terms.

It doesn’t matter that there’s white snow
Whiskey powdered
We wish you happiness
Less pain and anguish!

May your health not dry up,
How is your patience and kindness.
May your life always be filled with joy,
And also peace and beauty.

May happiness surround you everywhere,
Live easily, without worries.
Let it be rich, beautiful and bright
And every day in life, and every year!

Let youth live forever in your heart
We wish you health and success
For many, many years to come!
And no matter how old you get
Believe me, you shouldn't be afraid of them.
We wish you bright happiness in your destiny,
Your years are your wealth!

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday and want to wish you never to lose your charm and, regardless of your age, to remain a sweet and magnificent woman. May fate give you many warm meetings and happy holidays, may life flow like a calm river, along the banks of goodness and blessings.

Life has long been arranged,
It’s nothing that gray hair shines.
Every age is beautiful in its own way,
Just like the aging of wine.

Happy birthday to you!
You'll give up for years.
We sincerely wish you today
Stay young at heart!

Happy birthday! May there be a lot of happiness on your life's path. Longevity to you, understanding and support from loved ones. Kindness of soul, good health and peaceful skies. Spend evenings in the company of family and friends.

Happy birthday to a beautiful woman! Let the years fly by in a row, but warm memories will always warm your soul. We wish you attention, love, prosperity, peace and harmony. Be healthy, beautiful and filled with peace. We wish you a full cup of prosperity, joy and smiles!

Years are like film frames
They flashed by as if overnight.
Live with dignity, don’t stand on the sidelines -
Maybe this is called happiness.
We wish you vigor for years to come,
To be the same, to take care of others,
We wish you good health,
Don't give up, live and don't grow old!

Happy birthday to a wonderful woman who has been amazing for years with her beauty, intelligence and resourcefulness! We wish that the years have no power over you. May mental alertness, sharp vision and excellent health be with you. Have a good time, joy and warmth!

I sincerely congratulate a wonderful woman on her birthday. I wish that the years will not affect your state of mind and well-being in any way, that every day will bring joy and feelings of happiness, that your loved ones will delight you with frequent meetings and sincere conversations, that your home will always be warm and cozy.

Happy birthday to you,
Our dear!
We wish that you always
Your pension was enough.
So that the dark clouds
We walked sideways.
Visit every day
The children came.
The world surrounds you
Let it be only with kindness,
Angels on guard
They'll be behind you!

Happy birthday please accept
Sincere congratulations.
You are an unearthly woman,
There is no doubt about it.

Years suit you, which means -
Time to enjoy life.
I wish you such a beautiful
And remain luxurious.

Happy birthday to a wonderful woman. I wish you to look at age with a smile and not invent any reasons for sadness. Let there be plenty of room in your soul for joy, and in your heart for love. I wish you to be strong and strong, and healthy, happy, both in summer and in winter.

They say beauty doesn't last forever,
But you are the refutation of that.
Years pass you by
But your reflection does not age.

And what can I wish you -
Heavenly blessings,
Love, hope, dream
And soar with pleasure.

I congratulate you on your birthday,
I wish you happy years,
Everyone around you loves you, I know
After all, there is no reason not to love!

You lived conscientiously all the years,
They helped everyone in everything,
Men gave you odes,
And they sang songs under the window.

Well, now, the years are different,
Your grandchildren will sing songs for you,
But everyone still loves you,
And they send you congratulations!

Dear, happy birthday to you! Maturity and wisdom make your image harmonious and attractive, and the ability to look decent in any situation testifies to your strong character. We wish you prosperity, the joy of everyday life, happiness and health.

Happy birthday, kind and sweet woman. May the years that are left behind you sometimes give you bright and joyful memories, may age not prevent you from continuing to beautifully and confidently continue your life path and do something interesting, may what you have achieved give your heart pride and joy soul.

Let your heart be warm,
All your sorrows go away,
So that happiness blooms in your soul,
May you blossom every day!

May goodness come knocking on your door now,
And it will cover you like a wave,
May luck fly to you like a bird,
So that life is full of light!

On this beautiful day I would like to give the most beautiful, literate and wise, blooming and always young woman the most warm wishes. Goodness, harmony, more happy and joyful moments, sincere friends, inspiration and strength. Let the sparkling waves of flowers bloom in the garden, let the aroma come from the kitchen holiday dishes, and the most beloved and dear people will gather at the table! Happy birthday, dear!

You are wise, smart, kind.
Having seen so far
Lots of things on the way
God bless you to move forward.

Be healthy, don't get sick,
Everything you want to have.
Your advice is only for our benefit,
Always keep you strong!

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. May the years not allow you to lose the charm of your appearance and the splendor of your soul, may good hope and good luck knock on your doors every day, may the flame of joy always burn for you, may your heart beat vigorously to the rhythm of happiness.