Dangers facing modern children. “Lisa Alert”: summer dangers that await children in the city and in the countryside Child and strangers

Eating unwashed berries, digging in the dirt, drinking some water - this is why not a single child, even one under watchful supervision, is safe. How do doctors react to such unexpected events? What is really worth worrying about, and why give up? Let's find out in this article.

Unwashed vegetables, sand and dirt

Some people think that you can eat cucumbers straight from the garden, berries from the bush, others are of the opinion that everything needs to be washed and thoroughly sterilized. Any mother carries with her wet antibacterial wipes and gels to protect her children from germs at any time.

But now more and more studies confirm the idea that overprotection in general, including hygiene, is more likely to harm your baby. The University of Chicago, for example, came to the conclusion that most purity beliefs are myths. An excessive desire for sterility can lead to allergies, asthma, eczema and other diseases associated with the functioning of the immune system.

There are studies confirming that due to a decrease in the microbial antigenic load on the body of children, allergies began to develop more often. So it is not only possible for children to play in the sand, tinker in the ground, sort out pebbles and hit bumps, but it is also unnecessary. Increased care for hygiene is justified during epidemics, in public places, after using the toilet, etc.

As for berries and cucumbers straight from the city, you can eat them if you are sure that the vegetables and fruits have not been subjected to chemical treatment. But the danger still remains: you can get a food poisoning, for example, due to the droppings of sick birds or animals, which they can leave on berries and vegetables. Therefore, before eating, it is better to wash vegetables and fruits.

Dirty water Irotaviruses

The main danger that summer swimming poses is hypothermia. In the sea it comes faster because salt water takes away heat faster. It is better to enter the entrance gradually, stay there for a short time, and after leaving the shore, immediately dry the child with a towel and change clothes.

As for poisoning in water, this is quite possible. If a child has swallowed a lot of salt water, it may result in nausea and vomiting. The best thing to do in this situation is to give the child some water and let him lie down. As a rule, everything returns to normal within a couple of days at most.

If you plan to swim in lakes or rivers, you need to make sure that this is allowed. Such information is available on the Rospotrebnadzor website. But the main danger is the risk of drowning, even at a depth of five centimeters. Remember that during bathing you need to be close to your children at all times.

As for rotavirus infection, it is very easy to catch it: it is transmitted and airborne by, and through objects and hands. In this case, the virus survives on toys and input for 30 days. Pediatricians recommend protecting yourself from the disease with vaccinations. It reduces the incidence of diseases by 90%. WHO recommends that vaccination begin between 6 and 12 weeks of life, then the vaccine should be administered two more times with an interval of at least four weeks between doses.

Solar heatstroke

Sunstroke occurs after prolonged exposure to the sun. This condition is characterized as a brain disorder. Thermal stroke can also occur even in the shade. It is important to know that children overheat faster than adults. The first signs appear six to eight hours after exposure to the sun.

Symptoms of sunstroke: weakness, irritability, tearfulness. Lack of appetite, nausea, and vomiting may also occur. All this is accompanied by headache, darkening of the eyes, rapid heartbeat, and shortness of breath. Temperatures may rise to 40 degrees. If the case is severe, cardiac arrhythmias, hallucinations, pallor, cold sweat, and loss of consciousness are observed.

If heat stroke occurs, then hot, dry skin, dry lips are characteristic, then the extremities become cold, cold sweat may appear, and convulsions develop. Just like sunstroke, your temperature may rise. The child may become whiny, irritable, and agitated. Symptoms such as dizziness, headache, weakness and drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, and frequent urge to defecate are often observed. If dehydration has occurred, then its signs include dark yellow or even brownish urine, as well as the absence of urination for more than 12 hours.

What to do? The child needs to be moved to a cool place, undressed, and the diaper removed. To avoid dehydration, drink water. At the same time, it is better for children not to drink a lot of water at once, as this can provoke vomiting. Monitor your body temperature. If it is above 38 degrees, call a doctor, because antipyretic drugs will not help in this situation. In some cases, it is better to immediately call an ambulance. For example, if the temperature is above 38, the child has severe chills, convulsions, shortness of breath, and a rapid pulse. And finally, if the baby has been wet for more than 12 hours and has turned pale.

To protect yourself, when under the sun you need to wear a hat and clothing made from natural fabrics and not wrap yourself up. The hottest hours to go to the beach are: in the morning - before 12.00 and in the evening - after 16.00-17.00. Make sure your child drinks enough water. If the room is hot, turn on the air conditioning. Comfortable room temperature for children is 19-22 C.

Poisonous plants

Danger to small child may carry poisonous plants. We list only the most common ones:
Sosnovsky's hogweed has tall, thick stems with white flower caps. They contain substances that increase the skin's sensitivity to sunlight. Plant juice that gets on the skin will cause a 1st or 2nd degree burn with blisters. And if hogweed juice gets into your eyes, it can result in blindness. If you eat part of the plant, you will be poisoned: hogweed causes abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and weakness.

Crow's eye, due to the content of glucosides that have a narcotic effect, affects the nervous, cardiovascular, digestive system. The whole plant is poisonous, but children can most often eat the berries - they look like blueberries. Poisoning causes agitation, tachycardia, arrhythmia and even cardiac arrest, convulsions, dizziness, headache, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Acrid buttercup - its leaves are especially dangerous; the plant contains protoanemonin - a substance that affects the skin and mucous membranes. May cause burns and swelling of the mucous membranes. If a child eats part of the plant, all the signs of poisoning and fever will appear.

In addition, plants such as hemlock, wolf's bast, belladonna, ash, poisonous weed, henbane, and aconite are poisonous. Therefore, be sure to research what plants grow in your region and teach your children to avoid these plants.

If, nevertheless, the child ate something bad, the best thing is to bring him to the hospital, taking with him the plant that could have poisoned him. A child's condition when exposed to toxic substances can quickly deteriorate and require urgent hospitalization. As first aid, it is worth giving the child sorbents and drinking water.

Dangerous insects

Of course, it is impossible to completely avoid insect bites in the summer, even though there are various repellents and repellent devices. But they do not affect all insects and do not provide 100% protection.

Mosquito bites, horseflies and mosquito bites can trigger allergies. If the reaction is not strong, you can give the child an antihistamine and smear the bite site with a gel like Fenistil. But sometimes a serious reaction develops - weakness, tachycardia, Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock. In this regard, the most dangerous bites are from bees, wasps, hornets and ants. You need to urgently contact a doctor, and the sooner you do this, the better.

Ticks are also dangerous - these arthropods can carry dangerous diseases— borreliosis and tick-borne viral encephalitis. If a child is bitten by a tick, it is best to go to the emergency room as quickly as possible, where the tick will be carefully removed and checked for infection. If this is not possible, remove the tick yourself, and then take it to the laboratory to find out if it is infected. Treatment should begin as quickly as possible, and even better, get vaccinated in advance.

Let us remind you that Roskachestvo has identified the best ones.

Based on materials from mel.fm

Calendar summer begins tomorrow. Traditionally, June 1 is celebrated as International Children's Day, designed to focus on them special attention. There are three months of long-awaited holidays ahead - children squeal with delight, and parents begin to get nervous, knowing what dangers may lie in wait for their children during this period. What should be done so that during the warmest time of the year the parent’s heart remains calm and the child is safe and sound?

Photo by Yuri Gorid

Official representative of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Vitaly Novitsky reminds:

- The main thing that parents should not forget about is that small children should not be left unattended. Until what age? It is clear that under no circumstances should preschool children be left alone. Further - at the discretion of the parents. In some US states, even eighteen-year-old children are prohibited from being left to their own devices. But in our realities this is hardly possible.

If the parents consider that the child is already old enough and can be left alone, they must teach him how to act in case of an emergency, where to call, what to report.

- In many countries, mini-games are practiced, when the whole family plays out some emergency situations. For example, what to do if there is a fire. The roles of family members are assigned: who will call the rescue service, who will take the documents, who will take out the cat or dog, and so on. It would be absolutely useful to play such moments before the start of the holidays for Belarusian families,- advises Vitaly Novitsky.

Children often spend hot days outside their usual apartments and courtyards. And these are additional risks.

- Many parents send their children to their grandparents, which means additional freedom for the children,- says the official representative of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. - IN in this case We encourage parents to review their safety radius, determine how far your child can walk independently, and talk to them about risk factors. For example, if there is a road nearby, you need to be reminded why you can’t play near it, how you should cross it, and so on. If there is a body of water nearby, talk about the rules of conduct near it. If it is a forest, give advice related to the safety of being in it. If there is a field where agricultural machinery can work, remind that the machine operator may not notice a small child in the tall grass, and so on.

Some kids are looking forward to summer in nurseries health camps, and in this case, says Vitaly Novitsky, parents can rest assured:

- Monitoring of these objects will be completed in May. Recommendations are given with deadlines for eliminating identified violations. I can assure you that only safe children's camps will accept children.

Traditionally, with the beginning of the big summer holidays, the republican action of the Ministry of Emergency Situations “Vacations without smoke and fire” starts. For three months, rescuers will teach children and adults safety rules in school and summer health camps, in city areas near large shopping centers and in other places with large concentrations of children.

- We distribute our printed materials to adults and children; we recommend installing the mobile application “Ministry of Emergency Situations of Belarus: Help is Nearby.” This is a free non-commercial project. The application allows you to quickly navigate non-standard situations. It contains more than 50 situations: there is a thunderstorm outside, the forest is on fire, and so on,- explains the representative of the department.

In addition, the application allows you to call emergency assistance, send coordinates if the user suddenly gets lost in the forest, learn about first aid, and test your knowledge in the tests section.

- Today there is a craze for gadgets. And so many different applications and toys are uploaded there! It would be quite useful if among them there was an application that would teach children safety rules,- Vitaly Novitsky is convinced. - At the moment, “Ministry of Emergency Situations of Belarus: Help is Near” has already been installed by about 150 thousand users. The application is implemented on the Android platform. However, it will soon be available for iOS devices.

Speaking of gadgets. Today, there are a large number of applications that allow parents to track their child’s location, let them know when they leave safe areas, and so on. They are really convenient and useful. But parents, says Vitaly Novitsky, should remember that all devices are discharged sooner or later:

- One can hope for similar applications in urban environments with good communications. But if the child is in the village, in the forest, in the field? In conditions of an unstable network and geolocation is turned on, the device’s charge is quickly consumed, which means that the child may be left without any means of communication. Therefore, parents who trust such devices and programs should consider a portable charger for children. But the main thing is to teach the child not to panic in stressful situations, not to be afraid to dial 101 or 112 and explain what happened.


Teach your child the rules of behavior

…on the street

Explain to your child that you cannot go for a walk without warning an adult.

Do not allow him to go far from your home and yard.

Tell them that you can’t play in vacant lots, near construction sites, abandoned houses, in basements and attics, or climb trees and fences.

Prohibit taking treats and gifts from strangers.

Do not allow stray cats, dogs or any other animals or birds to be touched.

...for roller skating and cycling

Do not allow your child to go outside with a scooter, bicycle, or roller skates without adult supervision.

Be sure to wear knee pads, elbow pads, and a helmet.

Explain that you should only ride on sidewalks with a flat surface.

Teach your child to stop at dangerous places - car exits from yards, parking lots, arches.

...during a thunderstorm

Explain to your child that a thunderstorm is a dangerous natural phenomenon.

He must understand that during a thunderstorm he must stop playing outside and that he must not hide under a lonely tree.

Best option- take shelter indoors, close windows, turn off electrical appliances and mobile phone.

If it is not possible to go indoors, you can hide in a ravine or ditch. In this case, you need to lay something on the ground and sit down with your feet together, your head down and your hands clasped around your knees.

...on children's playgrounds

Teach your child about the dangers of faulty swings and slides.

Explain that you cannot swing on a swing while standing, jump off, or come close if other children are swinging.

The child should know that if he falls from a swing, he should not get up immediately, as he may get hit in the head.

Teach him that before he goes down the slide, he must make sure that previous child stood up and stepped aside.

...in the village or at the dacha

Keep flammable liquids, matches and lighters out of the reach of children.

Store gardening tools indoors.

Limit your child's access to attics and sheds.

Do not leave him alone near ponds or open wells.

Tell your child which plants should not be touched - Sosnovsky's hogweed, elderberry, wolf's bast, and so on.

Explain to your child that all berries, fruits and vegetables must be thoroughly washed before consumption.

Do not let him go alone into the forest, sand pit, or unknown area.

Based on materials from mchs.gov.by

What dangers await the child?

The world seems huge to a little explorer. Every day the baby discovers something new, encountering obstacles and failures, achieving new results and victories. Let's see what dangers the world surrounding a preschooler is fraught with.

  1. The child is alone at home.

At what age can a child be left alone? Everything is individual here. What matters is the child’s age, his level of independence and the degree of yourtrust to him. Once you decide to teach your child to stay home alone for some time, pay attention to some important details:

  • Teach your child to use the phone. Write the phone numbers of parents and security services in a visible place. Explain the safety rules for communicating on the phone with strangers.
  • Learn to remember and pronounce your name, as well as the names of your parents, address, and phone number.
  • Place objects dangerous to the child in an area inaccessible to him (medicines, household chemicals, cutting objects, matches).
  • Before leaving, check that you have turned off the gas and electrical appliances.
  • Teach your child safety precautions with gas and electrical appliances.
  • Explain how dangerous matches and sockets are for a child.
  • When leaving, carefully close windows, balconies and the front door.
  • Explain to your child that you should not open the door to strangers.
  1. Child and strangers.

It is known that villains often take advantage of the gullibility and naivety of children. To a large extent, this is the fault of the parents, who do not explain to the baby early years rules of conduct with strangers. To teach your child to be careful, you need to clearly convey to him the information that everyone who is not relatives is strangers (even if they appear at home).

  1. Child and elevator.

The elevator seems like a fun attraction for a preschooler to ride. To avoid traumatic situations, the child should be explained the rules for operating the elevator. Learn what to do if the elevator gets stuck, how to behave safely in the elevator, and whether you should enter the elevator with strangers.

  1. Child on the street.

The street carries many dangers for a child, even if he is walking under the supervision of his parents or nanny. Pay attention to how comfortable and safe the playground is where the child is walking, how far the roadway is, whether there are dangers in the yard (basements, hatches, cars, suspicious companies, stray or pets).

  1. Child in public places.

When going with your child to a store or market, attending holidays and sporting events, think about how to keep him safe in crowded places. A preschooler needs to be taught how to behave if he has lost sight of his parents.

To this list you can add the behavior of a preschooler on water, in the sun, on ice, on trips, in extreme situations, and communication with animals.

Dangers at home

Information about accidents that happen to children shocks many parents and makes them more attentive to children's safety. Parents should remember that the danger is practically under their noses - at home.

An apartment or house is the first place where a child begins to develop andexplore the world . As long as the baby is under supervision, he will be fine. Common sense parents and their care for the child will protect him from danger. But as soon as the baby begins to move around the house independently, he immediately runs the risk of encountering troubles and dangers.

“Did you know that children, exploring the house and their possibilities, every day climb into the most incredible places and take objects that are completely not intended for children?”

It is known that children under 4 years of age are at greatest risk of injury. It only takes a second for a baby to swallow pills or small objects, grab a knife and cut himself or get burned. As soon as the baby begins to crawl, parents need to examine the home in order to exclude the availability of dangerous objects and reduce the possibility of traumatic situations.

Sources of household injuries:

  • medicines
  • household chemicals
  • water
  • hot objects and fire
  • slippery floors
  • sharp corners
  • windows

How can parents make their baby's life safe at home?

  1. Try not to leave children unattended. If you can’t be with your baby all the time, buy a video baby monitor.
  2. Do not keep cleaning supplies (under the sink) or medications (in the nightstand) in a visible place.
  3. Help your child wash in the bath.
  4. Keep matches and lighters, knives, scissors and needles away from your baby.
  5. When leaving your child alone in the room, make sure that the windows and balcony doors are closed. Mosquito nets do not prevent falls.
  6. Cover sharp corners with special covers, sockets with plugs, and hold doors with latches.
  7. Set a good example yourself: don't lean out of windows, don't sit on the edge of the bathtub.

"Advice. Can be used clear example, telling the story of a child who ate pills and ended up in the hospital.”

Safe walk

To make your preschooler's walk enjoyable,you need to take care of his safety:

  1. Keep an eye on the child or arrange this with neighbors who walk with children.
  2. Choose safe place to play , away from the highway.
  3. Keep a close eye on your child on swings, slides and other attractions. Teach your child to be careful when approaching the swing.
  4. Be careful when crossing the road with a stroller. Follow the rules traffic and teach them to your child.
  5. Explain to your child that they need to keep an eye on whether the car is driving in the yard. Do not allow the ball to be taken out from under the car.
  6. Teach safety precautions when riding a scooter and bicycle.
  7. Do not allow your child to get close to animals - stray or foreign. They may turn out to be evil.

If the child is lost

Imagine that a child is lost. This can happen in a store, on a walk, at a public event, or even in kindergarten. The child loses sight of his mother, decides that he has been forgotten, and goes in search or home. To prevent such cases,you need to teach your baby important rules:

  1. The child must know that if hegot lost , the parents will not leave without him and will look for him at the scene. Explain to your child that he stays where he is and does not run to catch up with anyone.
  2. If you are on a walk, explain to your preschooler where you will wait for him when he runs around on the playground or in the park.
  3. The child is older three years can already remember his last name, first name and address.

"Advice. When going for a walk or excursion, put a note in your baby’s pocket with the names and coordinates of the parents.”

Security skills

How should parents prepare their child? preschool age to make the baby's life safe? There is no need to rely on chance or on kindergarten teachers. Pay close attention to your child’s knowledge of life safety.

Scope of safety knowledge for a preschooler:

  • A preschool child must understand which situations are dangerous and which are not.
  • The child must understand that there are dangerous people, phenomena, objects, and actions.
  • The baby must understand what “health” is and the essence of damage to the body.
  • A preschool child must know information about himself (last name, first name, address, names of parents).
  • The baby should know the safety rules when he is at home. He must understand the dangers of fire, electric current, hot appliances, and windows. The child should be informed that he should not open the door to strangers or talk to them on the phone.
  • The child must understand the basics of safe behavior on the street: do not pick up syringes and bottles, glass fragments, do not enter into conversation with strangers or go anywhere with them, do not take anything from the hands of strangers, do not approach dogs, do not climb high.
  • The child must be familiar with the rules of being in kindergarten: do not run outside the kindergarten, play calmly with children, obey the teacher.
  • The child needs to be introduced to the rules of behavior in dangerous situations (fires, gas poisoning, electric shocks, earthquakes, floods, lightning strikes, hurricanes, etc.).
  • A preschool child should know the rules of behavior on the road and basic concepts: “zebra crossing”, “traffic light”, “red light”, “underpass”, etc.
  • The baby needs to be told about safety rules while beingin the sun , on ice, near water.
  • Preschoolers need to be taught basic principles healthy eating and strengthening the body. He needs to be told what is useful and what is not.

The school year has begun. New textbooks have already been opened, the first lessons have been taught, and the first grades have appeared in the diary. First-graders were especially impressed, for whom the doors of a new world called “school” had opened.


I really want the school year to be not only interesting and educational for all students, but also safe. Alas, nowadays even school cannot be called an island of calm. Dangers can lie in wait for every student, both in educational institution, and beyond. Therefore, it would be useful to remind students and their parents of some safety rules. Let's start with the fact that even the road to school, especially for students junior classes, can present a difficult challenge. Now, regardless of the time of day, there is a large flow of vehicles on the city streets. In the morning, when children go to school and adults rush to work, it becomes even more dense. So, under these conditions, you need to cross the road only where there are pedestrian crossings, and not where it is closer to school, even if you are late for class. In general, parents of primary school students would like them to accompany their children to the school door at least during the first months of school. And if this is not possible, you need to find time and devote it to studying the rules for crossing the road. A two-minute instruction - “Look to the left, and then to the right” - is clearly not enough in this case. The administration of educational institutions, in turn, must ensure that all nearby pedestrian crossings, warning signs and traffic lights are in perfect order. If any problems arise, you must urgently contact the city police department so that all shortcomings are eliminated.

Parents whose children attend a school not far from home should not relax either. Even if on the way to it you don’t have to cross the street along which cars are rushing. For example, you need to pay attention to ensuring that the traffic route does not pass directly under the windows and balconies of multi-story buildings. And the point here is not even in the spring icicles (although you need to remember about them), but in unscrupulous citizens who tend to throw cigarette butts, empty beer bottles and other rubbish out of their apartments.


The closer winter gets, the later it begins to get light in the mornings and, accordingly, the earlier it gets dark, so children need to stay in illuminated places, avoiding bushes and dubious nooks and crannies. And it’s best to go home not alone, but in the company of your classmates. Alas, in the practice of law enforcement agencies, there are often cases when defenseless schoolchildren became victims of street hooligans and robbers who took money and cell phones from children. But you should be afraid not only of evil guys, but also of too kind ones who promise to feed you ice cream and show you something interesting at home. In the last month of summer alone, two cases of indecent acts against minors were recorded in the city. One can, of course, say that this is an atypical phenomenon for our city, but no one can guarantee that another moral monster prone to perversion will not be waiting for your child in a dark gateway.


Okay, we got to school, and it seems we can calm down. After all, now almost every educational institution has a security guard on duty at the entrance, and a large teaching staff vigilantly monitors the behavior of their students. This is true, but nevertheless, even during school hours, schoolchildren can face big troubles. First of all, we are talking about the fact that many teenagers are completely irresponsible with their belongings. As a result, it is after school lessons that some valuables, such as cell phones, are discovered missing. From the very first days, it is necessary to teach the child to be neat and attentive to his own property. This will be useful in the future. And, of course, it is necessary to immediately stop cases of school hazing, when physically more developed peers or high school students begin to offend weaker children. Either they will take away the things they like (such as pens and key rings), or they will force them to bring money from home to buy a pack of chewing gum. Until it comes to larger extortion, all such cases must be reported to the school administration. But the loss of any thing is not comparable to the loss of health. I mean comic fights between teenagers during breaks, which sometimes develop into real fights. And then just one careless push can lead to serious injury to the child. So advise your children not to get involved in such fist-wrestling games. It is better for them to spend their energy in physical education lessons. Another danger, which primarily concerns high school students, is that it is at the age of fifteen to sixteen that teenagers are looking for new, not yet known sensations. And God forbid, at that moment an older comrade appears on the path of a curious young man with an offer to smoke weed “for fun.” How could such an experience possibly end? once again It's not worth talking about.


In general, the list of troubles that can threaten the health of our children can be continued for a long time, and there is probably no single recipe for how to avoid them. No matter how trivial it may sound, the main guarantee of safety remains the same - you need to teach your own children prudence from a very early age, which is by no means synonymous with the words “fearfulness” or “cowardice.” Take care of yourself and your loved ones.

How to ensure the safety of a child? What dangers await a child in the city? All parents worry about the safety of the life and health of their children. It's natural. Middle-income parents place their children in closed, well-guarded preschool and school institutions. Those who are rich hire personal security for their children. U common man, there is also an opportunity to take certain steps in this direction.

To talk about safety, you need to know what dangers may exist? If we talk about real situations and weed out everything that a fevered parental brain can come up with, then we can highlight some of them. Namely: road accident, accident, violence and kidnapping. The latter, of course, is unlikely if the parents do not belong to a wealthy category of the population, but child abduction should not be excluded from this series.

What should parents do first?

A child of any age must be explained how to behave in a given situation. In the garden, at school, on the street, in the yard. Using game uniform, achieve complete understanding on the part of the baby. It is useful to conduct training sessions to practice his actions.

Tell your child which route is safest to take, how to cross the road correctly, how to behave with strangers, and how to recognize a threat. Parents should, at least approximately, know their child’s daily schedule. When classes end, where will he go after school, when should he come home?

Try to determine the circle of his constant friends and acquaintances. Know and have at hand their telephone numbers, as well as the telephone numbers of their parents. It wouldn’t hurt to have them too, so that if something happens you can easily call.

Go through your child’s daily route at least once. At the same time, try to determine the degree of safety of the path.

You should pay attention to what kind of public transport runs on this route, the presence of pay phones, security cameras, police strongholds, lighting in the dark. All this will help to act quickly and efficiently if the child suddenly does not come home.

Every kid today has a cell phone. Enter your phone numbers and the phone numbers of your closest relatives into his phone memory. Make sure there is always money in your account.

Show how to use the “Call at the expense of the called subscriber” service or similar. Also, buy a payphone card and show them how to use a payphone. They also have the “Call at the expense of the called subscriber” service.

Tell us how to recruit special forces. Practice this with your baby. This will help him make a call if his cell phone is lost or stolen.

What a child should know

The above dangers can be avoided if the baby knows the basic rules of behavior. Let's look at them:

Road accident

You don't have to drive a car to get there. You need to teach your child the rules of the road. Cross the road correctly, get on and off public transport correctly.

Advise you to move on footpaths not at the very edge of the roadway. When waiting for transport at a stop, keep an eye on moving cars and be prepared for any surprises.

Hitting pedestrians walking on the sidewalk happens very often. Explain that you need to cross the road only at a pedestrian crossing and only when the traffic light is green.


It would seem, how can an accident be prevented? It turns out it is possible! “A brick on your head?” - nothing funny!

With an abundance of construction sites within the city, you need to be careful. Do not walk where the construction site is not fenced with special shields.

Icicles in winter time– also threaten life and health.

Slippery paths, polished by children themselves, are a real danger of damaging limbs. Therefore, shoes with good soles and walking on sandy paths will help avoid this.

You should remind your child that a car can drive out of the courtyard arches at any moment. The baby must be ready for this.

The sacramental phrase “Watch your step!” - very valuable advice! Open communication hatches, construction debris, ice, all this is just the beginning of the list.

Headphones in their ears and a phone in their hands - this is what distracts the attention of the younger generation while walking and increases the risk of an accident!!!


The child must clearly understand what to do in the event of a threat of violence.

Explain to him that you can’t talk to strangers on the street, of any gender. Under no circumstances should you take anything from them.

If an annoying attempt is made to force a conversation, the child should attract the attention of passers-by and, if possible, move to a more crowded place.

In case of any danger, try to call your family or the Rescue Service.

If there is a threat of robbery, explain to your child that you just need to give what they demand. Try not to anger the robber.

You must not enter a dark entrance, elevator, or any confined space with a stranger. If your house is in a deserted place, and the child returns after dark, go out to meet him.

Oblige him to walk only on illuminated streets.

Children should clearly know their last name, address, home phone number and your cell phone number.

She should not be embarrassed to shout loudly for help. In addition, screaming can scare away attackers.

Alternatively, advise him, in case of danger, to go into the lobby of any social institution and ask his employees for help.


This is one of the extreme forms of violence. In the event of an abduction, the child should try to remember as many details as possible. The road, voices, names, addresses. If his limbs are tied, he must tense the muscles of his limbs as much as possible. Then you can relax them and try to get rid of the ropes.

Under no circumstances should you anger or tease the kidnappers. Try not to swallow any “medicines”. The prisoner needs to eat if the food seems safe.

Perhaps he will have to stay in captivity for more than one day and he will need strength. Under no circumstances should you panic. The child must clearly know that you love him, will look for him and will do everything to free him.

If the baby manages to free himself, he should not immediately move towards the house. We must try to get out into a crowded place and ask for help.

This is due to the fact that the kidnappers, having given chase, can wait near the house and steal it again. In addition, your home phone can be tapped by them.

What to do in a critical situation

How not to lose your head when something similar happens to your child? Remember that panic is the enemy!

Calmly inform your family about the absence of your child. Let them know you're worried and ask them to call if they know anything.

Call the nearest police station and make inquiries. Unfortunately, you will have to call hospitals and morgues. But take it calmer. Better yet, ask your family or friends to do it.

Try to determine who last saw the lost person, and try to reconstruct the chronology of his day.

The main thing is that you must be sure that the baby knows that you will worry. Determine with him a deadline for his “no appearance”, after which you will take measures to find him. This is a must!

Clearly and unconditionally try to come to an agreement with him in this regard. This will help him too if something really happened to him. It is advisable to work out all situations during training games.

Let it be fun, with laughter, with repetitions. These actions will undoubtedly be stored in memory and will emerge at the right time. Not only the child, but you yourself can use this knowledge.

It's never too late to learn. In the process, you will get to know your children's social circle better. Get to know your baby better. You will gain confidence that you can control the situation and help your child maintain health and life.

Knowing what dangers await a child in the city, you can avoid them!