Musical games with a hall for children. Extracurricular activities "games with the audience"

(The peculiarity of these games is that one or several people on stage pronounce and play (act, having agreed in advance how) on stage, and the audience repeats in unison. Moreover, this is done several times, getting the audience more and more excited. Designed to “warm up” the audience before squad or squad business and taking pauses during squad - squad business.)

1. You and I are one family

You and I are one family

You, we, you, me

Touch the nose of the neighbor on the right

Touch the nose of the neighbor on the left

You and I are friends

You and I are one family

you we you me

Hug the neighbor on the right

Hug the neighbor on the left

You and I are friends

You and I are one family

You, we, you, me

Pinch the neighbor on the right

Pinch the neighbor on the left

You and I are friends

You and I are one family

You, we, you, me

Kiss the neighbor on the left

Kiss the neighbor on the right

You and I are friends

2. Hunters.

We are lion hunters

We are not afraid of him

We have a huge gun

And a sharp sword “uh”

Oh! What is this?

Oh, what is this?

Oh, what is this?

There's a mountain ahead

You can't fly over it

You can't crawl under it

There's no way around it

The road is only straight

(everywhere there is a demonstration of how this is done)

(the same action is played out with a river, a swamp, a desert and... a lion. At the same time, the emotions of the audience must be constantly increased. When it comes to the lion, the whole audience screams in fear and shows how he runs from the lion through the desert, swamp, river and grief. In conclusion, he wipes away the sweat, saying, what a great hunt we had.)

3. Hedgehogs.

They came running, they came running

Hedgehogs, hedgehogs

Forged, forged

Scissors, scissors

Running in place, running in place

Bunnies, bunnies

Well, let's go together, well, let's go together

(the male half of the hall shouts - GIRLS!

The female half is BOYS! Or vice versa. Who will shout out who?)

4. We are musicians!

We are hopio talented musicians

Let's play on our hands - let's play!

Rukataki, rukataki, rukataki, rukataki - chanting 2 times

The hall is divided into three parts. Each group learns their words:

First group - In the bathhouse, the brooms are soaked.

Second group - The spindles are not turned.

Third group - And the straw is not dried.

Everyone learns together - Lady - lady, madam - lady.

At the command of the leader, the part of the children to whom he points with his hand speaks his words. If the leader raises both hands up, all children sing the last line. You will have a wonderful large choir, capable of performing at any performance. And if you agree on a melody in advance, you can also receive a prize.


The hall is divided into two halves. The presenter alternately shows his left and his right hand. Children, based on which hand is shown, shout:

Right half of the hall - Goal! (right hand raised)

Left half of the hall - Past! (raised left hand)

If the leader raises both hands up, the children shout “barbell.”

The main thing for the players is not to get confused, since the presenter can raise his right hand, but point it to the left half of the hall. And vice versa.

The presenter asks the children: - Do you know how an elephant sneezes? Do you want to know?

The hall is divided into three equal parts, and each group learns its word:

The first group is boxes.

The second group is cartilage.

The third group was dragged away.

And then, with a wave of the leader’s hand, all the children shout at the same time - but each group has their own word.

This is how an elephant sneezes.


The hall is divided into two halves. With a wave of the leader's hand, one half claps their hands as usual. The second part of the children claps their hands, folding them into a boat. The presenter alternately waves his left and then his right hand. Reacting to a wave of the hand, the audience claps one by one, imitating the sound of train wheels, gradually increasing the tempo. If the leader raises both arms above his head, the children shout “TU-TU”!!!

Here you can remind the children how they got to the camp, what they experienced on the road. This game is very good for the very beginning, not only for starting a business, but also for starting a shift.


The words of this game-song are learned with children in advance and sung, accompanied by hand movements:

teapot - palms parallel to each other

lid - palm of the right hand - lid

bump - fist

hole - fingers ring (OK sign)

steam flows - circles are made with the index finger in increasing directions.

As you sing, the words are replaced by the word - La-la-la and hand movements.

Teapot with lid.

Lid with a bump.

A lump with a hole...

There is steam coming out of the hole.

Steam goes into the hole.

Hole in the bump...

Lump in the cap...

Lid with teapot.


The hall is divided into five parts, and each group is given their own words:

Group 1 - Damn-n-n-n-n

Group 2 - Half a pancake

Group 3 - Quarter of a pancake

Group 4 - No pancakes, one sour cream

Group 5 - Pancakes

Each word is pronounced in a certain key and in a certain size, and the tone increases from the first word to the last (Pancakes-pancakes - 1/16). If you simultaneously pronounce these words to the whole audience and correctly maintain the tone and frequency, then the feeling of a bell ringing is created in the hall.

The words of the game are learned with the children in advance and simply sung for the first time.

Best swing? - Wild vines.

This is from the cradle - Monkeys know.

Who's been rocking all his life? - Yes! Yes! Yes!

He is not upset - Never!

After the children have memorized their words, a different movement is added to each phrase:

Line 1 - children do nothing;

Line 2 - children clap their hands in response to their words;

Line 3 - children jump in place in response to their words;

Line 4 - children clap and jump.

After this game, the presenter may well thank the children for the spectacle they provided - to see so many monkeys in one place.


The presenter invites the children to learn new foreign languages in addition to those they know. And for this you need to take a well-known song:

Lived with grandma

Two cheerful geese.

One is gray, the other is white.

Two cheerful geese.

And try to sing it in another language. And this is very simple to do: all vowels in words need to be changed to just one. If you replace all vowels with "A", then English this song will look like this:

Zhala a babasa

Two vasalah gasa.

Adan shed, draga balay.

Two vasalah gasa.

Polish - "E";

Spanish - "I";

French - "Yu";

German - "U";

English - "A";


The players follow the leader and repeat the words and movements, gradually increasing the overall tempo.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight!

They stomp their feet.

Fuck-fuck-machine gun!

Shooting is depicted with clenched fists.

Higher, higher the plane!

Throw an invisible ball up with your palms.

Boom, artillery!

They clap their hands.

The cavalry is rushing! Hooray!

They wave an imaginary saber.


Host: Do you have palms? Show me.

The players show their palms.

Host: What about your knees? Clap your hands on your knees.

The players clap their palms on their knees.

Host: Great. This is how horses enter the field of the hippodrome. Repeat the movements after me.

The players and the leader rhythmically clap their knees, imitating the clatter of hooves.

Presenter: The horses are about to start. The stands are roaring.

The players imitate shouts and cheers of support.

Presenter: Attention! Let's start! March!

Those playing together with the leader gradually speed up their “running”.

Host: Barrier!

The players make one clap with two palms at once.

Presenter: Double barrier!

The players make two claps with two palms at once.

Presenter: We run along the pavement.

The players and the leader take turns hitting their chests with their fists.

Presenter: We run along the grass.

Players rub palm against palm.

Presenter: Tribunes ladies.

The girls shout words of encouragement to the horses: “Come on, come on!”, “Hey!” and so on.

Presenter: Grandstands.

The boys shout words of encouragement to the horses: “Come on, come on!”, “Hey!” and so on.

Host: The finish is coming soon.

Those playing together with the leader speed up the blows to the knees.

Presenter: Finish! Awarding the winners!

Everyone claps their hands.


To make it more convenient to congratulate and rejoice in the victories of your friends and comrades, you can clap in an unusual way:

1. Lightly tap the left palm with the index finger of the right hand.

2. Then add a second finger and tap with both.

3. Then three fingers.

4. Four.

6. Clap with your entire palm.

7. We clap only with our fingers.

8. Remove one finger and knock with four.

9. Three fingers.

Such applause really resembles the sound of rain, which is why they got their name. Don't forget that applause will be for yourself a great gift both for you and for your children.

"Brazilian Grandma"

My grandmother lives in Brazil.
She has this one (finger, mouth, shoulder, etc.)
She jumps and screams all the time:
"Why doesn't anyone love me!"

Answer: “What a grandmother, so are her grandchildren!”

"At Aunt Motya's..."

The guys repeat the movements and words after the leader:
Aunt Motya has four sons.
Aunt Motya has four sons.
They didn't eat, they didn't drink.
But they only sang one verse. Right hand."

After this, the guys extend their right hand forward after the leader, and repeat the same text, waving their hand.
Then the guys repeat the words, only adding their left hand at the end. Movements of the legs, shoulders, abdomen, head, etc. are added to the movements of the arms.

"The horses are running"

Hop! Hop! - Double jump
Shhh! - hair

Woohoo! - Cheeks

"My cap is triangular"

My cap is triangular,
My triangular cap.
And if not triangular,
This is not my cap.
Gradually, one word at a time, replacing words with gestures.

"And I was bitten by a hippopotamus"

And I was bitten by a hippopotamus.
Out of fear, I climbed a tree.

I was bitten by a hippopotamus
Aunt Shura (3 rubles),
Uncle Vasya (3 rubles),
Baba Manya (3 rubles).
And I was bitten by a hippopotamus.



"The horses are running"

Horses are running - Slap horse running on the knees
Barrier. Hop! - Simulate a jump
Double hurdle - We slap the knees of a horse running, imitating
Hop! Hop! - Double jump
Reeds - We slap the horse running on the knees, tugging
Shhh! - hair
Swamp - We slap the horse running on the knees, stroke
Woohoo! - Cheeks

"My cap is triangular"

My cap is triangular,
My triangular cap.
And if not triangular,
This is not my cap.
Gradually, one word at a time, replacing words with gestures.

"And I was bitten by a hippopotamus"

And I was bitten by a hippopotamus.
Out of fear, I climbed a tree.
And here I am, and my foot is here.
I was bitten by a hippopotamus
Aunt Shura (3 rubles),
Uncle Vasya (3 rubles),
Baba Manya (3 rubles).
And I was bitten by a hippopotamus.

Game description: Before the presentation, the presenter suggests remembering the English language:

— How do you say “look” in English?

The audience responds with “Look.”

- Right!

- Now all together “Look” (index fingers are placed to the eyes, and then point forward, as if pointing at something).

- And now the next word is “dill” (fingers spread, palms up, as if showing a Christmas tree, but vice versa).

And the last word is “garlic” (fingers together and in the air, draw an oval or a shape similar to garlic).

Now you need to combine words and movements: onion, dill, garlic. The audience repeats the movements and words, gradually accelerating the tempo.


Game description: Participants turn to the left and shout “A-a-a-a-a!” as loud as possible, then to the right and shout “A-a-a-a-a!”, then turn right in front of with themselves and loudly shout “Chic-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a!”

Hint: The game helps relieve emotional stress and calm children.


Game description: The presenter offers to arrange in the hall festive fireworks. The bravest spectators will help with this. Two people are invited to the stage. One gets the role of a matchbox, which stands at the right wing close to the edge of the stage, the second - the role of a match.

Standing in the middle of the stage, the match will have to proudly walk to the box and, striking its head on the box, will light up. The presenter invites a spectator in bright red clothes, who will play the role of a light. The next four spectators become the wick. Lined up, they stand in the middle of the stage.

Next, the viewer is invited to play the role of a cannon. Positioned at the left wing, the gun should be able to loudly say “bang”. And finally, 5-8 spectators in bright clothes are invited from the hall. They crouch in front of the stage in a circle and after the cannon signal they will have to stand up with the words “tili-tili”, and the audience applauds loudly. After the rehearsal, a fireworks display is arranged, the presenter comments on what is happening: “A proud match walks towards the box, striking the box with its head, lights up, and a light appears. A match with a spark walks towards the wick. The light runs along the fuse to the cannon. The gun fires. The fireworks light up to the applause of the audience.”

Ear, nose

Game description: The presenter explains - you need to take yourself with your right hand by the tip of your nose, and with your left hand by your right ear, then clap your hands and change hands so that now your left hand is holding the tip of your nose, and your right hand is holding the left ear. We need to achieve synchronicity in the hall.

Funny monkeys

Game description: The audience repeats the words and movements after the presenter:

- We are funny monkeys, we play too loud.

“We clap our hands, we stomp our feet.”

- We puff out our cheeks and jump on our tiptoes.

“And we’ll even show each other our tongues.”

“Let’s jump to the ceiling together and put our finger to our temple.”

- Let's stick out our ears, tail on the top of the head.

“We’ll open our mouths wider and make a grimace.”

“As soon as I say the number three, everyone freezes with grimaces.”

The movements correspond to the words.

I am Natasha

Game description: The leader dedicates the game of children of any squad to the counselor, director or any other person in the camp. Then the audience repeats the words and movements after the presenter. For example, the game is dedicated to the girl Natasha:

I am Natasha, I am Natasha (hands on the belt).

Dark hair - can be red or blond depending on the hair color of the person to whom you are dedicating this game (pointing to your hair with your index finger).

I am Natasha, I am Natasha - (hands on the belt)

My snub nose

(cover your nose with your index finger).

I am Natasha, I am Natasha -

Dark eyes -

light, blue, green

(point to eyes).

I am Natasha, I am Natasha -

I tell everyone it’s great!

(They speak cheerfully, while showing the “Wow!” gesture with both hands)

Note: During the game, you can call the person to whom the game is dedicated. With its help, you can single out one of the guys and introduce them to a situation of success.


Very often, before the start of a business, performance, concert, children sitting in the hall need to be “warmed up” - adjusted to an adequate perception of the intended action. This is where the following games can come in handy. They are very close to shouting games (by the way, they can also be used for this purpose) and at the same time they are different, since they are designed for a seated person.

When starting to play on stage, remember that some games put children and teenagers in a humorous mood, and this may not fit with the scenario of the case. Therefore, before you go out to play with the audience, ask what kind of action will happen after you? How much time do you have? What games are already familiar to children? In general, it would be desirable for the same people to play the hall all the time in the camp, then it will be easier for them to navigate their work with the audience.

When starting to play, remember that the games should go from simple to complex, that is, start with introductions, then invite the children to clap (the “Steam Locomotive” game), then you can clap and sing (the “John” game), and then you can play more complex games: “We are musicians”, “Granny’s shopping” and so on.

Also remember about ethics and aesthetics. You go up on stage. You are providing children with a role model. It wouldn’t hurt to discuss with them the rules of conduct in the hall. And since you are playing, then do it in a humorous manner. Good luck to you! Play!


Leading: Good evening, girls and boys children's camp. There are a lot of you and you are all very interesting. I really want to meet you. I will now say my name, and when I wave my hands, each of you must say your name. So, pay attention!

My name is......, what's yours?

- (all children shout out their name)

Well done, I remembered everyone, so we met!!!


In this game, the players repeat after the leader not only the words, but also the movements that he shows.



Grandma bought herself a chicken - Grandma bought herself a chicken


Grandma bought herself a duck - Grandma bought herself a duck

Ducky tyuh-tyuh-tyuh - Ducky tyuh-tyuh-tyuh

Chicken by the grain cluck-tah-tah - Chicken by the grain cluck-tah-tah

(show with hands how a chicken pecks)

Ducky tyuh-tyuh-tyuh - Ducky tyuh-tyuh-tyuh

(show with hands how a duck swims)

- Grandma bought herself a turkey

Turkey coat tails - Turkey coat tails

Chicken by the grain cluck-tah-tah - Chicken by the grain cluck-tah-tah

(show with hands how a chicken pecks)

Ducky tyuh-tyuh-tyuh - Ducky tyuh-tyuh-tyuh

(show with hands how a duck swims)

Turkey coat tails - Turkey coat tails

(for the word coattails - hand to the right, bulldozers - to the left)

Grandma bought herself a pussycat - Grandma bought herself a pussycat

And Kisulya meow-meow - And Kisulya meow-meow

(show how a cat washes itself)

(repeat about chicken, duck, turkey, kitty)

- Grandma bought herself a dog

Little dog woof-woof - Little dog woof-woof

(show dog ears)

(repeat from the beginning)

- Grandma bought herself a cow

Flour-flour cow - Flour-flour cow

(show cow horns)

(repeat from the beginning)

- Grandma bought herself a pig

Piglet oink-oink - Piglet oink-oink

(shows the pig's snout with his hand)

(repeat from the beginning)

- Grandma bought herself a TV

TV time-facts - TV time-facts

(spread arms wide to the sides)

Announcer la-la-la - Announcer la-la-la

(represent simultaneous translation with hands)

(repeat everything from the beginning)




I was bitten by a hippopotamus - I was bitten by a hippopotamus

(spread arms to the sides)

I climbed a tree out of fear - I climbed a tree out of fear

And here I am - And here I am

(point to themselves with hands)

And my hand is there - And my hand is there

(one hand is moved to the side)

I was bitten by a hippopotamus - I was bitten by a hippopotamus

(they spread their arms to the sides, but do not return the hand withdrawn in the previous phrase, but keep it in this position until the very end of the game)

I was bitten by a hippopotamus - I was bitten by a hippopotamus

(spread arms to the sides)

I climbed a tree out of fear - I climbed a tree out of fear

(show how they climb a tree)

And here I am - And here I am

(point to themselves with hands)

And my foot is there - And my foot is there

(one leg is left to the side)

I was bitten by a hippopotamus - I was bitten by a hippopotamus

"TWO Dwarfs"

The hall is divided into two halves in advance. Each group learns its own words. When the presenter, after his question phrase, shows his right hand, he shouts “Petka”; when his left hand, he shouts “Vaska”. When both hands are raised, two teams shout. Who is friendlier? Who's louder?



Vaska, I have a checkered shirt.

I came to you kids to eat some candy.


Standing in a sunny meadow beautiful house. And next to this house there is a cheerful gnome. Gnome, gnome, what's your name?


Petka, my pants are polka dots.

I came from a fairy tale because I am good.

During this game, movements are made with the hands: snapping the fingers, hitting the knees, clapping the hands. Children say the word KU-KU as many times as the leader shows fingers. During a long game, the leader shows more fingers, and when the children begin to COOK in unison, the leader twists his index finger at his temple.





The words of this game are learned in advance with the children. The presenter sings a song with everyone, taking turns pointing to those parts of the body that are mentioned:

Head - head;

Ramena - shoulders;

Knees - knees;

Fingers - snaps fingers;

Ochi - eyes;

Ears - ears;

Mouth - lips;

And gradually increases the pace. All movements go to the song:

Head - ramen - knees - fingers,

Knees - toes - knees - toes,

Head - ramen - fingers,

Eyes, ears, mouth, nose.

The task of the players is to keep up with the leader and not lose the sequence. The presenter can deliberately confuse the players by pointing to one thing and talking about another.


This is a Polish game, during which the words are not only repeated by the players, but also hand movements are repeated, corresponding to the musical instrument about which the verse is sung. When it is sung about parts of the body, then accordingly, playing on them (patting) is depicted. During words telling about a specific musical instrument and about playing it, hands show how to play this instrument. In the last phrase, when the word “Hey” is said, the right hand is sharply moved to the side and up. Try to emphasize the first syllable in words. The game is Polish.



We are musicians-kepia-talents - We are musicians-kepia-talents

We can play - We can play

I can play - I can play

On chipchitsa(violin) - On chipchitsa

(hands are placed on an imaginary violin)

Chip-chi-dari-very-verchi - Chip-chi-dari-very-verchi

Chip-chi-dari-very-verchi - Chip-chi-dari-very-verchi

Chip-chi-dari-very-verchi - Chip-chi-dari-very-verchi

Chip-chi-dari-hey - Chip-chi-dari-hey

We are musicians-kepia-talents - We are musicians-kepia-talents

We can play - We can play

I can play - I can play

On Kobza(cello) - On Kobza

(hands are placed on an imaginary cello)

Kobza-yes-kobza-yes - Kobza-yes-kobza-yes

Kobza-yes-kobza-yes - Kobza-yes-kobza-yes

Kobza-yes-kobza-yes - Kobza-yes-kobza-yes

Kobza-hey-hey - Kobza-hey-hey

We are musicians-kepia-talents - We are musicians-kepia-talents

We can play - We can play

I can play - I can play

On a tambourine(tambourine) - On a tambourine

(playing a tambourine is depicted)

Tambourine-yet-tambourine-yet - Tambourine-yet-tambourine-yet

Tambourine-yet-tambourine-yet - Tambourine-yet-tambourine-yet

Tambourine-yet-tambourine-yet - Tambourine-yet-tambourine-yet

Tambourine-hey-hey - Tambourine-hey-hey

We are musicians-kepia-talents - We are musicians-kepia-talents

We can play - We can play

I can play - I can play

On a drunken(piano) - On a drunken

(playing the piano is depicted)

A-drunk-ino-ino - A-drunk-ino-ino

A-drunk-ino-ino - A-drunk-ino-ino

A-drunk-ino-ino - A-drunk-ino-ino

A-drunk-hey - A-drunk-hey

We are musicians-kepia-talents - We are musicians-kepia-talents

We can play - We can play

I can play - I can play

On the pipe - On the pipe

Sviri-sviri-sviri-sviri - Sviri-sviri-sviri-sviri

Sviri-sviri-sviri-sviri - Sviri-sviri-sviri-sviri

Sviri-sviri-sviri-sviri - Sviri-sviri-sviri-sviri

Sviri-sviri-hey - Sviri-sviri-hey

We are musicians-kepia-talents - We are musicians-kepia-talents

We can play - We can play

I can play - I can play

On the belly(belly) - On the belly

(and here you can play not only on your belly, but also on your neighbor’s belly)

Pussy-pussy-pussy - Pussy-pussy-pussy

Pussy-pussy-pussy - Pussy-pussy-pussy

Pussy-pussy-pussy - Pussy-pussy-pussy

Pusa-hey-hey - Pusa-hey-hey

We are musicians-kepia-talents - We are musicians-kepia-talents

We can play - We can play

I can play - I can play

On the ear(ears) - On the ear

(ears flutter slightly with fingertips)

Usha-yuck-yuck - Usha-yuck-yuck

Usha-yuck-yuck - Usha-yuck-yuck

Usha-yuck-yuck - Usha-yuck-yuck

Usha-hey - Usha-hey

We are musicians-kepia-talents - We are musicians-kepia-talents

We can play - We can play

I can play - I can play

On the nose(nose) - On the nose

(lightly tap your index finger on the tip of your nose)

Nose-yes-nose-yes - Nose-yes-nose-yes

Nose-yes-nose-yes - Nose-yes-nose-yes

Nose-yes-nose-yes - Nose-yes-nose-yes

Nosa-hey - Nosa-hey

We are musicians-kepia-talents - We are musicians-kepia-talents

We can play - We can play

I can play - I can play

(arms spread to the sides from the center of the chest)

Nerva-yes-nerva-yes - Nerva-yes-nerva-yes

Nerva-yes-nerva-yes - Nerva-yes-nerva-yes

Nerva-yes-nerva-yes - Nerva-yes-nerva-yes

Nerva-hey-hey - Nerva-hey-hey

(repetition by children is done quickly)


My cap is triangular,

My triangular cap

And if it is not triangular,

This is not my cap.

Cap- hands are placed in a cone above the head;

My- the right hand is placed on the chest;

Triangular - index and thumbs a triangle is shown;

He- point forward with hand;

Not- wave their right hand in front of them;


The words of this game are learned in advance with the children. During the game, words are replaced one by one with movements, which the leader agrees on with the children in advance.

The ball is flying, flying across the sky

The ball flies across the sky,

But we know, the sky is a ball,

It won't reach

flies- hand waves are shown, flight is depicted;

Across the sky- the index finger of the right hand is raised up;

Ball- draw a circle in front of you with your hands;

But we know- hands lean against the chest;

We- arms spread in front of you;

No way- arms are crossed;


The hall is divided into three parts. Each group learns their words:

First group - In the bathhouse, the brooms are soaked.

Second group - The spindles are not turned.

Third group - But the straw is not dried.

Everyone is learning together -

At the command of the leader, the part of the children to whom he points with his hand speaks his words. If the leader raises both hands up, all children sing the last line. You will have a wonderful large choir, capable of performing at any performance. And if you agree on a melody in advance, you can also receive a prize.

"LADY" - 1

The hall is divided into four parts. Each group learns their words:

First group - The spindles are turned.

Second group - The brooms are soaked.

Third group - Drink tea with pies.

Fourth group - We'll go mushroom picking.

Everyone is learning together - A lady is a lady, a lady is a lady.

At the command of the leader, the part of the children to whom he points with his hand speaks his words. If the leader raises both hands up, all children sing the last line. You will also have a wonderful large choir, capable of performing at any performance. And if you agree on a melody in advance, you can also receive a prize.


The hall is divided into two halves. The presenter alternately shows his left and his right hand. Children, based on which hand is shown, shout:

The right half of the hall - Goal!(right hand raised)

Left half of the hall - Past!(left hand raised)

If the leader raises both hands up, the children shout - "barbell"

The main thing for the players is not to get confused, since the presenter can raise his right hand, but point it to the left half of the hall. And vice versa.


The presenter asks the children: - Do you know how an elephant sneezes? Do you want to know?

The hall is divided into three equal parts, and each group learns its word:

First group - boxes.

Second group - cartilage.

Third group - dragged.

And then, with a wave of the leader’s hand, all the children shout at the same time - but each group has their own word.

This is how an elephant sneezes.


The hall is divided into two halves. With a wave of the leader's hand, one half claps their hands as usual. The second part of the children claps their hands, folding them into a boat. The presenter alternately waves his left and then his right hand. Reacting to a wave of the hand, the audience claps one by one, imitating the sound of train wheels, gradually increasing the tempo. If the leader raises both arms above his head, the children shout “TU-TU”!!!

Here you can remind the children how they got to the camp, what they experienced on the road. This game is very good for the very beginning, not only for starting a business, but also for starting a shift.


The guys must continue the sentence correctly.

At night, with my head raised,

The gray angry one howls........ (children answer)

Who knows a lot about raspberries?

Well, of course gray...... (children answer)

Who likes to run around on branches?

Of course, red......... (children answer)

Having overcome all obstacles,

The faithful one hits with his hoof.......... (children answer)

Does it eat bark from trees in winter?

Well, of course grey......... (children answer)

He loves the oak acorn.

Of course - it's wild......... (children answer)


This game-song is learned with children in advance and sung. As you sing, the words (from the end of the phrase) are replaced by hand claps (the number of claps corresponds to the number of syllables).

John-Brown-Boy waxed his skis once.

John-Brown-Boy waxed his skis once.

And he left for the Caucasus.

John-Brown-Boy oiled his skis one (clap)

John-Brown-Boy oiled his skis one (clap)

And he left for the Caucasus.

John-Brown-Boy waxed his skis (clap, clap)

John-Brown-Boy smeared (clap, clap, clap)


The words of this game-song are learned with children in advance and sung, accompanied by hand movements:

teapot- palms parallel to each other

cap- palm of the right hand - cap

lump- cam

hole- fingers with a ring (OK sign)

steam is coming- make circles in increasing order with your index finger.

As you sing, the words are replaced by the word - La-la-la and hand movements.

Teapot with lid.

Lid with a bump.

A lump with a hole...

There is steam coming out of the hole.

Steam goes into the hole.

Hole in the bump...

Lump in the cap...

Lid with teapot.


The hall is divided into five parts, and each group is given their own words:

1 group - Damn-n-n-n-n

Group 2 - Half a pancake

Group 3 - Quarter pancake

Group 4 - No pancakes, just sour cream

5 group - Pancakes

Each word is pronounced in a certain key and in a certain size, and the tone increases from the first word to the last (Pancakes-pancakes - 1/16). If you simultaneously pronounce these words to the whole audience and correctly maintain the tone and frequency, then the feeling of a bell ringing is created in the hall.


The words of the game are learned with the children in advance and simply sung for the first time.



Best swing? - Wild vines.

This is from the cradle - Monkeys know.

Who's been rocking all his life? - Yes! Yes! Yes!

He is not upset - Never!

After the children have memorized their words, a different movement is added to each phrase:

Line 1 - children do nothing;

Line 2 - children clap their hands in response to their words;

Line 3 - children jump in place in response to their words;

Line 4 - children clap and jump.

After this game, the presenter may well thank the children for the spectacle they provided - to see so many monkeys in one place.


The presenter invites the children to learn new foreign languages ​​in addition to those they know. And for this you need to take a well-known song:

Lived with grandma

Two cheerful geese.

One is gray, the other is white.

Two cheerful geese.

And try to sing it in another language. And this is very simple to do: all vowels in words need to be changed to just one. If you replace all the vowels with “A”, then in English this song will look like this:

Zhala a babasa

Two vasalah gasa.

Adan shed, draga balay.

Two vasalah gasa.

Polish - "E";

Spanish - "I";

French - "Yu";

German - "U";

English - "A";


The players follow the leader and repeat the words and movements, gradually increasing the overall tempo.



One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight!

They stomp their feet.

Fuck-fuck-machine gun!

Shooting is depicted with clenched fists.

Higher, higher the plane!

Throw an invisible ball up with your palms.

Boom, artillery!

They clap their hands.

The cavalry is rushing! Hooray!

They wave an imaginary saber.


The players follow the leader and repeat the words and movements.



The hunter got ready to hunt. He put on his hat and boots, took his gun and

went down the road

They stomp their feet.

then along the sand,

Rub palm against palm.

along the logs across the bridge,

They hit the chest with their fists.

through the swamp from hummock to hummock,

They clap their hands.

along the path.

They slap their knees.

Tired. “Uffff!” He sat down on a stump, looked around, saw a bear behind a bush, got scared and ran back.

Along the path

They slap their knees.

through the swamp from hummock to hummock,

They clap their hands.

along the logs across the bridge,

They hit the chest with their fists.

then along the sand,

Rub palm against palm.

walked along the road.

They stomp their feet.

He ran home, took off his boots, hat, and gun. Tired. “Uffff!”, I told my wife how I went

on the way,

They stomp their feet.

then along the sand,

Rub palm against palm.

along the logs across the bridge,

They hit the chest with their fists.

through the swamp from hummock to hummock,

They clap their hands.

along the path.

They slap their knees.

If the players are not tired, the game can be continued further: The wife decided to gossip with her neighbor: “But mine was hunting a bear!” and so on.

And the little son overheard, came to his friends and said: “And my dad went hunting!”

At the same time, the pace of the game can be increased. The main thing is not to get lost yourself, and so that the players don’t get lost.


Leading: Do you have palms? Show me.

The players show their palms.

Leading: What about your knees? Clap your hands on your knees.

The players clap their palms on their knees.

Leading: Great. This is how horses enter the field of the hippodrome. Repeat the movements after me.

The players and the leader rhythmically clap their knees, imitating the clatter of hooves.

Leading: The horses go to the start. The stands are roaring.

The players imitate shouts and cheers of support.

Leading: Attention! Let's start! March!

Those playing together with the leader gradually speed up their “running”.

Leading: Barrier!

The players make one clap with two palms at once.

Leading: Double barrier!

The players make two claps with two palms at once.

Leading: We run along the pavement.

The players and the leader take turns hitting their chests with their fists.

Leading: We run on the grass.

Players rub palm against palm.

Leading: Grandstands.

The girls shout words of encouragement to the horses: “Come on, come on!”, “Hey!” and so on.

Leading: Grandstands.

The boys shout words of encouragement to the horses: “Come on, come on!”, “Hey!” and so on.

Leading: The finish line is coming soon.

Those playing together with the leader speed up the blows to the knees.

Leading: Finish! Awarding the winners!

Everyone claps their hands.


To make it more convenient to congratulate and rejoice at the victories of your friends and comrades, you can clap in an unusual way:

1. Lightly tap the left palm with the index finger of the right hand.

2. Then add a second finger and tap with both.

3. Then three fingers.

4. Four.

6. Clap with your entire palm.

7. We clap only with our fingers.

8. Remove one finger and knock with four.

9. Three fingers.

Such applause really resembles the sound of rain, which is why they got their name. Don't forget that applauding yourself will be a great gift for both you and your children.

This collection contains games with repetition (chants) and games with the audience. Naturally, it is not described here complete set everything that is currently being played. Yes, this is impossible. Every new day brings new games to our work, and this is important. If you ask children who come to the Center what games are for them, most begin to list various computer games, at best sports ones, but few remember ordinary games that can be played in the yard with friends. The fact is that children have forgotten how to play. The reasons for this can be sought and found, but that is not the point. Here, most likely, it is necessary to talk about the need to teach children to play. Play with yourself, play with friends. That's what's important. And if we add that through play it is possible to solve entire sets of pedagogical goals and objectives, then the place and significance of play in our work becomes clear. In the work of a teacher-organizer.

How to play? How to present a game to children so that it does not cause rejection, but, on the contrary, attracts them? Each teacher has his own approach to organizing the game, his own vision, his own attitude. I will try to reveal a little about my work experience through the game. IN in this case only chants and games with the audience. This doesn't cover the entire spectrum of the games listed above, but it's good to start simple.

Chants and games with the audience do not require long and extensive preparation from the players. These games are played here and now. Even if it is necessary to learn words, then all this is done as you go; learning the words itself is a game. The teacher’s attitude towards the game is important here. Have you decided to play? What do you want from the game? What do you need it for? What is it for children? What results will be achieved? Think about these questions before you go out to play with your children.

The second series of questions to consider is: What to play? What games? In what order? How long will they take? You shouldn't start the game for 20 minutes if you only have ten minutes left. The words: “We’ll finish the game later” will not bring joy to the child if he is playing. But the game should not bring disappointment. It’s also definitely not possible to have a smaller supply. If you have 20 minutes and only 10 games, what will your child do with the remaining time? You can, of course, drag out minutes and explain in more detail, but such actions by the presenter will most likely only push you away from the game.

Next question: How to explain the rules of the game? After all, if you incorrectly explain the rules to your children, then they will play incorrectly. It is also important to skillfully choose words so that they are accessible and understandable.

As can be seen from all this, if the players do not need much preparation, then the presenter needs to prepare, and prepare thoroughly. After all, you are putting on a whole performance, a one-man show. You stand in front of a full hall, and the children sitting in it perform various actions with a wave of your hand. You are at the same time an actor, a conductor, an entertainer, and an extra; you are the host of the game. Keep this in mind when you go out to play. Be cheerful, cheerful, ironic, kind. Play yourself, and then the children will also play with you. Well, the tips below will hopefully help you play correctly and at ease.

1. Be attentive to your appearance, you are setting an example to follow.

2. When going out to play, always have more games than you need.

3. Be careful about the words you use when communicating with children. Youth slang is a good thing, but are you sure that you interpret this or that word correctly?

4. When addressing children, smile. A smile always makes a person feel good.

5. Make jokes in moderation. Remember that a joke can sometimes offend a person.

6. Always start with a greeting. And if you’re playing for the first time, then it’s a good idea to get acquainted, at least just introduce yourself.

7. When explaining the rules of the game, use clear words and make sure that the children understand you correctly. Don't be afraid to repeat yourself, but don't overdo it either.

8. When using gestures when explaining the rules, do not wave your hands too much. It doesn't look like it from the outside.

9. You often have to work with a microphone. Try in advance how your voice sounds, how best to hold the microphone so that the words come out clearly, without any unnecessary sounds.

10. When working with a microphone, remember that it serves that purpose, no matter what you shout.

11. If in the games you have selected children have to go on stage, then think about how to do it better. You can agree with the radio operator about the phonogram, or you can agree with the children about applause. It all depends on the conditions in which you will work.

12. If work takes place without a microphone, then immediately discuss the rules with the children. The hand up rule works best here:

Raising your right hand means that you have something to say and everyone else needs to listen. (In our detachment there is one law! Everyone listens, only one speaks!)

Raising your left hand means that you are giving the guys a few minutes to make noise. Unlearning it simple rule You can turn it into a game, the main thing is that the guys understand you and listen.

13. Arrange games in a logical sequence, from simple to complex.

14. Don’t forget to say thank you and simply praise those playing. And it’s even better if the guys do it themselves:

Leading: Now place your right hand on your head. Stroke it and say: “Ah! What a great fellow I am!”

Or: Now put your right hand on your neighbor’s head. Stroke it and say: “Oh! What a great fellow you are!”

15. When you finish playing, especially if the next action will take place after you, or someone else will continue to play, do not forget to say goodbye and pass the word, introducing the person or people following you.


Games with the hall

1 .The presenter offers a game for attention.

Players must respond in reverse to any of his phrases. For example, the presenter says<добрые>, players -<злые>. Here is the possible text of the game. Leading:<Здравствуйте, ребята>. Players:<До свидания>. Leading:<Да, здравствуйте>. Players:<Нет, до свидания>. Leading:<Ну, хорошо, до свидания>. Players:<Здравствуйте>. Leading:<Ой, ребята, какие вы хорошие>. Players:<Плохие>. Leading:<Ну, плохие>. Players:<Хорошие>. Leading:<Вы же только что были плохими>. Players:<Хорошими>Leading:<Ну ладно, ладно, хорошими>Players:<Плохими>, etc.

2 .Miss goal

Participants are divided into two teams (territorially). Then the names of the hands are learned.

One is called "goal"

the other is “by”

when the arms are crossed, the whole hall shouts “puck.”

The team that one of the hands is pointing at must shout out the name of the hand loudly. The presenter's task is to confuse the participants. To heighten passions, the presenter keeps score. If one person in the team makes a mistake, then the other team gets one point. You can keep the score strictly, or you can do it the way the leader wants.

The hall is divided into two halves. The presenter alternately shows his left and his right hand. Children, based on which hand is shown, shout:

Right half of the hall - Goal! (right hand raised)

Left half of the hall - Past! (left hand raised)

If the leader raises both hands up, the children shout “barbell.”

The main thing for the players is not to get confused, since the presenter can raise his right hand, but point it to the left half of the hall. And vice versa

3 "Vaska - Petka"

The presenter divides the entire hall into two teams, one - “Petka”, the other - “Vaska”. Then everyone sings together:

In a sunny meadow

There is a green house

And on the porch of the house

A cheerful gnome is sitting.

The presenter asks: “What is your name, dwarf?” and points to one of the teams, which answers quickly:

Petka! I have a checkered shirt

I came to you kids

To eat candy. (“Petka”)

Vaska! I have polka dot pants

I came from a fairy tale

Because I'm good. ("Vaska")

All this is done several times, the presenter points to one, then to the other team, then to both at once, and one of them must shout out the other.

4 .“You and I are one family!”

The presenter invites everyone to repeat the text and movements to it together.

You and I are one family:

You, we, you, me.

Touch the nose of the neighbor on the right,

Touch the nose of the neighbor on the left,

You and I are friends!

You and I are one family:

You, we, you, me.

Hug the neighbor on the right

Hug the neighbor on the left

You and I are friends!

You and I are one family:

You, we, you, me.

Pinch the neighbor on the right

Pinch the neighbor on the left

You and I are friends!

You and I are one family:

You, we, you, me.

Kiss the neighbor on the right

Kiss the neighbor on the left

You and I are friends!

5 .“Elephant Sneezing”

The presenter asks the children if they have heard an elephant sneeze and invites them to listen to its sneeze. To do this, he divides all the players into three groups. At the leader’s signal, the first group begins to shout: “Boxes!”; second: “Cartilage!”; third: “Dragged!” The presenter conducts several rehearsals. First, the groups take turns saying the words. Then the start of the game is announced. At the signal from the leader, the group simultaneously begins to shout loudly. After this, the presenter says: “Be healthy!”

6. Taxi or bus

The presenter shows the movements, the children repeat after him.

A taxi passes by, and we vote. (Lean forward, wave your hand).

A bus arrives, stops, and we get on the bus. (We walk).

There are a lot of people. (We lightly push with our elbows).

There are no empty seats, we hold on to the handrails. (Hand up).

We are rocked, we hold on. (Hand up, swing).

We see an empty seat and sit down. (We squat).

Grandma comes in, and we sit, grandma in the back. (We jump up and look back.)

I say grandma! (We jump up and look back.)

The bus stops abruptly. (Push forward).

Let's go out. (We march).

Ugh? We've arrived! (We wipe the sweat from our forehead).

Shall we catch a taxi again?

6 .Leader: Guys, now I will name various objects, if they fly, you should say in chorus: “They fly, they fly...”. At the same time, you show the flight of hand movements. If things don't fly, stay silent.Plane, helicopter, boots, bumblebee, mosquito, swans, rhinoceros, cranes, ostriches, melon, nightingale, rocket, squirrel, iron, sparrow, plane, swallow, lamp.(The presenter pronounces the words quickly).

7 . Antonym game

The host walks around the circle and asks questions to random players.

I'll say the word "high"

And you answer - “low”

I'll say the word "far"

And you answer - “close.”

I'll tell you the word "full"

You answer - “hungry.”

I'll tell you "hot"

You answer - “cold”.

I'll tell you the word "lie down"

You will answer me - “stand up.”

I'll tell you later "father"

You will answer me - “mother”.

I'll tell you the word "dirty"

You will answer me - “clean”.

I'll tell you "slow"

You will answer me - “fast”.

I'll tell you the word "coward"

You answer - “brave.”

Now I'll say "beginning"

You answer - “the end.”