The young man does not respond to messages. If a man doesn't respond to messages

What to do if a man does not respond to messages? Let us accept as a condition of the problem that you do not send him an SMS in the style of “Musik! The goose is ready!” during working hours, you don’t write to him 10 times a day and don’t bombard him with spam with kittens and hearts. But you are in love and still want to receive periodic confirmation that the object of your love is also interested in you. What could be the reasons for his silence?

Are you kidding? You're not schoolchildren, are you? Even if we assume that the money has really run out, then, having seen an SMS from the woman he loves, he can, for example:

  • top up your account via Internet banking or go to the nearest terminal;
  • order services on credit from a mobile operator;
  • use the phone of a friend or colleague;
  • call a landline phone;
  • send the so-called “homeless” (then we would laugh together).

If a man is not currently on a desert island, has not gone hiking high in the mountains, or has not gone on a polar expedition, then he CAN call you back or send you a short message. And the only explanation for his silence is that he doesn’t want to.

Trivial busyness may be the reason why a man does not respond to SMS. How to behave in this case depends on how long he doesn’t call or write to you. You're lucky if your boyfriend is passionate about what he does. Believe me, he really has no time to exchange emoticons with you. He may be on important meeting or at a meeting. He might be driving. Or the office is noisy, and he simply did not hear the beep. For men, romantic relationships are not at the top of their life priorities. Maybe you should learn this from them?

It’s another matter if your chosen one has been silent for a couple of days. Then don’t have any illusions—busyness has nothing to do with it. No matter how important the project is, there is always a minute to write a few words during a smoke break, over lunch or before bed: “Hello! I remember about you...” If your place in his heart is somewhere between Counter-Strike and a Friday glass of beer, then don’t waste your precious time on him - he just doesn’t like you.

If I really like you, I will never forget about you.

Greg Behrendt, Liz Tuccillo "He Just Doesn't Like You: The Truth About Men"

Sometimes, if some cooling occurs, it makes sense to think about whether you have gone too far. Remember if you fantasized about the future? About the house, children or even just a joint vacation next summer? There are men who are very, very afraid Serious relationships. There are several most striking types:

    Indecisive. He often has an overbearing mother. He himself is not able to make a choice. He cannot decide to change jobs or apartments. He is afraid of any news, even good ones, and does not like surprises. Such a man is not able to repel a boor. With such a man by your side, you will always be forced to make strategic decisions that are important for your family. It is you who will plan romantic trips. You will advise, guide and support so that your loved one has a good career. If this type of family model is close to you, then a timid, indecisive man is what you need. Therefore, take the initiative into your own hands right now, do not wait for a response to a message, but simply call and make an appointment.

    He is in love and this feeling is new to him. This is the most “favorite” reason for a guy’s silence for romantic young ladies. Rarely, but it happens. He feels that he ceases to be the master of his thoughts and feelings, and no longer manages his time independently. This frightens him somewhat, since his life before meeting you was simple, predictable and pleasant. In this case, just wait. Do not insist on frequent meetings, do not stay overnight, do not leave any objects in his apartment. He will calm down, get used to it, and then hook him.

    He is subject to outside influence. Often their friends have enormous influence on our men. What is many times worse is the mother. There is no cure for this. All you can do is just sincerely try to please. If his company accepts you, and your mother becomes yours in a good way an accomplice - that's it, it's in our pocket.

Although the most common reason for not calling or answering a message is, unfortunately, still the same - he just doesn’t like you.

Waiting for a call

Yesterday I spent the night with a guy, today he doesn’t call me. Option one: he died. Option two: he didn’t like me in bed. It would be better if he, the bastard, died.

It would seem that the date went well, but for some reason after it the guy disappeared from the horizon, does not call, and does not respond to your SMS. There could be many reasons for this.

    You seemed too complicated, “stuffy” to him. He may have just wanted to eat a good steak in a pleasant company, and you started a song about marriage, children, responsibility, a scoundrel ex-husband or an apartment with a mortgage.

    He doesn't remember who you are. You will laugh, but this happens often. Have you ever met someone in nightclubs? Do you often go there when you’re not “tipsy”? So he forgot your name and under what circumstances he got a new contact in his phone.

    He just doesn't know yet when he'll have time to see you again. It's a rare man who likes to call or write just like that. They call to exchange information and schedule a meeting at a specific time. In the meantime, he has nothing substantive to say, so he doesn’t call.

And, whatever one may say, it all comes down to the fact that he doesn’t really like you. You deserve to be looked after, to be sought after, so that they sincerely want to call you theirs. Stop hypnotizing your phone and move on to a new meeting!

Interesting fact: the madness you fall into today simply did not exist 10, 20 years ago. Back then, you wouldn't be compulsively checking your phone every few minutes, either angry or frustrated, tormented simply because someone didn't send you a quick, stupid message.

Modern romance is stressful, especially when it comes to texting. In 2010, only 10% of young people used texting to ask someone out for the first time. In 2013 - already 32%. More and more people are sitting alone, staring at their phone screens, while experiencing a range of emotions.

A few minutes passed and my message status changed to read. My heart has stopped. Here it is, the moment of truth. I got ready and watched without stopping as these little dots appeared on the smartphone screen, indicating that someone was typing an answer to you. It feels like a slow ride up to the highest part of a roller coaster. But then a few seconds pass - and that’s it, they disappeared. And no answer.

Hmmm... What happened? A few more minutes pass and... nothing. 15 minutes pass... Nothing. My confidence is fading, doubts are beginning to torment me. An hour passes... Nothing. Two hours pass... Nothing. Three hours pass... A slight panic begins. I'm re-reading my message. I was confident in him, but now I'm starting to wonder what's wrong with him.

“I'm such a fool! You had to type “Hello!” with two “e”s, not just one. I asked too many questions. What was I thinking? Oh, I should have asked something else. Aziz, WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU AND YOUR QUESTIONS?”

Aziz Ansari

Technological progress today allows us to contact the person we like instantly. But this does not make the problems any less. For example, how to invite a girl or guy on a date? Is it worth calling? Or write an SMS? Or add as a friend and send a message on a social network? How long should you wait before responding to an invitation? Obviously, with progress came changes in our personal lives. We evaluate our partners differently, we establish and build relationships differently.

Comedian Aziz Ansari decided to understand the problems of modern romantic relationships and, together with New York University sociologist Eric Klinenberg, developed a large-scale research project. From 2013 to 2014, they conducted focus groups and surveys around the world, as well as conducting interviews with renowned romance researchers. The results of this research resulted in the book “ Actively Searching”, in which, among other things, you can find the answer to the question of what to do as soon as you have sent or received a message.

How long should you wait before replying to a message?

This question caused the most controversy and disagreement among respondents. And these are the tactics people usually follow.

  • Tactics for doubling response time: they answer you in five minutes, you wait ten. This way, you will always be in a better position because you will appear busier and less approachable than your interlocutor.
  • Some wait a few minutes to show that there is something more important in their life than a phone.
  • Some respondents believe that it is better to double the response time, but sometimes you can answer quickly, there is nothing wrong with that (as, indeed, with a response that takes too long).
  • Some people claim that they expect exactly 1.25 times the response time.
  • Others say that waiting three minutes is enough.
  • There were also those who were already fed up with such games, so they responded immediately as soon as they saw the message. They believe that their answers without feigned anticipation seem more lively and confident.

But do these tactics really work? And why do so many people adhere to them? Let's see if these strategies line up with actual psychological research.

The answer is like a reward

In recent years, behavioral scientists have been studying why waiting tactics have such powerful effects on people.

You will appear less attractive if you respond to messages immediately.

Psychologists have conducted hundreds of studies in which they different conditions gave the animals rewards. One of the most interesting findings is “uncertain reward,” that is, the situation when an animal, when pressing a lever, cannot predict whether it will receive a reward. It turned out that uncertainty significantly increases the animal’s interest in receiving a reward: the level of dopamine increases, so that, one might say, it gets high from this sensation.

In laboratory animals that receive a reward every time they press a lever, their interest eventually wanes. After all, they know that as soon as they want a reward, they will get it.

The same principle applies in relationships: if you are a guy or girl who responds to messages without delay, you will begin to be taken for granted. As a result, you reduce your value as a reward. This means that the other person will not feel a strong need to respond to the message. Or, as in the case of laboratory animals, the need to press a lever.

What do texting and gambling have in common?

Messaging is an environment in which our mind begins to work in a specific way. Before everyone had cell phones, people always waited a while (hours or days) before calling back without the other person being bothered. Correspondence has taught us to receive faster answers. According to surveys, this indicator varies from person to person in the range from 10 minutes to one hour.

Natasha Schüll, an anthropologist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA), studies gambling addiction, specifically what happens to the minds and bodies of people who become addicted to slot machines. Unlike cards, horse racing or the weekly lottery, which force players to wait (for their turn, when the horses finish, for the start of the weekly drawing), slot machines allow gambling without delay, since the player receives information quickly.

You are accustomed to expecting instant results, so you begin to lose patience at any slightest delay. When you're texting someone you like but don't know well enough yet, it's a lot like a slot machine. There is also a lot of uncertainty, anticipation, and anxiety here. You are set to receive a message. You want it, you need it right now. But if you don't get a quick response, it throws you off track.

Natasha Shul

Text messages are different from the messages people left on answering machines before the advent of smartphones. A message on an answering machine can be compared to buying a lottery ticket. You know in advance that you will have to wait until you find out the winning numbers. You don't expect a call back right away. You may even enjoy this feeling of uncertainty because you know in advance that you will have to wait a few days. But with texting, if you don't get a response after 15 minutes, you start to freak out.

How to appear more attractive in the eyes of another person

The psychological principles associated with anticipation can be a very useful strategy for a single person who wants to appear more attractive.

For example, let's say you are a man who meets three women at a bar. The next day you write to them. Two respond quickly enough, and the third does not respond at all. The first two women showed interest in you, and your brain calmed down after receiving the answer. But the third woman, by not answering, has created uncertainty, and your brain begins to look for an explanation for her action. You don’t lose interest: “Why doesn’t she answer? What is wrong with me? Maybe I did something wrong? This uncertainty, social psychologists have found, can lead to intense romantic attraction.

A team of scientists - Erin Whitchurch, Timothy Wilson and Daniel Gilbert - conducted a study in which women were shown profiles of different men on the social network Facebook, who in turn told what they thought about them. profiles.

  • One group of women was shown profiles of men who rated the profiles of the subjects from this group as the best.
  • The second group was told they were being shown profiles of men who rated their accounts as average.
  • The third group was shown profiles of men who could not decide whether they liked these women or not.

Women were expected to prefer men who rated them as the best rather than as average (based on the principle of reciprocity - we like people who like us). However, women were more likely to prefer men from the undecided group. They also later reported thinking more about men who were undecided.

When you think about a person a lot, their image becomes firmly established in your mind, which can ultimately lead to attraction.

Another idea from social psychology, which concerns our waiting games, is the principle of scarcity. We usually perceive something as more desirable when it seems out of our reach. So, when you rarely hear from someone, that person is essentially creating scarcity and presenting themselves in a more favorable light.

Don't take everything personally

You wrote to a person and invited him on a date, but there was no reaction from him. What to do in such a situation? Definitely don’t sprinkle ashes on your head and think about what you said or did wrong. Don't forget that sometimes it's not you, but other factors at play. There may be something going on in a person's life that you have no idea about, but it may affect their desire to be in a relationship.

Offended, hiding something, thinking about someone else, plotting something, or... OUT OF LOVE?

Of course, theoretically, everything is possible, but the main reason for his silence is completely different: in the peculiarities of the male worldview and his psychology.

After all, how is a woman made? She needs to say everything, discuss everything, “live” all the emotions in conversation. If she is silent, it means something is definitely wrong. As in the joke: “Honey, are you offended? - No! - strongly? - Yes". It's different for men.

As a rule, men are generally taciturn. Business and purposeful - even more so. They prefer to act rather than philosophize, and speak only to the point.

This is why they are chosen and respected. If you really want to talk about the weather, tell in detail how your day went and discuss new haircut Britney Spears - go to your girlfriend, not to your man.

Talk to your mom, your cat, but not your man.

Conversations with a man need to be filtered and dosed. Otherwise, due to information overload, he will simply stop perceiving everything you say.

Not because he is bad and doesn't love you. The male brain is designed this way.

I have already talked about the “secret” technique “one mouth, two ears”: the best strategy in a conversation with a man is to listen more, talk less and ask

Then you will be the best interlocutor for him. Especially if it's your first date.

You have nothing to talk about

Very often silence comes into relationships where the man and woman have nothing to say.

If at the same time sex began to happen much less often, and communication comes down to “hello-bye” and “buy tomatoes, pasta, toilet paper" - you have problems.

A man uses silence tactics when they nag him at home and find fault with him.

He doesn’t want to receive a negative reaction, so he simply remains silent (by the way, this is the same reason why men lie). Then this is a reason to sit down and finally talk about what's going on and how you feel in your relationship.

This silence can become a point of no return, when there is nothing left to improve.

The basis of a strong long-term relationship is emotional intimacy and... And to maintain them, you need to work on yourself and on relationships. No options.

I believe in you,
Yaroslav Samoilov.

It's no secret that many women tend to think out and speculate on various situations. The joke “I came up with it myself, I was offended by myself” perfectly reflects female nature. This is especially true when it comes to the man you love. He doesn’t give gifts, doesn’t give compliments, doesn’t introduce him to his parents, and so on. But most of all, a woman is worried about the answer to the question: why doesn’t a man answer SMS and calls? For the fairer sex, this aspect is most often of great importance.

From this article you will learn:

  • Why doesn't a man answer texts and calls?
  • How should a woman behave if a man does not respond to SMS?
  • What you shouldn’t do if a man doesn’t respond to messages

12 common reasons why a man doesn’t respond to a woman’s text messages

Modern relationships directly depend on gadgets. Everything can be ruined by simply not responding to an SMS on time. The woman begins to worry and suspect her other half of cheating. However, there can be many reasons for not writing an SMS.

Problems with your phone. Quite a broad point. Each of us may find ourselves in a situation where communication problems arise. Let's include here a technical malfunction of the gadget (the battery ran out, crashed, fell into the water, and so on), and the lack of a mobile phone with you (forgot at home/in the car, lost, stolen, borrowed), and being out of network access (went out of town , on a business trip) and so on. As you can see, the explanation of the reason may be very banal, but no one is immune from such troubles. Including your chosen one.

He is busy. If your loved one works a lot and his profession requires maximum concentration, then he may not see or hear the SMS (call), or may not be physically able to answer. In addition, if you call and send a message at a time when important meetings, business meetings and other events are taking place, then it is logical that the man will not answer for a long time. In some institutions, management requires employees to leave Cell phones in specially designated places.

Even if a man has a day off, you shouldn’t immediately suspect him of all his sins. He may be at a meeting with friends, helping his family, or busy with other important things, and therefore does not respond to SMS for a long time. Be patient and wait.

He forgot. If a man does not immediately respond to an SMS, this may indicate that at the time he received your message he was busy and could not answer, and later simply forgot about it. The situation is offensive, but not uncommon. This is just a human factor, and there is no need to create a global problem.

He's not in the spirit. It often happens that a man is not in the mood for communication. The reasons can be very diverse. When troubles happen at work or with your family, your head hurts, and you just get up on the wrong foot; you don’t want to text or answer the call. Men do not like to share their problems with women, preferring to solve them on their own. Accordingly, it is better to wait out bad moments than to spoil the mood of your lady of the heart. And she, in turn, needs to be patient a little and give her loved one time.

He wants to teach you a lesson. Women often do not immediately respond to SMS or calls. Sometimes getting through to your loved one is a real problem. In such cases, men get angry, worried and want to show the woman how difficult it can be to wait for an answer from a loved one.

You are being too intrusive. If a woman does not know exactly what stage of her relationship with a man she is at, then her excessive activity will only frighten and alienate her chosen one. It may also turn out that you misunderstood everything and perceived friendly communication as something more. In this case, by not answering an SMS or call, the man shows that he is not interested in a romantic relationship.

He is married. No matter how sad it may be, a woman sometimes has no idea that her beloved has a family. Married man does not respond to SMS and calls for various reasons: he is at home with his wife, spends time with the children, went to visit his mother-in-law, and so on. He, of course, will explain the pauses in his answers to you very logically and convincingly, but sooner or later the truth will still be revealed.

Ignore. There are also very dishonest men for whom a woman is just a toy. If you have met just such a representative of the stronger sex, then be prepared for the fact that he may not respond to SMS and calls for a long time, but appear only when it is convenient for him and, having received what he wants, disappear again.

The swing principle. What it is? If you push once, then they will swing further on their own, without any effort on your part. Some men use this unique method to get closer to, and subsequently manipulate, a woman. The principle is simple: do not respond to SMS and calls, but do not disappear completely. Roughly speaking, this is a game, but in it the man has a great advantage. The woman begins to seek more communication and meetings with her lover, and he, in turn, gains power over his victim.

Incomprehensible SMS. Even a woman cannot always understand herself, her desires and thoughts. What can we say about men? It has long been proven that representatives of the stronger sex think concretely and do not understand hints and veiled statements. Therefore, your chosen one may simply not understand your message. And since it could be humiliating for him to clarify or ask again, the man prefers to remain silent.

After watching this video, you will learn how to write SMS to a man so that he will definitely respond:

Resentment. It is common for any person to experience such feelings, and men are no exception. Analyze the last meeting, conversation, messages, your actions. Often men do not respond to SMS after a quarrel. You may have hurt a lot young man without even noticing it. But the man is offended and does not respond to your SMS. If such a situation occurs, just apologize, and maybe the problem will disappear without a trace.

Pause in relationships or separation. Men are not as emotional as women. To make a decision, they need to clearly sort everything out and weigh the pros and cons. This is why they sometimes take a break in relationships. It is important to note that it will be better for a man to inform the girl about his decision than to receive alarming SMS from her in huge quantities. Well, a woman should show a little patience and respect her partner’s desire to be alone for a while. However, it also happens that a man, by not answering SMS and calls, makes it clear that the relationship is over. This is perhaps the most unfortunate and humiliating way to announce a breakup. If this is the reason, don’t be overly upset, because such a man has no place next to you.

How to behave if a man does not answer SMS and calls?

You wrote to him, but there is no response? What to do when you are waiting for the treasured message, but it still doesn’t come? There is no need to panic, get upset or angry, because the reason can be very simple. To stay calm, follow these tips:

  • View your latest SMS and calls. Perhaps there are too many of them, and they were initiated by you? If your man receives a lot of messages from you, he may be afraid of your pressure. Don't be intrusive.
  • Do not send long and overly emotional SMS. Incomprehensible texts with no beginning or end can confuse your man. Even if you are very worried or upset, try to describe the problem concisely and clearly. In any case, it would be better for a man to clarify the problem rather than simply ignore the message. If he chose to simply remain silent, you should think about whether your relationship is as serious as you think.
  • Don't be so quick to blame. When your loved one does contact you, you should not swear or throw tantrums. It would be more correct to find out the reason for his silence. Explain to your man that you were worried and were waiting for an answer from him. Surely, after clarification, you will understand whether he is lying or not. And, most likely, the loved one will be “justified.”
  • Call. After a certain period of time after a message to which you have not received a response, try making a call. The SMS signal may simply not be heard, and if the mobile phone is out of sight, then it may not be seen. It is also possible that the phone is in vibration mode.
  • Think about whether he might be offended. If you know for sure that you upset your boyfriend or put him in an awkward situation in front of his friends, write an SMS with an apology. At the same time, you should not overwhelm him with messages regretting that you offended him. One such message will be enough. However, often women do not even realize that they could have hurt the feelings of a young man. In such cases, it is necessary to carefully analyze the last meeting, conversation or correspondence.
  • If you urgently need to contact a man, it is better to call. It's much faster and more efficient than waiting for a response to SMS. Messages are good for wishes good morning and other amenities. To send them, you can also use social networks, which are very popular at the moment. When a man sees and is ready to answer you, he will definitely do it.
  • It is also possible that the young man decided to end your relationship in this way. There's nothing to be done here. But there is no need to despair. If a man does this, then you should be glad that he left your life, making way for a bright and happy relationship.
  • If there is no response from a man you have known for a short time, silence may mean that you are not of interest to him. Don't be intrusive. If a man wants to contact you, he will definitely do it when he is free.

How to increase self-esteem?

Let's use men as an example. How can a man improve his self-esteem? For example, if a man grows in his career and business, then his self-esteem also grows. He becomes more courageous, more self-confident. Why? Because he understands that the more successful he is, the more valuable he is, in principle, to many people. And his condition changes because of this.

Many girls also resort to this when pursuing a career or business. But it is important to understand, yes, self-esteem from a career or business can also grow higher, but this is not a woman’s self-esteem, this is a person’s self-esteem. And often a woman can be confident in work, in business, but often nonsense happens in life. And often there is such a dissonance that she is successful in her career and business, but not in relationships. It's different for women. A woman's self-esteem greatly depends on the quality of her relationships with men.

This is how the world works. This does not mean that you should bow down to someone or try. No. This means that you must first establish a relationship with yourself. These are the most important relationships you need to establish. And when you establish them, your relationships with men will also improve. Until you have established a relationship with yourself, you want to manipulate, you want to pretend to be someone you are not, and you attract the same men who pretend to be someone they are not. And you and each other have hard sex in the brain. If you are satisfied with this, then continue in the same spirit, if you are not satisfied with this, ask yourself more often the question: what is my plan, what do I really want and what am I doing or not doing for this. Am I moving exactly towards my goals and desires or am I marking time.

How should you not behave if a man does not respond to SMS and calls?

If a man does not respond to SMS, how should a girl react to this? Your concern about this is understandable. Consider these tips to help you save your relationship:

  • Don't text it to your friends. Finding out the reason for your boyfriend’s silence is undoubtedly worthwhile, but asking his friends about it is not recommended. They will simply laugh at you and discuss it in the company. In addition, a bad impression will be formed about you.
  • Don't duplicate your posts on different social networks. You have already written him a message on his mobile phone or in instant messenger. Your man has already received one message. When there is a desire and opportunity, he will answer you. If his reaction does not follow, then later there will certainly be an explanation for the current situation.
  • Do not call from an unknown number. Such methods will only aggravate the situation and anger your loved one, alienating him from you.
  • Don't go where he might be. Even if you know exactly where and how your man prefers to spend his time, by appearing there as if by chance, you risk being ridiculed by his friends and losing respect in his eyes. In this case, a quick separation is inevitable.
  • Don't bombard him with messages. Sending a lot of SMS with approximately the same content and not waiting for a response is a sure way to lose a man. He will eventually write to you, but, most likely, to inform you of the breakup.
  • Don't make hints on social networks. Waiting for the treasured SMS from your loved one, you begin to publish pictures and statuses on your page that should encourage him to respond as soon as possible. Such behavior will only show the man that the girl in front of him is not serious.
  • Don't worry about it. You don’t know for sure why a man doesn’t respond to SMS and calls, so don’t waste your nerves and let the situation go.
  • No need to sit and wait. Get busy, work, go on a visit, devote time to yourself for your loved one. You won’t even notice how time flies, and your loved one will finally answer.

7 rules for correspondence with a man:

Thank you for reading this article to the end.

Hello, my name is Yaroslav Samoilov. I am an expert in the psychology of relationships and over the years of practice I have helped more than 10,000 girls meet worthy soul mates, build harmonious relationships and return love and understanding to families that were on the verge of divorce.

More than anything, I am inspired by the happy eyes of students who meet the people of their dreams and enjoy a truly vibrant life.

My goal is to show women a way to develop relationships that will help them create a synergy of success and happiness!

Women very often become hysterical because their men do not want to respond to messages that are sent to them. They ask a completely logical question: why the guy doesn’t answer. Immediately thoughts such as “he doesn’t love me anymore”, “he thinks I’m annoying”, “he’s bored”, etc. immediately burst into my head. Also, most girls think that if a young man doesn’t answer, it means he’s found another passion and is busy with her. But usually the problem lies elsewhere.

Often girls expect a lightning-fast response when sending SMS. If he doesn't show up, they start to worry. But you shouldn't do this. The reason may be the following:

  1. 1. The man’s phone is dead, so he can’t answer a message or call back.
  2. 2. Free time is something that a guy sometimes lacks. He is at work, so even the most romantic and sensual message will not allow him to break away from his work. More often than not, guys are so engrossed in their work that they can’t even read the incoming messages, let alone respond to them. We need to take this more calmly.
  3. 3. Lack of interest. If the man is a person whom the girl recently met, he does not respond to SMS because he is not interested in further relationships with a particular woman.
  4. 4. Some men don't realize that girls need an instant response to their messages. They don't understand why they panic so much. If they are busy doing something, they will not stop to write a few sentences or send a simple emoji in response. Many people understand the desires of their significant other and listen to them.
  5. 5. If the husband does not respond to messages after a quarrel, he is very offended by his other half. In this case, he will ignore all calls and messages until he calms down.
  6. 6. Some women write messages in such a way that there is absolutely nothing to answer. Men don’t want to waste words, so they don’t understand why they should come up with some kind of response to a meaningless message.

What to do if the man did not answer?

It is necessary to behave calmly, not to throw hysterics and scandals, because this will not help to find out the reason and improve relations with the young man. You should forget about the guy's existence for a while. Do work, meet friends, visit a park or a good cafe. You can arrange a meeting with another guy, because men sense rivals.

You need to be inaccessible and mysterious. Then men will begin to pay attention to such an interesting person and respond to SMS instantly.

What to do:

  • It is worth analyzing what exactly was written in the message sent to him. If literally everything about him is saturated with adoration and dependence, this greatly repels guys, because they are hunters. A man is not too interested in watching girls hang around his neck. He is more interested in seeking favor.
  • Ask a question - the most good option in this situation. You should ask him about something, come up with an interesting and unusual question that is simply impossible not to answer.
  • Brave girls can call the object of their love. But in this case, you need to be prepared for the fact that he may not pick up the phone.
  • After the young man returns home and receives many reproaches to his face, he does not quite understand what the scandal is about. That is why you should first find out the reason for ignoring, and then deal with your other half.
  • If the reason for ignoring is resentment, you should write to him that the guilt is realized. It is necessary to ask for forgiveness and try to smooth out the corners of the situation. Next, you need to wait until the young man calms down and answers.

You should not be an overly intrusive person who tries to constantly control a man. In this case, you need to stop yourself or contact a psychologist who will help get rid of this problem.