Who invented makeup? A Brief History of Cosmetics and Makeup

Makeup is a familiar phenomenon for most generations of people. But what is its history, in what cultures, in what era did it appear and why?

From time immemorial

Probably, the history of makeup began in connection with magical rituals. Patterns and drawings were applied by shamans to the face and other parts of the body of people for protection from evil forces, before war, to attract help from the other world, and also to intimidate the enemy. Shamans also covered themselves with special patterns to perform rituals, and Egyptian pharaohs rimmed their eyes to protect themselves from evil spirits that could penetrate the human soul through the organs of vision. Thanks to some tribes in Africa, South America and other continents who continue to lead a traditional way of life, we can observe this millennia-old ritual phenomenon. On the other hand, the Old Testament forbids putting writing (tattoos) on oneself, as pagans do.

Perhaps considered the birthplace of cosmetics (from the Greek . cosmetics, which means “the art of decoration”) can be the Ancient East. Both men and women wore makeup, and different nations had specific ideas about how to decorate the face and body. The Egyptians took very active care of their appearance: charcoal - instead of an eyebrow pencil, the blood of black bulls - as a dark hair dye (Cleopatra herself did not disdain this in order to hide her gray hair), nail polish, lipstick, teeth whitening products made from minerals with plants, crushed bones and teeth of animals, etc. Makeup was also used for medicinal purposes: the Egyptians believed that by lining their eyes, they would prevent the eyes from becoming infected and the eyelids from getting infected from dry winds and the hot, blinding sun. A collection of such cosmetics was compiled by the above-mentioned Cleopatra; it contained recipes that were much less pleasant for a modern girl. What are the prices for donkey milk baths or crushed crocodile droppings mixed with white to keep the skin soft and whitish?

The ancient Greeks attributed the invention of cosmetics to the goddess Aphrodite. However, bright makeup was exclusively the lot of hetaeras - public women. And a similar attitude towards bright makeup has been repeated more than once in history. Xenophon of Athens wrote that the use of face paint is akin to fraud, because it misleads about the real appearance of a woman.

Noble ancient Roman women, among other cosmetic quirks, tried by all means to preserve the whiteness of their skin, because only someone who worked a lot under the sun could have a tan: a slave or a commoner. There were “makeup artists” in ancient Rome, they were called cosmetists and were in the position of slaves. Cosmetics covered the faces of their rich mistresses with lead white, and hid pimples and warts under hair. True, in those days they did not know about the property of lead to settle in the body, accumulate and slowly poison it.

Middle Ages and Modern Times

When the Middle Ages began in Europe, cosmetics were no longer welcome, because everything that is of the flesh and for the sake of the flesh is “of the devil.” But for the social life of the upper classes this had little meaning. With a very low level of hygiene, fashionistas and fashionistas bought lipsticks, incense, makeup products, etc. in Italy. By the way, in different periods of the Middle Ages, European young ladies could either increase the height of their foreheads by shaving their hair a few centimeters towards the top of the head, or, on the contrary, hide their foreheads. A pale complexion showed that they belonged to high society, and Spanish prostitutes specially painted their faces pink to emphasize their difference from the pale-faced upper class. Over time, France mastered the art of makeup. In the 18th century, the standard of female beauty was such thin skin, through which the veins would be visible. The desired effect was achieved using whitewash, on top of which these same veins were drawn.

Elizabeth I Tudor

In Rus', traditional cosmetics were flour and chalk - as white, beets - as blush, raspberries and cherries - as lipstick, coal and soot - as eyeliner. The face was washed with water containing sour berries, such as viburnum or cranberries. Of course, the means could vary depending on the status and wealth of the woman, as well as depending on the historical stage, due to the penetration of a different culture and fashion. Thus, in the 19th century, the fashion for everything French came to Russia, and already in 1843, the Moscow factory of Alphonse Rallet began industrial production of cosmetics.

Mascara, lipstick, powder - this set is always in the purse of every modern girl. Both today and many centuries ago, all women dream of one thing - to be beautiful and to please men. Cosmetics have always helped them drive the stronger sex crazy. Its importance cannot be overestimated. To whom do we owe the appearance of these wonderful decorative products? What is she like? history of cosmetics?

Cosmetics in Africa and Ancient Egypt

Scientists believe that cosmetics were invented in Africa. Even in ancient times, Africans painted themselves when they went hunting, going on a hike, or celebrating a harvest festival. At first, each colored stripe on the body necessarily meant something, and later ancient people began to decorate themselves simply for beauty.

Decorative cosmetics were actively used in Ancient Egypt almost 5000 years ago! During excavations of tombs, archaeologists found jars with various oils and paints. The world's first cosmetic recipe was also found there - it was written on a small piece of papyrus, which is supposedly 1500 years old.

The Egyptians took great care of their skin: they treated it with oils mixed with incense. The face was brightened with white, and blush made from flower petals was applied to the cheeks. It was the Egyptian women who were the first in the history of mankind to apply black paint based on antimony to their eyes. In Ancient Egypt, cats were revered and they dreamed of having a fatal “cat-like” look. For the eyes they also prepared green eyeliner from malachite, and a kind of nail polish was made from it.

Women in Ancient Egypt already struggled with gray hair - they dyed their hair with henna or dye made from the black blood of animals. The cosmetics of Ancient Egypt were at their best - after all, Cleopatra herself had a hand in its creation. The great ruler created a collection of recipes, which were then used by women far beyond the borders of her state for many years.

Cosmetics of Rome and Ancient Greece

It was the Greeks who called wonderful face paints “cosmetics,” which translated meant “the art of decoration.” Greek women did not paint themselves as brightly as Egyptian women. They paid more attention to the health of skin and hair and created care products from minerals and natural products. It was the Greeks who divided cosmetics into decorative and hygienic.

Cosmetics were inherited from the Greeks by the Romans, who turned the process of applying paint to the face into an entire art. It was in Ancient Rome that the first fashion for makeup appeared. It was there that they came up with a powder made from white lead that was dangerous to health. The harmfulness of this product did not stop the beauties. Those who could afford it bought it, others whitened their faces with ordinary flour.

Cosmetics in Rus'

Since ancient times, women in Rus' have attached great importance to self-care. They used honey, egg yolks, milk, sour cream, various herbs and much more for skin care. They also tinted their eyebrows with soot, cheeks and lips with beet juice, and hair with onion peels or chamomile decoction. There were many recipes for self-care, and women used them very actively.

The history of the birth of modern cosmetics

Later, the Spaniards came up with another unsafe version of powder - from glue and pieces of parchment. But the girls quickly abandoned it, because the strange composition caused irritation on the skin. The Germans offered a wonderful version of powder to beauties - they made it from talc, light and completely harmless to the skin.

The ideal recipe for mascara has also been thought about for many centuries. At first it was made from resin and wax, but this composition spoiled and glued the eyelashes. Women in ancient Rome applied a mixture of dead flies, lead and ant eggs.

Only in 1913, Terry Williams made a brilliant discovery - he mixed Vaseline and soot and got a gorgeous mascara. And the brush for it was invented only in 1958 by Helen Rubinstein, the author of waterproof mascara.

Lipstick has long been made from flower petals and natural dyes that are mixed with beeswax or tallow. After many years, the manufacturing principle remains the same, only the ingredients have changed slightly. A convenient iron tube for lipstick was invented in 1915.

The material was prepared by Yulia Savoskina.


Makeup in the modern sense is the art of decorating the face using decorative cosmetics.

The use of cosmetics helps improve complexion, correct not only minor skin imperfections, but also highlight advantages.

In order for makeup to look impressive, it must be done taking into account an individual approach, a sense of proportion and taste.

When applying makeup, it is very important to observe moderation. Even the most expensive and high-quality cosmetics will look bad if applied in too thick a layer.

Submitting to fashion trends, you should never forget about the individual characteristics of not only your face, but also your character. What looks spectacular on a model may not always suit her. A wide range of decorative cosmetics is usually used for makeup. The most common of them are foundation, powder, eye shadow, blush, mascara and lipstick.

When applying makeup, a number of special tools are usually used: combs, combs, brushes, blenders, applicators, etc.

It is known that makeup makes the face brighter and more expressive. It can be everyday, business, festive and, of course, wedding. When choosing the type of makeup you need to remember one thing: whatever it is, the main thing is that it looks natural and emphasizes your beauty.

Goal: Develop evening makeup with an emphasis on eyes and lips - Achieved.

1. Analysis of literature on makeup.

2. Performing evening makeup with an emphasis on eyes and lips.

Theoretical part (creative part)

The history of makeup

Fashion and beauty, like everything in this world, have their own history and development trends. And if our contemporaries still remember the laws of makeup and haircut rules of the 90s of the 20th century, then the carefree eighties are already lost in the haze of the past. What can we say about the traditions of earlier eras. Meanwhile, these traditions were very diverse, interesting and sometimes even life-threatening.

People have been wanting to make themselves more beautiful and graceful than they really are, not just for the past few centuries, but for many millennia. It is to this depth of time that the history of cosmetics goes back.

The ancient Greeks turned the creation of hairstyles into a real art, delineating them with gold and silver stripes.

The Greeks also invented such a popular makeup product as white powder. Only then, and many centuries later, was powder made on the basis of such a monstrously harmful component as lead. Lead white powder was applied in a very thick layer, which gave faces a languid and alluring look, while simultaneously hiding the consequences of various skin diseases and problems. This was irreparably dangerous, since lead over a period of time only aggravated the tissue destruction caused by diseases. But, despite everything, the nobility continued to use this remedy until the 19th century. Since pallor was held in high esteem, Greek women tried to use minimal makeup to look as natural and subtle as possible. The following lipsticks are known: a paste of clay, red iron oxide and ocher, or olive oil plus beeswax. The following mixture was popular as shadows: olive oil mixed with earth or coal. In addition, Greek women loved to connect their eyebrows in one line; charcoal powder was also used for this.

The ancient Romans often resorted to using strong bleaches and hair dyes, so both men and women ended up bald by a certain age. Society ladies were forced to wear wigs if such a disaster happened. In addition, Roman matrons persistently killed their own skin, covering their faces, necks, shoulders and hands with that same white lead powder.

Makeup of the 30s is the time of the formation of makeup. Many cosmetics of that time were very different from their modern counterparts. For example, today it is difficult to imagine the lipstick in a jar that women used in the 19th century. The modern lipstick in a metal tube that women use today appeared in America in 1915. Any makeup of the early 30s really looked too provocative, and its composition was very harmful to the skin.

The 40s of the twentieth century were a difficult, difficult time. These are the war years, which subjected a huge number of people to cruel physical and psycho-emotional torture. This and the post-war years are a time of revival of the destroyed and dynamic growth of the economy. But, despite all the difficulties of life, women still strived for beauty and perfection. True, the fashion of the forties turned out to be very economical. And the distinctive features of that time were large curls, a soft feminine image, a rounded face and small hats. The makeup was performed in two versions: natural - for every day, and expressive bright - for an evening out.

In the late 50s, everyone liked sensuality and femininity. Marilyn Monroe was considered the standard of beauty, with her short, curled, bleached hair and lips covered with that same bright red shiny lipstick.

In the late 60s, women's lips faded and became an insignificant detail against the backdrop of exaggeratedly large eyes. Black mascara, often applied in three coats to define the lashes and define the contours of the eyelids, was supported by bright shadows and long false eyelashes, with the lower lashes often painted directly onto the skin. In order not to distract the eye from such a spectacle, the lips were painted in the most faded, pastel pink tones. The boyish features fashionable in the late sixties were embodied in the image of the fashion model Twiggy, with her short hair and pale lips. In the seventies, the hippie movement breathed life into a new direction and many women completely abandoned cosmetics and stopped caring for their hair. But this trend quickly died out. And in the history of fashion, elegant haircuts of the late seventies remained, implying neat lines and excellent hair condition.

The 1980s saw a resurgence in demand for natural cosmetic products. Lanolin, oatmeal, herbs, and fruits have become an integral part of skin and hair care products. There have been many innovations in hair styling and new trends in makeup. No matter what century it is, external attractiveness always remains one of the most desirable qualities. The modern woman has a huge selection of cosmetics, perfumes and medicinal products for skin and hair. Moreover, now the beauty industry uses not only the achievements of modern chemistry and plastic surgery, but also developments related to high technology.

90s makeup is characterized by a transformation of colors and textures. The history of makeup describes this period as a time of real transformation not only in colors, but also in the textures of cosmetics. First of all, this time was marked by the appearance of bright pink and raspberry tones in makeup, the fashion for plum lipstick and the appearance of lip gloss. Mascara has become of higher quality and comes in a variety of colors. Bright shades of mascara have come into fashion. Black lipstick, which became popular thanks to the singer Linda, did not last long on the catwalks. In general, the makeup of the 90s can be called bright, bold and doll-like at the same time, since many women of that time imitated the image of a Barbie doll or heroines from Mexican TV series.

The history of makeup is the history of the emergence and development of makeup and cosmetics, which dates back to Ancient Egypt. Fashion has changed over many centuries, and, of course, each era has had its influence on the art of makeup today. In this article (short summary) you will see how the makeup art for a whole century, vivid images and photographs of celebrities will help you plunge into the atmosphere of those times.

History of makeup and cosmetics of the 20th century (creation and development)

In the 20th century, makeup changed dramatically every decade. Fashion depended on cosmetic innovations, which began to be actively produced only by newly opened factories. Women all over the world wanted to look up to famous Hollywood actresses and singers who were considered style icons. Historical events also played an important role in shaping the fashion preferences of those times.

Early 20th century characterized by the events of the First World War. While men were fighting, women stayed at home and worked in factories and industries. This influenced the makeup of those times, or rather, the lack thereof: the face was lightly powdered with pinkish powder, and Vaseline was applied to the lips.

Makeup in the 20s represented a sharp contrast to the early twentieth century. The image of the femme fatale vamp came into fashion, and this was largely manifested in makeup. Women powdered their faces thickly and applied bright pink blush to their cheeks. A characteristic feature of the makeup of those times were the eyes: they were generously lined with eyeliner, shadows of dark shades were applied to the entire upper and lower eyelid, and shaded slightly downward. lined with a clear dark line that went sharply down, creating the effect of “sad” eyes. The lips were given a clear contour and covered with lipstick in a rich red or burgundy shade. Eyelashes were covered with several layers of mascara, and false eyelashes were often used. Women carried the necessary cosmetics with them everywhere.

Makeup from the 30s became more calm. Aristocratic restraint was in fashion. The emphasis, as before, was on the eyes: they were lined with dark eyeliner, and eye shadow was applied on top and shaded. The eyelashes were thickly painted with mascara to make them visually more fluffy. The eyebrows looked like thin “strings” bending in an arc. The look was mysterious and surprised. The lips were outlined as before, but muted, softer shades of lipstick were used.

In the 40s in makeup The emphasis shifted to the lips - bright scarlet lipstick came into fashion. The eyes were lined with black eyeliner and mascara was applied to the eyelashes. Eyebrows became thicker and more natural. At the same time, the skin looked smooth and flawless, and the cheekbones were highlighted with red blush.

50s make-up characterized by femininity and sexuality of the image. The skin of the face was a perfectly even shade, the cheeks were emphasized with delicate pink or red blush. The eyes were lined with black eyeliner, and shadows of soft natural shades were applied to the eyelid. Thick, beautiful eyebrows with a slightly curved shape were in fashion. For lip makeup, lipstick in red or pink shades was used. To make the image more seductive, “flies” came into fashion.

In the 60s One of the main rules of makeup began to apply - emphasis either on the eyes or on the lips. The eyes were mainly highlighted to give the image more innocence. Light-colored shadows were applied to the upper eyelid, and the outer corner was highlighted with darker shadows. The eyes were lined with black eyeliner, and the eyelashes were thickly painted with black mascara in several layers. The skin was fair and almost no blush was used. With bright eye makeup, the lips were a natural beige or slightly pinkish shade.

70s characterized by the emergence and development of various subcultures - hippies, punks. There was an absolute mess in fashion, both in clothing and makeup. The eyes were highlighted with dark shades of shadow and carefully shaded. The lips were not painted at all. In punk culture, on the contrary, lips stood out with dark shades - black, blue. The eyes were lined with black eyeliner and shadows.

Disco time - 80s of the 20th century. Bright neon shades came into fashion and were used in everything - clothes, makeup. Raspberry, blue, violet, yellow, light green, lilac, blue... The eyes were painted with bright shadows, and the shadows were applied to the entire upper eyelid, to the eyebrows. Eyelashes were emphasized with thick black or colored mascara. Blush and lips were highlighted with bright shades. Moreover, very often the colors did not combine with each other at all.

The 90s ended the 20th century. The makeup of those times acquired a certain sloppiness, was individual in nature, and did not have any characteristic signs or features. More muted shades were used in eye makeup: brown, gray, swamp green. The lips were covered with brown, soft burgundy-red or red-orange lipstick.

As you can see, decades have replaced each other, and fashion and makeup have also changed. From time to time, echoes of those times come to us: red lipstick, arrows, beautiful thick eyebrows. This is a brief history of makeup and cosmetics in the 20th century. But don’t constantly chase fashion - be individual, create your own style and be beautiful on the site!

Makeup is the application of various decorative cosmetics to the skin of the face in order to decorate or disguise significant flaws. This is the interpretation that applies to modern makeup. But if we look back at the history of the first man, we can add a few more makeup functions. For example, it was used to create a fearsome appearance or to indicate differences between classes of society. Modern makeup is all about decoration and disguise.
History of Makeup. It is almost impossible to determine the day of the origin of makeup or the specific ethnic group that gave us the art of facial decoration, because even primitive people applied various natural elements to their faces. When makeup began to be treated as the art of facial skin care, the list of products used was significantly limited. These were fruit juices, various herbal infusions, masks made of clay and mud, and even animal droppings. It’s so good that during the era of the cosmetic revolution, many cosmetics were invented that replace not very flattering natural ingredients.
The makeup of each era of mankind differs significantly in colors and the highlighting of certain facial contours. Like clothes and shoes, makeup also has its own fashion. If we talk about makeup today, it is difficult to identify certain trends that prevail among beauties. The 21st century has combined all the best that came from previous fashion trends.

Let's start with the lips. In the early twenties, every girl tried to look as soft and feminine as possible, which is why lipstick was almost colorless. The modern equivalent is lip gloss. In the late twenties, the situation changed radically. And femme fatales with bright makeup and rich scarlet lips come into fashion. The love for red lipsticks is not alien to representatives of the fair half of humanity today. Besides, artfully defined lips are already half the battle.

Eyes . Whatever the era, the girls’ eyes were always highlighted. Of course, we are not talking about rough arrows and bright shadows. An elementary Vaseline sheen should be present on the eyelids. We inherited the fashion of lining our arrows from the fashionistas of the fifties. For the most part, the shadows were always chosen pale or to match the color of the eyes. And bright colors conquered the world of beauty only in the disco era. Read also about.
Brows . Well-groomed and neat eyebrows are one of the main elements of modern makeup. In the mid-forties, very thin eyebrows, like threads, became fashionable. They were tinted to achieve a rich black color, but the eyebrows that the era of the fifties gave us look more attractive. The eyebrows became a little thicker and acquired a beautiful arched shape.
Powder and blush were always used. But they began to highlight cheekbones and experiment with the shape of the face using a play of colors only in the forties. Today, a skilled makeup artist can give the face almost any shape using several shades of blush. Thanks to the fashionistas of the mid-20th century.
We should not forget about complexion in general. If at the beginning of the 20th century pale skin color was in fashion, then already in the late fifties it was replaced by a light tan.
Due to the fact that the modern art of makeup has absorbed the trends of all previous times, every girl can choose an image to her taste and the fashion of makeup today is limitless. Read also about makeup for