When is World Blonde Day in the year? How is World Blonde Day? History and traditions of World Blonde Day

Not long ago, studies showed that a natural blonde is a rather rare phenomenon, and the number of people in the world blond hair over 50 years it decreased from 49 to 14 percent. This is explained by the fact that the number of people with dark hair is steadily growing in the world, and in order for a couple to have a fair-haired child, both parents must be blonde. The results of the study led to the creation of the Movement in defense of the rights of blond inhabitants of the planet, and in 2003, American women held Blonde Day in many cities and appealed to the UN to recognize May 31 as their day. Unlike our time, in Ancient Greece blondes represented purity, innocence and even divinity, and in the early 20th century, blonde hair was considered a sign of racial superiority.

Being blonde is super cool!
Then chat a hundred words a minute,
It’s offended to be silent,
Then laugh and scream.

It's a stupid question to ask
Never be discouraged
It's reckless to take risks...
You're blonde - you can do it!

Congratulations, dear!
Be cheerful, lively,
Give your mischievous laughter,
Know - you are the best of all!

Happy Blonde Day, I congratulate you,
Happy blonde day.
I wish you bright days in your life,
May you be warmed by a ray of happiness.

Let all sorrows, resentments go away,
And your smile will bloom.
Be happy, successful, loved.
Long life to you without worries.

Let blonde help
You in life always and in everything.
Let the bright angel protect
From adversity you are a gentle wing.

Happy Blonde Day. I wish you to always be bright and spectacular, charming and unique. May your bright head always be visited by interesting thoughts, may your smile and beauty fill this world with the light of happiness and joy. Go through life without doubting yourself and every time making sure that a blonde is tenderness, passion, charm and elegance.

All my blonde friends
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart.
And on the last day of spring
Let your dreams come true.

You don't hold grudges
If they tell you after you,
What's wrong with the stupid blonde?
My head is a complete mess.

You are successful and beautiful,
They always envy you.
Be happy, loved,
Fate will please you.

Happy Blonde Day!
In the life of bright parties.
So that everything turns out easy
And whatever you want comes true.

So that your whims are fulfilled
And they bought gifts.
Don't get fat from cake
Travel a lot to resorts.

Happy Blonde Day,
You, beloved, dear,
And on this day I wish you,
Happiness without end and edge!

Let your hopes come true
And let your dreams come true
You will always be fragile, tender,
Beauty Queen!

Blonde friends
We shouldn't be sad today
Blonde Day at your leisure
Why not stir things up?

Let the brunettes be jealous
And the brown-haired women squint their eyes;
Today we are like candy,
There is excitement all around us!

We laugh contagiously
We make eyes at everyone,
And the brunette will smile at us,
And the brown-haired man is happy to fall in love!

Your hair color is like God's gift,
Your voice is sweet nectar
Your figure is the standard,
You are good from all sides.
The outfit is like from a glossy picture,
These are the blondes they are.
For women - an object of envy,
There is simply no one more beautiful than you.
Playfully, follow fate
Live and admire yourself!

You are a beautiful blonde
Kissed by the sun,
Your strength is among men
Justified by a strand.

Happy blondes day
And I want to tell you
To hair color, beauty,
You didn't want to change.

Let the light curl flow,
Platinum gives good luck,
The color of your beautiful curls
Will cope with any task.

May your appearance always be cute.
May you always just be out of touch, my dear.
Let your voice ring with happiness, like a song,
Yes, your destiny will be simply wonderful.
That golden cloud of luxurious hair,
Or maybe it looks like it’s cast from platinum,
Always makes you stand out as the sun in the crowd.
It will give you warmth, like foliage in September.
You can be a beauty no matter your age!

Always be determined to be a blonde.
May your destiny be successful!

From this article you will learn:

Are you a blonde, and are you still sometimes offended by the disdainful attitude towards blond girls, which is reflected in numerous jokes? Now you can get even for all these insults: neither brown-haired women nor brunettes have such a privilege as a whole holiday - World Blonde Day, which will be celebrated for the umpteenth time May 31 blondes all over the world.

Blonde Day: the history of the holiday

Blonde Day: the history of the holiday

Someone once came up with the idea to reward blondes for all their insults and humiliations. And even this young holiday, Blonde Day, already has its own history.

For the first time, this brilliant idea came to American blondes. And not just blondes, but lawyers, that is, women who occupy a high position in society. They were the initiators of National Blonde Day in 2001. The purpose of the holiday was to prove to the world that blondes do not need to buy educational diplomas and sit as housewives at home, because they are highly intelligent, developed, successful ladies and capable of many things.

Blondes all over the world liked the idea, and the date was set for celebrating not national, but World Blonde Day - May 31. True, the main idea of ​​the holiday has been lost, and now blondes on this day no longer defend their rights so zealously. It's just for them extra reason once again attract the attention of all mankind. And they succeed!

But the holiday came to Russia only in 2006.

Traditions and customs of Blonde Day

Traditions and customs of World Blonde Day

This holiday has already developed its own traditions, which are celebrated annually. If you consider yourself the very blonde, you can dive headlong into the whirlpool of this holiday and finally feel the love of the people.

  • Diamond Hairpin Award

When the holiday began to be celebrated in Russia (2006), it was decided on May 31 to present the best blondes with a special award called the “Diamond Hairpin.” The competition is held in several categories and names the most “honored blondes”, “blondes in power”, “television presenters of blondes”, “dynasty of blondes”, “blonde singers”, “blondes in sports”, “blond actresses”, “wives of blondes”, "successful blondes."

  • Blonde parades

In many capitals different countries around the world (in Latvia, Belarus) there are whole parades of blondes. The traffic of the main streets stops to watch the procession of the most beautiful half of all women in the world - blondes. Bright, festive (most often dressed in pink and bright red), blondes once again on this day prove to the whole world that they are charm itself.

As a rule, in nightclubs (self-respecting ones, of course) on May 31, admission for all blondes is free.

Interesting facts about blondes

And finally - interesting facts about blondes

Why did the blonde have the honor of being the main character of so many jokes and celebrating her own World Holiday? If we are talking about natural blondes, then they are, without any exaggeration, unique people. Here are just a few interesting facts about blondes:

  • There are very few natural blondes on Earth, and their number is steadily falling: some researchers claim that they will disappear by 2200, but the World Health Organization has denied these rumors;
  • Blondes' hair grows faster than brunettes';
  • Blondes even have a couple thousand more hairs on their heads than others;
  • blondes are more welcoming and friendly, hence their incredible seductiveness and sweet coquetry that drives men crazy;
  • blondes are practically not obese, but are prone to complexes that they need to lose weight;
  • 80% of blondes are constantly on diets;
  • Blondes have a very low pain threshold, so they are prone to nervous disorders;
  • in the Middle Ages, blondes were considered witches, they were caught and whole parties were burned at the stake without trial;
  • and yet men, even if they date brunettes or brown-haired women, have at least once dreamed of a blonde in their hearts.

So World Blonde Day is well deserved by blond beauties, the inspiration of sonnets and poems, the most ethereal and extraordinary creatures in the world. Happy holiday to all of you, dear blondes!

The date dedicated to the veneration of fair-haired women in all countries of the world began to be celebrated not so long ago. The holiday, considered funny and witty, is gaining more and more popularity. The initiative was enthusiastically taken up by many owners of blond hair in all corners of the globe, who happily began to celebrate the extraordinary day by throwing various parties, organizing intellectual competitions with owners of dark hair, emphasizing the valuable importance of curls with a rare shade of color, having a great time with your friends and family.

Historical information about the origin of the holiday

This kind of interesting date is not so old, so it does not have a rich history. The exact date and place of origin of the holiday remain unknown. According to the most approximate estimates, this date was first celebrated in the states approximately 15 years ago.

Since the holiday is quite new and young, it has not yet gained much popularity in our state. Few people are aware that the calendar contains a date dedicated to World Blonde Day, its exact date and history, the reasons and preconditions for highlighting such a day in the calendar. original day. According to established traditions, the date is celebrated on the last day of spring - the thirty-first of May.

But in the history of the holiday there is a lot of secret and mysterious information. There are a large number of interesting assumptions about the reasons for the holiday. These are the most common versions.

1. According to the official source, the holiday was created on the initiative of American women with a legal profession who had a feminist attitude and advocated for justice. In the process of building their careers, they more than once had to face infringement on the basis of gender and the rights of women with blond hair. In the public environment, there is a stereotypical opinion that fair-haired girls and women are narrow-minded, have low intelligence, and are not able to build their career advancement and be successful on an equal basis with male representatives. In order to show their indignation, they began to celebrate a date invented by themselves.

2. There is another assumption that has become widespread. Its origins lead to the famous comedy film Legally Blonde. main character which Ellie Woods, thanks to her character, refuted all the myths dedicated to fair-haired people. Ellie Woods, who is a beautiful and spectacular woman, showed through her own actions and mistakes that blonde hair is not an obstacle to good studies and a successful career. And there is a version that fans of this film may have been at the origins of a holiday that is quite relevant today, thanks to which girls are able to feel unique, have a good day and be inspired for rapid career development.

Features of the holiday on the territory of the Russian state

On the territory of modern Russian Federation The date of the thirty-first of May as the day of fair-haired women is quite new - 2006. During this time period, the holiday had already gained great popularity in Western countries and gradually penetrated into the territory of our state, where it began to be celebrated with the same enthusiasm and recognition by owners of rare hair color.

It was recognized that the first blonde was the beautiful Aphrodite. Since then, about ten years later, this date is passionately loved by the blondes of our state, who celebrate the holiday annually on the last day of spring.
This holiday is characterized by various nominations of the following types: B “Blondes in Sports”, “Blondes in Science”, “Blonde Wives”, etc. Nominations of this kind help to display the heights that can be achieved, regardless of the color of your hair. All representatives of the stronger sex are attracted to fair-haired women. Very often, representatives with blond hair are compared with beauty ideals and cute images.

According to the research of scientists and their calculations, it was found that by approximately 2200 there will be no people with blond hair left on our planet. This is influenced by the fact that most of the population have dark hair. And for a baby to appear with white curls, it is necessary that both mom and dad have blond hair.

Ways to celebrate and congratulate

>A good thing is the emergence of more and more new holidays and significant dates, on which you lift not only your mood, but also those around you. As a congratulation, you can purchase various kinds of souvenirs and gifts as a gift for friends and family, owners of light curls. As gifts, you should select items that will be bright and light, and which will certainly make any girl happy.

The assortment is extensive, in the form of: balloons, soap bubbles, wildflowers and soft toys, silk handkerchiefs and bright cards. All this will not require a lot of financial expenses, but all this will greatly contribute to creating a festive atmosphere.
On this date, you can arrange a real celebration for your blonde and blonde loved ones, for which you need to think in advance about the availability of all the necessary parts and components and the mechanism for holding it.

If you yourself are a blonde, then treat yourself to a long shopping spree as a congratulations. Shopping centers are full of many things that are necessary and will suit your delicate nature.
In case of good weather on this date, excellent option The honorable day will include a trip to nature and fresh air. A picnic by the pond is an excellent solution for solemn day. The evening of such a day can be spent in the form of launching wishing lanterns into the evening sky. This spectacle is loved not only by blondes, but also by any girl with any hair color.

Interesting facts about white-haired ladies

Owners of white curls who have them from birth should be a reason for pride and should try to maintain this natural hair color. However, even those who have blonde hair are not natural color, but artificially created, can still fully celebrate their day on the last May date. Since blonde is not just the color of curls, but state of mind. This date is another reason to declare and demonstrate your uniqueness, along with all those who celebrate this significant date. Various photographs taken at parties to celebrate Blonde Day prove how entertaining and fun such dates can be celebrated. This day is an excellent occasion for organizing an original and bright celebration among friends and family, where you can once again emphasize that fair-haired women need to be protected, undead and taken care of.

When is this holiday held? There are so many holidays in the world! On the last day of spring, May 31, we celebrate World Blonde Day.

How is Blonde Day celebrated?

How is the celebration going? Cafes and restaurants throw fun parties and flashbombs take place. Blonde girls compete with brunettes in various intellectual competitions; loved ones and friends send romantic and humorous congratulations for Blonde Day.

History and traditions of World Blonde Day

According to scientists, the number of people with blond hair in the world over the past half century has decreased from 49 to 14%. And the notorious “narrow-mindedness of blondes,” to which many jokes are devoted, is just a myth associated with the feminine appearance of their owners.

At the end of the last century, a Movement in defense of the rights of blond inhabitants of the planet even arose in the United States. Its initiators were women lawyers who faced discrimination based on gender, as well as infringement of the rights of fair-haired women.

In 2003, Blonde Day was celebrated in many American cities, after which American women approached the UN with a proposal to recognize this holiday.

In our country, World Blonde Day was first celebrated in 2006. In Moscow, in the Novinsky passage, the Diamond Hairpin Award ceremony took place, which was awarded to the most fashionable, smart, successful and talented blondes of the city.

This holiday also has other traditions, for example, parades of fair-haired beauties are held in Belarus and Latvia.

What's the best way to congratulate you on Blonde Day?

On our website you will find congratulations on Blonde Day in verses that owners of blond hair will be pleased to receive.

We would like to congratulate you on Blonde Day
Blonde ladies today!
We wish you love and success,
Blondes, on this day to all of you.

Blonde is not a calling
And the state of mind.
We wish you good luck,
Oh, how good you are!

Happy Blonde Day!
I want to wish you
Lots of cool parties
There are many holidays in fate.
To be amazed at success
More than one male subject.
So that he had to confess
How lucky this color is.

Congratulations on Blonde Day in verse

World Blonde Day is a great occasion to congratulate blond girls and women on the holiday. Congratulations on the day of this holiday can be sent by email and SMS.

Oh, this May, the harbinger of summer!
It's time for awakened Hopes,
Tatiana, Marin, who revealed to the light
Beauty of face, soul, clothes!
But congratulations on Blonde Day
I only you. And because
That shining with a blond curl,
You are still a brunette in mind!

Smart girls, beauties, bright blondes,
We want to congratulate you on your holiday!
You are the decoration of the day and the party,
You are charming in the office and at home.

Let the sun smile at you from the window,
May you always be lucky and loved,
Let grief and trouble not touch you,
And you always excite men’s hearts...

The last day of spring, the beginning of summer,
Flowers are blooming and the sun is shining,
No wonder against this beautiful background
Blondes of the world celebrate the holiday!
After all, with you there is more light in the world,
Love and affection, joy and happiness!
Men love you very much for this,
Giving them a miracle is in your power!

How often today we hear many phrases about blondes. The intelligence, logic and extraordinary beauty of these lovely ladies are talked about everywhere, jokes and various funny stories are told, but it is these representatives of the fair half of humanity who are awarded a separate holiday of the year. Blonde Day is traditionally celebrated on May 31st every year.

According to American research, in a couple of hundred years there will be no blondes on our planet. The reason for this is the low birth rate in European countries, where the blond population predominates. In addition, to give birth to a child with blond hair, both parents must be blond. And since the majority of the world's population today are people with dark color hair, very rarely seen married couple real blondes. In connection with these data, American women independently celebrated Blonde Day in their country in 2003 and appealed to the UN with a request to make this holiday official.

Russian blond beauties celebrated it in 2006. This event was distinguished by chic and splendor. At that time, the presentation of an exclusive award for blondes, “The Diamond Hairpin,” took place in Moscow, which was awarded to all the most fashionable, smart, successful and talented blondes in the city. This same tradition continues to this day.

Blonde Day 2019 - congratulations

Blonde Day is your holiday,
You are so beautiful!
And today with all my heart
I only wish you happiness!

May your eyes always
They shone so confidently!
So that success never
They never left me in my life.

Let your dreams come true
Everything in life will come true,
And without unnecessary fuss
Only get better!

On Blonde Day I wish you
May your dreams come true!
Let success not leave you,
Well, live without fuss!

May there be many miracles,
And good luck in life awaits!
No one ever judges
All good things will come!

Today I wish
May your dreams come true!
And the blonde is waiting
There is a lot of kindness in life!

What does every blonde dream of?
Probably just to be happy.
And drive a nice car,
Love is undoubtedly to be treasured.

To give beautiful flowers,
And they kissed you tenderly in the morning,
And for compliments to be said,
And together they indulged in miracles!

I wish the blonde from the bottom of my heart,
May she always be a beauty!
Happy Blonde Day today!
I want your soul to bloom!

Postcard for Blonde Day 2019

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