When can I get a haircut in August. When to cut hair according to the lunar calendar in August

Having a new haircut on a favorable day for this, you can not only increase your attractiveness, but also attract happiness into your life. You can choose a good date for changing your image using the lunar calendar.

In ancient times, it was believed that hair was endowed with special magical powers and was the main amulet against negativity and trouble. It was believed that the healthier and prettier hair, the stronger the energy protection of a person. That is why the health of the hair has always been monitored especially carefully. In our time, this has not lost its relevance. The lunar calendar will help you choose a good day for a haircut or grooming procedures in August 2017.

August 1: the growing moon in the constellation of Scorpio is favorable for restoring the usual form of a haircut, but it is not recommended to completely change the hairstyle. Under the influence of the sign water element moisturizing treatments for dry hair will also be especially useful.

August 2-3: the influence of the growing Moon in Sagittarius encourages experimentation and extravagant haircuts. Cascading hairstyles, perms, and a big change in the usual length of hair can give you the opportunity to take a fresh look at your image and become more confident.

August 4-6: the union of the Moon and the zodiac Capricorn is favorable for classic haircuts and the usual design of curls. Capricorn is a conservative Sign, so shortening your hair is not recommended.

August 7-8: on the Full Moon, August 7, you should not shorten your hair - you can greatly damage their health and worsen appearance. You should give your hair a rest and strengthen it with nourishing homemade masks. Hair should not be stressed on the first day of the waning moon, August 8th. To save your own energy and avoid a breakdown, it is better not to dissolve the curls, but to braid them into a braid.

August 9-10: during the period of the waning of the moon in the constellation of Pisces, it is not recommended to greatly change the length of the hair if you plan to subsequently return to your usual hairstyle: it will take a very long time to grow your hair. If you want a fundamental change, you can do any haircut: the original shape will remain for a long time.

August 11-13: the influence of the waning Moon in impulsive Aries can provoke a desire to radically change the image, but the result can deceive all expectations. It is better to schedule a new haircut for a more favorable time.

August 14-15: the influence of Taurus favors any thoughtful and pre-planned haircuts. According to lunar calendar, this period is one of the most successful in August. The new hairstyle will retain its original shape for a long time and will enhance your energy.

August 16-17: changeable Gemini can push you to experiment with the length, shape and color of your hair. If you have long wanted to change the image, adding brightness to it, then you can safely go to the hairdresser. The period is successful for any extraordinary hairstyles.

August 18-19: the stable energy of the waning moon in Cancer allows you to make any haircuts. Hair cut in these two days will become much stronger and will not split for a long time.

August 20-21: before the New Moon, August 20, you should not expose your hair to a serious effect. You can slightly trim the ends - this way you can get rid of negative energy and strengthen your biofield. On the New Moon, August 21, you can help your hair gain strength with the help of masks. Under the influence of Leo, “drying” compositions for oily hair: masks based on mustard, kefir or healing clay.

August 22-23: The growing Moon in Virgo fills this period with stable energy. You can restore the usual haircut or try something new. However, the influence of the Virgo is especially favorable for classic haircuts, so it is better to wait a little with extraordinary hairstyles.

August 24-25: The Moon in the Sign of Libra provokes doubts, so it is better to postpone the change of image for another day. However, this period is favorable for aesthetic and caring procedures, for example, lamination, which will strengthen the hair and protect it from the negative effects of the environment.

August 26-28: under the influence of the growing Moon in Scorpio, you can safely cut your hair, if you later want to increase their length - the curls will grow back very quickly. For this reason, it is not recommended to do complex haircuts on short hair: hairstyle will quickly lose shape.

August 29-30: under the influence of the fiery Sagittarius, a haircut with hot scissors will be extremely useful. This will help get rid of split ends and add volume to your hair. However, before the procedure, you should consult with a specialist.

August 31: The Moon in Capricorn favors the planned changes, but it is better to trust your hair only to an already familiar and proven master. On the last day of August, healing procedures will be of great benefit. They can be made both in the salon and at home: homemade masks with the addition of honey, yeast or aloe will strengthen the hair and add shine to it.

Looking at the lunar calendar for august 2017, you can choose the best time to dye your hair. Let the lunar energy help you transform externally and internally. We wish you good luck and prosperity, and do not forget to press the buttons and

You can track the most successful time for hair care using the lunar calendar. August will be marked by several favorable periods in which you can not only change your image, but also normalize your personal life and improve your health.

Beauty consists of many things, but one of the leading positions is occupied by well-groomed and healthy curls. From time immemorial, hair has been considered a source of vitality and a store of energy. Their energy stores a powerful magical power that can attract prosperity and good luck to you. Having made a haircut on a favorable day for this, you will model for yourself new look, and with it a new happy fate.

Auspicious days for cutting hair

August 2-3. The moon will be in the zodiacal Sagittarius. This time is rather ambiguous. On the one hand, a haircut under the influence of the fiery constellation is able to preserve your health, beauty and attractiveness to the opposite sex. On the other hand, new ideas, expert advice and improvisation are unfavorable for these days. There is a risk of damaging communication with space and incurring trouble. A carefully thought-out hairstyle, dyeing with plant components and moderation in the choice of style are allowed.

August 4-6. The period of the growing moon and its interaction with Capricorn will attract positive energy. Any action with hair will be favorable. At this time, you can experiment, opting for a bright and unusual hairstyle. Perms, coloring, toning and haircuts will be especially successful and will help you find health, harmony with the world and solve problems on the personal front.

August 14-15. A new hairstyle, made during the period of the strong position of the Moon and its stay in Taurus, will give the hair strength and energy. Both the coloring and the planned haircut will be successful. It will be possible to achieve the most positive effect with the help of herbal and home masks that strengthen hair. However, you should not cut your hair too short: during the waning phase of the night star, hair grows more slowly.

August 16-17. At this time, a new haircut can give you a huge amount of positive energy. The presence of the Moon in the zodiac Gemini will not externally affect the health of your hair. This is a good period for cutting voluminous and wavy hair, especially if you plan to keep your hairstyle for a long time. But hair coloring can adversely affect your luck.

August 20-21. The lunar day is marked by the union of the Moon and Leo. These are the most suitable days for going to a beauty salon. Under the influence of this constellation, the hair becomes thicker. If you want to get rid of failures and troubles, then cutting or trimming your hair during this period will help you with this. The main thing is that your new hairstyle should be simple and unpretentious. Changing your image will help you establish yourself in life or radically change it.

August 22-23. The overall impact of these days is quite positive. The growing Moon will be in the constellation Virgo, which promises the most favorable time for cutting, curling and styling naughty and split curls. Wellness treatments will help prevent hair loss, strengthening them and changing their structure. A haircut will noticeably accelerate hair growth, giving them strength and an influx of positive energy.

August 24-25. The union of the growing Moon and Libra favors the strengthening of hair. A haircut will help you find inspiration, creativity and energy. However, a radical change of image is extremely unfavorable on this day. Wellness procedures are the best. If you are aiming to improve your curls, use herbal masks.

August 26-28. Haircut fit for dull, weak and diseased hair. The days when the Moon will be in the zodiacal Scorpio are favorable for medical procedures using balms and oils. Get rid of split ends. A new hairstyle will give more elasticity to weakened hair, and will also attract the attention of the opposite sex.

Hair growth, health and beauty are greatly influenced by the constellations and phases of the moon. Always stay with luxurious curls, prevent their loss and aging will help good hair cutting days. We wish you happiness, beauty, health, and don't forget to press the buttons and

25.07.2017 04:46

Why hair grows back badly and how to speed up the process with simple rituals. Find out the most effective folk ...

You can track the most successful time for hair care using the lunar calendar. August will be marked by several favorable periods in which you can not only change your image, but also normalize your personal life and improve your health.

Beauty consists of many things, but one of the leading positions is occupied by well-groomed and healthy curls. From time immemorial, hair has been considered a source of vitality and a store of energy. Their energy stores a powerful magical power that can attract prosperity and good luck to you. Having made a haircut on a favorable day for this, you will model a new image for yourself, and with it a new happy fate.

Auspicious days for cutting hair

August 2-3. The moon will be in the zodiacal Sagittarius. This time is rather ambiguous. On the one hand, a haircut under the influence of the fiery constellation is able to preserve your health, beauty and attractiveness to the opposite sex. On the other hand, new ideas, expert advice and improvisation are unfavorable for these days. There is a risk of damaging communication with space and incurring trouble. A carefully thought-out hairstyle, dyeing with plant components and moderation in the choice of style are allowed.

August 4-6. The period of the growing moon and its interaction with Capricorn will attract positive energy. Any action with hair will be favorable. At this time, you can experiment, opting for a bright and unusual hairstyle. Perms, coloring, toning and haircuts will be especially successful and will help you find health, harmony with the world and solve problems on the personal front.

August 14-15. A new hairstyle, made during the period of the strong position of the Moon and its stay in Taurus, will give the hair strength and energy. Both the coloring and the planned haircut will be successful. It will be possible to achieve the most positive effect with the help of herbal and home masks that strengthen hair. However, you should not cut your hair too short: during the waning phase of the night star, hair grows more slowly.

August 16-17. At this time, a new haircut can give you a huge amount of positive energy. The presence of the Moon in the zodiac Gemini will not externally affect the health of your hair. This is a good period for cutting voluminous and wavy hair, especially if you plan to keep your hairstyle for a long time. But hair coloring can adversely affect your luck.

August 20-21. The lunar day is marked by the union of the Moon and Leo. These are the most suitable days for going to a beauty salon. Under the influence of this constellation, the hair becomes thicker. If you want to get rid of failures and troubles, then cutting or trimming your hair during this period will help you with this. The main thing is that your new hairstyle should be simple and unpretentious. Changing your image will help you establish yourself in life or radically change it.

August 22-23. The overall impact of these days is quite positive. The growing Moon will be in the constellation Virgo, which promises the most favorable time for cutting, curling and styling naughty and split curls. Wellness treatments will help prevent hair loss, strengthening them and changing their structure. A haircut will noticeably accelerate hair growth, giving them strength and an influx of positive energy.

August 24-25. The union of the growing Moon and Libra favors the strengthening of hair. A haircut will help you find inspiration, creativity and energy. However, a radical change of image is extremely unfavorable on this day. Wellness procedures are the best. If you are aiming to improve your curls, use herbal masks.

August 26-28. Haircut is suitable for dull, weak and diseased hair. The days when the Moon will be in the zodiacal Scorpio are favorable for medical procedures using balms and oils. Get rid of split ends. A new hairstyle will give more elasticity to weakened hair, and will also attract the attention of the opposite sex.

August is the last month of summer, but despite this, many girls and women strive to update their image and change their hairstyle and hair color. And the lunar calendar for haircuts and hair coloring for August 2019 should help in this endeavor.

Therefore, it will not be superfluous to look into the lunar calendar. When to cut in August 2019 and when can they be dyed?

Lunar calendar for haircuts and hair coloring for August 2019: favorable and unfavorable days

  • The very first day of August is absolutely not suitable for any of your hair manipulations. On this day, even combing is necessary with special care.
  • The next day, on the contrary, will be suitable for a haircut, because you will attract new pleasant experiences and people into your life, feel a surge of strength, and inspiration will appear. It is also possible to paint on August 2, although it is better to wait a little with lightening.
  • Visiting the hairdresser on the 3rd, do not cut with hot scissors, do not lighten hair or do it perm. Everything else is not prohibited.
  • Do not cut your hair on August 4 - these actions will not lead to anything good. As for staining, there are no prohibitions about it. In addition, it is recommended to strengthen and treat your curls with various home masks and remedies.
  • August 5 is definitely not suitable for cutting hair, but it is perfect for their primary or re-coloring. Learn it.
  • Until 3 p.m. on August 6, you can not cut your hair, but you can dye your hair. And after 3 and until half past seven in the evening of the same day, it is allowed to cut your hair and carry out innovative procedures in the salon.
  • August 7. Today, everything related to hair is prohibited - haircut, dyeing, even home procedures for caring for them.
  • But a day later - on the 8th - haircuts and hair coloring are allowed, they will be successful, they will give you brilliant ideas and a sense of inner freedom.
  • The next four days - from 9 to 12 - are very unfavorable days for hair coloring in August, haircuts and any other procedures in the salon. Try to refrain from the above actions.
  • In the period until 3 pm on August 13, it is also not recommended to touch the hair, and after the specified time it is allowed to cut and color. At the same time, it is better to use hair-sparing dyes and natural shades for coloring. A haircut will attract material wealth into your life.
  • August 14th. By cutting your hair on this day, you will not only improve your hair, but also positively affect your own career. Coloring is also not forbidden, including including lung highlighting.
  • The middle of the month is August 15th. Do not do any haircuts today if you do not want to earn yourself health problems or in life, do not dye your hair and it is better to leave it alone for today.
  • Auspicious day for cutting hair in August is the 16th. You will find lightness, get rid of negative energy and cheer yourself up. Do you want to dye your hair? Please. If you wish, you can even play a little with those shades that suit each other.
  • On August 17, it is recommended not to do anything with hair, says the lunar calendar of haircuts and hair coloring for August 2019, but on the 18th until 8 pm it is allowed to cut and dye them. After 8 pm and until about one in the morning, only dyeing curls and carrying out restorative or medical procedures is permissible.
  • August 19 is again not a good day for haircuts and other procedures, except for coloring.
  • August 20th. One of the most auspicious days in order to cut your hair. The results will please you not only outwardly, because after a while you will have different benefits. If you plan primary coloring, choose wheaten, reddish or golden shades, their harmonious combinations.
  • From the 21st to the 23rd, neither coloring, nor haircuts, nor any other salon or home treatments are recommended. Give up all plans related to hair manipulation.
  • A rather successful, auspicious day is the 24th of the month of August. If you decide to cut your curls today, they will become healthier, more beautiful, and your financial well-being will also improve. Regarding coloring, there are only a couple of restrictions: you should not use too bright and unnatural shades.
  • When visiting the salon on August 25, do not choose an asymmetrical haircut and do not perform multi-color dyeing.
  • In general, August 26 is not a good day for a haircut, visit to the hairdresser and coloring. Doing all this is allowed only if you are sure that you do not have problems with nervous system in the form of depression or neurosis, otherwise you cannot avoid trouble.
  • It is strongly not recommended to cut and color on the 27th. These manipulations, most likely, will violate your inner harmony, will cause dissatisfaction with yourself. In addition, your relationships with others, relatives and colleagues at work may deteriorate.
  • Getting a haircut on the 28th is also allowed only on the condition that you don’t have any problems with your nerves. It is better to dye your hair not black and not too bright shades, since these colors and shades will negatively affect your well-being.
  • August 29th. It's not a good day for coloring or cutting. However, today it is generally undesirable to go to the salon, use curling irons. It is recommended to even wash your hair with warm, but not hot water.
  • Another day that is completely unsuitable for performing any haircut is August 30th. If you still decide to cut your hair, be prepared to face a deterioration in the health of your hair. Cutting your hair in August 2019, on the 30th, will affect their structure, and in addition, you will not be able to implement your plans, relationships with others will deteriorate, and your perception of important information and new knowledge will worsen. The lunar calendar for haircuts and hair coloring for August 2019 shows that, given the unfavorable influence of the moon, it is recommended to refrain from dyeing your hair, doing any home procedures (using hair masks, etc.).
  • The last day of the month is August 31st. Until half past 11 in the morning you can make an original haircut and dye it, but after the indicated hours you can no longer get a haircut. But this time is ideal for primary and secondary staining, because it will be very successful.

Did the lunar calendar for haircuts and hair coloring for August 2019 help you? Write about it in the comments below.

Hair will grow quickly. The same can be said about the end of the month. But in mid-August, you need to get a haircut for those who want the haircut to keep its shape longer. In order for the haircut to be of high quality, beautiful and useful for hair, cut your hair while the Moon is in favorable Signs - the signs of the Earth and in Libra. Do nothing to your hair on New Moon and Full Moon days and when the Moon is in Water signs.

Lunar hair cutting calendar for August 2017 by day of the week

August 1 00:00 - 15:01. The growing Moon in Scorpio is unfavorable. Haircut will make the weak Thin hair tougher, and in other cases it will only hurt.

August 1 15:01 - August 4 3:36. The growing Moon in Sagittarius is doubtful in terms of the beauty of the haircut, but after the haircut influential people will notice you, and you will have a chance of social success. You can not get a haircut on August 3 before noon.

August 4 3:36 - August 6 15:15. The growing Moon in Capricorn contributes to a neat and practical haircut. Haircut strengthens hair. Other hairdressing services also work well. The only negative is that there will be no “zest” in the haircut. It is undesirable to get a haircut on August 5 in the middle of the day.

August 6 15:15 - August 9 0:55. Moon in Aquarius. The result of the haircut will be unpredictable. You can cut your hair if you like to experiment with the image. And on August 7, you don’t need to cut your hair at all - this is the day of the Full Moon.

August 9 0:55 - August 11 8:21. Waning Moon in Pisces. A haircut, like other hairdressing manipulations, home treatments, and even shampooing, will ruin your hair.

August 11 8:21 - August 13 13:39. Waning Moon in Aries. A haircut (like everything else - perms, dyeing, etc.) can damage the hair and scalp, as well as worsen the general condition of the body.

August 13 13:39 - August 15 17:05. The waning moon in Taurus is perfect for visiting the hairdresser and for home care behind the hair. The haircut will come out beautiful and will have a good effect on the condition of the hair.

August 15 17:05 - August 17 19:12. The waning Moon in Gemini is suitable for dropping into the hairdresser for a minute - trim the ends of your hair or do your styling.

August 17 19:12 - August 19 20:54. The waning Moon in Cancer is usually not suitable for hair manipulation. But this month, residents of some time zones were lucky - on August 19 from 3:00 to 9:00 (MSK), the main influence will be the influence of the beauty planet Venus. She will give you a nice haircut.

August 19 20:54 - August 21 23:24. Moon in Leo. On August 19 and 20, the haircut will be wonderful. Staining, "chemistry" will work well. Hair straightening, lamination, etc. will be bad. On August 21, you can’t get a haircut - this is the day of the New Moon. However, if you want to bring changes into your life, take the risk of cutting your hair - from the point of view of the esoteric, a haircut on this New Moon will contribute to life changes.

August 21 23:24 - August 24 4:04. The growing Moon in Virgo is perfect for both haircuts and hair treatments. If you want to get a lasting effect from visiting the hairdresser, do not cut your hair on August 22 until 15:00.

August 24 4:04 - August 26 11:52. The growing Moon in Libra will give you a very beautiful haircut. And if you take care of your hair on the evening of August 25, a haircut will also bring good luck.

August 26 11:52 - August 28 22:47. The growing Moon in Scorpio is not suitable for hair manipulation. Not only a haircut, but the very need to sit in a chair, communicate with a hairdresser, tolerate other clients will cause you irritation and a desire to scandal.

August 28 22:47 - August 31 11:18. Waxing Moon in Sagittarius. The haircut will come out shaggy and sloppy, but useful for social growth: after it, social success will come to you and attention from influential people will increase. You can not get a haircut on August 29 before lunch and August 30 in the afternoon.

August 31 11:18 - 24:00. The growing Moon in Capricorn is favorable for neat classic haircuts and wellness treatments to strengthen hair.

The site reports that the most favorable time for hair removal is August 1-3, 5-6, 9-11, 17-19, 26-30 August 2017.

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