Every thing has a place. Class hour on the topic “Every thing has its place” (3rd grade)

GBOU "Special boarding school in Usman"

Class hour
Topic: “Every thing has its place”
Goals: to teach children to take care of things and maintain order when using them; formation of responsibility for the work started; fostering organization and independence. Prepared by:
teacher Korobkina L.G.
Class progress
1.Staging of L. Vorontsova’s work “Masha the Confused Man”.
Questions for discussion:
Do any of you look like Masha? What should you do to avoid being like this girl? How do you pack your briefcase (backpack) for school in the evening? (in the evening you can calmly, without rushing, collect your briefcase, check the availability of notebooks, think about whether you forgot to put something in.) Does it ever happen to you that you forgot a notebook, a necessary book, a pen or pencils at home? What can such forgetfulness lead to? What do we call a person like Masha? (unassembled, sloppy, sloppy, undisciplined, irresponsible, loose, lazy, disorganized.) How to achieve becoming a collected person? (it is necessary to maintain order in the classroom and organization in the lesson. School is fast prepare for the lesson the one who has everything laid out “on the shelves” - every thing knows its place. A neat, organized person saves a lot of time for useful things.) 2. Rules for an organized student.
1.) keep your school things, clothes, toys in order.
2) before leaving for school, check that you have prepared everything for the lessons.
3) check if your clothes and shoes are in order.
4) keep order and cleanliness at home, remember - every thing should know its place.
Mom comes home from work, Maybe not our floor?
Mom takes off her boots, Nash.
Mom goes into the house, Seryozhka just came,
Mom looks around. We played a little.
Was the apartment raided? So this is not a collapse?
No. No.
Has a hippopotamus visited us? Didn't our elephant dance?
No. No. Maybe the house is not ours? I'm very glad, it turned out
Our. I had no reason to worry!
- What happened, why was there a pogrom in the apartment? What should the boys do after playing?
Once upon a time there was a girl named Masha.
In the morning the sun rose and looked in the window. And Masha is sleeping. Mom came.
Masha get up,
Masha get dressed!
The sun is shining in the morning,
It's time to go to kindergarten!
Masha woke up, opened her eyes: “I won’t get tired when I get up. I’ll lie down for a while and look out the window.” And mom again: Masha, get up, Masha get dressed. There is nothing to do - you have to get up and put on stockings. Masha looked around - but there were no stockings!
- Where, where are my stockings? I’ll search all the corners: they’re not on the chair, they’re not under the chair, they’re not on the bed, they’re not under the bed. Masha is looking for stockings, but she can’t find them, and the cat on the chair is purring and saying: “You look, you look, you won’t find it, but if you find it, you’ll go.” You need to put things away so you don’t have to look for them.” And the sparrows outside Masha’s window tease: “You’ll be late, Masha, confused Masha!” And Masha is still looking: there’s nothing under the chair, there’s nothing on the chair... But there they are, in the doll’s crib! Mom asks: “Masha, soon?” Masha replies: “I’m putting on stockings and shoes.” I looked under the bed, but only one shoe was standing, and the other was missing! It’s not under the bed, it’s not on the bed, and it’s not under the closet... And the cat keeps walking, purring and saying: “You look, you look, you won’t find it, but if you find it, you’ll go.” You need to put things away so you don’t have to look for them.” A cockerel came up to the window and sang: “You’ll be late, Masha, confused Masha!”
Masha began to ask the cockerel: “Cockerel, cockerel, find my shoe!” The cockerel looked for the shoe in the yard. And the shoe is right there on the table.
Mom asks: “Masha, soon?” And Masha replies: “I’ll put on a dress and go for a walk.” Lost dress! Polka dot dress. Where is it put?
And it’s not on the chair, and it’s not under the chair... And the cat keeps purring and saying: “If you look, you won’t find it, you won’t go without a dress. If you need to put things away, you won’t have to look for them. You’ll be late, Masha, confused Masha!”
Then Masha saw her dress and was delighted: the polka dot dress had been abandoned on the shelf! Mom says: “I can’t wait any longer!” And Masha answers: “I’m running, running, running!” Masha runs to kindergarten, in a hurry. And the children in kindergarten have already had breakfast. They saw Masha and shouted: “I’m late, Masha, Masha is confused!”
- How is Masha going to kindergarten?
-What is the cat purring and saying?
-What did Masha do wrong?
-What did she not have time to do?
-Why did the children in kindergarten call the girl Masha the Confused? What can you advise Masha?

GBOU JSC "Savinskaya SKOSHI"

Lesson summary on the topic:

“Every thing has its place”

Prepared and carried out

Leshukova A.D.

04/07/2016 Savinsky village

Target : - give the concept of caring for things and neatness.

Tasks : - promote the development of neatness in children:

To promote accuracy and respect for the products of labor.

Progress of the lesson.

1.Organizational moment

2.Introductory conversation

1cl .On the screen there is a proverb: “Woe to him who has a disorderly house.”

    How do you understand it?

    How many of you guessed what we will talk about?

The topic of our conversation is “Every thing has its place”".2 words.

3. Main part

Listen and guess riddles about the things that surround us in school:

3 words .- not a bush, but with leaves,

not a shirt, but sewn,

not a person, but a story (book)

Black Ivashka

wooden shirt,

where will it take place?

there remains a trace. (pencil)

4 words - writes, but not with a pencil

it is washed, but it is not clothing (chalk)

I leave a thin trail

but he will live for many years (pen)

5 words Now listen to riddles about the things that surround us at home.

Four brothers

They live under the roof (table)

With your back, not lying down,

It's always worth it

And he tells everyone to sit (chair)

6cl .-Five boys

Five closets

Every boy

And your closet (gloves)

The duck dived, dived

And I lost my tail (needle and thread)

You see how many things surround us. Why should every thing have its own place? To answer this question, let's listen to the story and give it a title.7 words

The alarm rang at 7 o'clock in the morning. Grandma wakes Seryozha up for school; he is in 3rd grade.

Get up, my grandson, says the grandmother. Seryozha tossed and turned in bed for several minutes, and then began to get ready. He found one sock under the bed, the dog took the other and tore it. The briefcase was not collected, he began to look for the schedule - it was not there. Then he remembered that he had five lessons today. At this time, my grandmother’s voice came from the kitchen: “I’m waiting for you to have breakfast.” “What breakfast?” Seryozha shouts. “I haven’t packed my briefcase yet.” He looked for his shirt for a long time, then looked at his watch, grabbed the incomplete briefcase and ran out the door to run to school.

And in the evening his grandmother came up to him and said, “Seryozha, if you don’t learn to put things in their places, then everyone will call you one word - slob.”

8cl .-What should we call this story?

Let's describe the portrait of this boy.

What was he supposed to do in the evening?

How are you preparing for tomorrow's classes?

What order do you have on your desk?

Physical minute 9 words

We will pay special attention to the careful handling of books. Books should also know their place. Otherwise, what will happen to you is what happened to the hero of S.Ya. Marshak’s work “Books about books.”10 cl.

At Skvortsov's Grishki

Once upon a time there were books

Dirty, shaggy,

Ragged, humpbacked

Without end and without beginning

Bindings are like bast

Doodles on sheets of paper

The books cried bitterly

Grishka fought with Masha,

Swung the book

Hit me once on the head -

Instead of a book, there are two!

Gogol complained bitterly,

He was a dandy in his youth,

And now, in his declining years

He is disheveled and undressed

Poor Robinson's

The leg is torn off the cardboard,

Krylov's sheet was torn out,

And in crumpled grammar

On page thirty-five

Drawn chimney sweep

In Petrov's geography

Cow drawn

And it is written: “This is my geography

Who will take it without asking?

He will be left without a nose!”

What books does Grisha have?

How should one treat books?11 words

How do you feel about your books and library stuff?

There are certain rules for handling a book. Let's read them.12 syllables

    Do not fold the book, but place a bookmark.

    Don't write or draw in the book.

    Do not tear out the sheets.

    Remember - the book is our friend!

It is very important that there is order on the desk. We need to be careful not only with books and things, but also with our school uniform.

You can tell by your uniform whether a student is neat or not. When you come home from school, what do you do with your uniform?

Even the form must have its place.13 syllables

So, every thing has its place. Guys, people have always valued in a person such qualities as thrift and accuracy.

Now let's play14 and 15cl

16cl Let's read together and how do you understand the proverbs?


What is the name of our class hour?

Why you need to be thrifty and careful. Let each of you analyze your behavior.

How do you treat your things?

Practical task: together we will look at your things in their places?

The teacher and the children look at the bedroom and classroom to see if everything is in its place.

Class hour“Every thing has its place.”


Give the concept of caring for things and neatness.

Promote the development of accuracy in children.

To instill in children a caring attitude towards things and the habit of maintaining order.

Progress of the class hour:

1. Organizational moment.

2.Introductory conversation.

On the table are notebooks, books, a scarf, socks, bread on a plate, toys. Guys, what happened to the things? (Children's answers)

Should every thing be in its place?

(There is a proverb on the board): “Woe to him who has a disordered house.”

How do you understand it?

How many of you guessed what we will talk about?

The topic of our conversation is “Every thing has its place.”

3. Guessing riddles.

Listen to riddles about the things that surround us at school:

1. Not a bush, but with leaves Black Willow

Not a shirt, but a sewn wooden shirt,

Not a person, but a story. (Book)

2.Where to go

There remains a trace (Pencil)

3.White, not snow

Writes, but not with a pencil

It's washed, but it's not clothes (Mel)

4.I leave a subtle trail

But he will live for many years (Handle)

Now listen to the proverbs about the things that surround us at home.

1.Four brothers

They live under the roof (Table)

2. With your back, not lying down,

It's always worth it

And he tells everyone to sit (Chair)

3.Five boys

Five closets

Every boy

Has his own closet (Gloves)

4. The duck dived and dived

And I lost my tail (Needle and thread)

You see how many things surround us. Why should every thing have its own place? To answer this question, let's listen to the story and give it a title.

The alarm rang at 7 o'clock in the morning. Grandma wakes Seryozha up for school; he is in 3rd grade.

Get up, my grandson, says the grandmother. Seryozha tossed and turned in bed for several minutes, and then began to get ready. He found one sock under the bed, the dog took the other and tore it. The briefcase was not packed, he began to look for the schedule, but the diary was not there. Then he remembered that he had five lessons today. At this time, my grandmother’s voice came from the kitchen: “I’m waiting for you to have breakfast.” “What breakfast?” Seryozha shouts. “I haven’t packed my briefcase yet.” He looked for his shirt for a long time, then looked at his watch, grabbed the incomplete briefcase and ran out the door to run to school.

And in the evening his grandmother came up to him and said, “Seryozha, if you don’t learn to put things in their places, then everyone will call you one word - slob.”

What should we call this story?

Let's describe the portrait of this boy.

What was he supposed to do in the evening?

How are you preparing for tomorrow's classes?

What order do you have on your desk?

We will pay special attention to the careful handling of books. Books should also know their place. Otherwise what will happen to you is what happened to the hero of the work S.Ya. Marshak “Books about books”.

4.Children reading a poem.

At Skvortsov's Grishki

Once upon a time there were books

Dirty, shaggy,

Ragged, humpbacked

Without end and without beginning

Bindings are like bast

Doodles on sheets of paper

The books cried bitterly

Grishka fought with Mishka,

Swung the book

Hit me once on the head -

Instead of a book, there are two!

Gogol complained bitterly,

He was a dandy in his youth,

And now, in his declining years

He is disheveled and undressed

Poor Robinson's

The leg is torn off the cardboard,

Krylov's sheet was torn out,

And in crumpled grammar

On page thirty-five

Drawn chimney sweep

In Petrov's geography

Cow drawn

And it is written: “This is my geography

Who will take it without asking?

He will be left without a nose!”

What books does Grisha have?

How should we treat books?

How do you feel about your books and library stuff?

There are certain rules for handling a book. Let's read them.

Do not fold the book, but place a bookmark.

Don't write or draw in the book.

Do not tear out the sheets.

Remember, the book is our friend!

It is very important that there is order on both the desk and the stand. We need to be careful not only with books and things, but also with our school uniform.

You can tell by your uniform whether a student is neat or not. When you come home from school, what do you do with your uniform? Even the form must have its place. So,

Every thing has its place. Guys, people have always valued in a person such qualities as thrift and accuracy.

5. A dramatization of the short story by L. Vorontsova “Masha the Confused One.”

Characters: mother, Masha, cockerel, cat.

Once upon a time there lived a girl Masha. In the morning the sun rose and looked in the window. And Masha is sleeping. Mom came:

Masha, get up,

Masha, get dressed!

The sun is shining in the morning,

It's time for us to go to school!

Masha woke up and opened her eyes:

I will get up and not get tired.

I'll lie down for a while

Yes, I'll look out the window,

And mom again:

Masha, get up,

Masha, get dressed!

There is nothing to do - you need to get up, you need to put on stockings. Masha looked around - but there were no stockings!

Where, where are my stockings?

I'll search every corner.

They are not on the chair,

And there's no under the chair

Not on the bed.

Not under the bed.

Masha is looking for stockings, but she can’t find them. And the cat on the chair purrs and says:

You search, you search, but you won’t find it,

And if you find it, you’ll go.

We need to clean things up -

You don't have to look for them.

And the sparrows outside Masha’s window tease:

You'll be late, Masha,

Confused Masha!

And Masha is still looking;

And not under the chair,

And there's no chair...

Yes, here they are - in the doll’s crib! Mom asks:

Masha, soon?

And Masha answers:

I'm putting on stockings

I put on my shoes.

I looked under the bed, and there was only one shoe there, and no other!

Not under the bed

Not on the bed

And not behind the closet,

And there's no under the closet...

And the cat keeps walking and singing, purring and saying:

You search, you search, but you won’t find it,

And if you find it, you’ll go.

We need to clean things up -

You don't have to look for them.

A cockerel came up to the window and sang:

You'll be late, Masha,

Confused Masha!

Masha began to ask for a cockerel:

Cockerel, cockerel,

Find my shoe!

The cockerel searched and searched - there was no shoe in the yard. And that's where the shoe is - on the table.

Mom asks:

Masha, soon?

And Masha answers:

I'll put on a dress

And I'll go for a walk!

And the dress is nowhere to be found either!

What should I wear for a walk?

Lost dress!

Polka dot dress –

Where is it put?

And not on the chair,

And under the chair there is no...

And the cat keeps purring and saying:

You search, you search, but you won’t find it,

And you can’t go without a dress.

We need to clean things up...

You don't have to look for them.

You'll be late, Masha,

Confused Masha!

But then Masha saw her dress. I was happy:

Polka dot dress

Abandoned behind the chest of drawers!

Mom says:

I can't wait any longer!

And Masha answers:

I'm running, running, running!

Masha is running to school, in a hurry, and the first lesson at school has already begun. The children saw Masha and shouted:

Masha is late, confused Masha!

Discussion of the story.

How is Masha getting ready for school?

What is the cat purring and saying?

What did Masha do wrong?

What did she not have time to do?

Why did the children at school call the girl Masha the Confused One? What can you advise Masha?

Do any of you look like Masha? What should you do to avoid being like this girl? How do you pack your briefcase (backpack) for school? (In the evening. In the evening, you can calmly, slowly, pack your briefcase, check for notebooks , think about whether you forgot to put something in).

Riddle: What do you wear for pens and notebooks?

The word briefcase came to us from the French language. After all, “porte” in French means “to carry,” and “felle” means “leaf.” So it turns out that the briefcase was called that because they carry sheets of paper, notebooks, and books in it.

Does it happen that you forgot a notebook, a necessary book, a pen or pencil at home? What can such forgetfulness lead to? What do we call a person like Masha? (Uncollected, sloppy, sloppy, undisciplined, irresponsible, loose, lazy, disorganized).

How to achieve becoming an organized person? (It is necessary to maintain order at home, in the classroom and organization in the lesson. At school, the one who has everything laid out “on the shelves” quickly prepares for the lesson - every thing knows its place. Neat, organized a person saves a lot of time for useful things.)

6. Game situation.

(A boy comes out: screams, sits on the briefcase, rolls, throws him under the chair).

Guys, is this a student from our class? (No)

Do you want to be like him?

What did he do wrong?

What does he have in his briefcase?

There must be a careful attitude towards things.

"Don't be like him!"

Let's listen to the conversation between offended things and think about why things were offended?

7.Children reading a poem by S. Ya. Marshak:

We are poor friends

We are books and toys,

We lived in the store in order and cleanliness.

Now we are with Volodya,

He seems like a nice guy.

But here the conditions are not the same for us.

The cover is torn

The cat fell asleep on it.

And next to it, under the bed, there’s a broken truck,

Broken stick,

Headless Parsley.

Apparently the boy is not used to taking care of them.

"Moidodyr" page

There's a grease stain on it,

We need to run away from here.

Save us guys

Volodya is a very scary person.

Things are the result of human labor. Taking care of things means respecting people’s work. He who spoils and destroys things harms himself and others. Caring for things is a sign of a cultured person.

You need to take care of any thing: yours, someone else’s, very valuable, and inexpensive.

8. Game "Talking Briefcase".

Our portfolio will tell us:

Is his owner thrifty?

Are you careful and diligent?

Well, maybe he's a slob?

He will tell the boys everything.

Two people take any briefcase. Your task: to evaluate whether the owner of the briefcase is neat. Are the textbooks wrapped? Do the notebooks have covers? Do they have

notebook folder? Are the notebooks in the folder? Are the pens, pencils in the pencil case or scattered in the briefcase? Are there “extra” items in the briefcase: bits of meat, pies, toys?

9. Children reading M. Karem’s poem “The Waif”.

My puppy disappeared on Sunday

The lineup is on Wednesday...Bad luck!

On Thursday I didn't find the album,

And on Friday - keys to the house.

And my mother trembles:

What won't you find tomorrow?

Indeed, he could have disappeared a long time ago

Colorful little scarf -

So easy to fall out of your pocket!

I'm so confused!

I would definitely lose my nose!

Yes, it sits firmly in place!

Think about what you can name a girl? Why did the girl lose everything? She did not follow the rule: “Every thing has its place.” Aren't you confused?

10. Discussion of A. Barto’s poem “Gloves.”

Well everything disappears

The girl has Vali!

Today at Valya's

The gloves are missing.

Diligently searching

Gloves all over the house.

Therefore in the house

Horrible sodom.

Their grandfather is looking for

In Valya's pocket,

Their grandmother is looking for

In the kitchen, in the closet

Under the old sofa

Their sister is looking for them

There's Valin's apron

Was found yesterday.

Perhaps behind the closet? –

Dad thought of it.

But dad can't move

Heavy cabinet.

He is with the help of his mother

He was dragged -

No gloves found -

Stocking found.

They are not under the stove,

Where is dinner cooked?

But under the stove

Shoe found.

Perhaps they fell

Are they for the buffet?

There's Valina's doll,

There are no gloves there.

Sister says:

I'll look under the bed! -

There's Valina's tape

And Valino's dress.

Suddenly my mother exclaimed:

Here they are, Valenka! –

And she took out both gloves

From felt boots.

I thought these verses

About gloves

But it turned out that these poems are about order.

That's it, guys.

They end.

And you, who are confused,

They are dedicated.

Questions for discussion:

Why does everything disappear for Valya? Does this trait bother others? How can you help someone who is confused?

11. Creative task “Offender”.

If things could talk, they could say many hurtful things about their owners. Guess who could tell this?

Do you think I'm not offended? One boy always had me in his pencil case and never made mistakes. And this boy... (she started crying). He forced me to make two or even three mistakes in every word. As you can see, I'm lying on the floor! (Children guess). Now try to compose an “insult” and tell it on behalf of some thing. (Children talk).

12. Reading a poem.

That's what I am!

Whose spoon is this lying in the cat’s clay saucer?


Whose book is this lying under the table without a cover?


Whose button rolled under my bed?


Whose dirty doll is this that is difficult to recognize?


Whose notebook is lying there, forgotten on the window?


What kind of girl looks gloomily from the mirror, unwashed?

Oh! I think I am!

I'll wash the spoon. A book with a cover.

The notebook is on the shelf. In your hands - a needle:

The button is sewn on. The doll is washed.

I look in the mirror: my face is rosy.

The thing was not abandoned.

That's how good I am!

13. Instruction to the student.

You are not a little child -

Student and third grader!

Your obedient subordinate -

Sharpened pencil

And the pen, and the eraser and everything else:

Books, pencil case, notebooks -

Always keep them in order!

They are your household!

Own it without arrogance!

And now, guys, get acquainted with the rules of a neat person and an organized student, let’s remember, and even learn them, and begin to use them constantly.

1. Keep school things, clothes, toys in order.

2. In the evening, check if you have prepared everything for the lessons.

3. Check if the school uniform is in order. Hang it on your hanger, and don’t throw it anywhere.

4. There should be a school corner at home.

5. Determine the place for clothes and shoes.

6. Put any thing in its place.

7. Keep your toys in order.

8. Keep your home tidy and clean, remember: every thing should know its place.

9. If you took a book or other thing from a friend, then return it in the same form and at the time you promised.

10. Handle library books carefully.

What conclusion can we draw?

14.Staging and discussion of Grigory Oster’s poem “Everything is Alright.”

Mom comes home from work

Mom puts the bags

Mom goes into the house

Mom looks around.

Was the apartment raided?


Has a hippopotamus visited us?


Maybe the house is not ours?


Maybe not our floor?


Seryozha just came,

We played a little.

So this is not a collapse?


Didn't our elephant dance?


I'm very glad, it turned out

I had no reason to worry!

What happened, why was there a pogrom in the apartment? What should the boys do after playing?

15. Summary of the lesson.

What did we talk about today?

16. Conclusion.

What is the name of our class hour?

Why you need to be thrifty and careful. Let each of you analyze your behavior.

How do you treat your things?

Write a short story about yourself, about your attitude to things. This was homework. (Children's answers are listened to).

You've been looking for a belt since this morning,

And then elastic bands, and then boots!

Remove everything from the evening -

There will be nothing to look for!

You will drive away laziness from yourself -

And the day will become longer!

If you lay in bed for a long time,

If you didn’t have time to learn your lessons,

If you refused to help your mother,

This means that you are seriously ill with laziness.

You can catch laziness from each other,

Laziness is sticky, like glue or resin.

And there is only one cure - to work,

So that laziness does not find its way to you.

(Memos are distributed).


Keep your school things in order. Put your notebooks in a folder so they don't get wrinkled. Wrap up the books. The pen and pencils should be in the pencil case so that they do not break and so that they can be quickly found.

Before leaving for school, make sure you have everything for your lessons. See if all your school things are in order: is there a pen, is the pencil broken, is there a ruler.

Check that your student clothes are in order.

When you come home from school, don't throw your briefcase anywhere. You must have a place for your briefcase.

At home you should have either your own corner or a shelf for books and notebooks. Keep your corner tidy: wipe off the dust, always put books and notebooks in the same place after classes.

When you come home from school, hang your school clothes on hangers.

Any thing you took: scissors, needle, brush, comb, book - put it in its permanent place.

Always hang your coat on its hanger, do not throw it on a chair. Household clothes should always be in their place or hung on hangers.

Keep your toys in order too. After the game, put everything back in its place.

If you borrow a book from a friend to read, return it in the same form and at the time you promised. Handle the library book carefully and return it on time.

Every year the pace of life becomes faster and faster, so after a hard day at work, the last thing you want to think about is cleaning. But if you don’t do it and leave everything for the weekend, then your mood will not improve, but quite the opposite. These 17 ideas will help you give everything its own place and forget about clutter.

1. Food in the freezer

Cheap plastic baskets will help you put things in order and properly organize food storage in the freezer. Simply divide foods into groups and place them in small, labeled containers.

2. Knife storage

To keep knives always at hand and securely fastened, store them on a magnetic tape. This storage system is so ergonomic that it can be mounted even on the smallest piece of wall.

3. Household supplies

A cheap organizer made of fabric or oilcloth is a very useful thing that will help you conveniently place an entire artillery of household supplies.

4. Magnetic board

Small magnetic boards can be used to store spices, containers with stationery, and small craft supplies. This storage idea is not only very practical, but also looks very nice.

5. Household chemicals

A thin rail hidden in the cabinet under the sink will allow you to conveniently place several bottles of household chemicals.

6. Clothes on hangers

A simple trick with hangers will help you tidy up your closet and at the same time unload its contents. Hang clothes so that the hanger hooks point in one direction; after putting on the item, return the hanger to the closet with the other side. After a year, evaluate the contents of your closet and get rid of things that you have never worn.

7. Fixing wires

Attach several binders to the edge of the table so that the most necessary wires do not get tangled and are always at hand.

8. Organize the little things

Egg containers and muffin tins can be used to store small office supplies.

9. Clothes in the chest of drawers

Try folding clothes in horizontal piles rather than in vertical piles as usual. This trick will significantly save space in your chest of drawers and allow you to quickly and easily find the thing you need.

10. Organizer for wires

From cardboard sleeves and an ordinary shoe box you can make an excellent organizer for storing wires and various cords.

11. Food stand

The rotating stand can be used to store ketchups, sauces, cheeses, sausages, cans of preserves and other not too bulky products.

12. Shelf dividers

Using thin plastic tubes, you can divide open shelves into sections. This trick will be especially useful in the kitchen and will allow you to conveniently store cutting boards and dishes.

13. Shoes

Make a wide slit in your shoe box so you can easily find the pair you want in a pile of other boxes if you need to.

14. Vegetable rack

17. Magazines and newspapers

From a wooden window shutter you can make a creative and very convenient organizer for newspapers, magazines and correspondence.

The kitchen is a separate state in the house, in which order is especially important, because the number of necessary little things in this room is off the charts. These are simply irreplaceable in any kitchen.


  • Why was Masha late for kindergarten?

III. Lesson topic message.

Who is dreaming about what now?

And I don't have enough time.

It's time to get ready for school

I can't find my backpack.

Here is the satchel on the closet,

Now I can't find my shoes.

Everything is scattered around

And things are all upside down.

Mom says every day,

That I'm monstrously lazy

What has turned into a slob?

And that he became infected with laziness.

That I should take things

And clean up the place.

But where is this place?

If the house is very crowded?!

I'll have to try

  • What advice did the mother give to her son?

Meet Vitya. He is a 1st grade student at a regular Moscow school. Look. Now do you understand why he couldn’t find his backpack? Why?

teases. Now we will hear them.

1. Oh yes Natasha!

What a mess!

Natasha's dress

And in borscht and porridge!

2. Styopa, Styopa, Styopka!

Our styopka is a dishevelment!

I haven't washed for a whole year

Turned into a slob!

3. Our Julia didn’t wash her hands,

Dirt accumulated under my nails.

What kind of Julia - Yulechka.

Yulechka is a dirty little girl!

Physical exercise.


I'm lying in my school bag,

I'll tell you how you learn.

Either in a cage, or in a line.

Feel free to write on me.

In this narrow box

You will find pencils

Pens, brushes and buttons,

Anything for the soul.

If you give him a job -

The pencil was in vain.

I have in all sciences

Smart books live on.

Name it guys

What are those books called?!

IV . Game.

Now let's play. I will ask you questions, and you will answer in unison: “”.

V . Lesson summary.

Place the proverb on the board.

VI . Homework.

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“Lesson summary “Every thing has its place””

Lesson summary

on the topic: “Every thing has its place”

1st class

Compiled and conducted:

primary school teacher

GBOU School No. 1566

Astakhova O.S.

Lesson objectives:

    To cultivate neatness, thrift, neatness, and the ability to take care of one’s appearance and one’s belongings.

    To promote the development of oral speech, cognitive interests and activity of younger schoolchildren.


    cards with the name of the lesson topic;

    elements of costume for the heroes of the performance;

    pictures depicting students, school supplies;

    cards with words: wardrobe, bookshelf. Toy basket;

    signs with the words: sloppy, lazy, unassembled, neat, organized, neat, T-shirt, shirt, trousers, cubes, ball, doll, album, textbook, dictionary;

    proverbs: “They are greeted by their clothes, they are seen off by their minds”,

“Whoever is neat is pleasing to people”;

    Organizational moment .

Guys, today in the lesson we have to discuss a very important topic, so be careful, and we will start the lesson with a dramatization.

II. A dramatization of L. Voronkova’s story “Masha the Confused One.”

Once upon a time there lived a girl Masha.

In the morning the sun rose and looked in the window.

And Masha is sleeping.

Mom came:

- Masha, get up, Masha, get dressed! The sun is shining in the morning, it's time to go to kindergarten!

Masha woke up and opened her eyes:

“I’ll get up and I won’t get tired.” I’ll lie down for a while and look out the window.

And mom again:

- Masha, get up, Masha, get dressed!

There is nothing to do - we need to get up, we need to put on stockings.

Masha looked around - but there were no stockings!

- Where, where are my stockings?

I'll search every corner.

They are not on the chair,

And not under the chair,

Not on the bed

Under the bed - no...

Masha is looking for stockings, but she can’t find them.

And the cat on the chair purrs and says:

- You search, you search, but you won’t find,

And if you find it, you’ll go.

We need to clean things up -

You don't have to look for them.

And the sparrows outside Masha’s window tease:

- You'll be late, Masha,

Confused Masha!

And Masha is still looking for:

- And not under the chair,

And there is no chair...

Yes, here they are - in the doll’s crib!

Mom asks:

- Masha, soon?

And Masha answers:

- I'm putting on stockings

I put on my shoes.

I looked under the bed, and there was only one shoe there, and not the other! - Not under the bed,

Not on the bed

And there’s no one behind the cupboard,

And there is no under the cupboard...

And the cat walks around, purrs and says:

- You search, you search, but you won’t find,

And if you find it, you’ll understand.

We need to clean things up -

You don't have to look for them.

A cockerel came up to the window and sang:

- You'll be late, Masha, confused Masha!

Masha began to ask for a cockerel:

- Cockerel, cockerel,

Find my shoe!

The cockerel searched and searched - there was no shoe in the yard.

And that’s where the shoe is – on the table.

Mom asks:

- Masha, soon?

And Masha answers:

- I’ll put on a dress

And I'll go for a walk!

And the dress is nowhere to be found either!

– What should I wear for a walk?

Lost dress!

Polka dot dress -

Where is it put?

And not on the chair,

And there is no under the chair...

And the cat keeps purring and saying:

- You search, you search, but you won’t find,

And you can’t go without a dress...

We need to clean things up -

You don't have to look for them...

You'll be late, Masha,

Confused Masha!

But then Masha saw her dress. I was happy:

– Polka dot dress

Abandoned on the shelf!

Mom says:

– I can’t wait any longer! And Masha answers:

- I'm running, running, running!

Masha runs to kindergarten, in a hurry.

And the children in kindergarten had already had breakfast and went for a walk. They saw Masha and shouted:

– I’m late, Masha,

Confused Masha!

Guys, answer my questions:

    Why was Masha late for kindergarten?

    Who helped Masha look for the shoes?

    What advice did the cat give to the girl?

    Where can you put your things?

III. Lesson topic message.

It turns out that every thing has its place and today in class we will talk about it. And our theme will sound like this: “Every thing has its place.”

Raise your hand, which of you looks like the girl Masha? Who takes that long to get ready for school every morning?

Don’t think that only girls are “confused”, believe that there are also “confused boys” in the world. Don't believe me? Now Egor will tell you about it.

The student recites the poem by heart:

Who is dreaming about what now?

And I don't have enough time.

It's time to get ready for school

I can't find my backpack.

Here is the satchel on the closet,

Now I can't find my shoes.

Everything is scattered around

And things are all upside down.

Mom says every day,

That I'm monstrously lazy

What has turned into a slob?

And that he became infected with laziness.

That I should take things

And clean up the place.

But where is this place?

If the house is very crowded?!

I'll have to try

In the closet, sort out the shelves.

    What was the main character of the poem looking for in the morning?

    Where did he manage to find his backpack?

    What advice did the mother give to her son?

    Raise your hand, how many of you are like this boy?

I'm glad there are no such guys among you.

And now I want to introduce you to the boy that Yegor just told us about.

A picture depicting an unkempt student is placed on the board.

Meet Vitya. He is a 1st grade student at a regular Moscow school. Look. Now do you understand why he couldn’t find his backpack? Why?

Tell me how this boy's things are?

What can you say about him? What is he like? ( sloppy, lazy, uncollected). Signs with these words are placed on the board.

People often write about such guys teases. Now we will hear them. Three students come to the board.

1. Oh yes Natasha!

What a mess!

Natasha's dress

And in borscht and porridge!

2. Styopa, Styopa, Styopka!

Our styopka is a dishevelment!

I haven't washed for a whole year

Turned into a slob!

3. Our Julia didn’t wash her hands,

Dirt accumulated under my nails.

What kind of Julia is Yulechka?

Yulechka is a dirty little girl!

These are the kind of teasers they write about guys who look sloppy and don’t take care of their appearance.

I brought you Vitya’s briefcase too. Look.

A picture of a messy student’s briefcase is placed on the board.

Why do you think the briefcase is so skewed, it even has a wound.

And in the briefcase... This is what I found.

Pictures depicting a textbook, notebook, stub, slingshot, diary are placed on the board.

What happened to the textbook? A notebook? How did the stub get there? And for what academic subject should you wear a slingshot?

Raise your hand, how many of you would like to have such a friend? Why?

What proverb did we remember the other day about a person’s appearance?

A picture with the proverb “You are greeted by your clothes, you are seen off by your mind” is placed on the board.

Which of you would like to help Vita? How can I help him?

Let's teach Vitya to put things in their places. I will need 3 helpers to put things in the clothes closet, bookshelf, and toy basket.

Three students come to the board and hang up signs with the names of things.

Did the guys cope with the task? Let's check.

Physical exercise.

Every morning I wait for you in this class. And every time I hope that neat, polite guys will enter the class, who have packed their briefcase in the evening and put in it only the essentials.

We place a picture of neat students on the board.

Now tell me what you need to put in your briefcase.


I'm lying in my school bag,

I'll tell you how you learn.

Black Ivashka wooden shirt.

Wherever he leads his nose, he leaves a trail.

A steel horse runs across the white floor.

Leaves black marks behind.

Either in a cage, or in a line.

Feel free to write on me.

In this narrow box

You will find pencils

Pens, brushes and buttons,

Anything for the soul.

If you give him a job -

The pencil was in vain.

I have in all sciences

Smart books live on.

Name it guys

What are those books called?!

Place pictures of objects on the board.

Look at these guys. What can you say about them? What are they?

(On the board there are signs with the words: neat, tidy, organized)

How many of you would like to be like them?

It is very important to accustom yourself to order every day. So that the appearance matches the status of the student, so that the portfolio is assembled in accordance with the lesson schedule. A neat, organized person saves a lot of time for useful things.

IV . Game.

Now let's play. I will ask you questions, and you will answer in unison: “ This is me, this is me, these are all my friends».

    Who walks to school in a cheerful band every day?

    Which one of you I want to know really likes to play?

    Which of you kids walks around dirty from ear to ear?

    Tell me, brothers, which of you likes to play around at school?

    Who always has books, pens and notebooks in order?

V . Lesson summary.

Well done! I think that today each of you has drawn important conclusions for yourself. Remember that every thing should have its place. And another wonderful proverb: “He who is neat is liked by people.” Place the proverb on the board.

VI . Homework.

Guys, at home you have to color the drawing and bring it to the next lesson.