How to make a skirt for a bell from candies. School bell made from candy

Hello, dear friends! On the occasion of the upcoming big school holiday - Teacher's Day - we have prepared another option for you original gift, which you can do yourself. This bright bouquet made from candies in the shape of a school bell. The most remarkable thing is that its production practically does not require any specific materials; most can be found, as they say, at hand or in the nearest store. And the result is quite impressive!

The master of suite design will tell you how to achieve this result and prepare for the upcoming celebration.

Master class: school bell made from candies

Materials and tools:

- candies;
- colored corrugated paper;
— plastic bottle 1.5 l;
cardboard sleeve from food foil or cling film;
— penoplex (or polystyrene foam);
- floral wire;
- bank rubber bands;
- scissors;
— thermal gun;
- ribbon;
- other decor.

Making the frame of our school bell. From plastic bottle 1.5 liters cut off the top part. Cut a piece from a cardboard tube (cling foil or film sleeve) that will serve as the handle of the bell.

From penoplex (or polystyrene foam) we cut out a circle of such a diameter that it can be secured inside a blank made from a plastic bottle. We will subsequently fix flowers from candies in penoplex and make a bouquet.

We assemble the frame: glue (with hot glue) a cardboard handle and a circle of polystyrene foam to a blank made of a plastic bottle.

We make a bell. We take gold-colored corrugated paper, measure out a strip, wrapping it around the plastic part of the bell.

At the same time, we leave an allowance on one edge 10 cm, of which 5 cm bend it.

We make cuts on the other edge so that the paper fits tightly around the bell at the top.

We glue the plastic part of the frame (with hot glue) with gold paper. We stretch the protruding edge of the paper, giving it a bell shape.

Then we completely cover the handle with the same paper.

I covered the bottom edge of the bell with artificial maple leaves. You can use any other suitable decor here. You can even use natural rather than artificial ones. autumn leaves like in an autumn bouquet for a teacher.

We mask the joint of paper between the bell and the handle with ribbon and a bow.

Now you can start making flowers and making a bouquet.

From colored corrugated paper we make 3 blanks for a candy flower:

- strip for the core (approximate size 3×13 cm, depends on the size of the candy);

- strip approximately 10×8 cm, which we cut into a “fence” - this is the second layer of the flower;

- strip approximately 20×8 cm, in which we make transverse cuts at intervals 1 cm, not reaching the edge approximately 1 cm, is the third layer of the flower.

Pay attention to the direction in which the corrugated paper stretches. When the stripes are arranged as in the photo, the paper stretches to the sides.

We twist the first strip in the middle and, stretching the paper, make indentations for the candy.

For the third strip, we twist the tips of the petals once, bend them and fix them with glue.

We hide the candy between the halves of the first strip. Secure the base with thread.

Wrap the candy center with a second layer of petals. And we intercept it at the base with a rubber band.

We stretch the petals of the third layer a little at the ends, making them more voluminous.

We wrap our flower again. The splendor of the flower can be adjusted by changing the number of petals in the third layer.

And this is another version of the flower. Here I am a bud in the same way as for a rose.

Then I cut out a “fence” with petals the width 2 cm. The splendor of the flower can also be adjusted by the number of petals.

At the end, we fix the flowers at the base with rubber bands. We glue a wire stem to each flower.

You will find several more options for candy flowers and methods for making them in my previous master classes. Choose and create a bouquet of sweets to your liking.

And this is what I got:

This is an original and memorable gift in the form of a school bell with candy flowers that you can make for Teacher’s Day.

However, even for such holidays as Day of Knowledge or school graduation, a school bell made of candy will also be very appropriate.

I hope you liked this idea and that it will be useful to you in preparing for your school holidays.

Thank you all so much for your attention!

Happy upcoming holiday, dear teachers!

The following articles will describe lessons on making bouquets from your favorite delicious candies. The proposed descriptions will be accompanied by step by step photos.

We make a delicious bouquet of roses with our own hands in a master class

The article offers everyone an easy way to learn how to make original gifts for loved ones. IN in this case painted here detailed lesson on creating a bouquet of sweets, which will consist of roses and sweets.

To make a bouquet you will need sweets round shape, corrugated paper, skewers and threads.

To make rose petals you need to cut paper yellow(you can do something else) into rectangles that will be four and a half by seven centimeters in size. Trim each corner of the resulting rectangles a little. You need to cut out a sufficient number of such petals. Stretch the upper edges of the petals along the contour, and use your fingers to give the petal a convex shape.

The candies are attached to skewers and wrapped with the finished petal, followed by a second one, so that the candy is not visible. Wrap the edge of the petal with a thread to a skewer, make a loop and tighten. Attach the next petal in the same way. For splendor, you can attach more petals, but for the bud itself, two are enough.

From green paper, cut out a blank in the form of a fence for the leaves, which must be wrapped at the base of the bud and wrapped with thread. Use this method to make the rest of the flowers. Thus, the bouquet is ready. You can put it in a basket and feel free to give it to your loved ones.

Step-by-step photos of production are also included:

Create a beautiful gift from crocuses and your favorite sweets

First of all, you need to attach the candy to the skewer using tape. The candy is secured by the tail and very carefully so that the packaging is not damaged. The free tail from the packaging is wrapped and glued with tape.

Next, you need to cut out a rectangle twelve and a half centimeters wide and sixteen and a half centimeters high. It should be cut crosswise into five parts. You don't need to cut all the way through. As a result, the crocuses should have five petals. Each petal blank must be twisted in the middle and placed on their continuation. The middle of the petals is given a convex shape.

The candy is placed in the very first petal, and all the rest are wrapped in a circle. All petals are carefully aligned and secured with thread under the base.

Next, you need to cut a thin strip of green crepe to prepare the stem. The strip needs to be stretched and glued with glue from the petals to the very bottom of the stick, the ends must be sealed. All other flowers are collected in the same way. At the end, the finished crocuses can be collected in a basket.

You can arrange flowers in the basket the way you want. Aspidistra leaves can also become a wonderful decoration if inserted between crocuses. The edges of the basket are covered with floral felt. The handle can be decorated with ribbons and a felt butterfly. This is how the bouquet turned out:

Step-by-step photos of production are attached:

Trying to make a simple bouquet of bells ourselves

The simplest bouquet of candies, the main flowers of which will be bells, is presented in this article.

To create a bouquet you will need a one and a half liter plastic bottle with a round top. The top of the bottle must be cut off using a sharp utility knife. Prepare a circle of penoplex and insert it into the bottle. Wooden sticks are attached to the neck, which must first be cut.

The skirt for the bell is made of cardboard, which is fixed to the bottle with glue. After this, the bells need to be wrapped in corrugated paper. The finished bouquet is decorated with ribbons and candy flowers. This handmade bouquet of sweets is ideal for schoolchildren on the first of September.

We create candy tulips as a gift for teachers

To create a bouquet of tulips, you need to purchase round-shaped candies with non-liquid filling. It is best to wrap sweets in food foil. Each candy must be taken out of the wrapper and placed in the middle of the cut foil, bottom down. The edges should be joined very carefully so as not to tear the foil. Next, attach a toothpick to the tail of the candy wrapped in foil and wrap it with foil again. All excess is trimmed off. You will need to make seven such blanks, and more can be done if desired.

Cut strips of green corrugated paper about four centimeters wide. Each strip must be cut crosswise into three parts. Gently twist one strip in the middle. The halves should be turned three hundred and sixty degrees. Fold the finished strip in half and stretch the paper to form a petal shape. You need to make three of these blanks. Next, these petals are wrapped around the candy base and secured with double-sided tape. The bottom is wrapped with a thin ribbon.

The trunk of the flower is wrapped with a strip of green paper, which is first glued under the base of the flower and wrapped all the way to the bottom.

For the leaves, cut strips two centimeters wide. Each flower requires two leaves. The leaves are glued to the trunk, and the gluing points must be covered with a strip of green paper. To create a contrast to the bouquet, flowers of a different color can be made in the same way.

The finished flowers are collected in a low basket, which is filled with green sisal. You can insert flowers into the basket in any order and alternate by color. The candy bouquet of tulips is ready. Below are step-by-step photos of production.

There is always a lot of trouble before September 1st. The future schoolchild needs to be dressed, equipped with everything necessary for lessons, and also prepare a theme for the holiday bouquet. However, it is not always necessary to adhere to the classical rules and choose a bouquet of roses, chrysanthemums or gladioli. An alternative to this bouquet is an elegant and delicious bouquet of sweets that you can create with my own hands. A bouquet of candies is not that difficult, and the materials we need for it are always at hand. And so that the bouquet corresponds to the Day of Knowledge holiday, we will make it in the shape of a bell.

To create a bouquet of sweets yourself, you will need an empty plastic bottle, corrugated paper, a small piece of polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam, chocolate candies, thin floral wire, and wooden skewers for kebabs. A few explanations on the materials: penoplex is more convenient than foam for fixing the composition; if the bouquet is large, then use solid wooden skewers; if it is small, then each skewer can be divided into two parts; The best sweets to choose are chocolate ones; sweets with a round candy wrapper look neater in a bouquet.

Any plastic bottle, from half-liter to two-liter, has a cone-shaped neck. Just what you need to form a bell shape. We cut off the plastic bottle on both sides, maintaining the conical shape, that is, we cut off the bottom and neck. From penoplex we cut out two round pieces that are suitable in diameter to the upper and lower edges of the plastic bottle. And one more round piece to make an extension of the skirt of the bell, which we adjust on one side to the size of the lower diameter of the bottle.

We thread a cord into the circle of penoplex for the upper part and fasten it - a hanger for the bell. We glue all the parts together with glue (use, for example, “titanium” or “moment”) and get the completed contours of the bell.

We also cover the lower part of the bell, namely the foam circle, with corrugated paper. To prevent the edges from lifting up, it is better to stick it on a cardboard circle, which is then glued to the penoplex.

We decorate the edge of the bell with paper braid or satin ribbon; they can be glued or stapled with small staples, which will add completeness.

All that remains is to turn the candies into flowers. To do this, we use corrugated paper of a different color. Stock up on light green paper in order to arrange the greenery of the bouquet.

We wrap each candy with petals cut from corrugated paper. Wrap it around the wrapper in several layers to make the flower more voluminous. With some skill, you can get flowers that look like real flowers from living plants. We fix the open flower on a skewer using a heat gun.

Having received the desired number of flowers, for a lush bouquet you need no less than 11 - 15 pieces, we stick the skewers - the stems into the polystyrene foam of the wide part of the bell. We fill the space between the flowers with green corrugated leaves. The place where the cord is attached on the other side of the bell can also be decorated with corrugated paper flowers or ribbons. You can also add some beads strung on wire strings to give the bouquet a special charm. Now the bouquet is ready to go to school!

Photos borrowed from the website

Hello, dear friends! On the occasion of the upcoming big school holiday - Teacher's Day - we have prepared for you another option for an original gift that you can make with your own hands. This is a bright bouquet of sweets in the shape of a school bell. The most remarkable thing is that its production practically does not require any specific materials; most can be found, as they say, at hand or in the nearest store. And the result is quite impressive!

The master of suite design will tell you how to achieve this result and prepare for the upcoming celebration.

Master class: school bell made from candies

Materials and tools:

- candies;
- colored corrugated paper;
— plastic bottle 1.5 l;
— cardboard sleeve from food foil or cling film;
— penoplex (or polystyrene foam);
- floral wire;
- bank rubber bands;
- scissors;
— thermal gun;
- ribbon;
- other decor.

Making the frame of our school bell. Cut off the top part of a 1.5 liter plastic bottle. Cut a piece from a cardboard tube (cling foil or film sleeve) that will serve as the handle of the bell.

From penoplex (or polystyrene foam) we cut out a circle of such a diameter that it can be secured inside a blank made from a plastic bottle. We will subsequently fix flowers from candies in penoplex and make a bouquet.

We assemble the frame: glue (with hot glue) a cardboard handle and a circle of polystyrene foam to a blank made of a plastic bottle.

We make a bell. We take gold-colored corrugated paper, measure out a strip, wrapping it around the plastic part of the bell.

At the same time, we leave an allowance on one edge 10 cm, of which 5 cm bend it.

We make cuts on the other edge so that the paper fits tightly around the bell at the top.

We glue the plastic part of the frame (with hot glue) with gold paper. We stretch the protruding edge of the paper, giving it a bell shape.

Then we completely cover the handle with the same paper.

I covered the bottom edge of the bell with artificial maple leaves. You can use any other suitable decor here. You can even use natural, rather than artificial, autumn leaves, as in an autumn bouquet for a teacher.

We mask the joint of paper between the bell and the handle with ribbon and a bow.

Now you can start making flowers and making a bouquet.

From colored corrugated paper we make 3 blanks for a candy flower:

- strip for the core (approximate size 3×13 cm, depends on the size of the candy);

- strip approximately 10×8 cm, which we cut into a “fence” - this is the second layer of the flower;

- strip approximately 20×8 cm, in which we make transverse cuts at intervals 1 cm, not reaching the edge approximately 1 cm, is the third layer of the flower.

Pay attention to the direction in which the corrugated paper stretches. When the stripes are arranged as in the photo, the paper stretches to the sides.

We twist the first strip in the middle and, stretching the paper, make indentations for the candy.

For the third strip, we twist the tips of the petals once, bend them and fix them with glue.

We hide the candy between the halves of the first strip. Secure the base with thread.

Wrap the candy center with a second layer of petals. And we intercept it at the base with a rubber band.

We stretch the petals of the third layer a little at the ends, making them more voluminous.

We wrap our flower again. The splendor of the flower can be adjusted by changing the number of petals in the third layer.

And this is another version of the flower. Here I am a bud in the same way as for a rose.

Then I cut out a “fence” with petals the width 2 cm. The splendor of the flower can also be adjusted by the number of petals.

At the end, we fix the flowers at the base with rubber bands. We glue a wire stem to each flower.

You will find several more options for candy flowers and methods for making them in my previous master classes. Choose and create a bouquet of sweets to your liking.

And this is what I got:

This is an original and memorable gift in the form of a school bell with candy flowers that you can make for Teacher’s Day.

However, even for such holidays as Day of Knowledge or school graduation, a school bell made of candy will also be very appropriate.

I hope you liked this idea and find it useful in preparing for school holidays.

Thank you all so much for your attention!

Happy upcoming holiday, dear teachers!

A handmade candy bell is an appropriate gift for the teacher for the last bell. In our master class you can easily do something similar. There are sweets inside the bell, and the lid is crowned with a bouquet of sweets and corrugated paper.

To make a candy bell you will need:

1.5 or 2 liter plastic bottle with a bell-shaped top;

pyramid candies, the candy wrappers of which are collected in one tail at the top;

corrugated paper of different colors;

red ribbons of different widths (5 mm, 2 cm, 5 cm);

cardboard (any, including painted);

some paper (any kind, including drawn paper);

any cylindrical object comparable in diameter to the neck of a bottle (for me it’s a bottle of pills, but a wide unnecessary marker, a glue stick cap, etc. will also work);

double-sided tape;

regular tape (wide);

thread of any color;

glue gun;

lighter or matches;

small diameter crochet hook;

sewing needle.

First, let's prepare a container-box for sweets in the shape of a bell.

DIY candy bell: preparing the container

On the bottle we mark a line along which we will cut the bottle.

Drawing a straight line is easy. To do this, we put a dot on the bottle (it is best to use a marker on a white board for this, it will then be erased normally from the surface of the bottle and ruler), and we place the bottle on the table. We lean a ruler vertically against the bottle and put a mark on it with the same marker (the mark on a plastic ruler can also be easily erased). Then we turn the bottle and put marks at the same level as the mark on the ruler. All! There is a straight line.

Cut the bottle along the line.

We cut out two half rings from cardboard: the diameter of these parts is not particularly important, the main thing is that the inner diameter of the ring is larger than the diameter of the bottle. The diameter of the outer part of the ring is all the more unimportant: whatever bell you want for a bell with sweets, you can make it that way.

We cut out both half rings, but with an allowance for the “seam” with inside half rings We cut this allowance into teeth for gluing. In my photo you can see that the allowance, from which I later made the cloves, goes along both the outer and inner parts of the semi-ring. But they are not needed on the outer part; I cut them off later.

We cut double-sided tape into strips and glue them to the top of the bell, at the cut, on the inside.

We glue the teeth of the first half ring onto this tape.

Use the second half ring to fill the remaining space; cut off the excess. There should be a slight overlap where the half rings meet. Secure it with a piece of double-sided tape. If you pour candies into the bell right now, they will stick to the uncovered parts of the tape, so we cover it with strips of paper.

We are figuring out how to lengthen the handle so that it is convenient to hold the bell. I have a medicine jar of suitable diameter. We securely wrap the extension cord with tape.

Because The yellow corrugated paper (and I decided to use it to decorate the bell) is almost transparent and all the nuances of the design are visible underneath it, I made two layers: the first one from white corrugated paper, and the second from yellow one.

To wrap the base of the bell, I cut out two rectangles. How to calculate their sizes? One side of the rectangle should be long enough to wrap around it. Because Since the widest part of the bell is the bell, then one part of the rectangle can be calculated using the following formula: the diameter of the bell multiplied by 3.14 plus a small allowance for overlap.

The second part of the rectangle should cover the height of the bell with all the bends plus the height of the bell plus the turn in the part of the handle and another 3-5 centimeters.

We wrap the bell in white paper and secure it along the handle with thread and at the base of the bell. The thread will hide under the second layer.

We wrap the yellow layer in the same way, but just crumple the paper well. We fix the edge in height with double-sided tape, and also glue the bell from the inside to make it beautiful. I did not take this nuance into account, and although this is not visible in a closed bell, in an open one the uneven edge will catch your eye. We do not secure the handle in any way: in the future we will secure it with tape.

From cardboard we cut out two circles with the same diameter as the bell bell. It is important that the circle covers the bell and does not fall in, but it should not protrude beyond the edge. One circle can be cut out of any cardboard. And for this we take a piece of yellow corrugated paper. You can cut a circle with a larger diameter, but a square will do just fine. We completely cover one part of the circle with glue or double-sided tape and glue a piece of corrugated paper. We wrap its edges onto the wrong side of the circle and glue it in the same way.

From white cardboard we cut out the same circle, but with a rectangle-mount, as in the photo below.

At first I secured the lid with one tie, but practice has shown that the lid will hold well if there are 3, or better yet, 4 ties. I only made one, and later I had to contrive to carefully make the fastenings. Therefore, we cut off several ribbons, 3 or 4 respectively, for the ties. This is the narrowest tape we have. We singe the edges of the ribbons with a lighter or matches. We write a congratulation on the white part and decorate it to our liking.

We warm up the glue gun. On the wrong side of the circle, which is covered with corrugated cardboard, we put 3-4 dots with glue and press the edge of the ribbon into them. After this, apply glue around the perimeter of the circle and in the center. Glue a white circle with congratulations.

Using a glue gun, we glue the lid (by the rectangular tail that we left. We put marks in the appropriate places on the bell bell and make holes using a hole punch. We pull the tape into this hole; for convenience, you can use a crochet hook.

The bell is ready, it's a matter of decoration.

Bouquet of sweets on a bell

I decided to decorate a bouquet of candies on the surface of the bell. These flowers are relatively quick to make and easy for a beginner.

I made the first crocuses white. To do this, I cut corrugated paper into rectangles. The height of the rectangle is calculated using the formula “the height of the candy with a tail, multiplied by two, plus a 2 cm margin.” Width - 3-4 centimeters. For each crocus you will need three such rectangles.

We cut out the same rectangles from green corrugated paper. For each crocus - one rectangle. We cut them into such cloves.

Let's return to the petals. We twist the white rectangle in the center.

We fold both parts in half and stretch the middle.

The result is a petal, and we need three of these.

We collect crocus. We wrap the petals around the candy and secure them from below, around the tail of the candy wrapper, with thread.

Let's make a few more crocuses. I have four crocuses lying well and it’s clear that one more will fall between them.

Therefore, we make four more using the same technology, but now from purple corrugated paper.

It would be nice to fill the space between the flowers with greenery. Therefore, I made eight leaves from green corrugated paper using the same technology as flower petals.

I turned the ends inward and secured them with drops of hot glue.

On the surface of the bell cover we make 8 marks at equal distances from each other. Add a drop of hot glue to each of them and glue green leaves.

Fill the space between the leaves with crocuses, alternating white and purple. We also put them on hot silicone glue. We glue it securely so that it doesn’t fall off while we bring the bell with candies to school.

A lush flower begs to be placed in the center between the crocuses. I made a yellow peony to cover all the crocus tails. I cut the yellow corrugated paper into 7x4 cm rectangles. It turned out to be 40 rectangles. I stacked them in stacks of 5 pieces. and randomly cut out petals of different shapes.

Then I took one stack at a time, bending each petal: stretching the middle, forming a cup, and bending the edges outward, wrapping them around the body of the crochet hook.

Then I wrapped these five petals around the tail of the candy and took on the next stack.

The tail turned out to be a little long, so I cut it as close to the threads as possible. I poured a large puddle of hot glue in the center of the bell to literally sink the base of the flower into it. I glued the flower securely and straightened the petals.

Candy bell for last call: finishing touches

We'll need a red one satin ribbon different widths.

We take a medium-width ribbon and cut it so that it can wrap around the handle and still have an overlap of about 1 cm. We singe the edges of the ribbon. Place a drop of hot glue on the handle at the base of the bell and press the tail of one ribbon to it. When the glue sets, drop glue into the same place (on top of the tape) again and press the second tip to it, having first wrapped the tape around the handle. This way we fix the “cover” of the bell.

Next, we estimate how much ribbon will be needed for a large bow for the bell. There is no need to save money here. Fold the ribbon in half and cut it; We singe the edge. We loop the tape and carefully sew it with a slight overlap using a “back needle” seam. Next, move the seam to the center of the bell. In the center we sew a stitch forward with the needle, form beautiful folds and secure them with a few stitches.

We take the medium-width ribbon again and measure the length necessary to gently wrap the center of the bow and leave a slight overlap. We singe the edge of the ribbon, place the edges on the inside of the bow and sew it up with several stitches.

We glue the bow with hot glue to the place where we have the joint of the ribbon that wrapped the handle.

Our last bell candy bell, with flowers made of corrugated paper and an elegant bow, is ready. All that remains is to fill it with sweets, tie ribbons with playful bows and take it to your favorite teacher on a special occasion for every schoolchild.

Eva Casio specially for the site Handicraft Master Classes