How to tie a scarf on your head correctly and beautifully in different ways. Scarf: a fashion trend or a sign of redneck How to wear scarves

The scarf is used in clothing all over the world. Only in Rus' did it have several names and ways of wearing it. The apostolic dress with a cutout for the face was worn by nuns. The warrior and bushes were tied with a bow on the top of the head by women of the Arkhangelsk region. It is interesting that men were the first to wear a scarf around their necks and called it a muffler.

Having the whole Internet of information and the most democratic fashion in the allies, all that remains is to explore the options for how to wear a scarf on your head.


A woman need not be taught this technique. Fold a large scarf diagonally and wrap it around your head, crossing the ends under the chin, as shown in the photo, tying it at the back of your neck. This method will save you from the cold if you pull the cloth down to your eyebrows and put two folds on the sides.

A la matryoshka - a playful classic version of girls of the 50s. A scarf or scarf is tied under the chin.

Gypsy style

It is very convenient, functional and beautiful to tie a scarf at the back of the head, leaving the neck open. There are women for whom headscarves do not suit them. This one is their version, because it looks like a hat with ties. By the way, they can be tied not only at the back, but also at the side.

The most popular scarf today can be of any size, different colors and quality of fabric. The scarf should be folded diagonally into a strip and tied around the head. With a knot tied anywhere or without one at all (just slide the tip of the scarf under one of the turns), in one turn or 3, it will still be a bandana.

On the beach

A bandana made of a thin cotton scarf that supports your hair will be very useful on the hot sea sand or in the summer at the dacha. The knot tied at the crown is hidden under the ends wrapped around it. Beautiful, playful and correct.


Another option for a bandana, which can also be made into an elegant accessory. You tie a large scarf like a gypsy, but don’t stop there. Twist the ends into a spiral and tie them at the top of your head with a playful bow tie. Doesn't it look like the headdress of Gogol's Solokha?!

For this you need a large thin (preferably silk) scarf. Fold it diagonally and cover your head so that the free two corners hang down to your chin. Cross the two sharp ends on the forehead without crossing them, bring them to the back of the head and tie there, slipping the ends and the knot under the scarf. Lift up the hanging corners and wrap them around two strips of scarf on your forehead. This turban can be worn even on a holiday under the appropriate dress.

For more complex options, watch the video:

How to wear a neckerchief

Not only in winter from the cold, but also in summer from the heat, an ordinary neckerchief saves you. Let's try to make it also a decorative accessory. How to wear a scarf around your neck beautifully and correctly?

Recently I was given another square scarf and I wanted to know how to tie a scarf on my head in a stylish way. In general, there is something mysterious about a woman with her hair covered, so it’s worth learning how to tie a headscarf in different ways.

What can you use to tie your head? It could be: a scarf, shawl, bandana, stole, headscarf.

Naturally, each type of accessory can be either winter or summer - it depends on the thickness of the fabric, its composition, density and even color. For example, traditionally summer accessories are light, they do not absorb heat and seem cooler.

Choose a headscarf or scarf so that it is in harmony with your natural look, matches your clothes and other accessories, and also that it ties well (is not too slippery).

In principle, any high-quality handkerchief or scarf can be worn both around the neck and on the head, but it’s still worth getting a few original things that you will use only in a certain way.

Learning to do it right

What tying methods are there? Let's first decide why you need this accessory at all. It can pursue the following goals:

  • decorative role;
  • spiritual and religious meaning;
  • following fashion.
  • Each of these goals is quite good in itself, but they are all different ways to tie a scarf on your head.

    Functional load: the scarf must protect from weather conditions and precipitation. Either it should be warm enough (for example, thin wool, or an ordinary Pavloposad shawl), or it should be tied very tightly. By the way, not only in winter is a functional accessory required - in summer it can well serve as a sports headband that removes hair from the forehead and protects the eyes from drops of sweat.

    A scarf or handkerchief, which is needed strictly for decorative or fashionable purposes, can be tied in any way; you just need to use the most fashionable and suitable tone of fabric in order to look successful and attractive.

    Followers of different religions wear headscarves for spiritual purposes, but there is a slight difference - while a Christian woman should simply tie a headscarf, Muslim women are required to tie a scarf in a strictly defined way.

    Easy way

    Naturally, the easiest way to tie a scarf is like a scarf - fold it diagonally, and tie it from the top of the forehead under the chin so that the face is bordered, a double corner descends onto the back of the neck, and the sharp corners hang freely.

    Or like this with a bandana scarf:

    You can also tie it in the manner of a peasant scarf - the scarf is folded diagonally in half, the long side is tied around the head, the front fold passes through the forehead, and the back is tied in a knot under the hair.

    This way you can wear a heavy winter stole, a woolen shawl, and a light summer scarf.

    Hollywood style

    The scarf for this method should be quite large. Why is this particular style called Hollywood? Many actresses and stars wear a headscarf this way because it helps protect their hair, and when combined with large sunglasses (fashionistas, be warned!) it changes their appearance, making it more attractive and mysterious.

    So, in order to tie an accessory in Hollywood style, fold a large square scarf diagonally, and throw the middle of the triangle on the top of the head (without bringing the edge of the scarf to the forehead), cross the free sharp ends of the triangle and bring them back - there they need to be tied over the free edges in a neat knot (as in the photo).

    How to make it easier to tie a scarf on your head:

    • Spray your hair and fabric with hairspray - this will make it less slippery;
    • use two mirrors - a large one, in front of which you can tie a scarf on your head, and a small one, with the help of which you will evaluate how you can put the ends into a knot;
    • braid the loose ends into your hair;
    • use small bobby pins to hold the falling scarf in place;
    • on the beach, you can grab a scarf or bandana from the sun with a hair band;
    • In winter, the scarf needs to be folded in a certain way so that it bristles less.


    How to beautifully tie a scarf on your head in the fall to make it warm and unusual? Tie a turban! This will protect you from bad weather and precipitation, protect your hair and highlight your individuality. To tie a turban, you need to take a long and wide scarf, but it should not be too thick. The ideal option is a stole.

    The scarf should be thrown over the head in such a way as to cover the forehead and crown, and the loose ends should be crossed at the back of the head, brought to the forehead (you can lay it in a rope, but this is not necessary), and crossed on the forehead.

    Further options are possible - for example, if the scarf is quite long, then after you have crossed the loose ends on your forehead, you can tie them right there with a beautiful knot or even a lush bow, you can take them to the back of your head and tie them there, or you can simply twist them with a rope and lay them down into a flower.

    Winter option

    How to tie a scarf on your head in winter? Tie it with a loose scarf - the scarf needs to be folded diagonally and thrown over the head, but the knot from the loose ends is not necessarily tied under the chin; you can make it much lower, at the level of the collarbones. Shawls, stoles and Pavloposad scarves are also quite often used in winter.

    A stole will go with any coat - most often these scarves have an unusual and bright color that will highlight both your eyes and the fabric of the coat. You can also wear a Hollywood-style scarf with your coat. But under a fur coat it is better to choose something else - for example, a bright Pavloposad scarf or, on the contrary, a strict plain scarf; it is also better to choose a stole that is strictly plain. Of course, if you have a choice between a hat or a stole, it’s better to choose a stole, because it’s no longer fashionable to wear hats with a fur coat.

    How to tie a Pavloposad scarf? Fold it into a triangle and throw it over your head (as in the photo). If you have long hair, then it is better to let out a few strands near your face, it will look interesting, and if you have short hair, then it is better to hide them under a scarf. The loose ends of the scarf should be crossed under the chin and wrapped around the neck, tying it in a lush knot at the back. By the way, if you like to tie a scarf with a small knot, then it is better to first twist the ends into strands - the ends tied in this way look delicate. By the way, against the backdrop of winter and autumn attire, a Pavloposad scarf, casually thrown over the head or shoulders, looks very stylish.

    Muslim style

    How to tie a scarf on your head beautifully? It seems to me that in matters of tying scarves on their heads, no one can surpass Muslim girls who learn how to tie a scarf from childhood and know many ways to do it beautifully, correctly and so that the scarf does not fall off.

    Look at the video and photo of how to tie a scarf on your head in different ways? in particular the hijab:

    By the way, keep in mind that a Muslim woman’s headscarf must be tied securely, beautifully and correctly - even a headscarf knot has its secrets. Muslim women wear silk scarves, which match their clothes and are often the main decorative accessory.

    Naturally, you need to know how to tie a scarf correctly when you are going to church. I usually use a Hollywood-style scarf as a headdress - a regular white one, and of course I put my hair under it - a girl wearing a scarf should look modest, so no fancy knots or open hair (although, unlike the Muslim world, we don’t have open hair violate decency).

    And, finally, one more video, although it is in English, it will be very easy to repeat the beautiful tying methods after the model:

    A scarf is one of the most popular women's accessories, which is appropriate in both romantic and business styles. So that you can easily combine it with any clothing, let’s figure out how to wear a neckerchief correctly.

    How to wear a scarf on your head?

    • As a ribbon in hair. You can use a thin scarf in various weaving options, including the classic French braid.

    • In the form of a decoration for a high bun, as in the photo. In this option, you can simply tie a scarf around the bun or completely hide your hair under a scarf.

    • As a headband for loose or gathered hair. For this option, thin scarves of short length are suitable for you.

    • In the form of a classic hair scarf. In this case, you will need to collect your hair, cover it at the back with a scarf and tie it above the bang line. You need to insert the free edge of the scarf under the knot. If it does not hold well (which often happens with silk scarves), simply pin it with bobby pins.

    Tip: to prevent your look from looking monotonous, you can tie the scarf in a new way every day, making a rose from its ends, or tucking the curls behind the scarf if you wear it as a hoop. Don't be afraid to experiment, these types of looks are very popular now.

    How to wear a scarf around your neck - classic options

    A neckerchief can be tied in a variety of ways, depending on its size. So if you have a small square scarf, the easiest way is to fold it in half diagonally and tie it in the form of a scarf. The edges can be hidden under a scarf, or you can make a beautiful small knot for such a scarf on the side.

    You can also fold a square scarf into an accordion, carefully straightening its folds, wrap it around your neck and tie the ends into a loose knot. Don’t forget to straighten the edges of the scarf after this, otherwise it will simply look sloppy.

    But if you are dealing with a thin, narrow accessory, such a scarf will be easiest to tie like a regular men's tie. If you want him to look elegant at the same time, complement your look with a large brooch. This option is suitable not only for an everyday look, but also for various special occasions in the office or a festive autumn or winter outfit.

    Step by step tying a scarf:

    How should you wear a scarf with a coat?

    Both a thin silk scarf and a stole. You can tie it in different ways:

    • Lay out the scarf in beautiful folds, wrapping it around your neck. In this case, it is advisable to hide the ends of the scarf under the collar of your coat. In this way, it is better to tie a large scarf that matches the color scheme of your outerwear.

    • Wrap the stole around your neck several times. You can leave the ends hanging or hide them under the collar of your coat, in which case your look will look more neat.

    • Fold the scarf into a braid, wrap the ends around your neck and hide them under the edge of your coat. Thus, it is better to wear bright accessories that contrast with the color of your outerwear. Please note: you can also tie a Pavloposad scarf this way.

    • Raise the collar of the coat and tie a stole underneath, carefully placing its folds on the chest and also on the shoulders. If you have wide hips and narrow shoulders, you can tie a wide, bright scarf in this way - it will make your breasts visually larger.

    You can also wear a stole with a raincoat or jacket as a hood. In this case, it is recommended to wrap the loose ends of the stole around the neck. Please note that a scarf tied in this way will stay better on a high hairstyle, rather than on loose hair.

    What to wear with a scarf in summer - fashionable options

    In the warm season, you absolutely do not need to give up a scarf as a stylish accessory; you just need to figure out how to properly wear a neckerchief with light dresses or blouses, especially since silk scarves and headscarves are again relevant this season. In summer you can wear them in different ways:

    • On the head as a bandage. This season, a silk scarf can be worn as a headband, or you can tie it around a high bun on your head. In this case, you will get a great pin-up look.

    • Around the neck, tying a large bow at the side. This is the best option for organza or chiffon scarves, as they can hold their shape well. This option is recommended in the summer by many fashion houses, including Gucci.

    • As a makeshift necklace. This option is good for thin scarves. You will need to wrap this scarf around your neck several times and hide its loose ends.

    A neckerchief can either match the color scheme of a dress or blouse or contrast with them. However, in most cases, the brighter your scarf is, the better your summer look will be with it.

    How to tie a neckerchief beautifully?

    How to wear a scarf - a very feminine and slightly unusual item? A big mistake is made by those who neglect this accessory because of the old stereotype.

    Correctly selected and beautifully tied, it makes its owner stand out from the crowd of those who prefer to wear comfortable but impersonal knitted hats and scarves.

    It is a scarf, like no other element of the wardrobe, that can make an image fashionable, bright and sophisticated at the same time. Read our material to the end and get useful recommendations.

    How to wear a headscarf - fashion rules

    First, three general rules on how to wear a headscarf and look irresistible.

    1. This accessory automatically focuses attention on facial features. Therefore, in order for you to like yourself, it should always be paired with proper and complete makeup. Pay special attention to your cheekbones.

    2. If your face is not standard oval, you will have to adjust the proportions using a scarf. Fortunately, there are many tying methods. For example, a high-placed knot can visually stretch it out.

    3. Those with a round or extremely narrow face do not need to completely hide their hair under a headscarf. After tying it, you should release a few strands or curls that will cover your cheeks or distract attention from the missing volume.

    How to wear a headscarf

    Charismatic and self-confident people wear scarves tied like a turban. The center of the fabric folded into a triangle is applied to the back of the head; the free edges intertwine above the forehead; the ends are hidden in formed folds or formed into a lush knot. The method is not simple, but very effective.

    The young and daring, in search of an answer to the question of how to wear a headscarf, can try the pirate style. The ends of the scarf are tied over the fabric under the back of the head, left loose or decorated like a bow. Looks great on long hair!

    Lovers of boho and ethno style will certainly like the gypsy style of wearing a headscarf. It resembles a pirate's, but the right angle, knot and ends of the fabric are on the side, approximately under the ear, and are shaped like a flower. The two traditional methods are described below.

    How to wear a scarf with a coat

    A coat plus a beautiful scarf is an eternal combination and, in most cases, a win-win for a woman of any age. It looks elegant, feminine and very cute.

    The easiest way is when the ends of the scarf are tied in a knot under the chin. Yes, he is grandma's. But provided there is a beautiful scarf and a sweet face, it makes the look touchingly feminine and dreamily romantic. Secret: the edge of the scarf should not be adjacent to the hairline; Place it approximately halfway between your forehead and the top of your head.

    Another good and simple way to wear a scarf with a coat is to intertwine its ends under the chin and pull it back, securing it with a knot at the back of the neck. In order not to remind yourself of a peasant woman, tie a knot not at the back, but at the side, and do not tighten it too tightly. This style of wearing distinguishes style icons such as Audrey Hepburn, Grace Kelly, Renata Litvinova. Want to add some shine to your look? Wear sunglasses.

    With a coat of a fitted silhouette, scarves tied with a turban look interesting and fresh. With jackets - like a pirate.

    How to wear a scarf with a fur coat

    If you choose a hat to go with a fur coat, the task is impossible, but with a scarf the issue is easier to solve. It is important to choose the right texture.

    So, warm woolen and knitted items look great with short fur coats. Suitable for simple everyday, casual looks;
    the luxury and status of a mink or sable coat will be emphasized by a scarf made of thick silk;
    Colorful or pastel fabrics go with items made from light fur;

    dark fur is well complemented by light or intensely colored materials;
    large fringed scarves look good with long fur coats of any style;
    To create a complete look, the color of the material and the tone of the fur coat must overlap. An accent in the form of a contrasting scarf on the head is not a good idea.

    To understand how to wear a scarf with a fur coat, you will have to experiment a lot at home in front of the mirror. Long hair is a big plus! Owners of short haircuts are somewhat limited in their choice. Don’t forget that you can call on jewelry for help - special rings, decorative pins, brooches. The result - a unique and memorable image - is worth the effort!

    “I recently went through my wardrobe and found a lot of different scarves. I don’t know what to wear them with, and it’s no longer fashionable, but I couldn’t bring myself to throw them away - my friend complained to me.

    “A scarf is very fashionable and feminine, especially if you add it to a dress,” I began to convince her.

    - Well, imagine, I’m sitting all like this on a robot with a wrapped scarf - my neck is short, my head is big, like Alexander Vasilyev, and my colleagues think that I took off my coat as a crow - I forgot about the scarf.

    And then I realized that not all girls know how to wear a scarf with a dress so that others perceive it as an accessory, and not an item for protection from the cold. And what is very important is that they have no idea how to tie a scarf correctly so as not to disturb the proportions of the body.

    Therefore, in this article I have collected 20 win-win options on how you can tie a scarf in an interesting way and still look elegant.

    How to tie a scarf around your neck

    Take a square scarf, fold it like a scarf and tie it in two knots. This option will refresh a plain dress.

    If you take a larger scarf, roll it into a loose rope and add beads, you are guaranteed a stylish look. Or you can intertwine two different scarves in a bundle, which will also look interesting.

    You can pair your look with a scarf with a jacket or short jacket. A dress in this combination will look very original. Play with prints. Let the dress and scarf be checkered, but in different color combinations. It can be not only a cage, but also peas, flowers, abstract drawings, etc.

    If you want to attract attention, use a contrasting combination of textures. Wear a chunky knit wool dress with a delicate silk scarf.

    Another option is to tie a scarf so that the triangular corner of the scarf is in front. Tie a knot over the scarf if you want the scarf to appear less bulky.

    A scarf will look unusual with a dress with an open back or bare shoulders. The option when the ends of the scarf are on the back will be especially interesting to look at.

    Fold the scarf into stripes and tie it around your neck like a checker. The ends can be hidden or left. Be careful if you do not have a very long neck - a wide scarf can visually make it even shorter. In this case, try to fold the scarf into a narrower strip or abandon this option altogether.


    How to decorate a dress with a scarf

    You can add a pop of color to plain dresses with a colorful scarf worn on your head. A scarf plus fashionable sunglasses, and you are guaranteed the image of a mystery woman.

    Throw a long scarf over your neck and secure it at your waist with a belt. It should give the impression that the dress and scarf are one whole. Try playing with print and color combinations. Do not strive for the scarf to be tied absolutely symmetrically. Let one end be longer than the other, as if you were casually draping the scarf over yourself.

    Another creative way to wear a scarf is to tie it around your waist as a belt. Choose the width yourself.

    Can be tied at the hips. If your dress has belt loops, pull the scarf through them or tie a scarf around one of them. The scarf can be tied in a knot or in the form of a bow.

    A fitted dress can be decorated by tying a scarf as a colorful top. Or create a layered look by pinning it at the waist as an additional hem layer.

    How to diversify your look without wearing a headscarf

    To decorate a dress with a scarf, you do not have to wear a scarf. You can decorate a bag with it, and the bag, in turn, will complement the dress. Tie a scarf around the handle of your bag or wrap it tightly around the handle. By the way, by decorating a bag you will not only add a touch of playfulness to the look, but you will also be able to give a second life to bags whose handles have become irreparably dirty or scuffed.

    It’s okay if there is only one scarf, but the bag has two handles. Asymmetry in accessories looks cool and stylish.

    You probably didn’t realize that you can make a bright bag from a scarf and complement your look with it. Of course, you won’t go to work with such a bag, but to the beach, please.

    The next way to add a scarf to a dress is to tie a scarf on your wrist. Watches that have a scarf instead of a strap and can be changed look especially cool. Use this method to make a boring image sparkle with new colors.

    A thin silk scarf looks great in your hair. Especially when it is voluminous and slightly careless. For example, if you like to tie your hair in a bun, then tie a scarf around it; if you prefer to braid your hair, use a scarf instead of a ribbon; if you just want to keep your hair away from your face, make a beautiful headband.