How to distinguish sea and freshwater pearls. Difference between freshwater and saltwater pearls

Pearls are perhaps one of the most famous natural stones. In many cultures it was valued for its beauty and unusual properties. The Slavs called such a stone “tears of joy.” There are sea and river pearls. Each of them has features. Often on the shelves you can find pearls cultured in freshwater reservoirs.

Sometimes there is something foreign in the body of a freshwater mollusk. This is where the pearl is formed. It usually appears in the area of ​​the valve closing muscle or on the upper part of the body fold (mantle).

Mother of pearl covers the inner wall of the shell. When a foreign particle enters, for example, a grain of sand or an insect larva, the nerve endings of the mollusk become irritated. As a response, the epithelial tissue divides and a special sac appears - a cyst. Next, the mantle secretes nacre, which forms a pearl.

Sometimes a clot of nacre appears without a foreign body. It is necessary for the epithelial cells to be inside the mantle. This happens, for example, due to injury or pathology.

In fresh waters - lake and river - most stones are obtained from mollusks of the genera Margaritifera and Dahurinaia. First of all, these are pearl mussels: European, Daurian, Kamchatka. Pearls are also found in toothless and pearled pearls.

Freshwater pearls take three to twelve years to mature. The timing depends on the species, environment, and age of the mollusk. The older he is, the smaller the pearls. River mollusks produce small, irregularly shaped minerals.

In the 19th century, a lot of river pearls were mined in the Russian Empire, especially in the north of the country. Nowadays, minerals of different origins end up in jewelry workshops. They are mined and grown in Russia, China, Germany, Great Britain, and the USA. Cultivation is practiced on farms.

You can try to find a river pearl on your own. But this will take a lot of time and does not guarantee a positive result. The shells are collected from the bottom. A sign of what they have precious mineral, are irregularities or tubercles on the valves.

Types of freshwater pearls

There are two types of river stone: natural and cultivated. The first is sought in habitats of suitable mollusks. Such pearls are rarely found on sale, since mining them is unprofitable. Although large natural specimens, if they are of good quality and shine, are the most expensive. For example, in 2008, a single freshwater pearl was sold at Christie's for $713,000.

The cultivated product is obtained on special farms. The foreign body is implanted independently into promising species. The implant consists of mother-of-pearl, which speeds up the process, but in nature pearls usually mature faster. Then the oysters are sent into the pond, surrounded by nets.

The undisputed leader in the cultivation of freshwater pearls is China. They began to develop the direction here in the 70s of the last century. Mussels produce 15-35 pearls at a time. Just one shell of a mollusk brings 3-4 “harvests”.

Farm-grown pearls tend to be smooth and have more regular contours. It is difficult to distinguish them from natural ones. They are distinguished by shape the following types: circle, pear, drop, oval, button, baroque.

More often you come across mother-of-pearl stones, less often - green, gray, brownish. There are no blacks. Freshwater pearls have approximately 120 shades. The color depends on the characteristics of the foreign particle, the composition of the water, and the type of mollusk.

Stones come in the following sizes:

  1. Pearl dust. Diameter - up to 3 mm. It is often used to decorate expensive clothes.
  2. Beads - stone up to 3-5 mm. Such specimens can be grown on farms in 1.5-2 years. They are used to make jewelry.
  3. High-quality freshwater pearls are the most expensive. It is more difficult to grow. Size - 5-10 mm in diameter. Better suited for jewelry.

Some species are sometimes confused with saltwater pearls. When grown on modern farms, their sizes have become comparable. Colors and other features are often similar. Differences between sea pearls:

  • rounder and smoother surface;
  • brightness, river - dimmer;
  • wide palette of colors - from white to black;
  • The mother of pearl layer is thinner.

Sea pearls

Natural black or bright pink river pearls are not found.

Healing and magical properties

The stone is used in medicine. The calcium carbonate in its composition normalizes the acidity of the stomach. Pearls are also used:

  • to strengthen the nervous system;
  • for hypertension;
  • for healing the kidneys and liver;
  • for eye diseases.

Different peoples attributed pearls magical properties. Europeans expected longevity from him, the Chinese - prosperity, the Arabs - protection from the evil eye.

Pearls do not always help a person. Decorations with them suppress the flight of thought of travelers, actors, and writers. The mineral plunges you into a world of dreams, sometimes gloomy ones. Capable of breaking a psychologically weakened person. It brings melancholy to the lonely. It is not advisable for children to wear products with mother-of-pearl beads.

Brings fidelity, peace and understanding to couples. Resists betrayal and unkind thoughts. In this case, the jewel becomes tarnished.

How to distinguish natural from fake

There are products made from fake pearls on sale. In addition, there are now technologies for growing beads without shellfish. It is important to remember the differences:

  1. Natural stones should be cool to the touch.
  2. If you throw real pearls on a table, they will easily bounce off the surface.
  3. You can lightly rub two stones against each other until a powder appears. Scratches on natural pearls disappear when you run your finger over them. On a fake, the mother-of-pearl may be worn off, revealing another material behind it.
  4. Gems are heavier.
  5. Counterfeits are often cheaper.
  6. Fakes have traces of paint around the edges. They look unnatural: the shine of the stone is too bright, the shape is spherical, too regular.
  7. Natural pearls differ from each other, artificial pearls can be the same in shape and color.

Stone selection

Even good freshwater pearls have flaws: spots, dents, bumps. Quality is determined by the main characteristics: size, origin, shape, brightness and others. Expensive copies undergo examination. The standards were developed by Americans. The assessment is based on 6-7 parameters. So, round ones are less common, so they are more expensive. River pearls are valued less than sea pearls.

When choosing jewelry, it is important to know:

  1. Jewelry where the size of the beads gradually increases or decreases is considered more beautiful and of higher quality.
  2. The pairing, geometry of parts, and overall impression are important.
  3. River pearls in jewelry sometimes come in different colors or are combined with other precious stones.
  4. Sets of beads, earrings, and rings are popular.
  5. Flaws are better visible against a dark background under strong but diffuse lighting.

Freshwater pearl jewelry is beautiful and usually inexpensive. They can be worn for a long time without loss of quality and can be inherited.

Pearls can be sea or river. Both of these types are beautiful in their own way, but differ significantly in cost. They can be easily determined independently by some characteristic features and properties. Freshwater pearls are similar to sea pearls in appearance and in the principle of formation. Both of them are often used in the creation of jewelry and jewelry. It is important to understand how to distinguish sea pearls from river pearls.

Pearls, if you follow the modern classification approved by the International Mineralogical Society, are not included in the class of minerals, but despite this, such stones are used quite widely by jewelers. Pearls can be obtained naturally, as well as cultivated, and each type is divided depending on the method of cultivation and place of origin: river or sea.

Pearls are considered the oldest breed which is widely known to people. In the Roman Empire, several names for the precious stone were used at once. Large and evenly shaped pearls were called unio, which translates as unique. The second name is Margarita.

In Russian, the name “pearl” arose around the seventeenth century, this word was taken from the Chinese language. If translated in detail, “zhonchu” includes two parts: zhon - real, and also foreign pearls.

In Rus', pearls with the highest quality parameters were called sloping or sliding. This word perfectly described good shape stone (it could roll).

Until the nineteenth century, pearls surpassed in value all known precious stones, and even diamonds. Although pearls were known to many jewelers already in the fifteenth century, they began to be widely used by the population at the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth. In the “pre-diamond” era, such jewelry was the most elegant and elite.

Over time, attitudes towards this jewel have changed greatly. If during the Renaissance a scattering of pearls looked like an attractive decoration for any man’s suit, now every designer knows that this clothing for the stronger half of humanity should not contain a single pearl. This decoration can only be used by girls. The only exceptions may be mother-of-pearl buttons created by hand.

On the modern market you can find two main types of stone:

  • natural or cultivated sea;
  • natural or cultivated river.

Growing a Gemstone

Currently, cultured freshwater pearls occupy the first place in the world market. A large amount of this stone comes to Russia from China, which supplies about a dozen tons of pearls every year. River stone grows freely even in wet and uncultivated rice fields. It is here that a more favorable microclimate prevails for mollusks, which can quickly multiply and form beautiful pearls.

Freshwater pearls are obtained from lake oysters. They live mainly in clean rivers with low water flows. The size of river mollusks can reach up to 18 cm in diameter, weight - up to 300 g, and their age - up to 50 years.

Shellfish found in river water belong to the family Unionidae. The most famous representative of this group in European countries is margaritifera, which is valued by producers. Beautiful buttons are made from its shells. Experts say that mollusks quickly adapt to changes in physical, biological and climatic conditions. They are long-livers; in natural conditions, some individuals can live for about 250 years.

Unlike freshwater pearls, sea pearls do not have nuclei; they are grown using a nuclear-free method. In this case, experts place a piece of foreign tissue into the mantle of the mollusk, which quickly begins to be enveloped in layers of mother-of-pearl. This method is considered nuclear-free, since a special artificial ball nucleus is added to the pearls for this purpose. It is for this reason that lake stone has a thicker layer of mother-of-pearl, unlike sea stone.

The nuclear-free method allows the manufacturer to add several seeds to the mollusk and get two beautiful stones from one shell at once. One lake oyster can produce about fifteen pearls. As the pearls grow, it is important to turn them regularly so that they “break in” and become flatter. Correct smooth stones make up a small amount of mined jewelry, and therefore cost much more.

In a year and a half, one pearl gains up to three millimeters in height. In three years, this figure will increase to seven millimeters. In rare cases, they can be more than 10 mm, and the cost in this case increases many times over. River stone has gained wide popularity due to the variety of shapes, sizes and colors. Pearls can reach a diameter of up to 8 mm, but their average size is 5 mm.

Solid mother-of-pearl is matte and does not have the characteristic shine of marine pearls, but is more resistant to damage and abrasion, which is very valuable for any piece of jewelry. The color is uneven and may change in some places from one shade to another, but all of them are not bright. You can find pink-orange, lilac, lilac, brown, pale purple, pure white and cream colored pearls.

Freshwater jewelry is often distinguished by its irregular shape. They can be in the form of a drop, an oval, etc. Completely round and large pearls are considered very rare.

Since the cost of freshwater pearls is less than that of sea pearls, this helps manufacturers create inexpensive jewelry.

Features of natural jewelry

Natural pearls are only those that were formed in nature without human intervention. The main condition for natural origin is human non-interference. As in ancient times, such pearls can be found very rarely, so even in modern conditions their cost is greatly inflated.

Mollusks are attacked by irritants very rarely. If there is no provocateur, then the pearl is not formed. The role of a person in the formation of a pearl is that he places the irritant into the shell of the mollusk himself. Such a stone is classified as cultivated.

Since naturalness will determine the final price for pearls, difficult and expensive research is carried out to determine its quality. Only in this case can it be accurately determined whether a person intervened in the creation of such a breed or whether a real price can be set for it.

Natural sea pearls were mined only in the waters of the Persian Gulf. Already at the end of the nineteenth century, due to the barbaric use of shellfish and their extraction, pearls in this bay were almost extinct. Now only a single pearl is found in these places, which is sold through special auctions.

Natural pearls are now very rare, and their cost is very high. For example, necklaces made from natural pearls were sold at a Christie's auction in 2008 for 1.7 million. At the same event, a string of river jewelry went for 1.4 million.

Criteria influencing the assessment

Cultured and natural jewelry are judged using the same criteria. All over the world, evaluation is carried out according to the main system, which was created by the Gemological Institute of America.

Main indicators:

On jewelry market There are four main types of pearls produced by humans. Three types are grown in sea water, and one is grown in fresh water.

  • Akoya (marine type);
  • Black Tahitian (sea);
  • Freshwater Chinese (the second name is Chinese non-nuclear);
  • South Sea Pearls.

Differences by origin

Before purchasing pearl products, it is important to determine the difference between freshwater and sea pearls. These include:

Definition of counterfeits

Some selfish manufacturers create fake pearls that can be easily distinguished from natural ones. There are several methods that will help you quickly identify a fake stone:

If you follow the evaluation of pearls, then the quality is assessed according to seven main criteria, which will depend on the characteristics of the jewelry.

If a bracelet, ring or pendant with several pearls is being considered, the quality indicator is assessed based on six points. If a whole string of pearls or a necklace is taken, then a seventh parameter appears, which is called selection. It is used only if several pearls are drilled and put on one common thread.

When comparing river pearls with sea pearls, a number of important differences are noted. This applies to the size of stones, color, shape and some qualities of jewelry. But it all starts with the type of producer shells, the living conditions of mollusks in the wild and on a farm under human control. After carefully studying this article, you will feel the difference in the pearls produced and learn to understand mother-of-pearl stones of organic origin.

Existing types of pearls

In terms of value, natural pearls are on a par with first-order precious stones. And that already says everything about him appearance and quality. Let us remind you that this is not a mineral, but contains mineral particles of aragonite. It has a pearlescent sheen and a variety of colors - white, yellow, pink, black, blue, gray.

In addition to natural pearls, there are cultured pearls, that is, pearls grown in a farm under human control. These stones cannot in any way be considered artificial, because they undergo a full cycle of formation in the same oysters that “give birth” to jewelry in nature.

The secrets of obtaining pearls are described in the article. There are two options: creating pearls in freshwater and in seawater. The differences in the resulting product are noticeable, so before we conclude which pearl is better, we will analyze each in detail.

Characteristics of freshwater pearls

River pearls are formed in the body of freshwater mollusks, among which the European pearl oyster from the unionid family of the genus Margaritifera is distinguished. These shells are common in the Northern Hemisphere of the planet.

Pearl barleys live in the European part, and toothless ones live in Asia and America. Their sizes range from 10 to 25 cm. The large one is the folded comb, which is found in Mongolia and on the Amur River in Russia. The size reaches 30 cm with a weight of up to 1 kg. All of the listed types are bivalve shells with a flattened body inside and are good because they are able to “give birth” to a precious mother-of-pearl stone.

Freshwater pearls have properties characterized by a number of features:

  • a thick layer of mother-of-pearl that retains its shine for a long time;
  • more common in nature oval shapes;
  • under cultivation conditions, one shell can grow up to 16 pearls;
  • reasonable price compared to sea pearls;
  • milky is often found in shades.

Sea pearls

Bivalve marine mollusks live in the shallow waters of the Indian and Pacific oceans, in the Persian Gulf, and the Red Sea. These are mainly representatives of the Pinctada genus, which produce mother-of-pearl stones. The giant tridacna (or cocked hat) “produces” pearls without nacre, but there are pearls of impressive size, which is why they differ from river pearls.

Lao Tzu's pearl weighing 6.37 kg entered history. It was discovered by a swimmer from the Philippines, and the stone was later valued at $40 million. Tridacnas themselves can exceed a weight of 200 kg. However, the stones obtained from them are not valued by jewelers, but only surprise others with their size, becoming museum exhibits.

Saltwater pearls are more valuable because the stone takes longer to mature. And it doesn't really depend on whether it's farmed or wild. More advanced forms of the resulting jewelry are also noted. Round beads with a smooth surface are often found. In this respect, marine specimens are superior to river pearls.

Technologies: nuclear and non-nuclear

Let us now consider the differences between cultured pearls obtained from different “parents” - sea and river mollusks. Let us emphasize once again that farmed pearls are natural stone. The only difference is the path of entry of the irritating object into the body of the mollusk.

Unlike freshwater pearls, saltwater pearls are grown using the nuclear method, when a seed (a piece of shell), which acts as a nucleus, is placed in the gonads of the mollusk. The nuclear-free method is used to grow pearls in freshwater oysters. In this case, a grain of sand or a microparticle of nacre is introduced into the mantle.

In nature, microparticles get inside the oyster accidentally, and during cultivation - specifically with the help of humans. The protective function of the mollusk body immediately begins to act. However, it is not able to reject a foreign body, but tries to isolate it, covering it with layers of mother-of-pearl.

What does the pearl harvest depend on?

During cultivation, it is possible to adjust the outline of the resulting pearl depending on the original shape and placement in the shell. For example, attaching a stimulus to a wall makes it possible to obtain a hemisphere, and placing it in the center makes it possible to obtain a circle.

In China, pearls depicting Buddha or mystical animals are often obtained. This is achieved by giving the desired shape to the seed introduced inside. This type and special properties of the stone attract buyers. In nature, it is impossible to control this process.

The main advantage of river shells is the ability to bear several stones at once. Sometimes this number exceeds one and a half dozen. However, such a harvest requires young mollusks. Larger pebbles grow in seawater, where there is much more useful substances.

Shine, shape, price

Based on the analysis carried out above, we will highlight the main points that tell us how to distinguish sea pearls from river pearls.

Sea (shelf) stones have a much brighter pearlescent luster than freshwater (or river) pearls. The latter often has a matte sheen. The indicator depends on the water where the mollusk lives. The gloss comes from salty oceans and seas.

Another sign of a marine jewel is its round shape. In 99% of cases, egg-shaped (oval) mother-of-pearl beads were born in a river or other freshwater body of water.

The main thing that distinguishes sea stone is the price. It is significantly higher than the cost of a river species. For example, a 45 cm long string of beads with freshwater stones costs 3-5 thousand rubles. A similar piece of jewelry “born” at sea is 40-50% more expensive.

This is due to the long growing process. We focus on cultured pearls, because now store shelves are filled only with them. Wild fish are practically not harvested due to the degeneration of mollusks and the lack of professional fishermen and divers.

"Multiple pregnancy", growth time and color

Freshwater pearls grow faster, 2-3 years, and this is its advantage. However, it leads to a drop in value, just like “pearl multiple births.” The number of stones produced by an oyster at one time directly affects the price downward. Only river creatures are capable of producing up to one and a half dozen stones at a time. Sea shellfish are limited to a maximum of three pieces, but even then rarely. And they grow for 5-8 years.

A variety of colors is characteristic of cultured stones. Pink, black, green, gray, blue, silver and gold - an impressive palette. But pearls that grew in the seas and oceans are distinguished by rich tones. Freshwater pearls look pale in comparison.

And another important addition: freshwater stone is not black or bright pink, and shelf specimens lack blue and green shades.

Freshwater pearls have a more durable composition. Its layers of mother-of-pearl are strong and thick, which allows you to wear jewelry every day without fear of wearing off the iridescent shine. Therefore, it is a matter of taste and desire - to buy a bright, but short-lived marine stone, or limit yourself to a matte one, which will last for a long time.

You cannot clean mother-of-pearl stones with powder products, especially those containing abrasive materials. Vinegar is also prohibited - the acid will corrode the mother of pearl. Remember that this is unacceptable.

To refresh your jewelry, we recommend using soapy water and a soft cloth. You can use solutions for cleaning - 1 teaspoon of starch (or salt) per glass of water. Natural stone should be stored in a box lined with soft fabric inside. And the product itself should be additionally wrapped in a linen, satin or silk napkin.

In nature, the pearl oyster is recognized by deformed valves and tubercles on the surface of the shells.

The world leader in the production of river pearls is China, sea pearls are Japan and Sri Lanka.

Several hundred years ago, Russian peasants found pearls in the rivers of Central Russia. They were used to decorate national clothes- kokoshniks and sundresses.

The extinction of river pearl shells is directly related to the reduction in the number of salmon fish, because mollusk larvae develop on their gills.

The size of the pearl depends on the age of the mollusk. Size range divided into beads (bead diameter 3-5 mm), pearl dust (up to 3 mm) and high-quality pearls (0.5-1 cm).

Pearl beads are a classic among jewelry; the famous French fashion designer Coco Chanel introduced them into fashion.

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And where is it mined? This is definitely not a mineral or a natural stone. These are deposits inside a sea oyster or in river shells, covered with mother-of-pearl. There are freshwater and sea pearls.

How to distinguish river pearls from sea pearls, how much do jewelry made from natural pearls cost, does it have magical properties and who is it suitable for? You will learn about all this from the article.

What are natural pearls and what are they like?

Let's start with the fact that natural pearls cannot be completely identical. First of all, these are beads different colors, ranging from white pearlescent to black and even pink. Secondly, the sizes and shapes differ.

How to check naturalness? Pay attention to the quality of the surface. If these are natural pearls, then they necessarily have a rough surface, are quite heavy and cool.

Which pearls are more valuable - river and sea pearls, are there any differences or are they far-fetched? From the name it becomes clear that sea pearls are formed in the sea, in salt water. River - in mollusks from freshwater.

Unlike sea beads, river beads are more affordable. The reason is simple. The process of cultivating beads in freshwater rivers takes less time. In the mantle of mollusks, 12-20 beads are grown at once, while no more than two or three foreign bodies can be introduced into a sea oyster.

How much does a natural pearl cost on average? It all depends on the shape, size, cultivation method. The price can range from several hundred dollars to several tens of thousands.

Production in Russia yesterday and today

Once upon a time, Russian pearls became famous throughout the world. There was so much of it that there was enough for everyone, including for export. Delicate natural beads were used to decorate royal clothes and crowns, icons and kokoshniks; no one could do without them. wedding dresses noble ladies.

Freshwater pearls are black, silver, white and even with greenish tint in Russia they were actively used to create designer jewelry. At that time they were:

  • earrings;
  • rings;
  • necklace;
  • bracelets;
  • beads;
  • brooches, etc.

The most valuable material was considered to be extracted from Karelian rivers. Pearls from this area had a unique bluish and silvery glow. It is noteworthy that a lady with any level of income could afford a bracelet or pendant with natural pearls. The jewelry of both the queen and simple fisher girls, each of which had several threads, was equally highly valued.

The uniqueness of products in Russia in the 19th century is mentioned in the description of a visit to the Nizhny Novgorod province of a German researcher. He wrote about how much he was amazed by the beauty of the whitish or yellow, soft blue and even black jewelry worn by Russian women. The higher the lady's position, the more items she wore. This made an indelible impression on the foreigner.

In those days, the mother of Russian pearls was the freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera. Dozens of provinces traded on pearl rivers. These are Arkhangelsk, Siberian, Yaroslavl, St. Petersburg, etc. Shellfish production was especially active in Karelia and the Kola Peninsula.

Not so often, but Margaritifera margaritifera was found in the Moscow region. In which rivers were shellfish harvested? The pearl mussel was found in the basin of the Dnieper, Amur and tributaries of the Volga. In total, there were up to 150 pearl-bearing rivers in the country, half of which were used for fishing on a large scale. A third of the production at that time came from the provinces in the northern part of the country.

Today in Russia they do not figure out which pearls are best in the country; they are mined mainly on an experimental basis in Karelia. Every year the state treasury is replenished with hundreds of pearls of the highest quality.

How are pearls mined these days? More than 25 years ago, they began to use delicate methods of influencing mollusks with partial opening of the valves, allowing them to be left alive. Near the Northern capital there is a reserve for the protection of fish of the salmon family and mollusks. In 2006, research work was carried out on its territory for the presence of margaritane. Several populations of no more than a few dozen adults were discovered.

Are there pearl mussels today in the previously “prolific” Novgorod region? So far, mollusks have been found only in one river, and the number of individuals is no more than a thousand; all of them are on the verge of extinction due to their replacement by pearl barley, which is less demanding on environmental conditions.

So what is the difference between past centuries and modern times, why did the country's pearl reserves dry up? It's all about the salmon. There is too much demand for them. Pearl mussels can only exist in rivers where salmon live. After all, larvae develop on their gills.

Is there a possibility that the mining industry will be revived at its previous level?

Work is underway to revive it. To do this, they are establishing the process of breeding salmon and protecting freshwater rivers suitable for the life and development of pearl mussels.

What is the difference between freshwater pearls and sea pearls?

Returning to the topic of differences, including from the photo, between sea and river pearls, let’s determine the main points:

  1. Shine. Sea pearls emit a brighter glow in daylight, while river beads appear dull and almost matte in comparison.
  2. Form. Freshwater pearls, like natural stones, by the way, have an irregular shape. Sea beads also rarely have ideal parameters, but still look more neat. In addition, river beads are often oval-shaped, while sea beads are predominantly round.
  3. Price. Important difference. Sea pearls are always more expensive than river pearls. Why? This was mentioned above.
  4. Nacre. Another significant indicator. Sea beads have a thinner coating, on average from 0.5 to 6 mm. This explains the abrasions that occur over time. Freshwater pearls are made almost entirely of mother-of-pearl, which means they last longer and require minimal care.

You can also distinguish between freshwater and sea pearls by analyzing their sizes. Freshwater specimens are usually smaller than marine specimens. Previously, cultured freshwater pearls were grown for several years, which negatively affected the quality of the coating, shape, and of course, size. Not long ago, the growing period was extended to 6 years, which made it possible to correct the situation and achieve almost complete identity of pearls with sea pearls in shape and size.

The magical properties of freshwater pearls

People have believed in the magic of natural river pearls since the first acquaintance with them. It was believed that mother-of-pearl products would help one live happily ever after and reward the owner with strength of mind and body.

Psychics confirm the powerful energy of pearls, claiming that people of any age can wear jewelry with them with equal benefit.

Many believe in the properties of freshwater pearls to attract love; they are sincerely convinced that products with mother-of-pearl beads will help you meet your soulmate and live happily ever after with them for many years.

There are also some signs regarding freshwater pearls. It is believed that they should not be owned by people with a nomadic lifestyle, as well as families with small children.

Who is suitable for pearl jewelry?

So, who can wear freshwater pearls? Astrologers recommend wearing jewelry for representatives of the water signs of the zodiac. That is, the beads will feel most harmonious in life:

  • Rakov;
  • Scorpios;
  • Aquarius.

Other signs (do not forget that beads are intended more for the female half of humanity) can also wear pearls, but without much hope for an energetic relationship.

The exception is black river pearls. It is recommended to be worn by strong signs Leo and Aries for peace of mind and tranquility.

How to clean pearls at home and how to store them

Natural freshwater pearls are stronger than sea pearls, but they are not stone; they are vulnerable and subject to destruction over time. To extend the life of mother-of-pearl beads, you need to follow simple rules operation, provide gentle and regular care.

For example, to maintain the shine of a pearl, you need to clean it from time to time. Under no circumstances should this be done with cleaning agents or vinegar. The latter will corrode the layers of mother-of-pearl and will be certain death for the jewelry (some people use it to check whether pearls are real or not).

Clean products with warm soapy water and a soft cloth. Before storing in a box (kept separately), the pearls are allowed to dry and rubbed thoroughly.

How to care for pearls

How to care for pearls folk recipes? Potato starch or a teaspoon of salt diluted in a glass of water will help. They replace soap solution.

A separate box for storing pearl jewelry is not enough. For a complete set, take care of the accompanying protective fabrics. These could be:

  • silk;
  • atlas.

It is important that the materials are not only natural, but also unpainted. Is heat dangerous for pearls? It happens, so take care of the beads from drying out in the summer, store them next to a glass of water. And also, if you do not want to shorten the life of your pearl jewelry, never store it hanging without a case or box.

You have learned what freshwater pearls look like and how they differ from sea pearls; now you definitely won’t go wrong when purchasing products. Share the article with your friends! See you again!

Team LyubiKamni

Almost all of us know that pearls can be either sea or freshwater. Sea and river pearls differ in many ways. The first can be found in the oyster, and the second in the river shell. An ignorant person will not be able to distinguish these stones at first glance, since they are very similar, but looking at the price of products made from them in a jewelry store, he will immediately understand that the difference between these stones is very significant. To understand how to distinguish sea pearls from river pearls, you need to analyze the characteristics of each stone.

Pearl jewelry constantly attracts women. Undoubtedly, their unique and elegant color, cold shine and beautiful shapes of beads can make any lady elegant, while giving her a certain charm and mystery.

In addition, natural minerals such as pearls can bring wealth and beauty to a woman, and they also have beneficial effects on health. They can improve the functioning of the digestive organs, calm nervous system, and also allow the detection of malignant tumors. Jewelry Freshwater pearls darken if a person has cancer.

The longer the foreign body is located in the oyster, the thicker the layer of nacre on it. As a result, after a few months or years, an elegant round stone called a pearl is formed.

Mother of pearl is made of calcium carbonate, which refracts light so that a rainbow forms on the surface. Therefore, if you do not know how to test a natural stone, do the following: take it out into the sun and twist it - the natural one will shine with a bluish and pink light.

Differences between grown minerals

Pearl cultivation began in the 13th century. The technology for growing pearls is identical to natural technology. A special core is implanted into the oyster shell, which within the oyster is covered with a mother-of-pearl layer over several years. It is this layer that turns the implant into a shiny pearl. But due to the different features of the anatomical structure different types oysters and the characteristics of the water in certain places, the pearls turn out to be different from one another.

Differences between the two types of minerals

To understand the differences between sea and river pearls, you will need to understand the main characteristics of these stones:

  • Shine.

It is visible to the naked eye that shelf pearls have a bright mother-of-pearl luster that shimmers in the light, while specimens from rivers have a dull and matte luster. This is due to the fact that salt water is alkaline, which affects the body of the mollusk. Fresh water is not alkaline because it has no salts, so the stone looks simpler. This property allows you to quickly understand how to distinguish river pearls from sea pearls.

  • Form.

There are no perfectly round pearls in nature. Pearls from rivers are most often irregular in shape. It is oblong and oval. Sea stone, on the contrary, has a more round shape.

Therefore, jewelry made from oval or egg-shaped beads are signs of stone from the day of the river. Such pearls cannot be spherical.

Jewelry made from sea pearls looks neater and more perfect, since all the beads round shape– this can be quickly determined even by eye.

  • Price.

Sea pearls are much more expensive than river pearls, since the process of growing them takes longer and requires significant costs for maintaining and caring for oysters. In addition, it is impossible to place more than three mother-of-pearl cores in a sea oyster, but a river shell can accommodate more than ten pieces of mother-of-pearl cores.

Another reason for the high cost of jewelry made from sea pearls is that they shine better, are lighter and have a uniform spherical shape, which makes them significantly different from river stones.

  • Durability.

Freshwater pearls have increased wear resistance, so jewelry made from this stone is more suitable for daily wear. Although the beads look paler, their layers of mother-of-pearl are stronger than those of sea pearls, on which the top layer wears off with intensive use. But here it all depends on the manner of wearing the jewelry and on proper care of it.

Therefore, products made from river pearls in the form of a thread are much stronger, although they have a paler mother of pearl. Such things do not require much care, and if you inherited a pearl necklace from your grandmother that shines as if it was just bought, then it is definitely something made from river stone. Jewelry made from sea pearls loses its shine when used for a long time, as the thin mother of pearl wears off, so the beads in worn places will be matte - this is their obvious difference.

  • Color.

At first glance, it may seem that all pearls are of a noble color, but in reality this is not the case. Sea pearls often have unique, monochromatic and rather saturated tones, which is not the case with river stone, which is practically never bright.

They have a uniform coloring, unlike freshwater pearls. In addition, river stone cannot be black or bright pink, and shelf stone cannot be bluish or greenish. This also distinguishes river pearls from sea pearls.

Therefore, we can conclude that a river pearl cannot be represented in a wide variety of shades, unlike sea stone.

Shelf specimens are uniformly white without any color flaw, while river pearls have small gray or yellow spots.


Now you know the difference between freshwater pearls and sea pearls. Taking into account all these nuances, you can quickly determine the type of stones. It is impossible to understand their origin from a photograph, since most often the photographs are processed on a computer using special software. It is necessary to purchase pearl jewelry from trusted jewelry stores, where you can evaluate the stone with your eyes, touch it, and examine the texture of mother-of-pearl.