How to wash washed towels. Video: How to wash and bleach kitchen towels

Terry bath towels require a delicate approach when washing, since terry is a complex fabric with loose loops. Most of the contaminants remain between them. At home, washing washed terry towels is difficult, but doable. Are there ways to avoid difficulties when washing washed terry products?

You can restore the softness and cleanliness of washed terry towels

Terry material absorbs moisture well, is soft and delicate, therefore it is most often used for bath towels. It's nice to wrap yourself in them after a swim. But it happens that after the first wash, terry fabric becomes scratchy, hard and completely unusable. This occurs as a result of ignoring the basic rules.

The following recommendations will help you wash terry items correctly:

  • An important rule - to wash and renew washed items, it is not recommended to use washing powder. Its grains penetrate deeply into the fibers of the fabric and give it rigidity and causticity. Liquid detergent helps to effectively wash washed bath towels, but you should abandon the usual bleaches containing chlorine.
  • To make terry textiles soft and wash well, you can use delicate washing modes, pre-soak towels, and use conditioners. Then things won't be tough.
  • Terry towels are washed separately from other linen. After this, rinse thoroughly and leave to dry in a ventilated place, shaking occasionally.
  • Do not try to wash wet terry towels - the fabric must dry.
  • Terry textiles are not used in the kitchen because unpleasant odors penetrate deeply into them.

Dirty bath products are not left in the common basket. If things are heavily soiled, smell unpleasant, or have stains on them, to wash the laundry, soak it and use a stain remover. Terry fabrics are not ironed to ensure that the towel remains fluffy and soft.

How to wash terry bath towels: methods and secrets

To return softness and freshness to your favorite things, use simple methods.

Machine washable

To wash bath towels in an automatic machine, you should not resort to the economy mode. Hygroscopic terry cloth strongly absorbs water.

How to wash washed terry towels in an automatic machine:

  • The drum is not fully loaded. There must be enough water to wash and rinse the laundry.
  • Mode - standard or delicate; liquid detergents are used instead of powder.
  • The water temperature should not exceed sixty degrees, the spin mode should be medium speed.
  • To make the washed fabric fluffy, special balls for down jackets are placed in the machine.
  • When using hard water, add a softening agent, or add table vinegar.
  • After the main wash, select an additional rinse if this function is provided on the washing machine.

Washed terry items should not be left in the drum. They are immediately shaken and hung to dry. Items should not be left on heating radiators or in the sun during the hot season; ironing is not recommended.

When choosing detergents, preference is given to those without chlorine, since it can irreversibly ruin the rich color of the fabric. You cannot use intensive washing mode - the delicate terry fibers will lose their shape and the loops will stretch.

Manual method

Sometimes it is preferable when caring for heavily soiled or washed items. This allows you to use pre-soak and additional ingredients that you usually have on hand. Hand washing is more delicate than machine washing. Terry threads and loops will not lose their shape, and the fabric will not lose its color. Gentle hand-squeezing preserves the original appearance and shape of the terry fabric.

Basic rules on how to wash washed terry towels by hand:

When washed by hand, terry retains its softness, weightlessness and fluffiness. You need to twist the towels carefully, without stretching the material. If there are a lot of things and you have to wash them often, it will be difficult for the housewife to cope. In this case, you should use an automatic machine, following the recommendations.


Fluffy bath textiles will be softer and more tender if you soak the laundry before washing terry towels. There are several effective ways to pre-soak textiles. Each method is folk, proven by the experience of housewives:

Simple products that are found in every home help to quickly wash washed textiles and make things fluffy, airy and tender.

With boiling

White bath towels that have become dull and unattractive can be bleached by scrubbing away the dirt. Although it is not recommended to use boiling when caring for fluffy fabric, in some cases it is the only option to restore freshness and whiteness to the laundry. Eat folk recipes, which can be used as a last resort. How to bleach white terry towels by boiling:

  • Pour water (10 l) into a suitable container.
  • Add grated laundry soap (bar). You can add half a kilogram of soda ash.
  • The whitening effect occurs when boiled. Load white things into the container and place them on the stove. Boil for no more than twenty minutes.
  • After cooling, the laundry is rinsed.
  • Dry towels outside.

Whitening in other ways

To bleach dry towels proper care for terry products, you can prepare a composition of hydrogen peroxide (4 tbsp), ammonia (1 tbsp) and water (15 l). Leave terry white textiles for half an hour. The same method can eliminate yellowness, dirt and stains on white material.

Using available products you can wash and bleach terry towels

To choose a way to wash terry towels in a machine or by hand, with boiling or soaking, you need to start from the degree of contamination of the linen and its appearance. Any option is suitable for delicate terry textiles. If you follow the recommendations and rules for caring for terry products, even washed towels will be easy to wash.

How to bleach a terry towel? Surely every housewife knows that terry is very delicate to care for. Often after just one wash it turns into a hard, slightly scratchy fabric that is unpleasant to use. In the case of white terry towels, things are even worse, because, in addition to their softness, they also quickly lose their whiteness, as a result of which they become gray and inconspicuous. Of course, there is no need to throw away such textile products, because today’s range of household chemicals includes many different bleaching agents, including those specifically designed for terry. Such substances return the snow-white color of terry fabric in literally one bleaching procedure.

Don’t forget about traditional whitening methods. Despite the fact that they were especially popular with our grandmothers, some of them are used in everyday life to this day. There is a good explanation for this. Compared to industrial household chemicals, traditional bleaching agents are safer for humans, and many of them give no less good results.

However, the choice is still yours, so it’s up to you to decide what to use to whiten terry towels. We will only provide a list of options from which you will need to choose one, but the most affordable and suitable one.

Bleaching terry towels at home

Every housewife should periodically bleach kitchen and bath terry towels at home, because these textiles are the main attributes of the bathroom and kitchen. It is unlikely that these rooms will have a pleasant appearance if their interior is complemented by dirty or washed towels. You can tidy up your terry towels using the methods suggested below.

  • Boiling. This method is considered simple and at the same time the most effective. Fill a large metal container with water. Supplement it with crushed laundry soap and soda ash. The components are taken in equal quantities, namely one hundred grams. Immerse the soiled towels in the resulting soap solution and boil for twenty minutes. After this time, turn off the heat and leave the water and laundry to cool on the stove. Afterwards, rinse the towels well and dry in the fresh air.
  • Using hydrogen peroxide. This substance gives amazing whitening results, but it can only be used on white textiles. For fifteen liters of boiling water, take four tablespoons of peroxide and twenty milliliters of ammonia. Mix the components well, and place terry products into the resulting bleaching solution. After thirty minutes you will see the result. All stains will disappear from a yellowed towel, and it will shine white.
  • Using potassium permanganate and laundry soap. One common solution must be prepared from these substances. To do this, first prepare two containers, which you immediately fill halfway with boiling water. Then rub a piece of laundry soap into one bowl and make a bright red solution of potassium permanganate in another. After this, combine the two compositions, as a result of which you should get a homogeneous liquid Brown. Towels should be placed in it for six hours, after which the products will need to be thoroughly rinsed and dried in fresh air.
  • Using vegetable oil. Although this method seems strange at first glance, it is very effective. The fact is that vegetable oil softens well various pollution and thus helps to wash them thoroughly. In boiling water (15 l), dilute washing powder (2/3 cup), as well as bleach, vinegar essence and refined oil (3 tbsp each). After dissolving the components in the resulting composition, leave the terry products overnight. The next morning, wash the textiles as usual in the washing machine. Attention! To simplify the process of making a bleach solution, it is recommended to first dissolve the bleach powder in boiling water, after which the oil can be added to the liquid.

The fact is that the latter component usually forms a film on the surface, which as a result interferes with the rapid dissolution of dry substances.

Sometimes it is possible to bleach washed or yellowed terry with one wash, but always with preliminary soaking of the textiles. For soaking, it is allowed to use salt water, as well as soap and detergent solutions. In the first case, take one tablespoon of coarse salt per liter of water. After the crystals dissolve in the liquid, the towels are left for two hours. The textiles are then washed as usual.

To soak dirty textiles, you can do this: take a piece of laundry soap and thoroughly rub it into towels, which are then wrapped in plastic. Leave the terry accessories in this form for twenty-four hours at room temperature. After 24 hours, rinse the towels thoroughly in cold water and dry. This method removes greasy stains and yellowness well, and is also effective in the case of washed terry. When bleaching terry towels at home, you can also use regular dish gel.

To do this, dilute it with water, and soak the laundry in the resulting solution for ten minutes. After soaking, terry products should be washed in the usual way.

All the details of washing and care Every owner of terry towels should know all the intricacies of washing them and further caring for them. It is enough to wash such fabric incorrectly once for it to lose its former softness forever.

  • Before you put a terry towel in the wash for the first time, be sure to study the manufacturer’s recommendations, which are usually indicated on the labels. On them, as a rule, you can find icons with the temperature to which the fabric product can be exposed. If there is no label, then for washing terry towels it is recommended to use a delicate cycle with a temperature of forty to sixty degrees.
  • If hard water passes through the water pipes, then the described products should be washed in a washing machine using softening agents. For hand washing, the water can be supplemented with vinegar (one hundred milliliters of vinegar per ten liters of water).
  • Instead of regular washing powder, when washing towels, it is recommended to use liquid detergents, since dry powder substances are most often not completely rinsed out of the textiles being described and remain inside the fibers.
  • It is better to wash very dirty towels by hand first, and only then send them to washing machine.
  • To ensure that the terry always remains soft, rinse it with the addition of conditioners.
  • Do not use a strong spin on terry, because after this procedure the fabric gradually stretches out and takes on a sloppy appearance. Some housewives do without squeezing terry products at all and send them to dry immediately after rinsing.
  • Try to dry the described material in the fresh air, but do not overdry. Otherwise, the terry will lose its softness.
  • It is not advisable to iron terry towels, as this procedure damages the structure of the fibers, as a result of which it becomes stiff. In extreme cases, the products can be ironed using the steam mode, but the temperature should not exceed one hundred and fifty degrees.

Remember that with proper care, terry remains soft and fluffy for a long time. Therefore, to ensure that your kitchen and bath towels last as long as possible good view, just follow the recommendations above.

How to wash terry products?

Behind long years Using terry towels, I realized that it is very difficult to maintain their original soft texture. There are two reasons for this:

  1. Terry gets dirty quickly. Due to the fact that the loops that make up the material do not fit tightly together, particles of dust and dirt easily get clogged between them.
  2. Washing can make things worse. An incorrectly carried out cleaning procedure for a product often causes it to lose its softness and original appearance. So the question of how to wash towels in a washing machine is the first thing you need to pay attention to.

To extend the life of terry towels, I recommend that you follow a few simple tips:

Image Recommendations

Tip 1: Study the label.

Before washing for the first time, carefully read the label on the product. It will indicate at what temperature to wash the towels.

If the label does not indicate in which mode to wash the product, choose a delicate wash with a temperature of up to 60 degrees.

Tip 2. Soften the water.

Hard water is not in the best possible way affects the condition of the material.

To soften it, you can use special purchased products or prepare a vinegar solution (100 ml of vinegar per 10 liters of water).

Tip 3: Use liquid detergent.

The thing is that ordinary powder gets stuck in the loops of the material and is incredibly difficult to remove.

Tip 4. Forget about bleach.

Particles of the substance penetrate deep into the fibers, and removing them is problematic.

As an exception, bleach can be used if it is necessary to wash a hand towel from stubborn stains.

Tip 5: Practice Pre-Washing.

Before putting items in the washing machine, treat them yourself. First, remove stains on terry towels using laundry soap or a solution of ammonia.

Tip 6. Don't forget about drying.

Be sure to let the towels dry completely before washing. If this is not done, they may appear bad smell.

Tip 7. Use balloons.

We are talking about special balls for washing down products or tennis balls. After washing with balls, the pile will return to its soft and fluffy structure.

Tip 8: Add baking soda.

During the washing process, add half a glass of baking soda to the detergent.

It effectively helps get rid of the musty smell of towels. Also, soda added to the powder effectively eliminates fungus and unpleasant odors, and its price is affordable for everyone.

Tip 9: Wash separately.

The main rule for cleaning white and colored clothes is that they must be washed separately from each other. The same applies to terry products.

Features of drying and ironing

Spinning terry products must be treated with extreme caution. For example, I try to avoid it altogether by simply hanging the towels out after rinsing. outdoors. In this case, the terry fibers are not crushed and remain soft even after drying.

You may be wondering how to iron terry towels. It is advisable not to do this at all, since high temperatures can damage the integrity of the loops. But if you cannot do without ironing, use the steam mode with an iron heating temperature not exceeding 150 °C.

Whitening towels - 3 recipes

To keep your bath towels sparkling white, you need to bleach them properly. There are several effective ways:

Image Instructions

Method 1. Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

To whiten towels, you can use regular hydrogen peroxide, which is found in every first aid kit.

Dilute 4 tablespoons of peroxide and a spoonful of alcohol in 15 liters of boiling water. Mix everything thoroughly and dip towels in the solution for half an hour.

Method 2. Laundry soap and potassium permanganate
  • Fill 2 basins halfway with hot water.
  • Pour soap shavings into one bowl, dilute potassium permanganate in another until pink.
  • Mix the contents of the basins and soak towels in the resulting liquid for 6 hours.

Method 3. Vegetable oil

This is one of the most unusual options how to bleach a bath towel at home, but very effective:

  • In 15 liters of boiling water, dilute 2/3 cup of washing powder, three tablespoons of vegetable oil, vinegar essence and bleach.
  • Soak terry products in the solution overnight.
  • In the morning, take out the products, wring them out and wash them in the machine.


I told you how to wash terry towels correctly and without using expensive products. If you want to know even more whitening recipes, be sure to watch the video in this article. In the comments, share your experience of cleaning terry towels and ask any questions you may have.

Such a necessary, universal and sought-after thing as a towel has been playing an important role in the everyday life of every person for centuries. Such products can be used for baths, kitchens, for hands and other parts of the body. And, of course, they must be clean and fresh, since our health and well-being largely depend on this, since the towel comes into direct contact with the skin. Any experienced housewife knows that maintaining a beautiful appearance and the softness of terry is very difficult, because even after one wash it becomes hard and prickly to the touch. It’s not very pleasant to dry yourself with such a towel. Next, we'll look at how to make terry towels soft and fluffy.

Why does the towel become hard?

If washed incorrectly, such a thing ceases to be soft, but becomes hard and prickly. This product is unpleasant to use. But there is no need to rush to part with him. There are many methods that will show how and how to bleach terry towels at home.

So why do things like this get tough? It's all about the properties of terry:

  • This fabric gets dirty easily because the loops of this material do not fit tightly together.
  • Regular washing with traditional powder only makes the situation worse. After this, the material becomes hard and unpleasant to the touch.
  • Terry towels must be rinsed additionally, since detergent particles easily clog fabric fibers.
  • Terry refers to a specific material that does not like dryness and humidity.


To make terry towels soft and pleasant to the body, they need to be properly cared for. Let's look at the rules for caring for these things:

  • Do not keep the terry towel wet for a long time, as it will acquire an unpleasant odor and mold may form as a result.
  • Don't throw your towel in the laundry basket with other dirty items. Terry can quickly absorb moisture and unpleasant odors.
  • Wash dirty terry towels immediately to prevent dirt from being absorbed into the fibers of the fabric.
  • Due to excessive dryness, terry becomes hard, so it is not advisable to dry such things near heating devices.

How to wash terry towels in a washing machine

When caring for such a delicate material as terry, you should listen to some recommendations:

  • Before washing a terry product for the first time, you should study its label, which indicates the washing mode, and also indicates at what temperature to wash the towels.
  • If there is no label on the product, you must select the delicate mode. The water temperature should be up to 60 °C.
  • It is advisable to find out the hardness of the water in the water supply. If necessary, you can add any softening agent to the machine. When washing by hand, it is recommended to add vinegar to the water at the rate of 100 ml per 10 liters of water.
  • For washing, it is better to choose a liquid detergent, since loose laundry detergent from fabric is difficult to rinse and clogs the fibers.
  • Don't use bleach. Its microparticles will penetrate deep into the terry and will be difficult to remove. As an exception, bleach can only be used when washing heavily soiled white terry towels that cannot be washed by hand.
  • There is no need to wash towels in an economical mode, since the material is very hygroscopic and requires a lot of water for washing and rinsing.
  • A wet, dirty and washed towel must first be dried and only then washed so that a musty, unpleasant odor does not appear.
  • To wash washed items, you do not need to boil them. It is better to soak them overnight in a double portion of detergent and put them in the washing machine in the morning.
  • Before washing white items in the washing machine, you must manually wash all heavily soiled areas with laundry soap or ammonia.

  • An ideal product for quality and effective washing terry clothes - regular baking soda. It can be added to the detergent (about half a glass). This will not only help to thoroughly remove dirt, but also get rid of mold, mildew and unpleasant odors.
  • When washing heavily soiled items, you should choose a detergent that does not contain dyes or chlorine. If stain remover is used, it should not come into contact with clean areas. After processing the towels, be sure to rinse the laundry thoroughly in warm water.
  • A white terry towel should be washed in the washing machine separately from other items. If this is not possible, then exclude clothes with a zipper, protruding accessories and buttons so that the terry thread does not get caught.

Rinsing towels after washing

  • When using a machine wash, it is recommended to include an additional rinse to remove all the detergent from the fibers of the fabric.
  • You should not use regular rinse aid, as it clogs the terry.
  • For rinsing, it is better to choose fabric softener that includes silicone. But you don’t need to use it in large quantities, because silicone reduces the absorbency of the material.
  • It is good to use baby fabric conditioner for rinsing.
  • To align the terry loops, you need to add a small amount of salt to the conditioner section. If your kitchen or bath towel is very stiff or old, you can also add salt to the laundry detergent section.
  • After hand washing, it is advisable to rinse the towels in water and vinegar.

Spin and dry

The spinning of such products should be treated with caution, since terry can stretch and lose its properties over time. Some experienced housewives prefer not to wring out washed towels at all, but to immediately hang them outside after rinsing so that the water drains from them on its own. In this case, the terry does not wrinkle at all and remains fluffy and soft after drying. When using a spin cycle in a washing machine, the mode must be set to 500-700 rpm, no more. In this case, the drum should be 2/3 filled.

How and where to dry?

You can dry terry towels as follows:

  • In a special electric machine. Things become soft even if no conditioner has been used.
  • On the street. You should try to hang towels outside as often as possible, but do not overdry them, as they will lose their fluffiness.
  • In a ventilated room or on the balcony.

Before hanging terry towels to dry, they need to be shaken thoroughly so that their loops are well straightened.


Ironing terry products is not recommended, since high temperatures can damage the integrity of the loops. If towels are ironed, the fabric will lose its softness and fluffiness. If you still need to do this, then you need to use the steaming mode and a temperature of no more than 150 degrees for this purpose. It is advisable to use vertical steaming. The decorative elements on the towel are ironed with a warm iron without steaming.

  • If your terry towels become stiff after washing, you can soak them in clean water overnight to remove any remaining detergent. In the morning, rinse, squeeze lightly and hang to dry in fresh air.
  • If elongated loops appear on the product, you should not try to straighten them, it is better to simply cut off the problematic threads. The towel is not a knitted product, but a woven one, so when cutting the threads, nothing will happen to it, it will not unravel.

We looked at how to wash white clothes in a washing machine. Let's look at this next.

How to wash a washed terry towel by hand?

Washing things by hand has a number of advantages, since you can monitor the entire process and, if necessary, add any ingredients to the water that will help soften the towels effectively and efficiently. To thoroughly wash washed, dirty terry products, you must proceed in the following sequence:

  1. Fill the bath with warm water. It is better not to use washing bowls, as terry cloth absorbs water strongly.
  2. Dilute any of the liquid detergents in water.
  3. If the water is very hard, you can add vinegar (1-2 cups per 1/3 bath).
  4. Wash the towel.
  5. Leave to sour in soapy water for 30 minutes.
  6. Drain dirty soapy water.
  7. Rinse the towel well under strong water pressure to remove all the detergent from the fibers.
  8. Fill the bath with clean warm water.
  9. Pour a small amount of salt into the water. It will help fluff the terry well and make it softer.
  10. Leave the towel in the water for 30 minutes.
  11. Rinse the product in salt water.
  12. Drain the water.
  13. Unscrew very carefully.
  14. Hang outside to dry.

How to bleach terry towels at home?

A clean and fresh towel is the decoration of any home and the pride of its owner. Today there are many secrets on how to transform old and worn-out products into snow-white “swans”. However, you can resort to such methods no more than once a month.

More frequent use of them can lead to stiffness of the laundry and very rapid wear. To cleanse contaminants, they seek help from various folk remedies. Let us next consider some recipes that allow you to bleach terry towels at home.

Method 1. Boiling

This in a simple way Our grandmothers also used:

  • You need to pour water into a boiler or bucket.
  • Add a mixture consisting of laundry soap and soda ash.
  • Place terry towels in a container with the resulting solution.
  • Next, you need to put the container on the fire and boil for 20 minutes.
  • Wait until the water and contents cool down.
  • Rinse things well with plenty of water.
  • Dry the towels outside to remove the soap smell.

Method 2. Using hydrogen peroxide

You can bleach terry towels without boiling. For this you will need:

  • boiling water - 15 liters;
  • hydrogen peroxide - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • ammonia alcohol - 1 tbsp. spoon.

All ingredients must be mixed, a towel placed in the resulting solution and left for half an hour. The result will be obvious - the impurities will disappear, and the material will noticeably whiten.

Method 3. Laundry soap with potassium permanganate

No less effective way allowing you to bleach terry towels at home:

  1. You need to prepare two basins.
  2. Fill them with boiling water.
  3. Grate laundry soap.
  4. Pour the resulting soap shavings into one bowl.
  5. In another container, dilute potassium permanganate until red.
  6. Mix the contents of two basins.
  7. The mixture should be brown.
  8. Place terry towels in the resulting solution.
  9. Leave for 6 hours.
  10. Rinse well.
  11. Dry outside.

Method 4. Whitening with vegetable oil

It's very unusual, but enough effective method, which allows you to return the whiteness to towels. The oil softens existing stains on laundry well and helps to wash them efficiently. To bleach a kitchen or bath towel, proceed as follows:

  • Take 15 liters of boiling water, add 3 tbsp. l. bleach, 2/3 cup powder, 3 tbsp. l. vinegar and 3 tbsp. l. refined oil.
  • Mix everything until the washing powder dissolves.
  • Soak a towel in the solution overnight.
  • Squeeze in the morning.
  • Wash the clothes in the washing machine.

To make the process easier, you need to first dissolve washing powder with bleach in water, and then pour oil into the soap mixture. Otherwise, the oil film formed on the surface will make dissolution difficult.

Method 5. Soaking

If you don’t have the desire or time to boil, you can soak the laundry before washing.

  • In salt water. To do this, pour cold water into a basin and add salt (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water). Leave dirty towels in the resulting solution for 2 hours, then wash.
  • In laundry soap. You need to wet the towels, rub them well with laundry soap and put them in a plastic bag. After a day, rinse the laundry in cool water. This method allows you to remove yellowness and get rid of existing greasy stains, unpleasant odor and effectively wash washed items.
  • Use dishwashing detergent. To do this, soak the towels in the solution for 10 minutes. To bleach kitchen towels, you need to add a few drops of ammonia to the water.

Method 6. Using mustard powder

With the help of mustard powder, it is possible not only to bleach efficiently, but also to disinfect terry. To carry out this procedure, you must perform the following steps:

  • Dilute mustard powder with hot water until the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained in such a volume that there is enough product to treat a soiled towel.
  • Apply the prepared mixture to dirty laundry, which is then placed in a container and left for 6-8 hours.
  • Terry items should be rinsed well in water until the solution is completely washed off, then machine or hand wash.

Application of chemical reagents

Among the innovative chemicals Special attention gentle oxygen bleaches deserve. The advantages of such compositions over analogue chemicals are as follows:

  • Soft oxygen-containing bleaches can be used on any type of material, including terry.
  • Oxygen bleach is completely non-toxic, so it can be used on children's clothes.
  • This harmless product does not contribute to metal corrosion, so it can be used for washing clothes in a washing machine.

Using an oxygen-containing composition for whitening will significantly save energy and time. You just need to pour liquid or dry bleach into the washing machine instead of bulk washing powder and select the appropriate washing mode depending on the type of material.

So, we looked at how and with what to bleach terry towels. If you stick to these simple recommendations, linen can be kept in its original form for a very long time.

Terry bath and kitchen towels require delicate care. This material is a fabric with loops that do not fit tightly together, between which dirt accumulates. It is very difficult to remove them, but it is still possible.

How to wash old towels?

To do this, just follow the following recommendations:

  1. To keep such products in an attractive appearance, it is important to follow one simple tip - do not use washing powder when caring for them. The fact is that grains of this product penetrate deeply into the fibers of terry cloth, and give it roughness and rigidity.
  2. To make terry textiles soft again, you must use a delicate or manual mode when washing by machine. The products should first be soaked in conditioners designed specifically for this fiber.
  3. Terry towels should be washed separately from other laundry.
  4. After finishing washing, rinse the towels thoroughly in cool water and dry them in a well-ventilated area, shaking the products occasionally.
  5. If you can load a washing machine to maximum density with ordinary items made from cotton fabrics, you cannot do this with terry items. To prevent them from losing their softness and airiness, it is enough to put 3 large or 6-7 small towels.
  6. You should not mix dark and light items in the same wash, as the latter will lose their color.
  7. If sufficiently strong stains form, they should be soaked in a special detergent for an average of an hour before washing.
  8. When caring for terry towels, it is prohibited to use products containing chlorine. This substance destroys the fabric, so the products will quickly tear.
  9. When machine washing, the mode should be no more than 700 revolutions.
  10. Terry products should not be dried on heating devices or under the scorching sun. The canvas dries out and loses its softness and airiness.

You can use special products for deep cleaning of terry towels from dirt no more than once a month. Their more frequent use will lead to stiffness of the canvas and its rapid wear. For different types Various means are used for pollution.

Use traditional methods for washing towels

The most accessible and effective methods for cleaning soiled towels are:

Means Type of pollution Mode of application
Salt Coffee and tomato stains on white and colored items Prepare a solution in a basin (take 5 tablespoons of salt for 5 liters of water), soak towels in it and leave for an hour, then wash in a machine or by hand
Red wine Prepare a very concentrated saline solution (5 tablespoons of salt per 100 ml of water), soak the contaminated item for several hours and wash in the washing machine
Laundry soap Dirt of various origins, including greasy stains We rub all soiled towels generously with laundry soap and place them in plastic bags, close and leave overnight. In the morning, terry products should be washed in a washing machine and rinsed well
Shampoo Traces of fruit juices and fruits We apply any shampoo liberally to the area of ​​contamination, and after half an hour we wash it and put it in the washing machine.
Silicate glue solution Suitable for removing various stains from white fabric We prepare the solution from a spoon of silicate glue and a piece of laundry soap. We dilute these substances with 3 liters of water and boil the towels for about half an hour.
Hydrogen peroxide Used to remove old stains of various origins We dilute a bottle of hydrogen peroxide in 3 liters of water, soak the contaminated items, and then wash them in the usual way.
Dishwashing liquid To remove greasy stains Apply the product to the washed areas, leave for a day, and then wash

To return old terry towels the new kind, you can use other remedies at home. It is recommended to choose them depending on the type of contamination.

If you don’t know how to wash terry towels from tea and coffee stains, use a product made from ammonia and glycerin.

Method No. 1

A solution is prepared from ammonia and glycerin in a ratio of 1:4, the contaminated items are soaked for an hour, and the zetam is washed.

Method No. 2

Dirty terry cloth products must be soaked in a solution of ammonia and water in a 1:1 ratio, kept for the same period of time and loaded into the washing machine.

If slightly damp terry items are left in the laundry basket for a long time, you may notice traces of mold on them. Table vinegar will help get rid of this type of contamination. The product must be soaked in a 5-9% vinegar solution for 10 minutes and then rinsed well.

Use vinegar

Effective ways to whiten white towels

In addition to the fact that terry towels become hard and rough after prolonged use, white items become gray or red as a result of numerous washes. If your bath or kitchen towels have lost their appearance after prolonged use, there are simple and cheap ways to restore them to their former glory.

By washing white terry towels with this product, it is often possible to return the products to their former whiteness the first time.

We use potassium permanganate to restore the whiteness of towels

When choosing this method, you should perform the following steps:

  1. For 5 liters of hot water, take 200 ml of liquid laundry detergent and 3 g of potassium permanganate.
  2. Place clean terry clothes in a basin with the prepared solution of potassium permanganate.
  3. Cover the top of the container with plastic wrap until the solution cools completely.
  4. After this, rinse the towels several times in cold water and dry naturally.

The use of mustard powder allows not only to bleach, but also to disinfect linens.

Dissolve mustard powder in hot water

To carry out maintenance, follow these steps:

  1. Mustard powder must be diluted with hot water until the consistency of a thick slurry is formed in such an amount that the mixture is enough to treat dirty things.
  2. Apply the prepared product to towels, place them in a basin and leave for 6-8 hours.
  3. Terry products should be rinsed in water until the mustard powder is completely washed off, then washed by hand or machine.

For 3 liters of warm water you will need 2 tbsp. boric acid:

  1. Dilute boric acid in water.
  2. Fill the basin with the prepared solution.
  3. Dip dirty towels into the container, leave for 2 hours and load into the machine using liquid detergent.

Use boric acid

Using soda and laundry soap, you can return washed terry products to their dazzling whiteness and new look without harming the fiber. For bleaching using the boiling method you will need:

  • 50 g soda ash;
  • bar of laundry soap 72%.

Whitening method:

  1. Prepare the solution: grate laundry soap onto a coarse grater, dilute 3 liters of water, add soda, mix everything.
  2. Pour the prepared soda-soap solution onto the soiled towels, after placing them in an enamel container.
  3. Place the container with the laundry on the fire and boil the textiles for 1-1.5 hours.

Boiling in soap and soda solution

After boiling, the items are washed again by machine or manually.

Vegetable oil

Vegetable oil will also help to bleach washed light-colored towels. It quickly softens any dirt, after which it is easier to wash it off.

You will need:

  • 15 liters of water;
  • 2/3 cup of liquid detergent for whites;
  • 3 tbsp. l. bleach, refined vegetable oil and vinegar essence.

Follow these steps:

  1. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
  2. Soak washed clothes in this solution overnight.
  3. The next day, wring it out and put it in the washing machine.

To ensure that terry products do not wear out quickly, but serve you as long as possible, you need to carry out proper care of such delicate textiles in a timely manner.