Garden games about hardening. Walks and outdoor games

Outdoor games as a way to harden the child’s body in children with intellectual disabilities in children’s preschool education

(from work experience)

Children with intellectual disabilities are a special category. Such children are characterized by pronounced unevenness, fragmentation of development, the presence of peculiar “voids” in it, poverty of ideas, impaired perception, all types of memory, speech impairment, and the emotional sphere suffers. Behavior is chaotic and poorly controlled. The child does not switch well from one type of activity to another. In addition, the lack of correctional assistance leads to limited, inactive zones of proximal development for these children.

Mentally retarded people are characterized by the presence of pathological features in emotional sphere: increased excitability or, conversely, inertia; difficulties in forming interests and social motivation for activity.

Children experience disturbances in physical development: disturbances in general, fine and articulatory motor skills. That's whyintegral part physical education and daily routine is hardening as a means of preserving and strengthening the health of children, training the body’s defenses

Currently, hardening has received universal recognition as one of the effective means strengthening the health of not only adults, but also children. This term refers to a correctly composed system of physical influences, which helps to train the body’s adaptive capabilities and mobilize all protective forces to maintain a normal state. Usually, hardening is understood as a complex of influences,

aimed at improving the body's adaptability to sudden changes in meteorological factors: temperature, humidity and movement of ambient air, the degree and duration of exposure to sunlight. With a deeper study of the physiological essence of hardening, it became obvious that it helps to improve the regulatory function of the central nervous system, developing the best adaptive reactions of the body not only in response to weather changes, but also to other external influences. It has been established that those who regularly take hardening procedures are much less likely to get sick, especially procedural diseases associated with hypothermia. It also tolerates any disease more easily, recovers faster and has some immunity to “winter diseases.”

My experience has shown that outdoor games make hardening more interesting and exciting. INorganizing the game shows the skill of the teacher. INGame management includes monitoring each player and the game as a whole, regulating the load, correcting incorrect actions, stimulating and emotional support for players, and preventing conflict situations.

Preparation for an outdoor game begins with its selection. It is important to take into account the composition of the group, age, medical conditions, number of participants, condition, place and form of the game. For example,morning exercises for children can be carried out to music in the form of playful imitation exercises, each of which has its own name: “Horse”, “Strongmen”, “Birch”, “Spring”, etc.Outdoor games on the water must be accompanied by good weather conditions and absolute safety. When conductingsports festival its script must be drawn up in advance with a description of the content and sequence of outdoor games, relay races, obstacle courses, sports games included in the program, with the appointment of those responsible for conducting each game

Any game is preceded by an explanation, which is given in the following sequence:

1)game name;

2) the roles of the players and their location on the playground; 3) rules and course of the game;

4) determination of the winner.

Therefore, to overcome and compensate for deficiencies in development, physical activity is used, in which the leading place belongs to outdoor play.

The game also has a beneficial effect on children's nervous system.

Play as a form of activity occupies an important place in a child’s life and has a beneficial effect on the formation of a child’s soul, the development of his physical and mental strengths and abilities. In the game, a growing organism learns about life, learns to independently find a way out of unexpected situations, interact with other children and adults, expand its horizons, and clarify its understanding of the world around it.

It is no coincidence that V.V. Zenkovsky, L.S. Vygotsky, D.B. Elkonin and other childhood psychologists consider play to be the main means of socialization of the individual. Thanks to play, qualities are formed in the child’s psyche that prepare the transition to a higher stage of development. The deepest biological meaning of children's games lies in the fact that they, functionally loading the entire body, all its tissues, organs and systems, structurally create, shape and improve them (V.M. Lebedev).

Game is one of those types of children's activities that is used by adults to educate preschoolers, teaching them various actions with objects, methods and means of communication. In play, a child develops as a personality, he develops those aspects of his psyche on which the success of his educational and educational activities will subsequently depend. labor activity, his relationships with people.

Children with intellectual disabilities lag behind in the development of spiritual interests and needs. Therefore, the play activity itself, which arouses interest in children and contains the necessary components of personality development, is a means of spiritual development. In the game, relationships between children are formed, habits and rules of behavior are developed.

The desire to play is the main incentive that encourages a child to play activity. During the game, children willingly and with interest do things that seem uninteresting and difficult outside the game, so mental and emotional problems can be more easily overcome in the game. The special value of outdoor games for children with intellectual disabilities lies in the possibility of simultaneous impact on the motor and mental spheres. Changing game situations places increased demands on the mobility of nervous processes, speed of reaction and non-standard actions. Games force you to think more economically, react to the actions of your partners, and adapt to the situation. A playing child has to choose and perform from many operations one that, in his opinion, can bring success.

By using play in their work, children experienced positive developmental dynamics. Coordination of movements, speech and memory have improved, children have become more independent, calmer, more emotionally responsive, smile more often, and make contact with adults and children.

Thus, outdoor play, initially acting as children's fun and entertainment, allows you to unobtrusively solve many correctional and developmental problems, initiating the activity of the children themselves. The combination of three components in outdoor play - physical exercise, emotional training and mental stress - brings the child closer to natural life, mastering elements of social skills and relationships, and developing the personality as a whole.


    Bgazhnokova I.M. Teaching children with severe intellectual underdevelopment. Software – teaching materials/edited by. – M.: VLADOS, 2010.

    Koneeva E.V. Children's outdoor games – Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2006. (Your child’s world).

    Osokina T.I. Games and entertainment for children outdoors. – M.: 1998.

    Peterson L.G., Kochemasova E.I. Playing game. – M.: Balass, 2001.

    Stakovskaya V.L. Outdoor games in the therapy of sick and weakened children. –M.: 2005.

Subject: Hardening the body.

Goal and expected results:give elementary representation about health protection, winter hardening; know what hardening and sports are; instill a love for sports.

Equipment: drawings about sports, a video about winter sports, a poster “If you want to be healthy, toughen up!”

Resources: drawings, tables, evaluation sheets, quotes.

Lesson progress:

“Densaulyk - zorbaylyk”

"Health is great wealth."

I .Psychological attitude:(reading a poem on ICT)

We did exercises so that in winter we get A's

Jumped and ran, rang in the diary,

We became tanned, we did exercises,

Strong and brave. Jumped and ran

We rode down the hill in winter, became tanned,

In the summer we swam in the river. Strong and brave.

II.Introductory conversation: The teacher draws the children's attention to the poster

“If you want to be healthy, toughen up!”

Explain how you understand these words.

III. The teacher shows video footage about winter and summer sports while talking with the children.

Are you familiar with these sports?

What are the benefits of playing sports?

What other sports do you know?

(children's answers, praise, encouragement)

IV. Reading the parable:

One young man complained all the time about his poverty.

Why are you complaining? After all, you have great wealth!

The old man exclaimed.

Where is it? – the young man was surprised.

Your eyes. What would you like to get for at least one of your eyes?

“No, I won’t give my eye to anyone for any wealth,” he answered.

Young man.

Okay, then give me your hands. And for this I will shower you with gold.

No, I won’t give my hands to anyone, even if they offer me for them

a whole mountain of gold.

Now you see for yourself how rich you are. Believe me the greatest wealth

human health is health. You can't buy it for any money, he said

old man.

V. Brainstorming: (questions for discussion)

*Why is health the greatest wealth of a person?

*What do you do to maintain your health?

VI . Working with a textbook and observation diary. Slide presentation:

"Hardening the body"

a) Children reading the text from the slide and reciting poems.

b) Conversation on the content of the drawings.

c) Compiling a story based on a drawing.

d) Draw a picture in your observation diary on the topic:

"My favorite game in winter."

"My favorite game in the summer."

VII . Presentation of drawings.

VIII . Work in groups.

Children choose a drawing of one of the sports for their group and talk about its hardening effect on the human body.

IX .– D/z. Try making recipes for sadness and bad mood at home.

To do this, we will read an example recipe for laziness:

“Before going to bed, make a plan for tomorrow. Drink a glass of milk with honey for a sound sleep. In the morning, getting out of bed, stretch well, do exercises, have breakfast and loudly list out loud everything that has been done and make a plan for tomorrow.”

X . Summing up the lesson:The teacher, together with the children, finds out that winter and summer sports - skiing, figure skating, ski jumping, speed skating, swimming, running - are the best cure for diseases.

The lesson ends with words.

To be healthy, strong,

Children, we need to toughen up.

To successfully temper yourself,

You need to play sports.


  1. Identify and study the effect of natural healing factors.
  2. Consider some forms of hardening.
  3. Highlight the rules for hardening the human body.

Equipment: printed handouts, poster - image of a face with pressure points (for acupressure).

For the game: sponge, towel, soap, water, jug, bucket, plastic brush, mitten terry towel, basin, “Water procedures” signs.



Leading. What health rules do you know and follow?

The presenter invites the children to answer the question posed in the form of the game “A Stream of Health.” The game is for children to take turns talking about what they do for their health.


Setting a learning task

Leading. But besides this, there is one more important activity, it must be carried out as a law, then you will not be afraid of a cold. I’ll tell you a story now, and you can draw your own conclusions.

“Imagine that I’m all face”

In ancient Rome, in cold weather, a warmly dressed young man met an old man. The old man was wearing only one loincloth.

How do you, old man, not freeze in such cold? - asked the young man.

But you don't cover your face, do you? - Instead of answering, the old man remarked.

But the same face, it’s used to it! - the young man exclaimed.

“So imagine that I’m all face,” answered the old man.

Leading. How do you understand the old man's answer? Explain...

With the help of special measures, you can increase the body’s resistance to harmful influences external environment, further to such as pathogens of infectious diseases. This is achieved by hardening procedures. Hardening is the process of giving the body the strength to resist disease.

So, children, the topic of our lesson today is: “If you want to be healthy, toughen up!”


  1. Adaptation classes with first-graders. /auth. - comp. S. I. Tukacheva. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2007.
  2. Organization and content of work in an extended day group: Primary school/ I. N. Popova, S. A. Isaeva, E. I. Romashkova. - 2nd ed. - M.: Iris - press, 2006.
  3. System of school-wide activities (CD) - Uchitel Publishing House, 2006.
  4. Educational classes in an extended day group: class notes, entertaining materials, recommendations. Vol. 2 / auto. - comp. N. A. Kasatkina. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2005.

Outdoor games have health, educational and educational significance and are easily accessible for family physical education. Proven. That they improve the physical development of children, have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and improve health. In addition, this is a very emotional sporting activity that can create a very big physical activity per child, which must be taken into account when organizing activities and games with the baby.

Almost every game involves running, jumping, throwing, balance exercises, etc. Games educate the basic physical qualities the child, such as strength, speed, endurance, and a variety of motor skills are improved.

Games can be played at any time of the year, outdoors. The duration of play with children from 3 to 6 years old depends on its intensity and complexity of motor movements, characteristics physical development the child, his state of health, and on average can be 10-20 minutes.

The load can be dosed using the following methods: decreasing or increasing the number of players; duration of the game in time; size of the playground; number of repetitions; the severity of objects and the availability of rest breaks. At the end of the game, it is necessary to encourage the baby, noting his dexterity, strength, and initiative.

Here is a description of some outdoor games in which children from 3 to 6 years old can actively participate:

"Fishing Rod": The players form a circle. The driver, standing in the center, rotates a rope with a bag of sand (fishing rod) tied at the end. The players jump over the rope as it passes under their feet, trying not to touch it. The one who touches the rope becomes the driver.

“Drag over the line”: The participants of the game stand facing each other at a distance of 1 meter. Each player grabs the opposite wrist of the opponent, and a line is drawn between them. At the signal, the players begin to pull each other. The one who crosses the line with both feet is considered defeated. The duration of the game for one pair of players is 3-5 minutes.

“Push out of the circle”: The participants of the game stand in a circle with a diameter of 3-4 meters. At the signal, the opponents (standing opposite) begin to push each other out of the circle. You can push with your arms and body. The one who stays in the circle wins. Repeat 3-4 times, swapping players.

“Lift up your opponent”: Children sit on the floor opposite each other, resting their feet and holding the sports stick with straight hands. On command, they begin to pull the stick towards themselves, trying to lift the opponent. The one who succeeds wins. The stick should only be pulled towards you, without jerking upwards or to the sides. Repeat 4-5 times.

“Salki”: The driver raises his hand and says: “I am a salka!” After that, he tries to catch up with one of the players and touch him with his hand. Those running away try to dodge the driver. The player whom the driver touches becomes a tag.

“We are funny guys”: The players stand behind the line on one side of the court. Having said; “We are funny guys, we love to run and play, well, try to catch up with us!”, the players run to the other side of the court beyond the line. The driver, located in the middle of the platform, between two lines, must catch up and touch the runners with his hand. The upset player helps the driver. The last player standing is considered the winner.

“Who will overtake?”: At the signal, the players jump on one leg to the finish line (8-12 meters), trying to overtake each other.

“Tag with jumping on one leg”: The driver, jumping on one leg, tries to catch up with the players who are also jumping on one leg. After the tag has caught up and touched any player, they change places. The one who touches the ground with both feet either becomes a tag or is eliminated from the game (for example, for 3 changes of tag).

“Wolf in the ditch”: Two parallel lines (ditch) 55-60 cm wide are drawn on the site. The players (kids) are on one side of the ditch, and in the ditch (between the lines) there are 2-3 drivers (wolves). At a signal, the “kids” jump over the ditch, and the “wolves” try to catch (tick) them. Caught (nailed) “kids” leave the game. When the number of uncaught “goats” is equal to the number of “wolves,” the game ends. The “wolves” and the uncaught “kids” switch roles.

“Hunters and ducks”: Two parallel lines are drawn on the site at a distance of 10-15 meters. All players are divided equally into “hunters” and “ducks”. "Hunters" stand outside the line, and "ducks" between the lines. The “hunters” throw the ball and try to hit the “ducks” with it. The greasy "ducks" are eliminated from the game. When all the “ducks” have been caught, the team switch roles. The team that kills all the ducks in the least amount of time wins.

“Cockfight”: A circle with a diameter of 1.5-2.0 meters is drawn, into which two participants of the game enter and are located at a distance of half a step from each other. Both bend one leg, holding it with the hand behind the foot, the other hand behind the back. The essence of the game is to jump on one leg and push your opponent with your shoulder to throw him off balance and push him out of the circle.

At the age of 5-6 years, children should be gradually taught the rules of sports games such as badminton, beach volleyball, basketball, and mini-football. Children, as a rule, enthusiastically play these games with their parents, acquiring certain skills, and become familiar with the simplified rules of these games, which will be useful to them when communicating with teenagers in the yard and at school.

When you look out the window and see a fairy tale with snowy trees and roads, you immediately remember your childhood with a snow woman, sleds, skis, and snowballs. Thoughts begin to creep into my head: put on a down jacket, UGG boots, warm mittens, take a sled, a carrot, and again find yourself in a children's fairy tale. Why not? Many doctors say that winter games in the air. You should not constantly keep your child in a closed room with dry air and many germs; give him the opportunity to feel that it is winter outside. What to do with kids outside? Which game should you prefer?

Modeling from snow

You can build an interesting snowman outside. Let your baby feel like a sculptor. Just don’t forget to make the nose out of carrots, and branches are ideal for the snowman’s arms. Use your imagination! This way your child will combine two things in one: harden and develop.

You can try to make a cartoon character that your child loves, a penguin, or a character from a fairy tale. If you have several children, organize a competition with prizes. You won’t notice how fun the time has flown by, and most importantly, these activities are good for children’s health.

Have a picnic

It would seem that in frosty weather, when there is a lot of snow everywhere, you can have a picnic? Easily! To do this, you need to go to a snowy park, pick up gingerbread, sweets, cookies and a thermos with delicious and healthy tea. It could be:

  • Tea with lemon and honey.
  • Tea with chamomile, linden or rosehip.

Make stools and a table from snow. Also, take care with your child about the poor birds that do not fly to warmer climes, but remain to spend the winter here. Build interesting feeders and pour crumbs into them.

Game "Find the treasure"

The level of difficulty of the game will depend on the age of the baby. The treasure could be chocolate, lollipop, toys - be sure to pack everything in a waterproof container, then bury it in the snow (just don’t forget where). Then you need to draw a treasure map and give it to the child. This can be a very interesting snow quest. Come up with intelligent clues, use “hot or cold.” This game will quickly warm up your child!

We make jewelry from ice

This entertainment is suitable for a private home with its own Christmas tree. Water can be colored, then poured into different shapes, add berries, tinsel, spruce branches, pine cones. Be sure to lower the strings into the water, this will create a loop on which the ice toy will hang. Decorate the Christmas tree for her.

Game "Snow Artist"

You need to prepare carefully: buy food coloring. You need to dilute it in advance, then take the bucket outside. The paint is splashed and then you can create a lot of things from the beautiful, colored snow. In addition, it is recommended to draw a beautiful picture in the snow.

Colored snowmen and various snow “panels” are especially attractive. Your child will not only breathe fresh air, but also learn how to use paints. Show that red + yellow are orange. Blue + yellow is green, and red + green is brown.

Make an interesting mosaic from ice. Pre-freeze colored water and make a mosaic out of it. You can use plastic plates as a vessel.

Game "Winter Wars"

Who didn't love playing in the snow as a child? It is always dynamic and fun, but it is important to remember the safety rules. It is better to hang a special board than to be a target yourself. If a snowball gets into the eye, there may be a bruise, hematoma, or even worse. Throw snowballs at the board with your children; whoever hits the center gets a consolation prize. You can combine quest and war games.

Building a winter fortress

Modern moms and dads probably remember from their childhood how they built fortresses on the site, in the park, using cardboard shields, while shooting at enemies with snowballs and snacking on sweets. The fortress may have balconies and tunnels. Don't forget to arrange a tea party truce. A real fortress can be built from large snow globes, held together with water. Labyrinths and tunnels can be dug in the snow. This is very interesting and useful for children.

Building a snow hut

For “construction” only wet snow is suitable, from which you can build a strong house. Make it so you can crawl into it. It's much more interesting this way. Additionally, paint the walls with colored water, come up with a family coat of arms. Build a hut for the typewriter nearby. You can play hide and seek with a small child, who will hide in his house.

Winter Olympics for children

IN New Year holidays, Christmas, Old New Year, Epiphany you should definitely have fun. Buy chocolate medals in advance, print out certificates and gather a team of children. Competitions are selected depending on age and imagination. You can, for example, take a shovel and clear the path; whoever does it faster will receive a prize. It is also very good to arrange:

  • with overcoming various obstacles.
  • Snowball tag.

Offer to build a snowman at speed, make a labyrinth, a house and much more.

Attention! In any case, there should be no losers in your Olympiad. Children can become very upset and cry. It is best for everyone to buy a medal in a silver or gold wrapper. This way you can avoid grievances, conflicts, everything will end with a Happy End.

Skis and sleds

Find a good slide and ride down it with your child. This is a fun activity that will also help you lose weight, because the sled needs to be pulled up the hill every time. For older children, skiing, hockey, and football in the snow are suitable.

So, winter is a great time for the body. If you spend enough time in the fresh air and actively walk with your children, you won’t be afraid of the flu or ARVI. The main thing is to come home and warm up well. Give your child warm tea, milk, prepare a delicious, healthy lunch or dinner, don’t forget to treat him to an orange or tangerine for dessert - this is a source of vitamin C, which prevents you from getting sick. Invent interesting games, have fun with the kids yourself, remember how good it is to be small and carefree. Find time for yourself and your family, this will improve your performance, mood, and won’t bother you!