How to draw small pictures in cells. Graphic dictations in cells for preschoolers with instructions. What would be easiest for a child to draw?

For preschoolers, you can conduct dictations, but they will not be simple, but graphic. As a result of this, an image will appear, and the child will be able to practice counting to ten and learn the concepts of “right-left”, “up-down”. If you, as a teacher, give your students several graphic dictations a week, then within a few months they will stop being confused about counting and will begin to correctly navigate the concepts of “right-left” and “top-bottom”.

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We use circuit symbols to draw electrical circuit diagrams with straight lines showing the wires. The diagram shows some common circuit symbols. Notice the difference between the cell symbol and the battery symbol? The battery is made from a mix of cell symbols.

Drawing graphic dictations also allows children to focus on what they are listening to and hearing what the teacher is saying. This is one of the most important skills in school and children should develop it by learning to maintain attention on one task.

It is very important for preschoolers to properly tune in to graphic dictation by cells. Such a task should be a game for the child and it is important that it conveys only a positive impression and sparks interest, and not be an unpleasant chore.

What would be easiest for a child to draw?

Think of what we usually call a single battery, like the type you put into a torch. In physics, each of these is actually called a cell - it's only when you have two or more of these cells connected together that you call it a battery.

The idea of ​​a circuit diagram is to use circuit symbols instead of drawing out each component in the circuit. Always try to keep the wires in straight lines, and don't be tempted to make them wavy. It's all about making it easier to understand what goes with what. Here you can see how the symbols for the cell and lamp look on a circuit diagram.

Airplane example

If you see that a child often makes mistakes, it is worth helping the child and explaining what he is doing wrong so that his interest in such an activity as drawing a picture by cell does not fade away. The main thing in graphic dictation is that the child wants to draw in the cells again and again, mastering the skills of good study.

Preparation. Draw a car by cells

If you need to draw a circuit from scratch, it's usually easier to draw the circuit symbols first and then add all the wires. If you need to draw wires to join schematic symbols that are already shown, use a ruler and make sure you don't miss the wires together.

After World War II, Disney was dedicated to all kinds of films. In addition to the cartoons he continued to create, he directed documentaries and adventure films with real actors. In difficult times, Disney decided to save money and start releasing two much less ambitious films. With material collected during the South American tour, Disney made two feature films: Cheers, Friends and the Three Horsemen, Song of the South, which mixed flesh-and-bone characters with cartoons.

What will be easiest for a child to draw:

  • Dog
  • Flower
  • Ship
  • Butterfly
  • Robot
  • Car
  • Deer
  • Rocket

The entire task consists of the child drawing short lines on a piece of paper in a box, guiding where to draw the pencil line, listening to the teacher’s dictation. The child will master the skills of drawing straight, neat lines, learn to write something from dictation, and strengthen his counting skills.

Cinderella, Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan, Lady and Trump, which was Disney's first theatrical release, ushering in new times for Disney. In the first attempt to recreate the ancient splendor. Later, the company moved closer to producing films with a very diverse content. Merlin the Sorceress, Mary Poppins, in which real personalities were intercalated and lived with the animated and The Jungle Book, with which the studio knew triumphs similar to the past. Influenced by the work of Chuck Jones, they began to promote the idea that animation should pursue new forms of artistic expression more freely.

The teacher will have to say that you need to draw a line to the left three cells, and then go up one cell, draw a line to the right one cell, go up two cells again, and so on.

Christmas tree

Drawing a house by cells

Bosushov prefers a type of schematic drawing, very cartoonish, expressive and very far from the realistic parameters so valued by Disney and those who remain faithful to him. There was no demand for propaganda, and some of its partners left the company.

His starting character was Mr. Magoo, an old man whose short-sightedness forces him to go through more difficult adventures. Chuck Jones won an Oscar for his short film The Dot and the Line, Spot and the Line and another honor for his work in the film industry. He is considered by many to be a master at characterizing and coordinating images. This is a six-minute summary of The Ring of the Nibelungs in a cartoon parody of Disney's Fantasia. They made over 100 films, and their characters, The Flintstones, Yogi Bear, Huckleberry Hound, Pixie and Dixie, Top Cat and many others, became famous all over the world.

After the baby completes his drawing by cells, he should be able to create, for example, an airplane. If the child listened carefully and followed the teacher’s commands, then he will get a correct and complete picture. If the picture doesn’t work out, then the graphic dictation was not done correctly, but the baby doesn’t need to be upset, just pay him a little more attention next time and help him correct the mistakes.

In a complex system of eyepieces, it is intended to evoke spiritual ascension. In addition to Yantra, others or bras; John Whitney's Catalog or James Whitney's Lapis are pioneers in the use of a frame-by-frame computer. The National Film Board of Canada promoted all sorts of avant-garde experiments that would make Canada a top-notch force. It highlights the work of one of the leading experimental and abstract animators of all time.

In Soviet bloc countries, the state intensively encouraged animation. This allowed many animators to work without commercial pressure and produce work of great variety and risk. He was an illustrator, designer and director of Czech animation, especially in animation with puppets. His work in this field had an undeniable influence on other filmmakers. Most of his films were aimed at adult audiences, and many of them were adaptations of literary works by Czech or foreign authors.

Drawing an elephant

To print, click on the picture, it will open in an additional window, then right-click and select “Print”.

In order to conduct graphic dictations with a group of children or individually, the teacher needs to prepare. First you will need to find suitable videos or pictures and print them out; it is advisable that the pictures not only show the results of the dictation, but also contain explanations for each of them. This will make this task much easier for children.

For the quantity and quality of his films and his great influence in the infinity of later animators, he was called the Walt Disney of Eastern Europe. Puppet animator, Jan Svankmajer, The Last Joke, The Garden, Dialogues and Leonardo's Diary. We adapted some Russian fairy tales: The Snow Maiden, The Brave Hare, The Adventure of Burattino and many others. The film is a fusion of old Russian icons, transparent, bright and elegant design, rhythm of music, excellent use of time and space and dynamic aspects.

Lev Atamanov performed “Beauty and the Beast” and “ Snow Queen" in a line that could be called neoclassical and which would greatly influence Miyasaki. Zagreb school. An essential characteristic of the Zagreb School is that we do not try to imitate others. The Zagreb school also included Vlado Kristl, Aleksandar Marks, Nikola Kostelac and Boris Kolar. Before Jan Lenicki and Walerian Borowczyk, animated films were considered of little value in Poland, viewed only as entertainment for children and lacking artistic, ideological and philosophical aspirations.

Drawing a house by cells

To do square drawing in a group, you should seat the children at tables and give them each a sheet of paper in a square and a pencil with an eraser. Explain to the children what to do, you don’t have to tell them what will happen as a result of your game, let them find it even more interesting.

They combine drawing and collage with real images, introducing dark humor, surreal gags and new technology, based on the distribution of the script in scenes. Ms. Cabal on dehumanization modern world. Both left the country, one, Lenica, to settle in Germany, and the other, Borovik, in France. Witold Giers is one of the great figures of Polish animation cinema, mostly miniatures and even oil paintings, with the mystery of the old castle; Neon epigram; Little West; Waiting awarded in Cannes, Moscow and Edinburgh.

One click to select all cells

Francesco Guido, pseudonym Giba, created the first short animation of post-war Italy. Both directors would receive Oscar nominations for La Gazza Ladgrou and Pulcinella. Just one click on the corner button as shown in the image below will select all the cells in the sheet.

Preparation. Draw a car by cells

The main thing is that the children listen to you carefully and correctly carry out what you tell them. If the task is being performed by a group for the first time, take your time and make sure that the children can keep up with your dictation. Encourage your children to draw straight, neat lines slowly so that their drawings will turn out beautiful.

Instead of opening files one by one when you have multiple files, you can open them all at once. When you need to work with multiple spreadsheets, it's very awkward to alternate between them. Sometimes there are so many spreadsheets open that we end up confusing and changing important data from a table that shouldn't.

Typically, there are three shortcuts in the top menu: “Save,” “Undo,” and “Redo.” However, if you want to use additional shortcuts such as Copy, Paste, Quick Print, Preview, you can configure them as follows.

For the first time, you can draw with chalk on the board while the children draw on the leaves so that they know what they need to do, and then the children can start drawing without your prompting. Also, it would be useful, before graphically drawing pictures, to repeat with the children where the right and left directions are, up and down, as well as counting to ten.

Add a diagonal line to a cell

You will see two more shortcuts added to the top menu. Many people ask me how to add a line diagonally without having to insert a line shape and draw it diagonally across the cell. You can use the same border features as changing color and style.

Add multiple new rows or columns

But inserting rows one after another is a waste of time! The method is the same, the difference is that you choose the required quantity.

Quickly move and copy data to cells

If you want to move a column of data to a worksheet, the most quick way- select the range and move the pointer to the border of the selection, after the mouse pointer changes to a four arrow icon, drag it to move the Column to where you want it. What if you want to copy data?

After the children have completed the dictation, praise them for their efforts, and work together on mistakes, if, of course, they were made. If little students like to do such tasks, then you can give them the task of dreaming up their own imagination and drawing pictures according to the cells, and then together you will come up with an exercise for this drawing.

Quick removal of empty cells

In your table, some data will be empty by default for several reasons. If you need to exclude them to maintain accuracy, especially if you need to perform an average calculation, a quick way to eliminate all white cells is to filter all cells and delete them with one click.

Search for special characters

Let's say you wanted to perform a search to find only cells containing the dot "!". In the example below, we are looking for all cells containing a question mark.

Create one value per column

In this example, you'll learn how to filter unique values ​​on a column with multiple values. In the example below, we want to filter out all unique names at once.


For example, there is good drawing, which can be used if the task is completed by children independently for the first time. You need to draw a dog, to do this you need to put a dot in the middle of the piece of paper on the right. This will be the starting point of the picture.

Login restriction with data verification function

All unique values ​​in the list will be filtered as shown below. To maintain data integrity, you sometimes need to limit the input value and offer some data entry options. You can customize the error message in the Introductory Message and Error Warning tab.

Transposing data from row to column

You will learn that you don't have to enter everything again. Almost all users know how to hide data by using the right button to select the Hide function, but this is easy to notice. Users will only be able to check if there is any value in the cell in the display area next to the function button. Did you know that you can combine multiple data in different cells in one cell? If you have more unified cells, simply follow this procedure with all the cells you want to merge.

From this point you will need to move 1 cell to the right, 3 up, 2 right, 1 up, 1 right, 3 down, 6 right, 1 up, 1 right, 1 up, 1 right, 2 down, 1 left, 4 down, 1 left, 2 down, 3 left, 1 up, 1 right, 1 up, 2 left, 1 down, 1 left, 1 down, 2 left, 1 up, 1 right, 2 up, 1 left, 1 up, 3 left, 1 up.