Deep facial cleansing – maximum cleansing of the skin from various impurities. Why do you need professional facial cleansing from a cosmetologist: everything you need to know about the procedure

The skin of the face is constantly exposed to all sorts of external factors. It is not hidden under clothing, and is in no way protected from dust and dirt settling on it. Over time, the face begins to look worse and worse, and rashes may appear. Periodic visits to a cosmetologist will help avoid this.

Many girls prefer to take care of their skin at home and do not trust their face to strangers. But it is worth noting that almost no independent manipulations to remove contaminants can replace such a procedure as professional facial cleansing in a salon.

Facial cleansing: at home or in the salon?

Daily skin care consists of three main stages: cleansing, toning and moisturizing or nourishing. Usually this is enough to maintain the skin in normal condition, but sooner or later acne, pimples, and unevenness will begin to appear on the face. The reason for this is insufficient cleansing of the skin.

The modern cosmetic market offers a huge number of all kinds of cleansers, among which you can find milk, gel, foam, oil, micellar water and others.

All of the products listed are capable of removing impurities only from the surface layer of the skin, without penetrating into the pores. This is why the face simply needs periodic deep cleaning.

The question arises: if you can do cleaning yourself, then why pay money for a visit to a beauty salon? To give an answer, it is necessary to analyze the pros and cons of both options.

This procedure is usually carried out in a salon, but many people do it at home.

Facial cleansing at home


  • does not require material costs;
  • can be done at any time;
  • full control over the process;
  • no chemical compounds are used;
  • no need to leave home immediately after the procedure;
  • less pain, since you have the opportunity to stop if the sensations become too unpleasant.


  • may be less effective;
  • there is only one way - manual;
  • the usual one is used, not ;
  • there is a possibility of injury to the skin;
  • risk of infection.

Salon facial skin cleansing


  • professional equipment, tools, cosmetics;
  • compliance with absolute sterility conditions (provided the procedure is carried out by a good specialist);
  • you can choose the most suitable type of cleaning for yourself;
  • There are painless options for the procedure, for example, ultrasonic cleaning.


  • quite high cost;
  • painful manual cleaning;
  • appearance after the procedure: the face turns red and becomes covered with spots.

Of course, every girl has the right to choose who to entrust her face to: herself or a professional. Both options are acceptable. However, if you don’t have the skills to clean yourself, then it’s better to consult a cosmetologist so as not to damage the skin or cause an infection, thereby only aggravating the situation.

Types of salon cleaning

Previously, deep facial cleansing was associated primarily with painful sensations, but cosmetology has made a big step forward, developing a large number of procedure options, including painless ones. Let's look at the main ones.

Manual cleaning

The procedure involves removing contaminants using your hands, as well as special devices, for example, an Uno spoon. The skin is pre-steamed. For this, either a facial bath or special chemical solutions that open the pores can be used. Next, the actual cleaning begins: the specialist removes sebaceous plugs from the pores. It all ends with a soothing mask that relieves irritation and tightens pores. The method is painful, but effective, as it allows you to remove even deep stains.

The Uno spoon is a device that is often used for manual or combined facial cleansing. With its help, the cosmetologist removes all impurities from the pores.

Vacuum cleaning

This method involves the use of a special apparatus – a vacuum. It draws out dirt and sebaceous plugs, acting on the pores like a vacuum cleaner. The skin also needs to be steamed first. The procedure is much less painful, but not as effective.

Ultrasonic cleaning

Relatively new way deep cleansing of the face. First, a special solution that transmits ultrasound is applied to the skin. Then the cosmetologist, using a device with a flat tip, begins to carry out the procedure. Under the influence of ultrasonic waves, contaminants are broken down and then removed from the body. naturally. This cleaning is absolutely painless, it will even suit sensitive skin, as it does not cause irritation.

Ultrasonic facial cleansing is carried out using a special device. It is effective and at the same time painless. It can be done even by those with very sensitive skin.


A method that consists of deep cleansing the skin using various chemical compounds. The elements penetrate the pores, breaking down sebaceous plugs.


A procedure during which a specialist cleanses the skin with special brushes. The massage is carried out, and at the same time the process of removing dead cells from the surface of the skin and from the pores occurs, due to which the face immediately becomes more radiant and healthy.

How to choose a salon?

Beauty salons can now be found at almost every step, and you need to choose the best one. Here are a few tips on what to look for when deciding on a visit to a specific cosmetologist:

  • if the salon provides free consultations, you need to visit one of them, as this will allow you to make a first impression;
  • Usually, high-quality services are quite expensive, but it is better to pay a little more than to then deal with long-term skin restoration;
  • professional ethics is an important component of cosmetology activities;
  • Perhaps the most important thing you should pay attention to in the salon is cleanliness, compliance with sterile conditions, the presence of disposable instruments, gloves, etc.
  • specialists with various diplomas, as well as a large number of services provided, usually indicate a high level of the salon.

When choosing a beauty salon where facial cleansing will be performed, it is important to pay attention to compliance with sanitary rules, as well as factors confirming the professionalism of the cosmetologist

Facial cleansing in Moscow at a low cost is offered by qualified specialists registered with Yuda. After the cleaning procedure carried out by the performers, you will not be left with any scars or scars.

Yudu masters have all the necessary equipment and by professional means excellent quality. Specialists will do everything to make your skin radiate health and freshness.

Effective ways to cleanse problematic skin in women

Professionally Done Cleaning problem skin will help get rid of blackheads, acne, pimples, restore proper metabolism, activate blood circulation, relieve inflammation and narrow pores on the face.

After assessing the condition of your skin and determining the cause of inflammation, pimples, blackheads on it, a cosmetologist registered with Yuda will offer you several effective ways cleansing:

  • mechanical
  • ultrasonic
  • chemical

The procedure for cleaning problematic skin both at home and in a cosmetologist’s office is performed by Yudu masters in compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards in the following sequence:

  • makeup remover
  • steaming with a special apparatus
  • cleaning using the chosen method

At the end of the procedure, your practitioner will apply a soothing mask to your face for an even greater cleansing effect.

Prices for services of Yudu performers

Cosmetologists registered on Yuda offer their services inexpensively. Find out the current prices in the performers' price lists.

The final cost of facial cleansing in each specific case is determined based on:

  • skin conditions
  • cleaning method
  • number of procedures

If you need cheap cleaning services for problem skin urgently, contact specialists registered on the Yudu website right now.

Cleansing is a complex procedure that any skin needs periodically. The purpose of cleansing is to remove excess sebum and exfoliated cells, which provoke the formation of acne and other skin problems, and also simply negatively affect the appearance. Most often, those with oily skin resort to this procedure.

For example, in the treatment of acne after drug treatment Cleaning is indicated first weekly, and then once a month. But if your skin is a different type, then don’t think that you can do without cleansing. This procedure is also useful for dry skin, but not more than once a month.

In the salon you will be offered a choice various types purges: laser, vacuum, ultrasound, chemical, and even microcrystalline dermabrasion (that is, skin resurfacing). But many clients of cosmetologists prefer good old manual cleaning to all these modern achievements of science.

Outwardly, and in essence, this process is no different from squeezing out comedones, which we all sometimes do at home in front of the mirror. But in the salon, cleaning takes place in a completely sterile environment, using cosmetic instruments. It may also be accompanied by some procedures that are quite troublesome to organize at home.

Pros and cons of manual facial cleansing in a salon

Mechanical cleaning, like any other, has its nuances. You need to know about them before you go to the salon.


  1. Mechanical cleaning is the most effective of all cleaning procedures.
  2. This is the deepest cleaning. Manually, a cosmetologist can reach the most complex comedones in hard-to-reach places.
  3. The result of the procedure, which you will see in a few days, is an excellent complexion, narrowed pores, and the absence of comedones and pimples. Experts compare its effect with the effect of a medium chemical peel.

Cons (and how to deal with them):

  1. Manual cleaning causes severe trauma to the skin. This procedure becomes more painful the longer it is delayed. After all, 15–20 minutes after steaming, the pores begin to close. Therefore, the cosmetologist whom you entrust to perform manual cleaning must be a true professional.
  2. The first two to three days after the manipulation, redness and swelling may be observed. You should not cleanse on the eve of important events.
  3. The first condition: maintaining complete sterility of the instrument and the master’s hands, that is, the human factor.

Mechanical facial cleansing is an inexpensive procedure. Prices for manual facial cleansing in Moscow range from 1,500 to 5,000 rubles. Therefore, do not look for nickels for a ruble, but contact a respectable and trusted salon. Then you are guaranteed to enjoy the excellent condition of your skin a few days after cleansing.


Facial gommage

Preparation for mechanical facial cleansing involves makeup removal and procedures to open pores. Makeup is removed using a product suitable for your skin type. Nowadays gommage is commonly used. If the cosmetologist assesses the skin as very dirty, he also applies a cleansing mask. Many salons use brushing for cleansing - a hardware method of removing the stratum corneum.

Some salons also carry out gentle superficial peeling, which uses slightly acidic agents.

Then the skin is steamed: warmed up for several minutes with streams of warm steam. This opens the pores and softens the epidermis, which allows for further manipulation.

Some salons use thermal heating gel to open pores. This method is more gentle than conventional steaming: as a result, the skin does not lose moisture.

Cold hydrogenation

Even such a simple operation as steaming has a number of contraindications: asthma, hirsutism, rosacea and simply thin, dry skin. In all these cases, thermal effects on the skin are undesirable.

Therefore, in case of special sensitivity, cold hydrogenation is used. The surface of the skin is covered with a special gel for 20–25 minutes, which maximally moisturizes the epidermal cells, causing them to swell and intercellular connections to weaken. That is, the desired loosening of the surface and opening of the pores occurs.

While your skin is exposed to steam or gel, the cosmetologist prepares sterile instruments and puts on sterile gloves for the actual mechanical cleaning.

After steaming or removing the gel, wipe the face dry and treat it with 3% hydrogen peroxide or another disinfectant.


Spoon Uno

The main tool that the master uses during manual cleaning is the Uno spoon. This is a special cosmetic instrument, which is a small spoon with small holes in it in the form of a sieve. At the other end is another spoon, much smaller in diameter and with one hole.

A variation of the Uno spoon is a comedones extractor in the form of a loop, which is used by some cosmetologists.

Instruments are also sometimes used to dilate the sebaceous ducts - needles and Vidal spears.

This completes the list of tools, except for the cosmetologist’s own fingers, which have to be used to remove particularly difficult stains.

Progress of mechanical facial cleansing

Having slightly opened the edge of the film (if a gel is used to open the pores), the master small area starts squeezing out blackheads. First, use a Uno spoon (the wide part) to remove greasy deposits using scraping movements. At the same time, areas with immature acne and inflammation are not affected.

The cosmetologist should periodically disinfect the spoon in 3% hydrogen peroxide or another disinfectant solution. Movements with the spoon should be made against the exit of the fatty ducts, that is, on the forehead from bottom to top, on the cheeks from the outside to the center and on the nose from the base to the back of the nose.

After such treatment, the cosmetologist removes sebaceous plugs using an extractor (a small spoon with reverse side). To do this, the extractor or loop is placed over the black dot so that it is visible in the hole.

After this, by pressing with a spoon, the comedone can be squeezed out easily and almost painlessly.

Whiteheads are removed as follows: the eel is punctured. The direction of the puncture is parallel to the surface of the skin. The eel is then squeezed out.

All instruments must be frequently and thoroughly disinfected during the cleaning process.

The specialist squeezes out sebaceous plugs that cannot be removed with a tool with his fingers. Sometimes the ducts have to be dilated with a needle. This part of the procedure is somewhat painful, but if the skin is well steamed, this is not necessary. The cosmetologist's fingers should be wrapped in sterile napkins.

The final stage of cleaning– wiping the face with alcohol-containing lotion.

The duration of manual cleaning varies greatly from salon to salon. It can be from 15 – 20 minutes to an hour or more. Here it must be said that the pores close within 20 minutes after treatment with steam or gel. After half an hour, there is no longer any effect from steaming, and cleaning becomes both less effective and more traumatic to the skin. Therefore, it is better to choose a cosmetologist who will do the cleaning quickly. Or, if there is too much contamination, carry out it in several stages.

Vacuum facial cleansing

As an option, in advanced cases, mechanical cleaning is combined with vacuum cleaning. Vacuum cleaning involves “sucking out” sebaceous plugs using a glass tube with reduced pressure inside it.

Sometimes manual cleaning is also combined with ultrasonic peeling. It is carried out at the end of the procedure. This method does not affect the deep layers of the skin, but improves its tone and has a great effect on complexion.

Auxiliary procedures


It happens that before manual cleaning, disincrustation or galvanophoresis is carried out. This is a method that allows you to soften comedones as much as possible before removing them. Under the influence of slightly alkaline solutions of electrolytes and electric current, the contents of comedones literally dissolve.

After mechanical cleansing, it is necessary to relieve irritation and “calm” the skin. Various methods are used: darsonvalization, irradiation with an infrared lamp, a soothing mask, for example, based on clay, etc.

Skin care after manual cleaning

You will not see the result of mechanical cleaning immediately, but after a couple of days. To make it the best, do not wash your face for the first few hours and generally use less of any cosmetics. There is no need to visit a solarium or stay in the sun for a long time at this time. On the fourth day after the procedure, as a rule, the skin is completely restored and takes on a radiant and fresh appearance.

The skin of the face is constantly exposed to various external factors. It is not hidden under clothing, and is in no way protected from dust and dirt settling on it. Over time, the face begins to look worse and worse, and rashes may appear. Periodic visits to a cosmetologist will help avoid this.

Many girls prefer to take care of their skin at home and do not trust their face to strangers. But it is worth noting that almost no independent manipulations to remove contaminants can replace such a procedure as professional facial cleansing in a salon.

Facial cleansing: at home or in the salon?

Daily skin care consists of three main stages: cleansing, toning and moisturizing or nourishing. Usually this is enough to maintain the skin in normal condition, but sooner or later acne, pimples, and unevenness will begin to appear on the face. The reason for this is insufficient cleansing of the skin.

The modern cosmetic market offers a huge number of all kinds of cleansers, among which you can find milk, gel, foam, oil, micellar water and others.

All of the products listed are capable of removing impurities only from the surface layer of the skin, without penetrating into the pores. This is why the face simply needs periodic deep cleaning.

The question arises: if you can do cleaning yourself, then why pay money for a visit to a beauty salon? To give an answer, it is necessary to analyze the pros and cons of both options.

This procedure is usually carried out in a salon, but many people do it at home.

Facial cleansing at home


  • does not require material costs;
  • can be done at any time;
  • full control over the process;
  • no chemical compounds are used;
  • no need to leave home immediately after the procedure;
  • less pain, since you have the opportunity to stop if the sensations become too unpleasant.


  • may be less effective;
  • there is only one way - manual;
  • ordinary, not professional, cosmetics are used;
  • there is a possibility of injury to the skin;
  • risk of infection.

Salon facial skin cleansing


  • professional equipment, tools, cosmetics;
  • compliance with absolute sterility conditions (provided the procedure is carried out by a good specialist);
  • you can choose the most suitable type of cleaning for yourself;
  • There are painless options for the procedure, for example, ultrasonic cleaning.


  • quite high cost;
  • painful manual cleaning;
  • appearance after the procedure: the face turns red and becomes covered with spots.

Of course, every girl has the right to choose who to entrust her face to: herself or a professional. Both options are acceptable. However, if you don’t have the skills to clean yourself, then it’s better to consult a cosmetologist so as not to damage the skin or cause an infection, thereby only aggravating the situation.

Types of salon cleaning

Previously, deep facial cleansing was associated primarily with painful sensations, but cosmetology has made a big step forward, developing a large number of procedure options, including painless ones. Let's look at the main ones.

Manual cleaning

The procedure involves removing contaminants using your hands, as well as special devices, for example, an Uno spoon. The skin is pre-steamed. For this, either a facial bath or special chemical solutions that open the pores can be used. Next, the actual cleaning begins: the specialist removes sebaceous plugs from the pores. It all ends with a soothing mask that relieves irritation and tightens pores. The method is painful, but effective, as it allows you to remove even deep stains.

The Uno spoon is a device that is often used for manual or combined facial cleansing. With its help, the cosmetologist removes all impurities from the pores.

Vacuum cleaning

This method involves the use of a special apparatus – a vacuum. It draws out dirt and sebaceous plugs, acting on the pores like a vacuum cleaner. The skin also needs to be steamed first. The procedure is much less painful, but not as effective.

Ultrasonic cleaning

A relatively new way of deep cleansing the face. First, a special solution that transmits ultrasound is applied to the skin. Then the cosmetologist, using a device with a flat tip, begins to carry out the procedure. Under the influence of ultrasonic waves, contaminants are broken down and then removed from the body naturally. This cleaning is absolutely painless, it is suitable even for sensitive skin, as it does not cause irritation.

Ultrasonic facial cleansing is carried out using a special device. It is effective and at the same time painless. It can be done even by those with very sensitive skin.


A method that consists of deep cleansing the skin using various chemical compounds. The elements penetrate the pores, breaking down sebaceous plugs.


A procedure during which a specialist cleanses the skin with special brushes. The massage is carried out, and at the same time the process of removing dead cells from the surface of the skin and from the pores occurs, due to which the face immediately becomes more radiant and healthy.

How to choose a salon?

Beauty salons can now be found at almost every step, and you need to choose the best one. Here are a few tips on what to look for when deciding on a visit to a specific cosmetologist:

  • if the salon provides free consultations, you need to visit one of them, as this will allow you to make a first impression;
  • Usually, high-quality services are quite expensive, but it is better to pay a little more than to then deal with long-term skin restoration;
  • professional ethics is an important component of cosmetology activities;
  • Perhaps the most important thing you should pay attention to in the salon is cleanliness, compliance with sterile conditions, the presence of disposable instruments, gloves, etc.
  • specialists with various diplomas, as well as a large number of services provided, usually indicate a high level of the salon.

When choosing a beauty salon where facial cleansing will be performed, it is important to pay attention to compliance with sanitary rules, as well as factors confirming the professionalism of the cosmetologist

There are many ways to make your skin glowing and healthy. The basic procedure is deep facial cleansing, the price of which is acceptable for every woman. It is used to improve appearance and as a hygienic care.

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Benefits of deep facial cleansing

This type of skin care has many advantages:

  • high-quality removal of dirt and dead cells;
  • getting rid of blackheads;
  • noticeable cell restoration;
  • improving the effect of using creams and masks;
  • receiving adequate nutrition and hydration;
  • improving blood circulation and prolonging the youth of the skin for many years.

Contraindications to the procedure

Those who plan to do deep skin cleansing should be careful, as it has a number of limitations. The session cannot be performed if there are any inflammations or wounds on the face. Cosmetologists do not recommend performing such manipulations during menstruation.

What problems does it solve?

Preparing for deep skin cleansing

Many women self-cleanse their skin using home remedies, but deep facial cleansing in a salon usually shows better results.

It begins with mandatory preparation, which must be carried out regardless of where the cosmetic procedure is performed:

  1. First, primary cleansing is carried out using a swab soaked in makeup remover.
  2. Then additional treatment of the skin with lotion is carried out to degrease and soothe it.
  3. Another important stage includes opening the pores of the epidermis in order to subsequently be able to remove various contaminants from them. Before carrying out deep cleansing of the face in the salon, according to reviews, a special apparatus for steaming the skin is often used for this purpose.

A characteristic sign that the procedure was carried out correctly is the feeling that the skin is breathing and that it has become lighter. After the session, the face acquires a pleasant light shade and a fresh look. Deep cleansing of the face in 1 procedure radically changes it for the better.

Recovery period and restrictions

After serious manipulation, a period of skin recovery is required due to swelling and redness. Most often, these signs disappear within 24 hours. If everything was done correctly, the pores should become clean and the texture should be smooth and even.

After cleansing for 1-2 days, there may be an increase in sebum secretion from the pores, which occurs due to the lack of plugs. To eliminate this effect, you can use tonics that do not contain alcohol or a solution of chlorhexidine digluconate.

On day 2-3, peeling of the skin may occur, which is considered its normal renewal. You should not touch the scales or tear them off; it is best to apply moisturizer or thermal water to your face. After deep facial cleansing in the salon, the price of which depends on the method of execution, it is not recommended to use a scrub and washing brushes. It is advisable to carry out the entire procedure before the weekend to allow the skin to recover normally.

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from anywhere in the world. The cost of consultation is 3,000 rubles.