We play funny games at school. Games about school

ALYONA Boltenko
Educational games in the classroom

Educational games in the classroom

The task, of course, is not too simple:

Playing to teach and learning by playing.

But if you add up your studies entertainment,

Any learning will become a holiday!

Modern life places high demands on intellectual and social personality development. Currently, the main tasks of the teacher are development children have individual abilities, key competencies, the ability to see the prospect of applying acquired knowledge in practice, and easily adapt to modern world, realize yourself in the future. Therefore, every child should develop a positive attitude towards learning.

Preschool age is different in that a positive attitude towards learning is poorly differentiated and fragile. But if a child has a positive attitude towards learning, then it is easier for him to learn. It is very important that the formation of a positive attitude towards learning in children leaves a certain imprint on the entire learning process. After all, successful study, awareness of one’s needs, and the ability to perform various tasks efficiently leads to the formation of a sense of competence - a new aspect of self-awareness. If a sense of competence in educational activities is not formed, then the child’s self-esteem decreases and a feeling of inferiority arises.

Therefore, gaming technology is the most relevant for teachers with children preschool age.

How to ensure that a child studies a particular subject with desire and interest?

Anyone who works with children knows well how difficult it is. The guys are overly active and their attention is unstable. There are many difficulties with discipline.

What to do? What approach to them should be sought? What means and methods can be used to make learning fun? We know the answer - GAME!

Posing problems, joint search, play - these are the means that form a child’s positive attitude towards learning, help open the child’s heart, make staying on joyful lesson.

To overcome this educational activities A preschooler's education should be filled with games and playful moments.

Preschool age is characterized by brightness and spontaneity of perception, ease of entering into images. Children are easily involved in any activity, especially play. For children the game has an exceptional meaning: play for them is study, work, a serious form of education.

“What a child is like at play, so in many ways he will be at work when he grows up. Therefore, the education of a future leader occurs primarily in play.”

The need for play occupies a significant place during the educational years, and the desire to play in children must be used and directed in order to solve certain educational problems. The game will be a means of education if it is included in the holistic pedagogical process. At first, students are only interested in the form itself. games, and then the material without which you cannot participate in the game. By directing the game, organizing the lives of children in the game, the teacher influences all aspects child's personality development: on feelings, on consciousness, on will and on behavior in general.

Play activities in educational process allows you to implement the following goals:

-DIDACTICAL goals: broadening your horizons, cognitive activity, application of knowledge in practice, formation of certain skills and abilities necessary in practical activities, development universal educational activities, development of labor skills;

- EDUCATING: education of independence, will, cooperation, collectivism, communication;

-DEVELOPING: development of attention, memory, speech, thinking (ability to compare, contrast, find analogies, creativity, ability to find optimal solutions, development of motivation;

- SOCIALIZING: familiarization with the norms and values ​​of society, adaptation to environmental conditions, stress control, self-regulation, learning to communicate.

During games Students, unnoticed by themselves, perform various exercises where they themselves have to compare, perform various actions, practice mental calculation, and solve problems. The game puts students in a search condition, awakens interest in winning, children strive to be fast, resourceful, accurately complete tasks, following the rules games. In the game, the child acquires new knowledge, skills and abilities. Games, contribute development of perception, attention, memory, thinking, development creativity, aimed at mental development of the student as a whole.

Lessons - travel: V "A mathematical fairy tale" or "Enchanted Forest", V "Country of Spelling", "The World of Sounds and Letters", on "Mysterious Island", "Unknown Planet" etc., which may be dedicated lesson or series of lessons significantly increases children's interest in a particular subject area, generally activates their mental, speech, creative activity and influence the effectiveness of the formation of broad cognitive motives.

For example. On lesson the world around us when studying a topic "Forest Hazards" we take a trip to the forest to a mushroom clearing together with the Wise Owl, guess riddles about mushrooms, find out which mushrooms are edible and which are poisonous, listen to the advice of the Wise Owl and help sort the mushrooms into a basket.

For example On Development lesson speech while learning the letter N, we travel to the forest.

The guys have a green friend.

Cheerful friend. Good friend.

He will stretch out hundreds of hands to them

And thousands of palms. (Forest)

The forest is our friend, and we love and cherish our friends. Today we will visit the forest, we are going there on this funny little train.

Who will drive the locomotive? (Driver.)

Right. Stepashka will be the driver. Let's take it with us passengers: mouse and snail. But passengers need tickets. (teacher shows diagrams of the words mouse and snail).

What is the ticket for the mouse?

Which one is for the snail?

Let's read the tickets...

Inextricably linked didactic games with problem-based learning, being part of it, since the game involves achieving a goal subject to certain rules and the condition of independence in achieving the goal (possibly with the help of a teacher).

Games about school motivate a child to learn, help to develop an interest in obtaining new information, the ability to find it, and thereby help to become successful not only during school, but throughout life.

The games were invented by methodologist Natalya PRISHCHEPENOK.

“We live happily together”

The presenter invites the game participants to take turns naming the qualities that first-graders need. The presenter helps the children with leading questions so that they name not only qualities related to the educational, but also the communication skills of schoolchildren.

“What and how?”

The presenter asks the children questions regarding various aspects of school life. Children answer what, in their opinion, should be done in this or that case, and how to proceed. The game helps children to form moral principles behavior.

Examples of questions:

- What to do if you haven't learned your lesson?

— What should you do if a classmate is bullied in your presence?

— What to do if the student who answers at the board does not know the answer?

— What should you do if your desk neighbor asks you to copy the correct answer?

— What to do if you are late for class?

Outdoor game “People around”

As diagnostics using the participant observation method shows, most modern first-graders do not know how to... move. The child does not understand that besides him there are other people around who also have the right to space around him. It is necessary, with the help of games, to prepare preschoolers for life in a team, helping them learn to see and feel the people around them.

This game is aimed at developing spatial thinking, coordination, the ability to see people around you and position yourself in space without disturbing others.

The game simulates situations when you need to move to make room for other people. Examples of situations: a bus during rush hour (it is necessary for children to understand that they cannot stand in the doorway, preventing others from getting on and off if your stop is not the next one), leaving a theater during intermission or after a performance, entering the subway and escalator, and so on.

"Fairytale Schoolchildren"

The task of the game participants is to come up with which of the fairy tale heroes can become schoolchildren, and how they will behave in class. The leader helps the children and with guiding questions helps them determine how real students should actually behave.

In this game you can use puppet theater dolls, pictures or toys depicting fairy-tale heroes. The continuation of this game could be role-playing game or the puppet show “Fairytale School”.

“Why do we need school?”

The game helps to develop motivation to study at school. You can play in teams or individually. The task of the participants is to come up with as much as possible more reasons for schooling. The participant who names as many positive reasons for studying at school as possible wins.

“Still, school is great!”

The game develops positive thinking. Two teams play. The presenter names some negative, in the children’s opinion, event related to school, for example, “You have to get up very early to be on time for school.” Teams take turns to name as many positive events as possible that this negative thing can lead to. For example: if you get up early, you will have time to do a lot, and so on. Thus, a negative event turns into a positive one.

In one game, you can discuss 3-4 such negative statements, turning them into positive ones.

"I am a teacher"

The presenter invites the children to imagine themselves as school teachers and come up with what they would teach their students. You can think of what kind of lessons there could be at school and what they would study. And then you can play like this fun school with “students” - dolls and soft toys.

"My dream school"

The presenter invites the children to draw or describe in words the school of their dreams. And then you can organize an exhibition of drawings and essays and invite real teachers from a real school to see what the children at school are missing.

“What is good at school and what is bad at school?”

The game helps to develop a positive perception of reality and forms a positive attitude towards learning at school.

Two teams play. One team names 10 school things and circumstances that can be described as “good,” and the second team names 10 school things and circumstances that, in their opinion, can be described as “bad.” The teams speak in turns. After everything has been said and the teacher has written everything down, everyone tries to figure out together whether they are presenting everything correctly.

NOTE. Finger and puppet theater at low prices in a specialized store " Kindergarten» — detsad-shop.ru.

Games for first graders in the classroom

A kind of organizational and obligatory moment in the lesson are games conducted by the teacher in the classroom. They not only have a positive effect on mental development child, but also allow children who are not yet fully adapted to school to take a break for rest.

Mickey Mouse

Typically, desks in a classroom are arranged in 3 rows. The teacher tells the children that each row; these are commands. The first group (1st row) should shout “Miki” loudly when the teacher raises his right hand up. The second team (3rd row) shouts “Mouse” if it raises left hand. And the third group (middle row) should loudly shout “Mouse” if the teacher crosses his arms.

Note. At the beginning of the game, the teacher warns the children that they need to be very careful, as he can deliberately confuse them, for example, raise two hands up at the same time.


It’s a unique way to conduct it when the kids are tired and begin to violate discipline in the classroom. Games like these with first-graders in class help them “make some noise” and continue to work in complete silence.

So, the teacher asks the children how the engine in the car works, what sound it makes. The teacher asks the students to imagine that they are; This is one motor, and he is the driver who will regulate it. When the “lever” hand goes up, the motor should work loudly (pronounce the sound “r-r-r”), if it goes down, it works more quietly.

Imagination game

Game "Show the sounds"

The teacher holds cards with pictures of animals, birds, and objects. The teacher shows the class one card at a time. Children must, without naming what is shown in the picture, “say” the word with sound and depict it using facial expressions and gestures. For example, a cat. First-graders say “meow-meow” and show their claws.

Game to relieve muscle strain

Games for first-graders in the classroom should also be comprehensive, especially in writing and mathematics lessons, when fine motor skills and back muscles.

1. "Rain."

This game relieves stress well and is very popular with children. The teacher tells the children to imagine that it is raining. The teacher comments, and the students repeat the movements with him.

“It started to rain” (children raise their hand in front of them, palm up).

“First one drop” (hit the palm with one finger of the other hand).

“Then two drops” (two fingers, etc.).

“And then it started to rain heavily” (students clap their hands).

“The rain gradually began to subside. Four drops, three, two, one” (also shown in reverse order).

“The rain has stopped. The sun is out!” (children raise their hands up).

Game to develop reaction speed

. "Such different animals."

First-graders get up from their desks. The game is played on site. The teacher says words (4-5), and the children imitate what he said to them class teacher, and the pace of the game gradually increases. For example, "heron"; students stand on one leg, “bunny”; they put their hands on the tops of their heads and jump up, the “elephant” stretches one arm forward, like a trunk, etc.

Note. At the beginning of the game, the teacher must demonstrate the movements himself.

These games for first-graders in the classroom allow you to relieve emotional and physical stress in a short period of time, concentrate on the lesson during further work, and even help children gradually cope with their complexes.

Games for first graders at recess

Class unity game

1. "Mixer"

The guys are standing in a circle. The driver is in the center. He says: “Swap places those who have 1 sign (for example, long hair, some wear sneakers, some like cakes, etc.).” At the moment of movement, the driver must take one of the vacant seats. Whoever does not have time to get up on time stands in the center of the circle.

This game allows not only the children, but also the teacher to learn about each other, and also develops attention and speed of reaction.

2. "Numbers"

This game is similar to the previous one. First-graders count in order, standing in a circle and each remembering their number. Then one of those willing goes to the center and names any 2 numbers (taking into account the calculation), which must change places, and the driver takes one of the places as quickly as possible. Those who did not have time stand in the center and continue the game.

3. "Building"

At the teacher’s command, the class should line up:

; by height,

; by hair length; by eye color, etc.

4. "Rope"

Students, holding onto a rope or jump rope, must use it to build some kind of figure, letter, etc. For example, a circle, the letter “P”, “G”, etc.

Game to identify the leader in a group

1. "Crocodile"

The guys squat, forming a circle. There is also a teacher here who pronounces the word “Crocodile” and at the same time shows 1, 2, 5; on his fingers, i.e. this number will indicate the number of guys who should rise. Everyone gets up at will

The teacher carefully observes and draws conclusions for himself: those boys and girls who rose most often are potential leaders in the class. In addition, this game also helps children repeat counting.

Outdoor games for first graders

The schoolyard, as you know, allows not only outdoor games, but also those where loud shouting and noise are not prohibited.

Warm up game

The class is divided into 2 teams. They stand facing in 2 ranks. Then they repeat the words and movements, pointing at each other:

; "You; blackbird, I; thrush",

; "You have a nose, I have a nose"

; “Your cheeks are red, my cheeks are red,”

; “Your lips are scarlet, my lips are scarlet,”

“We two friends love each other!” (hug).

Outdoor games for first-graders are also good because, thanks to the large space, they can play general games that require certain actions from children.

Team-story game

1. "Mammoths"

The whole class participates. The teacher distributes roles between first-graders: mammoths (most of the class), rescuer; 1 child, hunters (2-3 pairs); The two of them should move only holding hands. Their task; catch a mammoth. To do this, you need to catch the “animal” by forming a ring, holding it with your free hands. After this, the hunters take the prey in this position to a place agreed upon in advance. If the rescuer does not have time to free the mammoth, i.e. touch it with your hand, then that child is out of the game

The rescuer can only “release” the victim 3 times. If a child falls into the clutches of hunters more than expected, then he also leaves the game

2. “Help me out!”

Among the students, 1-2 drivers are selected, who must “freeze” all moving children with a touch of their hand. If someone is still frozen, then he should stand in place with his arms to the sides, feet shoulder-width apart and shout the following words loudly

“Hurry up and come running

And you help me out!”

The remaining participants (one of them) can “rescue” him if they crawl under the feet of the “frozen” one. Only then can the “saved” person continue the game.

Games with sports equipment

1. “Vegetables and fruits”

The driver throws the ball one by one to the players standing in the same line, naming vegetables and fruits in any order. If it is a vegetable, for example a potato, you need to catch the ball and sit down; if it is a fruit; apple, then you should also catch the ball and then jump

2. “Fisherman”

The guys stand in a circle, in the center is a first-grader with a jump rope. He spins it clockwise, and everyone else has to jump up so as not to touch the jump rope with their feet. Those who did not have time or hesitated become “caught fish”. Then the driver and the fish change places.

Thanks to game situations, children learn to behave correctly, think logically and become accustomed to sports.

These are great games to play in class elementary school, will jog the children’s memory, stir up interest in learning and help maintain academic performance at the same level or even improve it.

"Game for School"

The players are seated in the classroom at desks in the two outer rows. The middle row remains free.

The leader invites the players to guess pre-prepared charades, riddles, puzzles, answer quiz questions, read tongue twisters, etc.

Those who wish raise their hand. The one who gives the correct answer or successfully completes the task is accepted into the “school”, into the first grade (he sits in the middle row at the last desk).

If he answers correctly again, he moves to 1 desk forward.

The winner is the one who reaches the first desk (“graduates from school”) first (or is in the middle row ahead of everyone).

Game “Whose story is better?”

This is very fun game. I used to play it myself with my classmates at school. It was a laugh! 🙂

All participants in the game are given the task of writing a story, but at the same time certain additional conditions are put forward.

1. 3-4 words are dictated that must be included in the story.

2. Several are named characters story (for example, teacher, grandfather, grandmother, doctor).

3. The players are divided into groups of 5 people. The first numbers of each group receive a piece of paper and write the beginning of the story (two or three phrases), after which they pass the sheets to the second numbers.

The second numbers write their two or three phrases and pass them on to the third numbers, etc.

When all the stories are finished, they are read aloud.

The team that comes up with a coherent and most interesting story wins.

4. The players are given sheets of paper on which two or three phrases have already been written (everyone has the same ones). This is the beginning of the story. Then everyone continues in their own way. Then all the stories are read out and the best ones are determined.

Game "Telephonist Competition"

Two or three teams of 5-10 people line up or each sit in one row. The leader selects some not very complicated tongue twister. For example: “Horses trampled in the field” or “Dry leaves, twigs on the branches”, or such “A hat and a fur coat - that’s all Mishutka.” Then he communicates it into the ear of the team captains.

At a signal, the captains pass it into the ears of their neighbors, and they pass it further along the row to each other. The last ones in each row must say the tongue twister given to them over the “phone” out loud.

The winner is the team that completes the transmission first and does not distort the transmitted text.

These games can be played not only in school during lessons, but also in any large company.

Play with joy and pleasure! 🙂