Are there guys that girls like? What kind of guys do girls like from a physiological point of view?


What explains likes and dislikes for the opposite sex? Why does a handsome man excite some ladies, but a boy of ordinary appearance delights the same women? Why is this happening? The banal phrase that there are no comrades according to taste and color is appropriate here. However, there are guys who are liked, if not by everyone, then by most of the fairer sex. It is worth considering these individuals in more detail.

What all girls like

You don't need to be very insightful to list the set of qualities that girls look for in guys when choosing a life partner. Among them are the following:

  • Kindness;
  • Decency;
  • Patience;
  • A healthy sense of humor;
  • Generosity.

But, as the popular joke said: “The fiction department is upstairs.” It is absolutely certain that a person (of any gender) whose character is dominated by stinginess, anger and rudeness is unlikely to arouse admiration among representatives not only of the opposite sex, but also of his own sex. In this context, it is understood that a smart person is someone who strives for, is interesting to talk to and has something to keep quiet about. A kind person is not a softie and a nurse, but someone who can empathize and come to the rescue at any second.

The secondary qualities “follow” from the main qualities:

  • Attentiveness;
  • Caring;
  • and provide life for your loved ones;
  • Housekeeping, etc.

What kind of guys do girls like in their youth?

The attitude of young girls towards boys is comparable to the love of magpies for everything shiny. At school, in the yard and in the first years at the institute, young handsome womanizers with “loose tongues” and “pomaded” hair are stunningly popular among girls. Between the ages of 16 and 23, girls are greedy for such “instances.” They are attracted by physical perfection and feigned ease of communication with such men. Having rethought their youthful hobbies and comparing them with the one who stands in front of them, women understand that that handsome male has become an ordinary scoundrel, a cynic and a boor. However, it was not a shame to while away the evening with such a gentleman in front of my friends. Plus, the baby turned out to be very cute. Over the years, men's claims to appearance lose relevance, and other priorities come to the fore.

What kind of guys do girls like after 25 years old?

By the age of 25, a woman feels all of herself. Now she makes demands on men of a slightly different nature. The following qualities characteristic of a young man are more important to her:

  • Tenderness;
  • Brutality;
  • and healthy male aggression.

She carefully observes how the guy treats children and the older generation.

The qualities that a young man must have in order to please a girl between 25 and 35 years old are the following:

  1. Good education;
  2. Decent education;
  3. Interest in sports;
  4. Ambition;
  5. Cool mind;
  6. Rationality and ability to take risks.

Girls no longer just see a breeding male with a one-night stand, they choose a partner.

What kind of men do women like after 35 years old?

The conversation will be about adults with established morals and character traits. At this age, it is preferable for women to see next to them a man who is endowed with the following qualities:

  • Decent manners;
  • , choosing perfume, etc.;
  • Success and place in society.

At this age, women have already become convinced of their sexuality, and have seen many marriages where handsome stallions abuse their wives, without even standing their fingernails. The impulses of youth are far in the past; I want to live next to a person who will give stability, confidence in the future and peace of mind. At the same time, a man should be a lover of life and strive to preserve his youth as long as possible. This is the person who will not walk around the house unshaven on a day off, and for him sport is a calling.

After 35 years, women become wise and insightful, they no longer act rashly when something is not going well in a relationship. They know how to smooth out rough edges and take care of a man’s peace of mind and the stability of family relationships.

Let's consider several components of the image of a young man, which...

  1. Appearance. It is not for nothing that a popular proverb says that one meets a person by his clothes. The first impression of a guy is the most important!
  2. Body. If your muscles, biceps and abs delight others, this is only a plus for you. However, not everyone is born to be a jock. Therefore, a toned figure, without a hint of a tummy, is what girls like.
  3. Hair. Guys who don't take care of their hair look disgusting. It's not enough to have a neat haircut; wash your hair as often as necessary so that it doesn't look greasy. Besides, dandruff is something that can turn a girl off. There are many, including affordable ones, that can be made at home.
  4. Facial skin. The young man's face should be clean, without any hint of acne or pimples. In addition, a fat, shiny face looks untidy. Girls love light unshaven hair. However, do not forget that you also need to take care of your stubble so as not to turn into an overgrown Neanderthal.
  5. Character traits and manners. If everything is very clear with the previous points, then in order to correspond to the girl’s understanding of a nice guy in this case, you need to work hard.

Every girl is waiting for a prince. He will arrive on a white horse, in a simple car or a helicopter - it doesn’t matter! The main thing is that this person corresponds to the generally recognized qualities of a real man. So, if you have already achieved success in putting your appearance in order, it’s time to understand what kind of character the long-awaited prince should have.

First of all, attract the girl's attention with a worthy act. Even if you save a kitten from under the wheels of a bicycle, you will become a hero in her eyes. Generosity and the desire to help the weak are what girls value in guys.

Are you witty and funny? Don't hesitate! Girls love it when their guy is admired, it gives them and elevates them in their own eyes.

Learn to cook. Throw away the stereotypes of “consumer stallions”, ask your mom to help you with this. You will please mom and amaze the girl to the core!

Don’t rush into embrasures and don’t win tournaments, wish your girlfriend good night every evening, take care of her, don’t push her problems away from you and support her. Care and love are what are truly valuable in relationships between people.

14 March 2014, 12:42

This is what men like most about a woman's appearance.


Different men have different standards of female beauty, but they all agree that a girl must be well-groomed.

If you think that a man does not see whether you are caring for yourself or not, you are wrong. Men may not see something in particular, but they are pretty good at making comparisons. Therefore, just being attractive is not enough. A man should understand that in 20 years you will look good. Remember firmly - it is necessary.

This means:

  • Clean, fresh and ironed clothes.
  • Clean hair.
  • Regular hair removal.
  • White teeth, pleasant breath.
  • Pleasant smell.
  • Fit figure.


In second place in popularity among male responses. Unfortunately, none of the men interviewed could really explain what he meant by naturalness. But many people spoke about something that clearly does not fit this definition and makes a repulsive impression:

  • Too long, bright manicure. Almost everyone we interviewed said that a girl should definitely take care of her nails. But at the same time, the majority spoke out sharply against too long, false nails. In addition, if you want to please a man, we do not recommend choosing nail polish in too bright colors.
  • Too much cosmetics. In general, men are not against cosmetics, but they say that the rule here is: “the less, the better.” Too much cosmetics produces a sharply negative impression on the male sex.
  • The smell is too strong or cloying. Perfume should also be used wisely. The majority spoke out against too harsh and sweetly cloying aromas.
  • Too much tattoos and piercings. Modern men like tattoos on women’s bodies, but only non-aggressive ones: birds, butterflies, flowers, calligraphic inscriptions. But skulls, bright patterns, multi-colored stars and the like will most likely not be to their taste. Same thing with piercings. One extra hole will only count towards the end. But if you have broken everything that is possible, this begins to be alarming.


Most guys admitted that they are not at all attracted to “tomboys”. If this is your type, we advise you to slightly change the style and add femininity to the image. This means that you need:
  • Diversify your wardrobe: add skirts and dresses to jeans and shorts and alternate them regularly.
  • Avoid swear words. This turns men off. Everyone.
  • Less alcohol and cigarettes. This not only produces a repulsive effect, but also seriously harms your health.
  • Give up aggressive behavior. If you are used to going ahead in any situation, you need to change your tactics. Young people more often fall in love with modest and feminine girls than with active and courageous girls.

What do men like most about a woman's character?

Let's move on to the main positive character qualities that attract a man to a girl.

  1. The ability to understand, accept and empathize. This is not about care or guardianship. It's about listening, asking the right questions, showing the man that you are on his side and will always support him.
  2. Having your own interests. Independence. Boundaries. A woman should have her own territory, from which she takes emotions and brings them to the family. A man draws emotions from a woman and spends them outside the family. Such a law of nature. If you are completely attached to a man, his business, life, interests, your relationship will suffocate very quickly.
  3. Sense of humor. Self-irony. A girl who cannot laugh at herself will soon turn into a complex hysteric. Men know and feel this.
  4. Self-esteem. If you don't value yourself, you won't be valued. A man feels an inner core. This is what we often call breed, what you pass on to your children. For most guys this is important.
  5. Culinary talents. The Internet says that "no matter what you marry, it will still want to eat." Nobody forces you to be chained to the stove, but being able to feed him and his friends is your responsibility. Men really love to eat delicious food, believe me.
  6. Fantasy. In leisure, sex, communication, judgments, ideas, decisions. Do you ever get bored with yourself? If yes, then believe me, so does he. Improve this skill as much as possible, it is possible. Dream, set creative goals, buy relevant literature, experiment...
  7. Optimism. There is a very small category of men who love sufferers. The rest don't want to wipe your nose every minute because of stupid things. Either look for your unique copy from the minstrel Middle Ages or learn to look at the world with a smile and good expectations.

Do you want to know all the secrets of seducing men? We recommend watching free video course Alexey Chernozem "12 laws of seduction for women." You will receive a step-by-step 12-step plan on how to drive any man crazy and keep his affection for many years.

The video course is free. To watch, go to this page, leave your e-mail and you will receive an email with a link to the video.

What guys don't like about girls


There is probably nothing worse than this. Even if your appearance allows you to make Adrian Lima, Angelina Jolie and Miss Universe cry with envy and wipe each other’s tears, obsession practically deprives you of your chances of a long-term and serious relationship. There are too many of you. Your things, girlfriends, relatives, conversations, SMS, questions, gossip, more conversations, and the worst thing - questions. Where were you? Who did you sleep with? What to wear? When will you come? Where are you going? Obsession mainly manifests itself in several forms:
A) Excessive talkativeness. We talk just to show that we are nearby, to get attention, a reaction. The man tries to find a use for our chatter and, of course, he rarely succeeds. Therefore, over time, complaints akin to “he doesn’t hear me!” arise. Naturally! You are already white noise for him, nothing more. If you want what you say to have value for a man, be silent more, weigh your words, leave gossip to your friends, and empty complaints to your mother.

B) Excessive guardianship. At some point, a woman develops a maternal instinct towards a man. This happens for several reasons:

  • the first passion begins to slowly fade away, and the woman compensates for the decrease in sexual intensity with guardianship. There is a smooth replacement of one role with another;
  • a woman consciously takes on the role of a mother, wanting to control the man as much as possible through hyper-custody;
  • In a relationship with a man, a girl compensates for the lack of children when she is ready for them. This is the most plausible reason, but it is also dangerous. Children will appear, but the pattern of relationships between a man and a woman may remain the same, already broken.

Remember! Men don't sleep with moms. This is unnatural. Learn to feel the fine line between care and excessive, suffocating care. Even if the man eventually fell for it, why do you need a son instead of a husband?

B) Total control. Among my friends there are a fair number of paranoid individuals. First of all, this is the result of a “control” relationship. Some do not allow their partner to take a step without reporting or even warning in advance, others password-protect all addresses, phones, computers and cover their tracks even after going for milk. Out of habit. In the article “” we have already figured out that you really do not have the ability to completely control your partner. Therefore, we remember that a pit that has been jumped 90% is still not considered to have been jumped, and we give the men freedom to breathe, rest, and so on. Of course, there should be boundaries that are comfortable for both of you, but without electric barbed wire.

Dependent and helpless

At the beginning of a relationship, your confusion is endearing, your forgetfulness is funny, your timidity is exciting. The candy-bouquet period is very decorative for the moment when you are running in the rain, in a light dress, of course, without an umbrella. And then he gives you mulled wine, feeds you from a spoon, wraps you in a blanket and is touched by how charmingly you wrinkle your nose when you sneeze.

This scenario is not suitable for real family life. A man, of course, is your protection and support, but you must also behave adequately. A man should see you as a partner whom he can rely on in difficult times, and not as a beautiful and sweet fool who will be corrected by the grave. Sometimes a man needs help, advice and shelter. If it's not you, it will be someone else. A friend of mine claims that the most annoying thing about a woman is the exclamation “Oops!”


I don't know what comments are needed here. Men don't want to marry hysterical girls, even very beautiful ones. “If she’s doing this now, what will happen after the wedding?”

Useful video on the topic:

The work is endless. Good luck everyone! Listen, I’ve already given you so much advice, who’s having a bachelorette party, should you invite them, or what?

When the question arises what kind of guys girls like, you can often come to the conclusion that each woman has individual preferences.

Some of them pay more attention to physical characteristics, while others have high expectations in terms of intelligence, manners and upbringing.

And yet it can be stated that there are some qualities that make men more likely to please women.

What kind of guys do girls like? 8 scientific facts

1. Leadership qualities

Let's imagine what it was like in the days of cavemen, when men hunted mammoths, and on Sundays, instead of going to church or cuddling with the sofa, they fought bears.

In such an environment, a woman’s best chance of surviving and having children was to enlist all possible support from the man who led the tribe.

According to psychologists, this evolutionary programming still has a strong influence on women's preferences today.

It has been found that members of a particular social group consider its leader more attractive, as opposed to people who are not members of that group.

For example, employees of a particular company are more likely to find its leader attractive than people outside the company.

How can you develop this trait? Start small. Leadership is very much an art that takes time to master.

Put yourself in a situation where you have to take responsibility for its successful resolution.

This could be something as simple as organizing an out-of-town trip for a group of your friends. But you might get excited about a more ambitious project like .

Once girls see that you can easily take control of a group of people and inspire them to take action, you will appear many times more attractive to them.

2. Social proof

Women are not eager to be with a man who sits at home all day playing Xbox.

Girls like guys who are at the center of life's events, wherever they go. Women like men who are the life of the party and are always surrounded by other people.

As a result, girls themselves involuntarily strive to become part of such an exciting life, which is where the power of social confirmation manifests itself.

In a 2010 study, psychologists asked a group of volunteers to rate the attractiveness of men and women from photographs.

After this, the same volunteers were shown photographs of the same people, but this time hugging a member of the opposite sex, each of whom was presented as the boyfriend of the study subjects.

What are the conclusions? Almost all volunteers rated the guys and girls who were photographed next to attractive exes as more attractive.

Therefore, in parallel with focusing efforts on, it would not be a bad idea to generally develop social skills, meet interesting people and expand your circle of friends.

Develop friendships with those people who add value to your life and your social proof.

3. Sense of humor

Scientists say that people perceive a good sense of humor as a sign of intelligence and developed social skills.

For the same reason, women are evolutionarily conditioned to respond to presence of mind as a factor of attraction.

The logic is this: a smart man will be able to better provide and protect a woman and her future children.

As a rule, a sense of humor is an innate human trait, but if there are blind spots in this area, this skill can be developed.

If you can always make people around you laugh, then you have a precious gift that you should not forget to use in the process.

4. Restless movements

Take a look at any alpha hero from any famous movie. The first thing you will notice is that they do everything smoothly and leisurely.

Remember, for example, Clint Eastwood's character. He barely speaks throughout the film, but he looks like the coolest guy.

Scientists have found that men who move and speak slowly are often perceived as more confident, and therefore more attractive to girls.

5. Athletic physique

Of all the existing male forms, what women like most is the “V-shaped” athletic male body, that is, clearly defined muscles of the upper body and a narrow waist.

Such interesting personalities will not stop halfway, realizing their plans, and will also show courage and enterprise.

8. Good job and high income

Commercialism is a bad quality. But it's better to face the truth than to pretend that money doesn't matter.

Girls like guys who have a prestigious job and a high income, as well as those who have the attributes of a successful man, which include their own living space and a good car. Hmmm... What is prestigious for a Russian is commonplace for an American.

But even if you can’t boast of the above gizmos, it doesn’t matter. Just, having thrown away, remember that you have something to strive for.

9. Positivity

Every person wants to surround himself with happy and positive people, and not those who bring negative emotions and have a destructive influence.

Happiness is a state available to everyone, but most people prefer to remain immersed in their suffering.

Any man will face difficulties throughout his life, and how he can cope with them is of great importance.

Some use their bad streaks as a source of personal development, while for others, difficult times will become an excuse to remain unhappy.

10. Ability to communicate

Just like a good sense of humor, skill is an attractive trait for any woman.

Women like men who make them feel comfortable and at ease.

Be a pleasant conversationalist, speak in a calm, low voice, showing genuine interest in the girl during the conversation.

11. Spontaneity

Women love spontaneity and intrigue.

This doesn't mean you have to spend your time visiting a new country or giving your friend a bath filled with champagne.

Show spontaneity in small things. Invite the girl to do a few dance steps while walking or write an unexpected message.

12. Good manners and respectful attitude

Treat anyone with appropriate respect if they deserve your respect. By addressing people this way, you will receive respect in return.

In addition to the ability to show strength, girls like good manners in guys, beautiful manners, a sense of tact and skill behind them.

13. Male attention and care

If you are convinced that women only want diamonds, expensive jewelry and resort vacations, quickly throw this garbage out of your head.

Small but thoughtful will make a girl's heart beat faster.

Listen to what she says, and sooner or later you will find out that she, for example, loves violets in pots or pendants with pictures of cats.

Also, don’t forget to ask how the girl’s day was, how she’s feeling, and what’s on her mind. Women need issues like air.

14. Honesty

Honesty is the basis for many other personality traits, such as integrity and reliability.

Many women complain that men say one thing and then do another. If a girl is confident that you are honest with her, she will have no reason to distrust you or doubt you.

15. Reliability

Girls like guys who aren't afraid of commitment.

Reliability and responsibility can be manifested even in fulfilling minor requests if a man has made his promise.

16. Sexual compatibility

The intimate component is one of the most important reasons for entering into a relationship, its development, etc.

Therefore, if there is no compatibility in this matter, such relationships will either not last long or be painful.

1. Having a habit of complaining

There's probably nothing more off-putting to a girl than a guy who complains all the time. And the more complaints, the lower the level of respect for such a man drops.

Have you stepped in a puddle and are cursing everything in the world out loud because you stained your pants? Minus one point.

Do you constantly complain that you have very little free time, that you are desperately and unsuccessfully trying to move up the career ladder, and indeed the whole world is against you? Another minus 20 points and the game is over.

2. Guys who have no friends

Women want men to be attractive not only to them, but also to make other people attracted to their companions.

The absence of a social circle will definitely cause women's anxiety. The girl will start to think that something is wrong with the guy if she is the only one who spends time with him.

This is probably the simplest trap and the easiest to avoid. But there are times when guys fall into it too.

The solution in this case is very simple -.

3. Needy and insecure guys who put girls on a pedestal

In modern society, the process of seducing women most often comes down to men’s attempts to logically convince a girl that she needs to enter into a relationship with this particular guy.

As a result, the whole complex of ingratiation and showing oneself in the role of a needy person is involved: the girl is told how beautiful she is, they like her photos on social networks, or the guys, as if trying on a peacock costume, are trying to show what wonderful candidates for love they are.

Men constantly look at women's breasts. This does not offend or embarrass us. It's a little stupid. This is childish. This is paradoxical. But men who constantly look at our breasts will never be the ones we are attracted to.
Christina Hendricks

And the problem is not that guys show interest in girls, but how they do it:

  • There is nothing wrong for a man if he looks, appreciates and enjoys a woman’s face, figure, legs or breasts, even if this is done completely directly and obviously. However, constantly staring at the same girl is too much. You can look, but you cannot take it - this is the conviction of an insecure man.
  • If a guy looks at a girl furtively, so that she doesn’t notice, but everything is completely clear to the girl, this is another manifestation of insecure behavior. Either look or don't look. If you like it, communicate, if you don’t like it, leave it to someone else.
  • Trying to run after a girl, constantly calling her, being offended by her, trying to find out why she did this or that is generally a waste.

Women are accustomed to the current situation in society, and they like it... They like that they again and again receive confirmation of their sexual demand, but they rarely want to throw in their lot with the subjects of such attention.

If you've had experience with a lot of women, you've probably noticed that often girls, especially very attractive ones, may not seem the most receptive to your attention.

Their cold attitude has a direct correlation with the large supply of male options.

Every beautiful girl living in a big city is approached by thousands of men throughout her life, saying the same words and acting the same way.

So, by doing this, you will become simply number 1275 for this girl. She is looking for a man who will do things differently, who will not become her idolater.

It's not that the bad guys get everything. The fact is that the good ones get nothing.
David X

So if a guy seems needy or clearly insecure, compounding his disadvantage by trying to pursue a girl, constantly calling her and sending text messages one after another, she will simply flip through him like a page of a Soviet encyclopedic dictionary and move on to the next interesting section of her life .

Guys who really like girls never put them on a pedestal.

In conclusion. You are enough

- this is a very useful component of every man’s life, but you should not be tied to the achievement of the desired result.

If you think you need to develop some important masculine qualities to get girls to like you, remind yourself: “You are already good enough to be liked by girls.”

Firstly, personal development has no limits, so there is a possibility of ending up in a state of eternal waiting.

Secondly, the realization of achievement is already the time to take action.

Thirdly, once you reach the finish line, you may realize that even without all this acquired tinsel, “You were already enough then.”

Some girls love tall blondes, others are crazy about medium-sized brunettes in patent leather boots. But there are “tricks” that will help you attract the attention of any girl, and there are also “mistakes” in appearance and behavior that can push you away from you once and for all. The editors of Amurochka conducted a survey among 85 unmarried girls aged 18 to 25 to find out their preferences and what they find unpleasant in guys. Read below and find out how attractive you are.

What attracts girls to guys?

The more of the following properties you discover in yourself, the more chances you have to please girls:

  • Tall or at least average height.
  • Clothing in dark, gray and other “muted” shades.
  • Short cut, clean washed hair.
  • Intelligence, intelligence, worldly wisdom.
  • The ability to take responsibility and make decisions.
  • The ability to be responsible for your actions.
  • A beautiful, toned figure, but not “pumped”, not overfed with protein shakes.
  • Neatness in clothing.
  • Pleasant, not pungent smell.
  • Fresh breath.
  • Showing care, attention, talents. If you know how to cook, surprise a girl with a prepared dinner, if you know how to sing, sing a song for her.
  • Decisiveness, strength of character, ability to achieve goals.
  • Education, but not crossing the line when a guy becomes a bore and a nerd.
  • Strength. The ability to stand up for yourself and for your girlfriend. But at the same time, do not get into a fight without a reason and do not stir up scandals out of nowhere.
  • They don’t whine or complain about life, but move forward, overcoming obstacles.
  • With a good sense of humor.
  • Lack of excess weight.

Jokes aside, but in the end, for a serious relationship, a girl will make a choice in favor of a person who suits her character, with whom there is mutual understanding, on whom she can rely in difficult times. The size of the abs and a couple of extra centimeters of height will not matter much to her.

What kind of guys do all girls like without exception?

Do you want to be the “king” in any company, so that all the girls pay attention to you, dream of meeting you and even win your heart? Well, here are the qualities and external signs of a guy who is absolutely capable of conquering many beauties with just his appearance:

  • Stylishly, tastefully dressed. Brand new clothes that highlight a toned figure.
  • With an ideal figure or close to it: slim, tall, strong in appearance, but clearly not like bodybuilders.
  • Slight stubble is welcome.
  • With money, wealthy, rich. Many girls do not dare admit it to themselves, but high material wealth is 70% of success in most cases, and 30% is appearance. Whatever one may say, big money is an opportunity to live comfortably. Girls instinctively strive to provide their future children with the best, and not to count every penny.
  • Dark hair color or light brown.
  • Those who have a car, an apartment, other movable property and real estate, and the more, the better.
  • The guy must be smart and educated. Moreover, it does not matter whether this education was obtained at a university or through life experience, the main thing is prudence, sober calculation, and the ability to resolve situations.
  • Decisive, with business acumen.
  • Successful.

Success is an integral feature of rich guys who have achieved everything through their abilities, and not through a lucky inheritance. Rich sons of rich parents, who are nothing of themselves, will attract girls only for a couple of dates. If this is a smart girl, of course, and not... you know who.

As you can see, beauty is not that important, the main thing is charisma, determination and determination. If you have a strong character and are not devoid of romantic impulses, then girls will be drawn to you and you won’t have to do anything special.

What is it about guys that turns girls off?

If you have at least one of these signs, then this significantly reduces your chances of success with girls:

  • Untidy appearance: dirty clothes, unwashed, greasy scalp, unbrushed teeth, bad breath, body odor or clothing.
  • Stupidity, narrow-mindedness in expressing one's thoughts.
  • Thoughtless, stupid actions. Inability to calculate the situation in advance.
  • Guys getting into trouble, looking for adventure in the wrong place at the wrong time.
  • Aggressive, rude.
  • Making dirty jokes.
  • Selfishness, self-centeredness, selfishness, bravado from scratch.
  • Mumblers, "nurses", indecisive, cowardly.
  • Throwing words to the wind. They talk and promise a lot, but do little or nothing.
  • “Trump cards” with their cool, rich relatives or acquaintances.
  • Mama's boys: obeying their mother in everything, not taking a single step without her sensitive guidance.
  • Overly pumped up, with muscles bulging here and there.
  • Excessively hairy: with multiple dark hairs on the legs and torso.
  • With a long beard, with multiple, unadjusted facial hair.
  • With long, hanging hair.
  • Lack of sense of style in clothing. The guy doesn’t have to wear clothes from a boutique, the main thing is that he doesn’t look ridiculous: red socks, checkered pants, a light green sweater and an earring in the nose - this look will only attract a fan of “Hipsters” or someone like the guy himself, a girl in disorganized clothes, with earrings and tattoos everywhere.
  • Highlighting on hair, dyed hair.
  • “Fashionable” lately: manicure, pedicure, use of lipstick. Will cause reflections on orientation, adequacy.

There is an idea that men love with their eyes and when they meet, they pay attention to the appearance of the girl. Every woman wants to be attractive to the opposite sex.

What types of girls do guys like?

There are these types of girls:

  • Bitch. Such women are always involved in intrigue and gossip. They do not tolerate competition and prefer to be a leader.
  • Blonde. Blonde girls prioritize their well-groomed appearance and fashionable clothes.
  • Botanist. Such women seem to know everything about everything, but only from books and films. They do not like to be in large and noisy companies.
  • Homebody. A girl of this type often has an inconspicuous appearance and communication with them is boring.
  • Fighting girlfriend. Such women are educated, they know how to understand and listen to guys.
  • With weirdness. Girls of this type are dreamy. They have their own inner world and love to fantasize.
  • Artist. Such women almost always play a role they have invented for themselves. Their mood may change depending on the role they play.

A guy who wants to build a serious relationship is best suited for a girl like a combat girlfriend. Bitches in life are not always something a man can endure. Blondes can become a cheerful companion at parties and they are more relaxed about intimate relationships. Nerd type women can rarely interest a guy with their femininity, but they are good conversationalists.

You can spend your time fun and romantic with the artists. They are inclined towards intimacy. If a guy wants to build a relationship with someone who will take care of him and do household chores, he needs to focus his attention on a homebody. Women with oddities will be a mystery to a man, which you want to unravel and build a serious relationship with.


What kind of girls do guys like in appearance? Some people like the fairer sex with dark hair, and some are blue-eyed blondes, but everyone should have these parameters.

  • Shining eyes. It is important for men that a woman's eyes shine. For your eyes to radiate, you need to be in harmony with yourself, create an inner mood. It is necessary to love yourself and the world that surrounds you. You shouldn’t get angry over trifles, it’s better to think more about the good. It is important to be able to get enough sleep. If you stick to this, the guy will be able to notice a shining look.
  • Well-groomed skin. Representatives of the stronger sex do not remain indifferent to clean, healthy and fresh-breathing women's skin. In order for the skin to have this appearance, it is necessary to regularly monitor and maintain skin health. You can do this yourself at home, or by visiting a cosmetologist. It is important to use products that suit your skin type and do not cause allergic reactions.
  • Well-groomed hands and nails. Hands are a calling card in creating the impression of well-groomedness. Therefore, it is important to take care of your manicure and pedicure.
  • Naturalness. Guys like girls with natural beauty. There is no need to apply a thick layer of makeup; it is better to properly highlight your beauty with the help of cosmetics.


Every girl dreams of having an ideal figure. But it must be remembered that all men have a different understanding of the ideal female figure. Which girls do guys like best? Men like women with a well-groomed figure and toned body skin. Often the figure should be slim, but you should have everything with you. To maintain shape, you need to regularly perform physical exercise (running, shaping). You can also practice dancing and yoga. Guys pay special attention to the even tan of the skin of the opposite sex.


If a girl knows what character traits guys like, it will be easier for her to win the favor of the stronger sex and enter into a serious relationship.

What kind of girls do guys like based on their character? Of course, everyone has their own taste, but if we generalize everything, we can highlight the following female character traits that appeal to men.

  • Sociability. This does not mean that you need to chat incessantly. You need to start a conversation easily and naturally and continue the conversation at that pace. Guys don't like to draw out every word and communicate with women who are too silent. There is no need to be afraid to speak and be friendly. This will be an indicator that there is interest in continuing communication.
  • Confidence. Guys like girls who behave confidently and can present themselves with dignity. She must immediately show that she deserves respect and knows what her attention is worth. At the same time, confidence should not develop into narcissism and an arrogant attitude towards other people. Women's self-confidence fuels men's determination.
  • Mind. Men turn their gaze and begin communication if the woman was able to arouse interest. To do this, a woman needs to be educated and engage in self-development, follow world events, and read literature. With a smart girl you can easily find topics for conversation, ask her opinion and learn something new. With such a woman you want to be in the company of friends and colleagues. If a woman is stupid, a man will worry and think about her possible behavior, as well as her verbal expressions in the circle of strangers.

    The guy likes the girl

  • Extraordinary. Guys are attracted to active women who know how to find a way to resolve a situation that differs from standard solutions. According to men, such ladies can surprise and be interesting to spend your leisure time with. Originality should be within reason.
  • Taste. Guys like a representative of the fairer sex with a sense of style, who dresses in fashion. The formed style should be harmoniously suited to the appearance and figure.
  • Talent. All people have talent, which is different for everyone. To surprise a man and show his talent, you need to choose the right time and setting, for example, make a gift for his birthday with your own hands or write a congratulatory poem.
  • Initiative. Sometimes you can figure out how to spend a pleasant evening for a man, for example, arrange a romantic date and buy movie tickets.

    Mystery girl

  • The girl is a mystery. A man is attracted to unpredictability in a girl. They try to achieve such women with great enthusiasm. You don’t need to tell everything about yourself right away when you meet someone.
  • Beauty. This quality means not only external beauty, but also the manner of communication, facial expressions, and body movements. To do this, you need to love yourself, train to look beautiful and feel beautiful.
  • Not intrusiveness. Communication and relationships between a man and a woman should not limit the freedom of each of them. The weaker sex is more likely to show increased interest. You shouldn’t be the first to call or write to the guy; he will find a way to get in touch if he’s really interested.
  • Kindness. The weaker sex is endowed with the ability to show kindness to loved ones and people around them. A man will not want to continue communicating and start a relationship with an embittered woman.

    Feeling of love

  • Looseness. In order not to push the guy away, the girl should not be constrained and overly withdrawn. Communication should be easy and relaxed.
  • Gentleness and caring. A woman by nature must show concern for other people. If she is able to show her softness and warmth, the guy becomes more open. You want to protect and protect such a woman.
  • Sense of humor. It's easier to flirt and start a conversation with a girl who knows how to have fun, laugh and joke. Excessive seriousness suppresses a man.
  • Modesty. A man next to a woman must understand that he is in charge, so you need to show respect and not argue without a good reason. Modesty adorns a girl.
  • Literacy. It is important for men to see a girl nearby who speaks competently and expresses herself in censored speech.
  • Honesty. Guys who intend to start a relationship and meet with the goal expect that she can be trusted. There is no need to deceive and undermine trust.


What kind of girls do guys really like? A man’s heart will melt when, upon meeting him, he sees a girl with a beautiful complexion, well-groomed hair, healthy teeth, and neatly dressed.

A woman must be healthy and strong, because a man needs someone who can bear and give birth to a child. A guy prefers to see a girl dressed in clean and neat things. Clothes should highlight your strengths and not reveal your weaknesses.

What girls do guys like according to statistics? The preferences of guys can be roughly divided by age categories. Young guys mostly like cheerful, extraordinary and relaxed girls. Also who know how to dress fashionably. Older guys (23-29 years old) like girls who know how to take the initiative, but at the same time they are unobtrusive.

Statistics Guys choose women who are mysteries, as well as those with whom they are not ashamed to be among their friends. Middle-aged men focus their attention on a well-groomed and confident woman. Such guys like caring, gentle, modest and kind representatives of the fairer sex. They want to be confident in their partner.


  • Andrey, 25 years old. I like women who are not overweight and who exercise, and she definitely shouldn’t smoke. The manner of communication is not the least important.
  • Roman, 27 years old. I don’t single out any particular type, I like them all. If I see something that interests me in an unfamiliar woman, I immediately take action to meet her. The main thing is that she is intelligent and an interesting conversationalist.
  • Evgeniy, 19 years old. I like ladies with curves, but not chubby ones. She must have a sense of humor and be capable of extraordinary solutions.
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