Entertaining games for adults. List of interesting games for children and adults. Passengers - tickets

They are mainly held as competitions between players or teams. The route and optimal distances are preliminarily determined experimentally.

1. Move by jumping while squatting or on a chair.

2. Running in bags. The competitor climbs into the bag and, holding it by the edges, covers the distance by jumping.

3. Competing pairs hold the balloon with their foreheads and move.

Win whoever gets rid of their tokens first - that is, whoever has the most things. Choose who will play first - he leaves the room, and the rest write down the name on the sheet famous person. They then call the player back into the room and tape the sheet to their back. He needs to know who this person is by asking questions. Questions asked must answer only "yes" and "no", and "yes" and "no" answers can be given.

If the player identifies a name with 20 or fewer questions, he wins. Smash balloons Each player blows one bubble and ties it to their ankle with string. On command, everyone, using only their legs, tries to be the last person with a healthy balloon. In other words, each player tries to break the others' balloons, causing them to happen. You can decide for yourself what rewards will be for the winners. If it's not yet a Christmas party with your colleagues, you can safely use some of the games to make the party unforgettable.

4. Participants break into pairs, stand with their backs to each other and fold their arms across their chests. They have an inflatable balloon or ball behind their back. Couples move.

5. Jump the route on one leg, hitting the inflatable ball.

6. Two columns line up at the starting line. At the signal, the first numbers run, go around objects lying at a distance of 6-8 m. They return. At the start line, the second numbers join them (take them by the belt), etc. The team that crosses the start line first wins.

Games with the least

We wish you a lot of mood and laughter! Babies love the rhythmic movement back and forth because the movement reminds them of their mother's womb. Gouache is small in his hands, singing a song to him and slowly teasing him. After the second month, babies begin to recognize facial features and love to watch the expressions of their loved ones. Have fun with different persons and sounds to develop his hearing and vision.

Feeding helps develop baby's motor skills and they love it. It's even more fun when you attach light rattle teeth to your little ankles. Or hold a rattle in front of a burglar's feet and he will hit it to make noise. This game is useful for learning cause and effect relationships.

7. Everything is the same, only in reverse: the whole team runs first. They leave the last player at the starting line, run again, etc.

Don't touch me!

The players stand in a circle, holding hands tightly.

In the middle of the circle, skittles are placed in a random order, approximately 50 cm from one another (they can be easily replaced with empty plastic soda bottles). At the judge’s signal, each player, without unclenching his hands, tries to push his neighbors onto the pin. As soon as the first pin is knocked down, the game pauses. The pin is set again, and the player who knocked down the pin is eliminated from the game.

If baby is big enough to transfer the object from one hand to the other, give it a little squeeze and have him grab it with his other hand and give it a big big kiss. This will help your child improve their motor and eye muscle coordination. Playing with dolls can be a fun interactive activity for children this age. Place the puppet on your hand and hide it behind your back.

Let's see who can catch this cloud! Then ask the little one to bend and touch your legs - “Now to collect ladybugs under your feet." The game is also very suitable for learning body parts. Do you know why to pull out the classic “board” in winter? Besides the good feeling, their play and their charm: parents and preschoolers suddenly reach the level, and heated arguments are destroyed like a stick.

The rest, holding hands, resume the game at a signal. It should be remembered that pushing is allowed only with your hands, without letting go of your neighbors’ hands. And one more thing: if a player, without dropping the pin, breaks the chain three times (by releasing his hand), he is eliminated from the game. Towards the end of the game, when the number of participants becomes small, you can reduce the number of pins and the distance between them.

Imagine the following situation: two peers, Peter and Pavel, each from a different family. Peter comes home from school, writes down assignments and plays computer games. He's tired, so passionate fun suits him. Therefore, it is not surprising that even family dinner and general discussion at the end of the day are somewhat boring.

When Pavel comes home and writes down homework, he takes the TV for a moment, but hardly at home with his parents, he is already preparing to make a board game, because he knows what they "give" together. He is happy to spend his first time with his parents, he experiences a fantastic play story that harmonizes and releases his emotions, his mood will rise.

Drawing on the back

How close are you to each other? Try to understand this with a simple game.

The leader must say a word in the ear of the last person in the row. Words should be simple, so that they can be depicted. For example: a house, the sun, a flower, a person, a table, etc. The last person must “draw” with his finger what the presenter said on the back of the previous person. The one on whose back they were drawing must understand what is being said and draw the same thing on the back of his neighbor in front. When a picture is “drawn” on the back of the first one standing in the line, he must tell the leader what was drawn on his back. The presenter compares the word he said to the last person and heard from the first. If the words match, then the players were able to feel each other’s train of thought. If not, then they need to show more trust in each other and be closer in communication.

Even playing with anger or joy relieves tension with tension and, having experienced this, he will no longer have to return to them through nightmares or the morning “special pain in the stomach.” Game of board games- Very effective form therapy in which we not only enjoy and develop skills and feelings, but also relax.

Did you know that there are places where tabletop lovers meet? These are the so-called Board Game Clubs, which have regular members, but you can play them as an unregistered member. "In our country, classic board games are played a little," says 32-year-old Katherine. Our people played with us, don't be angry! to the moon. They are used to play a bit and are good at it.

Don't miss the ball

The participants of the game stand in a circle and put their hands on each other’s shoulders. The driver stands in the middle of the circle, with a ball at his feet. The driver’s task is to kick the ball out of the circle. The players’ task is not to let the ball out of the circle, but to hit it to the driver’s center. You can't separate your hands. Neither the driver nor those standing in the circle are allowed to cross the line. If the ball sent by the driver flies over the hands or head, the kick is not counted. But when the ball flies between the legs, the driver wins. He stands in a circle, and the one who missed the ball takes his place.

Katka is one of the parents who plays naturally because they remember how much they played as children. Others who are not so close to playing board games may be convinced by the arsenal of "good side effects" The game teaches the child to work with the rules, endure loss and experience a feeling of victory. It also develops concentration and memory. In addition, these strategies develop thinking as players must carefully consider each step, understand the consequences of their actions, and also best judge a teammate's reaction.

Electric current

Two teams stand in lines facing each other. Each team joins hands, forming a chain behind their backs, so that the other team cannot see their clasped hands. At the end of the chain there is any object - for example, plastic bottle, and at the beginning of the chain there is a leader who tosses a coin. Team captains, i.e. those who are first in the chain, carefully watch the coin (the rest only look in the opposite direction, i.e. they do not see their captain). If the “eagle” falls out, the captains transmit the current, that is, they quickly squeeze the hand of the person standing next to him, who then shakes the hand of the other, and so on until the end of the “electrical circuit.” The last one, having received a “rank”, quickly grabs the object.

Board games develop interaction, interpersonal relationships and the ability to predict the behavior of others. And they also benefit students at the next level by developing mostly convergent or convergent thinking day after day. But in life it is often necessary to look for more possible options solving one problem, and this is already a matter of divergent or divergent, creative thinking, which is very well prepared in strategy games. The goal is not just one way, there are many ways and conditions that change every minute, so the player must learn to react flexibly.

The team that did not manage to grab him first undergoes a reshuffle. The one who was supposed to grab becomes the captain, and the former captain becomes second in the chain. The captain may make a mistake by rushing to “give current” ahead of time. In this case, the team also loses.


We determine the size of the territory in which the game will take place. At the beginning of the game, the leader is one person. He catches up with the fleeing participants. Having caught up with someone, he takes him by the hand, and they play the game together - they catch up with the next one and so on until a chain is formed. If there are many players, you can form 2 chains. When a chain of four people is formed, they are divided into pairs and everything is repeated.

And this fits very well into life, doesn’t it? However, one of the most important benefits of playing classic games is working with personality traits. This is a situation where “we can play fair” not only in the game, but also in life. Unmatched wins don't bring as much joy as "worn out" ones. Admittedly, some types of games are bluffed, but this is always a misleading opponent within the rules. The issue of bluffing is also expressed by psychologist Katerina Lipinskaya: I personally would recommend choosing games for children where the emphasis is on cooperation rather than competition and rivalry.

Ball game

Participants are divided into two teams. The task of each team is to throw the ball to each other 10 times without dropping it. Players from the other team try to win the ball. If the ball falls or goes to the other team, the game and scoring start over.

Passengers - tickets

The group is divided into 2 equal teams, forming pairs. One is passengers (inner circle), and the other is “tickets” (outer circle). The leader stands in the center, and at his command the movement begins. Passengers turn to the right and run in a circle, and the “tickets” go to the left; Everyone sings the song “We are going, going, going to distant lands.” Suddenly the presenter shouts: “Controller!” The “tickets” stop in place, and passengers try to stand in front of the “tickets” (looking for a pair). The presenter, meanwhile, tries to get ahead of someone and take an empty seat in front of the “ticket”. The one left without a seat becomes the leader.

At the same time, the child must learn to lose beautiful art. If they study to cope with the loss of the game, but despise their opponent or mournfully exclaim that he is completely incompetent, has a very good foundation to learn to tolerate losses in life without bitterness and self-pity.

This statement is also supported by Katka, who adds that it is not easy to learn to tolerate another person's victory, but it is impossible. Our boys are rivals, so when he won one, the other didn't take it well. When the winner came out we didn't do any drama and we just wanted him to win. There are many different types of social games in the market as social games are very popular these days. Among the best sellers, according to statistics, are the family game Settlers of Catan, Carcassonne, activity, Czech Republic, history cube, Lud in various variations and, ultimately, erotic games for adult couples at the head of innocent games for two.

Three, thirteen, thirty

The players form a circle, standing apart from each other at a distance of arms outstretched to the sides. The driver stands in the middle of it. If he says: “Three,” all players must raise their hands to the side at the word “thirteen!” - raise them up at the word “thirty!” - put them on your belt (you can come up with other movements). The driver quickly calls any of the above numbers. The one who makes a mistake takes a step back, but continues to play. The one who remains in his place until the end wins. The driver can draw out the words: “Three-and-and-and...”.

Huizinga presented in his work a revolutionary theory of the study of culture, amazing courage of thought, accuracy of conclusions, and breadth of research. As for the impact of Huizini's book on The Effective Project, it expanded our horizons for party games, adult games and social games - whatever they may be.

We saw our work in a completely new context, becoming increasingly aware of the processes taking place in society through a deeply understandable game. Therefore, let us once again dwell on the words of the Dutch master. Fun was something to him, and he fought for something. The ability of this definition is a guarantee of its timelessness. The author points to play as an element of constitutive culture for many of his domains.

Keep the ball flying

Everyone stands in a circle, holding hands. The task is to prevent the balloon from falling to the ground by pushing it with all parts of the body. After the ball falls once, it cannot be pushed with your feet, and so on until it can no longer be pushed with anything. You can complicate the game like this: settle on the first or second, the first pushes, and the second holds them back. Or in another way: some hold their ball, others hold another, and you not only need to keep yours in the air, but also prevent the other team from doing the same.

The game is not an ordinary pastime, but a rivalry that has become institutionalized over time. This name is less precise than the previous one because there is also more than one animal in the plant. What applies to creativity also applies to fun - many animals play.

If we consider the content of our actions to the bottom of what is known, we may be born into the idea that all human activity is simply funny. A sigh of relief in no way leads to the abandonment of play as a factor inherent in everything that exists in the world. As Waclaw Idziak writes, Huizinga's joy is an activity in which there is a desire to live and behavior based on norms. With the origin of all human activity also at the core of broadly understood culture, it is fun. It is ironic that fun, play and competition are at the core of both war, science, art and philosophy.

Forest, swamp, lake

Draw a circle of such a size that all players fit into it, and 3 more circles at an equal distance from the first. The players become the first, and the rest get names: “forest”, “swamp”, “lake”. The presenter names an animal, bird or fish (you can agree and name plants). Counts quickly to the set number. Everyone runs and everyone stands in the circle that, in his opinion, corresponds to the habitat of the named animal or bird, then they return and start all over again. The word "frog" allows you to stand in any circle. Those who never make a mistake win. You cannot change the circle. If the person running is late and does not have time to step into the circle with at least one foot, he receives a penalty point.

While playing we have a spiritual experience. This means a certain excess that is a manifestation of fun. Having fun is not just rational behavior. It's time to move on to the main topic of our adventure - social games. They fit perfectly into the concept of the game, which is a timeless way to entertain grown adults throughout history. It should be noted here that populism is by no means a lack of sophistication. A separate area of ​​human culture has been created around games and social games, combining elements of entertainment with elements of more serious functions. was an expression of the spirit of that era, becoming an integral part of the lives of people, especially those belonging to the highest social strata.

Hide and seek in reverse

One participant is hiding, everyone else is looking for him. The one who finds the hidden person hides with him, and so on until only the seeker remains.

Burning forest

The task is to run from one edge of the field (along which the line is drawn) to the other. In the center of the field there are 3-4 drivers who salute those who are running. Those who have been greased stop where they were greased, spread their arms to the sides, imitating a burning tree (you cannot move from the place). The rest continue to run back and forth. Their task is complicated by the fact that they cannot touch the “burning trees.” The one who touched it stops and “burns.” The game can continue until there are 2-3 “unburnt” participants left. They will be the winners.

Games have accompanied people almost from the very beginning of history and can be called a phenomenon of the early phase of the formation of mass culture. Below we present the fate of social games throughout history, with particular consideration to historical and cultural contexts. They derive mainly from the rituals - the dances and songs of the communities that have just created the foundations of their cultural identity. The primacy and chaos of violent movements and sounds gradually turned into increasingly coordinated and complex shapes. Brutality and literalism gave way to other types of expression.

Salki - coins

Two teams lined up stand opposite each other at a distance of two meters. One of them is “heads”, the other is “tails”. The presenter tosses a coin and shouts out what came up. If it's heads, the heads run after the tails, and vice versa (usually confusion results). The team that is chasing must kill as many people from the other team as possible, and then the bad guys move to their team. You can save until the player reaches the pre-designated border. The game continues until everyone is on the same team, but this rarely happens, so play until you're exhausted.

Although there were no social layers in the world of primitive people, games and gossip were mainly carried out by privileged people: hunters, shamans, people who toned up the activities of a given group or tribe. As an example, we can describe the pygmy rituals associated with totemism, noted in Equatorial Africa. Despite little knowledge of the nature of the primitive game, most researchers argue that the tribes likely used different types of objects during ceremonies and applied rules that became the origin of the arcade games we know today.

Family games is a great way to spend time with your kids, have fun and bond as a family. It is also useful for adults to relax a little and return to childhood, at least for a short time.

Intellectual games are perfect for spending time together between children and adults, both on everyday days and during holidays. Simple but interesting games have proven themselves to be excellent, here is a list of them:

  1. Associations. You need to name the word and the next participant must come up with the most logical and closest semantic association for this word. Moreover, the association can be absolutely anything, it depends on the imagination and imagination of the players.
  2. Wishes. This game is perfect for the holidays and can be played at the table. Seat all the family members mixed together and ask everyone to wish the one sitting on the right what they want most. You can’t think for a long time and the one who thinks about it drops out.
  3. Fairy tale. In order to start playing, you will need a piece of paper and writing pen. The first participant must write the first sentence of the fairy tale and folds a piece of paper so that what is written is not visible. The next participant must write a continuation and so on, pass the piece of paper around the circle until each player writes a continuation of the fairy tale on paper. The funnier and more interesting the players' options are, the better the fairy tale will turn out. When everyone has written their options on paper, unfold the piece of paper and read the fairy tale to the players. This tale will amuse both adults and children during family holiday Houses.
  4. Searching for what's missing. This will be useful for both adults and children, because it develops visual memory and attentiveness. The inventory will be colored oilcloth and small items such as cosmetics, boxes, jewelry, cutlery, and souvenirs. It is desirable that all these items be different and there be enough of them. Lay everything out on an oilcloth on the table and let the participants sit around it. Have everyone look carefully at the objects laid out on the table, and then have everyone close their eyes. The presenter must remove one or more objects from the table, and the participants will have to guess what exactly the presenter removed. Whoever guessed correctly wins.

Board games for children and adults

Outdoor games

Outdoor family games can be very fun and funny. Children love them because they allow children to release some of their energy, because kids are very active and they definitely need to move a lot.

The fun of searching for treasure is a whole detective story for children. Parents should write assignments on pieces of paper or prepare cards with explanatory pictures for those children who cannot yet read well.

Hide gifts for children in different places in the apartment. On the plan, be sure to select the place from which you want to start the game. With each surprise, you can hide an explanatory note, and you can also make a map where you can mark all the significant places.

Be sure to help your baby if he is confused or slightly lost. Only then will such fun be interesting and educational. This game can easily be started at home, it can be on a family vacation or weekend. The budget will be very small, surprises may not be expensive or even made by yourself. But you will definitely need to prepare.

Outdoor games

If you went on a picnic in nature or went to the park for long walk, then you should definitely know that you can also play interesting family games in nature. If you have, for example, a ball, then you can already come up with fun tomfoolery with the kids

But, if you have the budget and you bought two balls, you can arrange the game “Pass the ball to your neighbor” in nature. Everyone stand in a circle, let the two players who are opposite each other take the ball in their hands. At the signal, start passing the balls into each other’s hands so that one ball seems to be catching up with the other. Which of the children ends up with two balls in their hands at once is awarded a penalty point.

Also, in nature, you can play a simple game “Don’t give the ball to the leader” with a ball. Choose one or two leaders and place everyone playing in a circle. The players will throw the ball to each other, and the presenters must touch the ball, or even better, intercept it. If this happens, the player who threw the ball poorly must become the leader.

In nature, “Edible and Inedible” will be great fun for children. Place the players in a circle or in a line and choose a leader. The fun is for the presenter to say the word and at the same time throw the ball. If the word means something edible, then the player catches the ball. If the presenter names something inedible, then the ball must be hit.

On paper

If you decide to play with the kids at home, then if your budget allows, you should buy it on paper. It will be great option games for the home, because on any free evening or day off you can take out your board games and have a good time with the kids. Board games such as lotto, checkers, chess, dominoes, monopoly, memory and others allow you to develop the speed of thought, dexterity, memory, attention and concentration. Be sure, if your family budget allows, buy these board games for your children.

If you decide to play with the kids, and you don’t have any ready-made board games, then you can easily make them yourself. Everyone knows what tic-tac-toe or . Draw out the playing field you need on paper and your improvised board games are ready. You can also draw a labyrinth, pictures to compare, tanks or dots on paper.