The girl cheated on her boyfriend. What to do if the girl cheated? Wife cheating on her husband with her best friend: reasons, consequences, what to do? A girl cheats on her husband with her best friend

It happens that a man faces a dilemma... Unfortunately, no one is immune from this. But before you start debriefing or take other drastic steps, make sure that your wife really cheated with her best friend. Because sometimes it's just gossip, believing which can ruin your family life.

But what to do if the fact is indeed confirmed? Again, don't make hasty decisions. First, figure out the reasons why your wife cheated on her husband with her best friend?

Reasons for betrayal

The reasons why a spouse cheated on her husband with her best friend may be the following:

1. The most common of them is that there are no more deep feelings. It is difficult to imagine a woman who madly loves her husband and at the same time cheats on him.

2. Sometimes it turns out that a woman fell in love with a new chosen one and could not control herself.

3. If you have previously offended a girl in some way or if you yourself cheated on her, then do not be surprised that she takes revenge on you in such an original way.

4. If your wife is frivolous and believes that an open relationship is normal, then don’t be surprised to find out one day that your wife slept with her best friend.

5. Sometimes, while intoxicated, people have little or no control over themselves. Then it's likely that the woman will sleep with your bestie or someone else.

In any case, if your wife cheated with your best friend, it would be stupid to pretend that nothing happened and continue the relationship as if nothing had happened. Still, cheating is a kind of betrayal, and to swallow it silently is not to respect yourself. But in some cases it is worth understanding the situation and forgiving this fact.

What to do if your wife cheated with your best friend

So, the fact was discovered, confirmed, and we need to somehow respond to it. What to do if your wife cheated with your best friend?

1. Take control of your emotions. In this state, you are unlikely to do the right thing. Swallowing pills, jumping from a balcony or a stormy showdown will not lead to anything good.

2. Have a serious and balanced talk with your wife, find out the motives for her behavior. If you understand that she simply doesn’t love you anymore, let go, separate peacefully. You will not force her to treat you the same way before. If your feelings have not yet cooled down, then decide for yourself whether to forgive her or not.

3. Understand your feelings. If a woman is dear to you, do not rush to proudly break off the relationship. Analyze the reasons. If they can be eliminated, then the relationship can be revived. But if you just can’t forgive what happened, it’s better to separate immediately and not torment yourself.

What to do in such a situation is up to each person to decide for themselves. But if you understand that betrayal is partly your fault, it will be much easier to forgive it. But it is better to avoid such precedents.

To prevent possible betrayal, we recommend:

Do not allow yourself to cheat on your wife, provoking her to take revenge.
Do not expect fidelity if you do not marry for love on the part of a woman.
Don't marry frivolous women.
Do not offend your wife and demonstrate your love in every possible way.

If you are attentive to your woman, you won't have to wonder what to do if your wife cheated with your best friend, and she will not have the thought of cheating on you.

The most detailed description: “dream book girl cheated with a friend” - everything from professionals, which is relevant in 2019.

Why do you dream about a girl cheating in a dream?

If a man had a dream that a girl cheated, then he can have no doubt about her love and fidelity.

If you dream that a girl said that she wants to cheat on her beloved, this means that difficulties will arise in the relationship due to omissions and misunderstandings. Quarrels will not necessarily be related to betrayal; there could be any reason.

Why do you dream when a girl cheats secretly? Such a dream may mean that a man is not completely confident in one of his relatives or friends. If a girl dreams that she is cheating on her lover, she needs to be more careful - a minor deception can lead to a serious quarrel.

Miller interpreted the dream about betrayal as subconscious fears. When a guy dreams of any kind of betrayal, for example, whether he himself is cheating or someone is cheating on him, then this is associated with personal fears. Perhaps he is afraid of losing his beloved girl.

If in a dream a man or guy dreams that his girlfriend is hugging or kissing another man, he definitely does not trust her in real life. However, such a dream does not bode well, so there is no need to worry.

In our online dream book you can find out not only what a girl cheating on in a dream means, but also see the interpretations of other dreams. In addition, we suggest looking at the dream books of Vanga and Nostradamus, downloading Miller’s dream book - perhaps it is in it that you will find the meaning of the dream “a girl’s betrayal.”

Once I dreamed that a girl cheated on me. Some time passed and I found her in an embrace with another guy. What do you think, a prophetic dream?

Welcome! In today's article we'll look at dream: girl cheats. Let's tell you from a psychological point of view, Why do you dream about a girl cheating? and transfer information from dream books that intersect somewhere in order to bypass the situation in which dreamed of a girl cheating.

For centuries people have believed in various kinds of predictions, signs and interpretations from dream books. In fact, a dream can be interpreted based on the analysis of data obtained in the previous day and the shocks experienced. Consciousness and subconsciousness are closely interconnected and, based on mental microstimuli, can cause one or another display of a picture in a dream.

Important! Having received information from dream books and psychological interpretations, it is necessary to compare it with what is happening in reality, then an accurate interpretation can be derived. Based on the result, take the necessary actions. Remember that cheating on a girl in a dream does not mean at all that it happens in life!

Psychologists have proven two facts comparing dreams with reality:

  • If you dream of a specific (familiar) person, then either you were thinking about him, or he was thinking or talking about you at the moment when you were sleeping;
  • If you dreamed of a memorable action of this person, then either you are afraid of it, or it has already happened to you, or you observed it in third parties, or you inadvertently missed the thought of this action during the previous day or thought for too long.

Knowing in advance about the evidence of scientists, you can explain the dream: the girl is cheating, and with a probability of 85%, in contrast to dream books that dictate meaningless and baseless nonsense.

So if dreamed, that the girl cheated, That:

  • She could talk to a friend on the phone (or communicate on a social network) about her friend’s betrayal, putting herself in the place of the cheater;
  • She really committed this act, but she reproaches herself or does not know how to tell you about it (see The girl cheated. What to do?);
  • She is secretly in love with someone and is pursuing the goal of breaking up with you without betrayal;
  • She is tired of constant accusations and violent jealousy on your part;
  • Your ex (or first love) committed an act with another;
  • You are fixated on the idea that she is unfaithful to you;
  • One of your parents left for another family;
  • You recently found out that one of your friends broke up due to infidelity or was unfaithful;
  • You recently saw a movie with a scene where a woman betrayed her husband in bed with another;
  • Yesterday there was a double-digit incident in which it is not clear where the beloved was and with whom;
  • Subconsciously, you are ready to break up, but look for an excuse.

If you dreamed about a girl cheating on you, then this may not always indicate betrayal; it could also be a set-up of any nature from friends, people you trust, and the person involved does not even have to be a girl. Look at what is happening at the moment: what happened yesterday and what awaits you soon, right up to writing a test for which you have not yet prepared, but it will happen.

So, you I had a dream, that the girl is cheating, what could it mean?

  • Perhaps her friend or sister is secretly attracted to you (try checking this out);
  • You are jealous of her too often and accuse her of non-existent infidelity (try not to do this to avoid separation);
  • The action is in an educational institution (school, academy, institute...), then someone is trying to look after her, but she is still resisting, there is a risk, get rid of it;
  • She doesn’t love you anymore, it’s more advisable to talk to her and find out the reason for the cooled feelings (the reason could be her parents or her friends);
  • You are too annoying, try to keep your distance (checks, questions on your part, as well as surveillance and intrusiveness will not lead to any good);
  • Pay attention to how your best friend looks at her, perhaps he will soon decide to take action to take her away from you;
  • If you have recently deceived, set up or humiliated your beloved, you will soon experience the full power of revenge (you should, having realized your guilt, ask for forgiveness and set the record straight).

If you dream about an unfamiliar girl:

  • You dreamed that a stranger was betraying you (but in the dream she was your friend). Soon you will meet a very beautiful person, but what is going on in her head will not suit you so much that you yourself will break off the union;
  • If you saw how she immediately left for someone else, you should not start a new relationship at this time, it seems that you have not yet moved on from the old ones, it is better to devote this time to activities that are more beneficial for the brain;
  • If the heroine of the dream is your friend, but you are not in a relationship, perhaps she has loved you for a long time, but you don’t notice, take a closer look at her.

In view of the above, a dream: a girl is cheating cannot necessarily indicate a real problem with her infidelity, so the main thing that needs to be done is to try to connect what is happening with what you dreamed about and draw a conclusion.

What secrets does the dream hide: the girl is cheating? How can you apply it to the learning process? We have found similarities in some interpretations from dream books and will present them under this aspect.

So, if you dreamed that a girl cheated, then this could mean the following:

As you can see, many of the above interpretations have a negative connotation, so it is more advisable to leave spiritual matters for later, taking care of the immediate situation - academic performance. However, if you succeed in learning, then you have nothing to fear, including stepping on the “love rake.”

If you are on vacation and not studying during this period of time, then this aspect has nothing to do with you.

What else can a dream say: a girl is cheating? What does this picture that appeared in your head at night hide, if you are already starting to work, taking up a position in your profession? We found answers here too, although we ourselves don’t want to believe in them due to our profession as “psychologists”. So, if you had a dream that a girl is cheating, then look at the conditions: living with her or living separately (in dream books this plays an important role).

  • The betrayal occurred in your friend’s apartment - soon one of your ill-wishers will become your work colleague (interact with him normally, perhaps make friends)
  • At your dacha - a matter awaits you that you did not study well in college, you will have to go over the topic again;
  • At your betrothed's dacha - your bosses will like your diligence, expect a promotion;
  • At your workplace - you need money, ask your boss for more working hours to earn more;
  • If you dreamed that after committing an act of infidelity, she immediately breaks up with you, most likely, you will not want to continue working where you are currently working, but it is better to postpone quitting;
  • If you service computers, networks, etc., then soon you will be offered a good post with a fixed salary that you could not even dream of. Don't give up; this is probably what you'll do for the rest of your life.

If you both live with your parents:

  • If in the vision you decide to change in revenge, then wait for the results of your work to be checked; at first the boss will not like what you did, but later, when you explain your rational vision, he will see in you the unusual mentality and will think;
  • If, after what you saw, you began to drink excessive amounts of alcoholic beverages, then you should think about changing your type of activity;
  • If you dream about the activity discussed today in nature, then you are working too much, it’s time to rest, otherwise you may lose sight of something important and “mess up.”

Betrayal of a loved one in night visions can be interpreted if you are legally capable during the holidays (children under 18 years of age), so do not neglect studying the above.

What interpretations are crossed in dream books in order to keep your appearance in order along with your health? Why do you dream, that the girl cheated and how to protect yourself from the troubles and evil influences of the environment? Let's present several interpretations:

  • If you dream that after what happened you began to beat your opponent, then perhaps you could get hurt in a fight today (don’t snap back and don’t make other young men angry);
  • If you are preparing a dirty trick for your peer, it will turn against you, be careful;
  • Don't overeat today, especially meat products;
  • Don't indulge in stress. If you are nervous, it is better to go out somewhere and shout loudly to let go;
  • It is not recommended to play with fire; move away from fires - due to clumsiness you will burn a corner of your clothing.

That’s all, we have figured out why you dream that a girl has cheated, then it’s up to you to believe or connect what is happening with what you saw, or to completely rely on the interpretation from psychotherapists. We wish you good luck in your search for common sense!

If you want to find out if there are signs of your lover’s outside affairs, pay attention to this material: Signs of a girl cheating.

A girl cheating in a dream does not mean that the incident took place in reality, but we have prepared a test for you that can help you determine whether there are signs of cheating in your relationship or not. To make the result as accurate as possible, we recommend giving truthful answers.

Every person who has had such a dream wants to explain the dream of why a girl dreams of cheating on her boyfriend. It is not necessary to immediately accuse your significant other of immoral behavior. In many cases, a dream carries a radically opposite meaning. It all depends on the mood of the dreamer, his emotional experiences and details of the event occurring in the dream.

Miller's dream book explains why a girl dreams of cheating on her boyfriend if a girl dreams of something like this. The situation seen in the world of dreams is a signal that the young lady is not entirely honest with her partner. Most likely, in reality she has thoughts of betrayal and she is not averse to turning them into reality. The girl should reconsider her attitude towards the young man, sort out her own feelings and try to be honest, first of all, with herself.

In addition, the dream reminds the girl that her authoritative character traits, inflexibility, strength and toughness, should be demonstrated in the professional sphere, and not in personal relationships. The inability to be tender, soft, feminine and weak can lead to a break with a partner or cause serious conflicts and quarrels.

For a man, a dream in which his girlfriend cheats on him speaks of the fear of losing this relationship. His subconscious projects experiences onto a dream, which is the reason for the appearance of such pictures. In this case, there is no reason to convict your girlfriend of cheating. The dream is just a reflection of the depth of the guy’s feelings and his emotional attachment to his soulmate.

If a dream in which a guy was cheated on by his girlfriend occurred after a major quarrel or scandal, this foreshadows a quick reconciliation and improvement of relationships.

For both men and women, a dream of betrayal can indicate their unworthy behavior in real life. Such a person does not disdain insult, humiliation and betrayal, and is ready to do anything to achieve his own goal. Such a dream warns that you should reconsider your actions, treat people more respectfully and not use them for your own selfish plans.

Vanga's dream book explains why a girl dreams of cheating on her boyfriend when a guy dreams about something like this. The dream is considered unfavorable and promises a deterioration in love relationships. A young man should prepare for quarrels, conflicts, disagreements and scandals. However, it is possible to avoid disagreements. A young man needs to moderate his jealousy and learn to trust his partner. This will make the couple more harmonious and happier.

If a young lady had a similar dream of betrayal, she needs to be concerned about the state of current affairs in her professional field. It is likely that she will have disagreements with management and work colleagues. Sometimes, this dream predicts quarrels with relatives.

Freud's dream book also contains an explanation of why a girl dreams of cheating on her boyfriend in a dream. The situation seen speaks of a person’s fear of losing his soulmate. In most cases, the dreamer considers himself not attractive, smart or interesting enough, and fears that his partner may break off the relationship with him.

The dream can also signal dissatisfaction with a love affair. The partner may lack affection, attention, tenderness or care. In addition, there is a high probability that he is not satisfied with the quality of sex. It is because of this that the subconscious provokes such dreams, because somewhere deep down in the soul, betrayal is very desirable, capable of getting rid of boring and unnecessary relationships.

When a girl in a dream cheats on her boyfriend with people she knows, the dream speaks of her distrust of her lover. She is worried about thoughts that her partner is not entirely honest, may be cheating on her or hiding some important information.

In the case where betrayal in a dream occurred with a stranger, the dream predicts a new, short-term romance for the girl. Whether she should really deceive her lover and start a relationship on the side, the dream does not answer. The young lady needs to make an independent decision, starting from her own moral principles and principles.

For a girl, a dream in which she observes her own betrayal foreshadows a separation from her beloved.

The dream also warns that you should be more restrained and reasonable, and not give in to momentary impulses, otherwise rash actions and excessive emotionality can lead to the loss of your professional reputation and quarrels with loved ones.

Such a dream may also mean that the young lady is tired of her partner’s excessive care and wants to free herself from it. There is a high probability that the relationship has reached a dead end, does not provide a feeling of comfort, confidence in the future, or has become ordinary, gray and too monotonous. In this case, it is necessary to awaken lost feelings, go on vacation together, or arrange a small extreme adventure for yourself.

The dream book also explains why a girl dreams of cheating on her boyfriend with his friend. For a young lady, such a dream foreshadows unfair treatment on the part of her partner. Perhaps he will offend her in some way, will not support new ideas, ridicule her views, blame her, or will not understand the reasons for her behavior, which may lead to a deterioration and cooling of the relationship.

For a guy, such a dream advises you to be more attentive to your surroundings. There is a high probability that there are people nearby who, in fact, are not friends, but rivals looking for benefits from interacting with a young man. Such people can easily betray or deceive without even thinking about the consequences, so you need to exercise maximum caution and carefully observe your acquaintances to determine which of them poses a possible danger.

In addition, in the dream book you can find the answer to the question of why you dream of a girl cheating on her boyfriend in front of her eyes. For a guy, such a dream foreshadows a conflict in a couple. It can be provoked by mistrust on the part of both partners, different plans for the future, views on the further development of the relationship, or ordinary everyday troubles that will develop into a serious confrontation between loving people.

In addition, a dream can serve as a sign that the girl you love actually has thoughts about cheating. In this case, you should call the girl for a dialogue and find out what does not suit her in the relationship.

For a girl, such a dream indicates that she lacks the attention of her lover.

In the case where betrayal in a dream occurred with an ex-boyfriend, and the reason for this was revenge, for the girl this is a sign that her current relationship will be long-lasting, filled with harmony and mutual understanding.

If the current partner knows the ex-boyfriend, the young lady should be wary of cooling her feelings. In this situation, you need to reconsider your relationship with your lover and try to change it for the better. Perhaps it is worth spending more time next to him and devoting more time to your loved one.

In addition, such a dream may mean that the girl has not mentally broken the connection with her ex-boyfriend and is secretly hoping for a resumption of the relationship.

If in a dream a girl cheated on her boyfriend with her brother, this promises family quarrels.

Dreams about cheating are not a sign of immoral behavior of a partner in real life. This is just a signal that you need to be more involved in the life of your other half, talk about your feelings and solve problems that are present in any relationship.

Hello, my name is Oleg. I have a school friend Stas. Since school, he and I have been almost inseparable! Our school was nothing special, average, in a residential area of ​​the city. In our class there were many beautiful girls, Masha was especially beautiful. I noticed her since the 10th grade, when she began to blossom as a woman: size 3 breasts, firm ass, piercings on her stomach, brunette - in general, everything is as it should be.

After school, we all started studying at different universities, but we didn’t stop being friends, since we all lived next door! And, being in my first year, I decided to take action towards Masha. Courtship, flowers, movies - in general, romance, in a word, kisses, hugs! Everything turned out just like people do...But I was wrong!

We didn’t have sex, she said it was too early, and all that, “let’s meet more as a couple,” I didn’t mind.

One day, Stas’s parents left, and he invited us to his place to drink beer! We, as usual, sat in his kitchen, reminiscing about school life and all that. Stas already knew that we had been dating for about a month, and was happy for me, since I had been waiting for this for a long time!

The time was already closer to 1.00 am, Stas wanted to sleep and went into the hall. Masha and I were left alone, and I thought that now we could try something hot with her! But that was not the case...

I started kissing her, touching her breasts and even managed to get under her short skirt with my hand, feeling that her panties were already wet and she was very excited, but she stopped me.

- No, Oleg... It’s too early! I really want to, but I can’t yet! Please stop.

“Okay,” I said nervously. He removed his hand and moved away from her, opening a bottle of beer and turning on the TV; the European Football Championship was on there.

Masha sat down next to me and, kissing me on the cheek, told me not to be offended, and that she was already very tired and also wanted to go to bed! I said that everything was fine, and that I wouldn’t go to bed for now, but would watch TV. Masha went to sleep in the living room, closing the door behind her, and Stas slept there. By the way, we always slept on the same sofa, it is very large and comfortable.

It took about 15 minutes before I wanted to go to the toilet. Having done my business, I went back to the kitchen and accidentally looked into the not completely closed door in the hall. I was shocked: Stas was lying naked on the sofa, and Masha was giving him a blowjob. I didn’t look any further, I just heard the whole process.

Afterwards they both went into the kitchen.

– Don’t you want to tell me anything?

“We want to,” they answered in unison.

“Oleg, I’m sorry,” Masha began, “you excited me so much that I couldn’t resist, this won’t happen again, I promise!”

“Yes, Oleg, it won’t happen again,” Stas said honestly. - Sorry, friend!

I replied that anything can happen, and let's forget this story!

What do you think, forgive?

Of course, the fact of betrayal is a rather strong disappointment that can humiliate and offend the strongest and strongest man. If a girl who was supposed to become your soul mate cheated with a friend, this is a blow of fate. However, a deceived young man should not fall into despair and draw hasty conclusions. In most cases, such a betrayal will allow you to rebuild your inner world and change everything for the better.

Unfortunately, the betrayal of a loved one never passes without a trace for both partners, regardless of the circumstances and what nature they have. The consequences of any betrayal are: a conflict situation, mutual accusations of “all sins,” mental pain and emptiness, and many other psychological and emotional breakdowns. However, there is such a type of betrayal. when the whole spectrum of feelings is affected: friendship, love, loyalty, devotion, trust, respect and many others, without which no person can live a full life. This variety means. cheating on your girlfriend with your young man's best friend. Of course, having learned about such a betrayal, the guy’s heart seems to break into many fragments, and for a long time it will not be able to feel and beat rhythmically. It is worth noting that statistics show that in most cases, men are the perpetrators of infidelity, and women, in turn, still experience pain and resentment about this. Despite this, infidelity on the female side also occurs, and for men it is no less a tragedy. In addition, the simultaneous betrayal of a best friend against the backdrop of the betrayal of a loving wife has a very detrimental effect on a man’s inner world. At this moment, all his dreams and plans of a loving man and devoted comrade are destroyed, the meaning of life disappears, a feeling of confusion and misunderstanding arises, what to do tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, etc. Of course, resentment, anger, pain in the heart. disappointment in love and friendship can have a significant and detrimental effect on a man’s emotional state. In addition to depression, loneliness, and self-hatred, the result of cheating on the woman he loves with his best friend can lead a guy to a severe, long-term state of depression, from which it can be very difficult to get out. It is worth noting that male depression is different and more severe from female depression for a number of reasons:

Inability to “cry;

- “blocking” your experiences in yourself;


Therefore, betrayal of two people close to him can lead to disastrous results: alcohol or drug addiction, isolation, loneliness. loss of meaning to live on and even suicide. In this case, only your own self-control, a calm perception of what happened and family support will allow you to avoid a tragic situation. Along with this, professional psychological assistance is also welcome, which should be provided immediately and effectively.

It is important to understand that there are many reasons that could lead a beloved to deception and betrayal. Of course, her actions, including when she cheated with a friend, are associated with internal perception, feelings and psychological state. Therefore, having detailed information about the personality traits of the girl she loves, her life partner will be able to predict the further outcome of their relationship.

Yes, the betrayal of a loved one is painful and offensive, but the betrayal of a best friend against its background is no less sensitive and tragic. Yes, such a vile and not at all masculine act on the part of a person with whom an unconditionally trusting and friendly relationship was built - this is a truly tough, vital and very unfair test for every person. But life and its meaning should not end there. On the contrary, the young man must immediately “pull himself together” and approach the resolution of this conflict situation from the right and wise position. Only a calm psychological state will allow one to localize the so-called “emotional storm”, due to which the injured person can “break the woods” and “mutilate” his already wounded soul. According to experts in the psychological field, obsessing over the current situation will not only fail to resolve the conflict, but will also worsen the emotional state itself. Only by changing some life principles and one’s own behavior will it be possible to create a favorable environment that will allow one to extricate oneself from this “web of betrayal.” First of all, a favorite job, finding a new hobby, new friends and acquaintances, a trip to the sea and many other pleasant little things will create a new line of fate, more interesting and happier. Also, a person who has experienced betrayal and betrayal should not perceive this as tragic events. Everything will go smoothly and will not be taken to heart if such an incident is perceived as a mistake and a lesson from fate. After all, we all learn from mistakes. It is pleasant to note that experts in the psychological field have offered several effective tips that allow you to correctly and irrevocably overcome the resentment and anger that arises in a person’s soul after the betrayal of his beloved girlfriend and best comrade. So, the main ones include:

Down with self-criticism and “self-eating”;

Set your subconscious mind only for good and joyful moments in life;

Pay maximum attention to your family and pets;

Be prepared for any “gifts” of fate and be worthy of meeting them.

Undoubtedly, hasty conclusions will not allow you to make the right choice in your subsequent relationship with your loved one. After all, each of us has the right to a second chance, provided that the girl we love realizes the mistake and fully feels all the responsibility for what happened. Of course, only sincere feelings, thoughtful actions, trusting relationships and mutual respect will allow you to avoid treason and betrayal.

Undoubtedly, almost each of us has experienced first-hand betrayal in very different interpretations. At the same time, in the case when your beloved woman cheats with your best friend, the betrayal looks in a harsher and more tragic form. But you should not go to extremes, perceiving such a state and situation as critical. After all, betrayal is a completely natural process for the human essence.

Thus, if a girl cheated with a friend, then the guy should not torment his heart with bewilderment and pain about what happened. On the contrary, it is worth thanking the higher powers for helping and opening the veil of sincerity and trust of loved ones. In addition, having extinguished his resentment and anxiety, the young man will be able to fairly assess the “scale of the tragedy” and make the right life choice.

Get the girl back

What to do if a girl cheated

Every guy believes that this girl is his destiny. He is also sure that they will always be together. And then he accidentally finds out that she cheated on him. And he has a question: “What should I do?”

On the one hand, it is difficult for him to come to terms with the betrayal of his girlfriend, because she had sex with someone else. On the other hand, he still loves her, and it is difficult for him to let her go. The solution is extremely difficult.

However, the situation cannot be left in limbo, since delay will ultimately only worsen the situation for the guy, who begins to become more and more confused in his feelings and experiences.

Why does a girl cheat?

She has cooled down, she has another one. Very often a girl is afraid to admit to her boyfriend that her feelings for him have cooled and now she likes someone else. She would like to tell him honestly, but she is afraid to take full responsibility. For this reason, she simply has sex with someone else, and waits for a good opportunity “because of his joint.” But sometimes the fact of betrayal comes to light faster than the reason for separation appears.

  • This also includes a lack of sex. When, but the guy either can’t or doesn’t want to. Naturally, the girl will not wait long, and will find herself a man for comfort.

Money and benefits. There are often cases when a girl dates a good but poor guy, and behind his back she sleeps with a money bag for the sake of a beautiful life. She needs the first one to create the image of a decent girl, and the second one for the sake of money. It’s difficult to say who she’s deceiving more in this case, but the fact remains: saleswoman

Revenge and provocation. There are still romantic natures who, for the sake of revenge, are ready to cheat on their boyfriend and then pierce his heart with their confession. And the reasons for such revenge are:

  • Girl's grudge against guy
  • Girl's jealousy towards guy
  • Pay for betrayal

Weak on the front. This includes a huge number of “random” and “harmless” reasons, when another guy actually starts picking up a girl, and she cannot refuse him due to the fact that she is simply a fool. We also add here holiday romances and get-togethers.

As a rule, after such a betrayal, a girl tries to prove to her boyfriend that this happened to her due to “incredible” circumstances, and she regrets it. But when she meets with her friends, her voice changes noticeably, and she begins to say with delight: “I was with such a man yesterday!”

What do girls do after cheating?

The right girls are the right choice.“Decent” girls themselves, after betrayal, understand that they are completely destroyed, so they leave him on their own. They either tell the guy that their relationship no longer makes sense and offer to remain friends, or they find a reason and inflate it. That’s why we encounter situations when a girl leaves us for seemingly petty reasons. The reason is always a little deeper than we really think.

Wrong girls - translating the arrows. Another category includes girls who, after cheating, make apologetic eyes and begin to ask their boyfriends for forgiveness for cheating. Thus, they shift all responsibility for their betrayal onto the guy: as he decides, so it will be. This position is the reason for the guy’s difficult choice.

What should a guy do if a girl cheated?

According to the obvious scenario, the guy has two roads: break up with a girl, or forgive betrayal. Each of the options will not be easy, and their consequences are quite difficult.

Breaking up with a girl after cheating. If a guy chooses to break up with a girl, then he will have to overcome the period after the breakup. It’s different for everyone, of course, but usually it’s a month of serious worries and attempts to get everything back. And then this is a long period when the guy secretly follows the girl’s life, remembering his relationship with her before the betrayal.

We can say with confidence that this is the most difficult, but at the same time the most correct choice. This way the guy guarantees himself that he will say goodbye to the traitor forever, which means he will quickly find himself a faithful girl.

  • A strong man would choose this option.

Forgive a girl after cheating. This is a difficult choice, since the guy is doomed to constant doubts, suspicions and jealousy. After all, how can he now sit quietly at home when his girlfriend goes somewhere with her friends and colleagues, if last time it ended in betrayal.

However, if the girl herself apologizes and tries to somehow make amends, then you can accept her apology, but you still need to put an end to the future with such a girl. After all, sooner or later she will do the same thing again, because she has no emotional barriers not to do this.

  • This option is chosen when there are objective circumstances of betrayal.

Hybrid type. We have seen some guys behave quite effectively after a girl cheated on them. They began to use their girlfriend to break up with her painlessly. In other words, they sort of broke up with the girl and stopped dating her, but this did not stop them from writing romantic phrases to her once a week.

It turned out that the guy transferred her from the category of “girlfriend” to the category of “mistress,” and he was looking for a normal option for himself. It turns out cool and painless. The main thing is not to fall in love with a girl again.

  • This is an option for cunning and smart men.

Actions after a girl cheats

Right now you need to relax and stop thinking about all this. When under stress, it is impossible to make the right decision. Therefore, you need to tell the girl that you need to think for a couple of days, and also put her on ignore so that she doesn’t rock you with her hysterics and tears.

Next, you need to evaluate the prospects of this relationship, as well as other girls who are interested in you. The main task: “not to save the relationship, but to make your life better.” Based on this rule, a decision must be made.

  • I can quickly find myself a new girlfriend - breakup.
  • Another thing I want to think about is a hybrid option.
  • I believe that I can trust a girl - forgiveness.

Don't worry, the solution always comes when you need it. Perhaps you will choose forgiveness, and the next day you will meet a girl who will win your heart, and you will easily leave your ex. Anything is possible.

P.s. If after cheating on a girl, then tell her thank you that she did not harass you and made the right choice. You will understand in the future that she acted correctly and honestly towards you, and you must let her go.