Educational board games for children. Board games for children: we develop by playing.

Benefits of educational children's board games

Long-term contact of our children with computer technology, which offers many games and cartoons, has quite a lot of disadvantages for their health. A smart alternative to excessive screen time is educational board games.

Joint activities with parents help children broaden their horizons, increase vocabulary, develop a penchant for non-standard solutions, i.e. create best conditions for active knowledge of the surrounding world. Please note that even in the animal world, babies learn everything they need through play.

In our country, official competitions are held, organized under the auspices of the Romanian Scar Federation. The rules below are recommended for all players. The scratch game consists of. The lines and columns of the board are marked along the edges as follows. . Some PCBs are marked separately. They indicate the multiplication of the meaning of the letters or words placed on them, as explained in the picture. If a word spans two or more of these spaces, their properties accumulate; For example, a letter can be doubled and the entire word tripled twice.

The multiplication of a letter or word is performed only when a letter is placed in that pen, and it acts on all the words formed by that letter on that deposit. The support design should allow the partner to see how many letters are placed on it.

  • Opaque saucer pouch for storing and retrieving letters.
  • Holders on which letters are displayed.
  • There should be 7 letters of light on the support.
During the game, words can be formed and linked together in the following way.

If a child does not have the opportunity to play, then conditions are created for a lag in his development. The child receives perception of the world, thinking and analysis, speech development - all these main components of the unity of a person with the environment in gaming situations that educational board games provide him with.

An important advantage of a board game is the opportunity to spend time in joint activities with your child and achieve mutual understanding in the future. Board games have been around since ancient times. One of the oldest is backgammon, which can be introduced to children as early as five years of age. The rules are quite simple; with your help, the child will be able to master it.

The deposit score is calculated by summing the values ​​of the component letters of the resulting word. Add a score for adjacent new words, which is calculated in the same way as for the main word. If all seven letters are deposited, 50 points are added to the score.

For designation in the game bulletin, the placement position of the word is indicated by indicating the coordinates of the pennant, in which the first letter of the word looks like this.

  • If the word is placed horizontally, write the letter first, then the number.
  • If the word is placed vertically, write the number first, then the letter.
The joker is mandatory, as follows.

Playing board games with your child not only gives him useful necessary skills, but also allows you to diversify the ways you spend your leisure time. But the most important thing in this process is not coercion, but the child’s interest and voluntary participation in the game.

The modern children's goods market offers a wide variety of board games for any age, with a certain systematization. Parents will be able to easily choose a game for their child, taking into account the development of different skills and abilities, which is necessarily taken into account when developing all types of educational board games.

The key to victory lies in the four free cells in the corner of the board, hence the name, which translates as “free cells”. Each stack must be built from lowest to highest. You'll extract these columns to create four stacks. In the upper left corner there are 4 free cells where you temporarily store your cards during the game. There are 4 house spaces in the top right corner where you build stacks to win. . Draw the books at the bottom of each column and move them as follows.

Books should be placed in a column in descending order or alternate with red and black. Each stack must contain one set and start with an Ace.

  • From column to free cell.
  • One card can occupy a free cell once.
  • From column to column.
  • From the column to the cage of the house.
Open hidden books. If you don't see the book clearly, right-click it. The book will remain visible as long as you hold down the mouse button.

Educational board games for children range from very simple ones (for children 3 and 4 years old), where, for example, from the total number of pictures you need to select similar ones, to more complex ones, in which the child already needs to analyze his actions. These games are perfect for children 5, 6 and 7 summer age. Children aged 8 years and above can already play educational board games that are interesting even to teenagers and adults.

Repeat the game. To play the same hand again, note the game number in the lower left corner of the screen, click the Game menu, click Select Game, and then enter that number. It's a funny way. Test a different strategy or see if a friend would be better at playing the same hand.

Plan ahead. Carefully move the cards to establish long rows, empty columns and bring aces to the house squares. First aces. When small books are buried in a column, it is best to move them out of sight and move them into the chamber from the beginning.

Below is a list of games that are suitable for both girls and boys. They will help your child develop his erudition and logic, teach him to make decisions faster and think better.

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October 5, 2016

Release the free cells. The more free slots you have, the easier it will be to move your books. Make sure to release the camera after finishing the movement. Drop all columns. If possible, move each book out of the column and fill it again, starting with a larger book, ideally more than ten.

Solitaire is one of the most popular computer card games in the world. It can only be played by one person on a computer, and by a set of cards placed on a table. Solitaire is based on the most famous Klondike passion, which involves arranging books in a specific pattern and then sorting them according to the rules of the game.

When we talk about children, thoughts about active pastime, entertainment, and fun come to mind. Best vacation for children it is spending time outside, with friends, especially at the age of 10-12 years, when the child already has permanent friends and his own company. But sometimes something can get in the way active games children outdoors, for example, weather conditions or illnesses of children. In such cases, desktop logical or .

Solitaire is played with one pack of 52 cards. The game starts with 28 cards arranged in seven columns. The first column contains the book, the second two cards, etc. The top card in each column is face up, the rest are face down. In the upper right corner are four piles of houses. This is where you will build the stacks you need to win.

If you don't have one, you will need to move cards between columns until you reveal them. To increase the difficulty, the cards in the columns should alternate between red and black. You can also move sequentially ordered rows of books between columns.

  • Every house pile must begin with a tree.
  • However, it is not possible to randomly move cards between columns.
  • The columns should be arranged in ascending order, from king to ascendant.
  • This is why you can put 10 cards on the valet, but not on.
  • You are not limited to moving individual books.
With a standard score, you get 5 points for moving a book from a stack in a column and 10 points for each book added to the house stack.

Exactly logic games very interesting and useful, they develop thinking, logic and many other skills. Some of them are especially popular, these include educational and:

  1. "Monopoly"
  2. "Jenga"
  3. "Dobble"
  4. "Activity"

If he returns a heap, the player receives 15 points for the minus. If the game lasts more than 30 seconds, you also receive bonus points based on the time remaining. Bonus formula0 divided by total game time in seconds. Thus, the highest possible standard score.

Don't let any of the stacks overcome the others if possible. If one of the stacks is larger, it will be difficult to make other moves. The more face cards in a column, the better to show those books first. This will increase your chances of winning the game.

The Macau Game is a fairly popular interactive card game that has no "official" rules because there is no federation or authority of this kind to formalize the rules. This is why there are several rules or game variations. Macau is an individual game and cannot be played in pairs.

Jenga is a fairly interesting and exciting board game, better known as The Leaning Tower. The rules are not difficult to master, especially for children over 10 years old. Wooden blocks are stacked one on top of the other in the form of a tower, each new row the direction of the bars needs to be changed. When the tower is ready, players take turns pulling out pieces of wood from the bottom and placing them on top. No special skills are needed here, but patience and perseverance will come in handy.

When playing with 2, 3 or 4 people, the last player with cards in hand loses the game. When 5 or 6 people are playing, the game stops when the third person finishes the game. Another version of the card game in Macau is the game. You can also play Macau on points.

The rules are the same, and the points are determined by the values ​​of the cards. Thus, cards from 2 to 10 represent the count on them. 12 inches is the equivalent of a sequence, and an ace is 1 point. Book 7 is special once it is 25 points and then because whoever ends the game doubles the other side's points, the same if it is the first card in the game and at the end of the game the points are doubled.

What is the secret of victory?

When pulling out a block, you need to think carefully about which block to pull out and in which direction to put it so that the tower remains intact. The loser is the one who could not maintain the integrity of the tower.

As for the tower, its height depends on the professionalism and excitement of the children. Many people try to build real skyscrapers just for fun, and some, having experience in the game, do it automatically.

When the game ends on a 2, 3 or a joker, it is mandatory that even if the game is over, the next player blows up those cards, regardless of whether they can counter or not. Joker - 50 points, but has the advantage that it can be over any book.

You can play for example up to 500 points, so you play as many games as you need so that the player can reach the table with players and collect the points that have just ended up to the sum of the previous ones. Who was the first to lose up to 500, and who has fewer points.

Tip for playing easy in Macau

Advice for Macau point by point

It is necessary to get high value cards first so that they are not left with them when someone closes. Romanian Septic Game is one of the most popular card games in Romania, along with Macaque. This is a great way to spend your free time, help socialize or have family time. This card game is quite simple and its rules can be easily understood by anyone. All you need is a pack of cards and two to four players ready for some fun.

Game for children Jenga Play the game Build a tower from wooden blocks

Useful properties

The usefulness of this game lies in:

  • Acceleration intellectual development child;
  • Spatial and architectural thinking develops;
  • Creates a real team spirit among players;
  • Suitable for play from ages 10 and up. will become interesting activity for children and parents;
  • Develops the child's logical skills.

The game is not overloaded with gadgets. It includes 54 bars, shapes and very simple teaching rules.

Romanian septic regulations

This card game can be played in pairs as long as there are four players ready to play. If there are only two or three players, each will be for him, the game will be one to one. Each player initially receives four random cards, which the dealer divides up. At the end of each round, new cards are accepted so that each player has 4 cards in their hand. Cards 10 and A are the most important, resulting in a total of 8 points, one point for each book. 7 cards count as cuts, and if there are three players in play, both 8s become cuts. If there are 3 people playing, two eights are drawn, leaving 30 cards. . Romanian Septic tank in 2 players.

Jenga is very popular with children and adults. Its rules are very simple for a child. Playing it with the whole family, parents and children become closer, spend time together, learn to help and trust each other. This is a logic game that is best played by children aged 10-12 years old. younger age You'll quickly get tired of this kind of entertainment.


Game tips for Romanian septic tank

Romanian Septic tank in 3 players. Same rules, but two options have a cutting role. . Romanian Septic in 4 players. The first player is paired with the third player, and the second player is paired with the fourth player. The winner is the team or player who earns the most points, around ten or ten. The game can also be played in championship mode, with the winner being the winner. A septic tank is usually very interesting game, which develops memory, attention and the spirit of competition. At the start of the game, each player is dealt five cards and the book is placed face down and next to the other remaining cards. On a face-up card, players will place a card with the same or the same number. A player who does not have a card to remove may draw from the remaining card. The player who draws the number 7 card can choose which one will be the next card. The one who removes cards with the number 2 or valet obliges his next one to raise two cards. The player who fouls the move will force the next player to make a turn. When a player has two cards in his hand, he must declare that he is not penalized. The winner is the one who remains first in the hand.

Other game options would be Macau

  • The game applies the same rules, but is played in pairs.
  • Points are counted per team regardless of the team member who scored the points.
  • It resembles a card game in Macau.
  • Only one set of cards is used for this game.
  • Mix the cards well.
The world is paying more and more attention family values, family members, general leisure and entertainment.

There is probably not a person in the world who does not know about the game Monopoly. This is the most popular board game in the world, which includes educational and developmental elements. Monopoly has earned a good rating among players. It is based on various types financial transactions such as: buying and selling land, obtaining loans, loans, paying taxes.

Also, during the process, accidents may occur that are impossible to foresee, this creates even more interest in the game. The rules of Monopoly are not difficult to master, but you need to choose your own tactics. Of course, no special skills are needed here, but some logical thinking will come in handy.

Board game for children “Monopoly Junior.”

The secret of success

Of course, like in any other game, to win Monopoly you need a lot of luck, but here it won’t be enough. To achieve victory, you need to be able to anticipate possible situations and manage resources correctly. Didactic prudence will come in handy.

It is Monopoly, one might say, that has raised many successful people who have achieved great success in business. While playing, the child begins to understand the basic properties of money. “Monopoly” makes it clear that if the money is in the safe, there will be no more of it, but if you put it into action, it will begin to work and multiply.

Of course, you can’t invest in any business you like, and “Monopoly” teaches you to think through the course of action, calculate profits and the possible success of the company. "Monopoly" is ahead of many logic games; if you look at the rating, it will be among the first.

Game set

The game is sold in classic cardboard box, like most other board games. The kit also includes: a stand for banknotes and cards, rules, which describe in detail all the features of the gameplay, and a playing field.

“Monopoly is not only a useful activity, but also very exciting. No wonder it occupies a leading position in the board games market. Children from 10-12 years old play with great pleasure, captivating their parents. This is a board game for all generations. "Monopoly" is great gift for a child, which will help develop mathematical abilities, logical skills, teach children to act in a team, think several steps ahead, and most importantly, the child will begin to understand what money is and how to handle it.


Activity is a team game, the point of which is to guess words, for which the team receives points. "Activity" has a format for children and adults. The children's game has an interesting design and a lighter set of words that are familiar to children 10-12 years old and older. The child can explain the meaning of words using drawings, oral explanations, and pantomime.

The game is attended by from 2 to 4 teams, with a composition of at least 2 people. There are very interesting words collected here, guessing which has fun and educational elements. "Activity" is a game for children from 10 years old, when children already have some logical skills, and all educational elements are easily learned.

Board game Activity for children

Progress of the game

The rules are that each team is given cards with a hidden word, one player explains this word to his team, which must guess it in just 1 minute. Time is counted using an hourglass. The card shows the points that players receive for guessing the word correctly.

The number of points received, the number of steps forward the team takes. Each cell on the playing field shows how the word should be explained. Players should include acting skills and will also need pencils and paper.

During the game, the children learn to act together and maintain team spirit. During the explanation, develop creativity, learn to formulate their thoughts, select synonyms. The rules are learned very quickly.

What does the game set consist of:

  1. Field for the game;
  2. 330 cards with hidden words;
  3. 4 chips of different colors;
  4. Hourglass;

"Activity" is a game that is loved by millions of families around the world. If the child is interested logical tasks, and developmental functions for parents, then “Activity” is ideal, because children think about how best to explain a word so that it is as clear as possible for the team. Also, the child will be able to expand his vocabulary, get used to speaking in front of an audience, feel like part of a team, and learn to think quickly and make decisions. For children over 10 years old, the rules will be very simple.


“Dobble” is a didactic board game with exciting gameplay that will become a favorite activity for a child over 6 years old. For parents who are interested in educational and developmental games, Dobble will be a godsend.
It includes a bright round book with rules and cards with pictures (55 pieces).

The creators offer you to choose from five options for organizing the gameplay that is suitable for you. But no one forbids you to come up with and add your own options, i.e. we can say that you can play Dobble the way you want, adhering to the basic rules.

The first variation of the game “Build a tower”

One closed card is placed in front of the players, the rest are placed in the center open. Participants turn their cards over and compare the pictures on their card and the one on top of the “deck.” If one picture matches, you need to quickly report this and grab the card, opening the next one. The end comes when all the pictures are sorted out, and the one who remains with the most cards wins.

Second variation “Well”

In this version, everything happens the other way around. The players are dealt all the cards, face up, and the last one is placed in the center. Turning over his deck of cards, the player must find a match with the central card, quickly name it and throw his card onto the central one. The loser is the one who got rid of the playing cards later than everyone else.

Dobble is played not only by children, but also by adults. And if the game is slower with children, because the child does not have such a quick reaction, then in adult game everything is decided in a split second. You just need to have time to grab or throw away cards.

Experienced players advise not to remove your hand from the deck, but when you see identical pictures, grab them first, and only then shout.

"Dobble" has many advantages, which include:

  • Compactness;
  • Easy and understandable rules for children over 6 years old;
  • The ability to choose your own gameplay option;
  • Can be played by 2 to 8 people;
  • “Dobble” will be interesting for both children and adults;
  • Develops logical abilities.

“Dobble” will be great entertainment for a large company or for a family evening. Educational functions will help in the development of the child. By playing it, children develop reaction, attentiveness, memory, fine motor skills, learn new signs and words, logical skills. Even though the game is a board game, gameplay Quite active and sometimes noisy.

Players can have a lot of fun and relax at the same time. Having tried it once, it is no longer possible to forget about the emotions that “Dobble” delivers; you want to plunge into this atmosphere of fun and carefree again and again. It has a high rating according to reviews from parents and children.

Board game "Dobble"