Decorative topiary made from napkins: elegance in simplicity. “Pink” tree or how to make topiary from napkins with your own hands DIY flowers from napkins for topiary

Do you want to add new colors to your home or surprise your loved one? In this article you will see great ideas for creating a topiary from napkins with your own hands. Topiary is a small decorative tree self made. Usage paper napkins will be the most simple option when creating a flower tree with your own hands. This is a simple creative process that makes it very easy to create a fashionable decorative element for your home. Below are master classes that will help you easily implement your idea.

How to make topiary?

At first glance it seems: what could be simpler than an ordinary napkin? But it was able to become an important element of design work. Its great advantage is that it can act both as a material that makes the product more dense (for example, it can be used to wrap wire), and as one of the decorative parts (napkins can be glued to the surface of glass or wood products) . The most important factor is the minimum price for this decorative element, in contrast to most professional design materials.

Materials we will need:

  • The most common cheap paper napkins.
  • Scissors.
  • Stapler.
  • Threads.
  • Glue gun.
  • Newspaper.
  • Pot.
  • A stick for the base of a tree.
  • Acrylic paint.
  • Beads.
  • Ribbons.
  • Gypsum.

Important! The size of the flowers on the finished product will depend on the size of the napkins used. The larger it is, the larger and more beautiful the flower will look on your product.

Sequence of actions when making topiary:

  • Fold the napkin in half to form a rectangle.
  • After this, fold it in half again so that you have a square shape.
  • Use a stapler to secure the middle and cut out a circle.

Important! It is not necessary to cut the napkin in a circle. Certain irregularities will make the flower look more natural. Also, to make the flower look fuller, you can make cuts in a circle using scissors.

  • Lift each layer of napkin to create airy, beautiful flowers.

Important! You need to make as many of these flowers as possible so that there is enough to cover the entire tree. Using green napkins you can make petals for crafts.

  • Let’s move on to the base of our DIY topiary made from napkins. Crumple 2-3 newspapers into a ball with a diameter of about 8 cm and wrap it with thread in a circle. There is a second option - buy a ready-made foam ball in the store.
  • Pre-dry the stick for the base, intended for a decorative element, and cover it with acrylic paint or wrap it satin ribbon and decorate with beads.
  • Glue the finished newspaper ball to the stick. If you choose the second option, simply attach a foam ball to a tree trunk.
  • Fill the flowerpot with a mixture of gypsum, fix the stem with the ball evenly in the pot.
  • Glue each flower very carefully to the crown of the tree.

Important! The most convenient way for you to do this at this stage is to use a glue gun.

  • Decorate the flowers with beads, rhinestones or any other decoration materials.

Your DIY napkin topiary is ready! This is a wonderful decoration for any holiday or an excellent handmade gift, which is valued much more than decorative items from the store. You can also decorate any corner in your home that will not go unnoticed by your guests!

Topiary in the shape of a heart

How to make a heart-shaped topiary from napkins with your own hands?

Materials for work:

  1. Paper napkins.
  2. Thick cardboard.
  3. Scissors.
  4. Knitting needle.
  5. Threads.
  6. Glue gun.
  7. Flowerpot.
  8. Trunk for the base of a tree.
  9. Alabaster.
  10. Beads.
  11. Small flowers.
  12. Sequins.

Step-by-step execution of the craft:

  • Cut the paper napkin into squares along the folds.
  • Place it on a flat surface using two fingers and roll the napkin onto the knitting needle with a rolling motion.
  • Slide the rolled napkin along the edges toward the center.
  • Carefully pull out the knitting needle.
  • Roll the finished “sausage” into a rosette.
  • Add several of the same petals to the resulting center of the rose.

Important! The edge of the second petal should be in the middle of the first, and the second edge should be hidden below.

  • Twist the bottom edge and tie it into a knot with thread.
  • Cut off the tail evenly at the bottom of the flower.

Important! Make the required number of such flowers to cover the topiary completely.

  • Cut out a heart shape of the size you need from thick cardboard.
  • Cover it with napkins using a glue gun in several layers.
  • Paint the finished heart the color you want.
  • Glue the finished rose flowers to your heart.
  • Paint the trunk intended for the base in the desired color, let it dry thoroughly, or wrap it with twine or satin ribbon.
  • Glue the finished heart to the trunk with glue.
  • Fill the flowerpot with alabaster and very carefully place the trunk with the heart in it.

Important! Wait until your product is well fixed in the flowerpot.

Topiary is a famous interior decoration that has long been popular in European countries. The cute tree will appeal to those who want indoor plants, but does not like to look after them. Round shape artificial looks quite original and laconic. Modern needlewomen today have found many materials from which topiary can be made. In this article you will learn how to make topiary from napkins with your own hands.

- napkins of different sizes and colors;
- stapler;
- wooden stick;
- wire;
- ribbons, beads for decoration;
- pot;
- a foam ball.

Napkin ball

Step-by-step master class. Topiary made from paper napkins

Can be done in a pot. To do this, the ball is glued to a wooden stick-trunk and inserted into a pot with earth or plaster. It is much easier to make topiary without a trunk. You can show your imagination and make a special ribbon from which you can hang the ball.

Flowers are glued to the ball using a glue gun. Separately, you can glue beads or beads onto the flowers. Decorate the topiary to your taste and it will become an exclusive decoration of your interior.

Topiary made from napkins Even schoolchildren can do it. Beautiful craft will become an original gift for family and friends, and will remind you of the donor for a long time. Small topiaries will decorate a windowsill or showcase. Using a similar principle, you can make balloons that will look creative at a festive event.

Decorative topiary made from napkins: elegance in simplicity

The tree of happiness today is one of the most popular gifts or decorative additions to them A master class on making topiary scares off many beginners due to the listing of materials such as sisal, foamiran, cold porcelain, etc. What to do with everything, and how to make a completely understandable tree from unusual materials? Or a topiary made from paper napkins. Even a beginner can do it with his own hands, and suitable master class for beginners there is, with photos and explanations, how and when to make this or that detail.

Flowers from napkins: master class

What are napkins for? From them you need to make flowers that will decorate the crown of the tree. The trick is to fold the napkin correctly.

Flowers are made from napkins in different ways, let's look at this process using a specific example

How to make a paper napkin flower:

  • Take a plain (but optional) napkin and cut it into strips. The stripe is equal to the height of the bud, so this indicator is determined by yourself.
  • The paper strip must be rolled into a roll with your own hands, forming a bud.
  • In the bud, the petals are slightly turned inside out, so you turn the layers of the napkin inside the flower a little inside out.

You can fasten the bud so that it does not unfold with glue, thread, or a sewing pin. You need to make a lot of flowers so that they cover the crown tightly.

There is another option. This MK may seem simpler to some.

Whichever option you think is easier to do with your own hands, those instructions will be an example

Option two - how to make flowers from napkins:

  • Take a stack of 70 napkins (or a little less or a little more);
  • Cut this stack into equal squares;
  • Each of the resulting squares needs to be folded a little less than half, and the corners should be twisted a little - you will get just the shape of a petal.
  • To make one flower, you need about ten pieces, this is on average. The more petal blanks you use, the more magnificent the flower will be.

Making roses for topiary (video master class)

Do-it-yourself MK: topiary from napkins

If the roses are already ready, you can proceed to the next stage. For any topiary, from napkins or other decor, you will need a ball base. It's great if you already have foam blank, but you can build such a ball with your own hands. To do this, take newspapers, crumple them into one large dense lump, coat them with glue in some places to make the lump heavier. This ball needs to be wrapped in threads, it will look like a ball.

You can use a children's plastic ball as a topiary crown blank; you can also make a ball from foam plastic or macroflex

  • The base ball should be placed on the barrel. The trunk is usually any stick, even a real snag or branch. You place this design in a pot with alabaster poured into it.
  • The trunk and the ball on it (in fact, this is a tree) is placed in alabaster, so that it is firmly fixed in it.
  • Don't rush things, wait until everything dries. At this time, you can make roses or choose decor, without which the tree will not be elegant.
  • Well, now MK involves the creation of a crown. The ball must be covered with flowers from napkins; there should be no gaps between the buds. It would be great if you paint the ball with your own hands the color of the buds, so that even a small gap is well disguised.
  • The trunk can be wrapped with twine, braid, satin ribbon, decorative cord or special paper. Sometimes lace stripes are also used.

The master class is not completed - you have to make the finishing decoration. How else can you decorate a tree? See examples of decor in the photo gallery. You need to start with a pot. The top layer should be decorative, the alabaster should be covered.

You can decorate the top layer:

  • Beautiful beads to match the crown buds;
  • Coffee beans;
  • Colored tea leaves;
  • Sequins;
  • Beads;
  • Rhinestones;
  • Colored small buttons;
  • Decorative stones;
  • Berries.

You can also decorate the flowerpot with beautiful fabric or lace.

There are master classes in which topiary made from beautiful napkins is decorated using the decoupage technique. The same pot can be decorated with a top layer of napkins with interesting drawing. This is a very delicate work, you will need to watch an additional master class.

Topiary heart made of napkins

Such a tree has only one fundamental difference - you will have to paste over the crown of the heart, not the ball. That is, the same flowers are used, only the shape of the crown changes.

How to make a heart with your own hands if you don’t have a blank? There are also several options.

Romantic topiary made from napkins (video)

First MK: flat heart

It’s simple to make; it will be a through heart made of cardboard.

  • You take thick cardboard, you can - from big boxes. Cut out the shape of a heart, which should be hollow inside. That is, the diameter of this heart-shaped rim will be approximately 2-3 cm.
  • To make it even denser, it can be covered with the same napkins in several layers.
  • And then color the heart in desired color, and cover it with the same colors.

The workpiece can be solid or in the form of a frame

There are master classes that do not offer dense covering of the base with flowers. That is, you can, for example, wrap the uniform with lace or bleached twine, and only attach flowers in some places.

And such a tree will be interesting and original, and as a souvenir gift for a loved one - almost an ideal option.

Heart tree: do-it-yourself second option

You can make the heart differently if it does not have to be end-to-end.

If you are making topiary for the first time, prepare several bases for the crown: in case of damage, you will have spare ones

MK - heart for topiary made from napkins:

  • Take any object that has the shape of a heart, for example, a mirror or powder compact;
  • Now remember about such a technique as papier-mâché: you need to cover this object in many layers with paper or napkins so that it does not turn out flat;
  • After it has dried, cut the entire structure in half - this must be done carefully;
  • You take out the object, and connect the structure itself with several more layers.

Here is such a simple MK. Otherwise, you need to make a “heart” topiary in the same way as a traditional one.

Topiary made from napkins in caramel shades (MK video)

Paper napkins are a multi-variant decor; they can be used to make not only voluminous roses. You can simply beautifully paste over the base ball with napkins, remembering the same decoupage, following a certain pattern. And it's beautiful too! Try, experiment, create your own tree of happiness.

Similar materials

DIY topiary made from napkins. Master class with step-by-step photos

Holiday gift. Master class.

Topiary “Orange Happiness”. Master class with step by step photos.

Yudicheva Marina Anatolyevna, teacher primary classes, boarding school No. 1, Kirov.
Purpose: This topiary is a wonderful gift for any occasion. Mothers and grandmothers will be very happy to receive such a gift on International Women's Day. Topiary will serve for interior decoration. It will bring a special zest to the interior.
Description: The material is intended for children of middle school age, as well as for children of senior preschool and primary school age in collaboration with parents, it is interesting for teachers and all creative people. I highly recommend that dads and their children do this work on the eve of March 8th and make their mommy or grandma happy.
Target: make topiary - a gift for the holiday.
- teach how to make topiary, flowers from napkins,
- develop aesthetic taste, creativity, collaboration skills,
- cultivate care and love for others.

Work progress

Topiary art is the curly trimming of trees and shrubs. Many have seen trees in the form of animals or flowers. Even the ancient Romans decorated their gardens with deciduous or coniferous balls, pyramids, and all kinds of animal figures.

Today, when not everyone can afford a garden with decorative trees, topiary art has migrated from gardens to apartments, and trees began to be made from any available material. The most popular form of topiary is a circle. This is a dynamic figure that will always attract attention. Such trees are also called trees of happiness.

(Topiary on the makeup table).
While mom is at work.
Dad and I got busy.
They made topiary.
Mom was given a surprise!
We went into the forest to get branches.
To the store for a napkin,
They bought the central station there,
And they found a flowerpot in the closet.
This is a lucky tree
We'll give it to mom as a holiday gift.
Let mom be happier
From this wondrous beauty!
To complete the work you will need the following materials.

- flower pots
- CPS (cement-sand mixture)
- one thick willow branch (or another tree) 30 cm long, two thin branches 35 cm long
- newspapers
- threads
- napkins
- leaves from artificial flowers
- decor - ladybug
- stapler
- scissors
- glue (a glue stick is better)
Now the work is in full swing!
Dad and I got down to business!
Dad - with TsPS and branches,
Well, I’m with napkins!
1. Pour TsPS into the pots (about ¾ of the height of the pot), pour in a little water, mix everything well. Wipe off the cement from the edges with a napkin.

2. Insert the branches into the center of the flowerpot. You can sprinkle pebbles, or glass, or artificial grass on top of the DSP. They will decorate the gray mass. Leave for several hours to allow the CPS to harden.

3. We wrap thin branches around a thick branch. Let's make the trunk of our tree.

4. We attach thin branches to the top. The willow can be tied in a knot or secured with tape.

5. Take the straightened newspaper and crumple it lengthwise.

6. Wrap the crumpled newspaper tightly around the top of the trunk.

7. Make several layers and form a ball from newspapers. The size of the ball approximately corresponds to the size of the flowerpot. We secure the resulting ball with threads.

8. Take a napkin, fold it in half and in half again.

9. We fasten the resulting square in the center with a stapler.

10.Cut out a circle from the square (cut off the corners of the square with an arc).

11. Each flower has 16 layers. Take the top layer of the circle, lift it up and compress it arbitrarily towards the center.

12. In this way we crumple all 16 layers one after another. Try to ensure that the next layer does not repeat the shape of the previous one, this will make the flower more magnificent.

13. Straighten the petals and the flower is ready.

14.A topiary will require 30-35 of these flowers (this will depend on the size of your newspaper ball and the density of the flowers).

15.Glue flowers onto a newspaper ball. It’s better to start from the trunk (from the bottom up). Apply glue to a newspaper ball and glue the flower.

16. Try to stick the flowers so that the newspaper does not show through between the flowers.

17. We enliven the flower ball-crown of the tree with leaves. 6-9 leaves are enough.

18.Glue a ladybug onto the trunk.

19.The topiary is ready.

20. Such a tree will decorate the niterier.

I bring to your attention several original ideas.

Topiary made from napkins is modern look creativity, with the help of which amazing decorative elements and compositions are created for the home or festive table. The products look noble and stylish, even though the simplest and most affordable materials are used to create them.

Topiary made from napkins is a modern form of creativity

Most often, topiary is made in the shape of a circle, but a craft made in the shape of a heart or star will look much more original.

Moreover, you can collect completely different flowers from napkins:

  • roses;
  • carnations;
  • dandelions;
  • peonies;
  • asters;
  • lotus.

If desired, each bud is additionally decorated with beads, seed beads, sparkles and even candies. The aroma is added using aromatic oils.

The future tree trunk deserves special attention. To make it, it is customary to use ordinary twigs, which are simply varnished. In fact, the material can be different: wire, cardboard, plastic tubes. Yes and to the decor in in this case It’s worth being more creative, decorating the tree with ribbons, small stones, and braiding threads.

Flowerpots are another important detail. The standard material for it is a flower pot, but much brighter craft looks like it comes in a cup or tiny bucket.

Ideas for topiary appear as you work. You just need to start making your first flower to start imagining. If you are not afraid to experiment, you will get a truly unusual, memorable masterpiece that can add comfort and an incredible atmosphere to any home. See pictures below.

Gallery: napkin topiary (25 photos)

Simple topiary made from napkins (video)

How to make a flower from topiary napkins

Assembling beautiful and lush peonies step by step will be a simple task even for novice needlewomen. The simple technique of making them will not cause any difficulties. All it takes is a little patience and attention.

To create buds you will need:

  • several multi-layered white, green and red napkins;
  • wire;
  • wooden stick;
  • scissors.

The simple technique of making them will not cause any difficulties.

Step by step instructions:

  1. Trim the unrolled edges of the napkins.
  2. Unfold several napkins so that the result is a rectangle instead of a square.
  3. Stack them on top of each other and bend them like an accordion.
  4. Tie the resulting accordion closer to the center using wire.
  5. Cover the visible part of the wire with a small piece cut at the very beginning.
  6. Lift all the petals to add volume.
  7. Form the stem from a wooden stick.

Make the leaves from green material.

Topiary made from paper napkins

Even schoolchildren can make topiary using this method. The finished craft will be a great gift for someone close to you. She looks incredibly beautiful, original and extraordinary. Each element in it is thought out, fits exactly into the overall picture and gives the product a special grace.

What is needed:

  • flowerpot;
  • a mixture of sand and cement;
  • a couple of thin branches and one thick one;
  • threads;
  • newspapers;
  • small pebbles;
  • napkins;
  • leaves from artificial flowers;
  • stapler;
  • scotch;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

Even schoolchildren can make topiary using this method.

Work progress:

  1. Pour a mixture of sand and cement into the pots, add water and mix everything.
  2. Gently wipe the edges of the pot.
  3. Place branches in the center and sprinkle everything with pebbles.
  4. Carefully wrap thin branches around the thick one, thus forming a trunk.
  5. Secure the structure at the top with tape.
  6. Crush the newspaper with your hands and wrap it around the top of the formed trunk.
  7. Make several layers of newspaper to form a ball.
  8. Secure the finished ball with threads.
  9. Fold the napkin in half first, and then in half again.
  10. Secure the resulting square with a stapler.
  11. Cut a circle from the workpiece, then lift each layer one by one.
  12. Carefully straighten all the petals.
  13. Using this principle, make the required number of flowers, then glue each of them onto a newspaper ball.

Give more natural look crown using leaves.

Roses from napkins for topiary: master class

Roses are one of the most favorite flowers for most women. Naturally, having made a topiary with these flowers, you will be able to please absolutely any representative of the fair sex. Such a gift will not go unnoticed, especially since it was made with your own hands.

Work progress:

  1. Unfold the napkin completely.
  2. Trim about five centimeters from one of the edges to form a rectangle instead of a square.
  3. Fold the workpiece lengthwise so that one of its parts covers the other, but not completely.
  4. Start forming a rose by wrapping it around your finger.
  5. The result should be a tight but tapered edge.
  6. Attach the stem of the rose to this edge.
  7. Gently straighten each of the petals.

Roses are one of the most favorite flowers for most women.

Attach the leaves to the stem and straighten them too.

How to make leaves from napkins

After mastering the technique of making buds, any needlewoman faces new problem- making leaves. After all, they must fully correspond to the idea and look harmonious against the background of roses or peonies.

Work progress:

  1. Cut the napkin into equal sixteen pieces. The result will be small squares.
  2. Fold three squares together with a slight offset.
  3. Make a small cross-shaped cut.
  4. Place the leaves on the bud and secure with glue or a stapler.

After mastering the technique of making buds, any needlewoman faces a new problem - making leaves

Lotus from napkins: step-by-step instructions

A lotus made from napkins is very difficult to distinguish from a real one.. It looks incredibly gentle and natural. Initially, it’s difficult to even imagine that such beauty could come from such simple material, which is always at hand.

What is needed:

  • 8 green napkins;
  • 24 white;
  • 1 yellow;
  • stapler

Work progress:

  1. Initially, you need to create foliage from green parts. To do this, fold the napkin uncovered into a triangle.
  2. Fold the corners down from the top.
  3. Fold the tails that have formed up on the other side.
  4. Fold the structure in half on the outside.
  5. Make a total of eight green blanks in this way.
  6. Use a stapler to connect all the elements.
  7. Make petals from white material in the same way.
  8. Place them on top of the greens in three rows.

To add brightness to the structure, add yellow stamens twisted diagonally.

Topiary made from napkins: imitation marigolds (video)

Topiary art is most often used in landscape design. Trees trimmed in animal shapes and geometric shapes, cause incredible delight and always attract attention. Due to the fact that not everyone has their own personal plot, this type of creativity has begun to be used in the home interior. All kinds of available materials are used. Special attention Among such designs, we focus on those made from napkins. This material is incredibly easy to work with, and accordingly, even schoolchildren can cope with such a craft. You just need to master the basics of technology to start creating your own, unique masterpieces.