What to give for your 50th wedding. What to give for a golden wedding: the best ideas

The golden wedding is usually called the 50th anniversary of the spouses' life together. Nowadays, it is not so common to meet long-lived couples who, having overcome all the hardships and joys of so many years, remained together; who can boast of such a wonderful anniversary. And for those spouses who managed to get through many years with dignity, it’s not always easy. family life, it is simply necessary to celebrate this significant date by celebrating this holiday solemnly.

In no case should the anniversaries be left without attention on this day. Everyone who is in one way or another involved in this significant event must understand that it is impossible to leave the “newlyweds” without a gift. So what should you give your parents for their golden wedding?

The symbolism of this have a beautiful anniversary is gold (hence the name of the holiday). It is distinguished by its extraordinary beauty and decent price. Gold has the talent to attract and attract. Getting it in natural conditions is quite a difficult task.

This symbolism means that the husband and wife managed to overcome many obstacles that were on their life path. And yet, they managed to maintain their love, loyalty, tenderness and warmth of their relationship. Family relations represent hard daily work, and the symbolism of the golden wedding can prove once again that achieving faithful and strong relationships in your family is as difficult as searching for gold deposits in nature.

The behavior and mutual relations of the spouses, who were able to maintain not only love, but also respect, care and tenderness for five decades, are worthy of all praise. Now they have not only children, but also grandchildren (and maybe great-grandchildren), so it is they, the people closest to the “newlyweds,” who are simply obliged to pay tribute to the old people who are celebrating their golden wedding.

Gifts according to traditions

Gift for a 50th wedding anniversary – gold rings

What should a golden wedding gift be for parents so that it combines beauty, tradition, and the love of the givers? Even here, interesting options are possible.

Wonderful traditional gift there will be gold wedding rings. It is believed that after half a century those first rings have already worn out, so children can update their parents’ jewelry. An analogue of such a gift could be a handkerchief embroidered (preferably with one’s own hand) with gold threads or a handkerchief with several gold inclusions. According to tradition, such a gift should be given by the eldest child.

What else should you give your parents for their golden wedding? A pleasant and touching gift for the newlyweds would be, for example, a photo album, which would be decorated in a style appropriate to the celebration. The main thing is that this photo album contains those photographs of the “young” that will add warm and tender memories to them. An analogue could be a homemade poster with photographs of spouses different years, where they are still 25, 40 or 50 years old. They will look at this poster with a special feeling, as if immersed in a time when they themselves were younger, when their children were small.

For the 50th anniversary of family life, gold jewelry or some original souvenirs would be a great gift. It is unlikely that at such an advanced age, spouses wear a lot of jewelry, so necklaces and bracelets are not needed. It is quite enough, for example, chains or earrings for the wife and a signet or pendant for the husband. Icons for each spouse - either made of gold or with gold inclusions - will also be a pleasant gift. If you want to present a souvenir, then boxes, figurines or coins made of precious metals are suitable.

From the closest relatives a good gift there will be a photo frame with the image of the “newlyweds”. And if symbolism is used here too, then a frame can be made from gilding.

We focus on health

Yes, the couple celebrating their golden wedding are not very young anymore. At least they are already 70 years old. Consequently, their health may also be different from what it was at 30 and 40 years old. Therefore, the main emphasis can be placed on their health. What can you give your parents for their golden wedding? Alternatively, you can choose:

  • a humidifier or air ionizer in the newlyweds’ house or a water filter;
  • a trip to a sanatorium for two (since such a gift is not cheap, it can be given from the entire family group, for example, from children or grandchildren);
  • You can install an air conditioner in your parents’ apartment, which will help older people feel more comfortable if the days are hot or, conversely, too cold;
  • orthopedic pillows and mattresses: older people have some problems with joints, and thanks to this gift their sleep will be healthier and sounder.

You can, of course, give devices for determining blood sugar levels, measuring blood pressure, or devices that can treat joints. But it’s better to leave these gifts for some other holiday.

Useful gifts

50th birthday gift life together parents - electric fireplace

A golden wedding gift for parents should be both interesting and useful. Since the spouses are no longer young, they need help making their life easier. The necessary appliances will help with this - an electric meat grinder, a double boiler, a multicooker, a bread maker, a vacuum cleaner, which has a large number of functions.

If spouses love home comfort, a good gift for them would be:

  • oil heater,
  • TV,
  • electronic photo frame,
  • fan,
  • electric fireplace

It can be difficult to get a gift for parents’ 50th wedding anniversary if the amount set aside for it is strictly limited. In this case, a gold-painted vase, bowl or, for example, a gilded tea set could be a wonderful gift. Such gifts will be an excellent alternative to expensive gold gifts.

Symbolic gifts

What should be a gift for parents for 50 years of marriage? Symbolic gifts include all gifts associated with the holiday. What should you consider when choosing such signs of attention? The couple managed to live half a century together. They maintained a reverent relationship with each other; they were together in sorrow and joy. And now they are a real example for their descendants to follow. The unification of their feelings and the feelings of their children and grandchildren for the “newlyweds” should be reflected in the gifts.

  • Gold rings have already been mentioned. Indeed, this will be a magnificent gift for such a celebration, which will, as it were, renew the marriage of the spouses.
  • An aquarium with goldfish will be interesting. Elderly people like to look at the water, it calms them down.
  • If elderly parents once told their children the story of how they met, you can find something from that time. For example, you can give your mother an outfit as a gift, similar to the one she once wore when she met her dad; and dad - the same suit. “Newlyweds” can change into these things right there at the celebration, and while raising toasts, remember their youth and project today’s golden wedding onto the one they celebrated half a century ago.
  • You can draw it yourself or order an image from a photo studio. family tree. Such a gift will show how important a strong and long-lasting union of parents is.

What do loving children give parents for their golden wedding? This could be a disk or audio cassette on which songs related to the events of half a century ago will be recorded. These could be compositions to which parents danced for the first time or which sounded from the windows on quiet evenings when they, still very young, walked along city alleys. That is, these songs should remind them of their happy days.

Practical gifts

Gift for 50th wedding anniversary - washing machine

Yes, romantic gifts are necessary for parents. But you can choose others that will bring older people not only pleasant impressions, but also benefits. What to give your parents for their 50th wedding anniversary? It’s great if the children, long before the celebration, decided to present mom and dad with a significant gift - a new apartment (or a good renovation in the old one), a car or something like that. Such significant steps can be timed to coincide with the golden wedding. “Newlyweds” will really like this. After all, due to their age and, perhaps, not very good financial support, they cannot afford this themselves. But if children and grandchildren do not have the opportunity to make such huge gifts, you can limit yourself to appliances and household appliances, thanks to which life will be simplified for the elderly.

  • Washing machine. Such a modern miracle of technology will come in handy for many grandparents, because the tedious work of washing clothes will now be the prerogative of this machine.
  • Laptop or tablet computer. Such gifts will come in handy for those older people who are friends with modern technology and enjoy mastering it. Therefore, there is a very real possibility that some time after the celebration, the grandchildren will be able to communicate with their grandparents not only by phone, but also via Skype.
  • Radiotelephone (handset) or mobile phone. It is better if they have large buttons and good sound.
  • TV with USB port. Children will be able to record good old films, so loved by their parents, onto a flash drive, and the “newlyweds” will watch them with great pleasure on quiet evenings.
  • Useful items for the garden, for summer cottage. This could be a good spacious thermos, a water heater, a convenient radio or a satellite dish with a package of channels.
  • If mom knows how and loves to sew, then she will need a good sewing machine. And at the same time, dad will be able to learn how to brew aromatic homemade beer, which he will then treat to both his wife and relatives.

A couple who celebrates their golden wedding usually has many relatives. In order not to accidentally give two identical gifts for their celebration, it is better to agree in advance who will give what. You can even put together what the “newlyweds” are missing and decide which relatives will give what.

Golden wedding - very important day. You can’t leave the celebrants of the day unattended on this day, so the gift should be original and pleasant. A golden wedding is a grand event that is important for the whole family, relatives and friends.

Golden wedding gift traditions

First, you need to study the basic rules and rituals of choosing gifts for the significant anniversary of their life together. Important points things you need to know:

  • Children and grandchildren must present new gold rings to their parents. They will symbolize a strong marriage and a life together lasting 50 years.
  • When presenting gifts from loved ones, relatives and friends, the celebrants should be showered with “gold” - golden rain or sparkles.
  • The eldest child should buy for the celebrants beautiful scarf which will be embroidered with gold threads. The scarf can be replaced with a shawl, scarf or handkerchief.
  • Before presenting gifts, any relative or child must light 2 golden candles and place them on the table. Next, he will say words about this important and major date that two people were able to live together over many years.
  • Then the spouses must cut a wedding cake or pie, treat all guests to a piece. This tradition means that the celebrants wish everyone such lasting and long-lasting love.

What to give parents for a golden wedding

Some parents do not want to receive gold rings from their children, explaining this for many reasons, so children sometimes need to find more acceptable gift options.

What can you give your parents for their 50th anniversary of marriage:

  • Household appliances - vacuum cleaner, TV, gas stove, microwave oven, heater, new iron, video camera, air conditioner.
  • Gold-plated watches, bracelets, boxes.
  • Soft pillows, blankets, sofas or armchairs.
  • Cups, glasses, medals with beautiful inscription"50 years together!"
  • Family portrait with gilded frame.
  • Large carpet on the wall.
  • Orthopedic mattress.
  • Furniture for bedroom, kitchen, living room.
  • Service with gold rim on cups and saucers.
  • Beautiful bed linen, curtains.

Options for gifts for celebrants of 50 years from grandchildren and guests

Grandchildren and guests can give celebrants more substantial and modest gifts. The most important thing is that the gift should be presented interestingly, beautifully and with all your heart.

What to give as a 50th birthday gift from your grandchildren:

  • Beautiful poems or song.
  • Books, calendars or photo albums.
  • Scarves trimmed with gold lurex.
  • Paintings, souvenirs, postcards.
  • Napkins, towels, linen.
  • Gilded figurines or figurines.
  • Set of dishes.

What to give for 50 years from guests and relatives:

  • A painting depicting portraits of heroes of the day.
  • Beautiful gilded photo album.
  • Original figurines made of metal, wood, glass.
  • Beautiful service.
  • Electric samovar, kettle.
  • Anniversary coasters.
  • Bedspreads, blankets, pillows.
  • Table lamp.
  • Aquarium with two goldfish.
  • Tablecloths decorated with gold embroidery.
  • A trip to the sanatorium.

10 months ago

Gold is one of the strongest metals. Therefore, a couple that has passed the 50-year mark of family life hand in hand can rightfully be called golden. If you had the honor of attending the celebration, you probably thought about what to give to the anniversaries for their golden wedding.

A golden wedding is a good reason to remember the one you had in your youth

Traditional gifts

Gold products . Most often, children give such a gift to their parents for their golden wedding. On this day it is customary to give wedding new anniversary rings. According to tradition, children present new jewelry to their parents, and hide old ones in a beautiful box and keep them as a memory. Except wedding rings You can also give other gold jewelry, for example, beautiful bracelets .

Shawl and tie , embroidered with gold threads. This gift can traditionally be classified as a family gift, as it is given by grandchildren or great-grandchildren. At the moment of celebration, when the heroes of the day are sitting at the table, the female half of the couple is tied with a scarf on their heads, and the male half is put on a tie.

Icon in a gold or gilded frame. It is better to choose an icon depicting saints who are patrons by name or date of birth for both spouses. But you can also purchase a universal product with the face of Peter and Fevronya, they are the patron saints of marriage. An alternative to the icon can be considered golden amulet . When choosing such a gift, you should remember that the donor and recipients must follow the same faith and profess the same religion! It is advisable to consecrate the incense in the church

Photo mosaic is a touching portrait of a couple, made up of many small photographs.

– a charming symbol of unity.

- you will always remember each other.

Photo frame with gilding . A budget option for a gift for anniversaries, but due to its sentimentality, it is necessary and memorable.

Original gifts.

Journey . Of course, when choosing such a gift you need to take into account many nuances. From the health status of the spouses to whether they have foreign passports. If the spouses lead an active lifestyle and are in good health, give them plane tickets to a European country. Such a gift for a golden wedding will greatly surprise them. You should not give a trip to the sea as a gift, because older people are not recommended to be in the sun. In case of unsatisfactory health, you can give a ticket to the nearest sanatorium. Moreover, such a gift will be relevant at any time of the year.

Professional family photography . The photographs that remain after the shooting will delight both the heroes of the day and their children for a long time. Firstly, this is memory. Secondly, what could be better than spending a few hours bringing the whole family together? If you are planning to hold an event outdoors, choose a time that will be comfortable for older spouses. Usually this is the first half of the day. It shouldn't be hot outside.

A professional family photo is appropriate for any anniversary

If you plan to shoot in a studio, make sure that there are no drafts in the room and no air conditioners turned on at full power. It is also advisable to think in advance about how many people will take part in the shooting, and discuss this number with the photographer. The fact is that many photographers do not take orders for hourly shooting if more than 10 people take part in it.

Beautiful photo album . It can be a continuation of the previous gift. Or maybe a unique gift that will delight the spouses and immerse them in memories. There are two design options for this album. The first is to give a regular album, which you need to fill with your favorite photos yourself. The second is in the form of a photo book. Moreover, to print a book, you can use old archival photos, mixing them with newer ones. By arranging the album in this way, you will get a unique story of the creation of a family of celebrants. Of course, a gift in the form of a photo book is a more expensive alternative to a regular album, but such golden wedding gifts will be remembered for a lifetime.

- an unusual gift that both she and he will like

– a designer lamp that is pleasant to look at

- a gift that will always be appropriate

Family portrait . It is necessary to prepare such a gift in advance. Ask the future celebrants for a joint photo and, based on it, order a beautiful portrait. It is advisable to choose a gold color for the picture frame. When choosing an artist who will prepare a gift, be guided not only by your intuition, but also by reviews of previous customers.

Celebration organization . Nowadays, pensioners don’t often have the opportunity to treat themselves to a sumptuous feast to which they can invite the whole family. A golden wedding is a great occasion to see family and friends. With the consent of the spouses, organize a holiday for them as a gift. You don't have to celebrate in a restaurant. Elderly people will feel more comfortable at home. Also, you should not prepare or order gourmet dishes as treats that the celebrants have not yet tried. Prepare familiar treats with your guests. If a married couple lives a progressive life and their financial condition is conducive to frequent trips to restaurants, then you can organize a feast in a good establishment.

A restaurant is a good opportunity to just be together

Modern gifts.

Digital photo frame . Still haven’t decided what to give your parents for their golden wedding? Take a closer look at the digital photo frame. Its memory capacity allows you to save a large number of photos, which will change each other at a frequency set by you. People close to you will appreciate it if you digitize old wedding photos and add them to the viewing sheet.

Multicooker . Today, a multicooker is a necessary electrical appliance in the kitchen of every housewife. Don't chase after new products, give simple model with a minimum set of functions. Most likely, the first impression of the spouses regarding this gadget will be skeptical, but time will pass and they will appreciate your gift.

TV . A win-win gift. In cases where the celebrants already have a modern TV model, you can pay for a digital cable TV connection. People who spend most of their lives within the walls of their home will happily spend their free time in front of a blue screen.

– will remind you of loved ones

- there will always be a use for it

- such gifts are outside of fashion or any other trends, especially since they are appropriate for a golden wedding.

Budget gifts.

Plaid. Such a gift will appeal to spouses who value and love home comfort. Choose products made from natural fabrics that do not irritate the skin. When choosing, give preference to warm, gentle tones. If the donor knows how to knit, this will be very helpful. Nowadays, hand-knitted products are gaining popularity. The most popular blankets today are knitted with thick soft threads on large knitting needles. Knitted product It turns out incredibly light and, at the same time, warm.

Kit bath towels . Choose large towels. To give the gift a special personality, you can embroider the initials of the spouses or the wedding date on the towels. This way you will make it clear that the gift was chosen with soul and care, and was not just bought in a hurry.

Pillows or blanket . The older generation is accustomed to sleeping on down pillows and covering themselves with a heavy feather blanket. They are distrustful of new technologies and synthetic materials. There is no need to convince them verbally, just give them a set of good anatomical pillows or a soft, light blanket.

Beautiful towels are a great gift

Attention! Read all about: what flowers to choose and how to give

Pair of robes . A fluffy robe is a symbol of home comfort. By giving it, you will express your warmest feelings. It is customary to give robes to loved ones, for example, parents or grandparents for a golden wedding.

Glasses. Give a couple of beautiful glasses and a bottle of good wine. If the recipients are your parents, you can decorate the glasses yourself or involve children in this event. Children will be happy to help arrange a gift for grandparents.

What not to give for a golden wedding.

We have already decided what to give our relatives for their golden wedding. Let's now look at what should not be given to a married couple on their anniversary.

Animals or fish in aquarium. Unfortunately, a couple who celebrates 50 years of marriage often needs care themselves. You should not burden them with the debt of caring for a pet; it takes a lot of time and requires financial and physical costs.

Kettle , watch , mirrors , slippers. According to popular belief, such gifts bring negative emotions and situations into the home - from banal quarrels to serious illnesses. If the celebrants themselves chose the above household items as a gift, be sure to take a symbolic fee from them.

Souvenir products . Such gifts have no soul. Spouses and guests will get the impression that you bought the first thing they came across in the store.

Presents for 50 years of marriage - a symbol for long years marriage, a sign of respect for the family union. Children and grandchildren give their parents gold wedding rings, which the celebrants exchange at the celebration. Family friends can give less modest but meaningful gifts for the 50th wedding anniversary.

What do you give for a golden wedding?

Traditionally best present– gold items. Anniversaries are presented with any jewelry and souvenirs made of precious metal. Friends can also present gold-plated items. Traditional gift options:

  • pendants with saints corresponding to the names of the heroes of the day;
  • small icons;
  • gold pendants in the form of a divided heart for both spouses;
  • precious metal coins;
  • family portrait of husband and wife in gilded frame;
  • family tree with small photo frames;
  • a photo album or hardcover commemorative book with the number 50, filled with touching photographs, poems, life stories, cherished desires;
  • gilded glasses;
  • scarves with golden embroidery;
  • money box in the form of a gold loaf or gold bar.

The best flowers for a golden wedding for friends are roses in tea and porcelain shades. There is no need to choose white varieties, as they represent innocence. Florists advise giving small bouquets with 7-9 flowers. The orchid symbolizes eternal love, the lily of the valley symbolizes tenderness, fidelity, and sincerity. Chrysanthemums are good for active anniversaries. Lilies are a universal flower.

Souvenirs for friends for 50 years of marriage

Close friends can evaluate the interior of the heroes of the day and decide which item will harmoniously fit into their home. If spouses collect figurines or figurines, expand their collection. Complete the gift with a postcard with heartfelt congratulations. Options for souvenirs for a golden wedding anniversary:

  • figurines of swans or paper birds;
  • candles in beautiful glasses with the inscription “50”, “Marriage Anniversary”;
  • gilded casket with a church cross;
  • miniature sculptures on the theme of love, long marriage;
  • gilded candlestick with engraving;
  • golden horseshoe;
  • antique samovar, gramophone;
  • medals and certificates “for 50 years of marriage”;
  • glass holders, vases with gilding, animal figures.

Gifts for everyday life and comfort in the home

The anniversaries are already elderly, so gifts for a golden wedding can be given to friends that are practical and functional. Choose any gift:

  • gifts for health: blood pressure monitor, air ionizer, device for home physiotherapy, heating pad, orthopedic mattress, aroma lamp, water filter;
  • electrical equipment: heater, fan, small TV, robot vacuum cleaner;
  • tableware: sets with gilded elements, sets of beautiful glasses, cutlery;
  • gift for the kitchen: mixer, electric kettle, food processor;
  • decorative items: paintings, photo frames, live plants in pots;
  • textiles: cozy bed linen, towels, blanket, pillows, scarves, blanket, curtains, tablecloth;
  • interesting household items: soap self made, a desk calendar with photos of friends;
  • gift for the country: lawn mower, garden vacuum cleaner, hedge trimmer, wall clock, potted plants, barbecue or grill set, hammock.

Original gifts for a golden wedding

If you don't want to present your friends with symbolic trinkets, try organizing an experience for them. A gift for 50 wedding years should create an atmosphere of fun, delight, pleasure and remain in memory for a long time. Options for original gifts:

  • ticket to the theater, to a concert;
  • voucher to a sanatorium or holiday home;
  • invitations to group dances for older couples;
  • certificate for dinner at a restaurant;
  • independently organized anniversary and with invited family friends;
  • a cake with gold figures, inscriptions and memorable dates, possibly with a photo of the celebrants on the confectionery product;
  • congratulatory poster with photographs, poems, thematic pictures from life together;
  • a disc containing the spouses’ favorite songs;
  • a chest of family stories - the most important ones are written on the leaves interesting points in the life of a spouse's family, stories are put into a beautiful chest, and then read during the celebration;
  • the golden monogram is the personal seal of the family.


Congratulations and gifts should be prepared in advance. At the last moment, you may not find the desired item in the store or buy an unnecessary trinket in a hurry. We will tell you what to give on the occasion of an extraordinary event, and on what basis to choose gifts.

  • The event requires appropriate attention. According to tradition, it is necessary to present gold or gilded items. If they are not made of precious metal, it’s okay. If only the characteristic shade could be guessed.
  • Wedding rings are considered a symbol of marriage. In honor of the holiday wedding decorations should show off on greeting card, a chocolate bar or a personalized cake.
  • You are preparing a gift for your husband and wife. Please note that the gift is suitable for both spouses. The exception is flowers. You can give a bouquet to a woman without hesitation.
  • Older people also have interests and hobbies. For example, art lovers should be pleased with theater tickets, and travel lovers with trips to the sea.
  • Children are able to prepare a touching surprise for a golden wedding. The child must learn a poem, draw a picture, sing or dance. Grandparents don’t need anything else from their grandchildren for their wedding anniversary.
  • An attempt to hand over an expensive but useless item is doomed to failure. People who have lived together for half a century will be more pleased with practical acquisitions.
  • It is customary to celebrate 50 years of marriage within the family circle. Behind festive table relatives must gather. To make a pleasant and noisy celebration for the 50th wedding anniversary, invite close friends of the celebrants and organize a surprise.

An interesting gift option for a golden wedding can be found in the list of universal ideas. You can give the newlyweds:

  • Jewelry, costume jewelry.
  • A bottle of elite alcohol.
  • A set of glasses, wine glasses, glasses for alcohol.
  • Tea or coffee service.
  • Set of kitchen utensils, home textiles.
  • Symbolic composition, figurine.
  • Floor, table, mantel clocks.
  • Household appliances.
  • Couple portrait, friendly cartoon.
  • Large album for family photos.
  • A book or collection of works.
  • Store gift certificate.
  • Tickets for the premiere of cinema, opera, ballet.
  • Golden wedding gift for parents

    Parents will be delighted with any present made from the heart. Whether it's matching name t-shirts or a gold-encrusted wine horn. We recommend starting your selection with simple household items. A set of bed linen, a set of curtains, a tablecloth with napkins in the same style will last for many years. Therefore, they are the best gift for a significant date. If your financial situation allows, you can buy your parents kitchen furniture, a bedroom set, or a classic wall unit for the living room.

    Interesting gift parents for their golden wedding - cups, figurines and medals with the number 50. Decorate the gift with a memorable inscription or the names of loved ones. Symbolic awards look no worse than real ones. They cannot be considered an alternative to jewelry made from precious metals, but they will allow you to observe the tradition of presenting gifts shimmering in gold.

    Mugs with your inscription. A nice, affordable gift. Parents will love both the distinctive colors and the image of wedding rings with names.

    Towels “The Tsar, the Tsar’s Wife”. No less symbolic gift. Embroidery with shiny threads will not lose its attractiveness even after washing in an automatic machine.

    Paired robes. You can also embroider your parents' names on them. This makes bath accessories look more interesting. Relatives will want the same ones.

    Family Savings Bank. Giving parents an envelope with money is inconvenient, but a box for banknotes is easy. Signed boxes will allow you to save funds for any purpose.

    Bar chest “Romantic evening”. Parents will need 2 champagne flutes, a heart-shaped candlestick and a glass vase. The newlyweds have many holidays ahead.

    Original gift ideas for a golden wedding

    An unusual surprise is, first of all, emotions. The heroes of the occasion will be able to receive them if they give paired key rings with names, a watch with a photo of the hero of the day on the dial, a photo mosaic of words, a congratulatory issue of the Pravda newspaper for 50 years of marriage. When a golden wedding is approaching, you can congratulate the spouses with a decorative plate, a set of cool aprons, or a couple figurine from a photo.

    An intangible gift is no less interesting. An invitation to an exhibition of art from the Soviet period, a performance by a once popular creative group, will evoke associations with the golden days of youth. Perhaps their own wedding was played to similar music half a century ago. The older generation will also enjoy an excursion to the museum, a boat trip, a tea ceremony, a limousine ride with dinner in a restaurant.

    Horseshoe “Happiness and love to the home”. A gift that is well received by people of all ages. Almost every person believes in the magical power of amulets.

    Photo crystal “Bright frame”. Lightbox with color image. Can be used as a sconce or replace a frame with your favorite photo.

    Umbrella with your images. Elderly people will be sincerely surprised to see a photo chronicle of their own lives on the dome. Modern technologies allow you to apply pictures even on nylon.

    Map of our travels. For spouses who have traveled half the world, you cannot imagine a more pleasant gift. They will have to mark the countries they explored on the diagram and place the canvas in a visible place.

    Lemonade stand on a “Country Lantern” stand. Dispenser stylized as a lighting fixture. Suitable for any drinks that owners want to treat their friends with.

    Practical gifts for a golden wedding

    Let's start with the fact that the heroes of the occasion are at least about 70 years old. It is important for older people to stay healthy. Based on this, you can make a tonometer, heart rate monitor, or home physiotherapy equipment as a gift. For a golden wedding, it is appropriate to present new orthopedic pillows and mattresses, heating pads and massagers, air ionizers and water filters.

    Pay attention to the life of the heroes of the day. Suddenly, after living side by side for 50 years, people did not have a room fan, an oil heater or a compact TV in the kitchen. Electrical appliances will be pleasant and a useful gift to the memorable date. We would recommend adding a vacuum cleaner, dishwasher, electric meat grinder, juicer, pancake maker and microwave oven to the list of practical gifts.

    Multicooker. Thanks to an electric saucepan, you can cook many dishes. Older people will especially appreciate having a timer. Nothing will burn or overcook.

    Electric kettle. It's also okay to leave it on. As soon as the water boils, the sensor will work, opening the circuit.

    Steamer. The gift is simple and easy to use. Gets rid of wrinkles on clothes more efficient than an iron. It is simply impossible to burn through the fabric.

    Digital camera. Retired people like to photograph their grandchildren and loved ones. The compact camera is easy to carry in your pocket or handbag.

    Flower vase “Happy Anniversary!” A present that is relevant at all times. Used for its intended purpose or as interior decoration.

    Options for a memorable gift for a golden wedding

    Memories of donors allow you to preserve personalized items. Price in in this case secondary. You can decorate ordinary ballpoint pens with engraving, and they will remind you of your have a wonderful holiday. IN memorable gift It’s easy for celebrants to transform a jewelry box, a wine box, or a barbecue set. You just need to order metal nameplates with the inscription

    An expensive gift for a golden wedding will become memorable due to its uniqueness. The symbolic top signs of attention are headed by interior sculptures. Thematic composition - nice gift. Being 100% original, it has no analogues and is not sold in souvenir shops. These are the works “The Secret of Auguste Rodin” and “Embarrassment”. Each figure comes with a certificate.

    Pair of gold pendants. The most common gifts are pendants in the shape of a heart and a key, puzzles, or the first letters of a name. If necessary, add engraving to them.

    Wine set “Malachite”. 3 wine glasses and a dish, decorated with Zlatoust engraving. Inserts made of natural stone.

    Coffee set "Agate". Another masterpiece of the Ural masters. The porcelain cup and saucer are covered with the thinnest layer of precious plating with an original design.

    Caviar "Queen fish". When thinking about a gift, pay attention to the crystal vase with a gilded leg. The royal dishes perfectly match the theme of the holiday.

    Large round table “Egardo”. A work of art from Italian masters. Designer furniture emphasizes the owner’s taste, ability to feel and appreciate beauty.