"- to whom and how to answer this question. “Why is there still no boyfriend?” - to whom and how to answer this question. For what purpose is it being asked?

It is impossible to know everything, even Wesserman cannot boast of this.
Therefore, throughout life, we often ask, ask questions, become interested, and find out.
Now you will become a little more intelligent.
Why is sea speed measured in knots?

To determine longitude, ancient sailors calculated how far they sailed in a certain period of time. To do this, they used a special device - a “lag”. It was an ordinary log to which a rope was tied. The log was thrown overboard from the stern of the ship, and they waited until the rope became taut.
Knots were tied at regular intervals along the entire length of the rope. The sailor, lowering the rope, counted how many knots passed through his hands in a certain time. This is how the speed of the ship was calculated. Sailors began to use the word “knot” to indicate the speed of the ship.
These days, a knot is equal to one nautical mile per hour, and a nautical mile is 1852 meters - slightly longer than a land mile. Let's assume the ship is sailing at a speed of 15 knots. This means it swims at a speed of 15 nautical miles per hour (or 28 kilometers) per hour.

Why did a New York police officer become a “star”?
A New York police officer became an Internet “star” in a matter of days simply because he took pity on a homeless man and gave him winter shoes and warm socks. Tourist Jennifer Foster saw this story; she filmed the moment of handing over the gift to the tramp and described the incident she saw online. The story and photo later reached the police department and were published on their Facebook page.

Why is the water in the sea salty?
Scientists assume that during the formation of the earth's crust and ocean, acidic volcanic fumes containing compounds of chlorine, fluorine, and bromine were released from the mantle material along with water vapor. The first "portions" of water on Earth were acidic. This primary water destroyed the newly formed basalts, granites and other crystalline rocks of the earth's crust and extracted from them alkaline elements - sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium and others. A chemical reaction occurred in which alkaline elements combined with chlorine, fluorine, bromine and neutralized the solution.

Over time, the supply of acidic volcanic smoke became less and less, and the release of salts from land rocks continued. This means that ocean water gradually accumulated salts and acquired an alkaline reaction, which is still characteristic of it today. And about 500 million years ago, ocean water stabilized in its salt composition and gas content.
Of course, this is only one of the points of view of scientists, but it also has a right to exist, since so far no one can definitely answer this question and all theories about the origin of the ocean and our planet only remain theories, because none of us did not live with you in those ancient times!

Why do the window shades have to be open during takeoff and landing?
According to flight safety regulations, window shades must be open during taxiing, takeoff and landing of an aircraft. The fact is that it is at these stages of air transportation that the largest number of emergencies occur. Therefore, close attention is paid to safety.

First, your eyes need to get used to natural light, so you can see better if an emergency occurs. You've probably noticed that during takeoff/landing, the main cabin lighting also turns off.
Secondly, flight attendants or even passengers can see what is happening overboard. This will allow you to promptly report the occurrence of an emergency situation to the crew or assess the situation overboard during evacuation. For example, to see whether there is a fire or not. In addition, in the event of an emergency landing, rescuers will be able to see what is happening in the cabin through the windows.
Well, and thirdly, so that passengers do not get hurt. After all, if you land hard, the plastic curtain can break and damage your face with fragments.
By the way, you don’t have to worry about the windows themselves breaking. It is a 2/x-3/x layer double-glazed window. At the same time, two glasses at the same time are strong, that is, capable of withstanding pressure changes. The windows are designed in such a way that they are able to withstand pressure between the cabin and the external atmosphere, comparable to a load of up to 4 tons. The inner window glass, which is visible to passengers inside the cabin, is decorative in nature. Its damage will not affect the safety of being on the plane.

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“Why aren’t you married?”, “how much do you earn?”, “who will you vote for?” - these and other similar tactless questions make many of us shudder. What to do if your interlocutor asks a question, but you don’t want to or simply can’t answer it?

website will tell you about 9 ways to gracefully avoid answering. And the bonus at the end of the article will tell you what to do if you come across an annoying interlocutor for whom these tricks do not work.

1. Ask clarifying questions

To pull the rug out from under your interlocutor’s feet, ask him clarifying questions, and the more there are, the better. When answering them, he will get confused and lose the thread of the conversation. The main thing is to ask questions with a serious expression on your face so that your interlocutor does not feel there is a trick. By the way, if you are talking with someone who is not very close to you, you can refuse to answer questions about salary or work in general, citing trade secrets.

2. Give a compliment

Compliments related to the question you were asked will look simpler and more natural. For example, if you were asked about children, praise the interlocutor’s child or grandchild. And add some general answer - “everything has its time,” “as soon as possible,” “it’s not up to me,” and so on. People like compliments and at the same time they are a little embarrassed. Therefore, the interlocutor is unlikely to develop the topic further. The main thing is that the praise corresponds to the true state of affairs, otherwise your compliment will be perceived as sarcasm.

3. Clarify the reason for the question

Ask your interlocutor what prompted him to ask the question, and after answering, continue to develop this topic. For example, suggest one reason or another for the question. Thus, the conversation will change direction, and the uncomfortable question will remain unanswered.

4. Answer with a joke

You can laugh off an inappropriate question in cases where when there is confidence that the joke will be understood and appreciated. This method works best in a large group, because the more people there are, the higher the likelihood that someone will laugh and tell another joke in response, thereby saving you from having to answer the question.

5. Start pouring water

This method is often used by politicians and various public figures. As a result, the interlocutor seems to receive an answer to his question, but he will not be able to say exactly what exactly was answered. The method is ideal for people whose strong point is eloquence.

6. Answer a question with a question

Another favorite technique of politicians and other persons with high social status. This method is used quite often, which is why it often causes irritation. Therefore, it is better to use it only in exceptional cases.

7. Show off your intelligence

The method is useful if knowledge allows you to develop a deep discussion on the topic you set. A large number of really interesting facts can distract even the most annoying interlocutor from the question asked.

8. Reframe the question

The point of this method is to make the interlocutor feel the absurdity and inappropriateness of his question. It is important not to overdo it with sarcasm,otherwise the interlocutor may be offended. Remember, your goal is to maintain this person's goodwill (as long as he doesn't ask inappropriate questions too often, of course).

A few techniques that will help you answer the most tricky questions and still feel great.

« And how much do you earn?», « Don't you want to give birth to a second one?», « When will you get married?», « You're getting a divorce, right?“—probably, each of us has found ourselves in an awkward situation when a curious interlocutor really wanted to get information that you do not want to share, and then regret the direction this conversation took.

We present to your attention several strategies that will help you answer the most tricky questions and feel great at the same time. If you follow our advice, then you won’t have to fumble for words in a real situation.

When answering unpleasant questions, you have every right not to give the interlocutor any specific information. Behave like the programmer from the joke, who answered the question of the lost Holmes and Watson traveling in a hot air balloon absolutely correctly, but at the same time his words were of no use.

Sir, can you tell us where we are?
- In the basket of a balloon, sir!

Or give general, but also not very useful information.

How much do you earn?
Like everyone else, the average salary in the industry(significantly less than Abramovich).

2. “Mirroring”

“Return” the interlocutor his question. This can be done using two simple techniques.

1) Formulate the “request” in such a way that the person you are talking to feels uncomfortable about their interest. Use a universal construction that begins with the words " I understand correctly that...“, and its end will depend solely on whether you continue communication, whether you want to “build” your personal boundaries, etc.: “ Do I understand correctly that you wouldn't mind holding a candle in my bedroom?", or " Do I understand correctly that your main problem today is my personal life?", or " Do I understand correctly that interest in other people’s troubles is in the order of things for you?" It’s great if you say all this in a very polite, very calm, icy tone and don’t make any gestures, except maybe raise one eyebrow in surprise.

2) “Strengthen” interest in a given topic by addressing your interlocutor with a counter question from the same category:

When are you going to give birth to your second?
– Are you the third?

3. “One-man show”

Having heard some unpleasant question, you can always imagine yourself as a great dramatic actress, look soulfully into the eyes of your interlocutor, take a deep breath, press your hands to your chest (if you wish, you can “break” your fingers), portray an abyss of despair and say in a tragic voice: “ I beg you! Never, you hear me, never ask me about this!».

The second option is that you portray a person giving a press conference (we will not name specific names, but we recommend paying attention to the persons in the first echelon of power) and say the phrase: “ Next question please!" The third version is for fans of the series “Univer”. Remember the karateka Eduard Kuzmin (aka Kuzya) and say: “ This is classified information!».

4. “I’m not a bore, I’m not a bore, I’m not a bore!”

Instead of being offended, angry, or otherwise demonstrating that the interlocutor’s question has offended you, start answering in an even, monotonous voice. The most important thing is the details. Give the smallest details and start very far away!

When will you get married?
Astrologers say that for a happy marriage it is necessary that the ascendants of the lovers converge(don’t ask us what ascendants are and whether they should actually converge - any abstruse theory that your counterpart is not very versed in will do, even a “star chart”, even a sharp turn in the life line, even the Nazdak index). And that’s the moment when I realize that I’ve met my soulmate and check if we’re right for each other(you will have to clarify where and what time he was born), then I will tell him: “Yes.” And not a minute sooner.

5. Just kidding, it's annoying!

My God, how much did you spend on this dress?
– I had to starve for two weeks, but what can’t you do for fashion!

Universal answers:

“I admire your ability to ask questions that baffle!” Or: " You are an amazing woman (amazing man), do you know what has always amazed me about you? This is your ability to ask incorrect (complex, rhetorical) questions!”

“I’ll be happy to answer your question, just tell me first why you’re so interested in this?”

“For what purposes are you interested?”

“Do you really want to talk about this?”. If you hear an affirmative "Yes", boldly retort: ​​“ But I don't want to", - and smile.

If you don't want to have anything more to do with a person who asks insensitive questions, you can afford a little more. For example, note in response: “ It's my damn business.".

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that you are discovering this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and goosebumps.
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Each of us had to answer tactless questions. Sometimes it makes you angry, sometimes it makes you happy. Often people don't even realize that they are putting someone in an awkward position, but that doesn't make it any easier to deal with such situations.

website I collected the most awkward questions that each of us has heard at least once, and found answers to them, seasoned with a dose of humor.

1. How much does your apartment cost?

When it comes to money, any harmless questions can turn out to be insensitive. But as soon as you get your own home, every second person wants to know how much you paid for the apartment, invested in the construction of the house, or how much the renovation cost.

It’s up to you to say the real price or not, but you can always take the topic in a different direction.


  • Now there is a place to live, but nothing to do with it.
  • It’s too early to say whether there are still so many years to pay for it.

2. When will you get married? It's high time

There are many jokes about how as soon as a girl meets a guy, she immediately begins to “try on” his last name and choose names for their children. But often things look different: as soon as you start dating someone, everyone around you is asking questions about the wedding. Few people are interested in the fact that you are not ready yet, that you are already fine, or that you do not plan to tie the knot at all.


  • Today we set the alarm early to get to the registry office in time, but it’s a shame that we overslept. But tomorrow - definitely!
  • When are you going? At what age did you get married?
  • When do you want to get us married?

3. How much do you get paid?

People may be interested in earning money for various reasons: out of pure curiosity, worrying about you, or, for example, envy. But any of dozens of such reasons does not oblige you to give a full financial report.


  • I have enough to live on!
  • Ninety thousand Taiwan dollars!
  • I receive the average salary in the industry (but significantly less than Bill Gates).

4. Why don't you have children? Time is ticking

The appearance of a baby in a family is a purely personal matter, but this never stops anyone. Questions about children begin to be asked even before the wedding, reinforced by the assurances “without a child, this is not a family,” “the time has long come,” and “how can you not want children at all.”


  • In May! 2025.
  • We’ve already started it, we just don’t tell anyone about it.
  • Why do you want to know this?

5. How old are you?

6. Did something happen to you? You're sad

Of course, if a person close to you asks this question, then most likely he is just worried. But sometimes we don’t want to talk about our problems even to our family, and asking questions only makes the situation worse. Try to smile when answering this question to dispel all doubts with one look.


  • I just thought about the meaning of life!
  • I’m a little tired, but that’s okay - I’ll sleep and shine again.

7. Oh, it seems you've gained weight?

It may be your conscious choice to be single, and you can proudly say yes. But for many, the topic of loneliness is very painful, and such questions about finding a soul mate hurt and make you feel uncomfortable.


  • Still haven't met my destiny.
  • How did you understand that it was “he”?
  • At first I decided to have a child, suddenly for the second I would want a different dad!
  • I will get married as soon as the divorce proceedings are over.

In any case, you always have the right to directly say that you do not want to discuss a particular topic, and avoid crumpled and unpleasant answers to tactless questions.

Preparing for an interview is an extremely important and necessary step when applying for a job. Perhaps there really are those brilliant people who achieve the ideal result impromptu, but it’s not worth taking risks and testing whether you can cope with your nerves and emotions. Therefore, we never tire of reminding you how important thorough and comprehensive preparation is. You need to take care of everything in advance: your resume and cover letter, think through your speech and answers at the interview, and take a trial test. And only after all this work can you guarantee an outstanding result.

Often, candidates prepare to answer tricky questions about their biography, professional activities, experience and life values, but at the same time they get lost in simple questions and cannot give the answer that would strengthen their positions and increase their chances of getting the desired position.

One of these tricky questions is: “Why do you want this job?” An incorrect answer can significantly reduce your chances of getting the job you want.

For what purpose is it asked?

Let's highlight three reasons:

1) The employer hopes that there is some other reason besides financial. Therefore, they want to hear not only words about “decent wages.”

2) Everyone wants to get a dedicated and loyal employee. Therefore, by asking this question, they want to make sure that you do not “dump” them as soon as a more advantageous place comes along.

3) Agents also want to establish their opinion that you are a knowledgeable and competent employee, and that you understand what contribution you can make to the development of the company.

Agree, the reasons are significant enough to carefully study your answers to this tricky question.

So how to answer it?

First of all, show your connection to the company. Tell us why you are interested in her, what you like about her: the brand, the products, her story, or her clients. In fact, if already at the interview stage you do not feel part of this team, then you should not even try.

An emotional connection with the company is key. In other words, you need to show why you like her, how you connect with her, and the best way to do this is through a personal story.

Let's give an example. You get a job at a bank in your city, and they ask you the question: “Why do you want to work for us?” And you answer this insidious question in the standard way: I am a good financier, I know how to work, I can do it and I want to work for you. But this is how most applicants will answer! The answer, of course, is not bad, but it is ordinary, and neither it nor, accordingly, the person who gave it, will be remembered by HR agents.

What is the right thing to do?

“I have been a client of your bank for 10 years. And every time I come here, I am greeted by nice, friendly people who are always sincerely trying to help, and I can say that this is very much appreciated in our city. This attitude reassures me that my money is in the right place and in good hands. This is the place where I feel good, and I would like to become a part of it too. I also want to help people, take care of them and their funds, and I want them to feel as good in this bank as I feel.”

As you can see, the story now looks fresh, vibrant and more personal. You explain why you want to work here, why you want to do this work, talk about your connection with the company. And this is exactly what HR agents would like to hear from you. Of course, they understand that both your salary and your career are important to you, but they also want to hear what you can give in return, and a personal story like this shows just that.

The issue of personal emotional history will be covered further in the cover letter article. In the meantime, in conclusion, we would like to remind you: when looking for a job, careful preparation is constantly needed - both at the stage of drawing up a resume, and when writing a cover letter for it, and for an interview, and for tests when applying for a job - only then will you be successful.